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Health: Quarter 4 - Module 4 Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid (Intentional Injuries) Week 4

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Quarter 4 -Module 4
Injury Prevention,
Safety and First Aid
(Intentional Injuries)
Week 4

What I Know

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each of the following statements carefully. Write

only the letters of the correct answers in a separate sheet of paper. (Write your
Name, Grade, Section, Subject and Module Number)

1. Which of the following descriptions of words/utterances is not considered as

a verbal abuse?
A. Words that are manipulative and controlling.
B. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistakes.
C. Words that can cause a gradual diminishing of self-confidence.
D. Words that are hurtful and usually attack the nature and abilities of the

2. Why does domestic violence happen?

A. The abuser is in a stressful relationship.
B. The abuser is trying to control the victim.
C. The couple don’t have much money and this causes stress in the
D. All of the above

3. Why do some victims of sexual abuse have the tendency remain quiet and
don’t bother themselves to report the incident?
A. The victim might not know that help is available or s/he does not know
whom to talk to.
B. The victim might be told that what happened is just normal and doesn’t
realize that it is already a form of abuse.
C. The victim might be afraid of what will happen to him/her if s/he tells
someone, especially if the abuser has threatened him/her.
D. All of the above

4. Which of the following statements is a risk factor for suicidal attempt?

A. Good problem-solving skills.
B. History of trauma and abuse.
C. Strong connections to family and community support.
D. Effective clinical care for mental, physical and substance use disorders.

5. Which of the following incidences is not intentional injuries?

A. Verbal abuse C. Fraternity hazing
B. Suicide attempts D. Vehicular accidents

6. What type of intentional injury occurs when a person harms himself/herself

on purpose?
A. Assault C. Extortion
B. Fraternity D. Self-inflicted

7. What type of intentional injury occurs when person/persons harm another
on purpose?
A. Assault C. Extortion
B. Fraternity D. Self-inflicted

8. What type of intentional injury occurs when a person takes his/her own
A. Rape C. Suicide
B. Stalking D. Parasuicide

9. What kind of act includes physical assault, sexual and verbal abuse used by
one person in a relationship to control the other?
A. Suicide C. Extortion
B. Bullying D. Domestic violence

10. What suicidal attempt happens in which a person does not intend to die?
A. Rape C. Suicide
B. Stalking D. Parasuicide

11. What is a form of cruelty that involves the use of harsh words?
A. Incest C. Abduction
B. Verbal abuse D. Sexual abuse

12. What sexual contact involves two persons who are so closely related that a
marriage between them is considered illegal?
A. Incest C. Abduction
B. Verbal abuse D. Sexual abuse

13. What is a forced sexual intercourse that includes vaginal, anal, or oral
A. Molestation C. Fondling
B. Fondling D. Rape

14. What form of sexual abuse is done to a person (whether a child or adult) by
another adult for sexual pleasure or for profit?
A. Molestation C. Sodomy
B. Fondling D. Rape

15. What type of sexual abuse is explicit portrayal of children as sexual subject
in a variety of media, like books, magazines, films, photos etc.?

A. Molestation C. Child pornography

B. Child prostitution D. Rape

About the Module
The basic necessities of mankind include food, clothing, and shelter. However, it is
not enough that you have these basic needs if you are living in fear and the
uncertainty of danger every day. Today, one rising necessity that you need to focus
is on safety.

You are always exposed to dangers, whether you are young or old, rich or poor. It
is therefore necessary that you are aware of what these possible dangers are, how
all of these can affect you, and how you can prepare yourself to prevent them from
happening or minimize their effects if they happen to you.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children around the world
have (a) rights to a safe environment and to protection from injury and violence.
Although the adults around you should protect you against any harm that may
threaten your safety and your life, you cannot rely on them all of the time. You
have the responsibility and capability of shielding yourself from the dangerous
world that we live in today.

This module focuses on intentional injuries that you may be exposed to. Through
proper information, this module aims to equip you with the knowledge and
understanding of the types of intentional injuries that might happen to you, as well
as its risks to your health. In the end, this module hopes that you will be able to
prevent intentional injuries, as well as maintain a healthful behavior that will
promote a culture of non-violence.

Consequently, this will serve you well through the activities that will not only keep
you informed but make you enjoy as well.

Stay safe! Be healthy!

Lesson 1 – Suicide and Para Suicide

Lesson 2 – Domestic Violence and Verbal Abuse

Lesson 3 – Sexual Abuse

After going through this module, you will be able to:

1. differentiate intentional injuries from unintentional injuries;

2. describe the types of intentional injuries;

3. analyze the risk factors related to intentional injuries;

4. identify protective factors related to intentional injuries; and

5. demonstrate ways to prevent and control intentional injuries.

Suicide and Para Suicide
What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will learn about the Types and Characteristics of Intentional
Injuries: Suicide and Para Suicide

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. distinguish between intentional and unintentional injuries;

2. identify different types of intentional injuries;

3. differentiate between suicide and parasuicide; and
4. be aware of the effects of intentional injuries on the victims.

What’s In

Activity no. HQ 4.1: News Bulletin

Directions: Read the news headlines below. Then, classify them whether they are
intentional or unintentional injuries. Write the answers in your journal notebook.

Intentional Unintentional
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Process Question:

How did you distinguish between intentional and unintentional injuries?

What’s New & What Is It?

Suicide and Parasuicide

Suicide is the intentional taking of one’s own life. Many of those who attempt
suicide do not receive mental and emotional counselling because their families try
to hide the problem because they are ashamed of it.

On the other hand, a suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die is
called parasuicide. It is often a cry for help meaning, parasuicide should be taken
seriously because it may also lead to death.

Know the Signs

Prevention first involves being able to recognize the warning signs of suicide, which
can include:
• talking about suicide or death
• writing farewell letters or giving away valuable things to their friends and
• showing changes in behavior, moods and feelings
• Withdrawing from friends and family
• Losing interest in activities
• Feelings of hopelessness

The following are some suicide prevention tips:

1. Don't disregard their feelings
2. Look at suicide as a cry for help
3. Be a good listener
4. Encourage them to get help
5. Ask about their suicidal feelings
6. Don't leave them alone
7. Encourage them to establish quality time with family and friends
8. Encourage them see a professional
9. Know that secrets can kill
10. Ask question it shows you care

What I Have Learned

1. What should you do if one of your friends tells you that he/she is thinking
about suicide?
2. Aside from talking to a person with suicidal tendencies and encouraging him
or her to seek counseling, what else can you do to prevent this?

What I Can Do

Activity no. HQ 4.2: Life Is Worth Living For…

Instructions: Create/design a slogan on how can you stop a person from

committing suicide. You may write your own quotations or sayings. Use clean sheet
of paper or short sized bond paper and be creative.

Creativity 10
Message 10
Neatness 5
Total 25

Activity no. HQ 4.3: Self-Reflection…

Instructions: Reflect on the quotation given below. Write your reflection in your
journal notebook.

“God is the giver of life, and

He alone has the right to
decide when that life should

Domestic Violence and
2 Verbal Abuse

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will learn about the Types and Characteristics of Intentional
Injuries: Domestic Violence and Verbal Abuse
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
1. identify different types of Intentional injuries;
2. describe the characteristics/actions of Domestic violence and Verbal abuse;
3. analyze a given situation in a poem related to intentional injuries.

What’s In

Directions: Look at this picture clipping that shows intentional injuries. Answer the
questions in your journal notebook.

Describe the picture. What do you

see? What is happening?

What’s New & What Is It?
Some examples of Violence

1. Domestic violence is an act that includes physical assault (hitting,

pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity),
and verbal abuse. These are behaviors that are used by one person in a
relationship who tries to control the other. This may occur to partners who
may be married or not married. They may be heterosexual or homosexual
(i.e., gay or lesbian) couples and may be living together, separated or dating.

2. Verbal abuse is a form of cruelty that involves the use of words. These
words are used to attack, control, and cause harm on another person. It
includes behaviors such as angry outburst, screaming rage, and name-
calling, which tends to blame, and brainwashes and threatens a person.
This is done because the goal of the verbal abuser is to control and sway the

Effective ways to prevent Domestic Violence:

1. Education can help you learn on how to stop domestic violence.
2. Understand and observe the law.
3. Tolerate each other’s imperfections.
4. Respect religious teachings
5. Promote gender equality.
6. Dialogue/Communication
7. Seek for Professional help
8. Engage in productive activity.
9. Avoid bad company.
10. Do physical exercise.
11. Being a problem solver
12. Bs strict but not violent
13. Show love and affection.
14. Adopt rules and home argument resolution mechanisms.
15. Talk to family members, trusted friends, colleagues, and relatives.

What I Have Learned

1. In your own point of view, since nothing “really” happens do you think
verbal abuse isn’t harmless?

2. What help you can give if one of your friend is a victim of domestic

What I Can Do

Activity no. HQ 4.4: Making Reflections…

Instructions: Copy the diagram in your journal notebook and write your reflections.
What are the effects of domestic violence to the individual, family, and community?




Sexual Abuse
What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will learn about the Types and Characteristics of Intentional
Injuries: Sexual Abuse

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. describe the characteristics of Sexual abuse;

2. name the different kinds of Sexual abuse; and

3. narrate a scene that shows violent actions/behaviors leading to intentional


What’s In

Activity no. HQ 4.5: Correct or Incorrect

Answer the following questions in your journal notebook based on the situation

Tony, a 19-year-old college student, and Veronica, a 16-year-old high school

student, decided to have sex as proof of their love for each other. When
Veronica became pregnant, her parents filed a rape case complaint against
Tony. Do you think Veronica’s parents made a right decision? (Are
Veronica’s parents CORRECT or INCORRECT? Why?) Why or why not? State
your reasons.

What’s New & What Is It?

Types of Sexual Abuses:

1. Incest is sexual contact between persons who are so closely related that a
marriage between them is considered illegal (e.g., parents and children,
uncles/aunts, and nieces/nephews, etc.)

2. Molestation is the sexual abuse of a person (whether a child or adult) by an

adult for sexual pleasure or for profit. It may include any of the following:

• Child pornography – explicit portrayal of children as sexual subject

matter for purpose of sexual arousal. It may be in a variety of media, like
books, magazines, films, photos etc.

• Child prostitution – refers to children who get paid to have sex.

3. Rape is forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral
penetration. Penetration may be by a body part or an object.

The sexual act may also be considered rape if it satisfies any of the following

• One or both people are not old enough to consent, which means one or both
are below 18 years old.

• One of them does not have the capacity to consent, which means one of
them may not be in his/her right mental and legal capacity to consent (i.e.,
with mental disability, people who have been drugged or unconscious, etc.)

• One of them did not agree to take part, which means the rapist might use
physical force or threat to force the victim to have intercourse with him/her.

If these three considerations are met, the sexual act falls under the category of
rape, which is a criminal offense, and it is punishable by law.

When it comes to sexual abuse, prevention is the key. Here are some tips that will
help to keep the children safe.

1. Learn as much information as you can about physical and sexual abuse.
2. Listen and talk to your family, trusted friends, and relatives.
3. Know the personal safety boundary rules.
4. Cite helpful tips when talking to children.
5. Know the adults and teens in children’s lives.
6. Know where your children are and whom they are with

What I Have Learned

1. How can you offer support to a person who was sexually abused? List at
least five (5) things you can do.

2. What do you think is the best way to stop sexual abused?

What I Can Do

Activity no. HQ 4.6: My Graffiti!

Instructions: In a short-sized bond paper, write quotations or sayings on how to

stop child sexual abuse. You may add pictures or drawings to make your output
creative. Look at the sample picture below.


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each of the following statements carefully. Write the
letters of the correct answers in a separate sheet of paper. (Write your name,
grade, section, subject, and module number).

1. Which of the following incidences is not intentional injuries?

A. Verbal abuse C. Fraternity hazing
B. Vehicular accidents D. Suicide attempts

2. What type of intentional injury occurs when a person harms himself/herself

on purpose?
A. Self-inflicted C. Extortion
B. Fraternity D. Assault

3. What type of intentional injury occurs when person/persons harm another on

A. Assault C. Extortion
B. Fraternity D. Self-inflicted

4. What type of intentional injury occurs when a person takes his/her own life?
A. Rape C. Suicide
B. Stalking D. Parasuicide

5. What kind of act includes physical assault, sexual and verbal abuse used by
one person in a relationship to control the other?
A. Suicide C. Extortion
B. Bullying D. Domestic violence

6. What suicidal attempt happens in which a person does not intend to die?
A. Parasuicide C. Suicide
B. Stalking D. Rape

7. What is a form of cruelty that involves the use of words?

A. Incest C. Abduction
B. Verbal abuse D. Sexual abuse

8. What sexual contact involves two persons who are so closely related that a
marriage between them is considered illegal?
A. Incest C. Abduction
B. Verbal abuse D. Sexual abuse

9. What is a forced sexual intercourse that includes vaginal, anal, or oral
A. Molestation C. Fondling
B. Fondling D. Rape

10. What form of sexual abuse is done to a person (whether a child or adult) by
another adult for sexual pleasure or for profit?
A. Molestation C. Sodomy
B. Fondling D. Rape

11. What type of sexual abuse is explicit portrayal of children as sexual subject in
a variety of media, like books, magazines, films, photos etc.?
A. Molestation C. Child pornography
B. Child prostitution D. Rape

12. Which of the following descriptions of words/utterances is not considered as a

verbal abuse?
A. Words that are manipulative and controlling.
B. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistakes.
C. Words that can cause a gradual diminishing of self-confidence.
D. Words that are hurtful and usually attack the nature and abilities of the

13. Why does domestic violence happen?

A. The abuser is in a stressful relationship.
B. The abuser is trying to control the victim.
C. The victims are not usually familiar with his/her human rights.
D. All of the above

14. Why do some victims of sexual abuse have the tendency remain quiet and
don’t bother themselves to report the incident?
A. The victim might not know that help is available or s/he does not know
whom to talk to.
B. The victim might be told that what happened is just normal and doesn’t
realize that it is already a form of abuse.
C. The victim might be afraid of what will happen to him/her if s/he tells
someone, especially if the abuser has threatened him/her.
D. All of the above

15. Which of the following statements is a risk factor for suicidal attempt?
A. Good problem-solving skills.
B. History of trauma and abuse.
C. Strong connections to family and community support.
D. Effective clinical care for mental, physical and substance use disorders

Answer Key

10. Sekyu, nasagasaan dahil sa sobrang kalasingan 5. Neophyte, patay sa hazing

9. Sunog sa QC, mula sa napabayaang kandila 4. Girl 7, kidnapped in QC
8. Karambula ng mga sasakyan, pito and sugatan! 3. Riot ng mga gang, nauwi sa madugong wakas
7. Bata, nalunod sab aha! 2. teenager raped and slain
6. Binatilyo, patay matapos tamaan ng kidlat 1. estudyante, nagpakamatay matapos ma-bully
Unintentional Intentional
Activity no. HQ 4.1:

Learner’s Material for HEALTH p. 368- 422

Retrieved from: https://www.marriage.com/advice/domestic-violence-and-

abuse/ways-of-domestic-violence-prevention/ Retrieved on July 3, 2021

Retrieved from: https://www.bethesdaok.org/prevent Retrieved on July 3, 2021

Retrieved from: https://tinyurl.com/3d7296zx Retrieved on July 3, 2021

Retrieved from: https://www.verywellmind.com/suicide-prevention-tips-

1067531 Retrieved on July 3, 2021


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