How To Mentor
How To Mentor
How To Mentor
Mentors and mentees alike need to understand what good practice looks like, as the results of
PERHAPS you are new to the idea of mentoring, maybe you are a seasoned mentor, or
you might be a potential mentee looking for a mentor. Whether you are part of a formal
mentoring programme, or just curious about the prospect of informal mentoring, being
schemes, as mentoring becomes recognised for its positive potential. It therefore makes sense
to consider how to be a good mentor – not just to raise your game, but because there is potential
to do damage if you get it wrong. In other words, a poor mentor, even with good intentions,
What is mentoring?
The essence of mentoring is about helping people to help themselves. The mentor should be in
themselves’ implies that responsibility for progress lies with the mentee. This is a very
important point that we shall return to shortly. The context usually relates to professional
development, and the framework takes the form of a mutually-agreed mentoring relationship.
This relationship might be part of a formal company scheme, or it might be an informal
arrangement between colleagues. It might be internal, involving a mentor and mentee from the
same organisation, or it might be external, where the mentor might be from outside the
mentee’s organisation.
So is mentoring the same as coaching? Some people use the terms interchangeably, and there
is certainly some overlap. The main distinctions are summarised in Table 1. The key difference
for our purposes is that mentoring implies a more long-term, or open-ended relationship in
which the mentor can draw on their knowledge or experience of the field to help the mentee.
Coaching is often short-term, with a specific focus. The coach does not necessarily require
relevant or specialised knowledge of the field, but relies on coaching skills to get results.
Effective mentoring therefore involves combining knowledge and experience, coupled with
proficient coaching skills. We will say more about coaching skills shortly.
The benefits of good mentoring are far-reaching. The positive impact on the mentee’s
stepping into a new role, or identifying and acquiring new skills. However, there are also
mentoring follow logically in terms of increased staff motivation, productivity and creativity;
better staff recruitment and retention; and reduced stress, grievances, and absenteeism.
The positive feature of organisational benefits of mentoring is that they can be quantified. But
what’s in it for the mentor? Well, apart from the great satisfaction that comes from helping
others, mentoring adds value to the mentor too. It introduces you to new perspectives,
encourages you to reflect on your own professional development, and sharpens your
interpersonal skills.
Wouldn’t it be good to have a ten-point checklist procedure or approach for effective mentoring
that we can apply, like we would in design or fault-finding? Mentoring approaches exist, but
like any tool, they require skilled use. The challenge in using these tools arises because
mentoring is dynamic and unpredictable, and every mentoring relationship is unique. Proficient
which the qualities and skills of the mentor are only a part of the picture (see Figure 1).
To be effective, we need to tune in to the other factors that contribute to the relationship before
This relates to systemic factors that influence and frame the mentoring relationship. Typical
factors include the nature of the working environment, any formal mentoring remit, and
specific challenges such as getting Chartered. These factors are usually fixed, and therefore the
mentor has to be aware of them and work with them, or around them.
An effective mentoring relationship is built on a platform for developing trust. This platform
is guided by ethics surrounding issues such as confidentiality, fairness and autonomy. At the
start of a mentoring relationship, these issues should be discussed, agreed, and formalised if
The mentee
It’s important to appreciate that the other partner in the mentoring relationship will have a
unique starting point, and will show up with varying levels of commitment, clarity, confidence
and independence. This feedstock variability creates a huge challenge for the mentor, who must
be sufficiently perceptive and flexible to adapt to the mentee, and help them clarify their agenda
and targets.
The tangible outcome of mentoring can be valued by the extent of action taken and changes
made, when compared against the mentee’s initial goals or objectives. However, there are likely
to be intangible outcomes that are difficult to measure. These might relate to increased
confidence and wellbeing, or clarity and assurance that comes from discussing options. It is
important for the mentor to encourage the mentee to reflect on the tangible and intangible
The mentor
Expanding on our original concept of helping people to help themselves, the mentor’s role is
to facilitate learning and development in a supportive and challenging manner. This is easier
said than done, and requires a combination of qualities and skills along with a suitable
approach. Let’s briefly get to grips with these concepts before expanding on mentoring skills
and approaches.
Mentor qualities
These are individual attributes such as style, personality, experience and wisdom. An effective
mentor would be aware of their qualities and deploy those that would enhance the mentoring
relationship, and withhold those that will detract or distract. For example, a mentor with
relevant practical experience might share it with the mentee in an anecdotal way. The use of
mentor qualities in the relationship is one of the main distinctions between mentoring and
Mentor skills
We can distinguish between core skills and practical skills. Core skills are based around
effective communication, and are essential in order for the mentor to connect and build a
rapport with the mentee. These skills take a lifetime to learn. Practical skills on the other hand,
relate to various tools and techniques that the mentor can deploy to facilitate the mentoring
process. They are easily learned, or may be already familiar to you. A tool like SWOT analysis
for example, is familiar to many. However, the real skill comes in using the right tool at the
right time, and in being able to make sense of the outcome, so you can suggest what tool to use
next. We will cover some useful tools towards the end of the article.
Mentoring approach
This is a structure, framework or philosophy that guides the mentoring process. A number of
approaches are available, each with various features and merits. Some of the commonly-
encountered approaches are listed in Table 2. Becoming proficient in any of these approaches
takes time, training, and practice. Even professional coaches might only master two or maybe
three approaches. However, anyone new to mentoring can be effective, even with a basic
awareness of a mentoring approach. Probably the most accessible and relevant approach for
So far, we have examined the concepts behind mentoring, and considered the various factors
that are involved. It’s now time to examine in depth the core skills required when we are face-
to-face with a mentee. These skills enable us to establish a rapport quickly, to put the mentee
at ease, and to know when to push and challenge the mentee, and when to support and
encourage. Let’s be clear, we cannot obtain these skills by reading. They are acquired by
A good place to start is with Carl Rogers, the founder of modern coaching and mentoring
practice. He identified the three core conditions of empathy, authenticity, and respect that
Empathy is the ability to put ourselves into the mental shoes of another person, to understand
their emotions, feelings, and expectations. This concept underpins all communication, and is
particularly vital in mentoring. If we are not aware of the emotions of our mentee, we are going
to get an incomplete picture of the situation, our input is likely to be insensitive, and the mentee
is not going to feel valued and respected. We can develop our ability to empathise by careful
listening and using body language. Using these principles, a good mentor will be able to pick
up subtle changes in the mentee’s emotional state. We will explore listening and body language
Authenticity involves being your genuine self, and is important as it allows trust to develop. It
can also help to defeat negative attitudes. A warm and genuine approach allows the mentee to
feel valued, which in turn builds self-esteem. Having a sincere interest in the development of
your mentee has great power. Faking a sincere interest is transparent and leads to a lack of trust
considered that this was an important requirement to enable people to grow and fulfil their
potential. The mentor may not approve of the mentee’s actions, values, or decisions, but they
Having at least an awareness of Rogers' core conditions should help you take your first steps
in the right direction as a mentor. Part of your development as a mentor should involve growing
in authenticity, respect, and in your ability to empathise using careful listening and fluency in
Most people would claim to be good listeners. Ask yourself when was the last time you really
focussed on what someone was saying, trying to understand them completely, without
interrupting. Now ask yourself the reverse question; when was the last time someone listened
to you in this way, giving their undivided attention, really seeking to understand. The answer
to both questions for most people is “never”. This level of focussed listening is what is required
for effective mentoring. It has two immediate benefits. First, the mentor gets the full
information, including facts and feelings, and so is able to empathise. Secondly, the very act of
listening carefully to someone makes them feel valued, un-rushed, and promotes creative
thought. This is why sometimes listening attentively to someone can help them solve a problem.
The challenge to attentive listening, particularly for engineers, is that we tend towards
diagnostic listening. We focus on the facts, and our mind is already working on trouble-
shooting and problem solving. Immediately our attention is not on the speaker, and we are
missing valuable information. A mentor needs to steer away from this natural problem-solving
tendency, and listen to the person. Remember, we are trying to help people to help themselves.
We can do this best by soaking up everything they say, and perhaps reflecting it back to them
The other potential challenge to attentive listening for a mentor is that we have to suspend our
own agenda. This goes against the grain because we are accustomed to competing to get our
ideas heard and our solutions adopted. Usually in a meeting, we are on the lookout for occasions
to shine, to show our knowledge. This approach has no place in effective mentoring. First, it
means we are not fully listening to the mentee if we are focussing on ourselves. Secondly, and
more fundamentally, we are missing the point that mentoring is about helping other people,
Body language
We communicate our emotions and feelings through body language. Having at least an
awareness of body language helps us in everyday communication, whether we are speaking to
senior staff, colleagues, or junior staff. Body language is particularly important for mentors
because, when coupled with attentive listening, it helps us to empathise. Most of us have an
awareness of body language through differences in facial expression and posture. A good
mentor builds on this by developing an awareness of the dynamics, noticing subtle body
language changes that might suggest a positive or negative response to an idea, for example. A
good mentor also uses their own body language to put the mentee at ease and to help build a
rapport. Body language fluency is something that can be developed, just by being aware of it.
A note of caution however: people from different cultural backgrounds use different body
Now we have examined the core skills required for mentoring, let’s take a look in detail at one
of the more accessible and relevant mentoring approaches. Egan’s skilled helper model4 is an
ideal framework for mentoring, and is widely used. It is disarmingly simple, being based on
3. How might you get what you want? (the way forward)
Each stage involves three steps that help to answer the question fully. The model is easily
We make progress through the model by moving from left to right, enabling the mentee to take
appropriate action that leads to valued outcomes. Notice that we might jump back and forth
between the steps in each stage as required, to gain clarity or to explore ideas further.
Stage 1 is about clarifying the issues that are driving the desire to change. In the first step, the
mentor builds rapport, and encourages the mentee to describe the current situation. The second
step is about ensuring that the mentee does not overlook any perspectives, and challenges any
assumptions that might be restricting. The third step encourages the mentee to summarise the
whole picture, to focus on the most important issues, and to prioritise what to work on.
Stage 2 is about encouraging the mentee to focus on the preferred picture; to imagine possible
ways forward, to set some goals or objectives, and to check that the goals are appropriate. In
step 1, we adopt classical creative thinking by suspending judgement and generating as many
ideas as possible. In step 2, we take our ideas and set an agenda for change. In step 3, we get
Stage 3 is about planning a way forward. In step 1, again we think creatively about the various
ways in which the mentee could achieve their goal. In step 2, we help the mentee to discover
the most suitable strategy for them. In step 3, we encourage the mentee to draw up a plan for
important to remember that the mentoring process should start wherever the mentee is, and
follow their agenda. Your mentee might show up requiring step 1 of stage 1 to help them
identify what’s going on. They might show up very clear on what they are about, and just need
step 3 of stage 3 to help them plan their next move. However, they are most likely to show up
somewhere in between these two states. The experienced practitioner of the skilled helper
model will be able to locate quickly the mentee’s position in the matrix and be able to chart a
way forwards. Depending on the situation, some stages or steps of the model may require no
discussion; others may take several sessions to explore. A certain amount of iteration may
occur, within a stage, or between stages. The model merely provides a guiding framework with
points of reference.
Potential problems
To complete these ideas on mentoring, let’s take a look at some potential problems and collect
Sometimes mentees might be assigned to a mentor automatically, or assigned with the intention
of rectifying perceived problems such as poor performance. In these cases, the mentee might
be reluctant to engage with the process. This is a real challenge. It is useful to start from the
viewpoint that people can change if they choose to, and help them to discover the benefits of
having a mentor. Rogers’ core skills of empathy, respect, and genuineness are essential here.
Don’t take it personally. Be there for them and be prepared to help when they are ready for it,
too much effort, perhaps they are out of their depth with the nature of the challenges, or perhaps
there is a clash of ideologies or values. Alternatively, the mentee may feel over-challenged or
structured. Maybe they just feel that the mentor is not sufficiently on their wavelength.
Review meetings are a good way of identifying problems. Mentors can raise their concerns in
a non-judgemental way and work towards a solution jointly with the mentee. Useful questions
that explore the mentee’s view might be: What am I doing that is helping you? What am I doing
that is getting in the way? If there was something you would like to change about the way we
Giving advice is not recognised as one of the skills or qualities of effective mentors. However,
there is often great temptation to offer advice to the mentee, especially given the level of
professional experience and knowledge of the mentor. Beware of giving advice for the
following reasons:
• It can create dependence and reduce the resourcefulness and autonomy of the mentee.
The mentor/manager
Can a mentor be the mentee’s manager? This represents a potential conflict of interests if the
mentor/manager were to confuse the roles. It would be difficult to make unbiased management
decisions, appraisals or assessments. The mentee may feel reluctant to discuss areas of
weakness or dissatisfaction with the mentor/manager. Ethical considerations must play a big
Some mentees would naturally choose their manager as their mentor due to their respect for
their experience or integrity. In this case there is a tendency for the learning relationship to be
The mentor/friend
Can you be a mentor to a friend? This is really about setting clear boundaries and flagging up
when you are in the mentor/mentee role. It is therefore important that the mentoring meetings
occur in a set location at a set time and for a set duration. Some people may be able to flip
easily between the roles of mentor/mentee and friends; others may struggle with the split. It is
probably an issue that is worthwhile discussing. Remember also that as a mentor you have a
life-long responsibility to the mentee regarding confidentiality, and this needs guarding
carefully to preserve the trust, long after you have moved on from the mentoring relationship.
bereavement, or relationships, for example. This is way beyond the remit of mentoring. Do not
just “have a go” at helping them, first because you can do real damage to the mentee’s
wellbeing, and secondly the burden may well have a negative impact on you.
Suggest to your mentee that they seek the right kind of support from a trained counsellor. This
Reaping rewards
Helping others to help themselves can be really rewarding for all involved. I hope this has
inspired you to consider mentoring, and has given you some guidance on how to get started in
mentoring or how you might raise your mentoring game. Remember that mentoring is learned
through experience, and by self-reflection. It’s constructive to ask your mentee for feedback to
help you improve. As a final thought, the single most important quality a mentor can exhibit is
a genuine interest in the welfare and success of the mentee. If this isn’t in place, the success of
In a prelude to IChemE’s centenary celebrations, IChemE Fellow Martin Pitt charts the
materials on a scale which is useful to society, not just an individual. The first requirement
acknowledge the deeper roots of our discipline, which you could argue stretch back
thousands of years. Here we look at the organised chemical transformations that have
been essential to the development of civilisation ever since, starting with the earliest cities
The -OH groups on silicate polymers are dehydrated by heat to give strong -O- crosslinks and
a rigid waterproof structure. This allowed storage and transport of food and drink, and began
trade. For most of human history, cultures are identified by the shards of pottery left behind.
The making of pottery opens the door on various other key developments. Baked clay tablets
show the first known writing. And pottery enabled brewing, the first biochemical process. The
ancient Egyptians produced beer on an industrial scale, giving pyramid workers 5 L/d.
Ancient pottery and clay tablet with cuneiform writings
Brick pottery kilns were the first industrial chemical reactors, converting copper carbonate to
copper in a high temperature reducing atmosphere. Tin can be produced in the open air.
Combining the two in the correct ratio produces bronze, a new substance superior to its
components. Both pottery and bronze require mastery of energy – the other component of
chemical engineering – and for success the processes must be controlled, a critical skill.
(Bracelets) Jozefsu/Wikimedia Commons
Late Bronze Age bracelets and axe head
The Egyptians heated the rock gypsum CaSO4.2H2O, dehydrating it to CaSO4.0.5H2O. The
powder mixed with water turned back to rock. This was used with sand as mortar in their
but the reducing agent is carbon, not carbon monoxide. So a careful arrangement and control
of charcoal and ore in a furnace was required. The Philistine giant Goliath is described in The
Bible as having an iron-tipped spear which would have pierced bronze armour. Those
civilisations which mastered it had a huge advantage in warfare and later in technology.
chemical processes to make a new wonder substance – paper. This was another enabling
technology, which meant that a vast empire could be governed by a civil service using written
messages, contracts and proclamations. By 750 CE, there was a major paper industry in the
Islamic world so scholars could record knowledge from the ancient civilisations and science as
it began to be practised. Even later, Caxton’s printing press would have something other than
animal skins to print upon. The success of printing is normally credited to the mechanical
process, but as so often through history, it is the chemical engineering process which meant it
CaO. With water, this reacts to give a solid CaOH which had been used for mortar for some
time. However, by mixing it with volcanic ash a slow reaction takes place giving a complex
calcium silicate reaching full strength in 90 days, and lasting for centuries.
poo. The possession of gunpowder technology became a defining factor in world history, itself
dependent on access to resources of nitrate minerals (fossilised bird poo) and sulfur. Plus the
The Germans developed a method for making nitre from urine, involving biological and
chemical processes. Queen Elizabeth paid a considerable sum of money to purchase the details.
This chemical process and the development of expertise in particle technology made British
gunpowder a reliable and economic product, without which the British Empire would never
have existed.
Extensive production and use of metals was accompanied by industrial processes described in
the book De re metallica. These included unit operations including crystallisation and
distillation, and the manufacture and purification of acids, bases and salts.
Purification of Sulfur (from De re metallica)
De re metallica describes the distillation of silver and nitric acid. However, it was the demand
for alcoholic liquor which promoted the development of this unit operation on increasing
scales. In 1822 a column still was introduced in Ireland, and it was an improved version of this
by Aeneas Coffey which was the basis for the columns used for the early American oil industry.
A lush growth of weeds on and around the nitre process for gunpowder and a new scientific
attitude led to the realisation that nitrogen was important for crop growth. This contributed to
the Agricultural Revolution in which nitrogen compounds and mineral phosphate and
potassium greatly increased yields. Nowadays the nitrogen compounds are produced by the
Haber process, and this and fertilisers are an important part of the chemical industry.
By what was called double burning of limestone and clay and grinding, a powder was obtained
which reacted with water to make cement the equal of the Roman one, but faster setting and
much cheaper because it is from very common materials. Today, globally, the concrete made
with Portland Cement is the industrial substance used in the largest amount.
Mauveine was the first synthetic dye, effectively the rare royal purple. Queen Victoria had one
of the first dresses dyed this colour. Other colours quickly followed and the modern dye
in 1922. Visit IChemE’s dedicated centenary website (ChemEng Evolution) for more historical
2022 marks IChemE’s centenary year, and each month has a dedicated theme and an
accompanying webinar that members are encouraged to attend. These webinars will
focus on the future opportunities and challenges facing chemical engineers and the
profession. February’s theme is sustainability, and the webinar on 16 February will see a
panel of experts discuss the challenges associated with consumption. A key question they
will address is: What will define the sustainable chemical engineer’s approach to these
Currently, global production and consumption levels are estimated to be overshooting the
planet’s biocapacity by about 50% each year. With standards of living on the rise, there is an
obvious need to change the way the planet’s material resources are used, and there is a prime
Rangarajan, CEO of OGCI Climate Investments; and Mark Apsey, Chair of IChemE’s Energy
Community of Practice to hear their thoughts and pose your own questions on what these
Topics of discussion are expected to include the ethical responsibilities of chemical engineers
when it comes to sustainable development; acting as an honest broker; designing and building
Blogging on the topic, IChemE member Nikolay Cherkasov, who is Managing Director of Stoli
Chem and was part of the editorial panel looking at sustainability and environment, wrote:
“Chemical engineering has an outstanding track record for solving major environmental
problems. The solutions range from contributing to feeding the world’s population (through
the development of the Haber-Bosch process for producing synthetic fertilisers), to delivering
sustainable energy for power and transport, and safe drinking water to minimise disease.”
He added: “We welcome curiosity, debate and conversation – everyone is invited to participate.
Register now to reserve your place. If you are unable to join live, a recording will be available
via the ChemEng Evolution website after the event.”
IN THIS series, we speak to chemical engineers working outside of the fossil fuel sectors
to highlight the breadth of opportunities open to those just starting their careers or
Todd Cline is the Director of Research & Development for Global Fabric Care at consumer
goods company Procter and Gamble. Given the array of products P&G makes, it’s quite likely
you have at least one at home whether its Oral B toothpaste, Olay skin cream, Aussie shampoo
or Pampers nappies. Currently Cline’s main responsibility is leading the technical organisation
of the company’s efforts to achieve its Ambition 2030 sustainability goals for North America
“This includes our work to design products that help consumers lead more sustainable lives,
such as by washing clothes in cold water or through recyclable packaging, and to reduce the
change, with an ambition of being net zero by 2040. We are a science-based company, and the
number one driver of carbon footprint of laundry products is how consumers use them. Almost
70% of the total carbon footprint is due to the energy used to heat the water. So we are very
focused on creating products that can be used in cold water, and educating consumers on the
many benefits of cold washes including reduced carbon footprint, reduced utility costs, and
“We are also committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our raw materials and packaging
by 40% per use of product by 2030, while still maintaining exceptional cleaning in cold water.
This is no small feat! Beyond climate we have significant efforts under way on circularity and
reducing plastic waste, and assuring quality of water systems as well, because our detergents
I am very passionate about the outdoors, and I love that I get to focus on being part of the
“As an avid trail runner and skier, I am very passionate about the outdoors, and I love that I get
to focus on being part of the solution for climate change in a meaningful way.
“Our aspiration on Tide is to get 75% of laundry loads in North America washed on cold by
2030. Changing how people do laundry may not sound especially meaningful, but that change
will avoid more than 27m t of CO2 that would be created from heating water. I truly appreciate
how my work lines up so well with my passions, and the large-scale impact we can have
because we reach so many consumers. It all starts with having products that excel in washing
on cold, which gets back to many basics of chemistry and chemical engineering.”
Todd graduated with a Bachelor’s in chemical engineering from the University of Kentucky,
US, and then obtained a Master’s in business administration at Xavier University, US. He has
“One is becoming much more proficient in data analysis and statistics compared to the level
we applied in undergraduate studies, as we are a very data driven company. The second is how
to take very complex data and technical learning and find ways to effectively communicate
them so colleagues across the business can fully engage and act on them. And finally, in recent
years, learning the science of life cycle analysis to upskill in the sustainability space.”
“One of the key things I learned studying chemical engineering is creative technical problem
solving – regardless of the type of problem you’re facing. Much of my work today is focused
on consumer insights and behaviour, and strategies to reduce carbon footprint, so not
specifically what I studied in my chemical engineering courses. But the methods of developing
technical depth and creative problem solving apply incredibly well to the work we do in R&D.”
“I think there is a strong demand for candidates with experience and passion in application of
green chemistry thinking and also understanding of life cycle assessment and how to act on it.
“We must find ways to deliver more sustainable products – especially lower carbon footprint
– without asking consumers to make trade-offs in performance and cost. I think chemical
engineers can play a key role in how we develop and combine technologies to create materials
and products, and manufacturing processes to tackle these challenges. There are many exciting
new spaces such as carbon capture and transformation where chemical engineers can play a
What advice would you give to a recent graduate or early careers chemical engineer who wants
“Be ready for regular reinvention. We move to different product categories, technologies, and
then starting over again. The basic technical problem-solving skills we learn as chemical
engineers serve us well as we continually learn and reinvent throughout our careers.
“My journey has taught me that graduation was not the end of my learning, but just the start.
My studies in chemical engineering equipped me to enter my career and do the regular learning
and reinvention required as my role changes and in response to external forces. So be prepared
for the fun of continuous learning throughout your career, and look for opportunities to learn
Article by Jonathan Wright CEng MIChemE, Peter Voigt, Gerrit Boersma and LiAnn
Jonathan Wright and colleagues explain how their IChemE Award-winning ion exchange and
often struggle to meet the ever-tightening nitrate limits being mandated around the
To overcome this issue, Clean TeQ Water has developed a new process that won the IChemE
2021 Awards Biochemical Engineering category and went on to win the Outstanding
of our innovative continuous ionic filtration and encapsulated bacteria technologies, that
removes nitrate to very low levels and converts it to nitrogen gas. The process is already being
successfully implemented to treat nitrate from wastewater from coal mines and steel facilities
High concentrations of NOx (nitrate and nitrite forms of nitrogen) in waterways can be caused
by fertiliser runoff, and discharge from industrial and municipal treatment plants. Even
moderate nitrate concentrations can lead to eutrophication of natural water bodies, causing
algal blooms that severely harm the aquatic environment. In 2020 alone, the Harmful Algae
Event Database (HAEDAT)1 reported almost 600 harmful algal bloom events globally, and the
US EPA’s 2013-2014 National Rivers and Streams Assessment2 rated 43% of rivers and
Governments and authorities are now acting to avoid long-term knock-on effects to their clean
water resources
Infant methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) has well-established links to high nitrate
levels and is one of the main reasons for nitrate concentration limits being set for drinking
water around the world. Recent literature reviews of over 30 global epidemiologic studies have
found increasing links to various forms of cancer, even when concentrations are below the
For these reasons, governments and water authorities around the world are placing increasingly
strict regulations on nitrate concentrations in waters for discharge to the environment, and for
drinking. These stricter limits are appearing at the same time as nitrate levels in agricultural
and water-stressed areas are increasing, leading the need to urgently upgrade water treatment
For too long, nitrogen issues have been growing unnoticed, and governments and authorities
are now acting to avoid long-term knock-on effects to their critical and ever-declining clean
water resources. Conventional bacteria treatment methods such as CAS (conventional activated
sludge), BNR (biological nutrient removal), MBBR (moving bed bio-reactor), and MBR
(membrane bio-reactor) are struggling to reduce effluent nitrate concentrations below the 1
mg/L limit that regulators are requiring. While reverse osmosis and ion exchange can treat to
these concentrations, they produce large volumes of waste that can be difficult to manage.
Wetlands can be effective for nutrient reduction but have extremely large footprints and are
We have designed BIONEX specifically to deal with these nitrate issues in an environmentally
friendly and cost-effective manner. By combining two of our innovative water treatment
technologies, continuous ionic filtration (CIF), and lens encapsulated bacteria (BIOCLENS),
the process electively removes nitrate/nitrite from water sources and converts it to harmless
nitrogen gas.
How does continuous ionic filtration work?
Continuous ionic filtration is a continuous ion exchange technology where ion exchange resin
is continuously moved around the system for regeneration. Water treatment occurs in the
adsorption column, which uses a moving packed bed of ion exchange resin. It can be likened
to the continuous sand filtration process; however, the ion exchange resin continuously
removes dissolved ions through ion exchange while simultaneously filtering solids if required.
In BIONEX, continuous ionic filtration is used to exchange nitrate ions for chloride ions on a
strong base anionic resin that has strong nitrate selectivity in the presence of competing anions,
such as sulfate. The unique counter-current movement of resin in the continuous ionic filtration
system results in higher equilibrium loading concentration of nitrate to be achieved on the resin
and consistently remove nitrate to <1 ppm. It also ensures there are minimal effects of fouling,
which is a limiting factor when using batch ion exchange systems, particularly in wastewaters
where bacteria and sludge can be present. Wash water is recovered and reused by the process
Contaminated water flows in through the base of adsorption columns and leaves out of the top
through screening elements. Resin loaded with nitrate is periodically lifted pneumatically from
the base of the adsorption column into the separate desorption and washing stages, also
operated in counter- current fashion, and progressively removes contaminants and desorbs the
nitrate from the resin into a nitrate rich salt brine. This leaves washed, nitrate-free regenerated
Figure 2: BIOCLENS schematic
Lens encapsulated bacteria are living bacteria which are encapsulated in a stable, porous
polymer gel matrix. As the lenses are stirred in a reactor, water and dissolved impurities diffuse
through the lenses and come in contact with the bacteria, where targeted reactions occur.
Specifically-selected bacteria with high nitrification or denitrification activity are used in the
lenses, resulting in high removal activity. The encapsulation protects bacteria in saline
environments and from potentially toxic compounds in the feed. The compact and regulated
conditions of the bioreactor also promote complete reactions which means potentially lower
nitrous oxide emissions. Nitrous oxide produced by lens encapsulated bacteria is currently
being measured in pilot plant and will be measured in the most recent full-scale plant; results
Denitrification is the process of converting nitrate/nitrite to harmless nitrogen gas. The lens
encapsulated bacteria process uses nitrate-reducing bacteria that act as the biocatalyst. The
process is performed under anoxic conditions with dissolved oxygen concentration less than
0.5 ppm. In depleted oxygen environments, nitrate is the primary target for bacteria. The
When degrading nitrate (NO3-), it is first reduced to nitrite (NO2-) by an enzyme within the
bacteria, and which in turn is then enzymatically converted to nitrogen gas (N2). A carbon
source is required for the reactions to occur, and typically acetate is used. If there are simple
organic substrates present in the water these can also be used as a carbon source. Since bacteria
are encapsulated, as opposed to being free cell (as used in traditional treatment technologies),
they remain protected in harsh environments and can cope with high ammonia and nitrate
concentrations and osmotic pressures that are seen in salt-laden brines. Testing has shown that
extremely high activity rates are still observed in the presence of high salt concentrations.
Figure 3: BIOCLENS SEM imaging of the inner porous matrix which entraps microorganisms
The BIOCLENS system typically has one or two agitated reactors using a specific mixing blade
design and a proprietary screening system to retain the lens carriers inside the tanks, as shown
in Figure 4. Other components include process and chemical tanks, dosing systems and
The process diagram of a BIONEX system can be seen in Figure 5. The concentrated nitrate
brine stream from desorption is treated by lens encapsulated bacteria, typically removing nitrate
to under 10 mg/L. The brine is then filtered, and returned to the desorption column, where it is
reused for resin regeneration. Less than 1% of the feed flow is purged from the brine loop in
order to prevent buildup of contaminants. The waste stream typically has a TDS of 10,000
mg/L with 10 mg/L nitrate. In most cases, the small waste stream can either be returned
upstream to the front of the wastewater treatment plant and/or can be blended with the product
Salt usage is minimised since most of the brine is reused and not discharged. This is often a
downfall of batch ion exchange processes where high volumes of nitrate-bearing brines are
discharged from the system and need to be managed. The recycling of the brine reduces the
opex of the process with typical treatment costs of US$0.10–0.15/m3 water treated, compared
to typically US$0.15–0.20/m3 for conventional ion exchange and reverse osmosis, and
temperature, hydraulic residence time, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, mass-to-volume ratio of
catalyst, carbon source type, and carbon-to-nitrogen, to be established. Results have shown that
activity rates of the biocatalyst are consistently high, depending on influent nitrogen levels, and
at low levels of catalyst loading can yield even higher activity rates of greater than 5,000 mg
Further process development and testing that we carried out has resulted in the ability
of BIONEX to be tuned to provide a unique sulfate desorption step to ensure low nitrate levels
can be maintained consistently when sulfate-to-nitrate ratios in the feed are high, enabling a
high degree of nitrate polishing to be sustained during long-term operation, without producing
A pilot-scale project was carried out in Taiping, China, treating up to 100 kL/d of industrial
wastewater containing 15 ppm NO3-N and to reduce it to less than 1.5 ppm. For this plant a
fixed-bed ion exchange system was used, and the waste brine was treated with lens
encapsulated bacteria. It was found that the fixed bed resin quickly suffered from extensive
concept to a client whose current wetland treatment plant is struggling to reach <3 ppm nitrate.
The pilot plant treats up to 100 m3/d. The continuous ionic filtration plant is seen on the left
of Figure 6, while the two stages of lens encapsulated bacteria reactors are seen on the right. A
proprietary self-cleaning screen keeps the lenses within the reactor whilst allowing treated
water to pass through (see Figure 7). The bioreactors have a 2-hour residence time at 25°C.
Carbon dosing is controlled to optimise the activity of the lens encapsulated bacteria reactors.
Figure 7: (L-R) photos of the continuous ionic filtration skid, BIOCLENS reactors, and screen
used in the pilot
The results in Figure 8 show the nitrate consistently removed to less than 1 ppm (undetectable
levels), apart from three instances during periods of maintenance/shutdown. This resulted in a
brine, containing 200 ppm nitrate being fed to the lens encapsulated bacteria reactors.
Figure 8: Feed and effluent nitrate concentrations to the plant over a 6-month period
Figure 9 shows the activity of the lens encapsulated bacteria reactors over time. After a few
days for bacteria to acclimatise from cold storage, the two-staged reactor system consistently
removed nitrate in the desorption brine to <10 ppm, which allows for efficient regeneration of
the loaded resin in the continuous ion exchange system. The two-stage system was optimised
by reducing the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, with the activity rates seen across both reactors
peaking at around 1,000 mg NOx-N/kgh at higher carbon levels. The pH and temperature of
Piloting confirmed that the BIONEX system can consistently achieve <1 ppm nitrate in the
effluent, and that lens encapsulated bacteria removes sufficient nitrate from the brine for it to
be reused with minimal salt top-up required. These results form the basis for large-scale water
treatment plants that can polish nitrate to very low levels with low chemical consumption, low
waste production, and with small footprints.
Figure 9: Biological activity of lens encapsulated bacteria reactors during piloting
Current applications
Clean TeQ Water is currently delivering a flagship first-of-its-kind 12 ML/d BIONEX plant in
Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China which will reduce the total nitrogen from the wastewater
treatment plant effluent from a coal mine from 5 ppm to less than 1 ppm. We envision this to
be the first of many plants in China, especially in sensitive areas such as the Yellow River
Basin which covers the Northern provinces of China, where this plant is located.
We have also signed an exclusive distribution agreement with MCC Energy Conservation and
Environmental Protection to market the BIONEX technology across the steel sector in China,
following the successful piloting period in Tianjin which now starts the detailed design process
for a large-scale treatment facility. This technology has the potential to be the missing piece
for existing water treatment plants looking to intensify their nitrate removal capacity.
Meanwhile, our BIOCLENS technology also offers the ability to retrofit into existing treatment
systems or be used on its own to treat concentrated nitrogen-polluted feed waters. It can be
enclosed within existing activated sludge reactors to enhance ammonia or nitrate removal.
Another recent success is its deployment in the aquaculture industry, where shrimp pond waster
is treated to remove nitrate and nitrite to improve shrimp health. The plant (pictured in Figure
Positive outlook
Novel technologies such as BIONEX can offer superior treatment to reach stricter regulatory
requirements (<1 ppm TN) for discharge to ocean and surface water, with biological treatment
able to manage highly saline brines with minimal resource consumption and waste
production. BIONEX plants typically operate with >99% recovery, with significantly lower
waste and opex than batch ion exchange or reverse osmosis plants, meaning brine evaporation
ponds and liquid waste handling can be eliminated when a zero liquid discharge approach is
The results of piloting have major implications for both groundwater and wastewater treatment,
with BIONEX providing a potential solution to provide nitrate removal to low levels even when
there is limited space available on site. The technology allows users to meet ultra-low nitrate
concentrations that are often mandated by regulating bodies with minimal resource
In addition, it is a key enabler for reuse of wastewater for irrigation, industry, agriculture and
aquaculture purposes, reducing demands on clean drinking water, whilst reducing harmful algal
We are investing further in nutrient removal technologies, having recently launched our
PHOSPHIX phosphate recycling technology which removes phosphate to <0.1 ppm and
produces a solid, reusable phosphorus product. Future developments are under way for an
integrated nitrate and phosphate removal process which combines this process with BIONEX