Worksheets: Marie Fe Dizon - de Guzman, Ed. D. Professor V

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Professor V

Name of Student
BSE 2 – Social Studies
First Semester, A. Y. 2020-20201
College of Teacher Education
PRMSU, Main Campus, Iba, Zambales

Search for the Definition/Concept/Nature of SOCIOLOGY, SOCIETY and CULTURE and briefly
explain. Write also the complete source / reference.

Definition/Concept/Nature of SOCIOLOGY
Author/Researcher #1

Professor Brosmer, 2016. Sociology is the study of social behavior or society, including its
origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. Sociology is a social science
that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of
knowledge about social order, disorder, and change.

Sociology is the science of social behavior, and of the origins, evolution, structure, networks,
and structures of society. Sociology is a social science that utilizes different methods for the
study and critical analyzes of social order, disorder and transition.

Author/Researcher #2

“Prof. Charles A. Ellwood” Sociology is the science of the organization and evolution of the reciprocal
interactions of individuals. Sociology is, therefore, essentially a human science; and its comparative
chapters form but a brief introduction to its treatment of human problems. It would be substantially correct
to define sociology in human terms-as the science of the organization and evolution of human societies,
were it not that some sociologists have denied that sociology has any comparative chapters; that animal
association can throw any light upon human association. (Retrieved from

Professor Charles A. Ellwood emphasize the proper definition of sociology. He insist that sociology is the
study of human evolution which can be equal to the research of individual behaviour of interactions. He
concludes that sociology is the study of the chapter and the beginning on understanding of different
human problems, in addition to find remedies on that problems.
Author/Researcher #3

Turner, B. S. (2006) It is the study of social institutions – the family, religion, sport, community, and so on.
We can study institutions at the micro-level by looking at interactions between family members, for example,
or we can examine macro-relations such as the family and kinship system of a society as a whole.
(Retrieved from

The author elaborate different social institutions. Turner states that to study different social institutions such
as family, religion, sport, community, etc. It will begin by studying micro level first so that they will able to
understand the concept of society in macro-relations as a whole. For example, in our house we has different
problems or struggle within our home that can be consider to compare the problem the country faced like
budgeting financial and other difficulties to be solved.

Definition/Concept/Nature SOCIETY
Author/Researcher #1

Society is composed of people, a culture is composed of ideas, behavior, and material possessions. Society
and culture are interdependent; neither could exist without the other” (Kendall 2006:4).

(Retrieved from

Society is made up of humanity, society is made up of thoughts , actions and material objects. Society and
community are interdependent; without the other, none might exist.

Author/Researcher #2
Giddens and Sutton, 2007. “Society concept used to describe the structured relations and institutions among
a large community of people which cannot be reduced to a simple collection or aggregation of individuals.”
The concept of society can be traced to the fourteenth century, when the primary meaning was
companionship or association, a meaning which still exists today. However, the specific sociological
meaning of society was not developed until the nineteenth century.

A strong argument can be made for the view that it was Emile Durkheim who first developed the sociological
meaning of ‘society’ which he used when he established sociology as a new discipline which dealt with the
collective reality of human life as opposed to studying individuals. (Retrieved from

The definition of social connections and institutions used for defining the formal relationships and
organizations that can not be limited to a purely collecting or aggregating of individuals. "The idea of a
community can be traced back to the 14th century, where the primary significance was companionism or
friendship, which is still there today. However, only in the 19th century did the particular sociological
importance of culture grow.
It can be argued strongly that it was Emile Durkheim who, in his foundation of sociology, introduced the
sociological sense of 'society' first as a new science, discussing the social experience of human life rather
than examining people.
Definition/Concept/Nature of CULTURE
Author/Researcher #1
Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.d. 2019.Culture is a term that refers to a large and diverse set of mostly intangible
aspects of social life. According to sociologists, culture consists of the values, beliefs, systems of language,
communication, and practices that people share in common and that can be used to define them as a
collective. Culture also includes the material objects that are common to that group or society. Culture is
distinct from social structure and economic aspects of society, but it is connected to them—both
continuously informing them and being informed by them. (Retrieved from

The word culture refers to a wide and varied variety of facets of social life, much of them intangible.
According to sociologists, culture consists of the ideals, ideologies, language systems , communications and
activities which people share and can be used as collectives. The material artifacts typical to the group or
community are often part of culture. But culture is linked, and constantly reminds them, with and reminds
them, with the social system and economic facets of society .

Author/Researcher #2

According to Anastasiya O from Russia, she comprehends culture as a fortune that is a

piece of our combined memory, of our view of us. As common people in the society know
culture as what traditions they practice in their daily lives and their perception of the world they
reside in and interact with. In much simpler terms, culture is what we make the and mold it
according to our preferences. Culture is what a man contributes in the making of its
surroundings. (Retrieved from

Community as a fortune that is a part of our past, our vision of ourselves, she knows. As ordinary
people in society, they know history and what customs they live in and deal with in their everyday life
and their view of the world. Culture is what we create and form as we wish in far simplified ways.
Culture is what a person contributes to the growth of his community.
Sources: Handbook in Introduction of Sociology and Internet
Show creativeness and uniqueness in your work.

Harriet Martineau
Society in America

Auguste Comte
Course on positive 1848
philosoophy Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Communist manifesto

1853 1867
Harriete Martineau Karl Marx
Traslated Comtes cours de DAS KAPITAL
philosophie Positive

Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkhiem
The division of labor in society
Charles Cooley
Human Nature And The Social order
Emile Durkhiem
The elementary form of the religious life
Max Weber
The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

George Herbert Mead
1922 mind, soul, society
Max Weber
Economy and Society

Robert Merton
1937 Social Theory and social structure-
Talcott Parsons
The structure of social Action

C. Wright Mills
1959 The power elite
Erving Goffman
The presentation of self in everyday life

1959 Peter M. Blau & Otis Dubley Duncan
D. Wright Mills The american occupational structure
The sociological imagination

Daniel Bell
The coming of industrial society
William Julius Wilson
The significance development of race

Arlie Hochschild
Working parents and the revolution

What is meant by THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES in SOCIOLOGY? Briefly explain. Write also the
complete source / reference.
Author/Researcher #1

Ashley Crossman, 2020. A theoretical perspective is a set of assumptions about reality that inform the
questions we ask and the kinds of answers we arrive at a result. In this sense, a theoretical perspective can
be understood as a lens through which we look, serving to focus or distort what we see. It can also be
thought of as a frame, which serves to both include and exclude certain things from our view. The field of
sociology itself is theoretical perspective base on assumption that social systems such as society and
family actually exist, the culture, social structure, statuses, roles are real. (Retrieved from

A theoretical point of view is a collection of practical assumption that guide the questions we ask and how we
get answers. In this sense, we can consider a theoretical viewpoint as a prism thought which we look,
concentrate and distort what we see. It can be also considered as a context that includes and excludes from
our view some items. The field of sociology itself is a theoretical perspective based on the assumption that
there really are social system like society and the family, that culture, social structure, position and roles are

Author/Researcher #2

Theoretical perspective is the basic assumptions about how society functions, the role of sociology, and the
application of specific set theories in studying social life. Functionalism, the conflict theory and symbolic
interactionism are three distinct and common sociological perspectives that share differences and similarities
due to the methods in which they evaluate society. Several sociologists, including Durkheim, Karl Marx and
Max Weber, contributed to these extensive, diverse theories. (Retrieved from

Theoretical Perspective is the underlying theory of how culture works, how sociology works, and the
implementation of particular ideas of social life research. Functionalism, confrontation analysis, and
symmetric interactionism are three distinct and common sociological viewpoints shared by the approaches
by which the community is analyzed. A variety of sociologists, including Durkheim, Carl Marx and Max
Weber, contributed to the wide spectrum of hypotheses.

Examples of Situations/Conditions showing Functionalist Perspective

1 CHED open this school year and instruct different universities, that no one will left behind and the student
will continue to learn in the middle of pandemic through online class.

2 CHED did not consider consequences that our country is not ready for online class, particular of internet
consistency and problem of lack educational resources that may affect the student learning and

Examples of Situations/Conditions showing Conflict Theorist Perspective

1 Before Manila Bay has tones of garbage, here come the DENR through the mandates of the President to
have a restoration and now Manila Bay has reclaim its beauty but the opposition and environmentalist
continue calling to stop the said program, and complaining for the reason of wasting peoples money and bad
effect on marine lif
2 Former President Ferdinand Marcos launch the project Bataan Nuclear Plant to provide sufficient supply of
electricity in the country but when Liberal party alliance won the presidency set, Cory did not continue the
project to avoid people rethink the FHM good legacy. Today, the current administration consults experts to
continue the said project for the benefits of people .

Examples of Situations/Conditions showing Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

1 Before our parents always reminding us to study well to be a successful in the future. Nowadays, success
is not define from what you have completed course. It is refers from a person who has determine to follow
his/her passion from being strategic and persistent in life.

2 When we see an individual smoking in public places, we assume that it is normal to some group of people
to act that way. At the present time, due to the warning of the health officials that smoking is an unhealthy
habits the government impose an executive order to prohibit smokers in public places and comprehend
violators .

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