Go Wyoming (April 2022)

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The Official Newsletter of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Office

12th Edition / April 2022

www.wycochamber.org / www.gowyomingcountyny.com

This Is
our Bus :
Grow Y
and Suc iness
e page
Photo by JoAnne Pionessa


2 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

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WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 3

Setting sights on a new season

ENCOURAGING TRENDS: With declining COVID numbers and mandates ending, businesses get back to level of normal
you – we all appreciate the enough – we have great local
PRESIDENT/CEO’S extra work and efforts put businesses in our commu-
MESSAGE forward throughout this un-
precedented time.
nity and shoppers proved
that with all the activity we
We are encouraged by the tracked over the previous
By Scott Gardner number of new businesses holiday season.
We have finally passed a have opened in Wyoming Now is a great time to be
milestone with the COVID County over the fall and a Chamber member, as we
pandemic, and are pleased winter and we have high- continue to offer business
to see the ending of most lighted them within the member focused programs
mask mandates and posi- newsletter. It is always grat- and have a series of SBA
tive case counts decreasing ifying to see new businesses seminars scheduled for
in our region and across the open and I remain hopeful April through June that will
country. This is a signal that that we will see a surge of give resources and learning
normalcy is finally returning activity from startups to opportunities to our mem-
and we can celebrate spring expansions as the weather bers. Topics will include fi-
and summer with friends Scott Gardner, president and CEO of the Wyoming County nancing your business, tools
warms up and projects be-
and family. Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Promotion Agency, says to grow your business, and
For over two years, our the number of new businesses that opened in Wyoming County social media and e-com-
The annual Shop Wyo-
during the fall and winter is encouraging. merce.
local communities have ming & Win campaign this We are always open to
faced regulations and man- owners can focus on people, From businesses, employ- past winter was successful, new learning opportunities
dates, and with the easing products and profits. They ees and their customers, recording $1.3 million in that will inform the busi-
of restrictions, business can set their sights on a new schools and families, and total sales and we thank all ness community on topics
mandates are finally behind season and getting back to a anyone who served or sac- the businesses that partic-
us and our local business level of normal operations. rificed something, thank ipated. It can never be said See MESSAGE T4
4 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

From T3

to increase profitability
and position them for
We are also mid-way
through an economic
development and tour-
ism destination assess-
ment that will help to set
priorities and position
Wyoming County for
future growth in our
business and hospitality
CakeEaters Bakery, 249 Main St., Arcade, on Feb. 5, 2022.
sectors. This process is
a joint project between
the Chamber & Tourism
office and the Business
Assistance Corporation. Butter Meat Co., 1 North Main St., Perry, on Nov. 6, 2021.
We work closely to-
gether with our economic
development partners
and look forward to
bringing fresh perspec-
tives and new ideas to ‘ Ribbon cuttings are a great sign for our local
economy as they show optimism among our

the forefront as we move business start-ups and existing companies.
ahead in the post-Covid
P.O. Box 58, Stafford, NY 14143
At the Chamber, we
are always looking at new
president and CEO
Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce
ways to serve our mem-
bers and the community.
and Tourism Promotion Agency www.williamkentinc.com
The time is right for fresh
perspectives and we are
planning to develop new
programs, approaches to
how we serve, the events
we host, and the direc-
tion we head as a servant
of the business commu-
nity in Wyoming County.
On behalf of the Cham-
ber’s membership, Board
of Directors, and staff
we hope everyone has a
safe and fun spring and
summer season filled
with time together and all NYS of Health has extended the special enrollment period for
of the wonderful activi- Health Insurance enrollment due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ties available during our
warmest months.
If you need help navigating the marketplace call the Wyoming County
We hope you enjoy Health Department at 786-8890, and one of our certified navigators will
time with family and assist you with a plan that works best for your needs.
celebrate all that is good
about Wyoming County
and our great part of the
Scott A. Gardner is president
and CEO of the Wyoming Coun-
ty Chamber of Commerce and
Tourism Promotion Agency.
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 5



Who we are: Wyoming County Chamber Staff Directory

The Wyoming County create an environment that Scott Gardner
Chamber of Commerce & leads to the success and eco- President/CEO
Tourism office is a not-for- nomic prosperity of Wyoming [email protected]
profit, membership organiza- County.
tion comprised of more than Eric Szucs
500 businesses in and around Director of Tourism
Wyoming County.
Our vision & Marketing
The Wyoming County [email protected]
We bring together repre-
sentatives from manufactur- Chamber & Tourism is the
36 Center Street, Suite A,
ing, retail, agriculture, and leading membership organi-
Warsaw, NY 14569
tourism to promote Wyoming zation for local and regional
County as a healthy, econom- growth, advocacy, and con- (585) 786-0307
ically stable place for resi- nection for Wyoming Coun-
dents to live, work and play. ty’s business community. www.wycochamber.org
Our mission Our core values
Our mission is to serve the The core values of the Wy-
members and community; oming County Chamber and
promote and grow the area’s Tourism are Leadership, Ex-
economic and tourism assets; cellence, Integrity, and Re-
and work collaboratively to sponsiveness.

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6 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Travel, tourism and its effect on you

PERSONAL IMPACTS: Tourist spending allows businesses to succeed and creates prosperous economy
Successful businesses impacts the quality of living
TOURISM create jobs, and more jobs for everyone who calls this
MESSAGE mean a prosperous local
economy, which attracts
home. Thriving businesses,
plenty of jobs, increased
new businesses, encourages tourists, mean bustling
By Eric Szucs current businesses to ex- downtowns, a variety of
Director of tourism for Wyoming County Chamber of
Commerce & Tourism Promotion Agency
pand and aspiring entrepre- new and unique businesses,
neurs to open up shops and even improved infrastruc-
National Travel and Tour- restaurants. That translates ture like roads, sidewalks,
ism week is May 1 to 7, 2022. to more people moving parks and more!
During this week travel and into town, attracted to this Did you know, tourists
tourism folks from across grown, which ensures con- spend more than $50 mil-
the country celebrate the tinued community success. lion dollars here in Wyo-
value travel holds for our It’s a wonderful cycle! ming County – and more
economy, businesses and Eric Szucs, director of tourism for Wyoming County Chamber of
Commerce & Tourism Promotion Agency. For the community, it See TOURISM T7
the personal well-being of positively improves and
everyone – including YOU. is incredibly important to visit our attractions and ac-
Yes, you! YOU. commodations. These vital
Often times we think of
tourism as only serving
Whether you live in Wy-
oming County, Western
tourism dollars help our
area businesses succeed, ex-
Wyoming County
tourists – people visiting
from far away, snapping
New York, or on Mars (start
planning your vacation now
pand, develop and pay em-
ployees. These employees in Office for the Aging
pictures of popular sites and – bring sunblock), the work turn invest their wages back
happily exploring our back- Wyoming County Tourism into the local economy – be
yards being thrilled about does is a critical component it on a houses, cars, a night
things we drive past every in local economic devel- out on the town or at any of
day. opment. As tourists come the businesses in our com-
Truth be told, tourism to Wyoming County, they munity.

Come visit our booth in the Youth (yellow)

Building at the Wyoming County Fair

If you miss us at the fair, we are located at

8 Perry Avenue, Warsaw, and our phone
number is 786-8833 or 1-800-836-0067.
Call or stop by for information on long term
care services and support for individuals of all
ages in Wyoming County.
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 7

gas at our stations and Our primary goal is to generate overnight stays. The more time tourists
Tourism renting rooms at our inns
and lodges, this supports spend here, the more money they invest into our economy.
From T6 all the businesses that call
Wyoming County home.
than $2.8 billion in our re- Our secondary goal is to
gion? That doesn’t happen entice day-trippers to spend
by accident! It takes consid- money on our Main Streets
erable work and strategic as they enjoy our attractions
planning by organizations and participate in events.
such as Wyoming County How do we accomplish
Tourism and our partners. all this? By promoting Wy-
Curious how it all comes oming County throughout
together? Well, we’ll start the U.S. and Canada via
with how we market to tour- many different avenues.
ists at an international level We diversify our messag-
(yes, we promote Wyoming ing by putting upwards of
County internationally!) It 85,000 copies of our Visitor
starts with strong regional Guide, which engages and
partnerships with Allegany, informs interested tourists
Genesee, Livingston and at information centers,
Orleans counties (see the travel shows and events.
Fresh Air Adventures article We advertise to hundreds
inside this very newsletter of thousands of users digi-
for more information). tally through Facebook and
We work closely with one other social media outlets,
another by promoting the by promoting events, attrac-
similarities we share as tions and accommodations
rural communities filled on our website www.GoWy-
with unique Mom & Pop Co.com.
shops. To do this, we have We build programming
networked with travel based on people’s inter-
organizations, partnered ests – such as the Wyoming
with businesses, developed County Barn Quilt and Eat
itineraries and put togeth- Fresh, Buy Local initiatives.
er promotional materials We tie in the beauty and
targeted towards tourists adventure of the outdoors
from the UK, China, Ger- through initiatives such as
many and other European our “Lakes to Letchworth”
nations. This is done in campaign. This initiative
partnership with New York promotes our proximity
State, marketing and pub- to the Great Lakes and the
lic relations firms, travel Finger Lakes and how Wy-
agents, tour operators, oming County and Letch-
media and news outlets and worth State Park is the out-
many more organizations. door epicenter of Western
Have you noticed the New York. All of this is just
busloads of tourists visiting a sampling of what we do –
Letchworth? We work hard and much of this isn’t obvi-
to bring those tourists here. ous to the local community
Be it Beijing or New York because we’re targeting
City, we want people visit- would-be tourists who live
ing Wyoming County and hundreds of miles away.
exploring our attractions. At the end of the day, our
But our work doesn’t goal is the same as yours. To
stop there. We also market have successful businesses
extensively in the U.S. and so we can experience, beau-
Canada. Our primary goal tiful communities to raise
is to generate overnight our families in and a place
stays. The more time tour- we can play in, live in and be
ists spend here, the more proud of.
money they invest into our
Eric Szucs, a lifelong resident of
economy. By eating at our Arcade, has been Wyoming Coun-
restaurants, purchasing ty’s director of tourism and market-
gifts at our shops, buying ing since June 2016.
8 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Wyoming County Tourism planning new website

Visiting Letchworth State nounce that this year we’ll you are included.
Park? Visit our website – be launching a brand-new For regular updates on ar-
www.GoWyCo.com for plen- website, filled with even more ea happenings, visit www.
ty of exciting ideas and tips on excellent information for you GoWyCo.com.
things to do. as you explore our beautiful
To contact the Wyoming
The site includes every- region.
thing from outdoor adven- If you have a tourism busi- County Chamber of Com-
ture, to family-friendly activ- ness, event or activity taking merce and Tourism, call (585)
ities. place in Wyoming County, let 786-0307 or go to www.wyco-
We’re also excited to an- us know so we can make sure chamber.org.
Fresh Air Adventures is a regional tourism initiative.

Find an exciting
adventure near home
Allegany, Genesee, Living- such as New York City, Toronto,
ston, Orleans and Wyoming Canada and elsewhere within a
County’s regional tourism pro- six-hour drive.
gram, “Fresh Air Adventures – What’s this mean to you? It’s
New York’s Falls to the Finger the perfect opportunity to plan
Lakes,” is a multi-county col- an exciting adventure close to
laborative providing a collec- home. Your support is critical
tion of attractions and prime to our regional economy and
location between Niagara Falls the sustainability of our small
and the Finger Lakes. business community. Tourists
The goals of Fresh Air Adven- spend more than $238 million
tures are to encourage travel dollars in our region each year,
to our world-class attractions, which translates to $28 million
discover our quaint towns and in sales tax dollars, more than
villages, and experience all that $15 million of which remains
our great region has to offer. local so we can improve the
“Fresh Air Adventures tells quality of life for our residents.
tourists exactly what they can “We have a spacious, safe,
expect when they visit our re- and beautiful natural setting,
gion,” said Eric Szucs, tourism so our region collaborated to
firector for the Wyoming Coun- build this incredible program
ty Chamber of Commerce and supported by a comprehensive
Tourism. website and social media plat-
The initiative includes a forms,” Szucs said. “In doing
comprehensive website, www. so, we can share the outdoor
FreshAirAdventuresNY.com, experiences and uniqueness of
and Facebook and Instagram our rural villages and the small
(@FreshAirAdventuresNY) businesses that make up our
platforms. Each of these digital communities. It’s an incred-
tools provide tourists a wealth ible way to connect so many
of valuable information, in- outdoor landmarks like Lake
cluding outdoor recreation Ontario, Letchworth State Park,
experiences, culinary and craft the Finger Lakes, down to the
beverage fare, overnight ac- Pennsylvania border.”
commodations, events, adven- Fresh Air Adventures is a re-
ture ideas/itineraries, inter- gional tourism program by Al-
active maps and trip planning legany, Genesee, Livingston,
capabilities. Orleans and Wyoming coun-
Fresh Air Adventures is mar- ties’ official tourism promotion
keting more than 1,000 regional agencies, dedicated to promot-
tourism businesses. Marketing ing our tourism assets, while
will concentrate on New York working to create an environ-
State and national travelers, ment that leads to the region’s
transitioning to international success and economic prosper-
leisure and group tour travelers ity through visitor spending.
and those passing along major For more information, call
routes traveling to Buffalo, Ni- (800) 622-2686 or visit the web-
agara Falls USA/Canada and site at www.FreshAirAdven-
the Finger Lakes from places turesNY.com.
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 9

Wyoming County is ‘epicenter’ of NY maple
It truly is Springtime in Wyoming
County when you first catch the sweet
smell of maple syrup!.
During the last two weekends of
March, Wyoming County embraced
Maple Weekends, celebrating the
scrumptiousness of all things maple.
This year Wyoming County had
more than a dozen participating ma-
ple producers, featuring a myriad of
family-friendly fun and tasty maple
products for purchase, including ma-
ple syrup, sugar, candies, BBQ sauce, A sampling of maple syrup available
from Sweet Time Maple in Wyoming.
mustard and more!
What makes Maple Weekends in making delicious maple syrup.”
Wyoming County so special is how di- During both Maple Weekends, res-
verse and unique each of our maple idents and visitors alike were able to
producers are. They vary in size from explore maple farms throughout Wy-
large producers who sell goods at Taste oming County. They could see how
of NY locations along the New York syrup is made, taste delicious samples,
State Thruway, to small sugar houses buy plenty of maple products such as
that produce 25 gallons of syrup a year syrup, sugar, candy, BBQ sauce, mus-
and sell locally from roadside stands. Sweet Time Maple, 5680 Webster Rd., Wyoming, was among more than a dozen tard and so much more.
“Our producers have been doing Wyoming County-based maple producers that participated in this year’s “Maple “Wyoming County is a state leader in
this for generations, and there is an im- Weekends” on March 19 and 206, and 26 and 27. maple production, and originated Ma-
mense sense of pride in what they do,” ple Weekends,” said Eric Szucs, direc-
said Ken Kehl, a maple producer and At every stop, Kehl said, guests could just the maple production process, but tor of tourism for the Wyoming County
member of the Wyoming County Ma- learn something new, see something the history of the farm, the family “and
ple Producers Association. different, and hear stories about not how they pour their heart and soul into See MAPLE T11

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10 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Annual business award winners celebrated

The Wyoming County
Chamber of Commerce and
Tourism office was pleased to
celebrate the organization’s
2021 award winners on Oct.
28, 2021, during a reception
at Byrncliff Golf Resort & Ban-
quets, 2357 Humphrey Rd,,
Awards were presented in
the categories of Large (11 or
more employees), Small (up to
10 employees), Agri-Business
(any size business involved in
agriculture industry), Tourism
Attraction (a larger hospital-
ity or tourism sector venue),
Tourism Business (such as
restaurant, shop, brewery),
and Most Promising New
Business (less than two years
Following a public nomina-
tion process, the Chamber’s
Board of Directors voted on
the finalists based a number Recipients of 2021 business awards from the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism pose Oct. 28 with their awards.
of great nominations in each
category. n Tourism Business of the many contributions to the office. “These awardees rep- recognize them for their con-
This awardees were: Year – The Castile Cider Mill in quality of life and economic resent diverse services and in- tinued growth and success.”
n Large Business of the Year Castile, N.Y. vitality of Wyoming County,” dustries and some of the very Added Norb Fuest, chair-
– JN White in Perry, N.Y. n Most Promising New said Scott Gardner, president best that Wyoming County man of the Wyoming Coun-
n Small Business of the Year Business of the Year – Endless- and CEO of the Wyoming has to offer. We are sincerely
County Chamber and Tourism pleased as an organization, to See AWARDS T12
– Vertical Café in Warsaw, N.Y. ly Outdoors Company in Per-
n Agri-Business of the Year ry, N.Y.
– Green’s Hoof Trimming in “We were excited to receive
Warsaw, N.Y.
n Tourism Attraction of the
a number of great nomina-
tions from across the commu-
Proud Supporter of the
Year – The Apple-Umpkin Fes- nity, and we sincerely con-
gratulate the winners for their
Wyoming County Chamber
tival, in Wyoming, N.Y.
of Commerce
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WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 11

Maple Fun facts about maple

Amaze your friends and family
From T9 with these maple production fun
n New York State produces
Chamber of Commerce and the second most maple syrup in
Tourism. “So this is the epi- the United States – and Wyoming
center of all things maple in County produces the second
New York, and an excellent most maple syrup in New York
opportunity to see how syrup State.
n On average, a maple tree
goes from the tap to your table. will produce 10 to 20 gallons of
“It’s educational, it’s fun, sap per tap.
and you can purchase an array n It takes about 40 gallons
of maple goodies made on the of sap to produce just one gallon
farm by our incredibly talent- of fresh sweet maple syrup.
n New York maple syrup pro-
ed producers,” Szucs said. duction in 2021 was 647,000
Wyoming County had 13 gallons.
maple producers participating n The number of maple taps
in Maple Weekends, according in New York in 2021 was esti-
to the New York State Maple mated at 2.9 million.
n Maple Weekends started
Association. in 1995 in New York.
Brad and Nicole White of
Maple Weekends are an opportunity to learn how maple products are made and sample sweet treats.
Swet Time Maple on Webster
Road in Wyoming have owned enced a slow start, but was im- boils and his family helps. It’s
and operated the business proving. Maple trees typically crazy, it’s hectic, it’s fun – it’s
since 2016. They spent the two need below-freezing nights what we do. Maple Weekend is
weeks before the first Maple and above-freezing days to get our busiest weekend.”
Weekend collecting and boil- a good sap run. If you didn’t experience
ing sap and making a multi- Brad White said Sweet Time Maple Weekends in March,
tude of maple products such Maple has about 24,000 taps don’t worry, you can order
as maple syrup, cream and collected at 11 different loca- maple products all year. Ma-
candies, along with cookies, tions. ny sell online, have physical
cotton candy, maple barbecue “It’s a family business so our retail locations, or can make
sauce, and even maple-fla- kids are here helping, and me arrangements for pickup or www.perrymarketplace.com
vored teas and coffee. and my husband,” said Nicole delivery. Visit www.BuyWyo-
This year’s season experi- White. “(Brad) is the one who mingCountyGrown.com!.

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12 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

and selected based on crite-

Awards ria that includes their con-
tributions to the economic
From T10 vitality and quality of life of
Wyoming County, capital
ty Chamber of Commerce investments, business ex-
Board of Directors: “We are pansions, job growth and re-
very grateful for all the ex- tention, community involve-
cellent nominations and it ment, and contributions that
was a thoughtful process in
strengthen their particular
selecting these outstanding
awardees. Each of these busi- business sector in Wyoming
nesses and organizations are County.
contributing to the economy –––
in countless ways and creat- For more information or to
ing a better community for become a Chamber member,
all the residents and visitors call (585) 786-0307 or visit the
to Wyoming County.” website at www.wycocham-
Awardees are nominated ber.org.

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Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham, 287 North Main St., Warsaw, on Nov. 3, 2021. The ribbon-cutting Family Memorials 55 S. Main St., Warsaw
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WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 13

What does the Chamber of Commerce provide?

The key programs and services of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tour-
ism are educational seminars; leadership development; business assistance and guidance;
cost-saving opportunities; advocacy; recognition, networking, exposure and promotional op-
portunities. For more information, call (585) 786-0307 or go to www.wycochamber.org

11 Covington Design & Boutique, 11 Covington St., Perry, on Nov.

6, 2021.

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For the Love of Flour, 5 North Main St., Perry, on Nov. 6, 2021. weed controls and insect control in
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14 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Programs available to help finance Membership brings credibility, awareness

Membership in the cham- awareness, a 57 percent in-
and grow your small business ber of commerce brings cred-
ibility to you business.
crease in its local reputation
and a 63 percent increase in
You can increase positive the likelihood that consumers
If you need help financing perception among consumers will patronize the business in
for starting or growing your and business owners when the future.
business in Wyoming County, you’re identified as a member For more reasons to be-
the Wyoming County Business of a chamber of commerce. come a chamber of commerce
Centers Micro-Loan Program According to a research study member, visit the Wyoming
could be just what you need. by The Shapiro Group Inc. and County Chamber of Com-
The Wyoming County Busi- Market Street Services, when merce website at https://www.
ness Center (WCBC) offers a consumers know that a small wycochamber.org/member-
low-interest, fixed-rate, mi- business is a member of the ship/why-join-the-chamber.
cro-loan program for qual- chamber of commerce, they To become a member of the
are 44 percent more likely to Wyoming County Chamber
ified startups and existing
think favorably of it. of Commerce, call (585) 786-
businesses with five or fewer 0307 or visit the Chamber’s
Other results show among
employees. Micro-loans range chamber businesses: a 51 per- website at www.wycocham-
from a minimum of $10,000 to The Wyoming County Business Center offers a microloan program.
cent increase in consumer ber.org.
a maximum of $50,000. The
current interest rate is 2% and WCBC because there is a wide clined by a bank. The focus
the terms are five to seven variety of assistance available of the program is to support
years. to encourage and support en- underserved markets, includ-
“This program is designed trepreneurs.” ing low-income borrowers or
to assist small businesses that Funds may be used for those with little to no credit Real Estate Services
may be considered high risk working capital, furniture, fix- history. Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
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have the best credit score,”

materials, and supplies. Refi- the Micro-Loan Program and

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said Jim Pierce, president of nancing of existing debt is not to see if you qualify, please 570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020
the Wyoming County Business Cell: 585.314.7269
eligible. contact Jim Pierce, president Office: 585.343.6750
Center, “Businesses that may The program is designed of the Wyoming County Busi- Fax: 585.343.8502
not be ready for financing, to serve as gap financing or ness Center at (585) 786-3764 [email protected]
should still reach out to the if a borrower has been de- or email [email protected].

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WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 15

Chamber membership increases visibility

Member news and milestones As a Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
member, you will be listed in the Chamber’s annual business
n JUDI LAIRD DRAPERIES, UPHOLSTERY directory, which is distributed to more than 20,000 homes and
AND SLIP COVERS in Varysburg is celebrating New Chamber members businesses throughout the county. You will also be listed on the
Chamber’s website which receives thousands of inquiries and re-
50 years in business this year. ferrals every year. If you are a tourism related business, you will
n COMPLETE PAYROLL in Perry is cele- Welcome our new members…. also be listed in the Wyoming County Travel Guide.
brating its 30th anniversary. n CakeEaters Bakery — Arcade
n LETCHWORTH VALLEY REALTY LLC is n Insightful Strides, Inc. — Attica
n Lake Affect Magazine — Rochester
celebrating 40 years in business this year.
n Breezeway Barns and Garden —
Perry is celebrating its fifth anniversary. n Books and Fields — Perry
n WINDY BREW in Strykersville is also cel- n Fleur de Lis Aesthetics — Warsaw
ebrating a five-year anniversary. n 11 Covington Design & Boutique —
n WARSAW GALLERY is celebrating its Perry
n Village of Arcade — Arcade
five-year anniversary
n Three Falls Cidery — Castile
n PREHISTORIC WORLD in Perry recently
n Loch Life — Perry
celebrated its one-year anniversary. n William F. Thiel Hospitality House —
n BALLOONS OVER LETCHWORTH has Warsaw 733 Route 20A, Strykersville, NY 14145
added a beautiful new balloon to its fleet,
named “Dawn Treader.” The balloon is named BECOMING A CHAMBER MEMBER WNY's First Custom Beer-Makers Center
after the mythical ship Prince Caspian sailed in The Wyoming County Chamber of Come Try One of Our Beers!
the “Chronicles of Narnia.” Commerce and Tourism is the leading
membership organization for local and Make an Appointment for a
celebrating being open full time this year.
regional growth, advocacy, and connec-
tion for Wyoming County’s business
n LOCH LIFE will be opening a new store DON’T FORGET TO CHECK OUT OUR TAP ROOM!
community. To become a member, call
location in April at 15 North Main St. in Perry. (585) 786-0307 or visit the www.wyco- 585-805-4006 • [email protected]
Follow its website and Facebook/Instagram chamber.org
Check Out Our Website windybrews.com
channels for details.

We love calling Wyoming County home.

Our employees live and work right here, serving friends and neighbors.
And they volunteer thousands of hours of their time each year out in the community.

We hope that makes you proud to work with us. But most of all, we hope it makes our community a little better.
16 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Core Strategies: Business Economic Development

The Chamber will promote and encourage the economic prosperity of Wyoming County in collaboration with
local and regional governments and economic development entities. The organization will encourage and
assist in the establishment, retention, marketing, and expansion of member businesses that will create and
retain jobs for county residents and generate additional tax revenue. The organization will seek opportunities
to promote and encourage Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises to develop and thrive.

Spring Ahead to Your Perfect Home

Free maps of Letchworth State Park – and a sticker – are available

from www.GoWyCo.com

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map, sticker available Trusted. Reliable.
Plan your adventure in cations in the park, details on Professional.
Letchworth State Park now by the Humphrey Nature Center, 77 Years in Business
requesting a free Letchworth frequently asked questions, Richard Wendt,
State Park map. It’s easy – you nearby locations to eat, drink President
can request your copy one of and stay and more.
three ways: The Chamber also have Fully Insured &
n Visit www.GoWyCo.com Letchworth State Park stickers Free Estimates
and search for “Letchworth available. When you submit RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL
State Park Map”, or a map request, mention the
n Email your request to in- Chamber’s newsletter and get
128 Cedar St. Batavia, NY • 585-343-2400 / 585-356-4300
[email protected], or a sticker. We’ll send it to you, RAHAITZ.COM | [email protected]
n Call the Wyoming Coun- free.
ty Chamber of Commerce and Not only will you receive a
Tourism at (585) 786-0307. copy of the 2021 map (we’re
The map has tons of use- working diligently to complete
ful information, including the 2022 version) – you’ll also
hiking, biking, horse, ski and receive a free copy of our ad-
snowmobile trails, historic lo- venture guide.


Call Any Time

(585) 567-2638
7960 Trall Road
TIM BARLOW Freedom, NY 14065
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 17

‘Shop Wyoming & Win’ sees record participation

In mid-February, the Cham-
ber was pleased to announce
the winners of the 11th annual
“Shop Wyoming and Win” buy
local promotion.
Four lucky individuals were
chosen on Tuesday, Feb. 8,
2022, to win the four guaran-
teed prizes.
This year’s winners were:
Rebecca Goewey from Gaines-
ville, who won a rocker reclin-
er donated by Harding’s Fur-
niture, Flooring & Mattress
in Attica; Becky Biddle from
East Aurora, who won the gas
grill donated by Ace Hardware
Warsaw/Attica; Ken Deppen
from Elma, who won a “Dine
out Wyoming Gift Package”;
and David Turski from Attica,
who won a “Dine out Wyo-
ming Gift Package.”
The Wyoming County
Chamber & Tourism conduct-
ed the annual drawing at the
Wyoming County Board of
Supervisors’ regular February
Meeting. Town Supervisors,
Jerry Davis from Covington,
Doug Berwanger from Arcade,
Ellen Grant from Bennington,
and Jim Brick from Perry as-
sisted by drawing the winning
tickets during the meeting.
“On behalf of the Chamber
and the community, we ex-
tend congratulations to all the
winners of this year’s ‘Shop
Wyoming and Win’ buy-lo-
cal promotion,” said Cham-
ber President Scott Gardner.
“Thank you to the many busi-
nesses who participated this
year with support and placing
of drop boxes. We also thank
everyone who shopped locally
in Wyoming County, as it was
critical to helping our local
businesses this holiday sea-
The prizes are made possi-
ble with the strong support of
local county businesses.
“We specially thank Ace
Hardware of Attica and War-
saw for the generous donation
of the gas grill, and Harding’s
Furniture, Flooring & Mat-
tress in Attica for donating the
Rocker Recliner,” said Gard-
ner. “These businesses gener-
ously donated prizes and we
See SHOP T19
18 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Core Strategies: Marketing and Tourism Economic Development

The organization will promote Wyoming County as a four-season vacation and recreation destination through
appropriate marketing and tourism economic development strategies. The Chamber & Tourism will support
and promote opportunities to build a solid foundation for tourism that will generate additional revenue for
member businesses and Wyoming County, enhancing the future growth of tourism. The organization will
seek opportunities to promote in-county consumer spending and the positive message of buying local.

Loch Life, 4 Covington St., Perry, on Nov. 6, 2021.

Warmth. Durability. Comfort. Protection. Barnyard Tough.

665 Main Street, Arcade | 585.492.1142

Monday — Friday 7:30 to 5:30 | Saturday 7:30 to 1:00

World’s Smallest Wool Shop, 6 Covingston St., Perry, on Nov. 6, 2021.

WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 19

shoppers participated by
Shop submitting receipts totaling
more than $1.3 million, and
From T17 generating estimated sales
taxes of $110,181 during the
encourage shoppers to stop promotional period.
in to support these outstand- Participants were required
ing local family-run small to save their receipts from
businesses throughout the purchases made in Wyoming
year.” County between Nov. 1 and
This year marks the 11th Christmas Eve 2021. They
year the Chamber has spon-
then submitted the receipts
sored the holiday promo-
tion as part of the Wyoming by mail, in-person, or in drop
County Chamber of Com- boxes by the deadline in early
merce’s shop local programs. January.
After weeks of planning For every $50 worth of pur-
and delivering the entry chases made in Wyoming
boxes to small businesses all County, the participants
over the county, the contest were eligible for one entry in
kicked off on Nov. 1, 2021. the drawing that took place
A record number of 1,164 on Feb. 8, 2022.

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20 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Develop your business vision with WCBC

Starting or expanding a
business can be one of the
biggest decisions that you can
make as an entrepreneur.
The Wyoming County
Business Center offers two
dynamic programs, the Wyo-
ming County Business Start-
up Program and the Wyoming
County Business Accelerator
Academy, to help you get start-
ed and grow your business in
Wyoming County, N.Y.


Do you have an innovative
business idea? Have you al-
ways dreamed about starting
your own business? If you an- The remaining classes help
swered “Yes,” then the Wyo- build the framework for a solid
ming County Business Startup business plan.
Program is here to help make The classes, which are in-
your dream come true. tentionally kept small in size,
The Wyoming County Busi- are facilitated by two local ex-
ness Startup Program, built on Guest speakers such as Tom Lyon of Lyon Global enhance the learning experience of programs
offered by the Wyoming County Business Center. perienced entrepreneurs. The
the Kauffman Foundation’s
FastTrac platform, offers an program is fast-paced and
in an interactive group setting. positive and fun learning envi- first few classes are devoted to energizing, utilizing presen-
exciting hands-on business
“The Wyoming County ronment.” determining the viability and tations, subject matter guest
development, real-world ed-
ucational experience that will Business Startup Program Classes are offered twice a market potential of the entre-
guides entrepreneurs through year in the spring and fall. The preneur’s business concept. See PLAN T25
help you start or grow your
business and gain access to a each step of the business plan-
network of resources. ning process,” said program
Participants develop and manager Jennifer Tyczka, “The
refine their business ideas facilitators and local subject
throughout the program – matter experts are supportive
moving from concept to reality and encouraging and create a

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WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 21

Boyd Houlton Marsh Carleton Hunt Gooch

Symposium to discuss climate change

DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS: Annual event returns to GCC in April
BATAVIA — Six area lead- lenges of climate change. CEO in April 2008. Under his Carleton is responsible in which they operate.
ers will provide an active dis- They will include: leadership, the company has for overseeing the safe and n Suzanne Hunt is
cussion on “Climate Change n Dr. Benjamin Z. Houl- been a leading innovator in reliable operations of solar co-owner of Hunt Country
and Sustainability” at the ton is the Ronald P. Lynch the alternative energy field. assets totalling 1500 mega- Vineyards, her family’s sev-
2022 Wolcott J. Humphrey III dean of the College of Agri- The firm’s fuel cell solutions, watts of generation capacity enth generation farm and
Symposium on Leadership culture and Life Sciences and including its GenKey suite nationwide. 40-year-old winery in the
and Community Life. a Cornell University profes- and ProGen engine line, are Under his leadership, Finger Lakes. She is also poli-
The symposium is set for sor in the Departments of leveraged by global market- Clearway has rapidly become cy director for Generate Cap-
9 a.m. April 21 in the Rich- Ecology and Evolutionary place leaders such as Ama- one of the top solar owner/ ital, which finances, builds,
ard C. Call Arena at Genesee Biology and of Global Devel- zon, Walmart and Carrefour operators in the nation, owns, and operates sustain-
Community College. opment. to power industrial electric GCC officals said in a news able infrastructure projects
The opening presentation An accomplished interna- vehicles. release. The accomplish- in North America, South
will feature keynote speaker tional scientist, his research n William D. Carleton is ment is through dedication America, and Europe.
Peter Boyd. He’s the CEO & interests include global eco- general manager of Solar Op- to the people who work for In 2021 Hunt and her
founder of Time4Good and system processes, climate erations and Maintenance him, and ensuring they are parents were recognized by
Resident Fellow at Yale Cen- change solutions and agri- at Clearway Energy Group technically capable and good
ter for Business and Devel- cultural sustainability. He based in Scottsdale, Ariz. stewards of the communities See GCC T22
opment. has published his research in
He will be followed by a leading scientific journals in-
panel moderated by Dr. Ben- cluding Nature, Science and
jamin Houlton, dean of the the Proceedings of the Na-
College of Agriculture and tional Academy of Sciences.
Life Sciences at Cornell Uni- As part of his mission to
versity. There will be a lun- connect scientific discovery
cheon with opportunity for with the public, he is also a
groups to network afterward. frequent guest on regional
Speakers are distinguished and national news programs.
in their areas of expertise n Andrew J. Marsh joined
and innovation to the chal- Plug Power as president and
22 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

to his lecturer positions at

GCC Yale and consulting work
with Time4Good, he serves
From T21 on the Expert Peer Review
Group for the UN’s “Race
Wine Business Monthly as To Zero” campaign.
some of the top leaders who The Wolcott J. Humphrey
shape the way the wine in- III Symposium on Leader-
dustry operates. ship and Community Life
n Curt A. Gooch is a is named in honor of Hum-
Dairy Environmental Sys- phrey, who died unexpect-
tem Solutions Expert at edly in 2001. As president
Land O’Lakes and a Cornell of the former Pavilion State
Senior Extension associate Bank and an active member
emeritus. He found his pas- of numerous civic orga-
sion for animal agriculture nizations, he frequently
early in life and has been
spoke about the need for a
fortunate to work profes-
forum where community
sionally for more than 30
and business leaders could
years serving the U.S. dairy
industry. He serves on the hear and learn the world’s
Innovation Center for US best ideas about leader-
Dairy Environmental Stew- ship.
ardship Committee and The first symposium was
the National Milk Produc- held in 2003, and featured
ers Environmental Issues Syracuse University Bas-
Committee. ketball Coach Jim Boeheim
n Peter Boyd teaches who spoke about leader-
and coaches a wide variety ship and perseverance.
of students, executives Registration is available
and teams on “Connected online at https://gccfoun-
Leadership” and the op- dationinc.org/humphrey.
portunities arising from Lunch is included along
Prehistoric World, 14 Lake St., Perry, celebrated its one-year anniversary and an expansion with a
ribbon-cutting ceremony on Nov. 6, 2021. leading the transition to with the opportunity to
sustainability. In addition network with others.


WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 23

Find networking opportunities at the chamber

Meet the Chamber’s board Membership in a cham-
ber of commerce is an ex-
Chamber also host events
where businesses can
cellent way to create net- meet and make greater
The 2021-2022 Board of Di- Tim Brick, Pioneer Credit Recov- working opportunities. connections.
rectors for the Wyoming County ery-Navient. Chambers such as the For more reasons to
Wyoming County Cham- become a chamber of
Chamber of Commerce are: Brock Beckstrand, Upstate ber of Commerce & Tour- commerce member, vis-
Door. ism have committees and it the Wyoming County
Angela Wiseman, Koike Aronson serving on one of them Chamber of Commerce
OFFICERS provides networking op- website at https://www.
CHAIR: Norbert Fuest, Apple- Inc. portunities as well as pro- wycochamber.org/mem-
tree HR & Safety Consultants. Ashley Hamilton, Complete Pay- fessional leadership devel- bership/why-join-the-
roll. opment. chamber, or call (585) 786-
VICE-CHAIR: Hans Kunze, The Wyoming County 0307.
Steuben Trust Company. Hon. Becky Ryan, supervisor of
SECRETARY: Lisa Seewaldt, Warsaw, Wyoming County.
Ash-Lin’s Elegant Rose. Jackie Swaby, Arts Council for
TREASURER: Nicole White, Wyoming County.
Freed Maxick CPAs. Andrew Stang, PrizmTech Doc-
ument & Technology Solutions.
Daniel J. Burling, Burling Avia-
DIRECTORS tion services.
Michael Hardie, Tompkins In- Jacqueline Blujus, Beaver Hol-
surance. low Conference Center.
Travis Sick, Tompkins Bank of Denise Coffey, Glen Iris Inn
Castile. Lisa Seewaldt, Ash-Lin’s Elegant





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24 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

Chamber membership provides business a voice in government

The Chamber takes on the tough issues and opposes new regulations, taxes, fees, assessments and
costs directed at small businesses and supports legislation that is pro-business. Direct links to both
local, as well as, state and national government helps the Chamber advocate for businesses.

Pip Pop Pop Up, 4 Covington St., Perry, on Nov. 6, 2021.


Fleur de lis Aesthetics, 67 West Buffalo St., Warsaw, on Dec. 1,

Core Strategies: Connection,

and Leadership Development
The Chamber will seek avenues to increase the awareness, knowledge,
importance, and support of economic development for the business com-
munity, elected officials, and the general public, and foster opportunities
for member to member connections, and complementary organizations and
The organization will develop recognition and networking opportunities
for its members as a means of connection, and develop strong relation-
ships with business, civic, and government leaders. The Chamber, as a
primary goal, will represent and promote the interests of Wyoming County’s
business community.
Through the Leadership Wyoming program, educational seminars, and
other professional development opportunities; the Chamber will provide fo-
rums for greater learning opportunities for the membership and community.
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 25

From T20

speakers, and in-class activi-

Additional assistance is
available for class graduates
to help with financing options,
identify business locations,
new business resources, and
other guidance.
The 2022 spring class is full.
The fall class begins Aug. 30
and runs for 10 weeks on Tues- Justin Britton ofJay Bee Contracting makes a presentation. RD Strassel of Strassel Law makes a presentation.
day evenings from 5:30 to 8:30
p.m. at the Wyoming Coun- distinct competitive advan- ness Accelerator Academy is Economic Development web- schedules visit wycoida.org or
ty Agriculture and Business tage and tap into new markets. sponsored and supported by site wycoida.org for resources contact Jennifer Tyczka at the
Center, 36 Center St., Warsaw. n Hear from a digital mar- the Wyoming County Business available,” Pierce said. Wyoming County Business
Seats are limited. keting expert and increase Center Inc. Board of Direc- To learn more about the Center at (585) 786-3764 or
The Wyoming County Busi- their online marketing . tors and the Wyoming County
ness Startup program is spon- programs and current class email [email protected]
n Learn how strategic Board of Supervisors.
sored by Tompkins Commu- thinking can dramatically im- “The Wyoming County
nity Bank, Complete Payroll, prove their business perfor- Business Center is commit-
Community Bank N.A., Robert mance. ted to continuing to provide
D. Strassel Esq., Five Star Bank, Classes are offered twice programs that are geared to
Wyoming County Board of Su- a year in the spring and fall. support the development and Real Estate Services AR

pervisors, and the workforce

Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!

The fall class begins Sept. 7 growth of businesses in Wyo-




development resources avail- TAMMY LEE KAVNEY ROSE


and runs for four weeks on ming County,” said Jim Pierce,
able to participants through Wednesday evenings from president of the Wyoming Branch Manager
Community Action for Wyo- Licensed Assoc. RE Broker
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Wyo- County Business Center Inc. 570 East Main St., Batavia, NY 14020
ming County. ming County Agriculture and “I encourage every business Office: 585.343.6750
Business Center , 36 Center St., owner – whether you are es- Cell: 716-392-3520
WYOMING COUNTY BUSINESS Warsaw. Seats are limited. tablished or just starting out HowardHanna.com
[email protected]
ACCELERATOR ACADEMY The Wyoming County Busi- – to visit the Wyoming County
Looking to grow sales, im-
prove your profitability, and
advance your business to
the next level? The Wyoming
County Business Center is
pleased to offer the Wyoming
County Business Accelerator
“This new 4-week interac-
tive program was created for
existing business owners who
are looking to overcome barri-
ers to growth and develop new
strategies to move their busi-
ness to the next level,” said
Tyczka. “Sometimes as a busi-
ness owner, you can become
hyperfocused on the day-to-
day operations and miss op-
portunities that could help
your business reposition itself
as a market leader or expand in
a new direction.”
Business owners and strate-
gic decision-makers that have
a passion for growth who at-
tend the program can expect
n Develop new business
strategies and tactics to pro-
mote growth and profitability.
n Identify their businesses’
26 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber

WCCHS opens dialysis clinic in Mount Morris

By MARGRET LEE doing and it is very much needed for both
[email protected] Livingston and Wyoming county — it’s a
MOUNT MORRIS — Wyoming Coun- great partnership and hopefully there will
ty Community Health System has part- be other partnerships we can do with Liv-
nered with the Livingston County Center ingston County as well,” said Wyoming
for Nursing and Rehabilitation to bring a County Board of Supervisors Chairwom-
dialysis center to 11 Murray Hill Drive. an Rebecca Ryan.
The space has been in the works since The creation of this new center within
2020. The new center will be able to treat the CNR was an effort of Wyoming Coun-
six patients at a time. ty’s shared service plans — with the CNR
“I’m super excited — it’s been a long hosting the center instead of WCCHS
journey ...” said Stephen Woodruff, direc- having to build a new one within Wyo-
tor of long-term care at CNR. ming County. According to the terms of
The dialysis center is taking over the its lease agreement with the county, the
space that was once leased by UR Medine WCCHS will offer dialysis services out of
| Noyes Health for use as a dialysis clinic a 2,005-square-foot space on the ground
for CNR residents, with hopes of expand- floor of the CNR.
ing services to the public. Noyes was un- The WCCHS will pay the county
able to staff the center and it closed a few Livingston and Wyoming county officials perform a ribbon cutting Thursday $2,673.33 per month in rent. The rate will
months after opening in July 2019. for the new dialysis center at the Livingston County Center for Nursing and increase by 3 percent per year over the life
Livingston County sought a new part- Rehabilitation in Mount Morris. The facility is a joint effort between the Wyoming of the lease which began Jan. 1, 2020 and
ner. The dialysis center under WCCHS County Community Health System and Livingston County. is set to end Dec. 31, 2025.
will provide both inpatient and outpa- “The ingenuity and creativity that al-
tient services to residents of both coun- new requirements for infection preven- that is needed by the general community lowed for this to come to fruition and
ties. tion, and other changes that delayed the ... breaking down those walls and break- for the staff to deliver it for the Wyoming
“This is a great day for the residents of opening of the center until now. ing down those silos for the betterment County Community Hospital System and
Livingston County and Wyoming Coun- “We all find ourselves operating with of the residents here and the betterment the Livingston County Center for Nursing
ty,” said Michael Corcimiglia, chief oper- our county silos — using our county bor- of the community at-large is a huge suc- and Rehabilitation — the flexibility and
ating officer for WCCHS. ders as limitations on what we can do and cess.” adaptability of both staffs to allow for this
The project was a long time coming be- cannot do,” said Livingston County Ad- The launch of this shared service is be- to happen for the betterment of the resi-
tween the pandemic and other setbacks, ministrator Ian Coyle. “A health facility lieved to be the first of its kind in New York dents and the betterment of the commu-
officials said. Woodruff said there were in one county and a health facility in an- state. nity is something we want to say thank
temporary suspensions on certifications, other are partnering together on a service “It’s a great new venture that we are you for,” Coyle said.
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 27

Chamber to sponsor OSHA Chamber membership a way to get customers

Membership in the chamber
of commerce can be a means to
bers typically recommend other
chamber members. The Wyo-

construction course in April acquire customer referrals. Ev-

ery day, your local chamber re-
ceives calls from individuals and
businesses looking for potential
ming County Chamber of Com-
merce and Tourism website also
allows for direct referrals, con-
necting the consumer with the
The Wyoming County Cham- recommends this training as Lifesaving Equipment, Subpart vendors, and chamber mem- member business by email.
ber of Commerce is sponsor- an orientation to occupational E
ing the Occupational Safety safety and health. Workers must n Health Hazards in Con- The sign outside read “volunteers
and Health Administration’s receive additional training on struction (e.g., noise, hazard
needed”, having no healthcare
10-hour construction certifica- hazards specific to their job. In- communication and crystalline
tion class in April structional time must be a min- silica) experience I was unsure, but finally
Classes are scheduled from 9 imum of 10 hours. n And two sections from the I took the plunge and oh what a
a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on April 5 and 6 following: Materials Handling, blessing I was in for. It was like
in the second-floor conference TOPICS TO BE COVERED Storage, Use and Disposal, Sub- stepping into a loving family. Not
room at the Wyoming County n OSH Act, General Duty part H/ Tools - Hand and Power, only did the other volunteers make
Ag and Business Center, 36 Cen- Clause, Employer and Employ- Subpart I/Scaffolds, Subpart L/
ter St., Warsaw. Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Eleva- me feel comfortable and needed,
ee Rights and Responsibilities,
The program will be taught by n Whistleblower Rights, Re- tors, & Conveyors, Subpart N/ they helped me learn and I dis-
Frances Youney of Sexton Ser- cord-Keeping Basics Excavations, Subpart P/Stair- covered that we all have beautiful
vices. n Inspections, Citations and ways and Ladders, Subpart X gifts and talents to bring to the
Penalties Space is limited. To reserve a “table”. The best part of my
COURSE DESCRIPTION n General Safety and Health spot, call (585) 786-0307, email
volunteer time is realizing that I can care for others so that
The 10-hour Construction In- Provisions, Subpart C Chamber President Scott Gard-
dustry Outreach Training Pro- n Competent Person, Sub- ner at sgardner@wycochamber. families can just spend quality time with their loved one.
gram is intended to provide en- part C org or register online at www. I wish I hadn’t put it off so long.
try-level construction workers n Value of Safety and Health wycochamber.org.
general awareness on recogniz- n Fall Protection, Subpart M The cost is $74.99 for Cham-
ing and preventing hazards on n Electrocution, Subpart K ber member businesses and Call Sue at 585-708-4331 or
a construction site. The training n Struck by (e.g., falling ob- $99.99 non-members Lunch [email protected]
covers a variety of construc- jects, trucks, cranes) will be provided. Program par-
tion safety and health hazards n Caught in-between (e.g., ticipants will receive certifica- to get more information!
which a worker may encounter trench hazards, equipment) tion that meets New York State
at a construction site. OSHA n Personal Protective and requirements for OSHA


23 South Main Street, Warsaw • 585-786-2222

28 • April 2022

Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism

Community Investors
Thank you for the substantial commitment to the advancement of the Wyoming County business
community and the mission of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.

Attica Auto & Hardware, Inc. FreedMaxick, CPAs, P.C.

Attica Ace Hardware and Ace Hardware FreedMaxick, one of Western and Up- R&R Precision Construction, Inc.
Warsaw are full-service, independently state New York’s largest public account- R&R is your one call contractor for con- Wyoming County Board of Supervisors
owned retail hardware supply stores ing firms and a Top 100 firm in the U.S., crete and general contracting, commer- 143 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
ready to serve the community on any FreedMaxick provides audit, tax and cial, residential and agricultural buildings.
consulting services. (585) 786-8800 • www.WyomingCo.net
project no matter the size. Operating They cover all aspects of the building
since 1976 with a large selection of process. No job is too big or too small.
hardware supplies, including paint, elec-
trical and plumbing supplies, along with
equipment rental, lumber, quality tools,
grills and key cut. We also offer screen, Koike Aronson, Inc. Wyoming County Community
window, sewing machine and vacuum Koike Aronson, Inc. is a manufacturer Tompkins Bank of Castile Health Systems
cleaner repair. Delivery available. of cutting machines, welding positioning Tompkins Bank of Castile is a community Wyoming County Community Hospital’s
equipment, oil tank automatic girth weld- bank with 16 offices in western New York. (WCCH) mission is “to provide outstand-
ers, portable welding/cutting products Services include complete lines of consum- ing healthcare services and to have
and gas apparatus. er deposit accounts and loans, business a positive impact on the health of our
accounts and loans, and leasing. They have rural community.” WCCH has over 500
been assisting individuals, families and dedicated and skilled employees serving
businesses for 150 years. the needs of our 50 bed acute-care
Byrncliff Golf Resort & Banquets
hospital, 12 bed behavioral health unit
Byrncliff is a year around resort nestled
and an attached 138 bed skilled nursing
in the rolling hills of Wyoming County
facility. WCCH provides a broad range
in Varysburg, NY. It features an 18 hole
of services including women’s health
par 72 golf course, recognized as one Morton Salt, Inc. Tompkins Insurance Agencies, Inc. and maternity, therapy and rehabilitation,
of the best public golf courses south of Morton Salt, Silver Springs Facility, Tompkins Insurance provides a full range imaging/radiology, emergency and ER
Buffalo, a full service bar and restaurant, produces food and chemical grade salt of personal and commercial insurance
express, behavioral health, orthopedics,
overnight lodging with heated pool, cross for grocery, water softening, agricultural and employee benefits products and
and industrial uses. and cardiac services.
country skiing and banquet facilities for services. With roots dating back 100+
all your social occasions. years, their team of professionals deliv-
ers quality products and unrivaled, 24/7
customer service to help families and
businesses in our community protect
Complete Payroll Processing, Inc. what they value most.
Complete Payroll Processing provides WCJW Radio
payroll processing, tax management, HR WCJW has been Wyoming County’s
NYSEG and RG&E, subsidiaries of
services, time and attendance and much most listened to radio station for the
AVANGRID, operate more than 44,000
more. A second generation owned and oper- miles of electric distribution lines and past 40 years. Western NY’s CJ Country
ated company, based out of Perry, Complete 5,600 miles of electric transmission plays today’s favorites and the legends
Payroll strives to keep their clients current Upstate Auto Group across 5 frequencies (1140 AM, and
lines across more than 40% of upstate
and up to date with the latest payroll and HR New York. The companies also operate Upstate Auto sells new and pre-owned 100.9, 103.7, 104.3 and 105.5 FM) other
informatin, compliance and controls, whether more than 17,000 miles of natural gas Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram popular programs include Tradio, NA-
they have 2 employees or 200. & Toyota. They service all makes and SCAR racing, and Section V high school
distribution pipelines and 125 miles
models. Unbeatable tire prices. Quick sports broadcasts.
of gas transmission pipelines. With a
Lube and Automatic car wash with
commitment to the well-being of the
service appointment.
communities we serve, NYSEG and
RG&E create sustainable value for our
Creative Food Ingredients customers by providing reliable service
Creative Food Ingredients is a commer- and investing in innovative technologies
cial bakery based in Perry, NY supplying to make the electric grid more resilient. Upstate Door, Inc.
Wyoming County Industrial
baked ingredient products throughout the Upstate Door specializes in unique,
one-of-a-kind fine door solutions. We Development Agency
North American market. A public benefit corporation that provides
build custom hardwood exterior and
interior stile and rail doors, MDF doors, incentives such as tax savings and finan-
cing programs for qualifying economic
Pioneer Credit Recovery, Inc. and screen/storm door solutions for development projects in Wyoming County.
Five Star Bank Handling billions in portfolios, Pioneer entry-ways and porches.
Five Star Bank is a local community bank recovers a broad spectrum of debt for all
that assists businesses and individuals with levels of government: from federal agen- For more information on how to become a Community
all their banking and investment needs. cies, to cities, to hundreds of countries. Investor, call us at (585) 786-0307.

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