Psychoeducational Groups For Close Relatives of Patients BPD

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Original Paper Published: 16 March 2022

Psychoeducational groups for close

relatives of patients with borderline
personality disorder
Gabriele Pitschel-Walz, Anna Spatzl & Michael Rentrop

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience

40 Accesses Metrics


Psychoeducational groups for family members of

patients with schizophrenia have proven to be
effective. Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
implies serious impairment in interpersonal
relationships. Close relatives of individuals with
BPD also show high levels of burden and need
support. Psychoeducational groups could help to
cope with the interactional problems in a
relationship with a person with BPD. A manualised
psychoeducational programme of 10 group sessions
for close relatives of patients with BPD was tested.
Measures administered at pretest and after 10
sessions were: perceived burden (IEQ-EU),
knowledge about the disorder (WFBBPS-A) and
quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF). For formative 1/23
26/3/22, 23:27 Psychoeducational groups for close relatives of patients with borderline personality disorder | SpringerLink

evaluation, a “Group Therapy Session

Questionnaire” (participant and therapist version;
GTS-A, GTS-T) was used. A total of 33 persons in
three groups took part. Pre-post evaluations
revealed a significantly lower level of burden and a
significantly better knowledge about the disorder
after participating in the psychoeducational group.
Reduction of burden correlated significantly with
the assessment of patients’ symptom severity and
carers' level of burden at study entry. There was no
change in the quality of life. The participants and
therapists generally rated the psychoeducational
sessions very positively. The highest ratings were
found in the sessions about communication skills
and coping with crises. Findings indicate that the
psychoeducational programme is well accepted and
supportive for persons with close relationships to
patients with BPD.

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Author information

Affiliations 21/23
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Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Technical University of
Munich, Munich, Germany
Gabriele Pitschel-Walz & Michael Rentrop
Psychotherapist in Private Practice, Munich,
Anna Spatzl
Wasserburg/Inn, Germany
Michael Rentrop

Corresponding author
Correspondence to
Michael Rentrop.

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The authors declare, there is no conflict of interests.

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Cite this article

Pitschel-Walz, G., Spatzl, A. & Rentrop, M.
Psychoeducational groups for close relatives of patients
with borderline personality disorder.
Eur Arch Psychiatry
Clin Neurosci (2022).

Received Accepted Published 22/23
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26 July 2021 01 March 2022 16 March 2022




Borderline personality disorder Carers

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