Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Exercises A. List Down Three (3) Supporting Student Activities To Attain of The Identified Student Learning

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The key takeaways are about designing assessment tasks and tools to measure student learning outcomes.

The principles of assessment include understanding objectives, observable and measurable activities, ongoing assessment, and supporting activities aligned with outcomes.

The three main types of validity evidence are content-related, criterion-related, and construct-related evidence. Construct validity is the most difficult to measure.

Name: Dianne Joy G.

Year/Course: BSED-2, Filipino Major.




A. List down three (3) supporting student activities to attain of the identified student learning
1. Student learning outcomes: students can solve mathematical problems involving two-
dimensional figures.
 Can solve mathematical problems involving two dimensional figures.
 Practice the used of appropriate mathematical computations, terms and
 Used diagrams, pictures, and symbols to explain the problem
2. Student learning outcomes: students can write a paragraph about an outing to array
sort using verb in the past tense.
 Correctly identify past tense verbs within a sentence.
 Write sentences using past tense verbs.
 Identify the action of the subjects they have written about(Past or Present
3. Student learning outcomes: student can demonstrate how to prepare a PowerPoint
 Know and understand the power point guidelines
 Demonstrate the various composition and element sin making power point
 Prepare a power point presentation.
4. Student learning outcomes: students can write a reflection essay on lessons learned in a
community outreach activity.
 Interpret what you have learned in the community outreach activity.
 Share the values they learned on the activity
 Apply to real life situation
B. Design assessment task aligned with each of the 4 student learning outcomes. Observe
constructive alignment.

Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities

Student can solve mathematical Solve the given problem using formula.
problems involving two dimensional
Student can write a paragraph about Encircle the verbs.
an outing to array sort using verbs in
the past tense.
Student can demonstrate how to Writing an instruction how to prepare a
prepare a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint presentation.
Student can write a reflection essay What lesson that you’ve learned in the
on lessons learned in a community community outreach activity.
outreach activity.

C. There are 13 principles of assessment on page 42-43. At the blank before each number indicate
the letter corresponding to the principal illustrated in the item.

2 1. The faculty, student, parents and staff understand and commit to implement the
program/department objectives.

3 2. Assessment activity should be observable and measurable.

5 3. Assessment should be on going and continuous.

4 4. Outcomes are attained through supporting activities.

5 5. The outcome assessment prices are organized in an instructional cycle.

8 6. Rubrics assessment is used for non objective type of test.

3 7. To solve a problem is a more observable than “analytical ability”.

1 8. Every school mas publicize its mission and core values.

11 9. Competencies or skills maybe accessed from the simple to the more complex level.

13 10. Essay, examination allow for student individual expression but difficult to construct.

2 11. The program or department should have mission and objectives aligned with the institutions
mission and core values.
9 12. Portfolios are of two types: longitudinal and “ best case/thematic”.

10 13. Supporting student activities is provided as part of instruction.

2 14. The institution must decide on its mission of education and values it will develop.

4 15. Supporting activities is as important as outcome.

D. Come up with a complete outline of the various assessment tasks and tools.

Assessment Task Assessment Tool

Picture-cued story.
a. Theme
b. Setting
Paper and pencil test
c. Character
Essay: make a story using the pictures.
d. Plot
e. Conflict
f. Resolution
Stage play
i. Brainstorming about the play.
ii. Apply the knowledge about stage Performance tasks:
play. Oral presentation
iii. The play should perform by the dramatization
student is realistic.
iv. Communicate to others.

E. Differentiate each of the following examples that may be given to classify the meanings.
1. Holistic rubric and analytic rubric.
- Holistic rubric - All criteria are evaluated simultaneously. Scoring is faster
than with analytic rubric. It is good for summative assessment.
- Analytic rubric - Each criterion is evaluated separately. It is good for
formative assessment, it also adaptable to summative assessment because if
you need an overall score for grading, you can combine the scores.
2. Student learning outcomes and student assessment tasks.
- Student Learning Outcomes - Are statements of the knowledge, skills and
abilities individual students should possess and can demonstrate upon
completion of a learning experience or sequence of learning experiences.
- Students Assessment Tasks - Is the process of gathering evidence of students
performance over a period of time to determine learning and mastery of
skills like tests, portfolios, journal etc.
3. Development portfolios showcase evaluation portfolio.
- Development portfolio - Or working portfolio is so named Because it is a
project “in the works,” containing work in Progress as well as finished
samples of work. It serves as a Holding tank For work that may be selected
later for amore permanent assessment or display portfolio.
- Showcase portfolios - are collections of a person’s best Work, chosen by the
individual. These portfolios are often used for job interviews or teacher-of-
the-year competitions. The purpose of the portfolio is for a teacher to
showcase his or her best work in one or more areas. For example, the
teacher could develop a showcase portfolio to prepare for a teaching award.
- Evaluation portfolio - More standardized. Assess student learning with self-
reflection. The primary function of an evaluation portfolio is to document
what a student has learned.

F. With a particular learning outcome in mind, Construct a scoring rubric - holistic and analytic.
Template for holistic rubric ( fiction writing content rubrics)

5 The plot, setting and characteristic are develop fully and organized well. The who, what,
where and why are explained using interesting language and sufficient detail.
4 Most parts of the story mansion in a score of 50 verb are developed and organized well.
A couple of aspects may need to be more fully or more interestingly developed.
3 Some aspect of the story are developed and organized well, but not as much detail or
organization is expressed as in a score of 4.
2 A few parts of the story are developing somewhat. Organization and language usage
need improvement.
1 Parts of the story our addressed without attention to detail or organization.

Template for analytic rubric (fiction writing content rubrics ).

Criteria 4 – Accomplished 3 – Developing 2 – Emerging 1 – Beginning

Plot Both plot parts are One of the plot Both plot parts Neither plot
fully developed. parts is fully are addressed parts are fully
developed and less but not fully developed.
developed parts is developed.
at least addressed.
Setting Both setting parts are One of the setting Both setting Neither
fully developed. parts is fully parts of the setting parts
developed and the story our are
less developed part addressed but developed.
is at least not fully
addressed. developed.
Characters Main characters are Main characters are Main characters Non of The
fully developed with developed with are identified by characters are
much descriptive some descriptive name only. developed or
detail. Reader has a detail. Reader has a named.
vivid image of the vague idea of the
characters. characters.

G. How do the multiple intelligence affect your assessment practice?

 Since no single approach to teaching and assessment can possibly work best for every student,
teachers face A challenge. What’s the best way to match assessments to students’ learning
styles? Of course, assessment Should reflect the diversity of intelligences and learning styles in
the classroom. The teachers should supplements their traditional assessment methods with
assessment strategies that evaluate student progress in an inclusive, meaningful way. The
multiple intelligence approach to testing is closely related to authentic assessment. This
approach enables students to demonstrate the depth of their understanding, connect their
classwork to real-life experiences, and apply their knowledge to new situations.

H. Research on scoring rubrics for: 1) a research report and 2) a research presentation.

Research report rubric.

Content and Organization Writing Mechanics Notecards Bibliography

Details and Readability
Content is very Report is well Report has few or Note cards are Bibliography
informative and organized with a no errors in spelling, completed and is completed
accurate. Report strong beginning, Punctuation, and labeled correctly. and written in
has many middle and ending. grammar. Report is correct form.
supporting details easy to read.
and is interesting
to read.
Content is Report shows Report has a few Must note cards Bibliography
informative and adequate several errors in are completed is done but
mostly accurate. organization. It has a spelling, and labeled incomplete in
Report has beginning, middle punctuation, and correctly. parts. Some
adequate details. and ending. grammar. Report is errors in
readable. form.
Content is not Report is poorly Report has many Some note cards Bibliography
always related to organized and errors in spelling, are completed is incomplete.
the topic. Many confusing at times. punctuation, and and labeled many errors
inaccuracies. Few grammar. Report is correctly. in form.
supporting details. difficult to read.
Content is not Report has no Report is No note cards. No
relevant or organization. unreadable. bibliography.
accurate. No
Research presentation rubric.

4 – Excellent 3 - Good 2 - Fair 1 – Need

Delivery -holds attention -consistent use of -this place mini -holds eye contact
of the enter direct eye may contact with audience, as
audience with contact with with audience, entire report is
the use of direct audience. But is while reading read from notes.
eye contact. still return to mostly from the -speaks in low
Seldom looking notes. notes. volume, which
at notes. -speak with -speaks in an causes audience
-speaks with satisfactory even volume to disengage.
punctuation in variation of with little or no
volume to volume. infection.
interest and
emphasize key
Content/Organization -demonstrates - is it ease with - is -dance not have
full knowledge expected answer uncomfortable grasp of
by answering all to all questions, with information and
class question without information and cannot answer
with elaboration. is able to question about
explanations answer only subject.
and elaboration. rudimentary
Enthusiasm/Audience -demonstrate - shows some - show little or - Fails to increase
Awareness strong enthusiastic mixed feelings audience
enthusiasm feelings about about the topic understanding of
about topic topic. being knowledge of
during enter -cases against presented. topic.
presentation. understanding -raises audience - show no interest
-significantly and awareness of understanding to topic
increases most points. and knowledge presented.
understanding of samples.
and knowledge
of topic.
Convince an
audience to
recognize the
validity and
importance of
the subject.

I. List down 4 learning outcomes then give assessment as appropriate to MIs

Learning Assessment
Outcomes Task
Linguistic Math/Logical Bodily/Kinesthetic Visual/Spatial Musical
1. Student Studying Makeup Make a task for Create a Writing their
will read about analogies to historical and slideshow of own songs
divers text historical and explain the cultural context. historical and and music
within their cultural historical and cultural about
historical context. cultural context. historical
and cultural context. and cultural
context. context.
2. Student Write a short Makeup Creating Illustrate, Make an
use basic play in the syllogism to costumes for role drawing, instrument
vector, creation of demonstrate playing, States or sketch, or and used it
raster, 3D work of art. the creation of stimulation about sculpt about to
design, and works of art. indication of the creation of demonstrate
video and works of art. works of art. the creation
Web of works of
technologies arts.
in the
creation of
works of art.
3. Student Conduct an Translate an Build or contact a Chart, map or Indicate the
apply interview idea into differential graph for rhythmic
differential of/on about mathematical calculus 2 model differential patterns in
calculus 2 the formula about rates of change in calculus to differential
model rates differential differential time of physical model a rate calculus to
of change in calculus to calculus to and biological of change in model rates
time of model rates model rates of phenomena. time of of change in
physical and of change in change in time physical and the time of
biological time of of physical and biological physical and
phenomena. physical and biological phenomena. biological
biological phenomena. phenomena.
4. Identify Create a talk Design and Bring hands on Invent a board Pangarap or
materials show radio conduct an material to or card game song that
and program experiment on demonstrate in to explain in
organism, about identities identify materials demonstrate identify
such as, identify materials and and organisms in identify materials
plant fibers, materials and organism such such as plant materials and and
flower, on organism as plant fiber fibers flower and organism such organisms
the basis of such as plant flower and more. as plant fiber such as plant
observable fiber flowers. more. flowers and fibers flower
features i.e. more. and more
function and
Learning Assessment task
Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalism Existential
Student will read Teach some about Describe one of Researching about Share your
diversity within historical and your personal historical and reflection on
their historical cultural context. value about cultural context. the meaning
and cultural historical and of historical
context. cultural context. and cultural
Student use basic Working pairs to Write a journal on Draw or Which
vector, raster, 3D learn about the the creation of photograph on creation of
design, and video creation of works works of art. the creation of works of art is
and Web of art. work of art. meaningful to
technologies in you? Why?
the creation of
work of art.
Student apply Participate in the Assess your own Observing on the Use the
differential activity group on work in apply apply differential observation in
calculus to model apply differential differential calculus calculus to model differential
rates of change in calculus to model to model a rate of a rate of change in calculus to
time of physical rates of change in change in time of time of physical model rate of
and biological time of physical physical and and biological change in
phenomena. and biological biological phenomena. time of
phenomena. phenomena. physical and
Identify materials Group Discussion about Make an Apply the
and organism, presentation about the observable experiment about lesson that
such as, plant, the observable organism in plant, the observable adapt in
fibers, flower, on organism in plant, fibers and flower, organism in the observing the
the basis of fibers and flower, on the basis of plant, fibers and organism in
observable on the basis of observable flower, on the plant, fibers
features i.e. observable features i.e. basis of and flower, on
appearance, features i.e. appearance, observable the basis of
texture, function appearance, texture, function features i.e. observable
and more. texture, function and more. appearance, features i.e.
and more. texture, function appearance,
and more. texture,
function and

Distinguishing and Constructing Various Paper-and-Pencil Test.


A. Construct a 10 item matching type to test this competency: identify the computer system i.e.
parts, others components.

B. Construct 10-Item supply type test to assess this competency: identify farm tools according to
use ( grade 7-8 curriculum guide; agriculture fishery).

Supply the correct answer and write it on the blank.

1. ________ are also called pruning scissors. They are sharp, heavy duty scissors that are
used for cutting branches of trees and plant stems. (Pruning shears)
2. Acts is used for _________ woods and big branches of trees. (Cutting)
3. Crowbar is also called as a ________, mainly used for digging holes. (Wrecking bar)
4. _________ is a common gardening and landscaping instrument. (Pick-mattock)
5. A spade is used for ________ soil or trash. (Removing)
6. _________ is like a broom but made with metal. (Rake)
7. _________ it is used for loosening the soil around plants. (Hand trowel)
8. _________ a simple garden instrument used for cultivating garden plant and removing
weeds. (Hand cultivator)
9. Sprinkler is simply a tool for ________. (Watering plants)
10. Cycle has a _________ blade that is use for cutting weeds. (Curved)
C. Justify each rule used in constructing an essay type of test.

The first rule, Phrase the direction in such a way that students are guided on the key concepts to be
included. Specify how the students should respond. This rule, should be elaborated in the way that
the students will be able to discern the important keys and concepts they’re going to include on their
writings. Teachers should give complete directions on his/her given article summarization or opinion
so learners can give also complete and correct response based on what the facilitators need to
see/read in that essay. Students will be given enough ideas to formulate sentences in order to
respond the test has demand them to do.

Second rule, Inform the students on the article on the criteria to be used for grading their essays. This
rule allows the students to focus on relevant and substantive materials rather than on peripheral and
unnecessary facts and bits of information. Giving criteria will serve as the basis and guidelines to
students on what essential statements they would attach to their writings, and helps them to choose
better and relevant words to aid in her essay to encourage the readers to be sided with her. She will
have the chances to think more deeply on how to verbalize her knowledge and bits of information in
regards with the topic since criteria of scoring is provided.

Third rule, put a time limit on the essay test. Giving time limit will give somehow the students an
adrenaline rush to finish the task in a limited time, and for me it helps us to enhance our capabilities
in thinking to grasps more information since our mind works properly and cooperates to ponders
various words to form group of sentences to support a certain opinion about the given topic.

Fourth rule, decide on your essay grading system prior to getting the essays of your students. This is
also important for teachers to have basis on how to give grades that every students deserves for all of
their efforts and time in taking the test.

Fifth rule, evaluate all of the students answers to one question before proceeding to the next
question. Scoring or grading essay test question by question makes it possible to maintain a more
uniform standard for judging the answers to each question. When all of the answers on the paper are
read together, the grader’s impression on the papers a whole is apt to influence the grades he assigns
to the individual answers.

Sixth rule, evaluate answers to essay question without knowing the identity of the writer. Doing this
kind of scoring helps to avoid bias during scoring. All of the answers written in the essay should be
evaluated according to the content and connection of it to the topic, not in a way that the writers and
scorer will be graded due to their relationship. The best way to prevent our prior knowledge from
influencing our judgement is to evaluate each answer without knowing the identity of the writer. This
can be done by having the students write their names on the back of the paper by using the code
numbers in place of names or just initial signature.

The seventh rule, whenever possible, have two or more persons grade each answer. In order to check
the reliability of scoring, someone will be given the chance to evaluate or judge the other works of a
specific student to ensure that the said essay was been scored correctly.

Eight rule, do not provide optional questions. It is difficult to construct questions of equal difficulty
and so teacher cannot have valid comparison of student’s achievement.
Nine rule, provide information about the value/weight of the question and how it will be scored. This
rule is needed to discuss with the students for them to understand the need to write their opinions
with supported evidences to get higher score based on the given criteria.

Tenth and the last rule, emphasize higher level thinking skills. The deeper thoughts and information
provided in the essay, the better score will be given by the scorer. Choices of words and relevant or
concrete ideas will highlight that the writers have a higher level thinking skills.

D. Construct a 10-item data sufficiency test.

Directions for data sufficiency questions are provided below: (1-10)

QUESTION 1. Who is the shortest among A, B, C, D & E?

J. D is taller than B. A is taller than only E.

II. B is taller than only D. E is taller than A and C.


QUESTION 2. What is the distance of point A and point B?

I. Point C is 5 m east of point A and point D is 5 m south of point A.

II. Point B is 5 m north-west of point C. Point D is 15 m south-east of point B.


QUESTION 3. How is Marivic related to Hanna?

I. Marivic is an aunt of Shaina. Hanna is niece of Lila.

II. Linda is Shaina’s grandmother and Corazon’s sister.


QUESTION 4. How is product written in that code language?

I. In a certain code language, EIOOO is written as FJPPP.

II. In a certain code language, HTLKR is written as GSKJQ

Ans. E

QUESTION 5. What is Kate’s position with respect to Jacob?

I. In a row of 30 students, Kate is sitting 14th from left end of row and Jacob is sitting 16th
from right end.
II. Kate is 9th from left end and Jacob is 15th from right end.


QUESTION 6. Who has secured more marks among A, B, C, D & E?

I. D has secured more marks than only C and E.

II. B secured less marks than A.

QUESTION 7. On which floor is Adam located.

I. In a six storey building (Ground floor is parking space). Suzy is on fourth floor. Adam likes
to live only on even numbered floors. Gail is not on the topmost floor.
II. Gail is two floors below Dina who is three floors above Adam.


QUESTION 8. Kendra is facing which direction?

I. Deb is facing west direction and if she turns to her left she will face Jen.
II. Kendra is facing opposite direction as that of Lucy who is facing Deb.


QUESTION 9. In which month is Nikki’s birthday?

I. Sol remembers that that Nikki’s birthday was five months ago.
II. Gina remembers that after one month from now, Nikki’s birthday will be seven months


QUESTION 10. Who is the wife of Tammy?

I. Cindy and Grace are sisters.

II. Grace’s older sister is Tammy’s wife.


E. In a 100 item test what type of objective test will you include? Justify your answer.
 If God will give me a chance to teach in the near future, I would like to create a 100-item test
which includes various types of objective test like 10- item of matching-type test, a 10-item
true-false test, 50-item multiple test, and essay type of essay (30 pts). Matching-type of test
will help students to get somehow high scores by just guessing the answer and it easier to
answers. Test II will be 10-item of true or false. This test is also helpful since it has a high
chance that the students will get high scores even though this test do not require higher
thinking skills but I will ensure that whenever the answer is false they need to replace it with
the correct answer. The next set is consisting of multiple choices. The test will include options
that will serve as the distracters to students to test and sharpen their knowledge about the
given questions. Essay serves an assessment that requires higher thinking skills that let them
organize their thoughts to create relevant statements about subject matter. This types of
objective test for me are good enough to assess whether the students did study their assigned
task regards on a certain subject.
F. In sample essay “plant photosynthesis” given in this section, why would you give a (0) is core to
the student writing this essay? Justify your answer.
 In this sample essay “Plant Photosynthesis” which given, I would somehow give a zero (0)
score to the student whoever wrote this kind of essay because his/her writings are lacking of
information. Essay is consisting of three parts but the student only provides the introduction,
no body nor conclusion. In her essay, some of her sentences are redundant in which the
thoughts are only the same. Too odd that she did not attach any evidences that could support
her statements. Lack of motivating skills that could encourage her readers to believe in her.
She only provides a very short description about photosynthesis that even don’t know the
exact meaning of the word. A student who doesn’t still have enough skills in her writing is
understandable since she can still improve it by practicing and researching. She only provides
bits of information and I can’t see facts that was stated in that essay. In the last sentence, the
words and thoughts is complicated to comprehend even though she only uses simple words
but puts on a wrong context. Choices of words doesn’t have any connection and it doesn’t
make sense.

G. Give an example of supply type of test that will measure higher order thinking skills ( beyond
mere recall of facts and information).
1. this type of test, there are only two options such as good or better, it is called
2. _______ is the type of test that offers the students with more than two options per
item to choose from.
3-4. Each item in multiple choice test consist of two parts, the _______ and the ______.
5. The ________ are chosen in such a way that they are attractive to those who do not know
the answer or are guessing but at the same time have an appeal to those who actually know
the answer.
6. ___________ type of test that you match the items in column A in column B.
7. ____________is a type of test that often test lower order thinking skills and are unable to
test higher order thinking skills such as judgement and application skills.
8. Another useful device for testing lower order thinking skills is a _____________.
9. ___________ is a non-objective test that allows for the assessment of higher order thinking
10. _________ a type of test that requires students to organize their thoughts on a subject
matter in coherent sentences in order to inform ban audiences.

H. In what sense is a matching type test a variant of a multiple choice type of test? Justify your
 Matching type test is different from multiple choice since matching type is a type of test in
which all items in column A or the questions is match in items that are found in column B or
the answers. In matching type, all the questions can be answered by numerous options from
the column B. While multiple choice, is a type of test that consist of more than two options
either a,b,c,d or a,b,c. The students can only choose among them and can easily determine or
choose the answer. Multiple choices have distracters that makes student confused in
answering and allows them to think deeper. Both of this type of test is common and we
always encounter whenever we take examinations or quiz, and as a student I prefer to take an
exam which consist of this type of test than those essays because I am more used to it and
comfortable in taking it.

I. In what sense is a supply type of a test considered a variant of multiple choice type of test?
(Hint: In supply type, the choices are not explicitly given). Does this make the supply type of test
more difficult than close multiple choice type of test? How?
 Supply test for me is too difficult especially if teacher’s constructed questions that out of our
league. It consists of stem which students need to analyze and should study carefully since the
question is followed by a blank that learners must provide an answer in it. Unlike in multiple
choices, options or choices were not given in supply type of test. We don’t have a chance to
choose an answer, instead we have to think it comprehensibly. Supply test is used to assess
whether a student really know the topic or they studied very well. Learners who is
knowledgeable will answer all the questions correctly without sweating while students who
just hope for her guessing ability will fail the test unless she cheats. Yes, supply test is more
difficult than close multiple choices since choices are not given, it requires with great thinking
skills and retention.

J. Choose learning competencies from the k to 12 Curriculum Guide. Construct aligned paper-and-
pencil test observing guidelines in test construction.
 One of the learning competencies I have chosen from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide is
introduction to the philosophy of a human person. With this, I will construct various types of
paper-and-pencil test which observes guidelines in test construction.

4-items of true-false test:

Write True if the statement is correct and if the statement is False find the words you think is
wrong and change it into a correct answer.

____ 1. The nine multiple of intelligences was coined by Edward Gardner.

____ 2. Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and make use of language well.
____ 3. Musical Intelligence is the capacity to calculate, or analyze problems.
____ 4. Intrapersonal is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others.

Multiple-choice type of test:

Choose the correct answers on the options provided.

1. It is the joining of two Greek words which means, “love of wisdom.”
A. Biology B. Philosophy C. Anthropology
2. It is the statement of judgement of a person about something in the world.
A. Opinion B. Argumentation C. Truth
3. It is a group of statements that serve to support a conclusion.
A. Fallacies B. Argumentation C. Pragmatics
Matching type of test:

Match items in Column A to the items in Column B.

1. The teacher of Plato. A. Plato
2. Mostly believes in Yin and Yang. B. Socrates
3. Clarify that philosophy is not a science. C. Chinese
4. Refers to way of doing anything prior to some destination. D. Korean
E. Gabriel Marcel
F. Rene Descartes

Completion type of test:

Write an appropriate synonym for each of the following. Each blank corresponds to a letter.
1. Independence: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Restrictions: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Write an essay on the topic: “Why Philosophy is Important to study Human Person”
using the following keywords and phrases: freedom, limitations, and many more. Depends on
how you are going to use variety of words to enhance your writing skills.

Item Analysis and Validation.

Suppose that a teacher gave the spelling of two-syllable words with 20 items for Monday and
Tuesday. The teacher wanted to determine the reliability of two set of scores by computing
for the Pearson r.
Monday Test Tuesday Test

X Y X 2
Y 2

10 20 100 400 200

9 15 21 225 135
6 12 36 144 72
10 18 100 324 180
12 19 144 361 228
4 8
16 64 32
5 7 25 49 35
7 10 49 100 70
16 17 256 289 272
8 13 64 169 104
∑X = 87 ∑Y =139 ∑X =811
∑Y =2,155
∑XY = 1, 328

A. Give the term described/explained.
_Item analysis 1. Refers to a statistical technique that helps instructors identify the
effectiveness of their test items.
Item Difficulty2. Refers to the proportion of students who got the test item correctly.
Discrimination Index3. Which is the difference between the proportion of the top scorers who
got an item correct and the proportion of the bottom scorers who got the item right.
Item difficulty4. Which one is concerned with how easy or difficult a test item is?
Item Analysis5. Which adjective describes an effective distracter
B. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
TRUE 1. Difficulty index indicates the proportion of students who got the item right.
FALSE 2. Difficulty index indicates the proportion of students who got the item wrong.
TRUE 3. A high percentage indicates an easy item/question and a low percentage indicates
a difficult item.
FALSE 4. Authors agree, in general, the items should have values of difficulty no less than
20% correct and no greater than 80%.
TRUE 5. Very difficult or very easy items contribute greatly to the discriminating power
of a test.
FALSE 6. The discrimination index range is between -1 and +2.
FALSE 7. The farther the index is to +1, the more effectively the item distinguishes
between the two groups of students.
TRUE 8. When an item discriminates negatively, such items should be revised and
eliminated from scoring.
TRUE 9. A positive discrimination index indicates that the lower performing students
actually selected the key or correct response more frequently than the top performers.
TRUE 10. If no one select a distracter it is important to revise the auction and attempt to
make the distracter aim or plausible choice.

C. Problem solving.
1. Solve for the difficulty index of a test item:
Item no. 1 2 3 4 5
No, of correct 2 10 20 30 15
No. Of students 50 30 30 30 40
Difficulty index 0.04/4% 0.33/33% 0.67/67% 1/100% 0.38/38%
2. Which is most difficult? Most easy?
 The item number 1 is the most difficult and the item number 4 was the most easy.
3. Which needs revision? Which should be discarded? Why?
 The Item number 1 need the student to retake and it can be discarded because the
most of the student are not able to answer or pass those tests. It needs more time to
study and understanding with the help of the teacher concerned.

D. Solve for the discrimination indexes of the following test item:

Item no. 1 2 3 4 5
No, of correct 12 20 10 20 20 10 10 24 20 5
No. Of students 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Discrimination index -0.30 -0.40 0.40 0 0.60
Based on the computed discrimination index, which are good test items? Not good test items?
 The item number 5 has a good test item, while the item number 4 was not.

E. A multiple choice type of test has 5 options. The table below indicates the number of
examinees out of 50 who chose each option.
0 20 15* 5 10
* - Correct Answer
Which option are plausible? Which ones are implausible?
 The option A is implausible. And the option B, D and E are plausible.

F. Study the following data. Compute for the difficulty index and discrimination index of
each set of scores.
1. N = 80, number of wrong answer: upper 25% = 2 lower 25% = 9
- 2-9/80= -0.1
2. N = 30, number of wrong answer: upper 25% = 1 lower 25% = 6
- 1-6/30= -0.2
3. N = 50, number of wrong answer: upper 25% = 3 lower 25% = 8
- 3-8/50= -0.2
4. N = 70, number of wrong answer: upper 25% = 4 lower 25% = 10
- 4-10/70= -0.1
 This 4 result, the all answer is negative discrimination index this means it have a for
item validity and at the upper group is missed buy item biguity this must reject the

G. Write test items to check if the following learning outcomes or realized:

H. Enumerate the three types of validity evidence. Which of these types of validity is the
most difficult to measure? Why?
 The three main types of validity evidence are content-related evidence of validity,
criterion-related evidence of validity and construct-related evidence of validity.
Because regardless of how construct validity is defined, there is no way to study it.
The construct validity should be demonstrated from number of a perspective. Hence,
the more strategies used to demonstrate the validity of a test, the more confident users
have in construct validity of the test, but only if the evidence provided by these
strategies is convincing.
I. What is the relationship between validity and reliability? Can a test be reliable and
yet not valid? Illustrate.
 The reliability and validity are related concepts, if an instrument is unreliable, it cannot get
valid outcomes. As reliability improves, validity may improve (or May not) however, if
then instrumentation scientifically to be valid then it is almost certain that is also reliable.

J. Discuss the different measures of variability. Justify the use of each measure in the
context of measuring reliability. Can a test be valid and not reliable?
 One of the method to measure reliability is the use of spilt-half method where in it is used
to test whether the constructed test and its possible learning outcomes is reliable and
classified as a best standardized test and applicable to assess student thinking skills.

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