Renz Morales Module 5

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Renz Louie A.


Task no.1: Make a matrix using the example below:

Title: The Teacher Professional and the Teaching Profession Across the ASEAN and

The Educational Qualification What Grade levels How are they

Professional can they teach recruited
Teacher in
ASEAN Qualified, professionally Primary Level Teacher
trained, motivated and (Play School, Pre- recruitment process
well supported teachers k, Kindergarten, and qualification
are the key to quality and Grade 1-6) are guided by the
education. The future ministry of
teacher academic Secondary Level Education for the
preparations should be (Grade 7-12) Public Schools and
responsive to this call. the individual
ASEAN counties have Tertiary Level private schools
comparable academic (College and under the guidance
teacher education TESDA) and policies of each
preparations. 12years of country’s ministry.
basic education and 2
years of teacher prep to
earn a Diploma in
Teaching. Upper
secondary level- 12
years • 4.5 years of
teacher preparation

CHINA Teachers in china from Six years of There is no

the largest teaching primary education standardized
force in the world system of teacher
(Wang.1996, Three years of recruitment in
Nanjundiah. 1996) the junior school, China. As is
education system is three years of common in many
highly centralized such middle school. jurisdiction,
that course syllabi are teachers compete
written by scientists and Six years of for positions in
professors hired by the university cities while rural
National Educational areas suffer from a
Commission The subject Varieties of shortage of
matter end instructional technical and candidates. As a
contents are uniform for vocational result, rural school
all. schools. often rely on
The political and “supply teachers,”
ideological orientation of or teachers who are
teacher education is “to primarily
cultivate cultured substitutes.
persons as teachers
with lofty ideals, high
morality, strong
discipline, a sense of
mission as educators,
engineers of the human
soul and the gardeners
of the nation’s flowers”.
(leung and hul, 2000)

JAPAN In Japan, becoming Kindergarten, Japan is unique in

public school teacher Elementary school how it assigns
requires graduating from (six years) teachers to schools.
Ministry-approved Elementary school Teachers are hired
university teacher covers six years ofat the prefectural
education program and schooling from level, not at the
then obtaining a grade 1 to grade school level.
teaching 6. Recruitment and
Certificate fora particular development of
school level (primary, Lower secondary school leaders is
lower secondary, upper school (three left to the
secondary) and for a years) Lower prefectures,
particular subject. secondary schools although MEST has
cover grade developed training
seven, eight, and materials for
nine. prefectures to use
as they choose.
Upper secondary
school (three
years) upper
secondary schools
offer academic,
technical, and
programs. The
first year courses
include Japanese
language, English,
Science, and
Math. Vocational
course includes
navigation, Fish
farming, ceramics,
and business

University (usually
around four

U.S.A Earn a bachelor’s Kindergarten, After following the

degree with a major in nursery schools, successful
the subject you wish to preschool completion of an
teach while completing programs. Child application process.
your school’s teacher day care center. The superintendent
preparation program. Age level is 4-6 approves the
years old and the applicant and
Complete a student duration is 2 forward a
teaching internship in years. recommendation to
the subject you wish to hirer to the local
teach. There are varied school board. Once
levels of schooling signed, a teacher
Take the teaching and in primary has a legally
subject-area tests for education. binding contract to
teacher licensure work, unless guilty
requires in your state. Middle school of a crime, falls to
education. Grades show teaching
4-6, 5-7, or 6-8. competency, or
Secondary demonstrates
education-High egregious
school- grade 7- professional
12 or 8-12. conduct. He/she is
expected to
Junior high complete teaching
school. Grade 7-8, during the term of
7-9, or 8- his/her contract,
Senior high with exception for
school. Grade 9- pregnancy, medical
12, or 10-12. leaves and

Title: The Global Teacher Status Index Report

Task no:2: Answer the following questions based on the GTS Index Report

What message do these data convey: 2/3 of the countries judged the professional
status of teachers most similar to social workers? Explain your answer.

- For me the reason why the two-thirds of countries judged the social status of
teachers to be most similar to social workers is because they both works with
other people on an individual or group basis to assist them in learning skills that
will promote their health or ability to support themselves economically.

In most European countries, more respondents believe that pupils disrespected

teachers than respected them. Is this situation true to the Philippine setting?
Yes? Explain your answer.

- No, because many students here at our country respect their teacher using “po”
and “opo” from kinder garden and also on college.

Fifty percent of parents in China would encourage their children to become

teachers. Would you do the something to your younger sister or brother? Why?
Why not?

- No, because I want them to choose what ever they wanted to become and I as
big brother will support them to reach their dreams.

Do you agree with the survey result that teacher should be paid according to student
performance? Yes? Or no?Why? Why not?

I definitely don't agree on that. I think that it's unfair for any teacher to be paid compared
to his student’s performance. Because I think, teachers should not get salary on the
basis of their class results because only teachers are not responsible for the learning
process of their students. All the students do not have same learning abilities. It can
also make the teachers dishonest.

Teachers in the 21 countries surveyed, have positive trust ratings. Do you think Filipino
teachers are also trusted?Yes? Or No? Explain?
Yes, of course Filipino teachers are also one of the most trusted teachers.

Enrichment Activity
Write an essay on the topic: How does a Filipino teacher compare with a teacher in the
ASEAN and beyond?

Filipino teacher is just like other teacher in foreign countries, Filipino teachers are
passionate to teach we have a huge heart to our students.

Lesson 2- Make a Reflection!

1. If given an opportunity to experience teaching in another country listed above,
where would you like to teach? Explain?

Lesson 2- Self- Check Questions

All the items refer to lesson 2. Choose the correct answer from the choices given.

1. In all the ASEAN member countries, which level of schooling is free and compulsory?

a.Primary level b.Secondary level

c. Middle School Level d. College Level

2. Which of the ASEAN member countries, gives the highest teacher salary? –

a.Brunei b.Philippines c. Singapore d. Malaysia

3. Which country issues a teacher’s license through the Professional Regulation

a.Thailand b.Philippines c.Indonesia d.Singapore

4. According to the Global Teacher Status Index, from what country have the teachers
the greatest respect from students?

a.China b.Finland c.Greece d.New Zealand

5.Which country, according to the Global Teacher Status Index, gives the highest salary
to teachers?

a.Singapore b.South Korea c.Japan d.Switzerland

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