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SCM Fiori App List

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Transaction CodTransaction Description FIORI App ID

AC03 Service Master AC03

AC06 List Display: Service Master AC06
AC10 Class Hierarchy with Services AC10
BP Maintain Business Partner BP, F3163
CKMPCSEARCH Price Change Documents for Material CKMPCSEARCH
CS15 Find BOM for Component (Change) CS15
CT04 Characteristics CT04
MB21 Create Reservation MB21
MB22 Change Reservation MB22
MB25 Reservation List MB25
MB51 Material Doc. List F1077
MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand MB52
MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand F1595
MB5B Stocks for Posting Date MB5B
MB5T Stock in transit CC F2139
MD03 MRP-Individual Planning-Single Level MD03
MD04 Display Stock/Requirements Situation MD04
MD06 Collective Display Of MRP List MD06
MD61 Create Planned Indep. Requirements F1079
MD61 Create Planned Indep. Requirements MD61
MDBT MRP Run In Batch F1339
ME01 Maintain Source List F1859
ME11 Create Purchasing Info Record F1982
ME1L Info Records per Supplier ME1L
ME21N Create Purchase Order ME21N
ME22N Change Purchase Order ME22N
ME23N Display Purchase Order ME23N
ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number F0572
ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number F2358
ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number ME2N
ME31K Create Contract ME31K
ME33K Display Contract ME33K
ME3L Outline Agreements per Supplier F2012
ME3L Outline Agreements per Supplier F2013
ME3L Outline Agreements per Supplier ME3L
ME3M Outline Agreements by Material ME3M
ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No. F2423
ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No. ME3N
ME41 Create Request For Quotation ME41
ME41 Create Request For Quotation F1991
ME41 Create Request For Quotation F2049
ME42 Change Request For Quotation ME42
ME43 Display RFQ ME43
ME47 Create Quotation ME47
ME48 Display Quotation ME48
ME49 Price Comparison List F2324
ME4L RFQs by Supplier F2425
ME51N Create Purchase Requisition ME51N
ME52N Change Purchase Requisition ME52N
ME53 Display Purchase Requisition ME53
ME54N Release Purchase Requisition ME54N
ME59N Automatic generation of POs ME59N
ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display ME5A
MI01 Create Physical Inventory Document F3197
MI01 Create Physical Inventory Document MI01
MI02 Change Physical Inventory Document MI02
MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document MI03
MI04 Enter Inventory Count with Document MI04
MI04 Enter Inventory Count with Document Enter Inventory Count with
MI07 Process List of Differences MI07
MI09 Enter Inventory Count w/o Document Enter Inventory Count w/o D
MI11 Recount Physical Inventory Document MI11
MI11 Recount Physical Inventory Document Recount Physical Inventory
MI21 Print physical inventory document MI21
MI24 Physical Inventory List F0379A
MI24 Physical Inventory List F2137
MIBC ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting MIBC
MICN Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng MICN
MIGO Goods Movement MIGO
MM01 Create Material & MM01
MM02 Create Material & MM02
MM03 Display Material & MM03
MM17 Mass Maintenance: Indus. Matl Master MM17
MM19 Display Material & at Key Date MM19
MM60 Materials List MM60
MMBE Stock Overview MMBE
MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material MMN1
MMS1 Create Service MMS1
MN04 Create Message: PO MN04
MN05 Change Message: PO MN05
MN06 Display Output Condition Records PurchaseMN06
MSC1N Create Batch F2462
PA30 Maintain HR Master Data F2288
RWBE Stock Overview RWBE
SDQ1 Expiring Quotations SDQ1
SDQ2 Expired Quotations SDQ2
SDQ3 Completed Quotations SDQ3
SDV1 Expiring Contracts SDV1
SDV2 Expired Contracts SDV2
SPRO Customizing - Edit Project SPRO
VA01 Create Sales Orders VA01, F3893
VA01 Create Sales Orders F1873
VA02 Change Sales Orders F0029A
VA02 Change Sales Orders VA02, F3893
VA03 Display Sales Orders VA03
VA05N List of Sales Orders VA05
VA21 Create Sales Quotations VA21
VA22 Change Quotations VA22
VA22 Change Quotations F1852
VA23 Display Sales Quotations VA23
VA25 List of Sales Quotations VA25
VA41 Create Sales Contracts VA41,F1851
VA42 Change Sales Contracts VA42, F1851
VA43 Display Sales Contract VA43
VA45 List of Sales Contracts VA45
VF01 Create Billing Documents F0798
VF01 Create Billing Documents VF01
VF02 Change Billing Documents VF02
VF04 Maintain Billing Due List F0797
VF05 List Billing Documents VF05
VF11 Cancel Billing Document VF11
VF31 Output from Billing Documents F1510
VF31 Output from Billing Documents VF31
VFX3 List Blocked Billing Documents VFX3
VK11 Create Condition VK11, F4111
VK12 Change Condition VK12, F4111
VK13 Display Condition VK13
VKOA Accnt Determination F1273
VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref. VL01N
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery F0867A
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery VL02N
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery F0868
VL70 Output From Picking Lists VL74
VL74 Output from Handling Units VL70
VV11 Create Output Condition Records - Sales VV11
VV12 Change Output Condition Records - Sales VV12
VV13 Display Output - Sales VV13
ZM500 M5: Reservation List Display ZM500
ZM501 M5: Maintain SAP MM Interfaces ZM501
ZM502 M5: FS Standard Plants & Storage Loc ZM502
ZM503 M5: FS Non Standard Plants & St Locs ZM503
ZM504 M5: Interface Relevent Movement Type ZM504
ZM505 M5: EAN Category Mapping to PN Xref ZM505
ZM506 M5: Location to Cost Center Mapping ZM506
ZM507 M5: Configuration for Resending Program ZM507
ZM508 M5: Resend data to M5 Cockpit ZM508
ZM509 M5: Resend Vendor data to M5 ZM509
ZM510 M5: Resend MMR (Part) data to M5 ZM510
ZM511 M5: Resend Qty. on Hand data to M5 ZM511
ZM512 M5: Resend Qty. on Order data to M5 ZM512
ZM513 M5: Resend Commercial Issue data ZM513
ZM514 M5: Resend Parts Issue data to M5 ZM514
ZM515 M5: Activate Part & Vend Interfaces ZM515
ZM516 M5: Material Document List Display ZM516
ZM517 M5: Send Qty on Order/In Transit ZM517
ZM518 Fix Parts Issue Data for Resend ZM518
ZM520 M5: Maintain M5 user(SAP to M5) ZM520
ZM521 M5: Reservation/Pur Req/M Doc List ZM521
ZM5BILL Fleet M5 Billing Interface ZM5BILL
ZM5BILL_LOG M5 Billings Pass-off Logs ZM5BILL_LOG
ZM5BILL_SIM M5 Billings Simulation ZM5BILL_SIM
ZPM024B Load fuel measurements from files ZPM024B
N/A N/A F3366
N/A N/A F1048
N/A N/A F1639
N/A N/A F1990
N/A N/A F2424
N/A N/A F2504
N/A N/A F3791
N/A N/A F0862
N/A N/A F2101
N/A N/A F2705
N/A N/A F2872
N/A N/A F0547B
N/A N/A F0682
N/A N/A F0840A
N/A N/A F1380
N/A N/A F1861
N/A N/A F2015
N/A N/A F2018
N/A N/A F2359
N/A N/A F2832
N/A N/A F2899
N/A N/A F5091
N/A N/A W0058
N/A N/A F0343
N/A N/A F0547
N/A N/A F0574
N/A N/A F1378
N/A N/A F1600A
N/A N/A F1745
N/A N/A F1956
N/A N/A F2017
N/A N/A F2187
N/A N/A F2347
N/A N/A F2601
N/A N/A F2912
N/A N/A F2913
N/A N/A F2988
N/A N/A F4855
ZTFPEST Download for Canada Post EST. ZTFPEST
LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench LSMW
ZSDCEMSERCON Cemeteries Service Confirmation ZSDCEMSERCON
ZSD003 Print Cemetery Certificate ZSD003
ZFRS03 FRS Reservation Header ZFRS03
ZFRS05 FRS Reservation Item ZFRS05
ZM02 Bar code issues for Reservations ZM02
ZM04C Entitlement Member Maintenance ZM04C
MC(A-SIS Customer,Inc.Orders - Selection MC(A
MC+E-SIS Customer, Sales - Selection MC+E
MCTA-SIS Customer Analysis - Selection MCTA
MCTC-SIS Material Analysis - Selection MCTC
MCTE-SIS Sales Org. Analysis - Selection MCTE
FIORI App Name
Service Master - AC03
List Display: Service Master - AC06
Class Hierarchy with Services - AC10
Manage Business Partner Master Data
Material Price Change Documents
Find BOM for Component (Display)
Display Characteristics
Create Mass Change Request - Multi-Object Processing
Create Reservation
Change Reservation
Display Reservation List
Material Documents Overview
Display Warehouse Stock
Stock - Multiple Materials
Stocks for Posting Date
Overdue Materials - Stock in Transit
MRP-Individual Planning-Single Level
Monitor Stock / Requirements List
Collective Display Of MRP List
Maintain PIRs
Create Planned Independent Requirements - MD61
Schedule MRP Runs
Manage Source Lists
Manage Purchasing Info Records
Display Purchasing Info Record by Supplier
Create Purchase Order -Advance
Change Purchase Order-Advance
Display Purchase Order-Advance
Off-Contract Spend
Monitor Purchase Order Items / Overdue
Display Purchasing Documents by Number
Create Purchase contract
Display Purchase Contract
Quantity Contract Consumption
Value Contract Consumption
Display Outline Agreements by Supplier
Display Outline Agreements by Material
Monitor Purchase Contract Items
Display Outline Agreements by Document Number
Create RFQ
Manage Supplier Quotations
Manage Request for Quotations
Change Request For Quotation
Display RFQ - ME43
Maintain Quotation - ME47
Display Quotation - ME48
Compare Supplier Quotations
Monitor Request For Quotation Items
Create Purchase requisition- Advance
Change Purchase requisition- Advance
Display Purchase Requisition - ME53
Release Purchase Requisition
Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
Display Purchase Requisitions
Create Physical Inventory Documents
Create Single PI Document
Change Physical Inventory Document
Display Physical Inventory Document
Enter Inventory Count
Enter Inventory count for Physical Inventory with Document
Post Physical Inventory Document
Enter Inventory Count without Document
Request Physical Inventory Recount
Recount Physical Inventory Document
Print Physical Inventory Documents
Physical Inventory Document Overview
Extract Inventory turns Report
ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting
Create PI Documents - Cycle Counting
Post Goods Movement
Create Material
Change Material
Display Material
Mass Maintenance Material
Display Material & at Key Date
Materials List
Display Stock Overview
Create Non-Stock Material - MMN1
Create Service - MMS1
Create Output Condition Records Purchase Order - MN04
Change Output Condition Records Purchase Order - MN05
Display Output Condition Records Purchase Order - MN06
Manage Batches
Maintain Employees
Display Advanced Stock Overview
List Expiring Quotations
List Expired Quotations
List Completed Quotations
List Expiring Contracts
List Expired Contracts
Customizing - Edit Project
Create Sales Order, Manage Sales Order
Create/Manage Sales Orders
Change Sales Order, Manage Sales Order, Sales Order Fulfillment Issues
Change Sales Order, Manage Sales Order
Display Sales Orders - VA03
List Sales Orders
Create Sales Quotation; Change Sales Quotation, Manage Sales Quotation
Create Sales Quotation; Change Sales Quotation, Manage Sales Quotation
Manage Sales Quotations
Display Quotation
List Quotations
Create Sales contract, Change Sales Contracts, Manage Sales Contracts
Create or Change Sales Contracts
Display Contract
List of Contracts - VA45
Create Billing Document
Create Billing Document
Change Billing Documents
Manage Billing Document
Billing Due List
Cancel Billing Document
Schedule Billing Output
Outputs from Billing Document
List Blocked Billing Documents
Create Condition Record (Sales), Change Condition Record (Sales), Maintain Condiition record (Sales), Manage
Create Condition Record (Sales), Change Condition Record (Sales), Maintain Condiition record (Sales), Manage
Display Condition
Account Determination for General Ledger Accountant
Create Outbound Delivery - With Order Reference
Change/Manage Outbound Deliveries
Change Outbound Delivery, Change Returns Delivery
Pick Outbound Deliveries
Output - From Handling units
Output - From picking lists
Create Output Condition Records - Sales
Change Output Condition Records - Sales
Display Output Condition Records - Sales
M5: Reservation List Display
M5: Maintain SAP MM Interfaces
M5: FS Standard Plants & Storage Loc
M5: FS Non Standard Plants & St Locs
M5: Interface Relevent Movement Type
M5: EAN Category Mapping to PN Xref
M5: Location to Cost Center Mapping
M5: Configuration for Resending Program
M5: Resend data to M5 Cockpit
M5: Resend Vendor data to M5
M5: Resend MMR (Part) data to M5
M5: Resend Qty. on Hand data to M5
M5: Resend Qty. on Order data to M5
M5: Resend Commercial Issue data
M5: Resend Parts Issue data to M5
M5: Activate Part & Vend Interfaces
M5: Material Document List Display
M5: Send Qty on Order/In Transit
Fix Parts Issue Data for Resend
M5: Maintain M5 user(SAP to M5)
M5: Reservation/Pur Req/M Doc List
Fleet M5 Billing Interface
M5 Billings Pass-off Logs
M5 FLEET BILLINGS - Reject Manager
M5 Billings Simulation
Load fuel measurements from files
Inventory Analysis Overview
Manage Purchase requisitions
My Purchase Requisitions
Procurement Overview
Monitor Purchase requistions
Redistribute Workload
Purchase Order Changes
My Inbox
Monitor Material Coverage- Net and Individual Segment
Manage workflows for Purchase requisition
Manage workflows for Purchase Orders
My Purchasing Document Items - Professional
Invoice Price Variance
Manage Sources of Supply (Version 2)
Purchase Order Average Delivery Time
Display Supplier List
Purchase Requisition Item Changes
PR to Order Cycle time Report
Monitor Supplier Confirmations
Planner Overview
Dead Stock Analysis
Mass upload of sales documents
Shelf Life List
Physical Inventory Analysis
Overdue Purchase Order Items
My Purchasing Document Items - Professional
Contract Expiry
Purchase Order Value
Manage Purchase Contracts (Version 2)
Invoice Processing Analysis (S/4HANA)
Inventory Turnover Analysis
Purchase Requisition to Order Cycle Time
Customer - 360° View
Overdue Materials - Goods Receipt Blocked Stock
Sales Management Overview
Goods Movement Analysis (Design Studio)
Physical Inventory Analysis (Design Studio)
Monitor Purchasing Info Records Price History
Customer 360
Download for Canada Post EST. - ZTFPEST
Legacy System Migration Workbench - LSMW
Cemeteries Service Confirmation - ZSDCEMSERCON
Print Cemetery Certificate - ZSD003
FRS Reservation Header
FRS Reservation Item
Bar code issues for Reservations
Entitlement Member Maintenance
SIS: Customer,Inc.Orders - Selection
SIS: Customer, Sales - Selection
SIS: Customer Analysis - Selection
SIS: Material Analysis - Selection
SIS: Sales Org. Analysis - Selection
ecord (Sales), Manage Prices - Sales
ecord (Sales), Manage Prices - Sales

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