General Excellence Issue #1
General Excellence Issue #1
General Excellence Issue #1
Volume 145, Number 48, Thursday, March 18, 2021 plus tax
The Tipton
Coaches prev
iew upcomin
g season
Obituaries Moniteau County Court
Office. She was an active mem- trained thousands of Missouri
ber of the Gravois Mills United DOC employees. He loved be-
Methodist Church, a member of ing able to share his knowledge Infractions, Misdemeanor, Maranda Aileen Walker, nuisance, a Class E felony, and
the VFW Ladies Auxiliary in to the betterment and safety of Criminal Felony and Civil Sedalia: Seat belt violation. unlawful possession of drug
Gravois Mills, and volunteered the community. He also spent Cases Disposed Fine $10. paraphernalia, prior drug of-
at the Westside Senior Center many years teaching and cer- by Trial or Other Amy Michele Wheeler, Cal- fense, a misdemeanor.
in Laurie. She was an accom- tifying police, EMTs, nurses, Standard Court Costs ifornia: Pled guilty to driving Donna S. Gomez, Tipton: De-
plished seamstress, enjoyed firefighters and other commu- Traffic-$68.50 while intoxicated. Fine $379.50 fendant bound over to Circuit
spending time outdoors hunting nity groups CPR and First Aid Misdemeanor-$106.50 plus costs. Court for further proceedings
morel mushrooms, caring for through the Red Cross, free of Others may vary Kenneth Mark Williams, on charges of possession of a
her cats and picking raspber- charge. He was a reserve police Some may be amended California: Pled guitly to mis- controlled substance except 35
ries, and cooking. officer in Morgan, Cooper and Stewart William Alloway, demeanor stealing. Fine $250 grams or less of marijuana/syn-
Surviving is one son, Ron- Miller counties from the late Jefferson City: Speeding 1-5 plus costs. thetic cannabinoid, a Class D
ald Reinke with his wife, Janie, 1980s through the early 1990s, mph over the speed limit. Fine Sherrell Kristal Williams, felony, tampering with physical
Fortuna; granddaughters Misty not only offering himself as an $375.50 plus costs. St. Louis: Speeding 20-25 evidence in a felony prosecu-
Conklin and her husband, Ken- extra set of boots on the ground, Jesse R. Baker, Clarksburg: mph over the speed limit. Fine tion, a Class E felony, and pos-
dall, Laurie, and Chelsey Wood but as a training instructor, as Failed to transfer plates of vehi- $155.50 plus costs. On guilty session of marijuana/synthetic
with her husband, Mackie Jr., well. He gave training in the cle within 30 days. Fine $50.50 plea to failed to maintain finan- cannabinoid of 10 grams or
Versailles; four great-grand- areas of self-defense, baton, plus costs. cial responsibility, fine $52.50 less, prior drug offense, and un-
children, Jack Clark, Jlee Clark, search and seizure, and verbal Makaela Marie Bishop, Cali- plus costs. lawful possession of drug par-
Mackie Wood III and McKen- judo while cultivating an at- fornia: Failed to maintain finan- Samantha J. Williamson, aphernalia, prior drug offense,
Mrs. Joan Lammers zie Wood; two brothers, Dean mosphere of brotherhood. He cial responsibility. Fine $77.50 Clarksburg: Pled guilty to pos- misdemeanors.
Mrs. Joan Muessig Lammers, Morrison with his wife, Diane, enjoyed it immensely. In 2001, plus costs. session of a controlled sub- Jessica Heard, California, vs.
85, Boonville, died Sunday, Sedalia, and Jim Morrison with he retired from the State to be- Meleigha Ann Caudel, Cali- stance except 35 grams or less Missouri Department of Rev-
March 14, 2021. his wife, Charlotte, Otterville; come a full-time babysitter for a fornia: Speeding 1-5 mph over of marijuana/synthetic canna- enue: Petition filed requesting
She was born Nov. 4, 1935, and a sister-in-law, Alice Mor- grandson. the speed limit. Fine $375.50 binoid, a Class D felony. Court stay in revocation of driver’s li-
at the family home in Cooper rison, Sedalia. He enjoyed playing computer plus costs. suspended imposition of a sen- cense for refusing a breathalyz-
County, the daughter of Rob- She also was preceded in games, puzzles, reading, play- Crystal Leann Childers, tence and placed the defendant er.
ert and Anna Nold Muessig. death by a daughter, Donna Re- ing cards, watching NCIS and Clarksburg: Failed to transfer on three years probation. Alicia Michele Guillen, Tip-
She married Charles Lammers inke; a brother, J.L. Morrison; most of all, spending time with plates of vehicle within 30 days. David William Woodward, ton: Charged with unlawful
on May 2, 1955, at St. Andrew and a great-grandson, Mason his grandchildren. Fine $50.50 plus costs. Ionia: Speeding 1-5 mph over possession of drug parapherna-
Catholic Church in Tipton. He Wayne Wood. Survivors include his wife, Midland Credit Management, the speed limit. Fine $225.50 lia, a misdemeanor.
preceded her in death. Funeral services were at 11 Charlotte Reinhart of the home Inc. vs. Forrest Farris, Califor- plus costs. Ashlynn Josie Howard, Ver-
At the age of seven she and a.m. Tuesday, March 16, at in Stover, Mo.; three children, nia: Judgment for plaintiff inthe Brooklyn Ann Worthey, Cal- sailles: Charged with seat belt
her family moved to Tipton Kidwell-Garber Funeral Home, Maryann Reinhart of Macks amount of $549.69 lus interest ifornia: Speeding 1-5 mph over violation.
where she attended St. Andrew Versailles, with the Rev. Lynn Creek, Mo., Fred Reinhart, Jr. of and costs. the speed limit. Fine $300.50 Jaden Kyshaun Clark, Belton:
School and graduated with and Facemyer officiating. Raiford, Fla., and Patty Barbo- Melissa Anne Gaunt, Lake plus costs. Charged with seat belt viola-
eighth grade education. She be- Burial was in the Versailles ur (Randy) of Stover, Mo.; eight Ozark: Speeding 20-25 mph Carl Eugene Zeigler, Co- tion.
gan working upon completion Cemetery. grandchildren, Jessica (Chris) over the speed limit. Fine lumbia: Speeding 26 mph or Dawn Elizabeth Cook, Lone
of school and at age 16 she be- Memorials are suggested to Estes of Stover, Mo., Ange- $155.50 plus costs. more over the speed limit. Fine Jack: Charged with speeding
gan working in the shoe facto- Food-4-Kids program at the la Reinhart of Macks Creek, Franklin Lee Gilmore Jr., $225.50 plus costs. 20-25 mph over the speed limit.
ry in Tipton. She obtained her Gravois Mills United Methodist Mo., Faith Reinhart of Macks Jefferson City: Speeding 20-25 Portfolio Recovery Associ- Jenna M. Goff, Prairie Home,
general equivalency disploma Church. Creek, Mo., Fallon Barbour mph over the speed limit. Fine ates, LLC vs. Jen Kruse: Court vs. Daniel J. King, Boonville:
on May 16, 1968, at the age of of Jefferson City, Mo., Macey $155.50 plus costs. dismissed claim against defen- Petition filed for partition.
32. She enjoyed a variety of (Tim) Reed of Stover, Mo., Burt Dakota L. Gray, Holts Sum- dant without prejudice at plain- Billy W. Brooks: Charged
other jobs including supporting Barbour of Syracuse, Mo., Jack- mit: Failed to maintain finan- tiff’s costs. with possession of marijuana/
her husband’s vending business. son Barbour and Nick Barbour cial responsibility. Fine $77.50 Discover Bank vs. William synthetic cannabinoid of 11-35
Iin 1985, at the age of 50, she both of Stover, Mo.; and eleven pus costs. L. Boyd: Court dismissed claim grams, a misdemeanor.
earned her Licensed Practical great-grandchildren, Michael, Cortney Morgan Inbody, without prejudice at plaintiff’s Sariah Gabrielle Story, Ver-
Nursing degree. She worked at Jason, Christopher, Hailey, Sa- Jefferson City: Speeding 16-19 costs. sailles: Charged with posses-
the Truman Veterans Adminis- mantha and Krista Estes all of mph over the speed limit. Fine Laura Brenneke vs. Brandon sion of marijuana/synthetic can-
tration Hospital in Columbia for Stover, Mo., David and Alex $100.50 plus costs. L. Brenneke, Jefferson City: nabinoid of 10 grams or less, a
two years and then at the Boon- Reinhart of Macks Creek, Mo., Courtney A. Keller, Califor- Court ordered judgment for full misdemeanor.
ville Correctional Center until Lilee Ward and Lana Simons of nia: Failed to yield to vehicle order of protection. Scot David Stinson, Clarks-
she retired in 2011 at the age of Jefferson City, Mo., and Char- that had entered intersection Cases Filed or Bound Over, burg: Charged with failed to
75. lotte Rae Reinhart of Macks with no traffic control. Court Infractions, Misdemeanor, maintain financial responsibili-
She attended SS Peter and Creek, Mo. suspended imposition of a sen- Criminal Felony and ty.
Paul Catholic Church in Boon- A celebration of life will be tence and placed the defendant Civil, Municipal, Associate Mariah F. Stanley, Stover:
ville and was one of the origi- held at 11 a.m., Saturday, March on six months probation. Circuit and Circuit Court Charged with operated motor
nal members of the Knights of 27, 2021, at Kidwell-Garber Fu- Daniel Scott Kurtzeborn, Mark L. Allison, Tipton, vs. vehicle owned by another per-
Columbus Ladies Auxiliary neral Home of Versailles. Iberia: Driving while revoked/ Director of Revenue, State of son knowing owner of the vehi-
beginning in 1975. She enjoyed Visitation will be from 10- suspended. Fine and costs Missouri: Petition filed for trial cle has not maintained financial
dancing and playing pitch. 11 a.m., Saturday at the funeral $120.50. de novo in review of revocation responsibility.
Surviving are eight children, home. William Michael Lingle, Tip- of driver’s license. Ryan Paul Myers, Raytown:
Jerry (Donna Farmer) Lam- Mrs. Virginia F. Stone Memorial contributions are ton: Seat belt violation. Fine CO LO of MO LLC d/b/a Charged with operated motor
mers, Deborah (Warren) Kraus, Mrs. Virginia F. Stone, 87, $10. Courtesy Loans vs. Frank Mil- vehicle owned by another per-
Otterville, died Tuesday, March suggested to Charlotte Rein-
Diana (Steve) Hutch, Carol hart. Michael Anthony Markiano, ton, Clarksburg: Petition filed son knowing owner of the vehi-
(Noel) Twenter, Mary Sue (Eu- 9, 2021, at Sylvia G. Thompson Lee’s Summit: Seat belt viola- on breach of contract. cle has not maintained financial
Residence Center in Sedalia. Online condolences may be
gene) Haberman, Sharon (Mike) left at tion. Fine $10. Chance Tyler Miller, Califor- responsibility.
Ivy, Charles R. Lammers, and She was born Sept. 26, 1933, Eric Preston Miller, Boon- nia: Charged with speeding 20- Christina Beamon, Sedalia:
in Boonville, a daughter of Ed- Arrangements are under the
Kim (Shawn) Riley; one sister, care and direction of the Kid- ville: Pled guilty to possession 25 mph over the speed limit. Charged with operated vehicle
Dorothy Miller; one brother, gar and Ethel Schuster Felten. of a controlled substance except City of Jamestown vs. Kaiden on highway without a valid li-
On Oct. 11, 1952, at St. Joseph well-Garber Funeral Home of
Paul Muessig; two sisters-in- Versailles. (Paid obituary) 35 grams or less of marijuana/ M. Weyant, Barnett: Charged cense.
law, Florence Muessig and Joan Catholic Church in Clifton synthetic cannabinoid, a Class with operated vehicle without Raymond De’Angelo Dixon,
Kammerich; four brothers-in- City she married Robert “Bob” D felony. Sentenced to three maintaining financial responsi- Lee’s Summit: Charged with
law, Msgr. Donald Lammers, Stone who died Nov. 9, 2020. Mrs. Gail Chenault years in prison concurrent with bility. operated motor vehicle owned
James (Judy), John (Jewell) She graduated from Sacred Gail (Gerke) Chenault, 63, of
Boonville passed away Tuesday any other sentence. James Kenneth Shaffner, by another person knowing
and Robert (Karen) Lammers; Heart High School and was a Jeffery T. Nash, Lake Ozark: Crocker: Charged with speed- owner of the vehicle has not
19 grandchildren, Lori (Kyle member of the St. Vincent de evening March 9, 2021 at her
home surrounded by family. Pled guilty to knowingly deliv- ing 26 mph or more over the maintained financial respon-
Schoenhals) Lammers, Steven Paul Catholic Church and at- ered, attempted to deliver, pos- speed limit. sibility and failed to display
Lammers, Rebecca, Kraus, tended the Sacred Heart Chap- Visitation for Gail was at
Howard Funeral Home Satur- sessed, deposit or concealed in Jennifer Lynn Smith, Clarks- plates on motor vehicle.
Adam (Lauren) Kraus, Brett el in Sedalia. She loved taking a correctional center prohibited burg: Charged with speeding Merl Williams, Jefferson
Kraus, Trever Huth, Stacia (Ja- care of and cooking for her day, March 13, 2021 from 10
a.m. to 12 p.m. Funeral service personal items. Fine $150.50 6-10 mph over the speed limit. City: Charged with operated
mie) Felgar, Shane (Amanda) family, and enjoyed gardening, plus costs. Fine $60.50 plus costs. motor vehicle owned by anoth-
Twenter, Dylan Twenter, Dal- going to garage sales, wash- began at 12 p.m. with Pastor
Bob Bohnenstiehl officiating. Jeffrey Peterson, Clarksburg: Dakota Ray Marshall, Fulton: er person knowing owner of the
ton (Lauren) Haberman, Grace ing clothes and help raise her Pled guilty to misdemean- Charged with speeding 20-25 vehicle has not maintained fi-
Haberman, Maggie Haberman, grandchildren. Gail (Gerke) Chenault was
born Aug. 4, 1957, the daughter or stealing. Court suspended mph over the speed limit and nancial responsibility.
Jacob Ivy, Samanta Ivy, Em- Surviving are nine children, imposition of a sentence and failed to maintain financial re- Eric Michael Nichols:
ery Lammers, Valerie Lam- Robert Joseph Stone (Sandra), of Elwood Joseph Gerke and
Winifred Lammers. Gail grad- placed the defendant on two sponsibility. Charged with driving while re-
mers, Colin Lammers, Rachel Vacaville, Calif., Gary Dale years probation. Brian Christopher Douglas, voked/suspended.
Riley and Cooper Riley; and Stone (Michele), Otterville, uated from Pilot Grove High
School in 1975. She married Amber Renee Pitts, Jefferson California: Charged with failed Shawn R. Inglish, California,
eight great-grandchildren, Rik- Cynthia Ann Knuth (Mark), City: Pled guilty to endanger- to register motor vehicle. vs. Mark A. Inglish, California:
er Lammers-Schoenhals, Ian Stover, Brenda Kay Hanger Larry Chenault on April 26,
2014, in Boonville. ing the welfare of a child in the Dakota Don Keele, Sedalia: Petition filed for dissolution of
Lammers, Braden Lammers, (Jerry), Sedalia, Jeffry Michael second degree and possession Charged with speeding 16-19 marriage.
Myles Lammers, Korbyn Fel- Stone (Leslie), Sedalia, David Gail enjoyed camping, fish-
ing and just being outside. She of marijuana/synthetic cannabi- mph over the speed limit. Samuel David Hancock,
gar, Scarlet Twenter, Cora Keith Stone (Rebekah), Sedalia, noid of 10 grams or less, mis- Jason Lee Allison, Sedalia: Springfield: Charged with
Twenter, and Baby Kraus ex- Jerry Vincent Stone (Sharon), was always the life of the par-
ty making everyone around her demeanors. Total fine $500 plus Charged with speeding 16-19 speeding 16-19 mph over the
pected in May. Atlanta, Ga., Julie Diane Kro- costs. mph over the speed limit. speed limit.
She also was preceded in eger (James), Smithton, and Mi- laugh. Gail loved to see people
happy, especially her family. Paul Anthony Reinkemey- Eric P. Miller, Boonville: De- David Welsey Pigford, Holts
death by two sisters, Mildred chelle Denise Stone (Jeffrey), er, Syracuse: Speeding 11-15 fendant bound over to Circuit Summit: Charged with speed-
Muessig and Julia Arnold; Otterville; and many grandchil- Her family was everything,
Gail loved to host get togeth- mph over the speed limit. Fine Court for further proceedings ing 16-19 mph over the speed
three brothers, Ralph Muessig, dren, great-grandchildren and $70.50 plus costs. on charge of possession of a limit.
Clarence Muessig and Harold great-great-grandchildren. ers and cook for everyone. She
enjoyed all the time she had to Spencer Cameron Scriv- controlled substance except Il’Ya Pavel Malanin, Sedalia:
Muessig;; and a brother-in-law, Funeral services for both Mr. ner, Russellville: Speeding 1-5 35 grams or less of marijuana/ Charged with speeding 26 mph
Edwin Kammerich. and Mrs. Stone were at 11 a.m. spend with them. She was loved
and will be dearly missed. mph over the speed limit. Fine synthetic cannabinoid, a Class or more over the speed limit.
The family will receive Saturday, March 13, at Heckart $300.50 plus costs. D felony. Defendant pled guilty Mariah F. Stanley, Stover:
friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Thurs- Funeral Home, Sedalia. Gail was preceded in death by
her father Elwood Gerke, step- Jessica Silvernail, Versailles: and sentenced to three years in Charged with seat belt viola-
day, March 18, at SS. Peter and Burial was in St. Joseph Cath- Seat belt violation. Fine $10. prison. tion.
Paul Catholic Church, with a olic Cemetery in Clifton City. father Joe Fancler; and brothers
Randy, Ricky and Gary Gerke. Jennifer Lynn Smith, Clarks- Crystal Nolting, Pacific: De- Betty Sarah Faye Stanley,
Rosary prayed at 4:30 p.m. Memorials are suggested to burg: Speeding 6-10 mph over fendant bound over to Circuit Elldridge: Charged with seat vi-
The Mass of Christian Buri- the Alzheimer’s Association or She is survived by her
husband Larry Chenault of the speed limit. Fine $60.50 Court for further proceedings olation.
al will be celebrated at 10 a.m. St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery plus costs. on charges of possession of a Gabriel Henry Milliron,
Friday, March 19, at SS Peter Association. Boonville; Mother Winifred
(Lammers) Fancler of Tipton; John Henry Stafford, Ver- controlled substance except 35 Lee’s Summit: Charged with
and Paul Church. sailles: Pled guilty to unlawful grams or less of marijuana/syn- speeding 16-19 mph over the
Burial will be in the church Frederick J. Reinhart stepmother Juanita Gerke of
possession of drug parapherna- thetic cannabinoid, a Class D speed limit.
cemetery. Frederick “Poppa Smurf” Ashland; sons Tracy (Ashley)
Friedrich of Boonville and lia, a misdemeanor. Fine $300 felony, and unlawful possession Kira Matthia Reed vs. Joseph
Everyone attending is asked “Pappy” “Wolfpack Leader”, plus costs. of drug paraphernalia, a misde- Ryan Reed, Tipton: Respondent
to wear masks due to the pan- John Reinhart, age 82, formerly Travis Chenault of Warrenton;
daughter Stephanie Chenault of Dason Alexander Strange, meanor. ordered to pay child support.
demic. of Versailles, Mo., passed away Jamestown: Speeding 1-5 mph Jennica L. Weed, California: Abigail M. Heiland, Califor-
Memorials are suggested on Jan. 28, 2021, at his home in Sedalia; siblings Vivian Noble,
Lois Porter, Dana Brant, Ron- over the speed limit. Fine Defendant bound over to Circuit nia, vs. Cole P. Heiland, Seda-
to SS Peter and Paul Catho- Stover, Mo. $375.50 plus costs. Court for further proceedings lia: Petition filed for dissolution
lic Church, SS Peter and Paul He was born in Long Island, nie Gerke, and Rhonda Book-
out; and grandchildren Trent Zyan Akhi Thomas-King, on two counts of possession of of marriage.
Catholic School or SS Peter and New York on December 27, Kansas City: Speeding 16-19 a controlled substance except Kara M. Dills, Jefferson City:
Paul Catholic Cemetery. 1938. He joined the Marines in Chenault and Henry and Oliver
Friedrich. mph over the speed limit. Fine 35 grams or less of marijuana/ Charged with seat belt viola-
Arrangements are under the 1956 $100.50 plus costs. synthetic cannabinoid, a Class tion.
direction of Howard Funeral On March 3, 1961, he was Memorial contributions are
suggested to the family. On- Kelsay J. Graham vs. Eric D felony, unlawful possession Discover Bank vs. Brandi M.
Home LLC, Boonville. united in marriage to Charlotte M. Tuttle, California: Court or- of a firearm, a Class D felony, Carpenter, California: Petition
Ilene Holt. They made their line condolences may be left at: dered respondent to pay child keeping or maintaining a public filed on breach of contract.
home in Riverside, Calif., where
Mrs. Gloriana J. Reinke he made his living as a construc- (Paid obituary) support.
Mrs. Gloriana Joyce Reinke, tion worker and a corrections
84, Gravois Mills, died Satur- officer before moving to Ver-
day, March 13, 2021, at Lake sailles, Mo., in the summer of
Regional Health System in 1976. He continued to work for
Osage Beach. the Department of Corrections
She was born Oct. 24, 1936, in Missouri as a guard, investi-
in Syracuse, a daughter of gator, and finally a Department
Oland Anderson and Irene Ka- of Corrections training officer
tie Ringen Morrison. On Nov. at Church Farm, JCCC, Algoa,
4, 1954, in Gravois Mills, she Boonville, and finally in Jeffer-
married Jack Richard Reinke son City at the training acade-
who died June 29, 2010. my. Traveling around the state
Mrs. Reinke worked at Mill- training new DOC employ-
stone Lodge for many years and ees gave him tremendous joy.
retired from the Laurie Post During his training career, he The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo. Thursday, March 18, 2021, Page 3A
Glance at the past CROSSWORD PUZZLE
Compiled by Becky Holloway
Friday, March 17, 1911 $80 a month, the second at $70 served to the men in the dining 4:00 p.m. the public is invited to
Mt. Nebo school taught by and the third at $60. The bill hall of the school. During the the opening of the Price James
Misses Beulah Gallagher, of received but six votes in the breakfast, which was prepared Memorial Library. Ribbon cut-
Tipton, and Bessie Walser, of Senate, while nineteen Senators and served by members of the ting ceremonies will be held at
California, closed on Friday, lined up against it. Sodality, seven boy sopranis 2:00 p.m. followed by a recep-
February 24. Quite a number of Friday, March 20, 1931 of the C.Y.C. sang three num- tion and open house. Punch and
the patrons and friends assem- The County Court recently bers. A brief meeting followed cookies will be served and sou-
bled in the afternoon and very purchased a land terracing lev- at which Fr. Breit addressed the venir bookmarks and balloons
much enjoyed the closing exer- el which is suitable for laying assembly. will be distributed. The Library
cises, which consisted of songs, out grades for terraces. This is Friday, March 16, 1951 Board hopes everyone will
recitations, essays, etc.... a movement on the part of the Al Martin is building a five- come by and see the beginnings
Owing to the Nebo School court to aid farmers in the soil room apartment in his building of a much needed service in our
having but one room, and that saving program. known as the Ross Studio. community.
crowded, some of the patrons This level which anyone fa- Friday, March 17, 1961 Thursday, March 21, 1991
at the beginning of the term, miliar with the use of a transit Fortuna Bluebirds were suc- Stemming from a complaint
feared that the experiment of or level, can operate and it can cessful in winning the sixth received last fall, the Missou-
two teachers would not prove a be obtained from the County annual Moniteau County El- ri State High School Activities
success; but the progress made Clerk. ementary School Basketball Association Board has sus-
by the pupils during the six To insure its prompt return in Tournament last Friday night on pended the Tipton Junior High
months, showed that the teach- good condition the Court will their home court.... and St. Andrew’s Elementary
ers had made good use of the require a deposit fee which will “Bud” Robertson and Sammy School from MSHSAA mem-
extra time they were enabled be returned on receipt of the in- Bayne officiated. bership.
to devote to the classes by the strument in good shape. Friday, March 19, 1971 Schools under suspension
division of the work, and all ex- Friday, March 21, 1941 Colony West is the name of are not eligible to participate in
pressed themselves well pleased (St. Andrew’s Church Notes) the new subdivision that has interscholastic activities with
with the result. Last Sunday an impressive been opened in the west part of MSHSAA member schools....
Friday, March 18, 1921 spectacle was witnessed when Tipton by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin The ruling, reached March 7,
The senate today defeated the 100 Holy Name men and young Mertes. was made on the two schools’
House minimum salary bill for men of the parish received Holy An advertisement in this is- violation of the association’s
school teachers, introduced by Communion at the 8 o’clock sue well-describes the tract of rule concerning cooperative
Representative Lay of Craw- mass. The men marched from land. athletic teams. St. Andrew’s ju-
ford. This measure undertook the auditorium to church in a Thursday, March 19, 1981 nior high students have played
to fix a minimum scale under body and as they entered the “Smile! You have a library!” on the public school’s foot-
which teachers must be paid in church an a capella quartet of Beginning March 22 Tipton ball team since 1984, and this
the rural districts and in grade the vested boys choir sang “Je- residents can make this boast. past fall students from the two
schools. sus Dulcis Memoria.” Immedi- Sunday afternoon, from 2:00 to schools participated in a coop-
The first grade was fixed at ately after mass a breakfast was erative volleyball program.
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL
1901155 State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas, Richardson, TX The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo. Thursday, March 18, 2021, Page 5A
Ammon and Frances Zimmer- Isaac joins nine brothers and Zimmerman, Versailles, are the eggs at different times during Engagement, Wedding, Anniversary
man, Versailles, are the parents sisters, Cora, Brandon, Wilmer, paternal grandparents. Maternal the growing season, the eggs
of a son born Saturday, March Kenneth, Roseanna, Richard, great-grandparents are Lorene will hatch, and the larvae will and Birth Announcement forms are
13, 2021, at Community Well- Ruby, Carolyn and Calvin. Idlewine, Latham, and Irvin and develop in the stems over the
ness Clinic, Barnett. The infant Maternal grandparents are Mabel Zimmerman, Versailles, course of a year. New growth
now available online at
weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces, William and Anna Mary Idle- are the paternal great-grandpar- will hide the stubble. Learn
and was 22 inches long. He has wine, Latham. Michael and Cora ents. more at Grow Native!’s Natives
been named Isaac Ray.
On Hitting Bottom
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
Psalm 46:1 NIV
t is common to hear people say that before someone can seriously
undertake recovery from addiction they must “hit bottom.” But there
are several problems with this. One is that we really don’t know when 72233 Hwy. W, Fortuna
someone has hit bottom. Is it after they are charged with driving under
the influence, or when they find themselves homeless and living on the Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. • Service: 10:30 a.m.
streets, or after they have overdosed and almost died? Even then, we Pastor: Brad Homan
can always wonder if there might be a “deeper” bottom. No one really 660-537-5350
knows where the bottom is, or if there might be many bottoms, or if the
pit is literally bottomless. Another problem with this way of thinking, is
that these so-called bottoms usually find us physically, emotionally, and
Fortuna Tipton United
First Baptist Church United Methodist
spiritually weak, and it might be better to start our recovery with some
reserves of energy. Rather than digging the whole even deeper, maybe
303 S. Gravois • Tipton • 660-433-5663
we should start the work of recovery while we still have the resources to Methodist Church
e-mail [email protected] Church do so. People using drugs and alcohol are playing a dangerous game with
204 Hwy 50 East • 660-433-2244
their lives, and this idea that you have to hit bottom before you can recover
Jared Rivera, Pastor Fortuna and regain your health may encourage some to keep using and even to Lynn Facemyer, pastor
9:30 a.m. - Worship Service exacerbate their problems with increased consumption. God is there to
Bible Study - 9a.m.
Fellowship Gathering - 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School help us at any and every point in our lives, and God is not waiting for us to
“hit bottom” to help us. So whatever problems you are facing, start dealing Sunday - Worship, 11 a.m.
Worship Service & Children’s Connection -10:20 a.m. Pastor Mike Kelley with them today and use every means at your disposal to start recovering 4th Tuesday - Sarah Circle, 1:30 p.m.
Handicapped Accessible Cell: 573-353-7510 now! “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is
beneficial. – Christopher Simon
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints First Christian Church Prairie Grove Missionary First Assembly of God
To be included in this directory at a cost of
SFCTC students create children’s played St. Patty’s bingo which medication technician. She on Wednesday, Friday and Sat-
was lots of fun. pays attention to detail and al- urday morning. Our time slots
Last week was National Ad- ways makes sure the folks who are for a half hour and you must
ministrator in a Long Term live here know what medicines be 17 or older to come in for a
books for area schools
High school seniors enrolled
Care Facility Week. I want to they are taking. She is kind and visit. We still have to screen you
take this opportunity to say always smiling under her mask. and you need to wear a mask,
“thank you” to Tiffany Roett- You can see the smile in her but we’re excited about moving
in the Graphic Design program gen for being an amazing, lov- eyes. We are glad she chooses forward little by little. Give me
at the State Fair Career and ing, caring administrator to the to be on our team. a call as these slots fill up fast.
Technology Center (SFCTC) folks who live here. She started Another great big bit of news Our scripture for the week
on the State Fair Community out many years ago as a certi- is that as long as our resident is Philippians 4:13, “I can do
College (SFCC) Sedalia cam- fied nurse assistant then went has had both COVID shots, you all things through Christ who
pus used their imaginations and to school to become a licensed are able to give them hugs! This strengthens me.”
graphic design skills to create practical nurse. She was the is very exciting! We are being Have a wonderful week!
children’s books for area ele- minimum data set coordinator
mentary school libraries.
“The seniors were asked
to create a children’s book to
showcase their skills using
professional Adobe design
software,” said Linda Har-
ris, SFCTC Graphic Design Soccer season
instructor. “They have been
working hard to develop their
is around
the corner!
skills in Illustrator, Photoshop
and InDesign. This project also They
allowed them to apply their Shiloh Place LLC
knowledge of preparing files for has a good inventory
Tipton Times
printing and bindery.
The Graphic Design program of soccer shoes.
is one of nine free technical
training programs available Shin guards available, also!
to juniors and seniors from 12
area high schools in 10 school
Located in Tipton Plaza 660-433-5721
districts. The other programs
are Automotive Service Tech-
nology, Building Trades, Crim-
Book design
inal Justice, Early Childhood
Careers, Health Occupations,
Industrial Equipment Main- Otterville High School student Kaleb Brand works on his book,
tenance, Precision Machining “A Dog and a Frog.”
Technology and Welding Tech-
nology. Students enrolled in tion in two- and four-year col- be produced. Each student had
these programs receive hands- lege programs. two books produced, one for an
on training from experienced Fifteen seniors wrote and elementary school in the stu-
industry professionals that help illustrated the stories during dent’s school district and one
prepare them to enter the work- class and then sent their work for themselves.
force or to continue their educa- to the SFCC Copy Center to Among those participating in
the project are Kaleb Brand and
Lucas Dillon of Otterville R-VI.
The students’ books can be
viewed page-by-page on www.
“It is a privilege to teach
these students a profession I’ve
enjoyed for 29 years,” Harris
said. They never cease to amaze
me with their creativity and
work ethic. I’m thrilled with
how their books turned out and
am excited to share them with
their sending schools.”
Winning players
3 of 3 fifth-grade boys and 62 of
67 overall boys. Placing in the spelling bee at Otterville School were Greyson
Berry, left, third place, and Gage Thomas, second. Andrew Love- Winners of the Lamine River Hunt Club’s Texas Hold’em Tour-
FFA state degrees land, a seventh grader, took first place. nament held Saturday, March 13, were Roger Stuedle, left, and
Congratulations to Nick John Meyer.
Schaller, Jordan Rockett and years; FBLA, 2 years; basket- souri, Linn
Wyatt Watring. Word was re- ball, 4 years; volleyball, 4 years; Favorite color: Camo cross country, track and base- The show began with a vo-
ceived this week from Missouri Student Council, 3 years; NHS, Favorite band: Koe Wetzl ball. As his supervised agricul- cal solo, “Driver’s License,” by
FFA that they have earned the 4 years, A+ program Favorite sport or activity: ture experience, Jordan raises Sam White which was recorded
State FFA Degree. This is the Work experience: I work in Basketball chickens and works in his fam- as she could not be present.
highest state designation an the laundry at Tipton Oak Man- Favorite food: Beef ily’s garden. In the future he Cheridan Hopkins and Alie
FFA member can earn. or Nursing Home. wants to get his degree in agri- Bemboom performed a piano
The state degree is awarded Career choice: Undecided Lamine River Hunt Club business and join the Army Na- duet of “Heart and Soul.”
based on an FFA member’s su- College major: Undecided hosts Texas Hold’em tional Guard. Mia Dittmer performed a
pervised agriculture experience School planning to attend: flute solo with a German melo-
program which includes accu- Undecided On Saturday, March 13, the dy.
Andrew Loveland rate fiscal management and re- Favorite color: Blue Lamine River Hunt Club hosted Xavier Lappat, with the help
Second place went to cord keeping, leadership expe- Favorite band: Akan a Texas Hold’em Tournament. of music director Cait Bird, did
fifth-grader Gage Thomas and riences and community service. Favorite sport or activity: First and second place winners a comedy routine. For example,
third place to another fifth grad- The Otterville chapter is proud Basketball were Roger Stuedle and John he asked Mrs. Bird, “What do
er, Greyson Berry. of your successes and work eth- Favorite food: Egg rolls Meyer. Proceeds go to help fund you call a pig who knows kara-
Congratulations to you all. ics! the 2021 youth turkey hunt. The te?” Of course she didn’t know.
Good job! hunt club was also pleased by The answer, “a pork chop.”
the generous donation from Bil-
Senior Spotlights ly Pat McNeal.
Mia Dittmer and Halle Mor-
Otterville archery results rison followed with a dance
The Otterville archery duet with an original dance rou-
team participated in the first FFA Spotlights tine.
Kaysinger Conference Archery Autumn Sparks sang “I Don’t
Tournament Tuesday, March 9, Know Your Name” with the
at Cole Camp with the follow- help of her ukulele.
ing results. There were three exhibition
John Welton: Scored 259 performances. Band members
points of a possible 300, 12 tens, performed a bucket drumming
1 of 3 elementary boys, 1 of 3 number, Autumn Sparks and
fifth-grade boys and 16 of 67 Mrs. Bird sang a duet and the
overall boys.
Mason Rockett Eagle Singers Show Choir of
Cooper Neel: 258/300, 7 tens, Mason Rockett is a junior at Allie Oswald, Autumn Sparks,
Wyatt Watring Otterville High School. He de- Tessa Bird, Chloe Harrison,
6 of 37 middle school boys, 3 of
12 seventh-grade boys and 18 of Wyatt Watring scribes himself as hardworking, Mia Dittmer and Briella Her-
67 overall boys. Parents: Christina and Colby trustworthy and kind to others. nandez performed.
Mia Dittmer: 240/300, 5 Watring Mason is also involved with First place went to Autumn
tens, 7 of 20 middle school Sibling: Chance Watring FFA and baseball. As his SAE, Sparks, second to Mia Dittmer
girls, 6 of 9 seventh-grade girls School activities: FFA, 4 Mason works at a landscaping and Halle Morrison for their
and 16 of 45 overall girls. years; FBLA, 3 years; Career company in Sedalia. During dance routine and third to Mia
Jacie Wilfong: 239/300, 5 and Technical Center, building the winter and the summer he Dittmer for her flute solo. The
tens, 1 of 2 elementary girls, 1 trades; A+ program works as a farm hand. In the People’s Choice award went
of 2 fifth-grade girls and 17 of Claire Oehrke Community service activi- future, Mason wants to save up to Xavier Lappat. Judges were
45 overall girls. money to buy his own farm. Dianna Marcum, Valarie Main
Claire Oehrke ties: FFA Community Service Jordan Rockett and Sandra Slocum.
Clara Harrison: 231/300, Work Experience: Work for
4 tens, 11 of 20 middle school Parents: Lisa and Paul Oeh- my grandfather on our family Jordan Rockett is a senior at Talent show We commend music teach-
girls, 1 of 5 sixth-grade girls rke farm Otterville High School. He de- The Otterville Music Depart- er Cait Bird for her efforts re-
and 23 of 45 overall girls. Siblings: Emalie, Eleanor, Career choice: Lineman scribes himself as hardworking. ment hosted the first Otterville building the music department.
Claira Lynn Westpheling: Lindey, Audrey, Owen, Hank, School planning to attend: responsible and laid back. Jor- fifth-12th grade talent show Thank you, Mrs. Bird.
219/300, 1 ten, 14 of 20 middle Merrideth and Charlene State Technical College of Mis- dan is involved in FFA, FBLA, competition.
school girls, 3 of 5 sixth-grade School activities: FFA, 3 Student Council, basketball,
Looking for reporters from the Clarksburg & Latham areas! Get your news in the paper & get paid!
660-433-5721 • [email protected]
Page 8A, Thursday, March 18, 2021 The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo.
Members of the Tipton High Senior Madeline Baer rep- advanced to the finals round in
School Speech Team participat- resented Tipton through Prose Storytelling, placing fourth. Tipton R-VI science teach-
ed in the virtual District Speech Reading. Sophomore Sarah Guymon er Jennifer Wellman reported
Tournament, March 4-6. Com- Senior, Mandy Stover ad- advanced to the finals round in results from the Central Meth-
petitors submitted recordings vanced to the finals round in Humorous Interpretation, plac- odist Science Fair held virtually
of their pieces while extempo- both Original Oratory and U.S. ing first, and advancing to State on Tuesday, March 9.
raneous speakers were required Extemporaneous Speaking, Speech competition. In the middle school division,
to join a Zoom meeting for live placing fourth in both. Brian Hill is the THS speech results were as follows:
time preparation and speaking Sophomore lla McDonald teacher. Devan Brown, first place,
time. BioChemistry;
Addison McQuaide, first,
Miley McDonald, first, Bio-
medical; and,
Carsyn Petree, second place,
High school were recognized
BUNCETON WEDNESDAY – Frito boats, Breakfast as follows:
March 22-26 corn, strawberries, cheesecake, MONDAY – Soft filled cere- Kiley Bailey, first, Behavioral
Breakfast milk. al bars or cereal with cinnamon Science;
MONDAY – To be an- THURSDAY – Baked chick- toast; chilled fruit, fruit juice, Emma Burns, first, Plant Sci-
nounced, juice, milk. en, mashed potatoes and gravy, milk. ences;
TUESDAY – To be an- watermelon, peanut butter cake, TUESDAY – French toast Kylee Gengler, first, Animal
nounced, juice, milk. milk.
Active lungs
sticks or cereal with yogurt; Science;
WEDNESDAY – Grilled FRIDAY – Cheeseburg- chilled fruit, fruit juice, milk. Sam Bishop, second, Behav-
cheese sandwich, tomato soup, ers, tater O’s, fresh pineapple, WEDNESDAY – Mini cinn- ioral Science; Carsyn Petree placed second for her project in Biomedical Sci-
applesauce, juice, milk. strawberries, Oreo cake, milk. is or cereal with toast and jelly; Sarah Guymon, second, Plant ence in the Central Methodist University Science Fair.
THURSDAY – Doughnuts, chilled fruit, fruit juice, milk. Sciences; (Photos courtesy Jennifer Wellman)
fruit, juice, milk. LATHAM R-V THURSDAY – Sausage pan- Stephanie Twenter, second,
FRIDAY – Breakfast pizza, March 22-26 cake on a stick or cereal with Microbiology; ences. Color Perception Based on Gen-
cereal, juice, milk. Breakfast cinnamon toast; chilled fruit, Haylee Berve, third, Behav- In special awards, Kiley der. Stephanie Twenter received
Lunch TUESDAY – Breakfast bur- fruit juice, milk. ioral Science; Bailey was recognized by the recognition from the United
Salad bar offered daily rito, fruit, juice, milk. FRIDAY – Biscuits and gra- Chloe Petree, third, Animal American Psychological As- States Air Force for her project
for 6th-12th grades. WEDNESDAY – Scrambled vy with sausage or cereal with Science; and, sociation for her exploration of in Microbiology.
MONDAY – Pulled pork eggs, toast, juice, fruit, ilk. cheese stick; chilled fruit, fruit Kynies Xiao, third, Plant Sci-
sandwich, baked potatoes, THURSDAY – Breakfast juice, milk.
baked beans, peaches, milk. pizza, juice, fruit, milk. Lunch
TUESDAY – Meat, mashed
potatoes and gravy, green
FRIDAY – Waffles, juice,
fruit, milk.
MONDAY – Barbecued pork
on bun, cheesy broccoli, Texas Garrison receives Jurgensmeyer on list at Westminster
Alexa Jurgensmeyer, Fortu- students who have earned a
beans, rolls, fruit, milk. Lunch pintos or ham and cheese sub
WEDNESDAY – Biscuits TUESDAY – Nachos with sandwich or taco salad with WGU degree na, was named to the fall 2020 3.60 semester grade point aver-
dean’s list for exemplary aca- age with at least 12 credit hours
and gravy,sausage links, scram- beef, Spanish rice, black beans, cornbread, broccoli with ranch
bled eggs, fruit cup, milk. fruit, milk. Stacy Garrison, Bunceton, demic performance at West- completed that semester. The
dressing; fresh garden salad, minster College, Fulton. list includes 30 freshmen, 30
THURSDAY – Meatloaf, WEDNESDAY – Bosco chilled fruit, milk. has received a master of arts de-
scalloped potatoes, vegetables, sticks, salad, fruit, milk. gree in mathematics education Jurgensmeyer is a sophomore sophomores, 43 juniors and 109
TUESDAY – Stromboli pin- at Westminster. seniors.
apple cobbler, milk. THURSDAY – Chicken pat- wheel, french fries, glazed car- from Western Governors Uni-
FRIDAY – Chicken enchi- ty on bun, mashed potatoes and versity, Salt Lake City, Utah. The dean’s list recognizes
rots or pizza munchables or chef
lada casserole, chicken fajitas, gravy, green beans, fruit, milk. salad with fruit muffin, crazy Garrison’s certification is in
salad, sliced apples, milk. FRIDAY – Sloppy Joes, corn salad; fresh garden salad, kindergareten through sixth
Looking for respect, integrity and values do everything Welcome to “Bible Basics.” I am Aunt Ildee of the Ozarks. I will have
a new name when I go to be with Jesus. If your name is in the “Lambs
Local legally in my power to protect and serve Book of life” so will you.
the citizens of Tipton, and maintain law This is part two of a study of the books of God from the old and the
News? and order in our community. new testaments of the Holy Bible.
(Genesis 5:12). It reads: This is the book of the geneology of Adam. In the day that
God created man, He made them male and female, and called them mankind in the
day they were created.
The bible reveals two “Adams.” The second Adam made the first Adam. How can
this be? The bible tells us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
Lorrie Strickfaden God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...” (John
for 1:1,14 NKJV)
Tipton City Marshal “All things were made by Him...” He made the first Adam out of the dust of the
ground. This has been confirmed as the same elements found in the soil are found in
Firm, Fair & Consistent the human body, seventeen.
[email protected] In (Gen. 2:7) We read: and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
Vote for ✍ We will never cease “being.” John wrote: Then I saw a great white throne and Him
who sat on it... And I saw the dead, small and great standing before God, and books
were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead
were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books..
Find it in
The Tipton
Lorrie Strickfaden and anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. (Rev.
20:11, 12, 15)
Dear Friends, God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son,
Times for Tipton City Marshal that whoever believes in Him should not perish in that lake, but have everlasting life.
(John 3:16) Have you repented of your sins that nailed Him to a cross and asked Him
660-433-5721 * Paid for by candidate Lorrie Strickfaden for City Marshal * to save you? It not, why not? The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo. Thursday, March 18, 2021, Page 9A
Ready to pass
Tipton Lady Cardinal senior Kiley Bailey plays in her last high school game at the Class 3 Show
Me Showdown third place game with Steelville, Saturday, March 13, at Springfield.
(Photo by Steve Garber)
Tipton Lady Cardinal senior Macie Edwards runs up against a Skyline Lady Tiger defender during
the Class 3 Show Me Showdown semifinal game Friday, March 12, in Springfield.
(Photo by Tom Collins, Eldon Advertiser)
Public Notice is
Good Government
The Kaysinger third grade girls won first place in the league tournament held at Smithton last The Tipton Times
week. From the left are: Front row, Eva Petree, McKinley Wilson, Kynli Hentges, Harper Bestgen; 660-433-5721
back, Stella Moon, Jenna Wittman, Kinley Swearingen and Coach Lori Bestgen.
(Photo submitted)
Page 10A, Thursday, March 18, 2021 The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo.
State bound
Archers at St. Andrew School participating in the 2021 Mis- Higgins, Betty Dunlap, Alice Bestgen, Audrey Gump, Alex Mil-
souri National Archery in Schools Program (MoNASP) State lan, Deklon Knipp, Andrew Bestgen, Grady Claas, and Ryland
Tournament March 18-20 at the Branson Convention Center in Skaggs; back, Dane Schlotzhauer, Nicklaus Wolf, Brodie Schus-
Branson are, from the left: Front, Nina Allison, Breanna Long, ter, Hudson Knipp, Logan Petree and Riley Walters.
Benton Hentges; middle, Elizabeth Guymon, Illisa McDonald, Eli (Photo submitted)
were Alana McDonald in high 154.
after surgery.
school girls and Miley Mc- Middle school archers were
Donald in middle school girls. Miley McDonald, seventh, 277; Close to home
Sarah Guymon placed fourth Walker Cary, eighth, 270; Raef & a familiar face!
among high school girls. Gengler, seventh, 210; Peyton Emma K Feilbach DPT, ATC
502 W Newton St. • Versailles Facility Director
Walker Cary shot a state qual- Marcum, eighth, 209; Cameron Physical Therapist • Athletic Trainer
ifying score and placed third Higgins, eighth, 195; Braedan Phone 573-378-5312
Building Materials, Inc.
LSVT BIG certified
among middle school boys. Bowlin, eighth, 184; and Dylan
A list of archers, their grade James, eighth, 95.
level and their score follows.
Congratulations to our 1001 Richard Blvd • Tipton
Tipton Lady Cardinals
basketball team!
We are so proud of you!
Working hard
Tipton wrestler Chris Corley tries to tie up his Richmond opponent in the state wrestling tourna-
ment Wednesday, March 10, at the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence.
Congratulations Lady Cards!
(Photo by Will Johnson/Gasconade County Republican)
Hainen Ford
he always proved the coaching
staff wrong and jumped from
seven to 19 wins his second 573-378-5669 • [email protected]
season and 23 wins his junior
Lady Cards finish fourth at state
by Amanda Stover Macie Edwards was all over
Times’ sports stringer the rebounds with 18 and Briar
Tipton Lady Cardinals re- Cox helped out with 10.
turned to the Missouri Show Claas was high scorer with
Me Showdown, seeking a high- 22, followed by Kenna Bixler
er finish from last year’s second with 11, Edwards with eight,
place. Too many turnovers and Cox with six and Kiley Bailey
poor execution of free throws in with five.
both Final Four games left them Steelville
with fourth place in Class 3, a After an 8 p.m. game with
step up from last year’s class. overtime the night before, the
The Cards were denied a Lady Cardinals returned at
championship berth with a 58- noon Saturday, March 13, to
52 overtime defeat by the Sky- JQH Arena in Springfield to
line Lady Tigers. In the third face Steelville. Steelville was
place game with the Steelville making a first-time appearance
Lady Cardinals, Tipton could at state and facing Tipton after
not hold on to a nine-point lead, blowing a 15-point lead against
losing 45-44 and taking home Lift for Life Academy, St. Lou-
fourth place. is, in the other semifinal the day
Skyline before.
Defeating Clark County Sat- Tipton played Steelville pre-
urday, March 6, sent the Lady vious on Feb. 19 with a 56-39
Cardinals to Springfield, seek- win.
ing to soothe the ache from last Tipton started strong in the
year’s second place finish. first half, leading 12-4 after the
“So for our girls to accom- first quarter and with a 6-0 run,
plish that in back to back sea- 21-13 at the half.
sons, it is pretty special,” said “We started off the first quar-
head coach Jason Culpepper. ter strong but the second and
In the semifinals the Lady
Cardinals faced Skyline Lady
third quarters we really looked
tired,” said Culpepper. “We Showdown fourth place
Tigers who were making their played Skyline in the 8 p.m. The Tipton Lady Cardinals who finished fourth in the Missouri Paige Wittman; and back, head coach Jason Culpepper, Court-
15th appearance at the Show game Friday night and had to Class 3 Show Me Showdown, Saturday, March 13, in Springfield ney Edwards, Brett Cox, Macie Edwards, assistant coach Justin
Me Showdown. The game was turn around and play Steelville are, from the left: Front, Raylin Potter, Josie Dicus, Myra Claas, Scholthauer, Briar Cox, Olivia Wolf, Kenna Bixler and assistant
played Friday, March 12, at Saturday at noon. With that Kiley Bailey, Gracie Wierman, Lily Petree, Madelyn Hagerman, coach Andy Bixler. (Photo by Steve Garber)
Hammons Student Center on short of turn around and the
the campus of Missouri State amount of energy our girls gave,
University in Springfield. I really felt like we looked like a
“Once we got to Springfield tired team.”
we spent Friday preparing to Steelville took its first lead of
play against Skyline who we the game, 30-16, at the end of
had faced in December and lost the third quarter with the help
by 15 points at home. We real- of a 10-0 run.
ly felt good about our chances Getting it together and lead-
against Skyline because we ing by nine in the fourth quar-
felt we had improved and that ter, Tipton was outscored 13-3.
we had a really good defensive Chances at field goals and free
game plan to use against Sky- throws in the final minutes of
line.” the games were unsuccess-
The Lady Cards faced Sky- ful and the Cardinals took a
line back on Dec. 22, falling 65- heart-breaking 45-44 loss for
49, and were hoping to avenge fourth place.
that loss as well as move to the “We gave it our best run in
title game. the fourth and took the lead
The Cards trailed 13-10 at with a couple minutes to play
the end of the first quarter but holding a four-point lead, but
were able to tie the game at our inability to close the game
25 by halftime after the lead gave Steelville opportunities to
changed hand multiple times. hang around,” said Culpepper.
They extended the score to a “We turned it over for the last
five-point lead, 36-31, at the end time with 19 seconds to play
of the third quarter by using an and they took the ball and hit
inside game to get some good a 3- pointer to take a two-point
looks. lead. Briar got fouled with three
An 11-0 run by Skyline in the seconds remaining to give us a
fourth quarter yielded a 49-49 chance but she missed the sec-
tie at the end of regulation play. ond free throw.”
“The fourth quarter, with Class and Cox each scored 14
about four minutes to play, we with Edwards sinking six, Bix-
had a seven-point lead before ler, four, and Josie Dicus and
they really turned up the pres- Kiley Bailey with three each.
Long stretch
sure on us full court,” said Cul-
pepper. “We struggled to handle
Cox pulled down a game-high
19 rebounds. Avoiding a steal Tipton Lady Cardinal Briar Cox soars above her Steelville
their pressure and even though Tipton ends its season with a Tipton Lady Cardinal Myra Claas handles the ball during the opponent to shoot during the Class 3 Show Me Showdown third
we continued to play good de- 25-6 record. Class 3 Show Me Showdown third place game against Steelville place game Saturday, March 13, in Springfield.
fense we could not get any good “Overall I am so proud of Saturday, March 13, in Springfield. (Photo by Steve Garber) (Photo by Steve Garber)
looks on offense.” these girls,” said Culpepper.
Skyline took a 2-point lead “As we ended the season this down. Enter sisters Macie and wards will continue her basket- some varsity experience to next at the end of May and the month
with 19 seconds to play before year at 25-6, all six of those Courtney Edwards, transfers ball career at William Woods year. of June where we will look to
Myra Claas took the ball the losses ended up coming from from Russellville, and things University, Fulton. With junior high players play about 30 games and travel
entire length of the floor and five teams that all were in the began looking up. The senior Junior Kenna Bixler and moving up from an undefeat- all over Missouri finding great
scored with 10 seconds remain- Classes 1-4 Final Four.” and freshman helped bolster the sophomores Claas and Cox re- ed team at Tipton and a good teams that will challenge us so
ing to tie the game at 49. The six losses were to Walnut team’s rebounding ability and turn with plenty of varsity time. team at St. Andrew’s, Culpep- we can hopefully be in a place
Able to sink only three points Grove, Skyline twice, Welling- bench depth. Freshman Courtney Edwards per’s team can look forward to that we can be good enough to
in overtime to Skyline’s nine, ton-Napoleon, Boonville and This year the exit of seniors saw quite a bit of varsity play a competitive team next year. have a chance to compete for
the Cardinals were sent into the Steelville. Kiley Bailey, Macie Edwards and sophomores Josie Dicus, “I will enjoy the next nine another trip to Springfield next
third place game in a 58-52 de- “The girls played so hard this and Gracie Wierman will leave Brett Cox and Olivia Wolf also weeks of time off and then we year as well,” said Culpepper.
feat. season and improved through- holes for the team to fill. Ed- played off the bench to bring will be ready to get after it again
“Once we got into overtime out the season so much,” said
Culpepper. “I cannot wait to see
Butch’s Small Engines
we continued to struggle han-
dling their pressure and they where this team can go in the
future with the team returning
Thank you for the great season,
were able to get to the free Aaron Rugen
throw line a few times to get a
two possession lead,” said Cul-
five of the seven players who
played during the Final Four Hwy 50, 3 1/2 miles East, Tipton
105 S. Moreau Cardinal State Qualifiers!
pepper. “Skyline is not a team and the addition of the incom-
660-433-5831 660-433-2113
that you want to foul because
they shoot free throws so well.
ing freshman and girls on the
team who are really close to You’ve all made us proud!
The girls fought hard and never making a big impact.”
gave up but their team is very Graduating state MVP Abby
License Office
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talented and we just could not Backes last year may have left
and Service, LLC
handle their press down the the team looking at a struggle 1021 Buchanan St.
stretch.” to return to the Show Me Show- Ste. 15, California 800 E.210 West
Morgan Walnut
Street • Tipton
Roberta Elliott 660-433-5539
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Tipton Times
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Tipton. (T-05-07-20-tfn) mid-May thru August, and earn
$10.30/hour. Applications can 660-433-5727
SCRATCH PADS: 6 for $1 plus be picked up at Tipton City Hall,
tax at The Tipton Times, 113 E. 101 E Moniteau St or found in
Morgan, Tipton. (T-05-07-20- the document center at https://
tfn) The application
–––––––––––––––––––––––––– deadline is 9 a.m., Wed., March
END ROLLS: $2.50 each plus 31, 2021. For more information,
tax at The Tipton Times, 113 E. call 660.433.2323 or email
Morgan, Tipton. (T-05-07-20- [email protected]. The City
tfn) of Tipton is an E-Verify, Equal
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FARM REAL ESTATE AUCTION Check Out Our Facebook Page
206 acres in 3 tracts located in Moniteau County
Open Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 10, 2021 • 10 a.m. Hwy. 52 East • Versailles • 573-378-5079
Latham, Mo.
Directions: In Latham take Pilot Grove Road north 1/2 mile to Irey USDA Choice
Ford Road. Turn left (north) and go 1 mile. Tract 3 begins on east side Family Pack Chuck Tender Steak ............. $3.79 lb. 10 lb. Bag
of the road. Tract 1 (west) & Tract 2 (east) begin 1/4 of a mile further
north. Watch for signs! 60% BEEF 40% USDA Choice
PORK BOSTON Top Round Steak..................$3.69 lb.
• Tract 1 - 126 acres. 78 acres of open, tillable land, partially ter-
raced. Previously farmed, currently being grazed by cattle. Also in- BURGER USDA Choice POTATOES
cludes a 36 x 60 shed w/14’ overhang and a 3,000 bushel grain bin
$1.99 lb.
Sirloin Tip Steak .................. $3.99 lb.
$3.69 ea.
with an aeration floor and unloading auger. Property has electric, well USDA Choice
and concrete livestock waterer. Family Pack Beef Chuck Roast ............... $4.99 lb.
Boneless Pork Vine Ripe
• Tract 2 - 40 acres. 34 acres of open, tillable land, partially ter- Tomatoes ................................. 99¢ lb.
raced. Previously farmed, currently being used for pasture and hay Sirloin Chops ....................... $1.89 lb.
production. Also includes a 50 x 70 metal Quonset building and a Boneless Whole Fresh
2/ 3
Bunch Broccoli ................... $1.89 ea.
pond with a free-proof waterer. Pork Butt Roast ...................... $1.59 lb. BONELESS
• Tract 3 - 40 acres. 36 acres of open, tillable land, partially ter- Boneless Fresh
raced. Currently being used for pastured and hay production and was Chicken Tenders .................. $2.59 lb. PORK LOINS Stalk Celery ........................ $1.09 ea.
farmed in 2016.
Property viewing: Saturday, March 27, and Saturday, April 3 from
Family Pack $1.69 lb. Red
Onions ..................................... 79¢ lb.
Chicken Leg Quarters ..............59¢ lb.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or by appointment.
4 99
Glen Dean Irey Revocable Trust &
Multi Pack Chips ......................$6.49 1 lb. Bag Fres
40 lb. Box T-Bo
Rosalie Irey Revocable Trust
For more information and full sale bill visit Bush’s Baked Beans Whole Grain Oats.......... $3.79 42 oz.
Limit PEPPERS Filete T-
SteveDubbertAuctionService or Auction Arrows.
28 oz, Assorted Varieties 24 Pack
8 Cans
For more information or to view the property, contact auctioneer Frijoles horneados Bush
$9.99 ea. Crystal O2 $1.99 ea.
Steve Dubbert, 573-338-2060
Drinking Water.......... $2.19 8 oz. Bot.
Page 2B, Thursday, March 18, 2021 The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo.
New materials available at the county library Effects of COVID on the heart
The following new items are What Science Can Teach Us 2021-22 Truman Award with Artificial Flippers, Legs According to Hackensack Me- can create scar tissue that forces
available at the Moniteau Coun- about Life, Love and Relation- Nominee: “The Line Tender” and Beaks” by Jolene Gutierrez. ridian Health, researchers have the heart to work harder to circu-
ty Library located on South ships” by Camilla Pang. by Kate Allen, “It’s the End of Juvenile graphic fiction: “The determined at least two ways late blood and oxygen through-
Oak Street in California. Caldecott Award: “We Are the World as I Know It” by Mat- League of Super Feminists” by that the COVID-19 virus affects out the body. Initial studies into
Adult fiction: “A Matter of Life Water Protectors” by Carole thew Landis, “Other Words for Mirion Malle, “Mega-Dogs of the heart. the link between COVID-19
and Death” by Phillip Margolin, Lindstrom. Home” by Jasmine Warga and New Kansas” by Dan Jolley Infection with the COVID-19 and myocarditis suggested that
“The Beirut Protocol” by Newbery Award: “When You “Genesis Begins Again” by Ali- and “Black Heroes of the Wild virus has been shown to exac- the disease was very common
Joel C. Rosenberg and Trap a Tiger” by Tae Keller. cia Williams. West” by James Otis Smith. erbate preexisting heart condi- among middle-aged adults who
“Fast Ice” by Clive Cussler. Young adult fiction: “The 2021-22 Mark Twain Award Easy picture books: “The tions, which is one reason why had been diagnosed with the vi-
Adult nonfiction: “Succu- Electric Kingdom” by David Nominee: “The Bridge Home” Wonderful Wizard of Oz” public health agencies like the rus, though more recent research
lent Gardening: A Beginner’s Arnold. by Padma Venkatraman, by L. Frank Baum, “Scaredy Centers for Disease Control has refuted that.
Guide to Growing Succulent 2021-22 Gateway Award “White Bird: A Wonder Story” Snacks!” by Terry Border and and Prevention have continued A study published in Octo-
Plants Indoors and Outdoors” Nominee: “Field Notes on by R.J. Palacio. “Tikki Tikki Tembo” by Arlene to emphasize the importance of ber in the journal Cardiovas-
by Jacob Wells. Love” by Jennifer Smith, 2021-22 Show Me Award Mosel. preventive measures like wear- cular Pathology found that the
National Book Awards: “In- “Internment” by Samira Nominee: “Ella McKeen, Kick- Easy readers: “Who Ate My ing masks and social distancing. true prevalence of myocarditis
terior Chinatown” by Charles Ahmed, “Ordinary Hazards” by ball Queen” by Beth Mills. Book?” by Tina Kugler and In addition, COVID-19 can in COVID-19 patients was less
Yu, “The Dead Are Arising: Nikki Grimes, “Patron Saints Young adult fiction: “The “What About Worms!?” by directly cause myocarditis. The than 2 percent. Though that’s
The Life of Malcolm X” by Les of Nothing” by Randy Ribay, Electric Kingdom” by David Ryan Higgins. Myocarditis Foundation says good news, researchers behind
Payne and “King and the Drag- “Slay” by Brittney Morris and Arnold. Read-along storybook and myocarditis is a disease that the study note that, in the months
onflies” by Kacen Callender. “The Field Guide to the North Juvenile nonfiction: “Bionic CD: “No More Monsters for causes inflammation of the heart and years to come, there is still
Royal Society Science Book American Teenager” by Ben Beasts: Saving Animal Lives Me!” by Peggy Parish. muscle, which can enlarge and much to be learned about the ef-
weaken the heart. Myocarditis fects of COVID-19 on the heart.
Prize: “Explaining Humans: Philippe.
The Tipton Times
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– on-site evaluation of the cur- workplace air quality and a Moniteau St. The City of Tipton
Public Notices 24 rent HVAC system. brief narrative of installation reserves the right to reject any
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– In compliance with COVID outcomes. or all bids.
PUBLIC NOTICE CDC recommendations, the (First publication March 11, 2021; (First publication March 11, 2021;
A public logic and accuracy scope of work will include but is last publication March 18, 2021) last publication April 1, 2021)
test of the electronic tabulating not limited to: A visual inspec-
equipment that will be used tion of sample HVAC system air –––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––––––
to tabulate the ballots for the handling units for ventilation, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID
April 6, 2021, General Municipal filtration effectiveness/fit and The City of Tipton is accept-
Election will be conducted at hygiene; Spot indoor air quality ing sealed bids until 12 p.m.,
the Moniteau County Clerk’s testing for airborne particles Tuesday, April 6, 2021, for hay
office, 200 East Main, Califor- and screening tests for VOCs cutting. Bid information may
nia, Mo., beginning at 8:30 a.m. (volatile organic compounds); be obtained at City Hall, 101 E.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021, and Measurement of carbon diox-
continuing until all equipment ide as an indicator of ventilation
has been tested. effectiveness; Increased out-
(First publication March 18, 2021; side ventilation air, Optimized
last publication March 18, 2021) restroom exhaust flow; AHUs
that recirculate floor air; instal-
–––––––––––––––––––––––––– lation of new units containing
REQUEST FOR BIDS HEPA filtration, high air turnover
The Cooper County R-IV and free cooling, and Electro-
School District in Bunceton is static Air Scrubbers.
seeking bids to replace, reno- Potential bidders must call
vate and update the district’s Bill Moser at (660)888-0495
H-VAC units to bring them to schedule a walk-through
up to COVID Air Quality and appointment. Successful bids
Control Standards. Bidders will include a statement per-
will need to arrange for an taining to improved COVID-19
“Chad Pace” • 100 High St., Syracuse, Mo.
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Class of
School to Work
never really thought she would
be remembered at THS. “But
now, because of girls wrestling,
I will be remembered as the
girl who went to state twice.”
Cornine placed 2nd at the state
level this year, as a senior.
Going to state in wrestling,
along with hitting home runs in
Dowell is ready to leave high school
softball, will be memories that
Kyla will take with her when
she graduates.
but not his friends.
As with most seniors, there are by Adrianna Guillen going to school even longer,” that,” he added.
a few challenges from time to explained Dowell. “When I leave? I’ll probably
time. This was no different for “It feels like we’ve been here After high school, Hayden be remembered as a pain in the
Kyla. Most of these challenges forever but at the same time Dowell plans to work construc- neck,” Hayden admits jokingly.
come with preparing for col- it’s flown by,” Senior Hayden tion at Schrimpf’s Landscaping Hayden, along with most
lege. “Figuring out how to set Dowell says as he talks about with his dad and his close high school boys, has always
everything up for when I grad- his high school experience. friend, Hayden Embry. “I’ll been one to joke around and
uate; finding the right people to For Dowell high school was probably do that for 5 to 6 years have a good time and still man-
ask; filling out scholarships and mainly about having fun while and get some money saved up age to be one of the nicest and
Kyla Cornine actually applying for schools- he could. Leaving is usually and then work for the City of most helpful students.
-these have all been a chal- the best part of high school for Tipton. I really just want to “Listen to the upperclass-
by Mrs. Genee Fischer classes has helped prepare Kyla lenge.” Kyla plans to attend almost all seniors and Dowell make money.” men. They’re usually right and
for her future. Ozark Technical College in is no different, but he is still The ag building has become they can actually help you a
Senior Kyla Cornine has Cornine gives credit to Springfield when she graduates. unsure exactly how to feel. one of Hayden’s favorite parts lot. They’re not always mean,”
spent the past four years being her coaches for pushing her She thinks she wants to pursue “I think the hardest part is about high school along with Hayden says is the best advice
very busy. She has wrestled through each day. She adds, a career in the electrical field. going to be leaving all my the classes. FFA and any ag he can give underclassmen and
and played softball for four “All of her teachers helped her Kyla Cornine is the daughter friends,” Dowell said. “I don’t classes are easily Dowell’s incoming freshmen.
years, was part of the flag corp to not stress and get through of Erin and Guy Wake and know how much I’ll get to see favorite classes simply because Hayden Dowell is the son of
with the Tipton Pride Marching everything day by day.” With Michael and Windi Cornine. my friends. Some of them are of interest. “It’s all stuff I will Tara and Harlan Dowell.
Band for three years, and she the many classes Kyla has leaving for school and I’ll be actually use in my future and
played volleyball for two years. taken, her math classes were going straight to work,” he things that I like doing. Like Ag
She was also active in her FFA her favorite. “Math is one of further explains. That is what Construction, building things is
chapter for four years and the few things I find interesting. Dowell believes is the most something I enjoy and I’ll use
FCCLA for one. Being a part It is like a puzzle. Math is just challenging part of being a
of these teams and organiza- senior.
tions is one thing Kyla says Although Hayden is ready
is her best memory of high to leave high school, like most
school. “I have enjoyed getting students, he has enjoyed a lot of
to spend time with my teams his time here. “Coach Beeman
and making those connections,” told me to get involved and try
Cornine says. sports, so I did. I played foot-
Having her friends is what ball, basketball and baseball.”
Kyla says got her through By getting into high school
her high school years. “High sports Hayden was introduced
school was stressful but it was to a new level of friendship and
nice to see friends everyday new passions. He started to get
because that made it a lot more close over time with various
bearable.” It is because of students within the class and
these friends that Cornine tells because of that through the last
the underclassmen to make four years Hayden has become
close friends throughout their less shy and awkward.
high school career. “Friends Along with trying sports,
will help you through classes,” Hayden has been a 4 year
Kyla explains. She also wants member of the FFA and went to
the younger students to know SFCC for the Automotive CTC
“they do not need to be afraid
to ask for help from teachers Being Remembered Program for two years, which
he believes is one of the only
Sports Help Dowell
or friends. The grades you earn Kyla Cornine hopes to be remembered as the “girl who went to Dowell sets up on the line during the last game of the season
your freshman year will make state twice” during her high school career. Kyla placed 2nd at state things he will be able to take against Windsor. Being a part of Tipton’s sports programs al-
during her senior year of high school. with him from high school. “I lowed Hayden to come out of his shell and be less shy.
a difference in the classes you won’t do history or english, I’ll
take in years to come.” Being be going straight to work, not
able to take harder college
Coaches preview upcoming season
THS Spring Sports
Baseball • Softball • Track • Golf
The Tipton Times • Thursday, March 18, 2021
Page 2, Thursday, March 18, 2021 Spring Sports Preview The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo.
On the cover
Breanna Murphy stops
an infield hit during an
early practice in the
Lady Cardinals’ new
softball season.
(Photo by Mandy Stover)
enjoy your
Ozark Regional
309 W. Hwy 50 • P.O. Box 581 • Tipton
Phil Hilty - Owner/Agent
Auto • Home • Farm • Commercial
Boats • Motorcycle
Ph. 660-433-0108 or 800-733-2429
Cardinal baseball Fax 660-433-5939
[email protected]
The 2021 Tipton Cardinal baseball team is, from the left: Front, Braden Fischer, Tyler Baer, Charlie Miller, Max Maddex, Jack Moon and Hayden
Embry; middle, Brenden Morse, Rhett Lambert, Dawson Knipp, Jack Schmidt and Garrett Swearingen; back, Tucker Oldham, Blake Arnel, Conner Serving Central Missouri as
Wolf, Cain Myers, Tucker Gerling and Emmett Haas. Not pictured are Hayden Dowell, Eli Lambert, Braden Marcum and Ridge Wolf. an Independent Agency
(Photo by Mandy Stover)
Softball Ladies
Members of the 2021 Lady Cardinal softball team are, from the left: Front, Manager Sesley Potter, Brenna Murphy, Ashlynn McCoy, Taylor Cressley,
Raylin Potter, Madalyn Hagerman and manager Leah Gentges; back, Allison Cliburn, Abby Gadd, Avery West, Graci Diggs, Rylan Edwards, Adrianna
Guillen, Kylie Stockwill, Brookelyn Battles and Chloe Petree. Not pictured are Lily Petree, Ashley Rex, Brett Cox, Briar Cox and Kyla Cornine.
(Photo by Mandy Stover)
The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo. Spring Sports Preview Thursday, March 18, 2021, Page 5
Fielding grounders
Tipton Cardinal Assistant Softball Coach Anna Diggs instructs players on fielding ground balls during practice
to prepare for the 2021 season. (Photo by Mandy Stover)
Ready to run
Members of the Tipton Cardinal track team ready to compete after a lost season last year Matchett, Grayson Barker and Brenton Arnold. Not shown are Kenna Bixler, Abby Braby,
are, from the left: Front, Karagan Koechner, Sydney Hineman, Marie Garcia, Kabella Hager- Emma Braby, Lily Burns, Myra Claas, Paige Wittman, Austin West and Sam Bishop.
man, Lillian Mitchell and Rita Xiao; back, Eric Rivera, Mikey Buckner, Ridge Wolf, Johnny (Photo by Mandy Stover)
Running warm-ups
Members of the Tipton Cardinal track team s run warm-up laps during practice in the first week of spring sports
practice. From the left are Rita Xiao, Mikey Buckner, Sidney Hineman, Emma Braby, Kabella Hagerman and
Karagan Koechner. (Photo by Mandy Stover)
Check the
Classifieds News • [email protected]
The Tipton Times
Deadline: Noon Tuesday
Page 8, Thursday, March 18, 2021 Spring Sports Preview The Tipton Times, Tipton, Mo.
On the links
The Tipton Cardinal golf team may be small in numbers this year but the golfers are ready to hit the links. From
the left are senior Braden Petree, Coach Tyler Kilby, and sophomore Stephanie Twenter.
We’re all on
First drive
Senior Braden Petree drives the ball during the first week of spring
sports practice at the Tipton Country Club.
the same team.
Some of our most important
Senior leads on the links moments can also be some of our
most challenging. At Commerce
by Mandy Stover ments and hopefully to qualify for Bank, we’re on your side and here
Times’ Sports Stringer state. I think this year might be dif- to help, with the people and the
The Tipton Cardinal Golf Team is ferent, considering Covid-19 regula- technology to help you meet
excited to be on the course this year tions put in place, but there is a lot in
as they did not get much of an op- store,” said Petree. whatever life throws at you.
portunity last year due to the coro- This is Stephanie’s second year of
navirus pandemic. golfing in high school.
Head Coach Tyler Kilby has “I am excited to play in matches
taught at Tipton for two years and and hope to do well this year,” she
has been assistant coach for the ju- said.
nior high and varsity football teams “My goal this year is to teach the
during that time. He is excited to be fundamentals of golfing and to have
coaching golf for the first year. fun,” said Kilby.
Returning members of the Golf The team is very ready to get the
team are senior Braden Petree and season started and to get back on
sophomore Stephanie Twenter. Bra- the course competitively. Their first
den has golfed four years of his high meet is Thursday, March 25, at Cole
school career. Camp.
“I’m very excited to see improve-
© 2021 Commerce Bancshares, Inc.