Digital Signal Processors - 2021
Digital Signal Processors - 2021
Digital Signal Processors - 2021
Prof. Anjan Rakshit and Prof. Amitava Chatterjee
Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory,
Electrical Engineering Department,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
Processor Architecture
Categorized by memory organization
The Von Neumann architecture is a design model for a stored-program digital computer
that uses a processing unit and a single separate storage structure to hold both instructions
and data.
Processor Architecture
Categorized by memory organization
Harvard architecture
The Harvard architecture is a computer architecture with physically separate storage and
signal pathways for instructions and data.
Von Neumann versus Harvard
Processor Architecture
Categorized by memory organization
Program memory
The Modified Harvard architecture is very much like the Harvard architecture but
provides a pathway between the data memory and the CPU that allows some words
from the data memory to be treated as instructions.
Processor Architecture of TMS320C25
A second generation Digital Signal Processor from Texas Instruments
with Modified Harvard architecture
x1 g1
Computation of butterfly
for radix-2 FFT w41
x3 g1/
w43 = - w41
TMS320C25 Multiply/Accumulate Operation
Multiplier X MUX
32-bit ALU
16 16