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CAUSES OF ERROR ANALYSIS (Carelessness, First Language, Translation) by GROUP 8

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(Careleness, First Language, Translation)


Lecturer: Mr. Irawansyah, M.Pd

Class: 6H

Arranged by Group 8:

Alfi Nafi'atul Hikmah : 1911040254

Eka Fitriati : 1911040069

Lia Noviana : 1911040381






Error is derivation because of low understanding about foreign

language‟ rules. Foreign language has its own rules to be known by learners.
The rules should be comprehended well before learners try to use foreign
language. Applying foreign language may come to failure if learners have
low knowledge about the rules of foreign language. It is important to analyze
the mistakes made by language learners because these mistakes will be a
constructive input for the language learning process for the learners.
According to Brown (2007: 226), Error are derivations from the adult
grammar of native speakers that indicate the inter-language ability of the
language learners, while Error Analysis (James, 1998: 1), is the process of
including events, nature, reasons and failed language effect.

One of the reasons why students make mistakes is that they have not
yet understood the second language. It's because they don't know how to
communicate in a second language, and the way they think will produce
problems in the second.

Analysis errors made by students provides many benefits in the

teaching and learning process. For this reason, understanding errors is a very
valuable feeback for evaluating, planning teaching materials, and
implementing teaching strategies.


Before discussing the material about Causes of Error Analysis, we

better understand the meaning of Error analysis in order to understand the
material further. Several experts give their opinion on Error Analysis.
According to Gass and Selinker (2008: 102-103) point out that “ Error
Analysis provides a wider range of possible explanations than contrastive
analysis for recearchers/teachers to use to explain errors, because the latter
only relates errors to Native Language.” This means that Error Analysis is a
type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the mistakes that students make.
Error Analysis compares the mistakes that learners make in producing the
Target Language and the form of the Target Language itself.

Richards and Schmidt (2010: 201) state that “Error Analysis is

carried out to: identify strategies that learners use in language learning, try to
identify the causes of learners‟ error and obtain information about common
difficulties in language learning, as an aid to teaching or in the preparation of
teaching materials”. It means Error Analysis as the study and analysis of
errors made by second language learners. Tavakoli (2012: 118) defines Error
Analysis involves a set of procedures to identify, describe, and explain
language errormade by learners term of a linguistics level (pronounciation,
grammer, lexis, style, etc.) sources, such as the application of conventions
and rules in the lerner‟s mother tongue or incorrect application of the rules of
the target language. Ellis stated that Error Analysis is a procedure used by
researchers and teachers that involves collecting a sample of students,
identifying errors in the sample, describing these errors, classify them
according to their hypothesized causes, and evaluate their seriousness (1994:

According to Divsar and Heydari (2017: 143), Error Analysis is a

way to collect errors found in students‟ language, decide whether the errors
are systematic or not, and clarify what are the reasons behind the errors
found in students. This means that Error Analysis is an approach taken by
someone to add up all the errors that arise in students. Not only that, error
analysis also tries to find out whether errors are found systematically or not.
And lastly, error analysis explain the causes of errors found by the teacher.
While Ellis (2003: 15-19) explains that the roles of Error Analysis are
to collect, identify, describe, explain and evaluate language errors. Dulay,
Burt and Krashen in Fauziati (2002: 75) said that Error Analysis has several
major purposes. The first is to provide data from which conclusions about
the nature of the language learning process can be made. And, it is to show
teachers and curriculum developers which parts of the target language are
most difficult for students to produce correctly, and which types of errors
most reduce students‟ ability to communicate effectively.

There are some factors that cause of error in a sentence


The error occurs due to several causes. One obvious causes is
interference from the mother tongue. One strategy to prevent students
from making the same mistake is to look at the causes of the error itself.
To find out the causes of errors to identify problems faced by students in
the language learning process. John Norrish (1983: 21-26) divides the
causes of errors into three categories, namely:
Carelessness is mostly related to the lack of motivation from
the students (John Norrish, 1983:47). Many teachers will admits that
it is not always the student‟s fault if he loses interest; maybe the
material or presentation style doesn‟t suit him. In the teaching and
learning process carried out by the teacher in the classroom, some
students may lose motivation towards it. It could be that the material
is not interesting or the students do not feel comfortable with their
teacher‟s teaching styles. As a result, they do not understand the
material taught by the teacher because they do not have sufficient
motivation to learn. Moreover, a study by Alfiyani (2013),
Carelessness is also caused by improper generalization and
incomplete grammatical rule.
In addition Carelessnes‟ errors are also caused by a lack of
inspiration for students when learning a second language or
uninteresting material that makes students less enthusiastic in
learning a language. The following is an example of Error Analysis
on Carelessness that we took from the research journal with the tittle
“Grammar Error Analysis In Essay Writing” compiled by Rifa Suci
Wulandari and Ratri Harida. They are students from the Faculty of
Language and Arts at STKIP PGRI Ponorogo. In this study the result
show that the most common factor causing the error was
carelessness. Many participant made error in using comparative
degree, for example:
 They have more broad insight because.… instead of
 They have broader insight because….
The next error was incorrect use of determiner, for example:
 Education is an essential…. instead of
 Education is essential….
The participants did not consider the word used after determiner. It
should be noun or noun phrase. Incorrect use of subject verb
agreement was also indicated, for example:
 Educated people has intelligence and skills…. instead of
 Educated people have intelligence and skills….
The last error was the incorrect use of word choise, for example:
 ….the text generation who are experts…. instead of
 ….the text generation who are expert….

The first language interference is the causes of the second
error. Norrish (1983: 47) explains that learning a mother tongue or a
foreign language is considered a habit formation. The learner‟s
utterances are considered to be gradually „shaped‟ towards those of
the language he was learning. When a person decides to learn a new
habit for himself, his old habits have the possibility of interfering
with him in learning it. The old habits will come to disturb the
person in learning. Then, this causes of error is known as first
First language interference occurs when rules from your
mother tongue have come in and affect your second language.
Positive interference can actually improve your language skills. This
happens when you accurately apply the rules of your first language
according to the rules of your second language. Negative distractions
are what you need to worry about. This happens when you apply a
rule of your first language that doesn't match the rules of your second
language. These distractions can lead to errors in your second
language. Usually, this will show up in your speaking and writing
when you try to apply structures from your first language such as
word order, grammatical gender or certain verb forms. And while it's
impossible to know everything there is to know about your target
language when you're first starting out, you'll want to find answers
relatively quickly. That means that the best way to avoid this mistake
is through focused study. Ask yourself what's bothering you the most
and watch to find time to get answers to your questions. As you go
deeper into your language education, you will find it easier to
distinguish between the rules of your first and second language.
examples in everyday life when we ask friends :
 first language
what you eat?

 and when using a second language (English)

What do you eat?

the difference between the two is that when we use the first
language we are used to asking as necessary or it can be called to the
point. But when we ask using a second language or English, the
words must be equivalent to using SPOK

Translation has been categorized as the most common causes
of errors. Students make foreign language sentences by translating
their native language sentences word by word. This happens because
a student translates his first language sentence from idiomatic
expressions into the target language word by word. According to
Norrish (1983), students make translation errors for a variety of
reasons. When students translate idiomatic expressions word by
word, this is what happens. It can happen during a discussion when
learners have reached the point where they are more focused on the
message (what they want to convey) than the code they are using to
communicate it (the language itself).
Silalahi, Rafli, and Rasyid (2018) highlight a number of other
factors that lead to translation errors. According to them, there are
various sources of errors, including a lack of expertise, an inability to
build the correct grammar of the target language, a failure to consult
a dictionary, and the use of a translation machine.
The example cause of error analysis translations : (don't forget to
dress in clothes muslim white tomorrow.) The problem is produced
by word-by-word translation. It can be noted that the muslim and
white are not in the right places, therefore they should change their
outfits. As a result, the muslim white clothing should be adjusted
according to the English regulation. As a result, it should be. (Don't
forget to dress in white muslim clothes tomorrow.) The other
example from causes of error (translations) :
 Think on your feet (pikirkan dengan kakimu) This
translation was an error because this word is an idiom, so
this word has a meaning. (beradaptasi dengan cepat, dan
membuat keputusan dengan cepat)
 Far cry from (jauh menangis dari) This translation was
an error because this word is an idiom, so this word has a
meaning. (sangat berbeda)
 Be in hot water ( berada di air panas) This translation
was an error because this word is an idiom, so this word
has a meaning. (berada di dalam sebuah masalah).


A. Conclussion
The conclusion is that Error Analysis is a procedure used by
researcher and educators that includes: sampling, identify errors in the
sample, evaluate the seriousness of the errors. And Norrish (1983: 7)
divides the causes of Error Analysis into three categories, namely
Carelessness, First Language, and Translation originating from the
learner himself or the techer, and learning methods.

B. Suggestion

There are several suggestion given to teachers and students.

Firstly for teachers. Teachers must create a pleasant atmosphere.
Teachers can use games, songs, etc. to make teaching and learning
fun. The second suggestion is to create jargon. Example when the
teacher says “Learn English”, the students loudly say “I‟m happy,
You‟re happy, We are happy” and give applause. The third suggestion
is to apply consequences to the translation. The teacher can make
strict rules also include some consequences like double homework,
minus points, etc. Secoundly for students. Students set goals to keep
students motivated. Goals like being more active than a week ago,
getting a better than yesterday, etc. The second suggestion is to read
some simple English stories. Students can try reading some simple
stories to know how to express something in English.

Iim Imlakiyah. (2016). An Error Analysis Of Students’ Personal Writing

Recount Text At The Eight Grade Students Of Mts. Annidhomiyah
Cirebon. Cirebon: Syekh Nurjati State Islamic Institute Cirebon.

I.P.B. Erlangga, I.W. Suarnajaya, P.A.K. Juniarta. (2019). An Analysis Of

Grammatical Errors Made By The Seventh Grade Students Of SMP
Negeri 2 Sukawati In Witing Descriptive Texts In The Academic Year
2018/2019. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia: Language and
Education Journal Undiksha (Vol. 2 No. 1, February) ISSN: 2613-
9529. Page 19-29.

Rifa Suci Wulandari, Ratri Harida. (2021). Grammatical Error Analysis In

Essay Writing. STKIP PGRI Ponorogo: DEIKSIS (Vol. 13 No. 1,
January-April) p-ISSN: 2085-2274, e-ISSN 2502-227X. Page 73-81.

Rinata, A. R. (2018). An Analysis of Students’ Error in Writing Interpersonal

Text in The Eighth Graders of SMPN 2 Lamongan. RETAIN, 6(3).

Putri, T. A. (2019). An Analysis of Types and Causes of Translation Errors.

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