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Mitigation of Transient Recovery Voltages Using The Supercapacitor

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45, ISSUE 3, SEPTEMBER 2020 E: 37

Mansoura University
Faculty of Engineering
Mansoura Engineering Journal

Mitigation of Transient Recovery Voltages using

the Supercapacitor
Eman Awad and Ebrahim A. Badran

KEYWORDS: Abstract— This paper investigates the use of supercapacitor to mitigate the
TRV, Supercapacitor, transient recovery voltage (TRV) in a simple power system. The TRV concept
re-ignition, restrike, and the phenomena surround its occurrence such as re-ignition and restrike are
RRRV, ATP/EMTP represented. Also, the different waveshapes of TRV are evaluated. The effect of
energizing different power system parameters, such as resistance and
capacitance, resulting in TRV is evaluated. At first, the effect of energizing three
different values of a damping resistance, one by one, is studied. Then, the
influences of energizing of a capacitor, with three different values, on the tested
system are illustrated. Finally, the effect of combining different values of the
damping resistance and the capacitance are evaluated. The effect of using
supercapacitor as TRV mitigation method is studied. Alternating transient
program (ATP/EMTP) is used to simulate the test system and the proposed
supercapacitor-based method. The simulation results ensure the validity of the
proposed method.

across the contacts of circuit breaker following current zero

when a switching action occurs [4, 5].
When a capacitor is energized, TRV can be as high as 2 pu

S UPERCAPACITORS have higher power density,

faster dynamic response, and longer cycle life
comparing with other energy storage devices such as
batteries. Therefore, the applications in which the
supercapacitor is used expanded to include wireless sensor
at the capacitor location. The magnitude of TRV can be reduced
by adding a damping resistance to the system [6-8].
Alternating transient program (ATP) is usually used to
compute the TRV waveforms and to calculate its parameters.
ATP is a computer program that allows an electrical system to
networks, biomedical devices, electric and hybrid vehicles, and be modeled and analyzed in the time domain, referred to as the
smart grid [1-3]. electromagnetic transients program (EMTP). The program
When a switching action occurs on a system, a substantial solves the system equations numerically in the time domain and
short circuit current usually flows. Therefore, the switching the values of the TRV are determined for specific time instants
device starts to open; the parting of the circuit breaker contacts within a user-specified simulation time [9, 10].
does not in itself interrupt the current. An arc will established This paper investigates the use of supercapacitor to mitigate
between the parting contacts, through which the current will the TRV in a simple power system. The TRV concept and the
continue to flow. The arc across the contacts will continue until phenomena surround its occurrence such as re-ignition and
the current approaches zero. At current zero the arc will restrike are represented. Also, the different waveshapes of TRV
distinguish and the Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV) will are evaluated. The effect of energizing different power system
appear across the open contacts. TRV is the voltage appearing

Received: (20 June, 2020) - Revised: (18 July, 2020) - Accepted: (25 July, Ebrahim A. Badran, Mansoura university, Faculty of Engineering,
2020) Electrical Engineering Department. (E-mail: [email protected]).
Corresponding Author: Eman Awad, Mansoura university, Faculty of
Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department. (E-mail:
[email protected]).

(Ser. No. BFEMU-2005-1005)


parameters, such as resistance and capacitance, resulting in network is present to provide damping [17].
TRV is evaluated. At first, the effect of energizing three Even when a transmission network is presented it is possible
different values of a damping resistance, one by one, is studied. for TRV to be oscillatory. When, the short circuit current is
Then, the influences of energizing of a capacitor, with three generally low (30% of rated short circuit current) due to the low
different values, on the tested system are illustrated. Finally, the number of transmission lines connected to the system. Also, to
effect of combining different values of the damping resistance
be oscillatory, the surge impedance of a source sideline has to
and the capacitance are evaluated. The effect of using
be equal or higher than 0.5√ (Leq/Ceq) whereas; Leq, and Ceq are
supercapacitor as TRV mitigation method is studied.
ATP/EMTP is used to simulate the test system and the proposed equivalent source inductance and capacitance, respectively [13,
supercapacitor-based method. The simulation results ensure the 17].
validity of the proposed method. The frequencies associated with oscillatory TRV tend to be
in the range of 1 kHz to 100 kHz. The highest frequencies
II. TRANSIENT RECOVERY VOLTAGE generally occur on the lowest voltage systems and the lowest
frequencies on the highest voltage systems [15].
A. Transient Recovery Voltage Concepts
The circuit breaker contacts movements have influence on 3. Triangular (Sawtooth) TRV Waveshape.
TRV, as it caused the insulation gap stress and arcing in the Sawtooth TRV is characterized by high RRRV. The RRRV
interrupting medium [10, 11]. Following current extinction, the of the triangular shape is mainly determined by the line surge
interrupting media is trying to return from a conduction state to
impedance. The RRRV for this type of TRV is higher than
an insulator state [12, 13]. But the attempting of the interrupting
exponential or oscillatory TRVs, however, the TRV peak is
media to become a good insulator is incompatible with the
generally lower. These are seen more severe to circuit breakers
increasing TRV [13, 14].
If the insulation recovers more quickly more than the TRV, because of high RRRV even though the peak of TRV is less
after less than half cycle of power frequency, a successful [13, 17].
interruption occurs, it is referred to as reigniting. Reigniting Even for any other type of TRV waveshapes, there is a small
generally occurs almost immediately after the current zero, triangular characteristic at the beginning of the waveshape. This
because the arc plasma containing conducting ions re- portion of the wave is referred to as the initial TRV and results
establishes current [13, 15]. from reflections on the bus work in the substation [15].
However, if the interruption process is repeated more than The closer the switching action is to the circuit breaker, the
one time. The interruption process continues until successful higher the RRRV of the initial TRV due to the higher short
interruption occurs or until the breaker fails, it is designated a circuit current, while the crest magnitude of the triangular wave
restrike [13]. decrease due to the shorter time for the reflected wave to return
Restrikes are really dielectric breakdowns and can occur [17].
anytime during the TRV cycle, although usually they are
associated with breakdowns later in the cycle (say tens to III. TRV EFFECT ON A SIMPLE POWER SYSTEM:
hundreds of microseconds) when the TRV has sufficiently high CASE STUDY
magnitude. Such an event is akin to a lightning flash-over
The effect of various power system parameters on TRV at a
across an insulator [10, 16].
simple power system is investigated using ATP. At first, ATP
B. Transient Recovery Voltage Waveshapes is used to simulate the switching action and the resulting in
TRV have different waveshapes, the four categories given TRV is evaluated. The simulation results are compared with a
are listed based on increasing on rate of rise of recovery voltage published one [18, 19] for the same system data. Then, the
(RRRV) [15]. effects of various power system parameters are discussed.
1. Exponential (over-damped) TRV Waveshape.
A. Simulation of TRV Using ATP
The waveshape is obtained from a circuit breaker interrupts ATP is used to simulate a simple power system which
a switching action at its terminals in a well-developed
consists of a voltage source, source impedance, vacuum circuit
substation which include step up and/or step-down transformers
and a large number of transmission lines and/or underground breaker, and a damping RC branch, which is added in parallel
cable [13, 15]. with the circuit breaker.
At higher short circuit currents which are associated with The tested power system and ATP model are illustrated in
the transmission network, the TRV is less influenced by the Fig. 1 (a) and (b), respectively. The parameters of the tested
natural power frequency. The RRRV, within the range of 0.5 to power system are given in Table 1.
3.5 kV/μSec, tends to decrease when the short circuit current Fig. 2 shows a comparison between the published results in
increases [15, 17].
[18, 19] and ATP simulation results for the TRV which appears
2. Oscillatory (Under-damped) TRV Waveshape. at the circuit breaker contacts after the current interruption.
The oscillatory TRV occurs generally when a switching
action is limited by transformer or reactor and no transmission
RC Branch

Vacuum Circuit

AC Voltage

(a) The equivalent circuit

(a) Published

(b) ATP model

Fig. 1: The test power system.

Table 1
The Tested Power System Model Data [21].

Parameter Value
Equivalent network resistance (R) 0.1 Ω
Equivalent network inductance (L) 2 mH
Resistance of RC branch (RP) 200 Ω
Capacitance of RC branch (CP) 85 nF
Maximum phase voltage (Vmax) 33 kV

Fig 2 (a) show the published results from [18, 19]. The (b) Simulated
published results are simulated by ATP program (blue line) and Fig. 2: The TRV Appears at the Circuit Breaker Contacts After
mathematically analysed (red points). As a confidence test for Current Interruption.

ATP, a comparison between the published results and ATP

It can be seen that the increasing of the resistance of the
simulation results. damping RC branch reduces the TRV amplitude and its rise
By comparing the published results with the simulated one, time. For the highest tested value of Rp (Rp =2000 Ω) the TRV
the results are found to be close. Referring to Fig 2 (b), the TRV reduces to reach values close to its rated values.
is increased to the maximum phase voltage from 33 kV (red For the second case, three different values of Cp of the
line) to 40.5 kV with rise time (Tr) equals 29.5 µs (blue line). damping RC branch are represented. At the beginning, Cp
equals 85 nF, then the value of Cp changes to 85 pF, and finally,
B. Effect of Single Power System Parameter on TRV the value of Cp is increased to 85 μF. Fig. 6(b) shows the TRV
appears at the circuit breaker contacts for the three different
As mentioned before, the nature of the circuit being values of Cp of the damping RC branch.
interrupted affects the TRV waveshape. Therefore, the effect of The results show that, the maximum TRV is 63.64 kV with
using various parameters for the damping RC branch is studied. Tr equals to 1.3 µs for Cp = 85 pF compared with 40.5 kV with
The damping RC branch is added in parallel with the circuit Tr equals to 29.5 µs for Cp = 85 nF. The most reduced value of
breaker because of the higher RRRV of the TRV since the TRV are 32.5 kV with Tr equals 42 µs for Cp = 85 µF.
tested power system has inductive characteristics. From the results, when the capacitance of the damping RC
The effect of using different values of the resistance (R p) or branch increase the TRV amplitude is reduces, however the
TRV rise time is still above the acceptable limits. For Cp = 85
the capacitance (Cp) is evaluated. The values of the other system
µF, the highest test value, the TRV is reduced to reach value
components such as network impedance are kept constant. close to the rated voltage value.
For the first case, three different values of Rp are On the contrary, the reduction of the capacitance of the
represented. At the beginning, Rp is 200 Ω, then the value of Rp damping RC branch increases the TRV amplitude and creates
is changed to 100 Ω. Finally, the value of Rp is changed to 2000 an oscillatory TRV waveshape. This can be attributed to the
Ω. Fig. 3 (a) shows The TRV appears at the circuit breaker absence of any devices can causes damping, such as
contacts for the three different values of Rp. transformer or transmission line, in the tested system.
The results show that, for Rp = 200 Ω, the maximum TRV Table 2 summarized the effect of using different values of
the resistance or the capacitance of the damping RC branch on
is 40.5 kV with Tr equals to 29.5 µs. However, for Rp = 100 Ω, TRV amplitude and rise time.
TRV reaches 40 kV with Tr equals to 64.45 µs. For Rp = 2000
Ω, the maximum TRV is 33 kV with Tr equals to 4.6 µs.

with the highest test value of Cp, Therefore, the value of Rp

equals 100 Ω, and Cp is 85 μF. Finally, a combination of the
highest test value of Rp and the smallest test value of Cp is
studied. Therefore, at the fourth case, the value of R p equals
2000 Ω, and Cp is 85 pF.
Fig. 4 shows the effect of using different values of the
damping RC branch parameters on TRV which appears at the
circuit breaker contacts.
Using a combination of the smallest tested values of Rp and
Cp, for the first case increases the TRV amplitude with transient
behaviour and sawtooth TRV waveshape.

(a) The Resistance

Fig. 4: The Effect of Using Different Values of the Damping RC

Branch Parameters on TRV Appears at the Circuit Breaker Contacts.
(b) The Capacitance
Fig. 3: The TRV at the Circuit Breaker Contacts for Different Values of
the Damping RC Branch Parameters. However, at the second case, with the combination of the
highest test values of the damping RC branch parameters, both
TABLE 2 of the TRV amplitude and TRV rise time are reduced.
The Effect of Using Different Values of the Resistance or the Capacitance of For the third case, using the smallest test value of Rp with
the Damping RC Branch on TRV.
the highest test value of Cp results in a reduction of the TRV
Component Values TRV (kV) Rise Time (µs) amplitude; however their rise time is not reduced.
Rp =100 Ω 40 64.4 Finally, for the fourth case, the combination of the highest
Resistance Rp =200 Ω 40.5 29.5
Rp =2000 Ω 33 4.6
tested value of Rp and the smallest tested value of Cp results in
Cp =85 pF 63.64 1.3 a reduction of the TRV amplitude but it takes time to reach the
Capacitance Cp =85 nF 40.5 29.5 rated voltage values due to the existence of initial TRV.
Cp =85 µF 32.5 42 The first case and the third case do not live up to the required
C. Effect of Mixed Power System Parameters on TRV results. Because one of the TRV main characteristics, the TRV
amplitude or the TRV rise time, are not reduced in both cases.
The magnitude of the TRV normally does not depend The second case and the third case concluded that using the
directly on any single parameter and a variation of one highest test value of Rp results in the reduction of the TRV
parameter can often alter the influence of another parameter. amplitude. And using the highest test value of Cp results in the
Therefore, studying the combination between the various reduction of the TRV rising time.
system parameters is important. So, the combination of the highest tested values of the
The effect of using different values of the damping RC damping RC branch parameters, at the second case, is the best
branch parameters, Rp and Cp, is evaluated. The values of the case scenario. Table 3 summarized the effect of using different
other system component such as network impedance are kept values of the damping RC branch parameters on the TRV.
constant. TABLE 3
The Effect of Using Different Values of the Damping RC Branch Parameters
Four different cases are studied, in this subsection, with two on TRV.
different values of each parameter. Resistance Capacitance TRV Rise Time
For the first case, Rp equals 100 Ω, and the value of Cp is 85 Values Values (kV) (µs)
First Rp =100 Ω Cp =85 pF 52.12 2
pF. This case is a combination of the smallest test values of
Second Rp =2000 Ω Cp =85 µF 33 9
these parameters, in this study. Third Rp =100 Ω Cp =85 µF 32.8 99
At the second case, a combination of the highest test values Fourth Rp =2000 Ω Cp =85 pF 33.02 34
of the damping RC branch parameters is discussed. Therefore,
the value of Rp is 2000 Ω, and Cp equals 85 μF. IV. MITIGATION OF TRV USING SUPERCAPACITOR
For the third case, the smallest test value of Rp is combined In this section, the effect of using supercapacitor as TRV

mitigation method is studied. Changing the resistance and the

capacitance of the simple power system is found to be effective
on TRV mitigation. Replacing the damping branch capacitance
with a superapacitor looks like a step worth studying.
Taking the advantage of the supercapacitor installation at
power systems and using it as a transient mitigation method is
a new trend in transient analysis studies [20].
A. Modeling of Supercapacitor-Based Mitigation Method
There are many models and equivalent circuits introduced
in the literatures for supercapacitor. The parameters of the
supercapacitor-based mitigation method include capacitance
(C), equivalent series resistance (RS), and equivalent parallel Fig. 5: The ATP Model of the Test Power System with the Supercapacitor
and the Damping Resistance.
resistance (Rm) [21, 22].
The equivalent series resistance (RS) is usually describes TABLE 4
internal resistance of the supercapacitor. RS is almost in the THE PROPOSED SUPERCAPACITOR -BASED MITIGATION METHOD MODEL
range of 100 milliohms to 10 ohms but influences the energy DATA
efficiency and power density [7, 23]. Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
RS 0.35 Ω C 22 mF RP 2 kΩ
The equivalent series resistance (RS) for the proposed
supercapacitor-based mitigation method is given by:
𝑅𝑆 = 𝑉𝐶 2 ⁄(4 × 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥) (1)
where Pmax is the maximum dischargeable power, and Vc is
the average voltage across the capacitor [23].
The capacitance C of the supercapacitor-based mitigation
method can be expressed by:
𝐶 = (2 × 𝐸)⁄𝑉𝑆𝐶 2 (2)
where VSC is the supercapacitor rated voltage, and E energy
storage capacity.
The equivalent parallel resistance (Rm) is in the range of
several kilo-ohms and decides the leakage current when the
supercapacitor is in a standby mode [22, 23]. The parameters
of the supercapacitor-based mitigation method model are given
in Table 4. Fig. 6: The Effect of using the Supercapacitor with and without Damping
Resistance on TRV.
B. The Supercapacitor-Based Mitigation Method Effect on
TRV at Single Phase System
The effectiveness of the supercapacitor as TRV mitigation VI. CONCLUSION
method is studied. The switching operations are applied at In this paper, the TRV is mitigated using a supercapacitor-
t=0.0001s. The parameters of the test power system are given base mitigation method in a simple power system. The TRV
in Table 1. The supercapacitor replaced Cp in the damping RC concept and the phenomena surround its occurrence such as re-
branch. Meanwhile, RP is replaced by a damping resistance ignition and restrike are represented. Also, the different
equals 2000 Ω. waveshapes of TRV are evaluated. The effect of various power
The tested power system after adding the supercapacitor and system parameters on TRV at the tested power system is
the damping resistance are illustrated in Fig. 5 investigated using ATP/EMTP.
Fig. 6 shows the effect of using the supercapacitor with and From the simulation results, it can be concluded that the
without damping resistance on TRV appears at the circuit increasing of the resistive component in the test system reduces
breaker contacts. the TRV characteristics to ideal values. However, increasing
Due to the switching operation, the TRV is increase to 40.5 the capacitive component in the test system reduces the TRV
kV with Tr equals 29.5 µs from its steady state voltage. Using values; however their rise time is not reduced.
the supercapacitor without damping resistance, the maximum A Combination of the highest values of the resistive and
TRV is decreased to the steady state values with Tr equals 63 capacitive components in the test system results in the reduction
µs. By adding the damping resistance to the supercapacitor, the of the TRV. However, the increasing of the capacitance value
maximum TRV is decreased to the steady state values with T r is an issue.
equals 6 µs. Therefore, a supercapacitor-based mitigation method is
From the simulation results, it is shown that the proposed and tested. The results show that the supercapacitor
supercapacitor has a good effect with the damping resistor for has a good effect with the damping resistor for the TRV
the TRV mitigation. mitigation.

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