Microsoft Word - ETERSET 2960-2 - MSDS
Microsoft Word - ETERSET 2960-2 - MSDS
Microsoft Word - ETERSET 2960-2 - MSDS
2. Composition/information on ingredients
Ingredient Percent CAS Index No./EC No. Molar mass Molecular formula Symbol
polymer 55
styrene 45 100-42-5
3. Hazards identification
Flammable. Pungent styrene odor. Causes skin and
eye irritation. Inhalation causes headaches, nausea.
effects of overexposure: for styrene
EYE : causes mild eye irritation
SKIN: causes skin irritation
INHALATION: causes headaches, nausea.
INGESTION: harmful if liquid is aspirated into lungs.
5. Fire-fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media: Water fog or fine spray, carbon dioxide, dry chemical,
foam water fog, applied gently may be used as a blanket for fire extinguishment.
Special risks: May form toxic materials (carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide,
various hydrocarbons.)
Special protective equipment for fire fighting:
Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective fire
fighting clothing .
Other information: Dense smoke is produced when product burns. Violent steam
generation or eruption may occur upon application of direct water
stream. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel a long distance
and accumulate in low areas.
Handling: Empty containers may retain product residue (liquid and/or vapor).Do not
expose these containers to heat, flame, sparks, static electricity.
Storage: Store away from heat, ignition sources, and open flame in accordance
with applicable regulations. Keep container closed.
Acute toxicity:
LD 50(oral, rat): >4000mg/kg
LD 50(dermal, rabbit): >2000mg/kg
Further toxicological information:
After inhalation: LC50(oral, rat)>5000ppm/4H
After Skin contact:
After eye contact:
After swallowing:
Further data:
Ecotoxic effects: Based on information for styrene. Material is highly toxic to aquatic
organisms on an acute basis (LC50/EC50 between 0.1 and 1mg/L
in most sensitive species).
Further ecological data:
Product: Residues and spilled material are hazardous waste due to ignitability,
Disposal must be in accordance with applicable federal, state, or local
Packaging: The container for this product can present explosion or fire hazards, even
when emptied, To avoid risk of injury, do not cut, puncture, or weld on or
near this container. Since the emptied containers retain product residue,
follow label warnings even after container is emptied.
1. OSHA Status:
This material is classified as a hazardous chemical under the criteria of the US
Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) Hazard Communication
Standard, 29 CFR 1910, 1200.
. TSCA Export Notification:
This material does not contain any components that are subject to the US Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 12(b) Export Nitrification requirements.
TSCA Inventory Status:
All components of this material are listed on the US the Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA) inventory.
2. CWA:
Styrene (100-42-5) is listed under Section 311 as a Hazardous Substance.
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