Integrated Activities in STEM Environment: Methodology and Implementation Practice
Integrated Activities in STEM Environment: Methodology and Implementation Practice
Integrated Activities in STEM Environment: Methodology and Implementation Practice
DOI: 10.1002/cae.22324
Vilnius University Institute of Data
Science and Digital Technologies, Vilnius, Abstract
Lithuania Introduction: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Vilnius University Institute of and STEAM (with A for Arts) have evolved to symbolize the renewal of science
Educational Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania
education. STEAM education offers a number of benefits, such as improved
Correspondence problem analysis and solving skills, as well as the development of creative
Anita Juškevičienė, Vilnius University
abilities. Many researchers reiterate the importance of STEAM‐related activ-
Institute of Data Science and Digital
Technologies, Vilnius, Lithuania. ities and programs, especially the integration of maker education. Despite
Email: [email protected] much interest in STEAM, it is often challenging for many educators to in-
corporate integrated activities into their teaching practice. This paper deals
Funding information
Vilnius University, Grant/Award Number: with the value of STEAM integration in a methodological sense, with a focus
MSF‐LMT‐7 on the maker's laboratory and physical computing, as well as the application of
design thinking and computational thinking approaches.
Motivation and Objectives: The goal of this study is to develop a compre-
hensive conceptual framework for integrated STEM curricula focusing on the
following research questions: (a) how to improve daily activities of STEM
education by combining the activities of different laboratories and using a
design thinking approach? and (b) how to combine FabLab activities and
physical computing related to teaching different aspects of computational
thinking in the context of STEM?
Research Methodology and Methods: As a research methodology, we im-
plement a mixed methods strategy to combine theoretical study and empirical
research based on a synthesized literature survey and the process of iterative
model development based on an observational case study. We conduct a de-
tailed case study of two applications of integrated activities based on FabLab
and physical computing integration, and illustrate how design thinking can
guide teachers to open up for interdisciplinary, creative, and project‐based
Results and Findings: The paper provides a conceptual framework for STEM
integration activities and step‐by‐step guidelines on how design thinking
methods could could interact in practice. The implications of the results may
be useful for educators seeking recommendations for the integration process,
which enable educators to design hands‐on activities and incorporate in-
tegrated aspect of students' STEAM learning into teaching practice.
Comput Appl Eng Educ. 2020;1–20. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC | 1
Arduino hands‐on activities, computational making, computational thinking, design thinking,
FabLab, physical computing, STEAM
between subjects and real‐world problems, to enhance participants approach the problem, study information,
learning [8,28,33,53,69]. Thus, integration is not STEAM, use technology, utilize mathematics, analyze evidence,
if the two disciplines are merely taught together. For draw conclusions, clarify issues and methods for future
example, if integrated engineering‐based projects do not use, communicate results, and record results for use by
reinforce students' application of scientific knowledge (or others [10]. At the same time, some authors (see, e.g., Li
one or more other STEM disciplines), these projects can et al. [38]) emphasized the importance of looking at de-
easily become “arts and crafts projects” [21]. Teachers sign and design thinking in a broad sense without re-
and educational institutions need support and strategies stricting design to professional fields such as architecture
to integrate STEAM subjects. Thus, many initiatives have and engineering, as well as extending design thinking to
emerged, such as formal and informal activities and other STEM subjects such as mathematics and science.
programs and projects that have tried to solve this pro- The project‐based approach to learning and its applica-
blem [31,33,71]. tion in mathematics teaching are mentioned as an ex-
This study proposes a methodology for STEAM in- ample. Focusing on an integrated STEM allows for
tegration by applying design thinking [12,20] to STEAM practical application of project‐based learning to integrate
lab‐based activities, namely FabLab and physical com- design thinking into mathematics education.
puting. The physical computing lab focuses on prototypes While education policy makers discuss the develop-
to teach electronic circuits and programming, whereas ment and implementation of STEM curricula, it is im-
Fab Lab focuses on bringing prototypes to life. Labs are portant to learn from best practices of various
representatives of specific disciplines. For example, the communities and provide educators with a variety of
physical computing lab is related to computer science examples that support innovative science education
discipline. practices. This applies to educational technologies, tea-
The methodology of STEM education is an ongoing chers, and their qualifications in the use of practical tools,
process involving both schools and higher education in- as well as to activities in STEM education centers through
stitutions. The most popular approaches are based on (a) practical work in labs. Due to the transdisciplinary nature
reforming of STEM or STEAM curricula by incorporating of STEM and the related integration process, there is an
real‐world engineering applications and (b) renewing or acute need for skills that require problem‐solving and
extending teaching methods such as inquiry‐based and synthesis, information and data processing, and com-
information and communications technology‐enriched munication and interconnections.
learning, collaborative practices that stimulate innova- Many researchers are developing innovative educa-
tion and creativity and develop forward‐looking skills, tional approaches aimed at enhancing STEM practical
including entrepreneurship skills. For example, Hadgraft education by integrating digital tools into transdisciplinary
and Kolmos [22] emphasized the importance of “cross‐ and holistic science education. Within this aim, we suggest
disciplinary, complexity, and contextual understanding” design thinking as a set of techniques and methods that
and highlighted several key areas for the development of combine a very broad range of activities, from unplugged
engineering education. The first is sustainability and activities to comprehensive modeling and computer si-
climate change. Engineering education should prepare mulations. For example, Rashid [57] proposed project‐
graduates to respond to these multiple sustainability based training that includes a model‐based approach to
challenges. This is followed by the fourth industrial re- system engineering. The problem under consideration is
volution associated with the widespread integration of the design of embedded systems, which includes the de-
technologies such as automation, Internet of Things, ar- velopment of both software and hardware in a complex
tificial intelligence, robotics, advanced materials, additive environment. Therefore, the target during the course is to
manufacturing, multidimensional printing, bio‐, nano‐, obtain experience of integrated design, supported by de-
and neuro‐technologies, and virtual and augmented rea- sign methodology and appropriate design tools. Another
lities ([42,67], as cited in [22]). Both areas “have re- behavioral‐focused approach has been proposed by
strengthened the need for interdisciplinarity as a set of McCurdy et al. [45]. A real‐world, problem‐based design
key skills, including systems thinking and design think- thinking (PBDT) approach is introduced. This approach
ing” [22]. provides a conceptual lens through which the relationship
Another example that focuses on collaborative prac- between students' PBDT tasks, STEM, and empathy can be
tices is the “authentic science” approach. Borrow et al. traced. The most interesting aspect is that the relationship
[10] cited an example of “encouraging community en- between empathy and STEM is positioned as the driver of
gagement in integrated STEM to support traditional K‐12 the problem‐solving process.
classroom instruction.” The definition of “authentic sci- Although an integrated STEM activity or a holistic
ence” is introduced as a description of activity in which view of education with an emphasis on a system
approach is not a new direction and much work has al- and the process of iterative model development based on
ready been done (see, e.g., [52,55,56]), we offer an origi- an observational case study. We conduct a detailed case
nal model for organizing the STEM learning study of two applications of integrated activities based on
environment. The novelty of the proposed model is that it the integration of FabLab and physical computing, and
(a) combines a taxonomy of design thinking and com- illustrate how design thinking can guide teachers to open
putational thinking to guide the process of integrated up for more interdisciplinary, creative, and project‐based
STEM implementation through thinking and making opportunities.
dimensions that enable and reference an integral view of The paper is organized as follows. We start with a
integrated STEM activities; and (b) provides a clearly synthesized literature survey on STEAM integration,
defined structure for the design and implementation of makers' movement, and design thinking. Then, we pre-
hands‐on integrated STEM activities, which is important sent results based on theoretical analysis and case studies
for practicing educators. of the implementation of a design thinking process based
The contributions of this study are as follows: (a) it on the integration of two or more laboratories. The paper
provides an insight into the theoretical perspectives on concludes with a section on discussion and conclusion of
STEM integration. Emphasis is placed on the current the main findings, and describes the limitations and fu-
state of FabLab and physical computing activities as part ture work.
of STEAM education, as well as on the design thinking
process as a theoretical basis for linking all these issues
together. (b) It provides an integrative framework that 3 | RESULTS
enables to systemize and develop integrated STEM cur-
ricula focused on the complexity of educational integra- 3.1 | Theoretical perspectives on STEM
tion and the combination of computational thinking and integration
design thinking taxonomies. (c) It provides guidelines for
STEM integration based on a design thinking approach. In this section, we provide a systematic study of the
The emphasis is on enabling students’ project and current state of FabLab and physical computing activities
problem‐based educational activities. (d) It provides a set as part of STEAM education, as well as design thinking
of practical examples that could be incorporated into the process as a theoretical basis for linking all these issues
integrated K–12 STEM curriculum. The emphasis is on together. We argue that design can help educators think
engineering and supporting students' real‐world and in a more problem‐oriented, creative way and link edu-
hands‐on applications within or as extracurricular cation to real problems, thus blurring disciplinary
activities. boundaries within STEAM.
and application of computational thinking [51]. In addi- tangible real‐world development products. There is no
tion, the content of STEAM‐based disciplines increases doubt that hands‐on projects increase learners’ motiva-
students' knowledge of computational thinking skills [2]. tion [30]. Reusing and recreating tools experimentally is a
The integration of STEAM's activities into the educa- part of the “Arduino way” [1]. Although physical com-
tional practice of different laboratories allows students puting developed independently from computer science,
who are passionate about one subject to interact with this enthusiasm can be used to foster computational
other subjects, as well as facilitates interaction between thinking and STEM education as well.
teachers, based on their different expert knowledge and Computational making is implemented by using
passions [3]. FabLab users can utilize trainees' percep- physical devices such as prototyping boards. Educators
tions of different dimensions to emphasize specific as- widely use Arduino kits. Arduino is a microprocessor
pects of the design of activities to achieve learning board, that is, an electronics prototyping platform based
goals [47]. on flexible, easy‐to‐use hardware and software [27]. At
The development of computational thinking is ac- the same time, Arduino is an attractive device that does
cessible through the integration of STEAM‐related ac- not need much time for learning how to configure,
tivities in schools, especially in hands‐on projects [44]. making it suitable both for programmers and en-
FabLab is an example of maker movement, a fabrication gineers [11].
laboratory that employs digital fabrication tools (such as STEAM integration means a combination of two or
three‐dimensional [3D] printers, laser cutters, design more disciplines and practices, based on the links be-
files, skills training, and a network of other makers) af- tween the subjects and real‐world problems, to enhance
fordable to their members for personal fabrication [7,70]. learning. Studies on STEAM education at K–12 show
For example, the “M‐Lab” FabLab [17] focuses on the benefits of this mode of learning by providing more
creating and adapting new learning content for formal relevant learning, improved attitudes, and increased
education, which includes STEAM, hands‐on and mathematics and science achievement [71]. Several
project‐based learning, design thinking, and development solutions are proposed to explore how STEAM subjects
of 21st‐century skills. are integrated and supported. For example, Walker
The educators are interested in maker movement, as et al. [71] proposed two frameworks for characteristics
it provides hands‐on learning opportunities for young of effective integrated STEM lessons and effective en-
people to enhance their knowledge and skills in STEM. gineering education that can be used to build curricu-
Moreover, the maker movement has the potential to lum and enact integration. Learning in a joined manner
transform education and adapt it to the needs of digital and finding links with crosscutting concepts from dif-
age learners. Educators and researchers widely agree that ferent disciplines and real‐world applications lead to
hands‐on projects attract learners [14,44]. These hands‐ student satisfaction and interest in science. English and
on projects and practical applications are often referred to King proposed an approach to STEM integration sup-
as computational making [61] or the physical computing ported by engineering design, as it promotes student
paradigm that takes computing concepts off the screen learning, develops design thinking, and conveys the
and brings them into the real world so that the learners importance of meaning and understanding of a parti-
can interact with them [62]. cular problem [16]. Despite significant support for
Physical computing was born when designers began learners, teachers also need support, as they often face
using technology to create installations that interact with the challenge of building bridges between STEM dis-
participants, for example, connecting the physical world ciplines. To support teachers, Kelley and Knowles
and creating interfaces between interactive objects and proposed a conceptual framework of integrated STEM
humans. Physical computing is becoming increasingly that grounds the conceptual understanding through the
popular, especially when prototyping using technologies teaching of basic learning theories and pedagogical
such as electronics [4]. Typical tools used for physical approaches [33].
computing include microcontrollers and minicomputers. Integration can take the form of content or context.
The resulting interactive objects are programmed, tangi- Bryan and coauthors indicated three ways of integration:
ble media, which can be a part of networks of interactive (a) content integration with multiple learning objectives,
installations [54]. Physical computing involves creative (b) supporting content integration with core content
arts and design processes and brings together hardware learning objectives supported by another discipline, and
(such as sensors, light emiting diodes [LEDs], and servos) (c) contextual integration with one learning objective
and software components [54]. It covers the design and achieved through the context of another discipline [8]. A
implementation of interactive objects and installations combination of these forms facilitates a more effective
that require learners to use their imagination to produce learning process.
3.1.2 | Design thinking perspective project. By applying design thinking, teachers apply
constructive teaching in solving real‐world problems.
Increasingly, people have to deal with complex real‐life As mentioned above, design thinking is a con-
problems by analyzing and evaluating them to act in a structivist learning method due to its qualities in train-
solution‐oriented and responsible manner. Designers are ing certain skills that are predispositions for a
used to deal with complex problems by generating di- constructive way of learning: motivation for exploration,
verse solutions and analyzing and evaluating them to openness for new ideas, creative thinking, and other
gradually improve them. This is what learners should be metacognitive competences [66]. In the context of de-
enabled for and what the so‐called core competences are sign thinking, as described below, such predispositions
all about: dealing with complex real‐life problems by ensure the development of 21st‐century skills. Learners
analyzing and evaluating them to act in a solution‐ are motivated to research, trust builds between student
oriented and responsible manner. Design thinking is a and teacher, and team competences are developed to
team‐based learning process that offers support to edu- express opinions and share knowledge. The formalized
cators in project‐based, practice‐oriented learning and process guides the educator toward constructivist
involves different kinds of abilities and competencies in learning and can be implemented in short sessions. We
different fields of knowledge: conceiving, planning, and propose to apply design thinking as a framework for
making products [9]. All of these are cognitive processes STEAM activities more generally and to exemplify how
manifested in design action. Design thinking can provide educators may work by building integration with
concrete recommendations for spreading the complex STEAM disciplines.
phenomenon without being too abstract, but, at the same Design thinking consists of six phases of developing
time, still being digestible for the students and im- several competencies at different stages, where expansion
plementable for the teacher. In fact, design thinking and consolidation take place in turn [66]: (a) understand
realizes what is theoretically recommended in con- and observe (expanding), (b) synthesis (consolidating),
structivist theory and offers support to educators toward (c) ideate (expanding), (d) prototype (consolidating), (e)
practice‐oriented and holistic modes of constructivist test (expanding), and (f) iteration (see Figure 1).
learning. Thus, learning through experience and complex The goal of the first phase is to find a link between the
problem‐solving can be employed in all age groups. problem and its context to define a challenge. The second
Design thinking is currently being identified as a phase aims to define the problem and its context. Parti-
paradigm for dealing with problems in many areas, cular problems can be interpreted from different per-
especially in STEAM education, for example [23,24]. In spectives; thus, all the information collected at this phase
developing new ideas, solutions, alternatives, and choices accumulates in a concentrated idea. The Ideate phase
that meet the desires of the end user, design thinking means generating ideas by applying knowledge and col-
uses designers’ attitudes and methodologies. In educa- laboratively transforming them into actionable problem‐
tion, design thinking promotes innovation, problem‐ solving ideas. The Prototype phase refers to the action of
solving, creativity, and collaboration with a focus on the creating a tangible object to test it, to share an abstract
process rather than product. Thus, student participation idea. The Testing phase involves generating a solution
is encouraged, as fear of failure does not dominate [41]. after the design process comes into action. During test-
Studying the way designers work and adopting some ing, the focus is on solving the problem, and this shows
elements may also be interesting for STEAM educators. how well the problem was understood. The Iteration
The impact of design thinking on teaching and learning phase is a special phase that expresses the cyclical and
in schools is promising. Design thinking gives teachers iterative nature of the design thinking process: it is de-
confidence in their creative abilities through a process of sirable to repeat the phases and move from one phase to
retention when they encounter difficulties during a another.
Experience of active learning is at the heart of STEAM curricula in such a way that different epistemological
education, for example, using experiments, working to- ideas cross the boundaries of various fields of knowledge
gether, designing prototypes, or producing artifacts to [26]. Besides expanding the epistemological perspectives,
solve problems. Learners must act and think critically an interdisciplinary approach to curriculum development
and creatively. Hands‐on experiences are integrated into should take into account social, cultural, and economic
the work of the mind. A right balance must be achieved factors. Understanding the epistemic nature of inter-
between the use of the senses to acquire knowledge and a disciplinary knowledge is a very important task. It is
deep process of thinking that should make the learning known [6] that cognitive processes involved in
process meaningful and allow for the interiorization of interdisciplinary‐based inquiry include, besides others,
physical experiences. the cognitive process of building integrations, where “
Therefore, by combining two or more STEAM labs' […] integrative devices include complex explanation and
activities in real‐world contexts, we can increase learner focus on multiple causes of a multifaceted phenomen-
motivation. Learners can integrate and apply content on” [26].
from different disciplines, where design thinking strate- For example, Ying Tang et al. [68] presented a vertical
gies play a key role in the problem‐solving process. A integration approach that supports multidisciplinary/in-
design‐based process gives learners the possibility to act terdisciplinary system thinking for such a complex topic
and think critically, creatively, and innovatively. They get as integrated circuits design. It is proposed to organize
the opportunity to fail, try again, and learn in a safe the educational process in the form of a series of la-
learning environment. The teacher acts as a coach who boratory exercises, starting from a lower level, by con-
orchestrates the learning process of each of the students. ducting a well‐structured experiment, and moving to a
complex open‐ended design projects at upper levels of the
curriculum, where the project in the upper‐level course is
3.2 | Adapting design thinking to based on a previous experiment conducted in the lower‐
STEAM integration and multilaboratories: level course. This educational environment enables stu-
An integrative framework dents to understand the sequence of the subject matter in
the study and promotes systematic thinking and under-
This section presents a model for the application of the standing of the design flow of a system. Another example,
design thinking process focused on the forms of STEAM focusing on the holistic integration of computer en-
integration activities and possible interconnections be- gineering curricula, is presented by Rashid and Tasadduq
tween multilabs for solving an educational problem. By [58]. The approach aims at “maintaining continuous,
“multilaboratories” we mean integrated laboratories in coherent development of that curriculum.” Individual
schools or special STEM centers aimed at K–12 students, courses and design practices are completed by students in
where multidisciplinary experimentation has the poten- the overall context of the curriculum. Students are in-
tial to extend the knowledge of students beyond the volved in integrated laboratory practices. To be effective,
simplified instruction presented in classrooms, allowing horizontal and vertical integration of such practices is
students to master complex scientific topics. Such activ- essential. To maintain the link between individual la-
ities can be undertaken within the frame of formal boratory practices and the corresponding theory course,
educational programs or could be positioned as extra- horizontal integration is essential, whereas vertical in-
curricular as well. This flexibility, supported by the model tegration “describes the integrated development of design
we are developing, has advantages, in that it allows for experiences and their culmination in the final capstone
the integration of such extracurricular activities into the design experience.” At the final stage, an assessment
formal educational settings, thus enchasing inter- based on student feedback and learning outcomes will
disciplinary aspects of the curriculum. complete the proposed methodology.
In general, the subject of multidisciplinary/inter- As the examples presented are focused on curriculum
disciplinary curriculum development is challenging. This development aimed at elaborating interdisciplinary and
is due to the complexity of didactics and epistemological multidisciplinary issues, our study, as already mentioned,
perspectives of the interdisciplinary knowledge. Tradi- aims at a more universal approach to enable integration
tionally, methods of obtaining knowledge are linear, step of extracurricular activities into the educational process;
by step, or deeper methods of understanding. This applies therefore, we should continue our study with a special
to a discipline‐oriented curriculum. Interdisciplinary focus on methodological approaches to STEM integra-
knowledge, apart from its contextual aspects, is suffi- tion. For example, Bryan et al. [8] presented an approach
ciently based on social and institutional solutions and is in which STEAM integration is associated with three
not linear in nature. It is important to structure the forms of learning activity: (a) content with multiple
learning objectives; (b) one discipline with content sup- appropriate challenges have been identified, each dis-
port that is covered by the core learning objective; and (c) cipline can propose several solutions for each challenge
the contextual form of one discipline defines learning and together develop a final artifact.
objectives for the other disciplines. It is recommended to Projects combining the activities of several labora-
mix them all. However, designers of integrated curricula tories are more interesting for students when working on
need guidance and recommendations to formalize the prototypes. From an educational point of view, this
integration process. Although design thinking may in- practice allows students to develop meaningful products
fluence a number of 21st‐century skills, such as motiva- that they can present and discuss with friends and family
tion for exploration, openness to new ideas, and creative in a constructionist sense [35]. Learning is most effective
thinking, it can also be seen as a team‐based learning in contexts where learners create knowledge networks,
process and a meta‐disciplinary methodology that sup- construct knowledge, and develop competencies on their
ports educators by involving them in a formalized process own initiative and for personally relevant purposes
[66]. Thus, we provide some examples of integration [37,50,59].
forms and link them to the process of design thinking. The following is an example of how to identify pos-
On the basis of the phases of the design thinking sible interconnections in the context of a healthy lifestyle
approach, the first step is to form an understanding of the by exploiting the design thinking model of three labora-
problem. As STEM integration brings to the fore inter- tories: The Biology Laboratory as a representative of the
disciplinary solutions necessary for economic, social, and biological discipline, the FabLab as a representative of
environmental problems, the task can be related to such engineering, and the physical computing Lab as a re-
problems and is based on the objectives of educational presentative of technology or computer science (see
programs with an emphasis on content closely related to Figure 2).
technology and its application. The researchers agree that The challenge is to make it easier to grow vegetables.
educators need clear strategies and support to integrate This can be achieved by determining the necessary con-
STEAM subjects. Curriculum and education policy de- ditions for growth of the selected vegetables, such as the
scribe predetermined efforts in formal or nonformal properties of suitable temperature, humidity, gas con-
education and corresponding educational goals. In this centration in the air, and the soil humidity level. This
way, educators can use curriculum content in STEAM information can be obtained from the biology laboratory.
subjects that is closely linked to intellectual technology
and its applications, ecology, healthy lifestyles, demo-
graphy, nature, and ethical issues to formulate a problem
or challenge.
There are many such problems, for example, factors
affecting the quality of life, global environmental pro-
blems and the ecological situation in the country and the
world, the concept of a healthy lifestyle, air humidity and
its impact on people, sources of air, water and soil pol-
lution and their damage to buildings, soil, plants, and
animals, the impact of technology on environmental ac-
tivities, and the importance of scientific discoveries for
humanity [25]. These examples are complex real pro-
blems, and they do not necessarily have a single, correct
answer. They often require students to consider alter-
natives and provide reasoned arguments in support of the
solution they generate. Thus, it leads to greater motiva-
tion and effort of the learners to develop solutions [65].
To solve complex problems, a design thinking approach
to learning could be used, supporting in‐depth learning
processes with problem perception and different solu-
tions [34].
To find possible combinations of different disciplines,
it is necessary to develop a list of possible interrelation-
ships between problems and their context in different F I G U R E 2 An example of the implementation of a
areas and then identify the relevant challenges. Once the challenge on a healthy lifestyle
Thus, the physical computing laboratory aims to create these categories consists of a subset of five or seven
an Arduino prototype, which implements all the specified practices. Data practices involve the ability to use tech-
properties using the necessary sensors, whereas the Fa- nology to manage and make sense of large volumes of
bLab aims to create a base for it, which is made of wood, data. The basic ability of modeling and simulation prac-
plastic, and glass. In this way, a 3D printer and laser will tices is to create, refine, and use models of phenomena
be used. This integration has taken the form of in- such as creating models based on Arduino, building a
tegrating content with multiple learning objectives, as the prototype, or modifying a code or program from scratch.
goal of Fab Lab is to implement the project and the goal Practice of solving computational problems increases the
of the physical computing lab is to teach electrical cir- ability to study scientific phenomena. To practice system
cuits and programming. In addition, such a project may thinking, students should be able to define a system in a
require knowledge from other areas. For example, it useful way. It includes creation of a system containing all
would be convenient to use knowledge from physics to the necessary elements for achieving the desired goal,
ensure that the greenhouse works properly and with taking into account the fact that its size, complexity, and
minimal costs while being environment‐friendly. volume should be limited.
In this example, FabLab creates a specific sensor (e.g., Each stage of design thinking requires different
soil moisture) and the physical computing lab creates a computational abilities. The practice of taxonomy pre-
device in which it will be used (e.g., a plant watering sented in [73] extends the already mentioned possibilities
system); the context of integration will take the form in in the description of the challenge for donations gather-
which the context from one discipline is used for learning ing (presented in Section 3.4.1). The clarity of the process
purposes from another. A soil moisture sensor is de- of integration of STEAM subjects can be improved by
signed to have a cheap DIY device (which needs an LED, combining design thinking and computational thinking
some resistors, wires, a battery, and transistors) that can taxonomy models through integration on the basis of
detect when the soil has dried up by switching on the physical computing (see Figure 3). Thus, following the
LED indicator. Soil moisture meters use such a sensor, stages of design thinking (presented by Scheer et al. [66])
but it can be used for many purposes, such as plant wa- carried out in the practice of the taxonomy of computa-
tering systems in greenhouses or rain detection systems. tional thinking implemented through computational ac-
An example of support for content integration with tivity, which transfers computational concepts from the
the core content learning objectives supported by another screen to the real world to allow students to interact with
discipline is any project that implements a specific dis- them [62], it is possible to reduce the complexity of the
cipline theory on tangible objects to see their practical integration process in STEAM subjects for educators. In
application, for example, conceptual functions used in this way, teachers are provided with a generalized con-
physics or mathematics. In these disciplines, a function tent of necessary skills for project implementation
that generates frequencies could be analyzed. In the (problem‐solving).
Physical Computing Laboratory, this function could be Understand and Synthesis phases of design thinking
programmed to display frequencies such as the flashing provoke the ability to collect (record and store) data. This
of LEDs, the reproduction of sounds, or the movement of can be done by observing and measuring with compu-
a motor. An example of an implementation is to control tational tools. When data cannot be observed or mea-
the speed of a stepper motor by the pulse frequency re- sured, the ability to create data, such as the use of
quired for moving antennas, telescopes, or solar collec- modeling or simulation, is required. To make sense of the
tors. In this way, it would be possible to map possible data, the ability to manipulate (sort, normalize, and filter)
interactions between different disciplines. Furthermore, the data is useful. To draw conclusions, the ability to
STEAM integration in the classroom could take all three analyze data is important, which includes pattern re-
forms presented by the study reported in Reference [8]: cognition, identification, and definition of rules and
content, supporting content, and context. correlations. The most suitable tool for data analysis is
To implement these projects, students need some visualization, which is also a powerful tool for ex-
general and specific computational thinking skills. changing and sharing ideas. Learners improve their
Weintrop et al. [73] have developed computational learning by being able to present the data collected
thinking in scientific taxonomy, and thus computational through visualization.
thinking has entered the context of science. Computa- The Ideate phase is associated with five practices of
tional thinking in science taxonomy has four main cate- system thinking. The system can be of any size, such as a
gories: practice of working with data, practice of waterpark consisting of employees and customers, an
modeling and simulation, practice of solving computa- environment consisting of a lake, a boat and a human
tional tasks, and practice of system thinking. Each of being, or a human body consisting of millions of entities.
The ability to interpret the system as a whole is an ef- easier form for solution, decomposition or simplification
fective investigation strategy to measure and determine of a task, ability to create, modify, and analyze programs,
the inputs and outputs of the system. This ability can be and ability to choose tools for making complex and
facilitated by using representation techniques (modeling, grounded decisions. Here, too, the ability to evaluate
simulations, and flows) to understand the characteristics different approaches to solve a problem and the ability to
of the entire system as a whole. Furthermore, to under- take into account the effectiveness of choosing options,
stand the interaction of system components, it is neces- taking into account the possibility of reuse, time, dur-
sary to be able to identify each element of the system and ability, flexibility in favor of only one correct result, and
determine the relationships. Different levels of thinking the ability to develop reusable and modular components
(from micro to macro) in understanding and analyzing of solutions are beneficial. All this leads to the possibility
systems make it easier to perform research, because it of reuse (debugging and re‐profiling) of previous solu-
facilitates the ability to identify system levels, move be- tions, the ability to abstract, to conceptualize an idea and
tween levels, articulate behavior, and thus assign system to present it in more general terms, and the ability to
features to levels. Information transfer practices include cope (identify, correct, isolate, or reproduce) with un-
prioritizing system functions, skipping less important foreseen problems.
information, and developing effective and accessible vi- The Test stage can be implemented using modeling
sualization capabilities. The ability to define a system and simulations practices. Such practice contributes to a
means limiting system boundaries (such as complexity, deeper understanding of phenomena and fundamental
volume, or size of elements) to achieve specific goals. scientific concepts. The use of models of phenomena
The Prototyping phase refers to the solution of com- requires the ability to interact with the model to de-
putational problems underlying computational making. monstrate the concept, the ability to apply the informa-
To solve a task with the use of computational tools, tion obtained from the interaction, determine the
particular abilities are needed: rethinking of tasks into an differences and similarities of models, design models,
determine their components and interactions, and build The focus of integrated activities is on real‐life pro-
models from scratch or within the existing structure. blems, combining approaches from different disciplines
The model presented in Figure 6 can be useful for into one holistic solution. As a first step (Step 1), the role
educators, especially those new to STEAM integration of an educator here is to provide a spot for communica-
and computational thinking, as a detailed guide to tion and the generation of ideas, moderating discussion
STEAM educational activities. The practice of computa- toward multidisciplinary approaches. The challenge here
tional thinking described above, linked to the stages of is to arrange an integrative communication channel in-
design thinking, provides a framework for students to volving participants and educators representing different
develop the knowledge and skills they are expected to fields, and to develop a holistic discourse that focuses not
learn. only on the theoretical but also on practical approaches
and their applications to real‐life problems.
The next step (Step 2) is to add an appropriate data
3.3 | Guidelines for STEM integration processing channel. This will enable a multidisciplinary
based on design thinking data analysis focusing on trend analysis and data visua-
lization. The challenge here is to (a) arrange a unifying
In this section, we present guidelines for the STEM in- representational form for multidisciplinary data and (b)
tegration based on design thinking (see Table 1). In the combine contextual and multidisciplinary data into an
presented model, the design thinking approach provides integrated data model.
a systematic way of integrating various STEM disciplines Step 3 relates to the development of appropriate in-
within the framework of project or problem‐based edu- terdisciplinary solutions. This will provide an integrated
cational activities. solution model. The challenge here is to enable the
TABLE 1 Guidelines for the STEM integration based on design thinking approach
practice of synthesis by combining interdisciplinary ap- experts. The design thinking process is a creative process
proaches and the engineering practice of different in which multidisciplinary teams work together to gen-
disciplines. erate user‐centric products [41]. This approach has been
Step 4 is related to the process of formalization and adopted for STEAM integration purposes. Furthermore,
system integration. As a result, comprehensive and in- despite clear strategies for STEAM subjects' integration,
tegrative project solutions will be proposed at this stage. educators need support. It is assumed that the curricu-
The challenge here is to enable an interdisciplinary re- lum and educational policies (which usually provide the
presentational channel, which will combine different aims and intentions for all disciplines of education, from
representational techniques into one integrated design which educators translate them into teaching and
solution. learning practices) may be a suitable starting point for
Step 5 is related to practical prototyping activities. As educators to define problems. The first example for the
a result, a working solution, which can be tested in presentation of the design thinking process im-
practice, will be developed at this stage. The challenge plementation describes the task to increase the collection
here is to arrange the prototyping process in such a way of donations (see Figure 4).
that ensures a correct combination of tools, techniques, At the first stage of design thinking, the connection
and methods, located and owned both physically and between the problem and its context is determined. The
methodologically by the different laboratories involved in aim is to build empathy and understanding of a group of
the integration process. people, and to identify the situation in which the chal-
Step 6 is related to practical activities for testing, de- lenge arises. This phase requires the ability to recognize
bugging, and modification of the developed prototype. As the feelings and intentions of another person. The context
a result, issues such as the formulation of performance is that employees at Away wakeboarding park are con-
criteria and other engineering evaluation criteria such as sidering increasing donations to improve environmental
reliability, usability, maintainability, esthetics, and design safety. In the second stage, the problem and the context
and others come to the fore. The challenge here is to are defined more precisely. This phase requires the ability
provide a testing channel that will unify a testing process for critical thinking and interpretation to condense a lot
based on the integration of testing and debugging solu- of information. The problem of making customers more
tions from the practice of various disciplines. satisfied to get more donations can be considered a mini‐
Step 7 is related to the integration of the im- social problem. It describes a problem with a small and
plementation. As a result, an implementation channel particular group of people and affects the area where they
should be installed. The challenge here is to define and work. It also has a minor impact on how people react to
systematize management strategy that will enable to certain situations. Therefore, the main challenge is to
provide a consistent process of improvement of devel- draw attention to the client's donations box and en-
oped solutions, taking into account the corresponding courage them to give (more) donations.
integration practice. The ideas generated by both labs as a result of
brainstorming in the third stage are the following:
entertain customers, make an appealing donation box, amount of water in the lake and its surroundings has
attract customers' attention, encourage them to put more decreased.
donations, and thank them in a fun way. For brain- The problem has an environmental format, that is,
storming, it is essential to apply knowledge, collaborate, the impact of sources of air and water pollution and
and generate a lot of ideas for one solution. The fourth their harmful consequences on the environment. First of
phase involves prototyping (leading task of Physical all, it is needed to know the temperature of the water
computing), that is, bringing an idea to life to abstract and air around the lake before and after any human
ideas and easily share them, by constructing a donations activity to determine whether intensive human activity
box prototype that implements all the identified actions. in the lake increases the temperature. The idea is to
The prototype is demonstrated in Figure 5. construct a device that can measure and display the
The prototype was built using an Arduino board, PIR current temperature. For this purpose, the Arduino
motion detector sensor, piezo buzzer, LEDs, LCD, controller with water and air temperature measuring
breadboard, and wires. The last phase, that is the test, sensors was used. To see the exact output, an LCD
describes the proposed implementation of the donations monitor was added. The prototype device was pro-
box (FabLab leading task) and its use in real‐life condi- grammed to measure water and ambient temperature
tions. The prototype of the designed circuitry of the de- and update the measurement every 5 s to obtain reliable
vice was used to create a real object by the additional use results. As the water temperature sensor needs to be
of a duct, cardboard gift box, and plastic coin container. directly in water, it is important to pay attention to
To entertain customers, the donations box is pro- stability by keeping all parts of the prototype static and
grammed to play a melody after the coins are put in the nonseparable, and to protect the device from water
box. Once the PIR motion sensor detects movement, the splashes, as this can damage prototype electronic cir-
LEDs start flashing and the LCD display shows a thank cuits and parts that are not water‐resistant. The solution
you text. Prototyping requires the ability to share and was to put the prototype in a box made of plastic. The
abstract ideas, as well as to implement them in real life. box was created by a 3D pen. Another solution for the
Implementation of ideas is needed during the testing device was its mobility. A battery was used for the
phase, during which feedback is collected. It requires the convenience of a portable measuring device. The battery
ability to receive feedback and to collect and interpret pocket was also attached to the box using a 3D PLA pen
data to improve the idea. An example of the application (see Figure 6). The temperature measure device was
of the developed methodology is presented in Table 2. tested, which showed the immediate data on water and
air. The box was made as a mesh cover to prevent the
device from overheating and to protect it well enough
3.4.2 | Environmental monitoring against splashes and separation of parts. It can be im-
problem proved by making it water‐resistant in case a device
accidentally falls into the water. The testers of the device
The second example of design thinking implementation also indicated that the air temperature sensor heats up
is the creation of measuring devices for water and air quickly in the sun, so it is better to use light colors to
temperature measurement. The context is an assumption reflect the sun from the box containing the devices.
that after human intervention (such as boating, water An example of the application of the developed
trampolines, water bikes, and other water activities), the methodology is presented in Table 3.
FIGURE 5 The prototype of the donations box: inner structure (a) and appearance (b and c)
4 | DISCUS S I O N A N D believe that design and design thinking are natural areas
C ON C LU S I O N S of interconnection with STEAM, both for learners and
educators. Design has a multistream connection to
The study proposes the design thinking approach as a STEAM, which can help us expand our understanding of
path for educators to work on redesigning activities to STEAM as an intersection area between disciplines. It
move toward more comprehensive STEAM learning. We can also help educators by offering a framework for
design thinking skills that can guide them in re‐ 4.2 | Conclusions on framework for
evaluating and redesigning STEAM or other activities STEM integration
toward more advanced STEAM integration.
The study presents an integrative taxonomy, which is
based on a combination of design thinking and compu-
4.1 | Conclusions on theoretical tational making taxonomies. On this base, the study de-
perspectives of STEM integration velops a comprehensive and holistic framework that
enables to systemize and develop integrative STEM cur-
The presented theoretical approach develops the foun- ricula based on multidimensional settings, focusing on
dations for the practical process of integration, based on the following levels of educational integration: (a) Inter-
the following key technological, societal, and educational personal integration requires the development of com-
foundations. First, digitalization is at the center of mod- munication skills, oral, written, and electronic, supported
ern technologies. This applies to (a) modern tools and by integrating design thinking and project objectives. (b)
means of production, as most of these tools are designed Data processing integration requires the development of
on the basis of digital platforms; (b) modern consumer, understanding of multimodal data and big data proces-
industrial, medical, laboratory, and other related devices, sing techniques. (c) Interdisciplinary integration requires
which are usually designed on the basis of digital plat- the development of a conceptual understanding of dif-
forms; (c) design tools, scientific instruments, and tech- ferent disciplines, their interconnections, and the ability
nologies, which are mainly digital. Thus, digitalization, to understand and highlight integrative features. (d)
digital design, and related educational aspects, such as System integration requires the ability to implement in
computational and design thinking, can be positioned at practice, and understanding of, the system approach as a
the center of an integration approach, which provides, as composition, decomposition, understanding of holistic
already mentioned, the basis for advanced integration features of the system, and understanding of the func-
of STEM. tional features of the system and its parts. (e) Computa-
Next, in the context of this study, digital socialization tional integration requires understanding of the
provides a platform for arranging practical connections computational aspects of the problem, including model-
between technology and society. Moreover, we look at ing and simulation techniques. (f) Engineering integra-
the meaning of technology in a broader sense, going be- tion requires the ability to develop practical solutions, the
yond telecommunications alone, though this is important ability to evaluate effectiveness, and the practice of en-
as well, and linking production technology to the gineering assessment techniques. (g) Project manage-
meaning and definitions of digital socialization. Today's ment integration requires an understanding of practical
modern world provides complex and tangled‐up sur- project management tools and techniques in relation to
roundings based on the interweaving of social, economic, project goals, taking into consideration interdisciplinary
and technological environments. Therefore, the inclusion aspects of the integration process. Presented levels of
of production technology in the form of movement of integration are supported by the application of the design
makers and corresponding FabLab settings in the social thinking model, enhanced by the utilization of practical
and educational contexts of STEM will provide the basis hands‐on activities within the framework of maker's
for practical STEM integration. movement and the computational making approach.
On the basis of the illustrative cases discussed in this practice of hands‐on activities of STEAM labs and illu-
article, we tried to give examples and link several ideas strated with concrete examples how this can work for
on integrated practices in STEM education. We set out a educators and learners. The presented examples are ta-
framework for the application of design thinking in the ken from the maker's field combined with physical
computing, that is, science, engineering, mathematics, metadisciplinary knowledge that negates the disciplinary
and programming skills must be integrated with social power and introduces the expansive cycle of activities.
aspects. Although some studies present different aspects How to make the practice of such reflections possible?
of integrated STEAM education [18,32,40,63], we offer Our model provides a set of universal integration tools
guidance on how to do this in practice, using the fra- that focus on different aspects of project and problem‐
mework of design thinking as support for a formal based activities in general and, ultimately, enable the
methodology for STEAM integration. The framework previously described mediated experience of students.
assists educators in mentoring practical project tasks, for The multidimensional structure of the model allows for a
example, when real‐world problems require inter- coherent combination of activities and underlying and
disciplinary solutions, and also helps to better articulate integrated methodological support, thus achieving the
desired educational goals. In this way, the framework ultimate objectives of the interdisciplinary STEM agenda.
improves STEAM's daily educational activities. As an alternative strategy, an extended description of the
At the same time, the combination of FabLab activ- discipline‐related aspects of such support methodologies
ities with physical computing also allows us to identify could be included into the model. This could provide a
and teach computational thinking. The three examples deeper explanation, but, at the same time, (a) it could
we discussed here are just a few examples of how tea- obscure the model developed and (b) could impose a
chers can use design skills in their own processes to number of constraints on a mediated level to be devel-
support STEAM education efforts. When teachers work oped as the aim of such interdisciplinary activities.
together to develop STEAM ideas using design thinking,
they begin to focus on creativity, how to relate to real‐
world problems, how to use problem‐based learning, and 4.3.2 | Toward developing
the potential of human‐centered experiences. computational thinking skills
traditional learning environment such as a school class- thank Nicklas Anttu from Aalto University, Finland, for
room. It encourages both independent and team work, proofreading the paper.
creativity, problem‐solving skills, and, most important in
the context of our research, increases computer literacy. DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
As an example, Laru et al. [36] presented a computational Data sharing is not applicable to this article, as no new
thinking and computational making‐centered framework data were created or analyzed in this study.
for an integrated seamless STEM based on FabLab ac-
tivities. The framework is based on integration of com- ORCID
putational thinking, computational making, and student Anita Juškevičienė
design activities in the context of FabLab. This provides a 1772-5537
clear link between the concepts described and in- Valentina Dagienė
corporates computational thinking activities into the 3955-4751
model developed in the study. As an alternative strategy, Vladimiras Dolgopolovas
the model could explicitly include appropriate computa- 0416-8930
tional thinking activities. It could provide a clearer pic-
ture of these activities, but, at the same time, it could RE FER E NCES
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