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Digestive System Script

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SUBJECT: Science

TOPIC: The Digestive System

RUN TIME: 30 minutes
SCRIPTWRITER: Geraldine C. Tolentino

Explain how the organs of each organ system work together

1. name the major parts of the digestive system;
2. explain how each part of the digestive system works together.

Intro Spiel Scene 1
(Teacher with Classroom Background) Good day everyone! This is Teacher
__________, your TV Eskwela teacher for today
and welcome to our video lesson. Let’s learn and
discover new things today.

How’s your day learners?

I hope everyone are fine and safe. In spite of the

challenges that we are facing today.

Are you ready? Let’s start.

Presentation of the Topic and Lesson Objectives Scene 2
For today’s lesson you are expected to name the
Flash the objectives with transition major parts of the digestive system and explain
how each part of the digestive system works

Before we start our lesson, I want you to prepare

yourself as well as your materials needed for your

Are your pen, paper and modules ready learners?

That’s great!
Review Scene 3

Now learners, before we proceed with our new

lesson, let’s have a review.

Flash the picture of the organs that make up the I have here a picture number 1. Can you guess
Integumentary System what is this?
1. Hair Very good! That is our hair.
2. Skin How about this picture number 2?
3. Nails Awesome! That is our skin.
4. Glands
5. Sensory nerves Next picture, we have ______.
Great! That is our nails.

Next picture is ______.

You got it right! That is our glands.

And last picture is ____.

Wow! Very good! That is our sensory nerves.

And those are the organs that make up the

Integumentary System.
and its meaning with transition. It’s nice to know that you learn something from
our previous lesson about Integumentary System
which is the largest organ of the body that forms
a physical barrier between the external
environment and the internal environment that it
serves to protect and maintain. 
Drill/Motivation Scene 4

Now kids let me ask you.

What is the first thing that you do before

answering your module?
Flash a picture of an empty plate It’s nice to hear that all of you are eating your
breakfast, me as well I’m eating my breakfast
before going to school or work.
Flash the picture of egg, rice, milk and coffee
Can you draw here on the empty plate the food
that you usually eat every morning?

Most of you draw egg, rice, milk and coffee.

Do you know what happen to them inside your


Today we will find out what organ is responsible

for breaking down the food that we are eating.

Presentation Scene 5
Everybody loves eating food but what do you
think happen next after swallowing the food.
Food is needed by our body. Food provide
nutrients for growth, for repair and for energy of
our body. However even after we eat, the body
cannot use the food right away. In order to do that
food needs to be digested and processed inside
our body to extract and get substances and
nutrients needed by our body.
Flash the question with transition
What is Digestion?

Flash the word digestion and its meaning. Digestion is the process by which food is
changed into simpler substances that can be used
by the body cells to produce energy.
Now, I have a question for you.

Flash the question with transition What system of the body changes the food into
substances that can be absorbed by the body

That’s right!
Flash the word Digestive System
It is the Digestive System.
Discussion Scene 6

Learners, let us study the diagram of the digestive

system and identify the parts being described.

Flash the Diagram of the Digestive System Digestive System composed of organs working
together to get nutrients from the food we eat and
is composed of the mouth, esophagus, stomach,
small intestine and large intestine.
Flash the parts of Digestive System and how Our first organ in our digestive system is what we
these organs work together call the mouth.

Can you describe your mouth learners?

What can you find inside your mouth?

Yes! Very good! The mouth contains the teeth,

the tongue and the saliva.

The digestion starts in the mouth. Our teeth cut

and grind the food. The saliva, a liquid in the
mouth moistens the food and changes starch to
sugar. The ptyalin as an enzyme in saliva helps in
the digestion of starch.

When the food is swallowed, it enters the

esophagus. Esophagus is the second organ in our
digestive system. A long muscular tube that starts
from the back of the throat and ends in the
stomach. The food is pushed down the esophagus
into the stomach by rhythmic, wave-like muscle
movements known as peristalsis.

The food then travels to the stomach, our third

organ in the Digestive System, a muscular pouch
that secretes gastric juice. In the stomach, the
food is broken down into smaller pieces. The
gastric juices in the starch act on the food and
split proteins and fats.

The food goes to the small intestine, our fourth

organ in our Digestive System, a 7-meter coiled
long tube in the lower abdomen where food is
finally digested and absorbed.
Question Grade 6!

What happens to the undigested food?

Where does it goes?

Okay! Very Good!

Undigested food goes to the large intestine.

The large intestine is our last destination. It is

also a temporary storage of water. The feces
which are the waste product of digestion are
stored in the lower part of the large intestine
called rectum. The rectum stores this waste until
it is eliminated through the anus.

This whole process of digestion happens again

and again to sustain the nutrients and energy
needed by our body.

Now we know that Digestive System is very

important because It provides nourishment to all
body parts .

Do you have any question Grade 6 learners?

If none, let’s proceed.

Activity 1 Scene 7

Now that you know a lot about our Digestive

System. Let us answer our activity.

Flash the Diagram of Digestive System with Directions: Label the parts of the digestive
transition system. Write your answer in your Science


Here we go, let’s check your answer learners.

Number 1, the correct answer is mouth.

Number 2, the correct answer is large intestine.
Number 3, the correct answer is esophagus.
Number 4, the correct answer is stomach.
And number 5, the correct answer is small

Activity 2 Scene 8

If you got a fair score from this activity don’t

worry it’s just fine. Stay tune because teacher
Geraldine will guide you in every step of the
Flash the fill-in-the blank questions and choices way.
with transition
Let’s have another activity.
small intestine large intestine stomach
anus rectum esophagus mouth Directions: Complete the statements below.
ptyalin peristalsis digestion Choose your answer from the given list. Write
your answer in your Science journal.
The process of breaking down the food that can
be absorbed for the use of the body is called
___________. Digestion starts in the small intestine large intestine stomach
__________. The _____________as an enzyme anus rectum esophagus mouth
moistens the food. From the mouth, the food ptyalin peristalsis digestion
enters a long muscular tube that starts from the
back of your throat. The food then travels to the
________________where it is broken down into The process of breaking down the food that can
smaller pieces. The food is pushed down the be absorbed for the use of the body is called
esophagus into the stomach by rhythmic, wave- ___________. Digestion starts in the
like movements known as __ __________. The __________. The _____________as an enzyme
food goes to the _____________, a 7-meter moistens the food. From the mouth, the food
coiled long tube in the lower abdomen where enters a long muscular tube that starts from the
final digestion takes place. Undigested food goes back of your throat. The food then travels to the
to the ______________. The undigested food is ________________where it is broken down into
eliminated through the________________. smaller pieces. The food is pushed down the
esophagus into the stomach by rhythmic, wave-
like movements known as __ __________. The
food goes to the _____________, a 7-meter
coiled long tube in the lower abdomen where
final digestion takes place. Undigested food goes
to the ______________. The undigested food is
eliminated through the________________.

Generalization Scene 9
To sum up with our lesson. Let’s recall
some facts we have discussed.
Flash the different parts of Digestive System and What are the different parts of the digestive
how these organs work with transition. system and how these organs work together?

Can you name all of those?

Very good! Our digestive system consist of the

mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and
large intestine.
Evaluation Scene 10

Flash the questions with transition You are now familiar with the different parts of
Digestive System and how each part works

Alright! To test your knowledge and

understanding about Digestive System, kindly get
your science journal and answer this activity.

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the

letter of the correct answer.

1. Where is food finally digested and absorbed?

a. small intestine
b. esophagus
c. large intestine
d. mouth

2. Which shows the correct order of food

travelling through the digestive system after it is
a. stomach, esophagus, large intestine, small
b. small intestine, large intestine, esophagus,
c. esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small
d. esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large

3. Which of the following statements best

describes the function of the digestive system?
a. It releases acids and mixes food.
b. It aids in absorption of nutrients from food.
c. It carries food from stomach to the intestine.
d. It breaks down food so that the body can
absorb food nutrients.

4. It is an organ where digestion starts.

a. large intestine
b. small intestine
c. mouth
d. esophagus

5. A long muscular tube that connects the mouth

to the stomach.
a. esophagus
b. stomach
c. mouth
d. large intestine

Are you done learners?

Okay! Let us check.

Number 1, the correct answer is letter A.

Number 2, letter D
Number 3, letter D
Number 4, Yes! Letter C
And number 5 letter A.

EXTRO Scene 11

Closing video of the teacher. We are done discussing our today’s lesson about
the Digestive System.

Thank you for listening Grade 6 learners . I hope

you’ve learned a lot and enjoyed our topic.
Once again, this is your ETV-Science teacher,
Teacher Geraldine.

See you again for more fun and learning


Stay safe everyone and God bless!

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