CraneFS Stress Corrosion Cracking Statement +2020 04

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Stress Corrosion Cracking

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a known condition, which can sometimes

occur when certain conditions are met and occurring simultaneously.

Conditions Condensate
1. A material susceptible to SCC. A key aspect of Stress Corrosion Cracking is the presence
2. Inherent stress (arising from the manufacturing process) of moisture, particularly on chilled systems where the
or induced stress (arising from incorrect installation). insulative material and the product will be in almost
constant contact with moisture, held at the surface, and
3. A corrosive environment (such as would arise from representing a significant risk of SCC developing over time.
chemical dosing of a system (using corrosive species
such as Silver Peroxide (a compound of Silver Nitrate This is particularly pertinent with materials such as phenolic
and Hydrogen Peroxide))) or, indeed, from such items foam and similar materials with leachable elements present.
as phenolic foam insulation (which arises when the foam
becomes wet and results in the leaching of chloride from General Caveat
the material).
Crane (and its related brands) manufacture hardware
(valves, couplings, etc) for the Building Services industry
Components and Utilities industries (including Gas and Water industries)
Some processes can naturally result in higher levels of however, we are not system designers or operators. The
inherent stress, by virtue of the extent of metal working use of chemicals for system dosing must be determined
involved. Residual stresses will have typically been by the user as all aspects of system variables (biocides,
determined via neutron diffraction analysis and the inhibitors, system medium, raw water condition (where
appropriate heat-treatment(s) applied. used), existing micro-biological processes within the
system, temperature, mechanical configuration, etc)
Forged components are typically less susceptible to must be established and considered, and the effect of
inherent stress as the high temperatures they are worked at the chemicals used (including compounds arising from
result in naturally lower stress levels following forging. chemical combinations) must also be established in order
to accurately determine compatibility. Crane cannot make
recommendations regarding chemical compatibility for the
Installation and Operation
system, as a result of the above variables, which includes
Where SCC does occur, the root cause of the stress factor all components, substances and materials. Any comments
is typically as a result of induced torsional stress during from Crane regarding chemical compatibility shall relate
installation, hoop-stress during joint formation (particularly solely to the Crane product and does not constitute a
on compression fittings), or cyclic flexural stress during recommendation on compatibility for the wider system,
operation. resultant chemical compounds, components, substances
Installation of any Crane product must precisely follow or materials, in whole or in part.
the instructions defined in the IOM, using the correct
tools, avoiding the use of augmented jointing material and
ensuring over-tightening is avoided.

Chemical Compatibility
Typically, ammoniacal compounds or ammonia itself have
31/03/2020 issued by the Engineering Department

been seen to be causal in some instances (in addition to the

compounds already noted herein).
The source of such chemicals can be from chemical
system dosing, waste material (with biological source), fire
retarding treatments, refrigerants, insulative materials, etc.

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