INFO1111 Group Project Template

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INFO1111: Computing 1A Professionalism

2022 Semester 1

Practice: Team Project Report

Submission number: ??
Team Members:
Name Student ID Levels being
attempted in
this submis-
?? ?? e.g. 1,2
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ??
1. Level 1: Basic Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1. Developing industry skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2. Skills: add student 1 name here : Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3. Skills: add student 2 name here : Data Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4. Skills: add student 3 name here : Software Development . . . . . . . 4
1.5. Skills: add student 4 name here : Cyber Security . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Level 2: Basic Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1. Tech Stack: add student 1 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2. Tech Stack: add student 2 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3. Tech Stack: add student 3 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4. Tech Stack: add student 4 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Level 3: Advanced Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1. Advanced features: add student 1 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2. Advanced features: add student 2 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3. Advanced features: add student 3 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4. Advanced features: add student 4 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Level 4: Advanced Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.1. Advanced Knowledge: add student 1 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2. Advanced Knowledge: add student 2 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3. Advanced Knowledge: add student 3 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4. Advanced Knowledge: add student 4 name here . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

General Instructions
You should use this L TEX template to generate your team project report. Keep in
mind the following key points:

ˆ When we assess your report, you are not given a mark. Instead we will indicate
(separately, for each team member) whether each level is achieved.

ˆ In order to pass the unit, you must achieve at least level 1.

ˆ In order to achieve level 2, you must rst have achieved level 1, and so on for each
level up to level 4. This means that we will not assess a higher level until a lower
level has been achieved (though we will review one level higher and give you feedback
to help you in rening your work).

ˆ Some parts of the report are completed as a team and other parts require each student
to complete a dierent section. This means that for each submission, some members
of the team may have completed their work for a given section, but other members
may not. It also is therefore possible that some members of the team may achieve a
specied level and other members of the team may not yet have achieved that level.

ˆ Even if some members are completing their material for a given level, and others
are not, your team members will still need to work together to edit and compile
the report. The only exception to this is where a member of the team has already
achieved the level they are targeting in a previous submission and has decided to not
attempt higher levels, and so is not contributing any further (this should be obvious
because no level is indicated for that student on the cover page).

ˆ When completing each section you should remove the explanation text and replace
it with your material.

For each submission you will add new details to this report, and/or update previous
sections (where previous work was not good enough to have achieved the relevant level).
In particular:

ˆ General: For each submission, each student can attempt up to 2 levels. You must
also successfully achieve each lower level before you can be assessed at a higher level.
For example, in the rst submission you might attempt only level 1, but not be
successful in achieving that level. You then reattempt level 1 and add in level 2 in
the second submission and are successful in achieving level 1 but not level 2. For the
third and nal submission you could then attempt level 2, or levels 2 and 3 - or even
just choose to not submit anything further and remain at level 1).

ˆ Submission 1: You should complete at least the material for level 1 (since achieving
level 1 is required to pass the unit). Each member of the team can also optionally
choose to complete the material for level 2.
Note 1: If you do not complete the level 2 information then you obviously cannot
achieve level 2 at this stage. This does not stop you from attempting level 2 in
Deliverable 2 or 3, but it will make it more dicult to achieve the higher levels later
in the semester. Note 2: To be able to achieve Level 1 in submission one your team
has to achieve level 1 in the group component (Section 1.1) and you have to achieve
Level 1 in the individual component (i.e. your assigned section 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5)

ˆ Submission 2: Each member of your team will complete additional sections, but
because you are submitting a single document, you need to work together to compile
your results together and generate the nal submission.
If you did not achieve level 1 in your rst submission, then you should revise the
material for level 1 based on the feedback, and optionally you can also complete level
If you achieved level 1 in your rst submission, then each team member can optionally
complete the material for levels 2 and 3. Note: If you do not achieve level 1 with this
submission then the highest level you will be able to achieve in the nal submission
will be level 2. If you achieve level 1, but not level 2, with this submission then the
highest level you will be able to achieve with the nal submission is level 3.
ˆ Submission 3: Again, you can correct sections where you did not achieve the
specied level in the previous submission, and you complete additional sections.
If you still have not achieved level 1, then you should revise the material for level 1
based on the feedback, and again optionally you can also complete level 2.
For those at level 1, you can choose to complete the material for levels 2 and 3.
For those at level 2, you can choose to complete the material for levels 3 and 4.
For those at level 3, you can choose to complete the material for level 4.

Whilst the team project is just that  a team project  it has been designed to also
allow dierent members of the team to achieve dierent outcomes. We do expect you to
work together as a team. If you do come across problems working together then the rst
step should be to discuss this with your tutor. Note: If you are having problems you
should approach your tutor as soon as you can to make them aware of the diculties you
are having with your team.
Finally, you should also ensure that any resources you use are suitably referenced, and
references are included into the reference list at the end of this document. You should use
APA 6th reference style (The University of Sydney, 2022).

1. Level 1: Basic Skills
Level 1 focuses on basic technical skills (related to L TEX and Git) and the types of
skills used in dierent computing jobs.

1.1. Developing industry skills

This section is completed as a team.

Throughout your Computing degree we will help you learn a range of new skills. Once
you graduate however you will need to continue to learn new languages, new tools, new
applications, etc. For this section you need to identify 5 approaches you can take to this
continual learning. You should then put these in order from most eective to least eective,
and then explain the circumstances in which each approach might be appropriate. (Target
= ∼100 words per skill = ∼500 words total).

1.2. Skills: add student 1 name here : Computer Science

This section is completed individually. Each member of the team should independently
complete a separate copy of this section.
You should begin by allocating to each team member a dierent major to focus on (i.e.
one of: Computer Science; Data Science; Software Development; Cyber Security). If
you have a fth member, then your tutor will suggest a fth topic to cover. You should
then undertake research into the typical practical skills that you believe would be most
important to someone who graduates with this major and is then working in industry. You
should list the 8 skills that you believe are most important and for each one give a short
explanation as to why you feel it is important. (Target = ∼100 words per skill ∼800 words
total per student).

1.3. Skills: add student 2 name here : Data Science

Your text goes here

1.4. Skills: add student 3 name here : Software Development

fs Your text goes here

1.5. Skills: add student 4 name here : Cyber Security

Your text goes here

2. Level 2: Basic Technology

Level 2 focuses on initial evaluation of the tech stack that is used by a selected company.
All companies make use of a range of technologies, and these technologies need to work
together. A tech stack is basically just this collection of technologies that collectively
enable a company's systems. As an example, one of the most common technology stacks
for supporting web servers is LAMP: Linux as the underlying operating system; Apache
as a web server; MySQL as the supporting database; and Perl (or more recently PHP or
Python) as the programming language.
Each student should choose a dierent tech stack and explain the role of each of the
dierent technologies in that stack. Note that prior to researching your proposed tech
stack and spending time writing about it, it might be a good idea to check with your tutor
as to whether your chosen stack is suitable. (Target = ∼200-400 words per student).

2.1. Tech Stack: add student 1 name here

Your text goes here

2.2. Tech Stack: add student 2 name here

Your text goes here

2.3. Tech Stack: add student 3 name here

Your text goes here

2.4. Tech Stack: add student 4 name here

Your text goes here

3. Level 3: Advanced Skills
Level 3 focuses on more advanced technical skills (L TEX and Git) and analysis of
linkages and relationships between the items in the company tech stack.
The following is a list of advanced Git and L TEX skills/features. Each student should
select one pair of items from each list and demonstrate actual use of each item (either
through activity in Git, or through including items in this report). (Target = ∼100 words
per student for each feature).

ˆ Git

 Rebasing and Ignoring les

 Forking and Special les

 Resetting and Tags

 Reverting and Automated merges

 Hooks and Tags


 Cross-referencing and Custom commands

 Footnotes/margin notes and creating new environments

 Floating gures and editing style sheets

 Graphics and advanced mathematical equations

 Macros and hyperlinks

3.1. Advanced features: add student 1 name here

Explain your use of the advanced Git and L TEX features.

3.2. Advanced features: add student 2 name here

Explain your use of the advanced Git and L TEX features.

3.3. Advanced features: add student 3 name here

Explain your use of the advanced Git and L TEX features.

3.4. Advanced features: add student 4 name here

Explain your use of the advanced Git and L TEX features.

4. Level 4: Advanced Knowledge

Level 4 focuses on analysing your particular tech stack and considering alternatives.
Each student should consider the tech stack they described for Level 2, and then discuss
each of the following points:

ˆ What are the strengths and limitations of this stack? (Target = ∼200 words).

ˆ What alternatives exist, and under what situations might these alternatives be a
better choice? (Target = ∼200 words).

4.1. Advanced Knowledge: add student 1 name here

Your text goes here

4.2. Advanced Knowledge: add student 2 name here

Your text goes here

4.3. Advanced Knowledge: add student 3 name here

Your text goes here

4.4. Advanced Knowledge: add student 4 name here

Your text goes here

The University of Sydney. (2022). APA referencing style (6th edition). (See

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