Go Wyoming (April 2022)
Go Wyoming (April 2022)
Go Wyoming (April 2022)
www.wycochamber.org / www.gowyomingcountyny.com
This Is
our Bus :
Grow Y
and Suc iness
e page
Photo by JoAnne Pionessa
2 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber
The Cloisters
"Your Home Away From Home"
From T3
to increase profitability
and position them for
We are also mid-way
through an economic
development and tour-
ism destination assess-
ment that will help to set
priorities and position
Wyoming County for
future growth in our
business and hospitality
CakeEaters Bakery, 249 Main St., Arcade, on Feb. 5, 2022.
sectors. This process is
a joint project between
the Chamber & Tourism
office and the Business
Assistance Corporation. Butter Meat Co., 1 North Main St., Perry, on Nov. 6, 2021.
We work closely to-
gether with our economic
development partners
and look forward to
bringing fresh perspec-
tives and new ideas to ‘ Ribbon cuttings are a great sign for our local
economy as they show optimism among our
the forefront as we move business start-ups and existing companies.
ahead in the post-Covid
P.O. Box 58, Stafford, NY 14143
At the Chamber, we
are always looking at new
president and CEO
Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce
ways to serve our mem-
bers and the community.
and Tourism Promotion Agency www.williamkentinc.com
The time is right for fresh
perspectives and we are
planning to develop new
programs, approaches to
how we serve, the events
we host, and the direc-
tion we head as a servant
of the business commu-
nity in Wyoming County.
On behalf of the Cham-
ber’s membership, Board
of Directors, and staff
we hope everyone has a
safe and fun spring and
summer season filled
with time together and all NYS of Health has extended the special enrollment period for
of the wonderful activi- Health Insurance enrollment due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ties available during our
warmest months.
If you need help navigating the marketplace call the Wyoming County
We hope you enjoy Health Department at 786-8890, and one of our certified navigators will
time with family and assist you with a plan that works best for your needs.
celebrate all that is good
about Wyoming County
and our great part of the
Scott A. Gardner is president
and CEO of the Wyoming Coun-
ty Chamber of Commerce and
Tourism Promotion Agency.
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 5
(888) 270-2410
[email protected]
Western New York's Premier River
Runners for more than 30 years.
6 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber
gas at our stations and Our primary goal is to generate overnight stays. The more time tourists
Tourism renting rooms at our inns
and lodges, this supports spend here, the more money they invest into our economy.
From T6 all the businesses that call
Wyoming County home.
than $2.8 billion in our re- Our secondary goal is to
gion? That doesn’t happen entice day-trippers to spend
by accident! It takes consid- money on our Main Streets
erable work and strategic as they enjoy our attractions
planning by organizations and participate in events.
such as Wyoming County How do we accomplish
Tourism and our partners. all this? By promoting Wy-
Curious how it all comes oming County throughout
together? Well, we’ll start the U.S. and Canada via
with how we market to tour- many different avenues.
ists at an international level We diversify our messag-
(yes, we promote Wyoming ing by putting upwards of
County internationally!) It 85,000 copies of our Visitor
starts with strong regional Guide, which engages and
partnerships with Allegany, informs interested tourists
Genesee, Livingston and at information centers,
Orleans counties (see the travel shows and events.
Fresh Air Adventures article We advertise to hundreds
inside this very newsletter of thousands of users digi-
for more information). tally through Facebook and
We work closely with one other social media outlets,
another by promoting the by promoting events, attrac-
similarities we share as tions and accommodations
rural communities filled on our website www.GoWy-
with unique Mom & Pop Co.com.
shops. To do this, we have We build programming
networked with travel based on people’s inter-
organizations, partnered ests – such as the Wyoming
with businesses, developed County Barn Quilt and Eat
itineraries and put togeth- Fresh, Buy Local initiatives.
er promotional materials We tie in the beauty and
targeted towards tourists adventure of the outdoors
from the UK, China, Ger- through initiatives such as
many and other European our “Lakes to Letchworth”
nations. This is done in campaign. This initiative
partnership with New York promotes our proximity
State, marketing and pub- to the Great Lakes and the
lic relations firms, travel Finger Lakes and how Wy-
agents, tour operators, oming County and Letch-
media and news outlets and worth State Park is the out-
many more organizations. door epicenter of Western
Have you noticed the New York. All of this is just
busloads of tourists visiting a sampling of what we do –
Letchworth? We work hard and much of this isn’t obvi-
to bring those tourists here. ous to the local community
Be it Beijing or New York because we’re targeting
City, we want people visit- would-be tourists who live
ing Wyoming County and hundreds of miles away.
exploring our attractions. At the end of the day, our
But our work doesn’t goal is the same as yours. To
stop there. We also market have successful businesses
extensively in the U.S. and so we can experience, beau-
Canada. Our primary goal tiful communities to raise
is to generate overnight our families in and a place
stays. The more time tour- we can play in, live in and be
ists spend here, the more proud of.
money they invest into our
Eric Szucs, a lifelong resident of
economy. By eating at our Arcade, has been Wyoming Coun-
restaurants, purchasing ty’s director of tourism and market-
gifts at our shops, buying ing since June 2016.
8 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber
Find an exciting
adventure near home
Allegany, Genesee, Living- such as New York City, Toronto,
ston, Orleans and Wyoming Canada and elsewhere within a
County’s regional tourism pro- six-hour drive.
gram, “Fresh Air Adventures – What’s this mean to you? It’s
New York’s Falls to the Finger the perfect opportunity to plan
Lakes,” is a multi-county col- an exciting adventure close to
laborative providing a collec- home. Your support is critical
tion of attractions and prime to our regional economy and
location between Niagara Falls the sustainability of our small
and the Finger Lakes. business community. Tourists
The goals of Fresh Air Adven- spend more than $238 million
tures are to encourage travel dollars in our region each year,
to our world-class attractions, which translates to $28 million
discover our quaint towns and in sales tax dollars, more than
villages, and experience all that $15 million of which remains
our great region has to offer. local so we can improve the
“Fresh Air Adventures tells quality of life for our residents.
tourists exactly what they can “We have a spacious, safe,
expect when they visit our re- and beautiful natural setting,
gion,” said Eric Szucs, tourism so our region collaborated to
firector for the Wyoming Coun- build this incredible program
ty Chamber of Commerce and supported by a comprehensive
Tourism. website and social media plat-
The initiative includes a forms,” Szucs said. “In doing
comprehensive website, www. so, we can share the outdoor
FreshAirAdventuresNY.com, experiences and uniqueness of
and Facebook and Instagram our rural villages and the small
(@FreshAirAdventuresNY) businesses that make up our
platforms. Each of these digital communities. It’s an incred-
tools provide tourists a wealth ible way to connect so many
of valuable information, in- outdoor landmarks like Lake
cluding outdoor recreation Ontario, Letchworth State Park,
experiences, culinary and craft the Finger Lakes, down to the
beverage fare, overnight ac- Pennsylvania border.”
commodations, events, adven- Fresh Air Adventures is a re-
ture ideas/itineraries, inter- gional tourism program by Al-
active maps and trip planning legany, Genesee, Livingston,
capabilities. Orleans and Wyoming coun-
Fresh Air Adventures is mar- ties’ official tourism promotion
keting more than 1,000 regional agencies, dedicated to promot-
tourism businesses. Marketing ing our tourism assets, while
will concentrate on New York working to create an environ-
State and national travelers, ment that leads to the region’s
transitioning to international success and economic prosper-
leisure and group tour travelers ity through visitor spending.
and those passing along major For more information, call
routes traveling to Buffalo, Ni- (800) 622-2686 or visit the web-
agara Falls USA/Canada and site at www.FreshAirAdven-
the Finger Lakes from places turesNY.com.
WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 9
Wyoming County is ‘epicenter’ of NY maple
It truly is Springtime in Wyoming
County when you first catch the sweet
smell of maple syrup!.
During the last two weekends of
March, Wyoming County embraced
Maple Weekends, celebrating the
scrumptiousness of all things maple.
This year Wyoming County had
more than a dozen participating ma-
ple producers, featuring a myriad of
family-friendly fun and tasty maple
products for purchase, including ma-
ple syrup, sugar, candies, BBQ sauce, A sampling of maple syrup available
from Sweet Time Maple in Wyoming.
mustard and more!
What makes Maple Weekends in making delicious maple syrup.”
Wyoming County so special is how di- During both Maple Weekends, res-
verse and unique each of our maple idents and visitors alike were able to
producers are. They vary in size from explore maple farms throughout Wy-
large producers who sell goods at Taste oming County. They could see how
of NY locations along the New York syrup is made, taste delicious samples,
State Thruway, to small sugar houses buy plenty of maple products such as
that produce 25 gallons of syrup a year syrup, sugar, candy, BBQ sauce, mus-
and sell locally from roadside stands. Sweet Time Maple, 5680 Webster Rd., Wyoming, was among more than a dozen tard and so much more.
“Our producers have been doing Wyoming County-based maple producers that participated in this year’s “Maple “Wyoming County is a state leader in
this for generations, and there is an im- Weekends” on March 19 and 206, and 26 and 27. maple production, and originated Ma-
mense sense of pride in what they do,” ple Weekends,” said Eric Szucs, direc-
said Ken Kehl, a maple producer and At every stop, Kehl said, guests could just the maple production process, but tor of tourism for the Wyoming County
member of the Wyoming County Ma- learn something new, see something the history of the farm, the family “and
ple Producers Association. different, and hear stories about not how they pour their heart and soul into See MAPLE T11
Save 5% off Any Repair Work 75 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
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WYCO Chamber April 2022 • 11
Member of the
Wyoming County Chamber
BBB A+ Rating
585.493.5709 [email protected] 585.493.2426
150 West Mill Street, Castile, NY
12 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber
Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham, 287 North Main St., Warsaw, on Nov. 3, 2021. The ribbon-cutting Family Memorials 55 S. Main St., Warsaw
event was planned for 2020, but was delayed due to the COVID pandemic. 585-786-3830
Weed Control
Insect Control
Service Calls
Aeration Residential & Commercial
81 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482
Phone: (585) 768-6578 • [email protected]
Fully NYS Licensed and Insured
AN ESTIMATE! 25 Years of Lawn Care Experience
14 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber
have the best credit score,”
materials, and supplies. Refi- the Micro-Loan Program and
Licensed Associate RE Broker
said Jim Pierce, president of nancing of existing debt is not to see if you qualify, please 570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020
the Wyoming County Business Cell: 585.314.7269
eligible. contact Jim Pierce, president Office: 585.343.6750
Center, “Businesses that may The program is designed of the Wyoming County Busi- Fax: 585.343.8502
not be ready for financing, to serve as gap financing or ness Center at (585) 786-3764 [email protected]
should still reach out to the if a borrower has been de- or email [email protected].
• Great Cub Cadet Prices • Exceptional Financing Offers* • Service & Parts After the Sale
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*Restrictions Apply. See Store for Details ^Cub Cadet commercial products are intended for Professional use.
We hope that makes you proud to work with us. But most of all, we hope it makes our community a little better.
16 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber
shoppers participated by
Shop submitting receipts totaling
more than $1.3 million, and
From T17 generating estimated sales
taxes of $110,181 during the
encourage shoppers to stop promotional period.
in to support these outstand- Participants were required
ing local family-run small to save their receipts from
businesses throughout the purchases made in Wyoming
year.” County between Nov. 1 and
This year marks the 11th Christmas Eve 2021. They
year the Chamber has spon-
then submitted the receipts
sored the holiday promo-
tion as part of the Wyoming by mail, in-person, or in drop
County Chamber of Com- boxes by the deadline in early
merce’s shop local programs. January.
After weeks of planning For every $50 worth of pur-
and delivering the entry chases made in Wyoming
boxes to small businesses all County, the participants
over the county, the contest were eligible for one entry in
kicked off on Nov. 1, 2021. the drawing that took place
A record number of 1,164 on Feb. 8, 2022.
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Cell: 585.749.8951
Office: 585.343.6750 ext. 2133
Kaufman Utz Accounting, LLC, 113 West Buffalo St., Warsaw, on Nov. 4, 2021. The accounting firm is [email protected]
locate inside Remember When Creekside Shoppe.
From T20
Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
The fall class begins Sept. 7 growth of businesses in Wyo-
and runs for four weeks on ming County,” said Jim Pierce,
able to participants through Wednesday evenings from president of the Wyoming Branch Manager
Community Action for Wyo- Licensed Assoc. RE Broker
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Wyo- County Business Center Inc. 570 East Main St., Batavia, NY 14020
ming County. ming County Agriculture and “I encourage every business Office: 585.343.6750
Business Center , 36 Center St., owner – whether you are es- Cell: 716-392-3520
WYOMING COUNTY BUSINESS Warsaw. Seats are limited. tablished or just starting out HowardHanna.com
[email protected]
ACCELERATOR ACADEMY The Wyoming County Busi- – to visit the Wyoming County
Looking to grow sales, im-
prove your profitability, and
advance your business to
the next level? The Wyoming
County Business Center is
pleased to offer the Wyoming
County Business Accelerator
“This new 4-week interac-
tive program was created for
existing business owners who
are looking to overcome barri-
ers to growth and develop new
strategies to move their busi-
ness to the next level,” said
Tyczka. “Sometimes as a busi-
ness owner, you can become
hyperfocused on the day-to-
day operations and miss op-
portunities that could help
your business reposition itself
as a market leader or expand in
a new direction.”
Business owners and strate-
gic decision-makers that have
a passion for growth who at-
tend the program can expect
n Develop new business
strategies and tactics to pro-
mote growth and profitability.
n Identify their businesses’
26 • April 2022 WYCO Chamber