Physics Investigatory Project
Physics Investigatory Project
Physics Investigatory Project
Photoelectric Effect
Hallwach discovered that an insulated zinc plate
connected to a gold leaf electroscope and charged
negatively losts its charge, when a beam of
ultraviolet light was directed on the plate. Hallwach
suggested that the metal surface loses negative
charge due to ejection of electrons from its surface
by the ultraviolet light. The effect was termed as
Photoelectric effect. The electrons so emitted were
called Photoelectrons. J.J.Thomson showed that the
Photoelectrons were not different from the ordinary
Experimental Study
The phenomenon of photoelectric effect is studied
by using an experimental arrangement shown in
figure 1.
Monochromatic light of known frequency is
focussed on the anode of an evacuated quartz tube.
The anode is made out of the metal whose behaviour
under exposure to light is being investigated. Flow
of current in the external circuit indicates the flow of
electrons emitted from the anode surface inside the
tube. This is possible if the electrons are emitted
with energy large enough to overcome the retarding
potential between the anode and the cathode.
Explanation 1 : Free electrons in the metallic anode
can absorb energy from the electromagnetic waves
impinging on them. After sufficient energy has been
absorbed free electrons inside the metal should be
able to overcome the combined potential barrier
offered by the metal surface and the retarding
potential across the phototube.
Now, when the photocurrent is measured by varying
(a) the intensity of light, (b) its frequency and (c) the
retarding potential between the anode and the
cathode, effects are observed which cannot be
reconciled with the classical wave properties of light
and its absorption by electrons.
Hence explanation 1 is not accepted.
The maximum kinetic energy with which the
electrons leave the anode can be measured by
adjusting the retarding potential till the photocurrent
in the external circuit is reduced to zero. Then
electrons are not able to reach the anode. If V is the
cut-off voltage, the maximum kinetic energy of
electrons in the phototube is eV.
When a careful study is made of photoemission by
varying the above mentioned parameters in the
experiment, the following important conclusions are
reached :