SK Agricultural Drought Preparedness Plan January+2022
SK Agricultural Drought Preparedness Plan January+2022
SK Agricultural Drought Preparedness Plan January+2022
Preparedness Plan
Executive Summary
Droughts are predicted to become more frequent with climate change, but the onset of drought is
difficult to predict. Outside of drought periods, drought planning is often not prioritized on the farm
because of other more pressing concerns, and because of the regional nature of watershed
management. During drought periods, producers and industry are often consumed with managing the
immediate impacts. Long-range planning with partners can help producers and rural communities to
proactively consider definitive outcomes using mitigation and adaptation strategies. Regional and
provincial plans can also be integrated with District Official Community plans.
In Saskatchewan, it is widely known that drought can have huge economic implications, particularly in
the agriculture sector. Therefore, it is important to plan for drought, to be prepared when it does occur.
The purpose of this drought preparedness plan is to evaluate current and future drought risks and
outline an approach to mitigating and, where necessary, adapting to the effects of agricultural drought
while minimizing financial and environmental losses. The plan will outline preparedness, monitoring,
and response and recovery approaches while enabling producers to understand their drought
vulnerability and ensure that they are aware of the tools and data available to them to better prepare,
make decisions, and respond.
This plan breaks down the types of drought management actions and lists potential actions which may
be taken, depending on drought stage. The drought stages used in this plan are: adequate moisture
conditions, a moderate moisture deficit, or a severe moisture deficit. Actions are assigned to
appropriate entities to ensure clarity amongst the various groups involved.
There are also several appendices to the report describing Saskatchewan’s drought history, policy
considerations, climate change considerations, and drought resources for the agriculture community.
Acronyms Used in this Document
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Defining Drought ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Drought in Saskatchewan ......................................................................................................................... 6
Saskatchewan Drought preparedness plan .................................................................................................. 6
Partner Organizations ............................................................................................................................... 6
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Plan Goals.................................................................................................................................................. 7
Drought Management Actions.................................................................................................................. 7
Stages of Drought Response ..................................................................................................................... 7
Drought Management Action Plan ............................................................................................................... 9
Preparedness ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Monitoring .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Response and Recovery .......................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix A: Saskatchewan’s Drought History ............................................................................................ 16
Appendix B: Policy Considerations.............................................................................................................. 17
Appendix C: Drought and Climate Change.................................................................................................. 18
Appendix D: Resources ............................................................................................................................... 18
References .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Defining Drought
Defining drought can be difficult. For example, though droughts are natural events that humans cannot
control, the ways people use water can make the consequences of a natural water scarcity, like drought,
even worse (NDMC 2019) or, conversely, can lessen the impacts of drought. The types of conditions that
constitute a drought will vary amongst different water user groups.
Conceptual definitions of drought offer a general idea or concept of drought. A conceptual definition of
drought related to farming could be:
Drought is a protracted period of deficient precipitation resulting in extensive damage to crops, and a
consequential loss of yield from cropland, as well as forage and hayland.
Conceptual definitions may also be important in establishing drought policy. That is why scientists
describe drought conceptually, as an idea or concept; and operationally, by how drought functions or
operates in ways that can be measured.
An operational definition for agriculture might compare daily precipitation values to evapotranspiration
rates to determine the rate of soil moisture depletion, then express these relationships in terms of
drought effects on plant behaviour (i.e., growth and yield) at various stages of crop development. A
definition such as this one could be used in an operational assessment of drought severity and impacts
by tracking meteorological variables, soil moisture, and crop conditions during the growing season, and
continually re-evaluating the potential impact of these conditions on final yield.
1) meteorological drought;
2) hydrological drought;
3) agricultural drought; and,
4) socioeconomic drought.
Meteorological drought happens when dry weather patterns dominate an area. Hydrological drought
occurs when low water supply becomes evident, especially in streams, reservoirs, and groundwater
levels, usually after many months of meteorological drought. Agricultural drought happens when crops
become affected. Socioeconomic drought relates the supply and demand of various commodities to
drought. Meteorological drought can begin and end rapidly, while hydrological drought takes much
longer to develop and then recover (NOAA 2019). Socioeconomic drought can last longer than
hydrologic drought and can have a larger impact on society than any of the other three types of
droughts. This plan is focused on agricultural drought only.
Agricultural Drought in Saskatchewan
Drought can be one of the costliest natural disasters to affect an area. The drought of 2001-2002
resulted in agricultural production losses in Saskatchewan of $1.6 billion (Wittrock, et al., 2018). The
drought of 2021 resulted in an estimated $2.4 billion in crop insurance payouts and a 43 per cent decline
in production from the five-year average. The 2021 crop was the smallest crop on record since 2003,
due to drought-induced yield decreases. The main impact of drought on the agriculture industry is a
decrease in yields on cultivated land, hay land, and pasture. Lower yields translate to lower income for
producers. However, the impact can be more widespread than yields, and can include:
• Ranchers being forced to sell cattle due to a lack of water or forage;
• Cattle losses due to poor water quality;
• Increased risk of grass fires;
• Higher costs of feed;
• Grain handling companies moving lower volumes, resulting in less profit; and,
• A reduction in producer spending on inputs the following year, which reduces the profitability of
input suppliers.
While producers have demonstrated their ability to recover from drought in the past, it is important to
continually plan for the future. Climate change could affect the frequency and severity of droughts.
Government’s current approach to drought management addresses current risks but may need to be re-
evaluated once the implications of climate change are better understood.
Partner Organizations
The Saskatchewan Drought preparedness plan is a collaborative cross-government initiative. Involved
agencies include:
• Ministry of Agriculture;
• Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport;
• Ministry of Environment;
• Water Security Agency;
• Saskatchewan Research Council;
• Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada;
• Ministry of Government Relations; and,
• Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency.
The Saskatchewan Drought preparedness plan considers historical trends, evaluates current and future
drought risks, and outlines an approach to mitigating and adapting to the effects of agricultural drought
while minimizing financial and environmental losses.
Plan Goals
The drought preparedness plan and associated government and industry actions enable proactive:
• Preparedness;
• Monitoring;
• Response; and,
• Recovery approaches.
Saskatchewan’s agricultural producers understand their vulnerability to drought risks and have access to
and use the knowledge and tools necessary to better prepare themselves.
The actions listed in the Ministry’s Drought Preparedness Plan can be broken down into several
categories. These categories correspond to specific types of risk management actions.
Preparedness—actions which can be taken before a drought occurs to mitigate risks. These actions are
taken year-round by those in the agriculture industry, even during times when drought is not a concern.
Preparedness actions may include outreach and extension, research, and program promotion and
Monitoring—ongoing actions, which are especially important during the growing season. Monitoring
actions help the agriculture community to understand environmental conditions affecting production.
Monitoring products include the Ministry of Agriculture’s Crop Report and Agriculture and Agri-Food
Canada’s (AAFC) Drought Watch website.
Response and Recovery—actions which occur during or after a severe moisture deficit or drought.
These actions help the agriculture community to recover and reduce negative effects on the industry.
Response and recovery actions can include expediting program applications and evaluating emergency
program options.
Actions in this action plan are classified according to three moisture level categories. These moisture
levels are:
Adequate Moisture
Adequate moisture conditions are categorized as D0 (abnormally dry) or a short period of D1 (moderate
drought) in the Canadian Drought Monitor. Soil moisture levels and annual precipitation are near the
yearly average. Soils are moist and would allow for germination and/or crop growth. Adequate subsoil
moisture reserves are available. Crop development and production is near normal and yield prospects
are normal or above normal. Hay and pasture lands are productive and are not exhibiting signs of stress
and pastures are supplying excess or adequate feed supplies. Surface water is available for irrigation and
Extent of drought will also be taken into consideration when considering which actions to implement.
Actions may be taken at the rural municipality level or up to province wide. A cross-government
committee will take the above conditions into consideration when assessing moisture conditions in the
Drought Management Action Plan
Drought management actions and the responsible entities are listed below in the preparedness,
monitoring, and response and recovery sections. All actions are classified according to the stage of
drought response. These stages are adequate moisture conditions, moderate moisture deficit, and
extreme moisture deficit.
Taking steps towards drought preparedness before a drought occurs can help streamline processes and
minimize impacts when drought does strike. Ministry programming can help producers prepare
themselves for future drought risks. These programs and the steps government is taking to increase
uptake in these programs are outlined below.
The province has recently announced its plans to expand its capacity for irrigation by up to 500,000
acres over the next 10–15 years. The expected increase in GDP from this irrigated land base will help to
mitigate the socio-economic impacts of future droughts in the province.
o Expand irrigation capacity around Lake Diefenbaker by 500,000 acres.
• Producers:
o Participate in Environmental Stewardship Programs as necessary to increase on-farm
resilience to drought as outlined above.
o Participate in irrigation programming where feasible/appropriate to better equip
cropland to be resilient to drought.
• The ministry and SCIC:
o Provides technical assistance (i.e., assistance with water testing, feed rationing) and
program information to producers looking to increase drought preparedness.
• The ministry and the Government of Saskatchewan:
o Promotes the development of sustainable water supplies.
• The ministry and WSA:
o Understands program and policy tools which have been used to mitigate the effects of
drought in the past.
• Rural municipalities:
o Establish and maintain Emergency Management Plans.
This category of the drought action plan focuses on ongoing ministry efforts to provide information on
climatic conditions in the province. Compiling quality data and understanding conditions on the ground
is important for drought preparedness. It can also be important for understanding the severity and
duration of a drought. The ministry monitors moisture conditions during the growing season in a variety
of ways. There are also several external data sources the ministry uses to monitor moisture.
Within the province, there are over 200 volunteer crop reporters. These reporters are asked to file a
weekly report starting in April and ending in October or November. Each week’s report has questions
specific to the time of year. Questions about rainfall and topsoil moisture are consistently asked
throughout the year. Other questions include progress on seeding or haying, crop conditions, harvest
progress, and growth stage. Quality-controlled weather-monitoring data is also provided by AAFC
directly to the Ministry of Agriculture. The ministry maps the crop reporter and AAFC data and publishes
it weekly in the Crop Report.
SCIC receives data from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Weather Innovations
Incorporated weather stations across the agricultural region of the province. These stations measure
precipitation and temperature during the growing season and are the basis for weather-based programs
offered by SCIC.
The ministry has a moisture monitoring committee which brings together agrologists working in the
areas of crops and livestock, soils, forage, and policy. The WSA and Agriculture and AAFC are also
involved. The purpose is to bring together professionals from all areas of the province to provide regular
information on the moisture conditions affecting their area of work.
In addition to the various monitoring initiatives undertaken by the ministry and SCIC, there are several
other networks which the agriculture community has access to. These include the Community
Collaborative rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHs), AAFC’s Canadian Drought Monitor, and the
AAFC Drought Watch website.
• Rural municipalities:
o Establish fire bans or restrictions as required.
• First Nations:
o Establish fire bans or restrictions as required.
Drought response and recovery actions are important for the recovery of the agricultural community
after a drought event. Recovery actions can be taken during all stages of moisture stress, from the early
stages to the multi-season drought events. If appropriate steps are taken, economic and environmental
consequences can be mitigated to a certain extent, and time spent returning to normal production can
be minimized. All options for assisting producers are considered by the ministry during a period of dry
conditions, and appropriate response actions are implemented. It is important to note that response
actions are a last resort, and producers should implement appropriate preparedness actions so that
reliance on response actions is minimized.
o Requests for the minister of agriculture to approve emergency use of Crown lands. This
allows producers to sub-lease their pasture, graze non-owned cattle on the lease,
harvest hay on the lease, and sell hay from the lease with permission from Lands
o Works with the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport to identify whether there are any
Parks lands which could be made available for grazing. Promote the availability of these
o Promotes Ministry of Highways lands which are available for haying.
Under Extreme Moisture Deficits:
• The ministry:
o May review vacant agricultural Crown lands for short-term permit that were not
successfully permitted in the spring and/or that wouldn’t otherwise be permitted in the
event of an Emergency Drought Declaration.
• The ministry and SCIC:
o Promotes the Farm Stress Line using ministry communications vehicles.
o Launches targeted campaigns to promote the Agriculture Knowledge Centre general
inquiry line as a resource to producers.
o Emphasizes media describing drought mitigation tools available to producers.
Appendix A: Saskatchewan’s Drought History
Southern Saskatchewan has been more frequently affected by droughts than the northern areas of the
province. The most significant droughts in recent decades occurred from 1929 to 1937, in 1961, from
1983 to 1988, and from 2001 to 2002. It could be argued that the drought in the 1980s was more severe
with respect to rainfall than the Dirty Thirties, but the impacts were less due to improved soil
conservation methods, new and different crop varieties which performed better in dryer conditions,
better economic conditions, and government programs. While Saskatchewan has recently been in a wet
cycle, localized dry conditions have occurred in the past few years. During the growing season of 2018, a
large area of the southwest region experienced reduced crop yields and dry pasture conditions.
In the mid‐1930s, the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act was put in place by the federal government to
assist in land reclamation, soil conservation and water management strategies. Early programs included
construction of water sources, expansion of irrigation districts and shelterbelt plantings. Permanent
cover programs have been put in place to encourage farmers to seed drought‐prone land to forage.
The severe drought during the 1980s resulted in an era of ad hoc programs for farmers. Programs put
into place in the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s covered crop yield loss, livestock feed, water shortages,
conservation planning, financial counseling, and interest‐free loans. AAFC began administering the
Federal Tax Deferral Program for farmers who are forced to sell breeding stock due to drought.
The Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association (SSCA) was formed in 1987, by a group of producers
who saw the need to increase the public’s awareness of soil conservation and to share soil conservation
information with others. While the SSCA has promoted a variety of soil and water conservation
practices, their most notable accomplishment has been their success in helping Saskatchewan growers
successfully adopt low disturbance direct seeding (no-till) systems.
Appendix B: Policy Considerations
Appendix C: Drought and Climate Change
Drought planning requires consideration of not only what has occurred in the past but also what is
predicted to occur in the future. Climate change will change the way we think about drought.
Temperatures for all seasons on the prairies have increased and are predicted to continue increasing.
Table one below illustrates the long-term temperature trend on the prairies from 1948 to 2016.
Precipitation is predicted to remain highly variable with an increasing number of extreme precipitation
events. Table two shows the predicted distribution shift of weather and shows that more extreme
weather events will become “the new normal.”
Appendix D: Resources
Gordon, K. 2014. A Climate Risk Assessment for the United States. Risky Business: The Economic Risks of
Climate Change in the United States. 51pp. Web site:
f [Accessed June 2015].
Sauchyn, Dave and Susan Kulshreshtha. 2008. Prairies, in From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a
Changing Climate 2007, edited by D.S. Lemmen, F.J. Warren, J. Lacroix and E. Bush; Government
of Canada, Ottawa, ON, p. 275-328.
Wittrock, Virginia. 2017. Saskatchewan’s Climate is Changing. Saskatoon, SK: Saskatchewan Research
Wittrock, Virginia, R.A. Halliday, D.R. Corkal, M. Johnston, E. Wheaton, J. Lettvenuk, I. Stewart, B. Bonsal
and M. Geremia. 2018. Saskatchewan Flood and Natural Hazard Risk Assessment. Saskatchewan
Research Council.