Arcing Persistency Measurement For IEC62606 Arc-Fault Detection Device Certification
Arcing Persistency Measurement For IEC62606 Arc-Fault Detection Device Certification
Arcing Persistency Measurement For IEC62606 Arc-Fault Detection Device Certification
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5 authors, including:
Costin Vasile
Schneider Electric
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All content following this page was uploaded by Costin Vasile on 25 November 2019.
Hynek Raisigel
Advanced Protection & Earth Leakage
Schneider Electric
Grenoble, France
[email protected]
Abstract—Arc Fault Detection Devices (AFDD’s) or Arc Fault in mind that there is a strong connection between the two
Circuit Interrupters (AFCI’s) are mandatory electrical protection standards.
devices in panel boards all over the world, to mitigate the risk of
fire due to hazardous electrical arc faults. By its nature, the arc The two types of arc faults which are considered dangerous
fault is an erratic phenomenon, with variable temporal persistency are the series and parallel arc faults. As per the IEC62606
and variable ability to ignite a fire. The two main standards for standard, a parallel arc fault is an arc fault where the arc current
AFDD certification are UL1699 & IEC62606, which require is flowing between active conductors in parallel with the load of
similar arcing tests. However, there is no current requirement for the circuit”; similarly, the series arc fault is “an arc fault where
a minimal arcing persistency during a standard series arc test, the current is flowing through the load(s) of the final circuit
neither a clear guideline on how to measure the arcing temporal protected by an AFDD” [1]. The two types of arcs are depicted
persistency and confirm the test yielded a successful series arc in Fig. 1.
fault. This work aims to enhance the standards, by proposing a
simple method to precisely determine the arcing persistency
during a series arc fault test. Using only the arc current and arc
voltage as inputs, a standard series arc signal can be accepted or
rejected, based on the measured level of temporal arcing
The world of residential electrical protection is presently a
mature market, in terms of the involved actors and most notably
in terms of the technology used. Products such as Miniature
Fig. 1. Series & parallel arc faults: occurrence in the electrical circuit.
Circuit Breakers (MCB’s, which typically protect the electrical
wiring) or Residual Current Devices (RCD’s, used to protect The IEC62606 standard gives a clear definition of what
people from the risk of electrocution) are ubiquitous today in amount of arcing is necessary during a parallel arc fault test, as
electrical panel boards across the world. A rather new electrical shown in Table 1 [1].
protection device is called the Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter
intended to mitigate the risk of an electrical fire caused by a WITHIN 0.5S
hazardous (from a fire risk perspective) arc fault [1]. This type
of protection has been introduced in the US in 2002 as arc 75 A 100 A 150A 200A 300A 500A
mandatory for residential panel boards, and it is recommended current
for the IEC market, since 2014 [2]. (rms)
N 12 10 8 8 8 8
The two main standards today used for product certification N = number of half-cycles at the rated frequency
are the UL1699 (North America) and the IEC62606 (rest of the
world). For this work we will focus on IEC62606, while keeping
While not as clearly defined in terms of mandatory arcing test conditions and non-repeatable results (in terms of arcing
duration, there is, however, a trip time requirement for series arc persistency/duration), when performing tests across different
faults, in function of the test arc current [1]: various laboratories.
A. Problem Outline
Test arc
current 2.5 A 5A 10 A 16 A 32 A 63 A For a better understanding of the present-day limitations of
(rms) the IEC62606 standard (and its UL counterpart), let us inspect
Maximim the recorded arc current and arc voltage during a standard arcing
break 1s 0.5 s 0.25 s 0.15 s 0.12 s 0.12 s test (blue – arcing signals, red – trip time window):
Fig. 3. Arc current & arc voltage, with arcing starting at 0s. Red line –
conformance window. Stable series arc fault.
Out of the total 220 arcing tests, 210 have shown arcing
persistency higher than 80%. This shows the IEC62606 standard
methodology manages to produce mostly high persistency &
high energy series arc faults. The other low-persistency arc tests
still require their detection by an AFDD, for a valid IEC62606
certification, and this is regardless of their lower risk to the
electrical installations (less arcing typically involves lower risk
The method for arcing persistency measurement has also
Fig. 11. Series arc test with a light dimmer. been tested with input signals (arc current & arc voltage) sample
at 10kS/s, without any loss in precision, nor any change in the
In this case there is another typical example of a short-lived, results.
sputtering arc-fault, but due to a different process.
The carbonized wire sample becomes resistive, as can be
seen by the non-zero sinusoidal arc voltage, most notably in the The IEC62606 standard requires an AFDD to detect series
second half of the signal. The first two arcing conditions are true arc faults, in combination with several different loads, to obtain
(minimal peak IARC = 1A and peak VARC = 10V), but the the IEC62606 certification (the same is true for UL1699). The
instantaneous power requirement of 45W manages to filter this standard, however, does not define, nor demand a minimum
phenomenon out. The arcing persistency is at 35% (0.35), required arcing persistency (as opposed to the parallel arc fault).
considerably shorter than the allowed standard trip time. For the exact same test conditions, two (or more) successive
To summarize, out of the 220 series arc fault tests, only 8 arc faults can have totally different arcing durations, and,
arcs showed less than 70% arcing persistency, as shown in consequently, different dissipated energy levels, with different
TABLE III. associated risk factors. It is important to maintain the focus of
standard testing on temporally persistent arc faults, which
correlate to higher probabilities of igniting a fire in the electrical
To enhance the standards in this direction, this work presents
a simple method of measuring arcing persistency during a series
arc fault test. It uses criteria related to the minimum peak arc
current, minimum peak arc voltage and a minimal instantaneous
arc power to decide if arcing is present or not inside each half- [10] J.J. Shea, “Material Effect on Glowing Contact Properties,” IEEE
cycle. This information is accumulated and, combined with the Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Vol. 32, No.
4, November, 2009.
standard trip time for each test, the series arc persistency is
[11] D. Kolker, S.Campolo, N. DiSalvo, “A study of Time/Current
computed. Characteristics of the Ignition Processes in Cellulosic Material Caused by
Tested on a 220-series arc test database, it has shown to be Electrical Arcing for Application in 240V Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters,”
Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts,
precise and the additional advantage of being simple to pp. 105-114, Sept..2007.
implement. For this work, the processing has been performed [12] G. Parise, L. Parise, P. Nicolucci, “Localized fire ignition hazard in
offline, after recording the signals. Nevertheless, a real-time branch circuits, cords and connected equipment,” IEEE Industry
version can be imagined, with a 10kS/s sampling rate of the Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2011.
input signals, which is easily achievable by a wide range of lab [13] K. Takenaka, Y. Mizuno and A. Yoshida, “Condition Monitoring of
equipment. Damaged AC Power Supply Cord Using Voltage Waveform”, IEEE
Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD), 2018.
As a next step, a consensus needs to be reached as to which
minimum arcing persistency should be required. It also needs to
study in more detail the fire risk level of lower arcing persistency
signals with PC power supplies (SMPS) as masking loads. One
possible consequence of this study might be to accept less
persistent arcing for this type of load, if the fire risk proves to be
The scientific literature already has some examples of
requirements for minimal arcing persistency [3], but the
measurements have been performed differently. Nevertheless, it
represents a starting point for this discussion and this work aims
to contribute to this industry-wide topic.
As a future development, the results of this work will be
validated on a secondary series arc signal database, which will
be collected in a secondary laboratory. The aim is to verify the
assertions made in this study, by performing a cross-laboratory
Thank you for the support of our colleagues from Schneider
Electric US: John J. Shea, Brett Larson, Robert Isaacson.