Seed Production of Cereals Crops

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Seed Production in Major Cereal Crops

(1) Selection of seed plot : The plot to be used for seed production of wheat shall be free
from weeds and volunteer plants. The plot should be well drained. Prepare the land
with deep ploughing, followed by harrowing and leveling. Pre-sowing irrigation
should be given for uniform germination.
(2) Isolation distance : Wheat is normally a self-pollinated crop, however, natural cross-
pollination to the extent of 1 to 4 percent occurs. So an isolation distance of 3 meter
should be kept in all the side of seed plot to avoid natural crossing. If a variety of the
seed plot is likely to get infected by loose smut then isolation distance of 180 meters
between seed field and other field of wheat is recommended.
(3) Planting time and seed rate :
1) Long duration (late maturing) varieties may be sown during the first fortnight of
2) Short (early) and medium duration varieties may be sown during second fortnight
of November.
3) The seed crop should be sown in rows at spacing of 20 to 22.5 cm to a depth of 5
4) The recommended seed rate for seed crop is 85 to 100 kg /ha.

(4) Cultural practices :

1) Fertilizer: The recommended doses of fertilizer is 80 kg nitrogen, 60 kg
phosphorous and 40 kg potash per hectare. Apply all the quantity of phosphorous
and potash fertilizers at the time of sowing while 50 % quantity of nitrogen at
time of sowing and remaining 50 % nitrogen at the crown root initiation stage i.e.
30 to 35 days after sowing.
2) Irrigation: Depending upon the soil texture and structure about 4 to 6 irrigations
are sufficient. 1st irrigation at 30 to 35 days after sowing and other irrigations at
late tillering, panicle emergence, flowering, milk and dough stages should be
3) Inter-culturing and weeding: Periodically inter culturing and weeding should be
carried out to keep the crop free from weeds. Chemical weedicides like 2,4-D @
0.5 kg a.i. per hectare and pendimethalin @ 1 kg a.i. per hectare in 750 litres of
water should also be used for effective control of weeds.
4) Plant protection :
I. For the control of termites, use chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 2.3 litres/ha
with irrigation water.
II. For control of stem borer apply carbofuran 3 G @ 25 kg/ha two weeks
after germination or spray the crop with endosulfan 35 EC @ 1.5 litres
per hectare.
III. Seed treatment with systemic fungicide should be given for control of
loose smut.
(5) Roguing : Two to three roguing are sufficient
1) 1st roguing may be done at the time of heading to remove off types and
plants infected with loose smut.
2) 2nd roguing should be done just after flowering to remove off types
plants with late flowering based upon ear head (panicle) characters.
3) 3rd roguing should be done at the time of maturity based upon variation
in ear head colour. Colour of awns and ear head types as well as
volunteer plants and weed plants should be removed.
Harvesting and threshing : Harvesting may be done by sickle and threshing with thresher.
Care should be taken to avoid mechanical mixture.
(1) Processing : Wheat seeds should have 9 to 10 percent moisture content for storing
purpose. To maintain good quality of seeds, it should be cleaned, treated with
fungicide and should be properly bagged. The seed should be stored in a dry, clean
and rodent proof warehouse.
(2) Yield : The average seed yield should be between 40 to 45 qtls per hectare.

Minimum seed certification standard

Foundation seed Certified seed
Germination (%) 85 85
Genetic purity (%) 98 98
Inert matter (%) 2 2
Other crop seeds (No./kg) 10 10
Weed seeds (No./kg) 10 10
Diseased seeds (%) 0.05 0.25
Moisture (%) 10 10

Rice (Paddy)
1. Selection of seed plot : The plot should be free from weeds and volunteer plants and
should have not been used for growing the same crop in previous year or season.
Prepare the land with deep ploughing followed by harrowing so that the transplanted
seedlings establish quickly. A plot should be kept flooded for a week or ten days
before transplanting.
2. Isolation chamber : The extent of cross pollination in rice varies from 0 to 6.8 %
hence it is necessary to keep the plot isolated atleast by 3 meters from other rice plot
for pure seed production.
3. Cultural practices : The paddy crop must be grown by direct sowing or by
transplanting. For seed production transplanting method is desirable.
I. Raising nursery : Land selected for paddy nursery should not have paddy as
previous crop to avoid varietal mixture due to volunteer plant. The appropriate
time of sowing nursery for early duration varieties is from 10th to 25th June and
for late duration varieties, it is 25th May to 10th June. Long and narrow nursery
beds (1 m x 10 m) are more ideal. Prepare raise bed to facilitate drainage of
excess water and also to irrigate the nursery uniformly. About 80 to 90 beds of
the size 10 m x 3 m are sufficient for raising seedlings to transplant one hectare of
II. Seed rate : 20 -25 kg for fine grain varieties, 30-35 kg for coarse grain varieties
Seed should be obtained from the source approved by the seed certification
agency. The sowing of seeds in nursery may be carried out in row (line) sowing
or broadcasting may be done. Irrigate the nursery after sowing the seeds.
Recommended plant protection measures and fertilizer application may be made
to raise the seedlings successfully. Keep the nursery free of weeds.
III. Uprooting of seedlings and transplanting : Seedling are ready for transplanting
after 3 to 4 weeks of sowing. Uproot the seedling gently, discard weak, diseased
or those seedlings differing in any way from the original variety. The land should
be puddled either by tractor or by bullock pair and flood it with appropriate water
level to transplant the seedlings. Fertilizer may be applied based on soil test,
however, the fertilizer recommendation is 120-60-00 kg N:P:K for later varieties
and 100-50-00 kg N:P:K for early and mid-late varieties. Apply whole amount of
phosphorus and potash as basal dose at the time of puddling. 50 % nitrogen may
be applied as basal dose while 25 % of nitrogen at tillering stage and 25 % at
panicle initiation stage. If the land is deficient in zinc, apply 15 kg zinc sulphate
per hectare at puddling stage. Spacing should be kept at 20 cm x 15 cm. Maintain
a water level of 2.5 to 5 cm of water till milking stage. Drain excess water when
the crop does reach to physiological maturity.
IV. Weed control. : Keep the crop free from weeds by hand weeding or using
chemical herbicides. Butachlor or benthiocarb @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha 5 to 7 days after
V. Plant protection : Stem borer, brown plant hopper, leaf roller and Gundhi bug
are the major pests of paddy.
a) For the control of stem borer use carbofuran 3 % granules @ 20 kg/ha or
phorate 10 % granules @ 10 kg/ha.
b) For the control of brown plant hopper and leaf roller spray endosulphan 35 EC
@ 1 litre per hectare
c) Disease : Blast, bacterial leaf blight, bacterial leaf streak and brown spot are
the important disease of paddy.
i. For control of blast Hinosan 625 ml per hectare in 625 litres of water
one or two times before panicle emergence and once after panicle
ii. For the control of bacterial leaf blight spray 75 g agrymycine + 500 g
copper oxychloride in 500 litres of water per hectare 3 to 4 times at an
interval of 10 to 15 days.
iii. For control of bacteria leaf streak spray 12 g of streptocycline or 75 g
agromycin in 50 litres of water per hectare at an interval of 10 to 15
iv. For the control of brown spot spray 0.25 percent dithane M-45 or Zineb
after 6 weeks of transplanting at an interval of 10 to 12 days.

4. Roguing : Roguing of off types and volunteer plants should be done once before
flowering and then at flowering and maturity stage. Roguing of wild rice or plants
infested by pests and diseases may be done from time to time as required
5. Harvesting and threshing : It is important to harvest the crop when the seed is ripe.
The moisture content at this stage varies between 17 to 23 percent. Harvest the crop
by sickle or combined harvester. Allow the crop to dry for two to three days till the
moisture content reduce to 12 to 13 percent. Clean the seeds to remove chalf, durt,
empty husks and light seds by winnowing. Store in a gunny bags in a cool and dry
place on wooden racks.
6. The average paddy seed yield should be from 50 to 60 quintals per hectare depending
upon the varieties.
Minimum Seed Certification Standard
Foundation seed Certified seed
Germination (%) 80 80
Genetic purity (%) 98 98
Inert matter (%) 2 2
Other crop seeds (No./kg) 10 20
Weed seeds (No./kg) 10 20
Diseased seeds (%) 0.01 0.05
Moisture (%) 13 13

Seed production of hybrid rice

The successful development and use of hybrid rice technology in china during 1970s
led the way for development and release of rice hybrid. In India 14 rice hybrids have been
bred and released for commercial cultivation by some the state agricultural universities and
private seed companies. Hybrid rice can be produced in the following ways.
(1) Three line system : This involves multiplication of cytoplasmic genetic male sterile
line (A line), maintainer line (B line) and a restorer line (R line). Finally production
F1 hybrid seed (A x R)
(2) Two line approach : This involves the use of photoperiod sensitive genetic male
sterile (PSMS) and any normal line can serve as a restorer.
(3) By using chemical emasculators : Chemicals which act as male gametocytes have
been developed which can sterilize the stamen without affecting the normal
functioning of pistil. These chemicals are used to emasculate female parent for
hybrid rice production. In this method, two varieties are planted in alternate strips
and one is chemically sterilized and pollinated by the other.
Steps involved in seed production :
(1) Selection of seed field : The field should be free of volunteer plant, well leveled,
should have fertile soil with good physical properties and well drainage facilities.
(2) Isolation : The hybrid rice field should be isolated from other paddy fields by 200
meters for foundation seed and 200 meters for hybrid seed production (A x R)
(3) Synchronization of flowering : Synchronizing of flowering of both parents is the
key factor to increase the yield. Technical measure such as staggered planting of
female and male parents may be adjusted to ensure synchronizing the flowering
time. In addition, one or two extra planting of male parents may be done to extend
the time of availability of pollens. Flowering time can be manipulated by additional
fertilizer application and regulation of water in the field.
(4) Methods of improving seed setting :
a) Supplementary pollination : This can be done by pulling the nylon rope back
and forth on the restorer line and panicles of restorer lines are shaken which
helps in transfer of pollen grains.
b) Leaf clipping : Clipping of leaves prior 1-2 days of panicle emergence will
increase the probability of pollination and out crossing so blade of the flag
leaf may be clipped.
c) GA3 application : Spraying of 60 ppm (60 mg/l) solution of GA3 on the female
parent two to three times at the time of panicle emergence will increase
quick exertion of panicle and helps in seed setting.
(5) Roguing : The seed field should be free of rogues (off type plants). Remove off
type plants in the male and female parents. First before panicle initiation and then
soon after emergence of panicles. Rogue out the plants of maintainer lines or semi-
sterile plants from the female parent plot as and when required.
(6) Harvesting and processing : Harvest male rows first to avoid chances of
mechanical mixture. Moisture percentage in the grain at the time of harvesting
should be less than 18 percent for combine harvester or harvested by hand and must
be sun dried to 12 percent for storing purpose. Cleaning of seeds should be done
taking enough care to avoid mixture. Store the seed in cool and dry place.
Minimum seed certification standard
Foundation seed Certified seed
Isolation distance (m) 200 100
Germination (%) 90 90
Genetic purity (%) 98 98
Other crop seeds (No./kg) 10 20
Weed seeds (No./kg) 10 20
Diseased seeds (%) 0.01 0.02
Moisture (%) 13 13

Seed production of composite and synthetic varieties in Pearlmillet (Bajara)

1. Land preparation : One ploughing followed by two harrowing and leveling. Land
should have well drainage capacity. It should be free from volunteer plants and weeds
2. Time of sowing :
Kharif : 2nd fortnight of July
Rabi : Mid October to mid December
3. Isolation : Foundation seed – 400 m
Certified seed – 200 m
4. Source of seed : Obtain foundation seeds from the source approved by the
certification agency.
5. Seed rate, method of sowing and spacing :
a) Direct sowing : 3.5 kg to 5.0 kg, keeping 50 cm spacing between rows.
Thinning should be done at a distance of 10 to 15 cm.
b) Transplanting : 1.5 kg/ha, Spacing : 45 cm between the rows
6. Fertilizer : 50 kg NPK as basal, 25 kg N after 25-30 days of sowing and 25 kg N after
40-45 days of sowing.
7. Irrigation : Irrigate the crop as and when required. If rain is inadequate, 1-2 irrigation
may be given.
8. Weed control : Pre-emergence application of Propazine or Atrazine @ 1 kg/ha and
one hand weeding would be effective to control weeds. One or two inter-culturing
would be sufficient to keep the crop weed-free.
9. Plant protection :
a) White grub and shoot fly : Apply 10 % phorate granules 10-15 kg/ha as soil
application at the time of sowing. Spraying of carbaryl @ 2 kg in 500 litres of
water per hectare would be effective.
b) Red hairy caterpillar, leaf roller, hopper and army worms : Thiodan 35 EC,
1.25 litre/ha in 600 to 800 litres of water.
c) Sucking pests like aphids, jassids can be controlled by Dimethoate 30 percent
@ 250 ml in 500 litres of water per hectare.
d) Earhead midge and blister beetles : Carboryl 50 % @ 3 kg/ha or Malathion 2
% dust @ 15 kg/ha.
e) Smut : Seed treatment with Agrosan 3 gm/one kg seed.
f) Rust : Spray zineb 50 % w.p. 1 kg/ha in 600 litre of water.
g) Ergot : Spray the ears with Ziram (Cuman) 0.15 % or mixture of copper
oxichoride (fytolan) and zineb (Dithane-Z-78) in 1:2 ratio
10. Roguing : Remove off types and volunteer plants identified on the basis of plant
characteristics like stem color, hairiness, plant height, peduncle shape, colour etc.
11. Harvesting : Seed crop should be harvested when it is fully matured. Remove
diseased or damaged ear-head at the time of harvest. Threshing can be done by
thresher. Dry the seed to 10 % moisture before storage.
Production of hybrid seed in Pearlmillet :
The hybrid seed is produced by using cms line and restorer (CGMS concept) as similar to
other cereals.
Important steps are :
a) Maintenance of parental lines, i.e. male sterile line, B line and restorer line.
b) Production of hybrid seed i.e. (A x R)
Planting ratio : Female : male , 4 : 2 rows. Eight border rows of parent should be provided
on all sides of the field or sufficient availability of pollen grains.

Spacing : 75 cms between rows adjust planting by sowing early or late.

Seed rate :
Direct sowing - Female : 1.5 kg/ha and male : 0.75 kg/ha
Transplanting : female : 400 g/ha, male : 200 g/ha
Isolation : 200 meters from other field
Roguing :
a) Start roguing before flowering
b) All off type plants and volunteers must be cut from the ground level or pulled out to
prevent re-growth.
c) Remove off types both from the seed parent and pollinator parents.
d) Remove pollen shedding plants at the time of flowering from the rows of female (seed
e) Seed (female) parent should be rogued at least once a day.
f) Remove diseased plants at the time of harvest.
Harvesting : Harvest male rows first. Keep it separately. Female rows should be harvested
after completion of male rows. The seed should be dried, threshed and cleaned before storage
Seed yield : 3 to 4 qtls/ha
Minimum seed certification standard :
Foundation seed Certified seed
Isolation distance (m) 75 75
Inert matter (%) 2 2
Genetic purity (%) 98 98
Other crop seeds (No./kg) 10 10
Weed seeds (No./kg) 20 20
Diseased seeds (%) 0.02 0.04
Moisture (%) 12 12
Hybrid seed production in maize
Production of hybrid maize seed involves three steps
1. Maintenance of parental lines (Inbreds)
2. Production of single cross
3. Production of commercial hybrids
a) Production of three way cross : (A X B) X C
b) Production of double cross : (A X B) X (C X D)
Maintenance of parental lines and production of single cross are called as foundation
seed production while production of three way cross or double cross is known as certified
Maintenance of inbred lines :
(1) Land requirement (Selection of seed plot) : The soil should be well aerated and
suitable for maize growing. Selected field should be free from volunteer plants and
weed plants. It should have good drainage capacity as maize is sensitive to excess
water as well as drought conditions.
(2) Isolation distance : The seed field of an inbred line must be isolated by not less than
400 m. from any maize field with the same kernel colour and texture and 600 m. from
maize field with different colour and texture.
(3) Seed rate : Female parent : 10 kg/ha, male parent : 5 kg/ha
Ratio - Female : male row ratio should be 4 : 2
Planting time : 2nd week of June to Mid July.
(4) Roguing : Start roguing the distantly tall and vigorous plant when the crop is at knee
light stage. At pre-flowering stage, rogue off plants which are easily identified on the
basis of plant characteristics such as leaf shape, size, plant height etc. Continue
roguing during flowering stage to remove plants differing in tassel or silk character.
Final roguing should be done to remove stalk-rot affected plants.
(5) Harvesting : Maze ears can be harvested when the seed moisture content is around 15
per cent. The male rows are harvested first so as to avoid mixing of male ears with
female ears. After compilation of harvesting of male rows, harvesting of female rows
is carried out. After harvest, sort out all off type maize ears, particularly those
showing different colours and torture and infested by disease.
(6) Processing : Before shelling of maize ears they are once again examined and any off-
type or diseased ear is found, it is removed immediately. Processing for kernel is
carried out at processing plant under the supervision of staff of seed certification
(7) Seed yield: 4-6 Qtl per hectare.
Minimum seed certification standard
Foundation seed
Germination (%) 90
Genetic purity (%) 98
Inert matter (%) 2
Other crop seeds (No./kg) 5
Weed seeds (No./kg) none
Diseased seeds none
Moisture (%) 12
Hybrid seed production in sorghum
The hybrid sorghum seed is produced by utilizing cytoplasmic genetic male sterility.
The steps involved in hybrid seed production are as under.
1. Maintenance of parental lines i.e. line A carrying cytoplasmic genetic male
sterility. Line B male fertile (maintainer lines of A) and R line i.e. restorer line
used as male parent for the purpose of producing hybrid seed male fertile, pollen
restoring line.
2. Production of hybrid seed : This involves crossing of male sterile line A with
restorer line (R line) to produce hybrid seeds. The maintenance of parental lines is
known as foundation seed production and the production of hybrid seed is known
as certified seed production.
Maintenance of male sterile lines (Line A)
I. The male sterile line (line A) carried male sterility due to cytoplasmic genetic factors.
It is maintained by crossing with male fertile non-pollen restoring line (non-restorer
line) in an isolated plot. The isolation distance kept is 400 meters. In a crossing field
the planting ratio of line A and B is 4 : 2. Four to six border rows of line B are planted
all around the seed plot. The seed harvested from line A is male sterile and is used for
hybrid seed production as a female parent and for further maintenance of line A. The
seed harvested from line B is pollen fertile and may be used in further maintenance of
line A.
II. Seed rate, spacing and planting ratio :
Seed rate : Female line (Line A) 8 kg/ha
Male line (Line B) 4 kg/ha
Spacing : 75 x 10 cm
Ratio : Female line to male line ratio is 4 : 2.
III. Roguing : It is very important for quality seed production. Before flowering remove
all off type plants from both seed parent and pollinator parent. Roguing may be
strated before off type, volunteers and pollen shedders in female rows start shedding
pollens. At flowering roguing should be done every day to remove pollen shedding
plants in the female rows. Pre-harvest roguing i.e. the field should be thoroughly
rogued before harvesting and after the seed has matured to the stage when we can
identify the true plant and seed characters easily. The roguing of diseased heads
should also be done critically.
IV. Harvesting : Harvest male rows (B lines) first and keep their ear heads separate. The
female rows (A line) should be harvested after completion of harvesting of B lines.
Production of hybrid seed :
Hybrid seed is produced by crossing male sterile line (line A) with specified restorer
line (line R) in an isolated field. This is hybrid seed that is to be sold to farmers.
i. Selection of seed plot : The land should be free from volunteer plants and weed
plants. There should be no Johnson grass in the seed field or within the isolation
distance. The field should be well drained.
ii. Isolation distance :
Foundation seed Certified seed
From field of other 200 m 100 m
sorghum varieties
Johnson grass 400 m 400 m
Forage sorghum 400 m 400 m
iii. Spacing , planting ratio, seed rate :
Spacing : 75 to 90 x 10 cm
Planting ratio : Female to male rows ratio 4 : 2, and four
border rows of male parent in all the sides of the
Seed rate : female parent 8 kg/ha
Male parent 4 kg/ha
iv. Synchronization flowering time in male and female parent : Perfect
synchronization of flowering time between male and female parent is most
important. Differential flowering time may result in non-synchronization of the
parents which may result into poor seed set, hence knowledge regarding flowering
habit of the parent is very useful for planning of suitable staggering to ensure
nicking and there by maximum seed set.
v. Roguing : During vegetative growth stage, before flowering remove all off type
plants from the rows of both female and male parents. Start roguing before off
type plants, volunteer plants and pollen shedders in female rows start shedding
pollens. At flowering and during flowering period roguing should be done every
day to remove pollen shedding plants from the female rows. Pre-harvest roguing
before harvesting and after maturity roguing should be done thoroughly and ear
heads infested with the disease should be removed.
vi. Harvesting and threshing : Harvest male rows any time after the maturity prior to
harvest the female rows. Remove the produce of the male parent from the seed
field before harvesting the female rows to avoid the mixture. The threshing
machine may be thoroughly cleaned before threshing the female ear heads to
avoid mechanical mixture.
vii. Seed yield : Average seed yield of 4 to 6 quintals per hectare.

Minimum Seed Certification Standard

Foundation seed Certified Seed
Germination (%) 75 75
Genetic purity (%) 98 98
Inert matter (%) 2 2
Other crop seeds (No./kg) 5 10
Weed seeds (No./kg) 5 10
Diseased seeds 0.02 % 0.04 %
Moisture (%) 12 12

Hybrid seed production in Sorghum:

✓ For any large-scale seed production of hybrid sorghum, cytoplasmic male sterile
lines are required.
✓ Cytoplsmic male sterile lines like CK-60, MSCK-60A, MS-2219, MS-2077A,
PMS-1063A etc. are available which can also be introduced into the local
varieties through repeated backcrossing.

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