Chennai Petro IC
Chennai Petro IC
Chennai Petro IC
Initiating Coverage
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Industry LTP Recommendation Base Case Fair Value Bull Case Fair Value
Refineries/Petro Product Rs. 124.20 Buy in the Rs. 122-126 band & add more on dips to Rs. 108-112 band Rs. 138 Rs. 151 2 quarters
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Taking its lower size, NCI (Nelson complexity Index) and volatile refining margin profile, the stock is trading at lower valuation than other
refiners. Expectations of strong revenue growth and margins expansion, combined with healthy RoE make a case for higher multiple.
Investors could buy the stock in the Rs 122-126 band and add more on dips to Rs. 108-112 band (3.5x FY24E EPS). Base case fair value of
the stock is Rs 138 (4.4x FY24E EPS) and the bull case fair value of the stock is Rs 151 (4.8x FY24E EPS) over the next 2 quarters. At the
CMP of Rs 124.2 the stock trades at 4x FY24E EPS.
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Recent Triggers
CPCL to set up 9 MMTPA grass root refinery at Nagapattinam
CPCL has commenced works for setting up of 9 MMTPA grass root refinery project involving an investment of Rs 28,980 crore at
Nagapattinam in Tamilnadu, through a Joint Venture (JV) with IOC. A one MMTPA plant with a feeder facility is already functional at
Narimanam village of Nagapattinam known as ‘Nagapattinam Refinery’ or ‘Kaveri refinery’. The 9 MMTPA project is planned to be completed
in 45 months’ time. Fund will be raised through the mix of debt and equity at 2:1. CPCL and IOC together will hold 50% stake (i.e. 25% each
in the JV) and balance 50% to be held by a Financial/Strategic/Public investors. IOC with its subsidiary CPCL operates a small 1mmtpa refining
unit at Nagapattinam. IOC plans to dismantle the refining unit and set up a greenfield refinery unit at a total capex of Rs315 bn, an estimated
Rs39.4 bn/mmt. The project is likely to complete by FY26.
CPCL has received environmental clearance from MoEF&CC and Tamil Nadu Government has handed over the order for the acquisition of
606 acres of land parcel adjoining the existing refinery site. Procurement and Engineering activities for the project have already commenced
and site activities will now gain momentum.
CPCL subsequently awarded contracts amounting to Rs 1,538 crore to project management consultants Engineers India (EIL), McDermott
and Tata Consulting Engineers (TCE). The project will act as a catalyst for development of downstream petrochemical and ancillary industries.
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
CPCL GRM and Singapore GRM-US$/bbl
Besides, IOCL buys over 90% of CPCL’s output and the CPCL caters to the parent’s product requirement in South India. CPCL’s sales volumes
are therefore not likely to be affected by the presence of any new refinery comes in the southern region. The company’s association with
IOCL enhances financial flexibility as it is viewed at par with its parent. Thus, CPCL has advantage related to pricing of debt facilities, and
favorable credit terms.
CPCL’s various developments over the recent past to strengthen the operating performance
Significant developments over the recent past
Floated major tenders like DCU LSTK, BOO- Desalination and Gas Turbine / HRSG Packages.
Floated tender for long lead items like CDU/VDU column, Desalter, Vacuum Ejector, Compressors Package, Reactors package.
Also floated Site enabling tenders like Boundary Wall Construction, Site Grading and Piling works.
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
CPCL has taken several projects and schemes to produce Petrol and Diesel with compliance to BS-VI grade and CPCL Manali refinery is
supplying BS-VI complaint Petrol and Diesel since 1st December 2019.
The existing BS-IV grade of auto fuel contains Sulphur less than 50 ppm and the BS VI grade contains only 10 ppm Sulphur. Also, with
the implementation of BS-VI grade fuel, emissions levels are expected to reduce significantly.
As a part of Nation’s vision towards Environment protection, the auto fuel policy has envisaged BS-VI grade fuel to the market effective
from 1st April 2020.
CPCL produces five grades of Group-I High Viscosity Index (HVI) Lube Oil Base Stock products and two grades of Extracts (500N & BN).
Various grades of Wax are produced from CPCL (Type-II,IIA,III).
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Debt/Equity (x)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Company Profile
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (CPCL) is one of the leading PSU refining company in India with one of the most complex refineries of
its kind in the country, producing an array of value-added petroleum products. CPCL currently operates a 10.5-mmtpa refinery in Manali,
near Chennai. Being a stand-alone refinery, CPCL’s products, barring a few industrial feedstock and fuels, have always been sold by oil
marketing companies.
IOC with its subsidiary CPCL operates a small 1mmtpa refining unit at Nagapattinam. IOC plans to dismantle the refining unit and set up a
greenfield refinery unit at a total capex of Rs 315 bn, an estimated Rs 39.4 bn/mmt. The project is likely to complete by FY26. CPCL will
hold 25% stake in this JV, with IOC holding another 25% and the balance 50% with strategic/financial partners. CPCL may have to contribute
Rs.2500 cr as its contribution.
The refinery is one of the most complex and integrated refineries in India with three Crude Distillation Units (CDU/VDUs), Hydrogen
Generation Units (HGUs), Hydro-Cracker unit (HCU), Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit (FCCU), Continuous Catalytic Reforming unit (CCRU),
Isomerisation unit, Delayed Coker Unit (DCU), Visbreaker unit (VBU), Diesel Hydro De-sulphurisation unit (DHDS), Diesel Hydro-treating
unit (DHDT), Lube Hydro-finishing unit, NMP Extraction unit, Propylene unit and Petrochemical Feedstock unit with fuel, lube, wax &
petrochemical feedstocks production facilities. The main products of the refinery are LPG, Motor Spirit, Superior Kerosene, Aviation
Turbine Fuel, High Speed Diesel, Naphtha, Bitumen, Lube Base Stocks, Paraffin Wax, Fuel Oil, Hexane and Petrochemical feed stocks.
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., the holding company, markets a majority of fuel products produced by the Company. As on Dec 31, 2021, IOCL
held 51.9% equity stake in CPCL, with NIOC (National Iranian Oil Company) and others holding 15.4% and 32.7%, respectively.
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Operating Metrics
Crude Through put – MTPA GRM-US$/bbl
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Financials (Consolidated)
Income Statement Balance Sheet
(Rs Cr) FY20 FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E As at March FY20 FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E
Net Revenues 37117 22445 33205 32682 35928 SOURCE OF FUNDS
Growth (%) -10.2 -39.5 47.9 -1.6 9.9 Share Capital 149 149 149 149 149
Operating Expenses 39330 20434 31835 31328 34410 Reserves 1210 1462 1771 2084 2518
EBITDA -2213 2011 1370 1354 1517 Shareholders' Funds 1359 1611 1920 2233 2667
Growth (%) -529.4 -190.8 -31.9 -1.1 12.0 Long Term Debt 2953 3018 2918 2718 2568
EBITDA Margin (%) -6.0 9.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 Net Deferred Taxes -934 104 114 125 138
Depreciation 468 466 509 512 523 Long Term Provisions & Others 121 131 144 159 175
EBIT -2682 1545 861 842 994 Minority Interest 0 0 0 0 0
Other Income 100 127 29 38 41 Total Source of Funds 3500 4864 5096 5235 5547
Interest expenses 413 375 427 412 404 APPLICATION OF FUNDS
PBT -2995 1296 462 468 631 Net Block & Goodwill 7256 7384 7193 7047 6940
Tax -938 1039 120 122 164 CWIP 1376 1309 1341 1408 1479
RPAT -2056 257 342 346 467 Other Non-Current Assets 408 476 449 476 506
APAT -2056 257 342 346 467 Total Non Current Assets 9040 9168 8983 8932 8925
Growth (%) 901.4 -112.5 32.9 1.2 34.9 Current Investments
EPS -138.1 17.3 23.0 23.2 31.4 Inventories 2361 4509 5458 5372 5906
Trade Receivables 124 200 273 269 295
Cash & Equivalents 4 5 236 389 295
Other Current Assets 374 343 298 274 287
Total Current Assets 2862 5057 6265 6304 6784
Short-Term Borrowings 5733 5656 5506 5356 5206
Trade Payables 1555 1882 2729 2686 2953
Other Current Liab & Provisions 1115 1823 1916 1959 2003
Total Current Liabilities 8403 9361 10152 10001 10162
Net Current Assets -5541 -4304 -3887 -3697 -3378
Total Application of Funds 3500 4864 5096 5235 5547
(Source: Company, HDFC sec)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Cash Flow Statement Key Ratios
(Rs Cr) FY20 FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E (Rs Cr) FY20 FY21 FY22E FY23E FY24E
Reported PBT -2,995 1,296 462 468 631 Profitability Ratio (%)
Non-operating & EO items 20 13 33 -32 -76 EBITDA Margin -6.0 9.0 4.1 4.1 4.2
Interest Expenses 413 375 427 412 404 EBIT Margin -7.2 6.9 2.6 2.6 2.8
Depreciation 467 463 509 512 523 APAT Margin -5.5 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.3
Working Capital Change 1,548 -1,683 -82 90 -250 RoE -85.4 17.3 19.4 16.7 19.1
Tax Paid -45 -2 -120 -122 -164 RoCE -14.2 0.5 2.5 2.5 3.3
OPERATING CASH FLOW ( a ) -593 462 1,230 1,328 1,069 Solvency Ratio (x)
Capex -987 -568 -350 -450 -500 Debt/EBITDA -3.9 4.3 6.0 5.7 4.9
Free Cash Flow -1,580 -106 880 878 569 D/E 6.4 5.4 4.4 3.6 2.9
Investments 0 0 0 0 0 PER SHARE DATA (Rs)
Non-operating income 24 20 29 38 41 EPS -138.1 17.3 23.0 23.2 31.4
INVESTING CASH FLOW ( b ) -963 -548 -321 -412 -459 CEPS -106.7 48.6 57.1 57.7 66.5
Debt Issuance / (Repaid) 1,973 409 -250 -350 -300 Dividend 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Interest Expenses -389 -312 -427 -412 -404 BV 91.3 108.2 128.9 149.9 30.6
FCFE 4 -9 202 116 -135 Turnover Ratios (days)
Share Capital Issuance 0 0 0 0 0 Debtor days 1 3 3 3 3
Dividend -1 0 0 0 0 Inventory days 23 73 60 60 60
FINANCING CASH FLOW ( c ) 1,583 97 -677 -762 -704 Creditors days 15 31 30 30 30
NET CASH FLOW (a+b+c) 24 -79 -47 12 127 VALUATION (x)
P/E -0.9 7.2 5.4 5.3 4.0
P/BV 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.8 4.1
EV/EBITDA -4.8 5.2 7.3 7.0 6.1
EV / Revenues 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3
Dividend Yield (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
(Source: Company, HDFC sec)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
One Year Price Chart
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
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