101 Thesis..
101 Thesis..
101 Thesis..
Associate Professor
University of Dhaka
ID: 134
University of Dhaka
Date of Submission: 23rd February 2022
Letter of Transmittal
Samshad Nowreen
Associate Professor
University of Dhaka
Subject: Submission of the report on ‘‘Analyzing the Impact of Digitalization in the Field of
Dear Madam,
It is my absolute pleasure to get the opportunity, under your supervision, to prepare my report.
Working under your guidance has been for me both a joy and a challenge.
You've always been there to direct me and support me with the problems I faced in preparing the
report. I have tried to focus myself completely on following your instructions in completing the
Bangladesh’’. Under your guidance, this study helps me gain insights on how to complete
research work.
I want to express my gratitude to you for your support and cooperation. I would be pleased to
Sincerely yours,
Fatima Siddiqua
ID: 134
Section ‘B’
University of Dhaka
First, I want to thank Allah for helping me finish my report in the time I had. The success of this
report is based on the help of many people, especially those who have taken the time to give their
advice and suggestions for improving this study. The report program is a very important way to
learn practical skills because a student doesn't know anything until he learns both theory and
This paper is the result of a lot of people's work and help. Samshad Nowreen is an Associate
Professor in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of Dhaka.
She helped me write this paper a lot and made a big impact on it, too. Because she helped me
with every problem I had while doing research, I want to say thank you for everything she did. It
took her time and advice to help me write the research paper in a way that was clear and easy to
follow. The pros and cons of research work would have been hard for me to understand if she
This report is a summary of the report I made a while back. Finally, I want to say thank you to all
of my teachers, friends, and other people who helped me finish this study in a different way.
Certificate of Acceptance
To say that the report on "Analyzing the Impact of Digitalization in the Field of Tourism
record of research done by Fatima Siddiqua, a student in the Department of Tourism and
Hospitality Management at the Faculty of Business Studies at the University of Dhaka. I was in
charge of her work. Before this report, no part of it has been submitted for any kind of award.
Associate Professor
University of Dhaka
Statement of the Student
Hospitality Management studying for a Bachelor of Business Administration. I say that this
paper was written by me in the year 2022 under the supervision of Mrs. Samshad Nowreen,
University of Dhaka. I only did this to meet the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration, which I want to get (BBA). I'm also saying that I haven't submitted this
report for any kind of degree, diploma, title, or other kind of honor or reward in the past.
Fatima Siddiqua
ID: 134
Section ‘B’
University of Dhaka
Executive Summary
Information gets digitized when it is transformed into a form that a computer can understand.
"The use of digital technology and digitized data to impact the way work is done, change the way
consumers and organizations connect and interact and establish new (digital) revenue streams," is
how the ISO defines digitalization. Everything from the finished product to how it is distributed
to people who work on it is affected by digitization as a vital aspect of the digital transformation
process. As a result, the company's culture and the method value is created and commercial
activities are carried out are both transformed? The capacity to adapt swiftly and intelligently to
changing situations by exploiting new technologies and information is defined by this term.
More than merely adding technology, a digital transformation refers to a company's ability to
make use of such technology, whether it is new or old. The process of integrating new
technology into an existing firm is only the beginning. (Mahdi Mahmoudsalehi, May 2020;
Digital technology has grown rapidly in recent years, helping the global tourist business advance.
The integration of cutting-edge technological applications with the tourist business is becoming
more and more evident. It is almost hard to imagine a well-developed tourist business without
the aid of technology. Tourists will be able to utilize and access technology more easily because
to this connection. At this point in time, tourists have a wider range of alternatives and choices
available to them. (United Nations, UN75 2020 and beyond; 2020; the Impact of Digital
In part, the nation's growing tourism business may be attributed to the abundance of natural
resources available in the country. Tourism is a major revenue source in the service sector, and it
has the ability to contribute to the expansion of a country's economy. Lodging, transportation,
vending, and water sports are just a few of the various services that may be provided to guests in
the framework of tourism, to name a few. Digital technology has the ability to completely
revolutionize a company's business model and to provide new streams of revenue and value for
the organization. Digital technology is becoming more important in today's tourism services. The
tourist business, as a service provider to guests who are not at home, faces a high degree of
informational complexity. According to Buhalis and colleagues, while making decisions in the
travel business, there are a number of elements to take into consideration (2013). Customers
utilize data as a tool to compare and contrast their current choices with their prior ones, in
addition to assisting them in making selections. As a result, the relationship between information
and communications technology (ICT) and tourism has been strong since since the tourism sector
began making extensive use of information technology. When computerized reservation systems
were initially implemented in the travel industry in the early 1960s, it signaled the beginning of a
new age. Customers are increasingly reliant on information and communications technology
(ICT) in their decision-making process. Bangladesh, which is located in South Asia, has a great
deal of promise in the tourism industry because of its closeness to the rest of the area.
Bangladesh has already begun to see long-term development. When it comes to the travel sector,
digital technology has had a significant influence. Specifically, however, despite the fact that this
firm seems to be growing gradually, a number of barriers appear to be limiting its growth. An
increase in the number of Internet-based platforms and digital innovation might boost
Bangladesh's tourism industry. Since the widespread availability of digital technology has
increased, the global expansion of this business has been stimulated as a result. You will be able
to connect with millions of potential clients much more rapidly if you make advantage of this
service. These customers may also take advantage of a wide range of tourism-related products
and services available on the internet. (Azizul Hassan, 2021, Technology Application in the
Table of Contents
Introduction: ..................................................................................................................................... 11
REVIEW .......................................................................................................... 16
Literature Review:............................................................................................................................. 16
BANGLADESH ............................................. 20
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Transformations in tourism services resulting from
digitalization:................................................................. 21
BANGLADESH ........................................................ 25
Differences between Tourism industry with low and medium digitalization: ...................................
Interview data tended to corroborate and expand on these insights, including: ..............................
.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
SERVICES .................................. 31
Timeframe: ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Age: ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Gender: ............................................................................................................................................. 31
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CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 43
Discussion: ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Conclusion: ....................................................................................................................................... 43
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................. 46
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Websites and digital media have made communication and information more widely available.
The process of deciding on a place, acquiring information, and making a final selection are all
frequent actions conducted by visitors utilizing digital media platforms. A variety of tourist
websites, agencies, and organizations utilize social media to distribute information about their
facilities, properties, and other travel-related issues. Tourists are reconsidering how they
investigate, analyze, and exchange information about diverse tourist sites as a result of
tourists create and share online about their travels. As a result, the travel and tourist business, as
well as advertising firms and their products, all gain. New visitors' confidence and enthusiasm
are bolstered by the information and commentary provided by prior visitors, as well as the
images, videos, and commentaries they have put online. They become co-promoters who help
spread the word about locations they've been to and excite the curiosity of others, as well as the
expenditures associated with their travels, because of this. In addition, it helps tour operators and
groups to increase their company. A similar trend is occurring in Bangladesh's terrain. To better
understand how digitization affects the travel sector and its clients, we conducted a poll.
Digitalization has a beneficial impact on tourism, according to the poll, which revealed that 97%
of respondents agreed. Travel and tourism information may be found on a daily basis by almost
30.5 million Bangladeshis who use Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are some of the social
media sites that you can use. Because of this, Bangladesh is a great deal of potential for tourism.
It's said by World Travel & Tourism Council. Bangladesh's tourism industry contributed BDT
296.6 billion to GDP in 2005. (KARIM, 2018). But compared to other nations and their tourists,
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this is a little sum of money. According to the 2005 Johannesburg Summit, tourists may improve
a country's infrastructure and the local people (KARIM, 2018). According to the present scenario
and technical relevance, social media may help the tourism sector grow.
An increasing number of businesses are being transformed by new digital technologies and data-driven
business models. Economic and social organization, innovation, and competitiveness are all impacted
significantly. Because of the increase of digitalization, small businesses in the tourism sector may market
reach, grow faster, become more efficient and competitive. It may also be used to construct and adjust
product offerings, boost connections at destinations, give performance information, and help manage
Both opportunities and risks are present in Bangladesh's tourism and hospitality businesses because of
their reliance on tradition. In the tourist business, it can be hard and exciting to digitize different types of
businesses, like transportation, housing, restaurants, and personal service. Differences in human
resources, access to financial and non-financial resources, and other factors, as well as degrees of
knowledge and digital skills, are evident. It is not just at the destination level of the tourism business that
the challenges faced by individual companies are duplicated, distorted, and aggravated.
In the long term, Bangladesh's destination systems will stay competitive thanks to digital transformation.
When the tourism sector is well-established, it will be able to use digitalization to produce and/or improve
value for tourist attractions, attractions and visitor experiences. Foundations include a well-connected
industry, the capacity to share knowledge, the construction and maintenance of supporting mentorship
opportunities and collaborations, as well as the cultivation of learning, reflection and growth possibilities.
Tourists from Bangladesh account for a considerable portion of the country's economy. In order
to reap the benefits of digitalization's promise of improved connectivity and efficiency, the
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tourism sector must be dynamic and open to new ideas. There has been a great deal of attention
paid to digitalization there is a lot of focus on the challenges and obstacles that tourism faces, but
not as much attention has been paid to what policy responses and interventions might help
With this report, we want to analyze the unique difficulties and possibilities given by the
digitalization of tourist sites, how these challenges and opportunities impact diverse categories of
people, and what the tourism sector and member states can do to address these concerns. This
report helps you figure out which Bangladesh tourism policy approaches and initiatives could
The primary objectives aimed to achieve by this research work are as follow:
1) Analyze the specific changes and shifts in the service system of the Bangladesh tourism
2) Identify how these opportunities have affected different sectors of tourism services and,
This study was undertaken in order to better understand the influence of digitalization on
Bangladesh's tourist business. It also sheds light on the experiences of customers and tourist
sector participants in the process of digitization. A chance to learn about Bangladesh's tourist
This project will use a mixed-methods approach to conduct research. A methodology that
combines quantitative and qualitative data collection is known as mixed-method. A method that
includes both qualitative and quantitative data is ideal for this study since it examines the
influence of digitalization on the ground of tourism services. In this study, we've combined
Methods that are both qualitative and quantitative. The survey technique is used in order to
complete the task the research in order to increase the study's precision and depth. Surveys are a
cost-effective and time efficient way to gather information, and they create a big volume of data
Figure1: A model of the exploratory sequential design used in a mixed methods study. (source:
Oven, 2016)
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Primary data:
The primary data for this research will be gathered through an online survey questionnaire and
in-person interview with tourism service providing organizations. This research is based in
Dhaka, Bangladesh. This Survey will be conducted with the data of 200 people which will
include tourists aged from 18-35 years old. And in-person interview will be conducted with prior
selected for collecting the necessary information for accomplishing this research’s objectives.
Secondary data:
The secondary data is collected from the review of various literature, research papers,
newspapers and articles, web sites, travel and trade journals, statistical documents, government
publications and materials from park such as brochures, magazines, and advertising template.
MS Word, MS Excel, and other necessary computer tools are used to gather, process, and finalize
this study's statistics. In instruction to convey the relevance link of the data obtained to the
A report like "Analyzing the Impact of Digitalization in Bangladesh's Tourism Services Sector"
is not an easy task to complete in the time allotted. The outcome of this study should be seen
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The following are some of the issues and limits that may arise throughout the research:
1. For one, there is not enough data to perform a thorough investigation because of the lack
of studies that focus on digitalization and its impact on Bangladesh's tourism industry.
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Literature Review:
"Digitalization in Tourism - European Commission" argues that the travel and tourism sector has
Digitalization and There are new professions, alliances, business models, and abilities because of
the traditional roles of tourist producers and tourists (Dianne Dredge, 2018).
According to a new poll, internet travel providers like Expedia and Priceline.com are responsible
for an estimated 148 million bookings each year. Bangladesh's present tourist boom may be
traced in great part to the advent of the digital era (2020). Digital tourist promotion is a top
priority for BPC, according to a recent report. In 2015, social media made it possible for many
travelers to obtain any kind of tourism service (Mallika Roy, Tourism in Bangladesh: Present
Status and Future Prospects). Tour operators are increasingly promoting their services using Like
YouTube, Facebook, and many more. We should not overlook the many digital technology-
based suggestions for increasing tourism from the younger generation, as well The Bangladeshi
government has placed a high priority on promoting tourism via the use of digital technologies.
National Tourist Policy 2010 suggests that digital technology might play a big part in the growth
of Bangladesh's tourism business. The government has given more money to this field. The BPC
made sure that all hotels and motels would be able to connect to the internet, so people could
book and pay for rooms online, as well as have their websites updated. The government has set
up a grievance resolution process to deal with citizens' concerns and complaints (GDS). For the
first time, the BPC is able to accept complaints and criticism from all around the country thanks
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to a new system designed for this purpose (2018). Bangladesh's tourist offers have changed as
the country moves toward digitalization. Digitalization and tourism services are the focus of this
Our everyday lives have entered a new era with the development and widespread In this case,
people use the Internet and other information communication tools. People may communicate
with one another and share ideas and information via a variety of online communities, which are
becoming more popular (Zeng, 2013). The media has become more important in terms of both
economic and social development. Reddit, Tumblr, blogs, microblogs, and social networks are
among the sites in this list. The capacity to communicate oneself in a variety of ways is critical in
today's social media environment. During your travels, you will probably come into touch with
people from a variety of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. In this case, there are
a variety of factors to consider, including the fact that digital technology may be used to acquire,
distribute, and build information about a place. It is because of this that many nations consider
digitization to be a crucial marketing tool for their country's tourist industry. A good example of
this kind of organization is Tourist Bangladesh, which is run by the government and serves as the
country's tourist bureau. Operators could utilize Facebook to advertise their facilities and
activities as tourist attractions on the internet, rather than other traditional marketing methods
(Zeng, 2013). In 2009, Facebook topped both Google and Yahoo in terms of worldwide internet
traffic, according to Statista. Tourism Bangladesh, in collaboration with the country's National
Online Strategy Committee, has created an e-Kit package for "digitalization for tourism" in the
country. These tactics will teach you how to use social media and group purchasing to persuade
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With over 74 million monthly visits, Trip Advisor is the world's second-largest Digitalization
instructions from other travelers who have previously been there and done that (Rathonyi). More
than half of individuals who like traveling use a variety of mobile travel apps to conduct their
research and collect information before going on a vacation, according to studies. (Information
The term "digitalization" refers to marketing methods that are implemented in phases, each of
which is described below. Beginning with identification, the process progresses through looking
for accurate information, evaluating person’s facts and statistics, picking other choices, buying,
and finally post-purchase phase. In travel, the process begins with the selection of a destination
region and the subsequent use of the Internet to learn more about that location. Following that is
the process of gathering information, evaluating alternatives, and eventually visiting the location
in question (Camillo, 2015). Planning, making that plan, and giving visitors things to do after
they buy things are all part of the package. Visitors first look for information about what people
are talking about on different social media platforms, and then they choose what to do based on
that information when they go to the store. Following that, people use the goods, or if they're
going on vacation, they visit the place they're going to. Finally, they post their thoughts on
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Impact of Digitalization Tourism in Bangladesh:
Globalization and technological progress happen all the time in countries like Bangladesh. It is
becoming more and more popular in this country to use a lot of different types of social media
platforms, such as Facebook, blogs, and video-sharing sites like YouTube, Instagram, and
Twitter. These platforms are also important in everyday life. At any given time, 94.54 percent of
people in Bangladesh use Facebook on their pocket phones to connect with other people (Social
Media Stats in Bangladesh- July 2019). Similarly expected to be adopting the Digitalization
process are at least 30 million people in Bangladesh, which accounts for approximately 81.66
million internet users overall. Instagram, on the other hand, is utilized by 1.80 million
individuals, with a YouTube channel being used by 6% of those who have one. Facebook
appears to be the social networking platform with the most number of users, according to the
data. Because of technological improvements, digital sites might remain employed by way of
excellent advertising tools to boost our travel industry, particularly in developing countries,
notably in Asia (Karim, 2018). Furthermore, the Vision of 2021, which has been accepted by
government, is consistent by the usage of digital platforms in instruction to promote tourism and
thus raise revenue. By way of a South-Asian country, Bangladesh has a wide range of seasonal
and man-made tourism places to see and do (Karim, 2018). Another quality of this country that
attracts foreign tourists is its warmth and friendliness toward visitors. It demonstrates that the
country has the opportunity to enhance its tourism business by bringing both national and
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Technological advancements has gave Bangladesh’s tourism industry massive boost. It has
changed the patter of service provision and made it easier for both the service providers and the
consumers. Technological development introduced new service patterns that are time efficient
and also cost effective. Online booking and reservation of hotel rooms and venues, e-ticketing,
central reservation system (crs), augment and virtual reality, online platforms to collect travel
related information all are example of digitalization in the travel tourism industry of Bangladesh.
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Three key phases of technology development can be identified in tourism:
People and businesses could use knowledge as an advertising tool because of the rise of the
Internet from 1990 to 2000. This is what happened. SMEs were able to improve their internal
processes by using The digital point-of-sale system, as well as the software that comes with it In
this period, websites began to take the role of paper-based marketing materials, destination
systems began to make commercial transactions more convenient, and distribution methods
Within a decade, digitalization had become the go-to source for travelers looking for travel
information, and new Internet technologies made it possible to set up a virtual marketplace where
people could search for, compare, and buy and sell things online. As customer expectations have
changed, suppliers have become more interested in customizing items and building personal
relationships with their customers, and this has led to more personalized products and better
customer service. It has been hard for traditional travel agents to make money because of online
intermediaries like Expedia, and the rise of appraisal places like Trip Advisor has place the client
in charge of their acquisitions and given them a lot of power over the purchasing decisions of
other people. When it comes to being a point of contact, visitor information centers have lost
some of their value as more and more people book and pay for things online. This, in turn, has
led to the growth of global markets and markets in places that were previously unknown.
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Phase 3 Integration of systems:
It's been a lot easier for the digital and physical worlds to connect since 2010. Since 2010,
computers, mobile and wearable technologies, augmented and virtual reality (VR), GPS, system
integration and interoperability, and other elements have made this practical. As a result of
collaborative social media platforms and Web 2.0, anyone may now create their own content
which lets people make their own content. This means that tourism businesses can now reach
more people around the world even faster, thanks to these new technologies.
Wearable technologies
Internet banking Online booking systems
Social media
Office software Customer reservation systems
Google analytics
Video conferencing Email marketing
Review websites
Websites Customer relationship systems
Collaborative online environments
Destination (city) cards
Web 2.0
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production, e.g. platform
collaborative economy;
Because of these advancements and their accompanying changes, new ways of thinking about
travel are required, as are People in the tourism industry are coming up with new ways to
develop new products, People are using new business practices and new ways to help and build
the tourism industry's strength. Building a network and learning environment is important for
Bangladesh to be inspired by tech-savvy businesses from both inside and outside of the tourism
industry and learn from them how to work together on a wide range of projects. All of these
Disruption New destination New business Changing roles New roles for
ecosystems producers
Big data improves Digitalization New actors such Visitors have Destination
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reconceptualise emerge services roles, including transformed, and
business models Customer Services offered by tourism guiding, reviewing, organizations find
There are a range of elements that influence the adoption of digital technology on a local,
national, and worldwide level on a variety of levels. Other key aspects include the political
access to those technologies, and awareness of those technologies, among other things.
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Additionally, economic circumstances that impact confidence, investment, and other elements;
what is occurring in rival settings; and market effects are all taken into account are all factors to
be taken into consideration. Depending on the member state, the destination, and the sub-sector
of the tourism industry, these impacts present themselves differently. As a result, different
segments of the tourism industry are experiencing multi-speed digitalization processes. These
issues should be taken into account while developing policies, rather than rushing to apply
solutions from other countries that are not appropriate for all situations.
Towards bridging this gap, the Digital Tourism Network was established as an informal and
flexible forum with the goal of bringing relevant public and private stakeholders together around
a table to discuss common challenges and opportunities associated with digital transformation in
the Bangladesh tourism industry, as well as to conversation of best practices for enhancing the
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innovative ability of tourist businesses, especially in Bangladesh, is encouraged. The Bangladesh
Tourism and Digital Tourism Network collaborated with the nation's tourism and digitization
stakeholders to conduct a focused stakeholder engagement on tourism and digitization around the
country in 2016.. An investigation published in 2018 gives recommendations for improving the
penetration of digitalization in the tourism business of Bangladesh, with the findings pointing to
an increase in the use of smartphones. The Digital Tourism Network wants to further develop
this work through stakeholder talks and events, with a particular emphasis on the problems
this work.
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knowledge to
Due to the introduction of new digital technologies, there is an increased demand for training,
which is the most critical difficulty that the tourist industry in Bangladesh is currently facing.
The country frequently lacks the people, In addition to the resources and skills required for
digitization, there are also resources (such as time, initial financial investment, and on-going
technical assistance) available to undertake training programs in this field. The introduction of
new technology in Bangladesh's tourism industry is considered to be the second most important
objective after improving the country's infrastructure. Because tourism groups in Bangladesh
tend to have fewer financial resources than global corporations, this is not surprising. A
significant majority of the sample size consisted of small and micro-sized businesses, which are
hampered by a lack of human and financial resources, among other reasons, as a result of their
small size. All of the major issues in Bangladesh tourism are related to a lack of sufficient
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understanding of digitalization, which prohibits decision-makers from making informed
The findings of the interviews tended to corroborate these issues while also providing other
1. Small and micro-sized businesses, in particular, are finding it challenging to keep up with
the rapid shift in digital technologies that are becoming available to them. The tourism
3. Employers and employees who are younger than 50 years old are typically more flexible
4. In addition, the tourism industry is often uninformed of the value and potential
applications of the data generated by digitization, much alone how this could benefit their
5. One of the most challenging challenges related with digitalization is the issue of timing.
The ability to be on the internet at all times and respond immediately to a customer's
The tourism industry with lower levels of digitization was more likely than the rest of the
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technologies. When it comes to the tourism industry, a lack of awareness of digital technology
might manifest itself customers' altering needs, or new business models challenging the industry.
SME's with varied levels of digitization should be included in policies and efforts aiming at
The poll found that a lack of readily available Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) goods was a
major deterrent to digitalization for SMEs with low and medium levels of digitization.
(Howlader, 2018).
A significant barrier to deploying digital technology in the serviced lodging sub-sector, according
to the tourism industry with low levels of digitization, was the lack of "sufficient competence to
discover opportunities." In the travel agent/tour operator subsector, "inadequate technical skills"
was cited as a concern by both low and medium/highly digitalized SMEs, with the
medium/highly digitalized SMEs noting that the problem was more severe. A prominent
practices," indicating that the firm was concerned about employee training and skill
Top reasons for boosting digitalization are clear from the reasons given by tourism businesses in
Bangladesh who provide different types of tourism services. They think digitalization will help
them. Top reasons for increasing online presence and growth both show a desire results, it also
signifies a desire to participate in larger corporate ecosystems and develop supply chains in order
to generate value. Many small and medium-sized enterprises have a high degree of confidence in
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the future prospects of digitalization. (SMEs) often don't have enough knowledge or
understanding of how digitalization can help them. This statement doesn't agree with that.
Improving Optimistic
online about
presence for future
competitiveness opportunities
Addressing Improving
seasonality networks
The digitalization of commercial models, logics, and bionetworks opens the door to new
possibilities. By expanding the reach and accessibility of new products and experiences,
among others. Digitalization has the potential to improve interactions amongst subsectors such as
transportation, lodging, tour guides, and so on. Digitalization can help to alleviate issues like as
overcrowding - digital cooperation can assist in redirecting travelers to less busy routes and
opening up previously undiscovered experiences. The use of digital technology can facilitate
collaboration by bringing the tourism industry together around a "virtual table" to discuss shared
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issues in tourism, and in the process, shifting the emphasis away from the government and onto
SMEs as leaders.
According to the perception of the primary issue highlighted in the picture hurdles to
tourism was a lack of financial resources. The fact that technology is already advanced enough to
meet our needs is a hindrance. Rather than a concrete obstacle like a lack of technology or human
resource capacity, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are unclear about the
Rapid pace
of technological
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This notion is supported by interview data, which demonstrates that though conventional habits
of responsibility things are still effective, a major barrier is determining the extent of
transformation. Companies with less than 500 employees function in their own method,
3. In order to maximize value creation, technology must be developed and tailored to the
specific sub-sector, the context, and the location at hand. It cannot be the other way
5. Internet resources might be more challenging to use whether you're a child or an adult. At
times, it's a little much to take in all at once. As a consequence of digitization, things
deployed rather than their own firm is a terrible thing for small and medium-sized
companies (SMEs).
At both operational and business ecosystem levels, having more knowledge about how
digitalization might assist could help organizations identify new ways to innovate and generate
money. Public administrations and professional organizations may play a large role in both the
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Questioner Survey
Study Area:
This research is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This Survey will be conducted with the data of 200
people which will include tourists aged from 18-35 years old. Also, the service-providing
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organizations are selected for collecting the necessary information for accomplishing this
research’s objectives.
Below is the Gannt chart given which shows the timeframe of this research work:
secondary research
research outcome
There are 200 respondents and among them, 40% of respondents aged from 26 to 35 which is a
significant number and 18-25 has second largest 36% respondents in the data set. The responses
from 26 to 35 age group are the highest as they mostly take Tourism Services in Bangladesh with
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Of the 50 participants, 58% are the men and 42% are women. The men are therefore key
interviewees in my data.
Forms response chart. Question title: Are digitalization Easier and helpful than traditional
In this question we see that 74.1% people are agree that the digitalization Easier and helpful than
traditional sources of tourism, we also see that 11.1% people are strongly agree in this opinion.
Forms response chart. Question title: Sharing experience in social media platforms. Number of
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In this question we see that 100% people are Sharing experience in social media platforms.
Forms response chart. Question title: Spending the time in digital media on getting ideas for the
In this question we see that 70.4% people are spending the time in digital media on getting ideas
for the next travel. On the other hand 29.6% people are not spending the time in digital media on
Forms response chart. Question title: Digitalization platform to search places for travelling.
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Number of responses: 200 responses.
In this question we see that 59.3% people are using different types of Digitalization platform to
search places for travelling. On the other hand 40.7% people are sometimes using different types
Forms response chart. Question title: Digital media platform to follow tourism pages. Number of
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In this question we see that 77.8% people are using Facebook for Digital media platform to
follow tourism pages. On the other hand 18.5% people are using You Tube for Digital media
Forms response chart. Question title: Seeking information from travel agencies through digital
In this question we see that 55.6% people are sometimes seeking information from travel
agencies through digital media. On the other hand 33.3% people are most of the times Seeking
information from travel agencies through digital media. 11.1% people never Seeking information
Forms response chart. Question title: Learning tourist attraction and information through social
media and getting ready for tour. Number of responses: 200 responses.
46 | P a g e
70.4% people are agree about Learning tourist attraction and information through social media
and getting ready for tour and 25.9% people are disagree about Learning tourist attraction and
Forms response chart. Question title: Seeking information about food, accommodation, travel,
shopping and entertainment in social media based tourism pages. Number of responses: 200
In this question we see that 74.1% people are agree about Seeking information about food,
accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment in social media based tourism pages.. On the
other hand 18.5% people are strongly agree about this opinion. 7.4% people are neutral about
47 | P a g e
seeking information about food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment in social
Forms response chart. Question title: Searching other tourists' review and notes in digital media
In this question we see that 85.2% people are agree about Searching other tourists' review and
notes in digital media before traveling. On the other hand 11.1% people are neutral about
searching other tourists' review and notes in digital media before traveling.
Forms response chart. Question title: Visiting the head office of tourism pages or groups to seek
48 | P a g e
In this question we see that 40.7% people are preferring social media platform much regarding
their review. 18.5% people are rarely visiting the head office of tourism pages or groups to seek
information and 40.7% propel both but visiting the social media first.
Forms response chart. Question title: Trust on the management of tourism pages or sites. Number
81.5 % people Trust on the management of tourism pages or sites on the other hand 18.5%
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In-depth Analysis:
Three tourist agencies, 'Intelligent Tourists Aid' (ITA), ‘Travel Bangladesh’, and 'Country
Tourism Bangladesh, were questioned for this study in order to analyze their promising activity
and determine whether or not they are a rising and viable platform for tourism. The activity of all
three of these organizations has been ongoing for an average of more than eight years. All
agencies rely heavily on Facebook platforms to conduct their business efficiently and
comfortably due to the widespread attachment that people have to this site. However, they also
maintain contact with LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram in order to disseminate all kinds of
information and travel plans to tourists on these platforms. One spokesman for Travel
Bangladesh claims that the company's Facebook groups and pages have brought together 23
thousand people of all ages and backgrounds. Intelligent Tourist Aid (ITA), on the other hand,
connects nearly 25 thousand travelers and tourism enthusiasts, while Country Tourism
All tourist information centers interact with visitors not only through digitalization, but also by
placing a strong emphasis on documentation. They favor man-to-man marketing over social
51 | P a g e
media marketing, says the representative of ITA, but they do a lot of promotion on their website,
she says. Virtual contracts are less important than physical contracts in the eyes of tourists, and
their contracts or trip plans reflect this. Country Tourism Bangladesh, on the other hand, are
solely concerned with documents in this regard, but Hotelswave.com is more concerned with
social media than with documents, and they collaborate with their website to promote their
Tourist agencies are reaping greater benefits from digitalization than they were from their prior
work systems, and their accomplishments are expanding at a faster rate as a result. 'Social media
is a powerful platform for promotion and marketing; it is also one of the most successful tools for
failed to focus on and change our traditional strategy to digital sooner in the process. We are now
preparing for a transformation'. Hotelswave.com pushes for digitalization assistance, stating that
'Most people are linked to digital media at least 2-4 hours a day, thus it is possible to contact
people through digital media with little cost and labor.' (Source: Hotelswave.com) "Digitalization
is successful," says an ITA spokesperson, "but we prefer the man-to-man marketing of physical
visits for corporate deals, just as we prefer group tours and corporate tours." "We prefer group
If you ask a representative of ITA about the trustworthiness of individuals who use these
agencies, she provides a very good response. She says: "Yes, people trust us, which is why we
are the only firm with a rating of 5 out of 5 for more than 1500 reviews." In addition to putting
the needs of our customers first, we place a strong emphasis on security and cost-effectiveness.'
From a representative of Country Tourism Bangladesh, the same response is received: 'We use
our online payment method for the booing, and it enables the clients to believe in our business."
52 | P a g e
All of our customers receive a confirmation text after making a reservation, which gives them
peace of mind concerning their reservation. "We are preparing to move forward with an expert
opinion at this time," says the representative of River and Green Tour in this particular instance.
Tourists' activities such as sharing photos, videos, and text on social media sites, according to
travel agencies, help them to receive positive evaluations, and this activity has a significant
impact on the businesses of travel agencies. A spokesperson from the International Tourism
Organization (ITA) agrees that, as a result of digitalization and easy access to information,
people are becoming more interested in traveling both domestically and internationally. As a
result, these tourist activities are successful, and the agencies receive great feedback from their
clients. In agreement with the International Tourism Association, a representative from Travel
Bangladesh states that travelers' promotional efforts demonstrate their confidence and
dependability in travel firms and encourage them to travel to more new areas. The opposite is
true according to Hotelswave.com, which finds that travelers' actions of posting are having an
impact on their technique of promoting their agency. They also state that "people are traveling
more as a result of viewing and getting information from these digitalization sites now."
At the conclusion of the interview, representatives from the agencies expressed optimism about
ITA delegate, although with the caveat that there are some weaknesses that need be addressed.
According to an ITA spokesperson, "digitalization may increase some of our local tourists, but in
order to attract a big number of international tourists, we must strengthen our tourist attractions
representatives are somewhat in agreement, but they also have their own arguments, such as,
"Tourism sites development because the product is different." In order to market and connect a
53 | P a g e
place or product with its target audience, digitalization must be used. It may only raise awareness
of three factors, stating that "communication, transportation, and awareness can take our tourism
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Individuals, on the other hand, will be pushed to engage in digitalization as technology advances
and internet access becomes more widespread, regardless of their preferences. As more
individuals want to revitalize their lives, traveling has grown in popularity as a way of achieving
this objective. People are more likely to go abroad and take advantage of all the attractions as a
way to break up their increasingly boring everyday life. The vast majority of respondents
claimed to have used the internet to research vacation locations, with 92,3 percent doing so
within the last year. Additionally, 71.1 percent of survey respondents said that they spend the
For the foreseeable future, Bangladesh's economy is expected to remain heavily dependent on
travel and tourism. Thousands of small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) exist in Bangladesh's
tourism industry, which is projected to employ many more directly. Without a doubt, the internet
economy has had a big impact on the tourism industry in the nation. As seen by their
conservative approach to corporate strategy, tourism organizations are fearful about the impact of
digitalization. According to an investigation into small and medium-sized firms (SMEs), the
56 | P a g e
obstacles and limitations they face and must overcome are a consequence of their own particular
business situations. It is vital to consider pricing, technological capability, and ease of access to
internet resources when establishing a product strategy. Entrepreneurs who run small and
optimizing corporate operations and expanding into new markets; they must also leverage digital
technologies to increase their competitiveness, expand their market reach, and strengthen their
However, according to the findings of this analysis, digitization presents several obstacles for the
tourist industry, especially in terms of their practical skills. The tourism industry has identified
many obstacles, including a lack of time, skills, properly trained employees, and information.
Choosing and implementing technologies has presented them with both strategic and operational
challenges. They expressed concern about the complexity of decision-making and how to
navigate the digitalization space; this was especially true given their tendency to adopt
regions, where the tourist industry typically faces extra obstacles due to the lack of infrastructure.
urban, rural, and island destinations, as well as differences in challenges manifested in different
institutional systems across Europe, all present capacity-building and regulatory challenges for
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Therefore, the discourse around digitization in tourism has so far centered only on the need of
digitizing tourist enterprises. This research was inspired by qualitative data obtained as
background for this analysis, which reminds us that tourism is just one component of a broader
ecosystem, and that a narrow emphasis on tourism might draw attention away from the larger
other sectors may indirectly benefit tourism and might have significant spillover effects on the
maintaining continuing possibilities for hands-on learning, exchanging experiences, and cross-
58 | P a g e
2) Kamal, S. (2017). Social media practice and impact: a study on Bangladesh Travel
4) Rathonyi, G. (n.d.). Effect of social media on tourism –especially among scholars of the
5) Roopa, S., & Rani, M. S. (2012). Questionnaire Scheming for a Survey. The Journal of
6) Md. Ziaul Haque Howlader, September 18, 2018, Digital skill powers tourism industry
7) Azizul Hassan, 2021, Technology Application in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
8) Dianne Dredge, Giang Phi, Renuka Mahadevan, Eóin Meehan & Elena Silvia Popescu;
2018; Digitalisation in Tourism: Thorough analysis of contests and opportunities; Page 3,6
59 | P a g e
Survey Questionnaire:
Dear, I am the student of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of University
of Dhaka. I am conducting a survey titled “Analyzing the Impact of Digitalization in the Field of
Tourism Services in Bangladesh”. Hope you will cooperate with me by giving me some authentic
1) Agree
2) Strongly disagree
3) Disagree
4) Neutral
5) Strongly agree
60 | P a g e
Sharing experience in social media platforms
1) Share
2) Don't Share
Spending the time in digital media on getting ideas for the next travel
1) Always
2) Sometimes
3) No
2) Sometimes
3) Never
1) Facebook
2) You Tube
3) Instagram
4) Twitter
5) Others
61 | P a g e
Seeking information from travel agencies through digital media
2) Sometimes
3) Never occurs
Learning tourist attraction and information through social media and getting ready for tour
1) Agree
2) Disagree
3) Neutral
1) Agree
2) Strongly agree
3) Disagree
4) Strongly disagree
5) Neutral
Searching other tourists' review and notes in digital media before traveling
1) Agree
2) Disagree
62 | P a g e
3) Neutral
2) Rarely
1) Yes
2) No
Study Area:
63 | P a g e
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