Subsurface Coursework-Short Notes-Q2 (A) & (B)
Subsurface Coursework-Short Notes-Q2 (A) & (B)
Subsurface Coursework-Short Notes-Q2 (A) & (B)
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Due Date Date Submitted For official use only
05.11.2010 03.11.2010 LATE DATE
MATRIC No.1007629
COURSE & STAGE MSc Oil & Gas Engineering
Eg MSc Oil & Gas Engineering
MSc Drilling & Well Engineering Full Time
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Subsurface Course Work – Question 2 (a) & (b)
Subsurface Course Work – Question 2 (a) & (b)
The flow of oil from the reservoir to the well bore may be due to the
natural force (or drive) or due to both natural and external drive. The oil
recovery from the reservoir by the action of any natural force is called
primary recovery. In most cases the initial reservoir pressure is adequate
enough to bring the fluid to the surface.
Gas cap drive is one of the primary recovery mechanisms that provide
natural energy for the recovery of oil. The Characteristic feature of a gas
cap drive reservoir is the gas cap that overlies the oil in the reservoir.
The Figure 1 represents a Gas Cap Drive reservoir.
Figure 1: Gas cap drive reservoir (Clark, N.J., Elements of Petroleum Reservoirs,
SPE, 1969)
Subsurface Course Work – Question 2 (a) & (b)
In a gas cap drive reservoir the gas is compressed by the oil bearing zone
which lies beneath the gas cap. So when the gas expands it will drive the
oil to the well bore. The reservoir pressure depends on the volume of gas
in the gas cap compared to oil volume. As production progresses the gas
cap will expands and the oil contact will be displaced down into the
reservoir which results in the essential maintenance of gas in the
reservoir and hence increase the recovery efficiency.
Ahmed, T.H., 2006.Reservoir engineering handbook. 3rd ed, Burlington,
MA: Elsevier.
Subsurface Course Work – Question 2 (a) & (b)
Subsurface Course Work – Question 2 (a) & (b)