Government of The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
Government of The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
Government of The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
The following Learner Driving License has been issued under the Motor Vehicle Rules,1984 clause 18
cixÿvq Dcw¯’Z nIqvi mgq †jLvi Rb¨ Kv‡jv Kjgmn wb‡¤œv³ KvMRcÎvw` cwi`k©K‡K cÖ`k©‡bi Rb¨ mv‡_ ivL‡Z n‡e:
K) jvb©vi WªvBwfs jvB‡mÝ
L) RvZxq cwiPqcÎ (g~j Kwc)
M) †gwW‡Kj mvwU©wd‡KU (g~j Kwc)
N) wkÿvMZ †hvM¨Zvi mb` (mZ¨vwqZ d‡UvKwc/g~j Kwc)
O) BDwUwjwU wej ((we`y¨r/M¨vm/‡Uwj‡dvb) (mZ¨vwqZ d‡UvKwc/ g~j Kwc))
P) we`¨gvb WªvBwfs jvB‡mÝ (g~j Kwc) [ WªvBwfs jvB‡m‡Ýi bevqb/‡kÖYx cwieZ©b/‡kÖYx ms‡hvRb/jvB‡m‡Ýi aiY cwieZ©©‡bi †ÿ‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨]
we:`ª: AbjvB‡b Av‡e`b `vwL‡ji mgq f~qv Z_¨ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡j Zvi jvb©vi WªvBwfs jvB‡mÝ I ¯§vU© KvW© WªvBwfs jvB‡mÝ evwZjmn Zvi weiæ‡× AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv
For possible questions and answers regarding driving licenses please visit :