AIKIDO GLOSSARY Extended: Japans English Usage
AIKIDO GLOSSARY Extended: Japans English Usage
AIKIDO GLOSSARY Extended: Japans English Usage
Japans English Usage
Ude Arm Udekimenage: arm throw
Te Hand Tegatana : sword hand
Mune Chest Munedori: grab lapels at the chest
Koshi Hip Koshinage: hip throw
Kote (Tekubi) Wrist Kotegaeshi: wrist turn (lock) throw
Kata Shoulder Kata dori: grab the shoulders
Hiji Elbow Hijikimeosae: elbow lock (rokyo)
Eri / iri Neck, collar Eridori / iridori: grab the collar at the back of the neck
Kubi Neck, throat Kubishime: strangulation
Mae Forward Mae ukemi
Ushiro Backward Ushiro ukemi
Yoko Sideways Yoko ukemi
Omote Front
Ura Backside
Uchi Inside Uchikaiten nage: inside wheel throw
Soto Outside Sotokaiten: outside wheel throw
Jodan High Jodan tsuki: strike (punch) at the head
Chudan Middle
Gedan Low
Kamae Basic posture
Hanmi (Basic)stand Han: half
Hidari hanmi Basic stand with left foot forward
Migi hanmi Basic stand with right foot forward
Aihanmi Equal position
Gyaku hanmi Mirror position
Hanmi handachi Half sitting, half standing
Shisei Attitude
Shizentai Natural posture (feet together)
Sankakuho Triangular position, feet are in hanmi Sankaku: triangle
Seiza Sit on heels
Kiza Kneeling on toes
Jodan (no) kamae Position with weapon above the head
Hasso (no) kamae Position with weapon next to the head
Exercise, practice
Keiko Practice
Suburi Solo practice with sword and stick
Ikkyo undo Ikkyo movement in four directions
Kokyu ho Breath power exercise Often at the end of the lesson
Aikiken Sword (ken) exercises for Aikido Not: sword fighting (kenjutsu)
Aikijo Stick (jo) exercises for Aikido
Randori Throwing of more than one attackers
Ukemi Fall, to roll
Mae ukemi* Forward roll
Mae ukemi (kaiten) Forward roll
Mae ukemi chokuto Forward break fall Distribute the impact on the lower arms
Ushiro ukemi (kaiten) Backwards roll
Ushiro ukemi chokuto Backwards break fall Distribute the impact by straightening the arms
Yoko ukemi (kaiten) Sideway roll
Yoko ukemi chokuto Sideway break fall Distribute the impact by straightening the arm
* Mae ukemi is most commonly used when referring to the forward roll. It is not common practice to say mae ukemi kaiten.
However, mae ukemi chokuto is used to refer to the forward break fall. When both techniques are asked for in succession,
mae ukemi kaiten can be used to emphasize the differences between the techniques.
Basic techniques
Ikkyo First form
Nikyo Second form
Sankyo Third form
Yonkyo Fourth form
Gokyo Fifth form
Rokyo Sixth form Udeshigi, hijikimeosae
Iriminage Entering throw
Shihonage Throw of 4 directions
Kotegeashi Throw by twisting the wrist Gaeshi: turn
Uchikaiten nage Wheel throw from the inside
Sotokaiten nage Wheel throw from the outside
Uchikaiten kata katame Wheel turn with shoulder lock
Koshinage Hip throw
Udekimenage Arm lock throw
Udegaraminage Arm wrapping throw
Tenchinage Heaven and earth throw
Jujigarami / jujinage Crossed arm throw
Sumiotoshi Corner throw
Kokyu nage Breath power throw Basic exercise, no technique
Katate* One hand
Dori Form
Katatedori Wrist grab
Aihanmi katatedori Wrist grab in crossed stance
Gyaku hanmi katatedori Wrist grab in mirror stance
Shomenuchi Strike the head from above
Yokomenuchi Strike the head from the side
Katadori Grab the shoulder
Ma-ai Distance
Kime Projection
Ki no nagare Flowing technique
Kokyu Breath power Kokyu (ryoku)
Kuzushi Disturbing / destroying
the balance
Sen Timing
Zanshin Alertness
Keiko gi Training suit
Obi Belt
Hakama Pants Traditional Japanese clothing
Zori Slippers
Hai Yes
Onegaishimasu Please (do your best)
Domo arigato gozaimasu Thank you very much
Zarei Sitting greetings Za: sit; Rei: greeting, bowing
Ritsurei Standing greetings
Reigi / reishiki Etiquette
Shomen ni rei Greetings towards shomen Is used during examination rituals
Sensei ni rei Greeting the teacher(s) Is used during examination rituals
Otakai ni rei Greeting each other Is used during examination rituals
Tate Get up
Hajime Start
Budo Japanese martial arts
Embukai Public demonstration
Kamiza Central or high spot Also shomen
Kata Shape, shoulder, one
Tanden Center of the body
Tachi Sword, portrait Katana, ken, to