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Anyrail 4 Manual English: © 2011 Drail Modelspoor Software

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AnyRail 4 Manual English

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

2 AnyRail 4 Manual English

Table of Contents

Part 1 Getting Started 4

1 Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Setting...................................................................................................................................
up 4
Choosing a m easurem
ent system 4
Specifying a w ork
area size 5
View draw ing scale
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Track Libraries
................................................................................................................................... 7
Opening a Track..........................................................................................................................................................
Library 7
Docking and undocking
a library 8
Brow sing a Track
Library 9
Closing a Track
Library 10
Key to Track Sym
bols 11
4 Working
with track 12
Adding track .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Track appearance
.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Moving and connecting
track 17
track 17
Selecting track
.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Gluing track .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Turntables .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
5 Flex track
................................................................................................................................... 26
Basic handling.......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Curves, straights
and easem ents from flex 28
Parallel flex track
.......................................................................................................................................................... 31
6 The Ribbon
and the Popup menu 32
7 Pieces,
stretches and sections 34
8 Working
with sections 36
9 Working
with height 39
Displaying heights
.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Specifying heights
.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
10 The Status
Bar 46
11 More ...................................................................................................................................
than just track 46
Adding lines and
shapes 47
Manipulating lines
and shapes 52
Adding Text .......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Adding Rulers.......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Marking track..........................................................................................................................................................
as hidden 54
Predefined elem
ents 55
12 Layers
................................................................................................................................... 57
The Layer tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Moving objects
to another layer 61
13 Finishing
up 62
Saving your w..........................................................................................................................................................
ork 63

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Contents 3

Print preview .......................................................................................................................................................... 63

Printing your design
.......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Generating pictures
.......................................................................................................................................................... 64
Generating a TrainPlayer
file 66
Generating a list
of m aterials 66
Generating a list
of Sections 67
14 Licensing
................................................................................................................................... 68
Updates and upgrades
.......................................................................................................................................................... 70

Part 2 Reference Guide 71

1 Features
................................................................................................................................... 72
Glue .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Rotate .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Flip .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
2 The Quick
Access Toolbar 74
3 The Ribbon
................................................................................................................................... 75
4 Ribbon
Tab Reference 77
File tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Hom e tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 80
Insert tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Track libraries..........................................................................................................................................................
tab 83
Object libraries
tab 83
Layers tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Settings tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
Info tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 86
5 Context
sensitive tabs and popup menus 87
Track tab and..........................................................................................................................................................
m enu 87
Endpoint tab and
m enu 89
Connection tab..........................................................................................................................................................
and m enu 90
Lines and surfaces
tab and m enu 91
Texts tab and..........................................................................................................................................................
m enu 94
Rulers tab and..........................................................................................................................................................
m enu 95

Index 98

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

4 AnyRail 4 Manual English

1 Getting Started

Getting Started

1.1 Introduction
We've designed AnyRail™ to be as straightforward as possible. You can
start experimenting with layouts as soon as you've installed the
software. However, it’s probably a good idea to read through this
Getting Started guide.

1.2 Setting up

The Settings tab enables you to set up AnyRail to suit your way of
working. There’s a full description starting here 71 . Most of the default
settings should be OK for now. However, you probably want to chose a
measurement system and specify a work area right away.

1.2.1 Choosing a measurement system

By default, all measurements are metric. However, you can change this.
To specify a measurement system
1. Click the Settings tab:

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Getting Started 5

2. Click Measurement system:

If you select "English fractional units", AnyRail shows all

measurements using fractions, e.g. 20 ¾.
If you select decimal units, the same value appears as 20.75.
AnyRail accepts measurements in both formats, and rounds fractions
to the nearest 1/32 of an inch.

1.2.2 Specifying a work area size

In AnyRail, you can set the outer limits of your work area.
To specify a work area size
1. Click the Settings tab.
2. Find the Work Area group:

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3. Enter a Widt h and De pt h.

TIP: To draw the table for your layout, draw a surface 47 .
1.2.3 View drawing scale

To zoom in or zoom out

1. Locate the View Scale slider in the lower right corner:

2. Move the Slider to change the view scale.

1. Click the Home tab.

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Getting Started 7

2. Select a View Scale.

TIP: For fast zoom, press CTRL and use the mouse wheel.

TIP: To zoom using the keyboard, press CTRL + or CTRL -.

The selected scale also sets the print scale. If you set the view scale to
1:10, one inch on the printed plan represents ten inches in the real

NOTE: This setting has nothing to do with the train scale i.e.: TT, O, H0, etc. The train scale
depends on which track library you use.

1.3 Track Libraries

The first thing you need is some track!

AnyRail keeps track in libraries, and has one for all the well-known
manufacturers, including Atlas, Märklin, Roco, Peco, and many others.
Each piece of track matches the original as closely as possible - some of
them were even created using the manufacturer’s original CAD files.

1.3.1 Opening a Track Library

To open a Track Library

1. Click the Track libraries tab:

You'll see a group for each gauge.

2. Click the name of the manufacturer to open the list of track libraries.
3. Select a track library:

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You can have as many libraries open as you want. Don't worry, AnyRail
won't link incompatible track pieces – unless you tell it to (see The
AnyRail Settings Tab 84 ).

1.3.2 Docking and undocking a library

You can move the Track Library window like any other window.
However, if you move it near the top or the bottom of the main AnyRail
window, it will "dock", that is, become part of the main window.

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Getting Started 9

TIP: To disable docking, go to Options 80 in the File tab.

1.3.3 Browsing a Track Library

The status bar at the bottom of the screen shows detailed information
about the track.

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1.3.4 Closing a Track Library

To close a Track Library

1. If the library is docked, you should undock it first by dragging the
dotted line at the left:

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Getting Started 11

2. Click the little cross in the right upper corner of the track window:

NOTE: You can also close a library the same way you opened 7 it.
1.3.5 Key to Track Symbols
Here are the most common track symbols:
Straight Feeder: Wire the tracks

Curve Separator: Isolated


Regular Turnout Curved turnout.

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Catch: Turnout to Rerailer: Puts the wheels

make engines derail back on track.
from one direction (as
a safety precaution).

Y-Turnout Circuit: (only for model

railways) Generates a
pulse when passed,
generally direction

Three-way Turnout Buffer: End of the line.

Crossing Uncoupler: uncouples

rolling stock.

Double Slipswitch Turntable

Single Slipswitch

Flex Track: Easily cut and bent as required.

*Other common words for turnout are “switch”, “point” and “junction”.

1.4 Working with track

AnyRail is designed to make working with track quick and easy.

1.4.1 Adding track

To add a track Piece

There are three methods for adding new track:

Method 1: Click

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Getting Started 13

Method 2: Drag and drop

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Method 3: Shift-click to connect to the most recently added


TIP: To undo the most recent action, click the Undo button, or press Ctrl Z.

1.4.2 Track appearance

A few general settings control how track appears on your screen. You
can find these in the Ribbon Home tab:

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Getting Started 15

Example 1: Centerline

Example 2: Track

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Example 3: Sleepers

NOTE: AnyRail displays sleepers for aesthetic reasons, only. The position shown is not
intended to be exact, though the width is correct.

Example 4: Centerline with roadbed

NOTE: To avoid disappointment, use this option to check that the roadbed fits on your train
table and that the tracks are not too close to each other.

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Getting Started 17

1.4.3 Moving and connecting track

Use the mouse to move and connect your track pieces. By default, only
track from the same track system can be connected. However, you can
override this (see The AnyRail Options window 84 ).

To connect track

1.4.4 Disconnecting track

You can disconnect track using the popup menu or the Ribbon.
To disconnect an endpoint using the popup menu

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To disconnect an endpoint using the Ribbon

To disconnect the track using the popup menu

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To disconnect the track using the Ribbon

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1.4.5 Selecting track

Obviously, you can select one section of track by simply clicking it.
However, you can also use the mouse to select several pieces of track,
and then move or alter them as one.
To select track

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Getting Started 21

Other ways to select pieces

Do either of the following:

o CTRL+click each piece.

o Double-click a piece to extend the selection in a logical manner.

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o Triple-click to select all connected track.

o SHIFT-click to extend the selection.



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AnyRail bolds the selected pieces.

To deselect a single piece

CTRL-click the piece.

To deselect all the pieces

Press ESC.

To move a selection

Drag any of the pieces.

AnyRail moves the entire selection as one.

You can also copy, paste and delete track in the standard Windows way.

TIP: If you open AnyRail twice, you can copy and paste elements from one layout to the

1.4.6 Gluing track

If you want to make sure that you don't accidentally move track, you
can glue it down!

To glue track

Method 1:

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Method 2:

If you want to know whether track is glued, hover over it, and look in
the Status Bar:

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NOTE: If you glue one piece of track, all connected track is glued as well.

TIP: To move glued track, hold the SHIFT key down when dragging. The track will be unglued
1.4.7 Turntables
Many turntables require a special adapter or transition track from the
same library in order to connect them to the regular tracks at the
required angles.

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1.5 Flex track

Many sectional track manufacturers also provide "flex track". Flex track
can be used to fill gaps. Its looser curves also give your layout a more
natural look.

1.5.1 Basic handling

Some libraries contain “flex track”, designed to be bent, stretched and
trimmed. You can do this to AnyRail flex track by using the control
points. These are the little crosses that appear at either end of a piece,
and on either side of it. Dragging the control point changes the track.

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Getting Started 27

AnyRail checks the track as you shape it and paints it red if:
You over-stretch it
You bend it into overly tight curves (likely to derail a train)

Of course, these features can be switched off (The AnyRail Settings tab
84 ).
To connect flex track

Connect flex track in the usual way by dragging it near another part.
Drag one of the outer control points onto another endpoint.

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AnyRail smoothes out the curves of the resulting track.

TIP: Pressing SHIFT while dragging a control point keeps it in a straight line.
1.5.2 Curves, straights and easements from flex

AnyRail can create (near) perfect arcs, easements and straights from
flex track.
To create a straight, curve or easement

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Alternatively, click the flex, and select from the Ribbon:

A straight

A curve

Creating a precise curve (circular arc) is similar to straightening a piece

of track.

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An easement

An easement provides a smooth transition between a straight and a

curve. Real railways always use them to avoid wear and tear, and to
permit higher speeds. They also increase passenger comfort.

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1.5.3 Parallel flex track

AnyRail can create parallel flex track.

To create parallel track

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1.6 The Ribbon and the Popup menu

The Ribbon

When you select something, the Ribbon shows you what you can do
with it and grays out any options that don't apply.

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Getting Started 33

Example 1: Select a flex

Example 2: Select a flex, a surface, and some text

The Popup menu

A handy feature of AnyRail is the menu that “pops up” with relevant
options whenever you right-click something.

Example 1: Right-click a stretch of track

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Example 2: Right-click a connection

There’s a description of each option in the Reference Guide 71 . The next

couple of chapters cover the more commonly used ones.

1.7 Pieces, stretches and sections

AnyRail thinks of your track as being made up of pie c e s, s t re t c he s and
s e c t io ns.
A piece of track is just that – any one of the components you select
from the Track Libraries. A stretch of track is a piece and all pieces

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Getting Started 35

connected to it. Many AnyRail options apply to stretches rather than

pieces. A section of track is something that yo u create, and requires
more explanation.


A section is a stretch of track with a specific function or purpose, as

defined by you. You can turn any stretch – that is a connected group of
pieces - into a section, as long as both ends have an isolator.
Sections are useful in both conventional and digital operation:
In conventional (analog) operation, you need to feed stretches of
track individually to control trains independently of each other.
This enables you, e.g., to switch off a section's power to stop a
train for a red signal.
In digital operation, especially with a PC, it is often handy to know
where trains are so that the software can control them. Usually,
the layout is divided into sections of track, each with its own
occupancy detector. The shorter the sections, the more accurate

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the positional information.

NOTE: Once you’ve created a section, you can change its properties such as color, name
and usage. You can also see a list of sections. This is helpful when calculating how many
occupancy detectors you need. See Generating a list of Sections 67 .

1.8 Working with sections

Here are the two methods for creating a section.
Method 1: Creating a section from selected track

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Getting Started 37

Method 2: Creating a section from isolated track

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TIP: Of course, you can also use the Ribbon to create the section. Left-click one piece of
track within the isolated tracks to select it, and click Create Section in the Ribbon
To change a section’s properties
1. Left-click a piece of track in the section.
The Ribbon opens the Track tab with a Section group:

2. Select a Usage and enter a Name.

The name appears on the layout:

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To change a section’s color

1. In the Ribbon Track tab, Section group, select Color.

A color selection box appears:

2. Select a color.
The section changes color.

1.9 Working with height

Few model railway layouts are entirely on the same level. Fortunately,
AnyRail can handle track at varying heights.

If you want to make sure that the height of a certain point is not
changed accidentally, right-click it, and select Lock height.

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The point turns blue to indicate that its height is locked:

1.9.1 Displaying heights

Before working with heights, it helps to switch on their display.
To display heights

In the Ribbon Home tab, find the Show group:

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Heights now appear on the track:

1.9.2 Specifying heights

There are various ways to create a slope, or set the height of track.

As it can be on a slope, a piece of track doesn't necessarily have a

single height. AnyRail works out the height based on the track's
endpoints and connections.

You can specify a certain height for a stretch of track, and then ease the
connected track into sensible gradients. On a gradient, AnyRail even
decreases the grade on curves because of the reduction of the pulling
power of engines on bends.

AnyRail will show a warning if slopes are too steep.

If your tracks cross, make sure you leave enough headroom for the lower train, and any

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possible overhead lines! Bear in mind the thickness of the tracks, the sleepers, and the
actual bridge.

To set selected track to a certain height

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To specify a height for a point

This function is useful when you want to set the height of an individual

1. Right-click the point (this is an endpoint or a connection), and select

Set Height....
Alternatively, select the point by left-clicking it, and in the Ribbon
Track tab, select Set Height...

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2. Set the height, and decide whether you want to create slopes. (If not,
only the height of the selected point will change.)
3. Click OK.

To create a smooth slope

Sometimes, it's useful to create a slope between two points, where
AnyRail calculates a linear descent percentage. This is called a s m o o t h
s lo pe.
There a few restrictions when creating a slope from point A to point B.
All the track on the slope should be connected.
There should be only one 'path' from A to B.
The path may go through turnouts and crossings, but the path may not
split to a third point.
Point A and point B must be on a regular straight or curve, not a
turnout or a crossing.
NOTE: This feature works best when A and B have a different height!


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To set the maximum percentage for slopes

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1. Open the Ribbon Settings, and locate Slopes.

2. Set the Maximum percentage.

NOTE:Unless a point is height-locked 39 , AnyRail adjusts the height of all connected track
that violates the maximum descent percentage.

1.10 The Status Bar

There’s a lot to keep track of if you use all of AnyRail’s features. The
good news is that the Status bar is a mine of information:

1.11 More than just track

Being enthusiasts ourselves, we suspect that your layout will contain
more than just track!
For this reason, AnyRail enables you to draw shapes 47 onto your layout

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Getting Started 47

to represent scenery, such as stations or landscape features.

Of course, you can draw your train table or your garden.

You can also mark track as hidden, and add text 53 labels and position
them as required.
Additionally there are plenty of predefined elements 55 .

1.11.1 Adding lines and shapes

To add a line or a shape

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TIP: Turn a line into a shape by clicking on the starting point.

TIP: You can also right-click on the work area, and select Add line/surface from the popup

To change the line into a surface

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To add a point to the line

TIP: You can add a point by hovering over the line and pressing 'p'.
To delete a point

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TIP: To quickly delete a point, hover over it and press 'Delete'

To move a point

Simply drag the point to move it.

Sometimes you need to precisely position a point, e.g. if you're drawing

your train table.
To position a point

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You can create round or curved corners for points that have neighboring
points. The points at the end of the line cannot be set to round or
A ro und c o rne r is a perfect arc. A part of a circle.
A c urve d c o rne r is a curve halfway to each neighboring point.

For an overview of all available functions, please see the Reference

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Guide 71 .

1.11.2 Manipulating lines and shapes

This topic covers a few special functions for surfaces.

To move a line

To resize the shape

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1.11.3 Adding Text

You can place text anywhere on your layout plan, for example to label
features or make notes to yourself.
To add text
1. Find the Ribbon Insert tab, and click Add Text.
2. Click in the work area.
3. Enter your text and press Enter.
NOTE: Depending on the scale of your drawing, the initial text may be very small. To change
the size, left-click the text, and set the size in the Ribbon.

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NOTE: To create a new line, use Alt-Enter.

Change the appearance

Left-click on the text and select one of the options from the Ribbon
Text tab.
To edit existing text

Double-click the text.

To move the text

Place the cursor on the text, left-click and ho ld to drag the text.

You can also add names to sections of track. See Working with Sections 36 .
1.11.4 Adding Rulers

To add a ruler
1. Find the Ribbon Insert tab, and click Add Ruler.
2. Click in the work area.
3. Size the ruler by dragging its end points.
Change the appearance

Left-click on the ruler and select one of the options from the Ribbon
Rulers tab.
To move the ruler
Place the cursor on the ruler, left-click and ho ld to drag the ruler.

1.11.5 Marking track as hidden

Some of your track may not be visible, for example in tunnels or fiddle
yards, or underneath features such as station canopies. For this reason,
AnyRail can show hidden track as a dotted line.
To mark track as hidden
1. Select the track that is supposed to be hidden.
2. In the Ribbon Track tab, check Hidden.

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Getting Started 55

To show hidden track

1.11.6 Predefined elements

AnyRail has a number of predefined elements that you can find in the
Objects tab.
These include:
Scenery elements

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1.12 Layers
AnyRail layers let you show or hide different parts of your layout plan
while you're working on it, e.g. to hide scenery while working on track.
It's up to you how to arrange them. A layer can contain all sorts of
elements, on all heights. (Really, a layer is just an arbitrary group of

There is always one current layer. This layer is always visible. New
elements are always added to the current layer.

1.12.1 The Layer tab

Maintain your layers using the Ribbon Layers tab.
From this tab, you can add, delete, and rename layers. You can also
pick which layers are visible.

To add a layer

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NOTE: If the name already exists, the layer is not added.

To remove a layer
In the Ribbon Layers tab, click Delete layer.
CAUTION: Deleting a layer deletes all the elements it contains! If you press Delete layer by
accident, you can always use Undo (Ctrl-Z).

To rename a layer
1. In the Ribbon Layers tab, click Rename layer.
2. Enter the new name for the layer and click OK.
NOTE: AnyRail makes sure that each layer has a unique name.

To make a layer visible or invisible

1. Locate the Ribbon Layers tab Visible layers group.
2. Click a layer to make it visible or invisible.

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NOTE: You cannot make the current layer invisible/

Of course, if you have lots of layers, or if you switch layers often, it's
easier to have a larger window for controlling them.
To create a larger floating layer window

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NOTE: The current layer is blue.

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TIP:Double click a layer name to make it the current layer.

1.12.2 Moving objects to another layer

Of course, it might happen that you decide to move something to
another layer. That's easy.

To move objects to another layer

1. Select the objects.
2. In the Ribbon, select the target layer.


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1.13 Finishing up
Once you’ve completed the design, you’ll need to get it in some sort of
usable form. It's simplest just to print the layout. However, you can
also save parts of it as pictures – useful for emailing your friends or to
publish your track plan on a forum.
In addition, you can view lists of materials and sections.

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1.13.1 Saving your work

You can save AnyRail design files just as you would with any other
Windows software. You might also find Save as useful for recording
different stages of your design.
To save your file

From the File tab, select Save.

To save your file with a new name and location

From the File menu, select Save As.

A standard file window opens, allowing you to save a copy of your file.
The old one is untouched.


AnyRail auto-saves your work every 10 minutes in a separate folder. If

AnyRail closes in a normal way, these auto-saved files are deleted to
preserve disk space.

However, if your computer crashes, or if AnyRail terminates in an

unexpected way, you can find a recent copy in the Autosave folder.

To find an auto saved file

1. Open the File tab.
2. Click Autosave folder.
NOTE: The most recent file you find is probably your best choice.
1.13.2 Print preview
Color ink is expensive! Also, it can be annoying to wait while a design
prints out, only to discover that the settings were not quite right. For
this reason, AnyRail enables you to see what your printout is going to
look like.

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To preview your printout

1. If required change the view scale. Remember that this is the same as
the print scale. The scale slider is in the lower right corner of the
status bar.
2. From the File tab, click the small arrow next to Print..., and click Print
Preview in the right pane.
AnyRail displays a preview of your printout.
3. Review the output using Next Page and Prev Page.
4. If you’re happy, click Print. Otherwise, click Close and review your

1.13.3 Printing your design

To print your design

1. If required change the view scale. Remember that this is the same as
the print scale. The scale slider is in the lower right corner of the
status bar.
2. From the File tab, select Print.
A standard Windows print window opens.
3. Review your settings and click OK.
The design prints at the specified scale, using several pages if

NOTE: Printing a large layout in a large scale takes a lot of processing power and resources.
Each page is a picture, so it might take a while depending on your computer.

TIP: To print your layout to real size, set the view scale to 1:1. However, before clicking OK,
check the number of pages it will take!
1.13.4 Generating pictures
You can either create a picture of whatever is in view, or of the
complete plan.

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The resolution of the resulting picture depends on the view scale that
you have set.
If pictures get too large, choose another view scale.
To generate pictures (.gif, .bmp, .jpg or .png)
1. If required change the view scale. Remember that this is the same as
the print scale. The scale slider is in the lower right corner of the
status bar.
2. Use the scroll bars to get the exact picture you want if you need to
crop the layout.
3. From the Ribbon File tab, select Export As, then in the right Pane,
click Picture.
4. A window appears:

Click OK.

A standard File window opens.

5. Save the file in the required graphics format.

reloaded into AnyRail.

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66 AnyRail 4 Manual English

1.13.5 Generating a TrainPlayer file

You can generate an intermediate file that can be imported by
TrainPlayer, a program that simulates running trains on a layout. For
more information, please go here.

To create a TrainPlayer file

1. Open the File tab.
2. Select Export as....
3. Select TrainPlayer export file....
4. Type or select a file name, and press Save .

1.13.6 Generating a list of materials

The list of materials contains all the track you’ve placed on the layout.
It also shows the total track length, and the track length per track
To generate a list of materials

From the Ribbon Info tab, select List of materials.

The list of materials opens:

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Getting Started 67

TIP: Copy and paste the list into a spreadsheet for further processing.
1.13.7 Generating a list of Sections
The list of sections is very useful when assigning occupancy detectors.
To generate a list of sections

From the Ribbon Info tab, select List of sections.

The List of sections opens:

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68 AnyRail 4 Manual English

TIP: Copy and paste the list into your spreadsheet program for further processing.

1.14 Licensing
With the trial version, you can freely use AnyRail for small layouts of up
to 50 elements.
If you want to go beyond that, you need to buy a license key that
unlocks the software and lifts this restriction.
To register, first buy a license on our website.
You will get an email stating your registered user name and license key.
To register AnyRail
1. Open the Info tab, and select Register.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Getting Started 69

2. Copy and paste the necessary information from your registration


3. Click OK.

NOTE:You may use your license on multiple computers, as long as you are the one using
the software.

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70 AnyRail 4 Manual English

1.14.1 Updates and upgrades

Whether or not you have a license for AnyRail, you can always update
your installation for free. Updates can be recognized by a difference in
the minor version number, e.g. 4.15.0 to 4.19.0, or in the patch number
4.15.0 to 4.15.1.

Upgrades can be recognized by a difference in the major version

number, e.g. 4.27.0 to 5.1.0. Whether upgrades are free depends on
your current license.
To check the current license

Open the Info tab, and select Register.

AnyRail indicates for which major versions your license is valid.

Of course, AnyRail will never overwrite an existing licensed version. If you accidentally install
a newer version for which you do not have a license, the new version will be installed next to
the old version.

To check for updates and upgrades

Open the Info tab, and select Check for updates.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Getting Started 71

AnyRail automatically contacts us to see if a newer version is

available. If so, it will ask you whether you want to update.

Update options
Depending on your settings, AnyRail regularly checks for updates
To view or change the update options
1. Open the Info tab, and select Update options.
2. View or change the settings.

2 Reference Guide
This part of the user manual lists each AnyRail feature and function.
TIP: If you're new to AnyRail, please read the Getting Started 4 first.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

72 AnyRail 4 Manual English

2.1 Features
This chapter lists those AnyRail features that need some extra

2.1.1 Glue
You can "glue" certain elements, such as track and predefined elements,
so that you can't accidentally move them.
To glue track

Right-click the element, and select Glue.

2.1.2 Rotate
Any element or selection of elements can be rotated.

To rotate elements
1. Select the elements. Depending on what you select, various extra
tabs appear on the Ribbon:

2. Select Rotate
A new window appears:

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 73

3. Enter an angle or use the slider. Your selection rotates as you change
the angle.
You can also use the buttons to rotate a certain number of degrees.
The 0 button resets the rotation to the start position.
4. Click OK.

Using the slider will change the angle in full degrees. However, the angle may be changed an
arbitrary amount by entering a value in the edit box, i.e. 23.7.

2.1.3 Flip
Some elements can be "flipped" (i.e. turned into a mirror image of
themselves). You can use this feature to invert your complete layout if
you wish. AnyRail will automatically replace each element with its
mirrored counterpart. AnyRail shows a list of elements that cannot be

To flip an element or a selection of elements

1. Select the elements to flip. For track, all connected track is flipped
automatically when a subselection of it is flipped.
2. In the Ribbon, select Flip.
The elements are mirrored. If the action cannot be completed, a list
of problem elements is displayed. These elements don't have a
mirrored counterpart.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

74 AnyRail 4 Manual English

2.2 The Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is the list with small icons at the top left of
the window.

Don't worry if you can't remember the small icons! If you hover over
them you'll see a tooltip.

To change to Quick Access Toolbar

1. Right-click the function you want to add to the Quick Access Toolbar.
2. Select Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 75


TIP: To reset AnyRail to its original settings, shut it down and start it again while holding
SHIFT down.

2.3 The Ribbon

All functions available in AnyRail can be accessed through the Ribbon.

The Ribbon is the part at the top of the window where the functions are
The Ribbon is organized into tabs. A tab is organized into groups.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

76 AnyRail 4 Manual English

When you resize the AnyRail window, the Ribbon resizes as well. Groups
might collapse.

To open a collapsed group, simply click the little arrow on it.

Sometimes, the Ribbon takes too much space. To fold it, double-click
one of its tabs (not the File tab).
Double-click a tab again to unfold it.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 77


Not all tabs are visible at all times. The tabs to work on track, lines,
rulers, etc. only appear when you have selected these elements and are
highlighted in green.

2.4 Ribbon Tab Reference

In the following, each function on each tab is listed and explained.

2.4.1 File tab

This in fact is not a real tab. It is the application button.
Click it to open it.

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78 AnyRail 4 Manual English

New Start a new layout.

Open Open an existing layout from disk.
Save Save the layout.
Save As Save the layout by a new name.
Print Print the layout or change print settings.
Export as Export the layout in various formats.
Autosave folder Open the folder with the automatically saved files.
Use this function in case AnyRail stopped or was
stopped in an unexpected way, and you want to
recover the layout you were working on.
Recent designs The files you have opened most recently.


Click the arrow on the Print button to find these options.

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Reference Guide 79

Print Print the plan at the current view scale.

Print Setup Setup printer, paper size, etc.
Print Preview Get an on screen display of what would be printed.

Export as

Click the arrow on the Export As button to find these options.

Picture Create a picture of your plan.

Trainplayer export Create a file that can be interpreted by Trainplayer.

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80 AnyRail 4 Manual English

file Trainplayer is a program to simulate running trains

that can be found here: TrainPlayer.


This button opens a new window where you can set additional options.

Shown libraries Switch track and object libraries on or off based on

Small track icons Check to make the track libraries smaller. This is
useful for preserving screen estate.
Allow docking Allow track and object libraries to dock
Center work area Uncheck to draw the work area in the left upper corner
of the screen. Check to center the work area.

2.4.2 Home tab

The home tab contains functions you probably use most often
They mainly control what's currently displayed.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 81

Cut Remove whatever's selected, and keep it in the Paste

buffer. Shortcut is Ctrl-X.
Copy Keep a copy of whatever's selected in the Paste
buffer. Shortcut is Ctrl-C.
Paste Paste whatever's in the Paste buffer. Shortcut is Ctrl-
Centerline Show only a single line for the track.
Track Show the track. The outer lines of what's drawn are
the actual rails.
Sleepers Draw Track with sleepers. The sleepers have the
actual width, but not the actual position and distance
from each other.
Roadbed Show the roadbed of the track. The actual width of the
sectional elements is used here.
Hidden track Show all track labeled Hidden. This is dotted track in
tunnels, hidden staging yards, etc.
Visible track Show all track not labeled Hidden. This is all track in
plain sight.
Part number Show a part number on each track element. The
software tries to scale the font down on smaller parts.
If this is not possible, the track number won't show.
Section name Show the name of the section. This only shows when
there's enough room. The software determines a
position and orientation for the text.
Section usage Show the usage of the section. This shows only when
there's enough room.
Slope percentage This shows the percentage of the gradient (if any).
1% means one unit of descent/ascent per 100 units of

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82 AnyRail 4 Manual English

distance, e.g. 1 cm per meter. When the slope is too

steep, this percentage will be shown in red. See
Settings 84 to set the maximum slope.
Height on slopes Show the height, but only on slopes.
Height on plains Show the height, but only on plains. The height is
only shown here and there.
Lines and Show lines and surfaces.
Texts Show texts.
Rulers Show rulers.
Pages Show the pages as the layout would be printed in the
current view scale.
Lower limit Only show all elements with a height of at least this
value. Together with the Upper limit, his allows you to
define a horizontal slice of your layout.
Upper limit Only show all elements with a height below this
View scale Set the displayed scale and print scale.

2.4.3 Insert tab

On the insert tab are elements that can be added to the layout.

Add line/ Add a line or a surface. This function can be used to draw
surface shapes, the train table, or even your garden.
Add ruler Add a ruler. The length and style can be set afterwards.
Add text Add text. The font and size can be set afterwards.

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Reference Guide 83

2.4.4 Track libraries tab

On this tab you can find all supported track libraries.

Note that the libraries are sorted by scale or gauge.

Click on the little down arrow to open a folded group (e.g. H0/H0m/00 in
the picture).
Click a manufacturer's name to get a list of the track systems we

TIP: Most people only use one gauge. To hide all gauges you are not going to use, go to the
Options 80 .

2.4.5 Object libraries tab

On this tab you can find all the predefined objects, such as signals,
trees, and structures.

The icon indicates the sort of objects that you'll find.

Click the small arrow to open the list of supported libraries.

TIP: Most people only use one gauge. To hide all gauges you are not going to use, go to the
Options 80 .

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84 AnyRail 4 Manual English

2.4.6 Layers tab

This tab lets you add, delete and rename layers.
Of course, you can also switch layers on and off.

The layer with the blue background is the current layer.

All checked layers are visible. Click them to toggle their visibility on or
The current layer is always visible.

Please read here 59 to find out how to create a separate layer window.

Visible layers An overview of the visible layers.

Current layer Select the current layer from the drop down box.
Add layer Click to add a new layer.
Delete layer Deletes the current layer. Be careful, it deletes all
elements in this layer as well! If you accidentally hit
this button, use Undo (Ctrl Z).
Rename layer Click and enter a new name for the layer.

2.4.7 Settings tab

Use this tab to change the overall settings of the software.
AnyRail remembers settings between sessions, but also saves them
with each layout.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 85

Measurement Choose from cm, mm, inches with fractions or

system decimals.

Width The width of the work area on screen. Make it

somewhat larger than your train table.
Depth The depth of the work area on screen. Make it
somewhat larger than your train table.
Grid Show a grid.
Size Size of a square of the grid.

Endpoint The drawing size of an endpoint. An endpoint is the

outer end of a piece of track.
Connection The drawing size of a connection. The connection is
the circle denoting that two pieces of track are
Control point The drawing size of the control points. These are the
points to manipulate flex track and lines.

Alert on flex too When checked, overstretched flex appears red.

Alert on too When checked, too-tightly curved flex appears red.
sharp curves
Minimum radius Radius used for determining when Alert in too sharp
curves triggers.

Distance The maximum distance allowed allowed between

connecting endpoints.
Angle The maximum angle allowed between connecting

Maximum The maximum percentage allowed on slopes.


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Autoconnect Automatically connect track when endpoints are close

Allow mixed rails When checked, any track with the same gauge will
connect. Uncheck to make sure you use the correct
transition track.

Snap to grid Makes lines and surfaces snap to an underlying grid.

The left upper point of the line or surface is aligned
with the grid.
Size The underlying grid size for Snap to grid. If the size is
very small, the grid will work but not be displayed

2.4.8 Info tab

This tab holds some general information, such as the list of materials,
and also your license details.

List of The list of all elements used in your track plan.

List of The list of sections you defined for your track plan.
Register Register the software using a license key.
AnyRail Click to go to the AnyRail website.
About AnyRail Show the version of the software and other relevant

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 87

Check for Click to see of your software is up to date.
Update Change the automatic update settings.

2.5 Context sensitive tabs and popup menus

Some tabs only display in specific cases, depending on what you've
currently selected on screen.
These tabs have a green glow.

When you right-click an object, a popup menu comes up, giving you fast
access to the most frequently used features.

2.5.1 Track tab and menu

The Track tab appears when track is selected.

The track popup menu appears when you right-click the track.

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88 AnyRail 4 Manual English

Delete Delete the selected track.

Glue Glue the selected track, and all connected track to
prevent accidentally moving it.
Rotate Rotate the selected track and all connected track with
Flip Mirror all selected track with all connected track.
Layer Move selected track to another layer.
Hidden Draw selected track dashed to indicate it's not visible
on the real layout.
Extend selection Enlarge the selection in a logical way. Double click on
the track has the same result.
Select section Only when sections are used: select the complete
Select stretch Select all connected track.
Disconnect Disconnect the selected track.
Add isolators Insert isolators at the outer ends of the current
Change direction For straight track only:add an arrow to indicate one
way track.
Set height Set the height of the selected track. See here 41 for
more details.

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Reference Guide 89

Smooth slope Create a slope for the selected track. See here 44 for
more details.
Create section Turn the selection, or isolated track, into a section.
See here 34 for more details.
Remove Section Remove a section. The track itself remains unaffected,
but is no longer part of a section. See here 34 for more
Cut Cut the selected track.
Copy Copy the selected track.

Section functions

Whenever a section 34 is defined for the selected track, the tab has a
few additional functions.

Remove sections Remove the section definitions. The track itself is not
Name Enter a name for the section here.
Usage Select a usage type here.
Color Select a color for the section.

2.5.2 Endpoint tab and menu

Clicking on an endpoint (the small line and triangle at the end of the
track) reveals the Endpoint tab.

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90 AnyRail 4 Manual English

The Endpoint popup menu appears when you right-click an endpoint.

Lock height Lock the height so it cannot be changed by accident. Be

careful using this function and make sure that you check
the heights surrounding it to confirm the slopes are all OK.
Set height... Set the height of this point. For an explanation go here 43 .
x The x coordinate of this point (left to right).
y The y coordinate of this point (top to bottom).
angle The direction of the endpoint.
Connect Connect this endpoint to a nearby other endpoint.

2.5.3 Connection tab and menu

Clicking on a connection (the small circle between two pieces of track)
reveals the Connection tab.

The Connection popup menu appears when you right-click a connection.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 91

Lock height Lock the height so it cannot be changed by accident. Be

careful using this function and make sure that you check
the heights surrounding it to confirm the slopes are all
Set height... Set the height of this point. For an explanation go here 43

x The x coordinate of this point (left to right).
y The y coordinate of this point (top to bottom).
angle The direction of the endpoint.
Disconnect Remove the connection and disconnect the track.
Add/Remove Adds or removes the isolator between the two pieces of
isolator track. Use this to create sections 36 .

2.5.4 Lines and surfaces tab and menu

This tab is only available when a line or surface, or one of its points is
selected. A general explanation is here 47 .
The popup menu is available when you right-click a point or a line.

Point functions


Right-click menu:

x The x coordinate of this point (left to right).

y The y coordinate of this point (top to bottom).
Move point Move only this point.
Move Move the whole surface.

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Normal The corner defined by the neighboring points.
Round A perfect arc.
Curved An elliptic corner.
Delete point Delete the current point.
Add point Add a point close to the current point.
Load image Load an image to fill the surface.
Remove Remove the image that fills the surface.
Width, Set the size of the image (in your measurement units), and
Height, the orientation.
Maintain Keep the aspect ratio of the original image.
aspect ratio
Adjust Recalculates the surface outline so it fits the picture
outline exactly.

Line and surface functions


Right-click menu:

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 93

Delete Delete the shape.

Glue Glue the shape to avoid moving it by accident.
Rotate... Rotate the shape.
Flip Mirror the shape.
Layer Select to move the shape to another layer.
Send to back Send this shape to the back of all shapes with the
same height.
Send backward Send this shape one step back relative to all shapes
with the same height.
Bring to front Bring this shape on top of all the shapes with the
same height.
Bring forward Bring this shape one step further to the top relative to
all shapes with the same height.
Line->Surface Turn the line into a shape and vice versa.
and v.v.
Line width Set the drawing width of the line.
Height Set the height of the shape. A shape has one height,
it can not be tilted. All shapes are drawn before the
track is drawn.
Color Set the drawing color of the line.
Normal corners Set all corners to normal.
Round corners Set all corners to perfect arcs.
Curve corners Set all corners to elliptical curves.

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Load image Load an image to fill the surface.

Remove image Remove the image that fills the surface.
Width, Height, Set the size of the image (in your measurement units),
Angle and the orientation.
Maintain aspect Keep the aspect ratio of the original image.
Adjust outline Recalculates the surface outline so it fits the picture
Add point Add point at cursor
Group Group selected lines and groups (only available when
Ungroup Ungroup this group (only available when applicable)
Description Description for the group (only available when

2.5.5 Texts tab and menu

More information on working with text can be found here 53 .
The text tab appears only when text is selected.

The Text popup menu appears when you right-click the text.

Delete Delete selected text.

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Reference Guide 95

Glue Glue selected text to avoid accidentally moving it.

Rotate Rotate the selected text.
Flip Mirror the selected text.
Layer Select a layer for the text.
Horizontal Position the text horizontally. Click twice to position the
text upside down.
Vertical Position the text vertically. Click twice to position it the
other way around.
Color Set a color for the selected text.
Font face Select a font.
Size Select a font size.
x The x coordinate of this point (left to right).
y The y coordinate of this point (top to bottom).
Edit text Click to edit the text. This can also be achieved by double
clicking the text.

TIP: Quickly start editing text by double-clicking it.

2.5.6 Rulers tab and menu
More information on working with rulers can be found here 54 .
Apart from simply dragging its endpoints, you can either click the ruler
or one of its endpoints to manipulate it.

Ruler point

The ruler point tab:

The ruler point does not have a popup menu.

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x The x coordinate of this point (left to right).

y The y coordinate of this point (top to bottom).
Move Move only this endpoint of the ruler.
Move Move the whole ruler.


When the ruler is selected, the following tab appears:

When the ruler is right-clicked, the following menu appears:

Delete Delete the ruler.

Glue Glue the ruler to avoid accidentally moving it.
Rotate... Rotate the ruler.
Flip Mirror the ruler.
Layer Move the ruler to another layer.
Horizontal Position the ruler horizontally. Click again to put it upside
Vertical Position the ruler vertically. Click again to put it the other
way around.
Length Set the length of the ruler.

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Reference Guide 97

Change Change the way the ruler looks.


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98 AnyRail 4 Manual English

Close a track library 10

Index Collapse
87, 91, 94
Color coded track 34
Compatible track 7
-A- Connect track 17
Connection 17, 84
About AnyRail 86
Connection tab 90
Adapter track 25
Context sensitive tabs 87
Add isolator 90
Control 26
Add isolators 87
Control point 26, 84
Add layer 57, 84
Control points 26
Add line/surface 82
Coordinates 46
Add point 47, 91
Copy 20, 80, 87
Add ruler 82
Copy and paste between layouts 20
Add text 82
Create gradient to this point 41
Add track 12
Create section 87
Adding rulers 54
Crop 64
Adding text 53
Current layer 84
Alert on flex too long 84
Curve corners 91
Alert on too sharp curves 84
Curved corner 91
Allow mixed rails 84
Curved turnout 11
Analog operation 34
Cut 26, 80, 87
angle 72, 84, 89, 90
Cutting 26
AnyRail Website 86
Appearance of the track 14
Arc 28
Autoconnect 84
Autosave 63 Decrease font size 53
Autosave folder 77 Delete 87, 91, 94, 95
Delete layer 57, 84
Delete point 47, 91
-B- Depth 5, 84
Deselect 20
Bend 26
Digital operation 34
Bending 26
Disconnect 17, 87, 90
Bill of materials 62, 66
Disconnect track 17
bmp 64
Distance 84
Bring forward 91
Docking a library 8
Bring to front 91
Dotted track 54
Double slipswitch 11
Centerline 80 -E-
Centimeter 4
Easement 28
Change direction 87
Edit text 53, 94
Change style 95
Emergency copy 63
Check for updates 70, 86
Endpoint 17, 84
Circular arc 28

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

Index 99

Endpoint coordinates 46 Height on plains 40, 80

Endpoint position 46 Height on slopes 40, 80
Endpoint tab 89 Hidden 87
English 4 Hidden track 46, 54, 80
Enlarge 6 Home tab 80
Export as 77 Horizontal 94, 95
Extend selection 87

-F- Imperial 4
Features 46, 72 Inch 4
File tab 77 Incompatible track 7
Flex 26 Increase font size 53
Flex arc 28 Info tab 86
Flex easement 28 Insert tab 82
Flex length 66 Introduction 4
Flex straight 28 Invisible 57
Flex track 11, 26, 28 Isolated track 36
Flexitrack 26 Isolation 36
Flextrack 26
73, 87, 91, 94, 95
75 -J-
Font face 94
Join 17
Fraction 4
jpg 64
Full version 68
Junction 11

-G- -K-
Generating pictures 64
Key 11
Getting started 4
gif 64
Glue 72, 87, 91, 94, 95
Glue track 23
Gluing 72 Layer 57, 61, 87, 91, 94, 95
Grade 41 Layers 57
Gradient 40 Layers tab 84
Gradients 41 Length 95
Greyed out options 32 License 68
Grid 84 License check 70
Licensing 68
Limited number of parts 68
-H- Line 47
Line width 91
Headroom 41
Line->Surface and v.v. 91
Height 39, 41, 91
Lines and surfaces 80
Height display 40
Lines and surfaces tab 91
Height lock 39, 41
List of materials 62, 66, 86
Height locked 39
List of sections 62, 67, 86
© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software
100 AnyRail 4 Manual English

Lock height 39, 89, 90 Percentage for slopes 41

Lower limit 80 Picture 77
Picture resolution 64

-M- Piece
png 64

Point 11, 26
Manipulating features 52
Popup menu 32
Materials 62
Popup menus 87
Maximum descent percentage 41
Position 47
Maximum percentage 84
Predefined elements 46, 55
Measurement system 4, 84
Preview 63
Measurement units 46
Print 63, 64, 77
Metric 4
Print Preview 63, 77
Millimeter 4
Print scale 64
Minimum radius 84
Print Setup 77
Mirror 73
Print the layout 62
Modifying the Quick Access Toolbar 74
Printing 1:1 64
Mouse coordinates 46
Printing your design 64
Mouse position 46
Move line 52
Move object to layer
Move point 47
61 -Q-
Move selection 20 Quick Access Toolbar 74
Move to layer 61
Move track 17, 20
-N- Recent designs
Reference 77

Name 87 Reference guide 71

New 77 Register 86
Normal corner 91 Regular turnout 11
Normal corners 91 Remove isolator 90
Remove layer 57

-O- Remove point

Remove section
Rename layer 57, 84
Objects 83
Reset AnyRail 74
Objects Tab 83
Resize feature 52
Occupancy detector 34
Resize shape 52
Occupancy detectors 67
Resolution 64
Open 77
Ribbon 32, 75
Open a track library 7
Roadbed 80
Options 77
Rotate 72, 87, 94
Over-stretch 26
Rotate track 17
Rotate... 91, 95
-P- Round corner
Round corners
Part number 80 Ruler styles 54
Paste 20, 80
© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software
Index 101

Rulers 80
Rulers tab 95
-S- Table
Save 62, 63, 77 Texts 80
Save As 63, 77 Texts tab 94
Save as picture 62 Threeway turnout 11
Scale 6 Too tight curves 26
Scenery elements 55 Total flex length 66
Section 34, 36 Total track length 66
Section color 34, 36 Track 7, 80, 83
Section details 46 Track appearance 14
Section name 34, 36, 80 Track details 9, 46
Section properties 36 Track does not connect 17
Section usage 34, 36, 80 Track hidden 46, 54
Select section 87 Track length 66
Select stretch 87 Track library 7
Select track 20 Track symbols 11
Selected track length 46 Track tab 83, 87
Send backward 91 Track visible 46, 54
Send to back 91 TrainPlayer 66
Set height 41, 87 Trainplayer export file 77
Set height... 89, 90 TrainPlayer integration 66
Settings tab 84 Transition track 25
Shape 47 Trees 46, 55
Shapes 46 Trial 68
Show height 40 Tturntable does not connect 25
Show slope 40 Turn 72
Shown libraries 77 Turnout 11
Signals 46, 55 Turntable 25
Single slipswitch 11
84, 94
80 -U-
Slope percentage 40, 41, 80
Undo 12
Small track icons 77
Undocking a library 8
Smooth slope 87
Unfold 75
Snap 17
Update options 86
Snap to grid 84
Updates 70
Square 36
Upgrades 70
Status bar 9
Upper limit 80
Straight 28
Usage 87
Stretch 34
Surface 47
Switch 11 -V-
Vertical 94, 95
View scale 6

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102 AnyRail 4 Manual English

Visible 57
Visible layers 84
Visible track 46, 54, 80

Width 5, 84
Work area 5

x 89, 90, 91, 94, 95

y 89, 90, 91, 94, 95
Y-turnout 11

Zoom 6

© 2011 DRail Modelspoor Software

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