Improving The Quality of Coffee Shop Service With The Implementation of Quality Function Deployment: A Case Study in XYZ Coffee Shop
Improving The Quality of Coffee Shop Service With The Implementation of Quality Function Deployment: A Case Study in XYZ Coffee Shop
Improving The Quality of Coffee Shop Service With The Implementation of Quality Function Deployment: A Case Study in XYZ Coffee Shop
1. Introduction
In the last few years there is a growing business model that
is significantly wrong is a coffee shop. It can be observed
with more coffee shop outlets from overseas such as
Starbuck or local such as Coffee Itam, Maxx Coffee and
others. Based on Otten Magazine's history of coffee Fig. 1. One of favourite coffee shop (Grand Indonesia,
evolution, the world's first recorded coffee shop was Jakarta)
known to have appeared in 1475. The coffee shop is
named Kiva Han andis in the city of Constantinopel (now In Indonesia, coffee shop or often called a coffee shop or a
Istanbul, Turkey). This coffee shop is known to be the kedai kopi in that coffee shop is a place that sells coffee
first coffee shop to open and serve its visitors with typical and other types of beverages, as well as snacks at low
Turkish coffee. At that time, coffee was an important prices. In addition to food and drinks that have a delicious
element in Turkish culture to the present day many coffe taste, will be unique coffee shop if have a good waiter in
shops are appearing all over the world. The presence of terms of facilities and services for customers to be
coffee shop in Indonesia is not separated from the comfortable and form a community of customers that will
expansion of Starbucks Coffee company that entered into increase economic growth at the coffee shop. On this
Indonesia in 2002. Customers come not only to get the occasion will be presented a design place and facilities in
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 12, December 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264
accordance with the needs and convenience of today's condition of the average customer who gives longer time
consumers. The purpose of this research is to produce a to enjoy the coffee, some character than this customer is
service design facilities and services based on the needs need a place that is relaxed and sufficient to be connected
and desires of consumers. with the world of "social media" and can communicate as
comfortable as possible with peers. The challenges facing
2. Problem Statement local coffee entrepreneurs themselves with the
increasingly rampant coffee shop business that previously
2.1 Formulation of the Problem existed Starbucks, Coffee Itam, and the like for the middle
class up and roadside for the middle to lower, to attract a
One way to win the competition is that the company must variety of customers to get into place. With the QFD
be able to provide satisfaction to its customers, for method is expected to emerge the form of strategic
example by providing better quality products, cheaper analysis in increasing service for customer purchasing
price, faster product delivery and better service than its power increases in the company that will be created later.
competitors will cause customers to be more satisfied
(Nugroho and Puriarta, 2011: 28). In the face of In general, QFD is a tool or method used to focus attention
increasingly fierce competition, the management of coffee on the things that the needs and desires of consumers in
shops is required to be more responsive to know what the the preparation of service standards. According to Cohen
needs, desires and tastes of consumers in the present and in (1995), QFD is a method used to develop and plan
the future (Indah Sevia Wulandari, 2012). Taking business products so that the development team can specify in detail
opportunities in today's consumer lifestyle models. the needs and desires of the customer. According Ermer
According to Sumarwan (2002: 57) lifestyle is often (1995), QFD is a method of quality improvement based on
depicted with the activities, interests and opinions of a the search input directly from the consumer for further
person and more describes a person's behavior is how they thought how to meet the input. Meanwhile, according to
live, use the money and take advantage of time in his Daetz (1995), QFD is a systematic planning process
possession. One modern lifestyle to date is the habits of created to help companies manage all the elements
certain groups of people who hang out in coffee shops or necessary to define, design and create products or provide
cafes. The same thing is supported by the opinion of services that can meet customer needs.
Rhenald Kasali (2008: 27), a marketing expert said that
coffee is now no longer just to eliminate sleepiness, but as 2.3 Methodology
part of the lifestyle, where coffee shops become a place to
hang out that is in great demand. Based on some of the 2.3.1 The establishment of House Of Quality (HOQ). In
above literature other than taste pleasure, improving the the formation of HOQ consists of several processes,
quality of service needs of facilities both facilities and namely:
service in coffee shops is needed.
A. Technical Specifications.
Through this research will create a coffee shop design that
offers facilities tailored to the needs of today's consumers. Engineering specification consists of attributes,
In the process of designing the product consumers coffee matrices, technical specifications, units and criteria.
shop involved in order to be designed products in Relationship is an assessment of the strength of the
accordance with the wishes and needs specifications. To relationship between attributes with technical
design the product, the method used is Quality Function specifications. assessment of the relationship with a
Deployment (QFD) which is a direct design method scale of 0 (Unrelated), 1 (Weak), 3 (being), 9 (very
involving the consumers associated with the service strong).
quality aspects of the place and services. Consumer
engagement is needed to know the perceived, desired, B. Planning Matrix.
needed, and consumer impression of a product so that it In determining the mathematical planning done
can simplify the process of product design several processes, among others:
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 12, December 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 12, December 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 12, December 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 4 Issue 12, December 2017
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) – 5.264
By using score : 1 (week), 3 (medium), and 9 (high), based 3. Improvement of toilet hygiene because in general the
on brainstorming results in sections product development customer will like a clean place especially in the toilet
obtained a high correlation is in several things, point 9 get especially if the business is a coffee shop should be
a) completeness of facilities with detail interior and hygiene support is mandatory.
exterior design, availability of wi-fi networks, cleanliness
and comfort of toilets. 4. Speed of service. The ability of the waiters in serving
b) reliable waiters and baristas with detail speed of and barista have a good knowledge of the coffee on offer
service, the ability of the waiters in servinge, barista have may differ from competitors who have a large enough and
a good knowledge of the coffee on offer, friendliness and skilled workforce but this can be improved by increasing
courtesy of the waiter. the existing workforce skills to be more effective and
Step 7: Design target and House of Quality, calculation,
and weighting of design targets to determine priorities in 5. Friendliness and courtesy of the waiter can be done with
conducting product development related to customer need the selection of skilled workers who communicate,
(WHATs), technical requirement (HOWs) and experience and have initiative. Willing to accept
benchmarking result to competitors so that the products suggestions and criticism, which remains open to receive
produced in accordance with customer needs and able to input and criticism in order to get more and more customer
compete with competitor services. needs often hidden needs arise from here.
4. Conclusion
With increasing coffe shop business in-depth analysis
needs to be done in order to stay with the competitors,
some things that need to be understood and analyzed how
to get a coffe shop in accordance with the wishes of the
customer. Through this QFD can be analyzed how the
priority positions to be developed in XYZ Coffe Shop,
with the following recommendations:
1. Completeness of facilities (19.9%) where required the
development of infrastructure both wifi, interior, and
2. Reliable waiters and baristas (16.6%), where training
is required for individual development in order to
increase service capacity.
3. Accuracy of service (15.1%), where required good
cooperation from management and employees to get
maximum target.
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