Energy Policy in Renewables and Its Economic and Environmental Consequences

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In: Energy Policy ISBN 978-1-60692-894-3

Editor: Noah B. Jacobs, pp. © 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 1



Javier Faulin*
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Los Magnolios Building, first floor,
Public University of Navarre, Campus Arrosadia, s/n, Pamplona, 31006, Spain
Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun†
Department of Economics, Los Madroños Building, second floor, Public University of
Navarre, Campus Arrosadia, s/n, Pamplona, 31006, Spain
Jesús M. Pintor
Department of Mechanical Engineering. Los Pinos Building, ground floor
Public University of Navarre, Campus Arrosadia, s/n, Pamplona, 31006, Spain

In the context of the Kyoto protocol and the European Union’s energy strategies,
different policies focusing on renewable energies has been developed in many European
regions. Navarre (Spain) has been considered as one of the leading regions in renewables
worldwide over the last ten years. Thus, we are going to analyze in this paper the reasons
for this thriving development having the purpose of studying the main policies carried out
during the period 1984-2006 in Navarre to guide the industrial policy to its crest. The
success of renewable energies in this region has been the result of the conjoint impact of
some characteristic traits: decisive institutional support, significant industrial initiatives
and the social consensus. Since the implementation of the first windmill as energy

Corresponding author. Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Los Magnolios Building, first floor, Public
University of Navarre, Campus Arrosadia, s/n, Pamplona, 31006, Spain. Email: [email protected]. Ph:
+34-948169211. Fax: +34-948169204

Member of the association “Scientifics for the Environment-CiMa”.
2 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

generator in Navarre in 1995, this enhancement of renewables has had a significant

economic impact in terms of employment and R&D in that region.
Nevertheless, this positive situation could change in the future if the economic and
energy growth rates follow the same pattern than in previous years. Consequently, we are
going to study the future of Navarre in terms of the renewable energies contribution into
the energy consumption. Particularly, we carefully consider the role played by the
substitution process between non-renewable and renewable energies. Concerning
sustainability, the implementation of renewable energy in Navarre has involved some
effects of lower increase of the pollutant gases emissions, but not in the expected quantity.
Furthermore, the renewable energies have not been revealed as substitutive energies to the
traditional and non-sustainable ones, albeit they have increased the awareness of doing so
in the nearby future. Therefore, the conclusion for this forecast is that the impact of the
renewable development is mainly constrained by the economic growth rates. Finally,
another important achievement in the energy policy in renewables in Navarre, is the
easiness of spreading the policies and results described here to other regions worldwide.

The development of the renewable energies involves a big economic effort and a strong
political will. The justification for that effort and will is different according to the outlook of
the society and its agents. Nevertheless, the idea of reaching the sustainability is spreading in
the modern societies (The Economist, 2008). Then, the main reasons of performing that effort
are the environmental impacts associated to the production of energy and the climatic change
(e.g. the reduction of local and global pollutants). Similarly, socioeconomic impacts of
renewable energies expansion should be considered. This includes the diversification of energy
supply, regional and rural economic development and the domestic industry creation. Thus, it
is possible to face new scenarios, different to current ones, in which the hydrocarbons are not
cheap and abundant. Keeping in mind this new scenario worldwide, we are going to focus our
attention on the energy policy in a small region in Spain called Navarre.
Therefore, we will center the purpose of this paper on the study of the renewables
development in Navarre, as a way of explaining a success energy policy in enhancing
renewable energies at regional level. Accordingly, we indirectly seek that the Navarre case
serves as a blueprint to encourage other energy experiences worldwide. Concerning the paper
organization, it can be described as follows. We begin with an introductory section pinpointing
Navarre in Spain and in the world with special emphasis in energy issues. The second section
analyzes the energy situation in Navarre and its main difficulties. The third section is devoted
to the historical analysis of the Navarrese case in relation to renewables. It is particularly
interesting the renewables driving factors subsection. Section four explains the relationship
between renewable energies and the sustainability problem. We have painstakingly described
this section trying to connect those popular topics in energetic terms. Later on, section five
describes the economic consequences of the thriving development of renewables, striving to
precise the main characteristics of the energy policy carried out in Navarre. Conclusions
section and references conclude the paper.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 3


Figure 1. Weight of each type of renewable energies worldwide.

1.1. What are the Renewable Energies?

Renewable energies can be defined as the energies generated from natural resources, such
as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat, among others, which are renewable
(naturally replenished). Renewable energy technologies include solar power, wind power,
hydroelectricity, micro hydro, biomass and biofuels. In 2006, worldwide speaking, about 18%
of global final energy consumption came from renewables, with 13% coming from traditional
biomass, such as wood-burning. Hydropower was the next largest renewable source, providing
3%, followed by hot water/heating, which contributed 1.3%. Modern technologies, such as
geothermal, wind, solar, and ocean energy together provided some 0.8% of final energy
consumption. The technical potential for their use is very large, exceeding all other readily
available sources. Renewable energy technologies are sometimes criticized for being
intermittent or unsightly, yet the market is growing for many forms of renewable energy. Wind
power is growing at the rate of 30 percent annually, with a worldwide installed capacity of over
100 GW, and it is widely used in several European countries and the United States (REN21,
2007). The relative importance in the world of each type of renewable energy can be seen in
Figure 1.

1.2. The Primary and Final Energies Concepts

We are going to explain the concepts of primary and final energies which are
indispensable to understand the next paragraphs. It is widely known that the productive system
needs from different types of energy and from specific consumption units (inputs). We call this
4 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

kind of energies, final energies. Furthermore, in order to make use from those energies adapted
to the final technologies, it has been necessary to follow a path of energy transformation since
their direct obtaining from nature. That transformation path could have been more or less long
in phases and in time, and during it, energy has been used and spread. Consequently, the
amount of initial energy obtained from nature is bigger in volume than the effective energy
employed in its direct use. Moreover, the extraction of energy sources, their transformation and
the energy transportation has involved the use of energy. Similarly, the previous process is
losing energy because of leakages or dispersion in the way of heat. Thus, the energy sources
directly obtained from nature are called primary energies. Obviously, the primary energy
volume is greater than the final energy volume. In sustainability terms, the limits of the used
energies are close to the primary energies consumed, and it is considered as an upper bound to
measure the maximum amount of energy to be spent. Therefore, the primary energies analysis
is much more interesting to manage sustainability concepts. Likewise, this analysis will be a
good predictor of the emissions caused by the energy use.

1.3. Defining the Scenario: The Main Energy Policy Tenets

We are going to describe the main energy policies in the European Union, and specifically
in Spain and Navarre, to introduce in this paper the consequences of renewables policy at
regional level (Club Español de la Energía, 2007). The main references to reach that objective
are Moreno and López (2008) and MEC et al. (2005). The key problems related to energy
policies were modeled some decades ago (Hogan, 2002), but now they are more closely
associated to the regional policies of the local governments. Thus, Moreno and López (2008)
explained the local energy policy in Asturias (Spain) and Faulin et al. (2006) did a similar
study in Navarre (Spain). Those references point out the foremost aspects we are going to
discuss in the current paper.
In contrast, the most important objectives defined by the European Union in the context of
energy policy by 2020 are explained in EREC (2004). Traditionally, the European Union has
been a legislative power in the area of energy policy for most of its existence (Reiche, 2002):
this has its roots in the original European Coal and Steel Community. The introduction of a
mandatory and comprehensive European energy policy was approved at the meeting of the
European Council in October 2005, and the first draft policy was published in January 2007.
The Commission has five key points in its energy policy: increase competition in the internal
market, encourage investment and boost interconnections between electricity grids; diversify
energy resources with better systems to respond to a crisis; establish a new treaty framework
for energy co-operation with Russia while improving relations with energy-rich states in
Central Asia and North Africa; use existing energy supplies more efficiently while increasing
use of renewable energy; and finally increase funding for new energy technologies. These key
points have to be developed according to the specific instructions given by the Research
Community Programs in the European Union such as Intelligent Energy-Europe Program
(IEE), FP7, LIFE+ and Marco Polo and also the Structural Funds such as the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (European Union, 2008).
Renewable energy sources can also help improve industrial competitiveness and have a
positive impact on regional development and employment. The European renewable energy
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 5

industry has already reached a turnover of €10 billion and employs 200,000 people. Europe is
now the global leader of renewable energies.
Currently, the EU imports 82% of its oil and 57% of its gas, making it the world's leading
importer of these fuels. There are concerns that the EU is largely dependent on other countries,
primarily Russia, for its energy. This concern has grown following a series of clashes between
Russia and its neighbors, threatening the flow of gas. The last Russian crisis related to the gas
delivery took place in January 2009. As a result the EU, is attempting to diversify its energy
supply. Thus, the main energetic measures in the European Union are described in the next

a. The White Paper target of 12% of energy consumption provided by renewable energy
by 2010 (15% in 2015 and 20% in 2020).
b. The electricity target of 22.1% of electricity production provided by renewable energy
by 2010 (33% in 2020).
c. The biofuel target of 5.75% of the total fuel consumption by 2010 (8% in 2015 and
10% in 2020).

Furthermore, the benefits of this greater contribution by renewables are estimated as:

i) A CO2 reduction of 728 Mt/year in 2020, representing a 17.6% decrease of the total
EU GHG emissions in 1990.
ii) Investments of €443 billion made in the period 2001-2020.
iii) An estimated €115.8 billion saved in avoided fuel costs and from €126.7 and €323.9
billion in avoided external costs.
iv) An additional 2,023,000 people in full time employment in the renewable sector in the
period 2001-2020, what means at least 0.8% of the total employment in Europe.

Similarly, the objectives fixed for 2010 to Spain are the following:

a. 12.2% of the energy consumption provided by renewable energy by 2010.

b. 30.3% of production of electric energy from renewable energy by 2010.
c. Use of biofuel of 5.83% on the total use of fuel by 2010.

These objectives involve an annual increase of 22.4% of the produced energy by renewable
sources. To reach this objective, €23,600M in investments have been estimated (the public
investment is the 3%). The increase in renewable energy has estimated to produce a CO2
reduction from 547 to 796 tCO2/year (76,983,254 tn in the period 2005-2010). Also, additional
94,925 people in full time employment in the Spanish renewable sector have been estimated
(Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, 2005). The European Commission, following
the methodology developed by the TERES II Project estimated 44,970 additional jobs expected
in Spain in 2010 and 84,397 in 2020 (European Commission, 1996). By 2020, ISTAS (2008)
has estimated from 228,435 to 270,788 jobs the total employment in the renewable sector in
Spain. See Sánchez-López (2006) for a review of the literature about the estimated
employment related to the renewable energy development.
6 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

1.4. Navarre in Spain and in Europe

Navarre is one of the seventeen regions (autonomous communities) which constitute

Spain. Navarre is situated in the North of Spain, between the Basque Country, Aragon and
France. Its surface is 10,391 sq km (4,012 sq mi) showing a great range in climates and
landscapes. For instance, Navarre stretches from the Atlantic environment at the Pyrenees and
the continental climate in the central area to the desert plains in the South. On the other hand,
Navarre enjoys a strategic position in the Spanish communications network because she is the
key gate in the passage between Spain and France (with a 100 km border), holding a
preeminent position in the Ebro valley (one of the most important focus of development of the
continental Spain). Similarly, Navarre benefits from being next to the Atlantic Axis (European
regions in the Atlantic shore) in the trade relationships between region (Figure 2).
The population in Navarre in 2007 was 605,876 inhabitants, living in the capital of the
region (Pamplona) the 30%. The population density is just 58.31 inhabitants per sq km, which
is clearly below the Spanish average (90 inhabitants/sq km). Furthermore, the population
growth rate is around 1.67 and the natural population increase is almost nought, taking into
account that the percentage of the immigrant population in Navarre is circa 8.5% (Navarrese
Institute of Statistics, 2008; Sanz, 2009).
Historically speaking, Navarre was chiefly a rural and hermetic region in the period 1900-
1960, having a strong presence of the public sector and with a hardly diversified economy.
Nonetheless, the Navarrese society underwent a great transformation during the second half of
the twentieth century: its economic development was very important, much greater than the
average of the Spanish economy. That is, perhaps, the reason of the prosperity of the Navarrese
economy, making it closer to the European economic standards than the majority of the regions
of Spain.

EUROPE · P a m p lo n a


· B a rc e lo n a
· M a d rid

Figure 2. Pinpointing the Autonomous Community of Navarre in Spain.

Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 7

Next, we are going to summarize some of the most characteristic traits of the economy of
Navarre, taking into account the statistical data provided by Spanish National Statistics
Institute (2008), Navarrese Institute of Statistics (2008) and Eurostat (2006):

1. Navarre shows a small size within the Spanish context, not only in surface terms (2%
of the total Spanish surface), but also in demographic or economic points of view
(1.35% in population, 1.68% in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 2.96% in
industrial GDP in 2007).
2. Navarre enjoys an outstanding place inside the Spanish economy according to its
income per person, labor productivity and employment rate. For instance, taking into
account the Eurostat 2006 report, Navarre during 2005 is the third region in Spain and
the 36th region in Europe in regional GDP (PPS per inhabitant in percentage of the EU-
27 average).
3. Likewise, Navarre has an important specialization in industrial activities, but with a
smaller development of the service sector. The set of Navarrese companies is chiefly
formed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), but with a significant presence
of the multinational firms. This kind of companies supplies around the 33% of the
industrial employment.
4. On the other hand, Navarre shows a high standard in the training of human resources,
and in the education level (Navarre is the second one in Spain in population percentage
having a university degree (Bancaja, 2003)). Moreover, the development of
infrastructures and the institutional policy of supporting innovation have attracted the
foreign investment, funding companies of high technological standards.

Similarly, Navarre presents some unique historical characteristics (it was the last kingdom
in the Iberian Peninsula which was incorporated to Spain, because of the development of the
national states in the fifteenth century) and some legal privileges (the well-known Fueros)
which makes that the specific Navarrese tax system has been different to the Spanish system.
The Navarrese tax system has a complete autonomy in budget and in law in many arenas. Table
1 summarizes some of the previous data of Navarre in relation to Spain and the European

Table 1. Data of Navarre in Spain and in Europe, Year 2007

Variables Navarre Spain European

Surface (Km2) 10,391 504,790 4,324,782
Population (in thousands) 605 44,630 499,021
Unemployment rate 4.8 8.3 7.3
Employment distribution by sectors
Agriculture 4.5 4.0 2.3
Industry and construction 38.7 28.4 30.0
Services 55.8 67.6 67.7
GDP per capita 129 103 100
Source: Own design taking information from the Eurostat, the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE)
and the Spanish Ministry of Economy.
8 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.


We are going to present a historical outlook of the energy sector in Navarre during the
interval 1984-2006, which is the period of disposal of energy balances given by the
Government of Navarre. Specifically, we will explain the main characteristics of final energies
in Navarre. Thus, the final energy is defined as the set of energies which are put at disposal of
the final consumer (Sánchez-López, 2008). Other important references to describe this
historical review are Moreno and López (2008) and ISTAS (2008) about energy demand and
energy consumption.

2.1. Transforming Primary Energies into Final Energies

Historically speaking, the energetic transformation to obtain other final energy sources has
been rather small. Hence, the production1 of final energies was constrained, up to 1993, to the
electricity generation with minihydraulic centrals and the use of wood as biomass to be burnt.
The remainder of the used energy should be imported. Nevertheless, from 1994 a huge increase
in the production of energy was generated due to the wind energy. The extensive use of natural
gas to produce energy is carried out at the beginning of the twenty-first century at biomass’
expense. Moreover, the new final energies which appear in the last years, such as biodiesel or
solar-thermal, have no real influence in the global energy balance and its main interest is based
on their future development (Figure 3).
The production of final energies in Navarre has been increased in the period 1984-2006 by
the factor 2.2. This involved an annual increase of 3.85%, although it is necessary to
distinguish into two different periods: 1984-1995 and 1996-2006. Up to 1995, the energy
production decrease is -3.12%. Nevertheless, from 1996 it has been an important increase in a
9.15% per year. However, this augment seems to have been stopped in the year 2006. This
increase in the electric production has been based on the popularity of wind energy since 1994
and, mainly, on the natural gas combined cycle centrals since 2002.
Thus, the evolution of the final energies production in Navarre can be summarized with the
next milestones (Government of Navarre, 2007a):

• 1991. Setup of a biomass plant to generate electric energy in Sangüesa (Navarre).

• 1994. Setup of the first wind park in the Perdón hills in the surrounding of Pamplona.
• 2000. Setup of the first “solar garden” to generate photovoltaic energy in Southern
• 2002. Setup of two centrals of combined cycle to produce electricity from gas in
Castejón (Navarre).

Scientifically speaking, energy is neither created nor destroyed, but transformed. We used in the text the words
“generation” or “production” for brevity reasons, but they should be understood in the sense explained here.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 9

Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006).

Figure 3. Profile of final energies in Navarre in the period 1984-2006.

• 2004. Starting up of the heat production with thermal-solar shells.

• 2005. Beginning of the commercial production of biodiesel from vegetal oils in
Caparroso (Navarre).
• 2006. Beginning of the urban waste processing plant to obtain biogas to produce
energy in Tudela (Navarre).

2.2. The Use of Final Energies

In spite of the energy production increase in Navarre, the energy consumption has soared,
being multiplied by 2.6 in a continuous augment in the period 1994-2006. All final energy
sources have experimented an unremitting rising in use, except the biomass whose exploitation
fell in a 50%. Conversely, the natural gas two-folded its use reaching the second position in the
energy sources ranking. Nonetheless, it is necessary to point out the peak of the oil derivatives
in the period 1984-2006, reaching an increase percentage in that period of time between the
49% and 59% of the total used final energy (Figure 4).
Furthermore, the use of final energies by economic sector has tremendously increased
since 1993, highlighting the energy consumption in the transport sector in contrast to a light
reduction in energy use in the industrial sector during the last years of the period 1984-2006
(Figure 5). In the study by sectors, we have organized the economic sectors according to the
next criteria: a) “Primary” Sector includes Agriculture and Farming activities b) Sector
“Industry” contains public works, manufacturing and construction activities and c) Sector
“Transportation” contains, among others, the use of gasoline and diesel by consumers d) Sector
“Other economic activities” includes commerce, and public services, among others.
10 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006).

Figure 4. Use of final energies in Navarre in the period 1984-2006 according to their

Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006).

Figure 5. Use of final energies in Navarre in the period 1984-2006 according to their
economic sector.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 11

Apart from the previous data, some meaningful pie charts (Figure 6) can help to
understand the Copernican change associated to the final energy sources during the period
1984-2006. Making a comparison between the final energy sources in the years 1984 and 2006,
it is clear that oil derivatives have reduced their use in percentage during that period of time.
Undoubtedly, this change has been due to the promotion of the renewable energies in Navarre
with appropriate policies.
Consequently, it is required to analyze in detail the strategic policy followed in Navarre.
The next section explains the driving factors behind the renewable boom in Navarre.

Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006).

Figure 6. Percentages of use of final energy sources in Navarre in the border years 1984
and 2006.
12 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.



3.1. Initial Stage: 1984-1995

The use and development of energy sources are traditionally constrained by the natural
resources in a region or in a country and rarely can they be only explained by the political
success of a regional or national government. Nevertheless, different situations can enhance the
particular expansion of a specific kind of energy source: the renewable energies. Historically
speaking, from 1950 to 2003 Navarre was characterized as being heavily energy-dependent on
other regions or countries. Navarre has no source of primary energy such as oil, gas or coal.
Navarre’s only original energy resources are hydroelectric power stations and the biomass, as it
has been shown in the previous section. Figure 7 summarizes Navarre’s situation in terms of
energy sources from 1984-1995. Then, according to Figure 7, it is easy to understand the
importance of biomass and minihydraulic centrals during the period 1984-1995. Without the
contributions of these types of energies in the aforementioned decade it would have been very
difficult to manage an important development in the renewables in Navarre during the
following decade 1995-2006.

Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006).

Figure 7. Use of renewable energies in the electricity generation in Navarre, 1984-1995.

Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 13

In 1985, the Government of Navarre, aware of these poor figures, passed a law that
embodied the first energy plan of the region (Government of Navarre, 1995). It is sought,
among other things, to:

a. Diversify energy sources.

b. Reduce energy dependency, by exploiting the region’s abundant renewable energy
c. Develop new infrastructures to enable the use of new energy sources.
d. Enhance the conservation and efficient management of energy.

These objectives had a strong influence in the renewable energy policy, which will be
analyzed later in detail. In 1995, the Navarrese authorities approved their First Regional Energy
Plan 1995-2000 (FEPN) which are going to discuss in the next section.

3.2. The Renewable Energy Boom in Navarre: 1995-2006

The renewable energy boom in Navarre in the period 1995-2006 cannot be explained
without the approval of the Navarre’s First Regional Energy Plan (FEPN) in 1995, which was
really innovative in the European scenario, because it involved a great interest in the
development of renewable energies in Navarre within a sustainable energy policy. Particularly,
this Plan emphasized the importance of wind energy in the deployment of renewables in
Navarre. Undoubtedly, this milestone was one of the most decisive incentives which explain
the success of the renewable energies in Navarre. Thus, Navarre became one of Spain’s leading
regions in the development of a renewable energy promotion plan, setting itself very ambitious
aims for the end of 2010.
Navarre’s First Regional Energy Plan (FEPN) was implemented with great success
between 1998 and 2002, predominantly in the areas of wind and solar-PV energy, with a
moderate increase in other types. The growth pattern is summarized in Figure 8.
The US rating agency Standard & Poors, in a current investigation of standard of living in
Europe, ranked Navarre, whose primary source of renewable energy is wind power, uppermost
among the 17 autonomous regions of Spain. Navarre, Europe’s sixth largest producer of wind
power, currently sustains approximately 70 percent of its electricity needs from renewable
energy sources, wind farms being used most extensively, and has a 900-megawatt capacity of
installed wind power, ranking it ahead of the UK, Sweden, and France (Stewart, 2006).
Navarre’s progress in wind energy far surpasses that of other Spanish regions. Thus it
ranked slightly ahead of Italy (788 MW), which took fourth place in Europe for wind power
production in 2003. Furthermore, Navarre owned 2.5% of the installed power in the world and
the 20% of the installed power in Spain (IDAE, 2003). When it comes to solar-PV energy,
Navarre owned the largest plant in Spain, with 50% of the installed power. Therefore, it is
possible to highlight that the importance of renewables during the period 1995-2006 was
mainly based on the wind, biomass and minihydraulic energies, with interesting contributions
from the solar-photovoltaic and thermo-solar energies.
14 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006).

Figure 8. Use of renewable energies in the electricity generation in Navarre, 1995-2006.

Similarly, other landmarks have highlighted the importance of Navarre as a European

region pioneering in renewables (Fairless, 2007):

a. Navarre lacks thermal, nuclear, coal, oil, gas fields, or hefty hydro-electric power
stations, but does possess considerable renewable resources, which the Government of
Navarre pursued to drop its foreign energy dependence. Nevertheless, Navarre is a
prosperous region in Spain because it has other strengths (Stewart, 2006).
b. Taking into account the aforementioned characteristics of Navarre, the Spanish
Government chose Navarre as the location for two important national renewable
energy centers: the R&D Centre (CENER - (CENER, 2006) and the
Training Centre (CENIFER – (CENIFER, 2005).
c. Furthermore, the region is steadily emerging as a touchstone for European standards;
witness the Navarrese participation in the Wind Energy Potential I project (WEP I)
within the European ECOS-Ouverture Initiative.
d. Similarly, Navarre earned the best regional policy in Europe award, at the European
Conference for Renewable Energy, held in Berlin in January 2004.
e. Moreover, the success in renewables has implied the creation of a set of companies
related to renewable sector in Navarre with an international influence worldwide, for
instance, Gamesa, Acciona, Ecotecnia, Derna and MTorres, among others (Faulin et
al, 2006; Pintor et al, 2006).
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 15

3.3. Consolidation of the Renewable Energy in Navarre

After the tremendous development of the renewable energies in Navarre in the period
1995-2004 within the First Regional Energy Plan (FEPN) 1995-2000 and its revision for the
period 2000-2004, the main tenets of the new Energy Plan 2005-2010 are based on the
successful achievements of the previous plan. The Energy Plan 2005-2010 was approved by
the Government of Navarre in 2007, what implies that their results were partially known before
its implementation. We can mention up to four essential differences which are associated to the
new plan:

a. Navarre has reached an important leadership in the promotion of renewable energies,

and it is highly desirable to maintain this situation in the future.
b. A significant progress in the appropriate use of electricity production technologies has
been achieved, considering also the use of the renewable energies.
c. An important investment in transportation infrastructures in order to distribute
electricity and gas has been carried out. This financial effort has involved an energy
delivery with quality and competitiveness characteristics.
d. Greater energy intensity has been produced along with new environmental demanding.

Therefore, the Energy Plan 2005-2010 focuses its interests on the next policies:

1. Development of the Navarrese industrial companies associated to the renewable

energies technologies, encouraging new entrepreneurship initiatives related to energy
efficiency and environmental sustainability (continuous support in R&D).
2. Keeping the leadership of Navarre in the strategic development of renewable energies.
3. Development of active policies of reduction of CO2 emissions, according to the Kyoto
4. Assuring the energy supply quality to the rural areas of Navarre in order to facilitate
their economic progress.

Hence, if we delve into the energy situation in Navarre in 2003 and in the estimated
situation for 2010 we have two really different scenarios according to the results described in
Table 2. The savings in CO2 emissions estimated in Table 2 are related to a lower volume in
CO2 emissions in the probable scenario and the optimist scenario versus an equivalent increase
in the energy consumption based of non-renewable energies. Nevertheless, that consumption
increase involves a greater failure in the fulfilment of the Kyoto protocol objectives. Assuming
that Navarre has to follow the same objectives as Spain of an augment in emissions of 15% in
2010 in relation to the 1990 level, there is an important separation from those objectives
according to the prognosis of the Government of Navarre depicted in Table 3. The expected
CO2 emissions are up to six or sevenfold greater than the Kyoto objectives depending on the
chosen scenario.
Furthermore, the most important rise in energy production is given by the solar energy,
with an expected increase in relation to the most probable scenario in about 1580% in
generated power, and by biogas with an increase percentage around 466%. The previous
situation involves a greater increase of investment in both energies, mainly in solar, with an
implementation increase around 142%, and a 46% increase in public funding.
16 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Table 2. Current situation and predictions of the Energy Plan of Navarre 2005-2010
according to the type of renewable energy

Type of Wind Power Hydro/Minihydro Solar Energy

Scenario 2003 Scenario Scenario 2003 Scenario Scenario 2003 Scenario Scenario
1 2 1 2 1 2
Installed 715.21 1,400 1,530 195.13 305.13 335.13 4.5(1) 40(2) 120(3)
Generated 133.20 261.80 287.30 40.53 57.70 63.40 0.55 9.19 20.60
Saved 228.50 397.20 435.75 69.49 87.50 95.90 1.04 17.28 35.69
(Kt CO2)
Associated n.a. 467.90 583.50 n.a. 56.60 88.40 n.a. 214.71 556.11
Public n.a. 46.79 58.35 n.a. 5.66 8.84 n.a. 37.15 54.55

Type of Biomass Biodiesel Biogas

Scenario 2003 Scenario Scenario 2003 Scenario Scenario 2003 Scenario Scenario
1 2 1 2 1 2
Installed 25 40 60 30.62 61.25 87.50 1.60 7 9
Generated 14.64 24.08 36.10 n.a. 50.30 70.20 0.85 4.82 6.20
Saved 25.11 36.52 54.78 n.a. 156 222.80 1.46 7.30 9.39
(Kt CO2)
Associated n.a. 22.50 52.50 n.a. 24 48 n.a. 8.64 11.84
Public n.a. 2.20 5.20 n.a. 2.40 4.8 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Note. Scenario 1: Most probable scenario. Scenario 2: Optimist scenario. The most probable scenario is
associated to the energy generation according to the 1,400 MW power in the electric network. The
optimist scenario assumes a electric network extension to make easier the energy delivery.
Source: Own elaboration from the Horizon 2010 Energy Plan of Navarre (Government of Navarre,
Corresponding to the solar-photovoltaic energy, plus the amount of 3,024 m2 in thermo-solar cells.
Plus 77,045 m2 in solar cells.
Plus 100,000 m2 in solar cells.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 17

Table 3. CO2 emissions increase for 2010 in relation to 1990

2003 Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Emissions increase 1,643.20 2,922.80 2,549.59
(Kt CO2/1990)
Emissions increase n.a. 102.83 89.70
(% /1990)
Source: Own elaboration from de Horizon 2010 Energy Plan of Navarre (Government of Navarre,

Moreover, the wind energy, which is the most important renewable energy in Navarre, it is
expected that it increases in a 96% the generated power, while biomass, hydro power, and
biofuels will only augment globally around 50%. Taking into account the information provided
by Figure 9, it is easy to realize that the wind power is going to be the most popular renewable
energy in Navarre, for the next years. In fact, the installed wind energy capacity in Navarre in
2006 (Figure 9) was higher than in other countries such as Australia, France, Greece, Sweden,
Ireland, Belgium, Norway, Poland or Finland (Government of Navarre, 2007b). Nevertheless,
it is thought that this growth of installed power in wind energy will slow down in the following
years. Thus, the electricity production by wind power will decrease from the 74% in 2006 to
71% in 2010. That is to say that once the renewable energies development has been
consolidated in Navarre, a most homogeneous expansion according to the source type is
needed, searching a better growth of all the renewable energies having less sway from an
economic point of view. Thus, since 2005 it is forbidden in Navarre the construction of new
windmills, and therefore, the only way to renew the current situation according to the present
legislation involves the substitution of the old aerogenerators for new ones with a bigger power
to produce electricity.
Thus, Table 4 presents the investments done by the two energy Plans from 1995 to 2006
and the importance of public funding in those plans. Considering that information, the public
investment in renewable energies has been increasing little by little, being a usual support to
reach the renewable boom in Navarre. For instance, the First Energy Plan assumed a 10% of
public investment from the total investment in renewables. Nevertheless, it cannot be thought
that the public help has been the key factor to explain the importance of the investment done in
renewables in the Navarrese region.
On one hand, if we analyze the different investments in renewables, two important aspects
have been revealed related to the energy policy: energy saving and efficient use of energy.
Hence, these two aspects involved a tremendous reduction of the energy wasting in the years
2005-2008. On the other hand, the consolidation of the renewable energies development has
implied a reduction in the total investment in the aforementioned period, going down from 934
M€ to 801 M€, although the public support goes up in percentage because some kinds of
renewable energies have received more funding now than in the past according to their smaller
development. Furthermore, taking into account the infrastructures consolidation in order to
improve the electric networks needed to transport the energy produced by renewables, the
Energy Plan 2005-2010 assumes an investment of 259 M€ in comparison to the 68 M€ of the
first Plan (which is an increase of 280%). Likewise, it is observed a parallelism between the
expected investments in renewables and the objectives of the Energy Plan 2005-2010.
18 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Table 4. Developed investments according to the Energy Plans of Navarre 1995-2004 and
2005-2010, in M€

Investment Total Public Total Public

Investment Investment Investment Investment
1995-2004 1995-2004 2005-2010 2005-2010
Renewable Energies 933.82 80.3 801 97.85
Usual Production of 336.70 33.67 353.16 38.01
Efficient Use and 39.39 5.78 411.06 91.8
Saving of Energy
Electric Networks 68.01 5.1 258.6 13.2
and Infrastructures
Public 23.67 11.75 0 0
(CENER and others)
TOTAL 1,401.59 136.5 1,823.82 240.86
Source: Own elaboration from the Horizon 2010 Energy Plan of Navarre (Government of Navarre,



1200 2006




30 40 157,4
0 1,6 7 0 0 10 0 0 0 25 0 19,6
Biogas Thermal electric Solar Bioamass plant Hydro Small hydro Wind
solar power photovoltaic

Source: Horizon 2010 Energy Plan of Navarre (Government of Navarre, 2007a).

Figure 9. Installed renewable energy capacity in Navarre. Data in MW.

Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 19

3.4. Driving Factors behind the Renewable Energy Boom in Navarre

We will now attempt to explain the success of Navarre’s 1995-2000 first Regional Energy
Plan 1995-2000 and its sequel the Navarre’s Renewable Energy Plan 2005-2010, and describe
how the specific characteristics of this region contributed towards it. Success was, perhaps,
mainly due to a combination of circumstances involving the collaboration of social agents and
the local and regional authorities in Navarre (Martinez Erauskin, 2008; Fairless, 2007). This
co-operation was essential, as evidenced by the difficulties experienced by Holland
(Agterbosch et al., 2004) or the United Kingdom in exploiting the biomass (Upreti, 2004).
Other authors have also highlighted the importance of the confluence of four key variables to
reach the success in the development of renewables (Toke et al., 2008; Wolsink, 2007)
particularly in wind energy. These variables are the next ones: i) the planning regime, ii) the
financial support system, iii) the value attached to landscape preservation, and iv) the degree of
local ownership of wind power schemes. Undoubtedly, one of the key factors which has been
present in the Navarrese success with renewables was the financial support system, but it is not
possible to explain that success considering only this factor. The particular idiosyncrasy of the
political structure of the Government of Navarre along with the type of entrepreneurship
present in that region, the social perception of the renewables, and the local acceptance of
projects in renewables can be considered as other important factors in the current success of
this type of energies.
The support of renewables in Spain has been implemented using feed-in tariffs, which
made the generation of renewable energy profitable. There are two tariff options for green
electricity. One is an annual guaranteed fixed tariff which remains the same throughout the
year (for wind energy from 6.62 €cents/kWh in 1999 to 6.28 €cents/kWh in 2002 or 6.48
€cents/kWh in 2004 and later). The other is an average pool price plus a production incentive
or premium of 50% of the average pool price, approved under the Spanish Royal Decree
RD436/2004 (for wind energy from 6.67 € cents/kWh in 1999 to 7.46 in 2002 or 6.67 in
October 2004 and later). Tariffs are adjusted annually in accordance with the variation in
average electricity prices, but always within a price corridor of between 80% and 90% of the
pretax consumer price for electricity, as stipulated for the electricity sector under a 1977 law. In
addition, Spanish Royal Decree RD2818/1998 requires premiums to be reviewed every four
years, thus generating additional uncertainty. However, this policy of funding renewable
energies which has lasted more than 10 years, seems as if it is going to change in the medium
term in the funding intensity for some of the renewable energies: the Spanish Government
plans to enact a new act reducing the public support to photovoltaic energy production from
0.45€ to 0.29€ per kilowatt (Diario de Navarra, 2008).
Nonetheless, this tariff policy is common to all Spanish regions, and cannot, therefore, be
used to explain the Navarrese success nor the current situation in some European countries
(Reiche and Bechberger, 2004; Meyer, 2003). Other explanatory factors are the pooled use of
strategies based on supply support (supply-push) and demand (demand-pull) policies, along
with social policies. These policies explain the growth of renewables in Navarre, especially in
the case of wind energy. Moreover, the successful development of wind energy was the
catalyst that provided the stimulus for exploiting other renewable sources. Thus, we can
summarize the determining factors underlying the development of this sector in Navarre in the
following terms:
20 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

a. Specific characteristics of Navarre:

i) Navarre presented a major deficit in energy generation capacity.
ii) Major wind and solar potentials were discovered in Navarre.
iii) Navarre is a small region, and the energy policies of the regional government are
highly efficient, thanks to their precise knowledge of local conditions.
b. Appropriate regional policy:
i) The Government of Navarre was quicker to back renewable energy sources than
other Spanish regions, and set itself more ambitious goals. This policy was the
outcome of the awareness of lack of natural resources for energy generation.
ii) A long-standing policy to back renewables. The regional authorities followed their
initial policy with a solid decision to rely on renewables to solve Navarre’s energy
problem. Yue et al. (2001) reported that the main hindrance to the growth of wind
energy was lack of government aid.
iii) The Government of Navarre helped companies by granting direct subsidies in the
periods 1994-1999 (20% of gross investment) and 2000-2007 (30% of gross
investment). This financial aid helped all kinds of industrial companies in
Navarre, including those belonging to the renewable sector.
iv) A specific regional policy to support the construction of installations for
renewable energies (wind parks, solar parks or biomass factories). This policy
involved € 400 million worth of investment, on the part of the Government of
Navarre for the promoters of such installations. Measures were also implemented
to support the communities affected. In many cases, they were to take the form of
investment in areas surrounding wind parks, and included payment for the use of
the land on which the parks are built. These support measures involved payments
from the promoters of wind parks to local communities in the period 1995-2004.
Such investment was crucial in breaking down reluctance at that level (Reiche and
Bechberger, 2004). Likewise, the local authorities were aware of the potential
benefits of renewable energy projects implementation and their impact on the
living standard of the local communities (Del Rio and Burguillo, 2008).
v) Furthermore, the regional energy policy in Navarre with the support of the
Spanish Government managed to set up in Pamplona (Navarre) the R&D Centre -
CENER (CENER, 2006) in 2002 and the Training Centre –CENIFER in 2003. On
one hand, CENER is a reference international center for renewables whose main
research areas are the next ones: i) wind energy ii) solar-photovoltaic energy iii)
solar-thermal energy iv) biomass energy v) bioclimatic architecture vi) network
integration of renewable energies. Moreover, CENER has also worked in many
far-reaching projects related to renewables: BioSouth project (forest management
for energetic uses), E-TOOL project (software development of economic and
energy analysis to renovate buildings), WindHyGen project (systems of electricity
production based on wind energy and hydrogen technologies), among others. On
the other hand, CENIFER is the reference training center for renewables in Spain,
having three important entities: a) Centro Integrado de F.P. Superior en Energías
Renovables (Integrated Center of Professional Training in Renewable Energies) b)
Centro Nacional de Formación Profesional Ocupacional en Energías Renovables
(National Center of Professional Training for Workers in Renewable Energies) c)
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 21

Fundación para la Formación en Energías Renovables (Foundation for Training

in Renewable Energies). These entities are devoted to train people respectively in
renewables in three different arenas: undergraduate students, workers in
companies in the renewable sector or related to it and other interested people. The
main goal of CENIFER is training people belonging to other fields to qualify a
good number of professionals in the renewable sector (Martínez Erauskin, 2008).
The specificity of the CEFINER in relation to the types of renewable energies in
which they have to train, their characteristics and the potential demand of training
by companies in the renewable sector was studied by the RN2002 report (Pintor et
al., 2003), managing to predict some of the current structural characteristics of
CENIFER. That report was an interesting contribution to the suitable design of
c. Entrepreneurship abilities:
i) The presence of a group of Navarrese investors with a strong entrepreneurial spirit
who, foreseeing the success of the renewable energies, were prepared to invest in
them. This group of investors included Esteban Morrás, awarded with the Poul La
Cour prize in November 2004, and one of the key figures in the development of
wind energy in Europe. He was also one of the driving forces behind the creation
of the EHN company, the first Navarrese firm to venture into renewables.
ii) The birth of EHN, founded in 1989 as a mixed firm with both public and private
capital, has proven historical. EHN’s main activity from 1993 was the production
of aerogenerators and the installation of wind parks. The support of the
Government of Navarre, as EHN’s principal stockholder, along with the
management of its CEO, Esteban Morrás, ensured the success of this policy.
iii) After the success of EHN, other companies, such as Gamesa, Ecotecnia, or
Mtorres, and more recently, Acciona raised Navarrese renewables to international
status. These companies succeeded in developing their own technology, producing
excellent aerogenerators, and, eventually, ranking among the top ten companies in
the international market.
iv) The support of Iberdrola, the electricity company that maintained a monopoly over
the Navarre energy market in the early nineties. In other European countries, such
as Denmark or Germany, the opposition of electricity companies delayed the
development of renewables (Farstad and Ward, 1984).
d. Social Conscience:
i) For a proper understanding of the success of the Navarre’s energy policy, due
recognition must be given to the support shown by the Navarrese public. This
came about, chiefly, as a result of their awareness of the scarcity of energy
resources in Navarre, about which they were well informed, thanks to a specific
campaign run by the Government of Navarre.
ii) A specially designed survey was held in Navarre to poll public opinion on the
subject of Navarre’s energy problems and the issue of renewables. The outcome of
the survey was favorable to wind energy and other renewables. It also revealed the
importance of building wind parks on clearly visible sites, to increase public
support for that kind of energy. This set of policies, implemented in the period
1994-2000, met with success. The approval of people residing in vicinity of wind
22 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

parks was crucial for the success of the Navarre Government policy (Wolsink,
2000; Ek, 2005; Toke et al., 2008).

Once we have analyzed the regional energy policy to promote the renewables we are going
to describe their environmental and economic benefits in Navarre. The empirical literature has
put much more emphasis on the environmental benefits while economic analysis has not
received a comparable attention. With the exception of the diversification and security of
energy, these benefits have usually been mentioned, but their analysis has been too general and
a focus on the regional and, even more so, the local level, has been lacking.



Renewable energy sources are essential to tackle climate change and sustainability
problems. These sources are uniquely well suited to respond to the limitations of current energy
model. Furthermore, renewable sources of energy can contribute to an overall strategy of
sustainable development. On one hand, this action will be effective, if finally the renewables
should replace the traditional non-renewable energies which are emitter from gases causing the
greenhouse effect (GGE). On the other hand, the renewables help to reduce the dependence
from the imported energies, assuring the sustainable safety of the energy supply. Accordingly,
a detailed analysis of the energy sustainability in the past can help to understand better the
future role of renewables (Daly, 1999).
During the last decades, there is a great concern in mankind about the risks which the
human life is facing when the fragile equilibria of the terrestrial ecosystems are menacing by a
tremendous development of the human action worldwide. Thus, the exponential increase of
human population during the last centuries and the corresponding production increase at a
greater pace have worried the world politicians since the fifties of the last century. Many
authors think that this situation can cause a global crisis because of the use of more physical
space by human beings to the detriment of other species (Meadows, 2004). This huge industrial
development produced by the mankind in the last centuries has been caused by the use of
exosomatic energies which have fossil origins. These fossil energies, therefore non-renewable,
present limits in their use because of their exhausting nature. Moreover, the extensive use of
fossil energies has generated big stocks of pollution remains which are, finally, non-recyclable.
Therefore, the human action on the environmental resources should take into account the
physical limits of Earth to manage a sustainable style of life in our world.
According to the previous comments, we are going to analyze in this section the
sustainability of the energy system of Navarre. We will begin making some theoretical
considerations about sustainability, and will follow with the calculation and study of the
primary energies contained inside the final energies used in Navarre and their progression.
Similarly, we will pay special attention to the development in use of renewables versus non-
renewables and to the evolution of CO2 emissions. Later, we will make factor decomposition
according to the factors which control the aforementioned evolutions using a specific statistical
procedure, in order to know the positive and negative effects in sustainability terms. The
previous analysis we will help to distinguish the renewability and CO2 emissions evolutions in
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 23

relation to the energy generation, the final energy sources substitution and the global increase
of energy use.

4.1. The Sustainability Problem

4.1.1. The Concept of Sustainability

First of all, it is necessary to highlight that the world in which the mankind lives is
physically finite and limited in our possibilities of change. We have constraints in the amount
of resources we use and in the number of sinks we need to absorb the waste material we
produce. Therefore, a sustainable world implies a reasonable use of the limited resources and
the constraints we have in order to keep the environment in a good condition for the next
human generation (Jacobs, 1993). Moreover, it is possible to classify energies and materials as
renewable and non-renewable. Non-renewable materials are those which are in a limited
amount in the earth such as the rocks or the minerals. Renewable materials are those which are
involved in the life cycle using solar energy from the plants photosynthesis, from the
atmospheric CO2 and from other elements (nitrogen, calcium, phosphor,…) from soil. The
limits of use of renewable materials are given by their disposal and in their utilization rhythm.
When the use rhythm is overcome by the natural environment rhythm, they finally exhaust.
Therefore, a sustainable world only makes use of renewable materials at a lower rhythm than
their renovation pace. Similarly, non-renewable sources of energy are those are present on
earth in a limited amount, such as oil, coal, uranium or gas; while renewable energies are those
which come directly from the sun, such as the photovoltaic energy or the solar heat, o
indirectly, such as the wind or the tides. Thus, the limits to the energy uses are given by the
available energy amounts and the solar energy which can be capture from the outer space,
without compromising their use by other living beings.
Furthermore, the earth is a sink of waste materials generated by living beings. It transforms
those waste materials into other products which can be reused to enter another time in the food
chain. This natural recycling process needs specific amounts of time to finish their cycles and it
implies the existence of limits in waste production procedures. Thus, a sustainable world in
materials would be that in which the heritage of materials to use was not diminished, that is to
say, a sustainable world would be specifically based on renewable materials at a lower pace
than that their natural replacement. Similarly, a sustainable world in energy would be that it is
directly or indirectly based on solar energy to its correct operation.
Moreover, the waste production rate should be less than the nature recycling capacity
rhythm in order to assure the sustainability of that process. Otherwise, the waste remains would
increase with time making more difficult the renewability of the process. The appearance of
non-biodegradable products in the chemical industry, noxious products and nuclear products
can be considered as threats to reach a sustainable balance. Thus, a sustainable world in sinks
would be that which eliminates the noxious, nuclear and non-biodegradable wastes, and that
produces other wastes in an amount which can be recycled by nature. A similar definition
could be done to a sustainable world in space terms, which would be a world in which the
human population size and their economic activities would not imply the disappearance of the
remaining living beings.
According to the statistical use of the information provided in this section, we will center
on the sustainability study about the waste renewability and release, without paying attention to
24 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

other aspects of the non-renewability problems. The final conclusions about the sustainability
of the Navarrese energy systems will be associated to the increase or decrease of the use of
non-renewable energies and their CO2 emissions.

4.1.2. The Energy Balances Use

The classical analysis of final energies shows neither the total needs of energy nor the
emission they release. That is the reason why to answer to those questions an analysis about
primary energies is needed. Any employed energy has involved the energy consumption to
make it at disposal from its natural origin. Those disposal processes imply the loss of energy as
heat. The knowledge of primary energies behind the final energies will help to understand
better the energy needs. Therefore, the use of information from the energy balances helps to
recognize the role of the primary energies. Knowing that Navarre is a region with deficit in
energy terms (see section 2), we have used not only of the Navarre’s energy balances but also
the Spanish energy balances to estimate the primary energy values to understand better the
final energy consumption (Government of Navarre, 1984-2006 & 1994-2005; International
Energy Agency, 2007).
Furthermore, the energy balances explain the links and interrelationships between the
energy sectors showing the final energy consumption per economic sector. The information
given by the balances helps to improve the primary energies approximation provided by the
final energies taking into account different limitations. The first limitation is based on the
ignorance of the energy expenditure developed in the production of the industrial inputs of the
energy sector. For instance, the calculation of the primary energies in the transportation sector
should also include the energies used in the construction and maintenance of roads, harbors or
airports, or in the cars production. The second limitation is the ignorance of the consumed
energies in the production and transformation of energy worldwide, because they are used in an
aggregate way.
Trying to solve the aforementioned problems and knowing that the balance energy method
has its own limitations, we have studied the EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested)
method which has been revealed as a good procedure to calculate the total energies involved in
any energetic process. This method applies the Life Cycle Analysis method into the study of
the production processes considering inputs and their transformation in those processes.
Nevertheless, the main disadvantage of this procedure is that the EROEI method is specific for
each production infrastructure and should be concretely developed for each production process.
This drawback involves an important limitation to the application of EROEI method in real
cases. In fact, we are not going to use this method in this paper.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 25

4.2. The Use of Primary Energies and their Effects

4.2.1. The Primary Energies Calculation Procedure

One of the main concerns in our study is the calculation of the final energies matrix
EF (m × n ) where m is the number of economic sector and n is the number of final energy
sources. Moreover, it is possible to calculate from the energy balances the matrix E (i × i )
where i is the number of primary and final sources. Each column of the matrix E represents the
direct use of primary energy units per source unit of final energy. Applying the usual procedure
in input-output tables (Leontief, 1986), we obtain the transformation matrix T (n × p ) in which
each row represents the direct and indirect use of units for each primary energy p contained in
each source of final energy n, having previously defined T = ( I − E ) −1 with I the matrix unit
and E is the aforementioned matrix. Thus, T is built from T having ignored the rows
corresponding to exclusively final sources such as electricity, and the columns corresponding
to exclusively primary sources, such as the nuclear energy, the hydroelectric production, and
others. Finally, the product of T and EF yields the matrix EP(m× n) which provides the use of
each type of primary energy per economic sector: EP = T * EF . We will use the previous
calculations in the following paragraphs.

4.2.2. The Evolution in the Use of Primary Energies

After a discussion of the methodology to use in the energy consumption estimation in
Navarre, we are going to present the details of the energetic behavior of Navarre as a region
inside Spain in the period 1984-2006. Thus, the use of primary energies is not rising to the
same pace than the consumption of final energies in Navarre in the mentioned period, being
multiplying by 1.9 at the end of that period. The temporal evolution of final and primary
energies is parallel, but with a greater use of primary energies than it would be initially
expected. The main cause of this difference in the evolution of those types of energies is the
electricity generation by new methods which are less intensive in energy consumption to
produce other types of energies (Figure 10).
Considering the results depicted in Figures 11 and 12 in the period 1984-2006, the next
comments can be done: a) the use of coal has slowly decreased with a light rise in the last three
years b) the hydraulic energy has decreased slowly in the whole period c) the biomass energy
maintains its level during that period d) the gas energy rises use slowly with a big increase
since 2002 although in 2004 is dramatically stopped e) the oil consumption is important
following the gas consumption. Moreover, the most important energy in Navarre in 2006 is
undoubtedly oil, following by gas. Wind energy increases tremendously its influence in the
whole period but with less absolute weight than oil, while coal and hydro-power decrease in
absolute terms. Simultaneously, nuclear energy and the local-waste-generated energy disappear
during that period. Nevertheless, some new (then) renewable energies appear in Navarre:
thermo-solar, photo-voltaic solar, biogas and biodiesel.
26 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005 (Government of Navarre,

Figure 10. Evolution of the energy consumption in Navarre in the period 1984-2006.

Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005. (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006).

Figure 11. Use of primary energies in Navarre according to their source in the period
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 27

Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005. (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006).

Figure 12. Use of primary energies in Navarre according to their economic sector in the
period 1984-2006.

Thus, according to the information provided by Final Energy Balances in Navarre

(Government of Navarre, 1984-2005) the evolution of the primary energies consumption
according to the economic sector describes a similar profile than the history of the final
energies (Figure 12). Nevertheless, this similarity is not complete and we are going to comment
some differences. The industrial and the transportation sectors present a greater difference in
the primary energy consumption than in the final energy consumption, because the industrial
sector needs a more intensive use of primary energies as oil. Similar explanations can be done
in the comparison of the transportation sector with other sectors.

4.2.3. The Use of Primary Energies according to their Renewability

Studying the primary energies evolution according to their renewability, we observe a
small number of changes in the whole period. Observing the data in Figure 13, there are some
changes about the energy policy in the period 1984-2006, reaching a small diminution for
renewables in the last studied years. Thus, the renewables decreased their use in the period
1984-1995, going down from the 14% to 9%. Later, they increased their use in the period
1995-2002, with a small reduction since 2005. Consequently, the popularity in the renewable
energy use has changed in the whole period while non-renewable energies increased their use
with different rhythms in the same period. It is clear, then, that the importance advance of
renewable energy has not involved a substitution of the non-renewables but a conjoint use. This
assertion is perhaps, one of the most important conclusions of the complete evolution of
renewables in Navarre.
28 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Concerning the energies study according to their economic sector (Figures 14), we can
highlight that the transportation sector has been hardly swayed by the renewables, because this
sector makes use almost exclusively of non-renewable energies (gasoline and diesel).
Nevertheless, the primary sector shows a similar profile to renewable and non-renewable
energies with greater influence of renewables than for the transportation sector. Moreover, the
industrial sector shows a good improvement in renewables because this sector uses them to
produce electricity in a more sustainable way. Finally, the last sector, called others, shows a
balanced profile because of the introduction of some of the renewable energies in energy
production of the activities of the sector entities.

4.2.4. The CO2 Emissions Associated to the Energies Consumption and the Energy Self-
After having discussed the energy scenarios of renewable versus non-renewable energies
in Navarre, we are going to comment the behavior of the CO2 production associated to the
energy generation (Figure 15). The increase of the CO2 emissions due to the energy use was
increased in the period 1990-2006 in an 81.9%, which was equivalent to a yearly increase of
2.8%. This augment was lower than the energy global consumption increase and the fossil
energy consumption. It is interesting to pay attention in the tremendous increase of CO2
emissions in 2004 due, mainly, to the start of energy production with natural gas.


toe - tonnes of oil equivalent




Non-renewable energies
Renewable energies




Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005. (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006).

Figure 13. Evolution of energy use in Navarre according to their renewability in the
period 1984-2006.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 29

Figure 14.a)

Figure 14.b)

Figures 14. (Continued)

30 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Figure 14.c)

Figure 14.d)

Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005. (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006).

Figures 14. Evolution of energy use by economic sectors in Navarre according to their
renewability in the period 1984-2006.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 31

Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005. (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006).

Figure 15. CO2 emissions associated to the energies consumption versus global emissions
in Navarre in the period 1990-2006.

Another important problem to tackle in relation to energy policy in Navarre is its energy
self-sufficiency (Sanz, 2009). The self-sufficiency percentage of primary energies in Navarre is
up to the 13% out of the total energies per year. Nevertheless, the Navarre primary energies
profile is U-shaped (Figure 16) with peaks in the years 1985 and 2005. Considering the whole
period 1984-2006, the self-sufficiency percentage ranges from 5% in 1995 to the 12.7% in
2005 having 10% in 1984 and 12.2% in 2006, which represents an important variation in the
energy supply in Navarre. The improvement of the self-sufficiency in Navarre during the years
1996-2006 is closely connected to the success of the renewables.
Notwithstanding the global behavior of energies, we realize that the situation of the main
final energy, electricity, is different. Since 1995, the electricity production in Navarre has
tremendously increased because of the success of wind energy. Thanks to the development of
the centrals of combined cycle with natural gas, the electricity production reached a peak in
2003 managing an energy surplus for Navarre. Nevertheless, this appearance of energy self-
sufficiency in Navarre is due to the importation of natural gas, but it speaks volumes about the
importance of the use of renewables in Navarre as an economic and political fact (Figure 17).
32 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005. (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006).

Figure 16. Self-sufficiency of primary energies in Navarre in percentage in the period


Source: Own elaboration from the final energy balances in Navarre, 1984-2006; the Energy Balances in
Spain, 1984-2005; and the Extended Energy Balances in Spain, 1984-2005. (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006).

Figure 17. Self-sufficiency of electricity in Navarre in percentage in the period 1984-2006.

Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 33

4.3. The Method of Calculation in Factor Decomposition

According to the comments made in the previous sections, it is important to find a concrete
and specific way of calculation of the level of final energies, in a similar way we have obtained
the amount of primary energies. In that case, we used an appropriate method of factors
decomposition. Now, we are going to try to generalize the method for final energies using a
simple decomposition method with the Laspeyres’ methodology (Alcántara, 1995; Diewert,
1993). This method is trying to isolate energy factor to understand better the temporal
evolution of energies.
Thus, we have already discussed in section 4.2.1 the final formula for the primary energies:
EP = T * EF and the final energies con be break down into two factors: i) matrix A (m × n )
which in each column depicts the final energy type proportion per economic sector in relation
to the total energy used per economic sector ii) matrix B (n × n ) which is a diagonal matrix
with the global use of the final energies per economic sector. Therefore, EF = A * B and,
then, EP = T * A * B .
It is important to highlight that matrix T represents the energy efficiency in the energy
sector, matrix A represents the changes in the energy use due to final energies substitution, and
matrix B represents the changes per sectors in the used final energy volume. Supposing that
two of those three elements are unchanged per period, we can calculate the variable
corresponding to each factor in the primary energy use. Thus, we would obtain the weight of
the transformation effect ( ET ), the weight of the substitution effect ( ES ), and the weight of
the consumption effect ( EC ), between the years 1 and t. Therefore, we can write:

EP = ET + ES + EC where
ET = (Tt − T1 ) * A1 * B1
ES = T1 * ( At − A1 ) * B1
EC = T1 * A1 * ( Bt − B1 )

Furthermore, the decomposition calculations of this method produce a residual effect ER

due to the interaction of the three considered factors, and the previous expression EP can be
written in the next way:

EP = ET + ES + EC + ER

We are going to follow the Sun’s (1998) method to delete formally the residual effect ER ,
according to the philosophy of distributing the residual effect among the other three factors.
Thus, the Sun’s method produces the next results in the decomposition factors formulae:

ET = ( T * A 1 * B 1 ) + ½ ( Δ T * Δ A * B 1 ) + ½ ( Δ T * A 1 * Δ B) + 1/3 ( Δ T * Δ A * Δ B)
ES = (T1 * Δ A * B 1 ) + ½ (T1 * Δ A * B 1 ) + ½ (T1 * Δ A * Δ B) + 1/3 ( Δ T * Δ A * Δ B)
EC = (T1 * A 1 * Δ B) + ½ ( T * A t * Δ B) + ½ (T t * Δ A * Δ B) + 1/3 ( Δ T * Δ A * Δ B)
34 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Table 5. CO2 emission factors in Europe in the period 1990-2004

Mt/Mtoe 1990 2004 1990-2004
Coal 3.881 3.885 3.883
Oil 2.648 2.553 2.600
Gas 2.225 2.298 2.262
Total 2.974 2.776 2.875
Source: Own design taking information from the International Energy Agency, 2006.


ΔT = Tt − T1 ; ΔA = At − A1 ; ΔB = Bt − B1

We have defined three time periods to know in detail the new changes over time. These
periods are the next ones:

a. 1984-1994, period characterized by a poor production in electricity with the support of

traditional energies (hydro and biomass).
b. 1995-2002, period of great expansion of electricity generated by wind power.
c. 2003-2006, period known by the intensive use of wind energy, along with other types
of energy production: combined cycle procedures, solar PV, biogas and biodiesel.

Trying to mitigate the influence of annual changes, we have calculated the CO2 emission
factors in Europe in the period 1990-2004, calculating the average of the first three years and
the last years for each period, with the exception of the last one because of its small size. We
have aggregated the source by renewability to explain better its role in the energy use in
Navarre. The improvement of sustainability will imply a reduction of the non-renewable
energies use. Therefore, applying these procedures we will know the weight for each factor in
the CO2 emission changes due to the energy system (Table 5). Those factors are obtained from
the average of the emission proportions per Mtoe of primary energies used in the European
countries belonging to OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) in
the years 1990-2004 (International Energy Agency-IEA, 2006, 2007).
It is important to highlight that the emissions of each type of fossil energies are different.
Therefore, a substitution among those sources modifies the CO2 emission volume according to
the fossil energy used. It implies that the sustainability level can be changed according to the
origin of the primary energies. Now, we are going to apply this method to the energy use in

4.4. Change Factors in the Energy Use in Navarre, 1984-2006

We have observed in the previous paragraphs that the use of primary energies had
increased in 89.6% in the period 1984-2006 (3.3% in a yearly basis). Thus, we can study the
factor decomposition due to this increase in Table 6. Considering the whole period, we can
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 35

analyze a decrease in the primary energies use due to the transformation effect ( ET ), that is to
say, due to the transformation procedures of the primary energies into final energies, and the
substitution of the energy sources in that process. Nevertheless, that positive effect were
compensated by a greater substitution effect ( ES ), and mainly by a greater the consumption
effect ( EC ), due to an increase of the final energies consumption. Table 7 shows this process
detailed by energy sources.
In order to study specifically the primary energy use, we are going to split up the whole
period 1984-2006 into three subperiods: 1984-1993, 1994-2002 and 2003-2006 according to
the sensitivity of those years to the results of the local energy policy.
Taking into consideration the different types of energies, there have been important
decreases in the use of coal, nuclear energy, hydro energy, biomass and other energies. In all
cases, except in biomass, those reductions are due to the transformation effect ( ET ).
Similarly, it is important to mention that Navarre stopped buying electric energy from Spain in
2003, and therefore, she stopped using primary energies which are associated to the production
of that kind of electricity. Nevertheless, in the biomass case, there have been an important
decrease in use because it were partially replaced by other energies (substitution effect ( ES )),
but compensated in the associated demand because of the greater consumption of electric
energy (consumption effect ( EC ) and transformation effect ( ET )).
In the oil case, it experienced a demand decrease associated to the transformation effect
( ET ) and to the substitution of its derivatives, mainly the gas (substitution effect ( ES )).
Nevertheless, this decrease was compensated by the consumption increase of gasoline and
diesel (substitution effect ( ES )). But, this behavior has been different depending on the
considered subperiod. For instance, in the second subperiod the electricity production has
increased with the success of wind energy, while, the third subperiod the natural gas was the
cause of the electricity productions increase. The subperiods 1994-2002 and 2003-2006 can be
seen in the Tables 8 and 9, respectively.
The subperiod 1994-2002 presents the same general characteristics than the global period
and it is essential to understand the general outlook in the Navarre energy policy: changes in
the electricity generation and oil substitution in the final use. The subperiod 2003-2006 shows
very small effects in the reduction of primary energies with the success of renewables. There is
an important substitution effect ( ES ) which depletes the oil consumption because of the
expansion of natural gas with the greater demand of gasoline and diesel. Moreover, there has
been a great reduction, in relative terms, in the coal demand, the hydro energy and the biomass
caused by the important increase of the gas natural use.

Table 6. Increase factors in the primary energy use per period in Navarre

toe ET ES EC Total
1984-2006 -447,535 130,974 1,449,527 1,132,966
1984-1993 -51,576 39,510 248,093 236,026
1994-2002 -429,520 48,639 755,113 374,231
2003-2006 137,311 18,091 311,965 467,368
Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).
36 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Table 7. Increase factors in the primary energy use per energy source in the period 1984-
2006 in Navarre

toe ET ES EC Total
Coal -421,823 18,750 237,555 -165,518
Oil -109,272 -257,067 805,646 439,308
Gas 304,635 418,404 211,405 934,445
Nuclear -234,996 28,752 63,105 -45,897
Hydro -102,709 17,904 38,908 -143,138
Urban waste 0 0 0 0
Photovoltaic 983 136 279 1,398
Thermo solar 0 1.120 211 1,331
Wind 90,518 12,507 25,739 128,764
Biomass 27,916 -110,973 64.783 -18,274
Biogas 1,356 187 386 1,929
Biodiesel 0 747 397 1,144
Others -4,144 507 1,113 -2,524
Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).

Another important fact to consider is the disappearance of the nuclear energy, of urban
waste and other energies in Spain, and there are not going to be use longer in Navarre. Finally,
the two great transformations in energy supply in Navarre, which are wind energy and natural
gas energy in combined cycle plants, have finished their strength as energy engines of
Navarrese economy (Figure 18). This characteristic shows the birth of a new stage in the
energy policy in Navarre.

Table 8. Increase factors in the primary energy use per energy source in the period 1994-

toe ET ES EC Total
Coal -324,226 27,466 119,048 -177,711
Oil -43,076 -114,910 403,390 245,404
Gas 111,154 143,259 114,009 368,422
Nuclear -222,713 20,911 49,133 -152,669
Hydro -62,882 8,887 20,818 -33,178
Urban waste -939 113 264 -561
Photovoltaic 145 11 26 182
Thermo solar 0,11 0,01 0,02 0,13
Wind 107,578 7,160 16,464 131,202
Biomass 7,800 -44,569 31,232 -5,537
Biogas 0 56 131 188
Biodiesel 0 0 0 0
Others -2,362 254 597 -1.511
Source: Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 37

Table 9. Increase factors in the primary energy use per energy source in the period 2003-

toe ET ES EC Total
Coal 115,408 13,502 -7,870 121,040
Oil 126 -77,547 168,466 91,045
Gas 18,632 62,864 98,001 179,496
Nuclear 0 0 0 0
Hydro -12,645 1,921 6,943 -3,781
Urban waste 0 0 0 0
Photovoltaic 2,379 71 278 2,727
Thermo solar 0 1,579 41 1,620
Wind 16,202 7,523 27,697 51,422
Biomass -5,321 -11,746 10,253 -6,814
Biogas 2,531 53 213 2,797
Biodiesel 0 19,872 7,943 27,815
Others 0 0 0 0
Source: Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).

Source: Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).

Figure 18. The wind energy and the natural gas in the electricity production in Navarre
in the period 2000-2006.
38 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Table 10. Increase factors in the renewable energies use per period

toe ET ES EC Total
1984-2006 18,065 -78,373 130,702 70,394
1984-1993 -22,407 -35,401 29,397 -28,411
1994-2002 51,703 -28,342 68,935 92,296
2003-2006 3,146 19,272 53,369 75,786
Source: Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).

4.5. Change Factors in the Renewability of the Primary Energy and in the
CO2 Emissions in Navarre

Now, we are going to analyze the energies renewability and the CO2 emissions in Navarre
using the same time periods than in the previous sections. We have aggregated the energy
sources to have a more accurate outlook of the energetic changes in Navarre in the period
1984-2006 in order to understand better the sustainability of the energy supply in this region. If
we study the whole period, we realize of the existence of an increase in the renewable energies
use in Navarre (Table 10). The transformation effect ( ET ) is positive in that period, although
the substitution effect ( ES ) of the final energies is negative as a result of the fall in the
biomass use. Nevertheless, the whole effect is an increasing use of energies due to the rise of
the final energies utilization (consumption effect ( EC )).
Concerning the subperiod 1984-1993, the increase of the final consumption implies a
rising in the use of renewable energies. That increase is balanced with a fall in the relative use
of hydroelectricity and biomass. Nevertheless, the last two subperiods present an increase in
absolute terms with two characteristics: the transformation effect ( ET ) has disappeared in the
subperiod 2003-2006, and the substitution effect ( ES ) has become positive because of the lack
of energy acquisition outside Navarre. Finally, according to the renewability outlook, it is
meaningful to study the evolution of non-renewable energies use. Thus, according to the
information provided by Table 11, an increase in the use of non-renewable energies can be
observed. This situation can be partially explained by the depletion of the transformation effect
( ET ) in the period 1994-2002 and the disappearance of the substitution effect ( ES ) in the
period 2003-2006.

Table 11. Increase factors in the non-renewable energies use per period

toe ET ES EC Total
1984-2006 -465,599 209,347 1,318,824 1,062,571
1984-1993 -29,169 74,910 218,697 264,438
1994-2002 -481,223 76,980 686,178 281,935
2003-2006 134,166 -1,181 258,597 391,581
Source: Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 39

As a conclusion, it can be said that an important increase in the renewable energies use has
been associated to a greater increase of the use of non-renewable energies, making Navarre a
region in a difficult situation according to the sustainability standards. The positive effects of
the development of renewables have been the structural changes performed to substitute final
energies sources. Nonetheless, those changes have been compensated by the increase of final
energy consumption and during the subperiod 2003-2006 those positive transformation effects
have disappeared.
In a second stage, we are going to analyze how the energies use in Navarre has impacted in
the the CO2 emissions in Navarre. Thus, the transformation effect ( ET ) has played a very
positive role in the reduction of the CO2 emissions in the whole period 1984-2006.
Nevertheless, the substitution effect ( ES ) and the consumption effect ( EC ) have compensate
the good behavior previously observed in all the subperiods. Similarly, it is important to
highlight the disappearance of the reduction role of the transformation effect ( ET ) during the
period 2003-2006. The substitution of coal and oil by natural gas and new renewable energies
in the electricity production explain those depletion effects. Those positive effects can be also
extended to the CO2 emissions, and in a similar way, those positive effects have been depleted
by the substitution effect ( ES ) and the global use of energies (consumption effect ( EC ))
(Table 12).
To sum up, the increase of the use of renewable energies in Navarre can be considered as a
positive element in the decade 1995-2006. Nevertheless, the previous assertion is only partially
true because in that period the renewability of the used energies and the CO2 emissions have
worsened their situation in relation to 1984 (Figure 19). In some aspects, Navarre can be seen
less sustainable than two decades ago. Moreover, some positive aspects of renewables in the
period 1994-2002 have recently disappeared. Perhaps, the main cause of this situation has been
the intensive use of final energies, which has compensated the positive aspects of the
renewables. That is to say, that the intensive use of renewables has not replaced the use of
fossil energies but, conversely, it has been like catalyst which has involved a greater use of
renewable and non-renewable energies.

Table 12. Increase factors in the CO2 emissions due to energy use per period

toe ET ES EC Total
1984-2006 -1,232,960 350,862 3,495,304 2,613,206
1984-1993 -249,686 113,748 573,752 437,814
1994-2002 -1,119,536 131,937 1,768,969 781,370
2003-2006 481,860 42,304 411,697 935,861
Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of Navarre,
1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).
40 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.


toe/ year - tonnes of oil equivalent/year







1984-2006 1984-1993 1994-2002 2003-2006


Renewables Non-renewables

Source: Source: Own elaboration from the Energy Balances of Navarre in 1984-2006 (Government of
Navarre, 1984-2006; Government of Navarre, 1994-2006; IEA, 2007).

Figure 19. Annual evolution in the primary energies use according to their renewability.



5.1. The Contribution of Renewable Energy to Local and Regional

Development: A Brief Literature Review

The development of renewable energy presents not only environmental benefits but also
economic advantages at regional level. Traditionally, the existing literature has made emphasis
on the environmental benefits, analyzed in the section 4, while economic impacts have not
received a similar attention. Nevertheless, after a period where the main focus was on the
environmental analysis, the economic benefits are gaining increasing attention (Del Rio and
Burguillo, 2008), particularly at local and regional levels. These effects could be very
significant to many regions with a relatively large share of rural, dispersed and declining
population and with scarcity of regional development with the exception of a waning
agricultural sector.
Given the narrow link between poverty and energy, some literature reviews have focused
their interest on the impact of renewables into the economic development of underdeveloped
and developing countries (see, for example, the literature review made by Del Rio and
Burguillo, 2008). Nevertheless, it has also been relevant to consider the regional impact of
renewables in developed countries such as Spain (Faulin et al., 2006), Ireland (Komor and
Bazilian, 2005) or the UK (ADAS, 2003). In general, the empirical evidence shows that
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 41

implementation and development of renewables favours a productive diversification of

economic activities and the creation of new firms in manufacturing and service activities, and
contributes to the reduction of regional income disparities. Logically, these impacts differ
according to the type of renewable energy technology considered.
Traditionally, the economic impact of renewable development has been primarily analysed
in terms of employment. The literature on the employment impacts of renewable energy
adoption generally highlights a positive effect (Thothathri, 1999; Ministerio Medio Ambiente-
MMA, 2000; Menéndez, 2001; European Commission, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2006; Kamen et al.,
2004, Faulin et al., 2006). The studies generally show that renewable energies are more labor
intensive than conventional energy production for the same amount of produced energy (Del
Rio and Burguillo, 2008). Nevertheless, some authors such as Hillebrand et al. (2006) observe
that after an expansion effect on employment, it could appear a contraction effect due to the
increase in electricity prices as a result of the greater costs of renewables and consequently a
reduction of production and employment in the electricity sector. The contraction effect could
be higher than the expansion effect, leading to a net negative effect on employment in energy
sector (Hillebrand et al., 2006).
Anyway, not all renewable energies contribute in the same manner to the employment
creation. In the short-term, wind energy is likely to have the greatest impact. However, this
impact may not only be short-term but also long-term on places far from the project location if
the manufacturing takes place outside the local community. Then, it is very important to be
able to develop at regional level a competitive enterprise renewable sector, including not only
the construction and O&M stages but also the manufacturing activities. In contrast, biomass is
likely to have a more permanent economic impact during the whole life cycle of the project due
to the fact that transport and processing of the biomass fuel accounts for the greatest share of
the total cost, which are spent at regional level (Del Rio and Burguillo, 2008). Furthermore, the
ability to provide a decentralised employment source is a great advantage of renewables,
particularly at regional level, positively affecting geographical areas with scarce employment
Nonetheless, employment impact is not the only economic effect that could be considered
in the renewable development at regional level. Other significant economic impacts are:
income generation effects due to the payment to local farmer and communities for hiring their
land, demographic impact, educational impacts, a higher productive diversification of the area,
income distribution and social cohesion, industry creation, and local R&D (Del Rio and
Burguillo, 2008). Consequently, the greater the benefits for the local communities and social
agents, the greater the possibilities for the social acceptance of the renewable projects
(Wolsink, 2000, Agterbosch et al., 2004, 2007; Ek, 2005; Faulin et al., 2006).

5.2. The Effect of Renewable Energy on Regional Development in Navarre

After a literature revision about the effect of the renewables at regional level in terms of
economic development, it is possible to consider the main effects of renewables on the regional
development in Navarre.
42 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

5.2.1. The Upsurge of a New Enterprise Sector: Phases and Development

A new enterprise sector has been created in Navarre, under the aegis of renewable energy,
as a consequence of official support and the great development of renewables in Navarre. In
fact, in 2002 the Navarre renewable sector comprised 54 companies, engaged either in
industrial activities or services, in relation to the roughly 400 or 500 renewables companies in
Spain as a whole, according to figures supplied by the Spanish Ministry for the Environment
(Ministerio de Medio Ambiente-MMA, 2000). In 2006, the renewable sector in Navarre
comprises 88 companies, in relation to the 1,027 renewable companies in Spain as a whole
(ISTAS, 2008). Nevertheless, the development of this new enterprise sector has not been a
continuous process and consequently it is possible to establish the following phases:

a. The first couple of years 1994-1995 were characterised by inactivity due to the non-
existence of plans to promote new energy sources. Only 22 companies were created
with a total of 200 jobs.
b. During the second stage, 1995-2000, Navarre made major strides forward with the
creation of new renewable companies, thanks to the FEPN (First Energy Plan of
Navarre). The number of firms is nearly tripled, with a total of near 900 jobs.
c. The third stage, 2001-2002, was marked by a decrease in the creation rate of new
companies. The employment rate, however, rose steadily during this period until 1,446
jobs. Thus, in 2002, the 54 firms engaged in activities relating to renewables provided
around 0.6% of the working population of Navarre, and 2.3% of the active population
in industrial activities (INE, 2008). The degree of specialisation of the Navarre
economy in renewables becomes patent when these employment figures are viewed in
relation to the 3,522 jobs (0.03 % of Spain’s active population) in renewables at
national level (MMA, 2000).
d. The fourth stage, 2003-2006, was marked by a new increase in the creation rate of new
companies. In fact, in four years the number of renewable firms increases 63%, from
54 to 88 firms and the employment in 183%, from 1,446 to 4,099 jobs. Figure 20
shows the distribution of firms according to the type of renewable energy.

Thus, in 2006, the 88 firms related to activities of the renewables provided around 1.4%
out of the active population of Navarre and 5.6% out of the active population in industrial
activities (INE, 2008). In Spain, at the same time, there were 89,000 jobs, what means the 0.4%
of the working population in the country and the 2.7% of the active population in industrial
activities (INE, 2008). Then, in relative terms, the employment importance is double in
Navarre than in Spain.

5.2.2. Characteristics of the Renewable Energy Enterprise Sector in Navarre

This sector has some specific characteristics closely related to the drastic development of
the renewable sector. The most significant characteristics are the following:
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 43





5 3
1 2 1 1
0 0
Solar PV


Solar Thermo



Urban Waste
Source: Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 20. Distribution of firms in Navarre according to the type of renewable energy. A Significant Sector in the Regional Economy and Very Intensive in Employment
The renewable sector has become, in a few years, a significant sector in the regional
economy, traditionally focused on the agricultural and car industrial activities. In terms of
employment, the total employment by Navarrese firms are estimated in 6,278, while the total
employment in the renewable sector in the region is estimated as 4,099 workers, what means
that one out of three Navarrese firms workers are working out of the regional borders
(Government of Navarre, 2007c). This positive relationship between renewable energy and
employment has been empirically analysed in the literature review (Thothathri, 1999; MMA,
2000; European Commission, 1996, 2000, 2003; Pintor et al., 2006; Faulin et al., 2006; Del
Rio and Burguillo, 2008) as it has been shown in previous pages.
Furthermore, it is important to highlight that many of the renewable firms has been
established in rural areas where the economic perspectives were not very positive. Some of the
renewable activities need water, wind, timber or wood remains, and consequently they
establish in rural areas. Then, this new renewable sector has drastically contributed to a more
harmonised economic development in the whole region. For example, in Northestern Navarre,
one of the less industrialised areas in Navarre, two factories, related to renewables, will be
established in the near future (Acciona and Gamesa).
Finally, in terms of turnover, the total turnover of the firms in 2006 was 3.585 M€ while in
2002 was 0.780M€. To sum up, the contribution of the renewable sector to the Navarrese
economy can be calculated as the 5% of the GDP, more important that other traditional sectors
such as agriculture or textile sector.
44 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.


40 38


20 18

10 9 9

CEOs Technicians and staff with Qualified workers Non qualified workers
university degrees

Source: Own elaboration from Faulin et al. (2006) and Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 21. Distribution of workers by skills level in the Navarre renewable sector. A Young Workforce

As the previous section has described, enterprise development in renewable energy is a
recent phenomenon. Also, some jobs require certain physical conditions. Consequently, the
employees and workers hired by the companies in this sector are comparatively young: 39% of
them being under the age of 30, and 88% under 40. Only 3% has more than 50 years old. A High Qualified Workforce

One of the most outstanding features of the renewable sector is their level of training.
Unskilled workers total barely 18% of the workforce in 2006 (Government of Navarre, 2007c).
In 2002, the percentage was even lower: 9% of the workforce (Faulin et al., 2006). Thus, in
2002, 42% out of the companies in the renewable sector were unable to hire more staff because
of the lack of skilled workers, especially for jobs requiring technical skills. Figure 21 shows the
qualification of the workforce in 2002 and 2006.
As you can see, the number of unskilled workers has increased in a context of a
dramatically rise in the jobs number. Consequently, the requirement of a qualified workforce
could be a constraint in the development of the renewable sector. To overcome this constraint,
in 2003 it was created and established in Navarre the CENIFER (Integrated National Centre for
Training in Renewables), described in a section 3.4. In fact, some the firms who have decided
to establish in the region have considered the workers skills as the most relevant factor to take
account in. A Significant Imbalance

The most outstanding feature of the renewable sector is the significant imbalance in terms
of energy type. There are two main types of renewable energy in Navarre: wind and solar-PV.
Together they were being developed by 94% of the companies dedicated to renewable in 2002.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 45

If we are to focus on the role of wind energy in the sector as a whole, we will find that it
accounts for 81% of the employment and 95% of turnover in 2002 (Faulin et al., 2006). This
distribution can be observed in Figures 22 and 23.
Nevertheless, it has been a greater increase during the last years corresponding to other
energy sources, different from wind. This situation has involved the reduction of the
importance of wind energy in relation to the renewable energies as a whole. Thus, the wind
energy has multiplied by 2.7 its number of workers in the period 2002-2006, while the solar
photovoltaic energy has multiplied that number by 7.5 in the same period. This situation has
been depicted by Figures 24, 25 and 27 during the year 2006, where that tendency can be

Source: Faulin et al. (2006).

Figure 22. Workers (%) in renewable energy in Navarre in 2002.

Source: Faulin et al. (2006).

Figure 23. Turnover (%) per renewable energy type in Navarre in 2002.
46 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Biomass Others
Solar PV 3% 4%
10% 78%

Solar Thermo

Mini Hydro

Source: Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 24. Workers (%) in renewable energy in Navarre in 2006 according to the
Government of Navarre’s (2007c) study.

Conversely, if we study the same situation in Spain in the period 2002-2006, it is observed
a lower concentration of the sector in one specific energy (Figure 26). Hence, the wind energy
in Spain presents a 37% of the employment in the renewable sector, with the solar photovoltaic
energy in second place. In contrast, the wind energy in Navarre reaches the 78% while the solar
photovoltaic hardly reaches a 10%

Source: Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 25. Turnover (%) per renewable energy type in Navarre in 2006.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 47

Source: ISTAS (2008).

Figure 26. Workers (%) in renewable energy in Spain in 2006.

Source: ISTAS (2008).

Figure 27. Workers (%) in renewable energy in Navarre in 2006 according to the ISTAS’
(2008) study. Productive Specialization of Renewable Firms

Production of capital goods, energy production and equipment installation services are
among the most productive activities associated with renewables in Navarre. Companies
producing this kind of goods tend to be large and have an excellent level of technology.
Currently, a number of the companies sited in Navarre are leading the wind park development
sector (Acciona Energía – Acciona Group, Eólica Navarra- Enhol Group, Gamesa and
Iberdrola). A similar situation can be described with manufacturing companies of wind
turbines, components and spare parts (Acciona Windpower, Ecotecnia, Derna, Gamesa,
Ingeteam and M. Torres). Figure 28 shows the productive specialisation of the Navarrese
renewable firms in 2006.
48 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

Source: Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 28. Productive specialization of the renewable firms. 2006. Internationalization of the Renewable Firms

Finally, an important and recent characteristic of the renewable sector is the
internationalization commitment of its companies, mainly the manufacturing companies of
capital goods in this sector. Some data can show the importance of this internationalization. For
instance, considering the total turnover of the Navarrese companies in renewables in 2006
(3,585 M€), its 31% (1,106 M€) was invoiced in Navarre, being the remaining 69% activities
of those Navarrese companies in other places outside Navarre. Furthermore, in 2006, the
Navarrese companies in renewables made the 20% of their investment in the region itself,
while it was reaped the 52% of the total profit of those companies. Concerning exportations,
there is a 12.5% of companies in the renewable sector which export, mainly, those devoted to
the capital goods production, and in general, the biggest ones. Thus, the 49% of the turnover
corresponds to the exportations worldwide. Figure 29 describes the exportations distribution
according to geographical destinations.

Source: Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 29. Exportations distribution in the renewable sector, 2006.

Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 49

Source: Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 30. Prediction of the turnover increase for renewables in Navarre for the period

Source: Government of Navarre (2007c).

Figure 31. Prediction of the employment increase for renewables in Navarre for the
period 2007-2010.

Consequently, we can assert that the renewable sector is a mature and competitive sector
with a clear international presence, trying to amplify its influence worldwide because of the
limitations of the Spanish market. This situation implies the development of big investments in
mature and highly competitive markets, such as the European or the American ones; or in
developing markets such as the Asian ones. This internationalization process has been possible
because of the companies’ profitability in their primigenial region: Navarre.
This maturity scenario does not imply that the sector increase has been stopped. So,
following the methodology developed by Pintor et al. (2003), a Government of Navarre’s
(2007c) report describes the increase expectations of the renewable sector in Navarre for the
period 2007-2010. Figures 30 and 31 present those increase expectations in relation to turnover
and employment for the years 2007-2010.
According to Figures 30 and 31, more than the 25% of companies in the renewable sector
consider that the turnover and employment are going to rise more than a 25% in the period
2007-2010. This positive analysis in the short term is focused on the good expectations of
renewables in Spain in the following years. Therefore, it is thought that for 2010 the number of
created jobs in Spain in the renewable sector would be between 44,970 (TERES II estimation,
50 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

European Commission, 1996) and 94,925 (Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio,

2005). Similarly, the predictions for 2020 ranges from 228,435 and 270,788 jobs in the
renewable sector in Spain as a whole. At European level, the expectations are also very
optimistic (EREC, 2004).

Taking into account the performed analysis in this paper, we are going to establish some
conclusions which we have divided into the next epigraphs. First of all, we will discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of the sector of renewable energies in Navarre. Secondly, we will
analyze the environmental implications, in sustainability terms, of the development of
renewables. Thirdly, our analysis focuses on the economic implications and the development of
renewables in Navarre. These conclusions can help to establish some main tenets to discuss the
energy policy to the success development of renewables in other regions in the world.

6.1. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Sector of Renewable Energies in


On one hand, among the strengths of the use of renewable energies are the next ones:

i) The existence of institutional agents, compromised with development of renewables,

in a wide context of public acceptation of renewables. Thus, favorable tariffs
legislation has made easier the renewables development. Furthermore, the initial
participation of public administration supporting the private sector by the creation of
companies and the acquisition of foreign technology has been another key factor of
ii) Similarly, the commitment of municipalities and local agents has been essential in the
acceptation of projects related to renewable energies. This situation has implied the
management of important economic resources to rural municipalities, along with a
great social support to this type of energies.
iii) Another important trait of renewables in Navarre is the achievement of a high index of
energy self-sufficiency. Thus, Navarre has been supplied by renewables in a 13.48%
of the total of primary energies, which is twice in percentage (6.9%) than in Spain.
Furthermore, the 70% of the electric production in Navarre has been generated by
renewables. Let us recall that the European directive 2001/77/CE demands the 29.4%
for Spain in 2010. This improvement in self-sufficiency, which was tremendous during
the years 1995-2003, has slowed down in the years 2004-2006 both in the primary
energies generation and in electricity production.
iv) The development of a consolidated and competitive industrial sector, being successful
in the international arena has been another important triumph of renewables. This has
implied the concentration in Navarre of the most important economic activities in
renewables, reaching a significant level of experience to compete in the international
markets. In order to do that, Navarre has performed a great impulse in R&D activities
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 51

in the last years, above average in Spain. This, along with the previous experience in
the development of the car and machinery industries, the existence of a good
communications network and the positive experiences by the public administration of
supporting newborn companies and developing industrial policies, has involved the
tremendous impulse of renewables of the nineties.
v) The existence of one specific type of renewable energy, the wind energy, to push the
development of the remainder of renewable energies, is another characteristic of the
Navarrese case. Due to the geographical characteristics of Navarre and the existence of
industry related to aerogenerators production, the wind energy has been the spearhead
of the development of renewables in the region. This managerial strategy is known as
concentrated or selective strategy, focused on one type of renewable energy and its
favorable weather conditions.
vi) The existence of research centers and institutions related to renewable energies, such
as National Center of Renewable Energies (CENER-CIEMAT), and the Integrated
Center of Professional Training in Renewable Energies (CENIFER)

On the other hand, we can mention the next weaknesses of renewable energies sector in

vii) The renewable energies are excessively dependant on the public funding, because they
are not profitable yet, in comparison to the conventional energies, chiefly if we do not
consider the externalities associated to the latter in relation to the former. This
situation makes necessary the existence of a stable legal regulation to guarantee the
profitability of renewables.
viii) The renewables have not been integrated in the usual consumption of energy, but they
take part of a different energy system economically supported by public institutions.
ix) The development of renewables is still scarcely diversified. According to the selective
strategy mentioned in point v) the 74% of the electrical energy generated by
renewables in Navarre in 2006 was produced by wind. This scenario would imply the
design of a different energy policy of enhancement of renewable energies different
from wind in order to even the renewables supply in Navarre.

Similarly, in the context of strengths and weaknesses of renewable energies to analyze

their future expansion, it is necessary to consider the next constraints:

a. Physical, geographical and environmental limitations. The renewables need a set of

physical and geographical characteristics associated to weather conditions to be really
b. Likewise, there are other important limitations which are specific from renewables,
such as the intensive use of materials, the space occupancy, the countryside impact
and the invasion of the animals’ ecosystem of the area selected to set up renewables
c. Technical and technological limitations in the development of more efficient machines
with greater generating power.
d. Constraints related to the transport capacity of the electric network. The capacity of
transportation of the electric network in an international or national perspective could
52 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

be a limitation in the short term of the renewables impulse in some regions or


6.2. Development Implications in Sustainability of the Renewable Energies in


The improvement of energy system in Navarre implies the continuous reduction of the
non-renewable energies use and the CO2 emissions. A partial achievement of these goals is the
reduction of the current CO2 emissions until the threshold calculated in the following way: the
CO2 emissions in 1990 plus a 15% extra. Furthermore, it implies to pay attention to the space
use and the control of the habitats corresponding to other living beings. Thus, we can set up the
next conclusions:

i) The important breakthrough of the renewables in Navarre does not involve the
improvement of sustainability in energy terms, because the non-renewable energies
have increased their consumption, and also, the CO2 emissions.
ii) The changes in the transformation procedures of primary energies have helped to limit
the use increase of non-renewable energies between 1995 and 2002. Nevertheless, this
effect has been widely compensated by the substitution effect of sources, and mainly,
by the global increase of the energy consumption. This increase has been much greater
to the renewable energies use along with the non-renewables.
iii) After the depletion of the positive effects of changes in the transformation procedure
in 2002; the period 2003-2006 implied many changes in the energy transformations
and in the sources substitution..
iv) This change during the period 2003-2006 is based on the decrease in the electricity
generation using wind energy, and simultaneously, in the increment of central of
natural gas combined cycle.
v) Similarly, the energy factors have acted on the CO2 emissions: the outcomes partially
positive in the energy transformation until 2002, have been compensated and vanished
by the sources substitution and the global increase of non-renewable energies
consumption, increasing the CO2 emissions among 2003-2006.
vi) The Government of Navarre estimations for 2010 show an augment in fossil energies
use and the existence of a breach in the fulfillment of the Kyoto protocols, even in the
most optimist scenario.

6.3. Economic Implications of Development of the Renewable Energies in


Concerning the economic point of view, the development of renewables has allowed the
production and consolidation of a very competitive economic sector, having the 5% of GDP in
Navarre. The apparition of this sector implies in economic terms the following positive
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 53

i) A big number of jobs has been created because the sector is intensive in work. This
increase has been spread in geographical terms. Moreover, many companies in the
sector need to be set up close to the resource they use: water, wind, soil, wood remains
…). Many companies in the sector have been organized to cause a cohesion
development of the region.
ii) Jobs having different levels in training and degrees, with a bigger weight of qualified
posts, knowing the importance of technology and R&D. All the previous discussion
has involved an increased need of regulated and continuous training, which the local
authorities have developed in conjoint with other local research teams. This training
has been provided by the University centers in Navarre and CENIFER.
iii) Many jobs have been created to young workers, making that more than the 85% of
total workers in the renewable sector have less than 40 years old. The quick expansion
of the sector explains the youth of the workforce.
iv) The expectations of the renewable sector until 2010 show an important increase of
workforce, investment and turnover, not only because of favorable political and public
support but also because of the well-known competitiveness of the companies in
Navarre at international level.
v) Nonetheless, it is important to highlight that the aforementioned increase appears in an
unsustainable scenario, environmentally speaking. These effects in a more sustainable
situation, with a real substitution of non-renewable by renewable sources, would be
mitigated or even would disappear.

Notwithstanding, the main challenge that the sector is facing in economic terms is its
capacity of maintaining in Navarre the most strategic activities which have more added value,
along with an important innovative R&D activity. In order to do that, it could be interesting the
beginning of potential collaborations between companies in the renewable sector, for instance,
in the wind sector among companies which are producing aerogenerators with similar
technologies. Other potential collaborations would be in the construction and development of
new wind parks worldwide. Thus, the regional public support could be very helpful to enhance
the R&D effort in order to make easier collaboration agreements among companies with the
purpose of create synergies in the sector of renewables.

6.4. Lessons Learned of the Renewable Energies in Navarre

Concerning the lessons learned in the process here explained, the current development of
renewables is seen as a need everywhere in order to reach the sustainability goals. We have
tried in this paper to explicate the Navarre’s experience, a Spanish region without fossil energy
resources, which decided during the nineties to invest to the renewable energies. This decision
has become historical and a model worldwide. We consider the Navarrese experience could
show interesting meditations to the successful advance in other regions in the world.
Particularly, we believe that the next points are meaningful to understand our points of view:

a. An appropriate energy policy at the regional level which combines the next
fundamental traits:
54 Javier Faulin, Fernando Lera-López, Alejandro Arizkun et al.

i) A public support of the investment projects by means of the bought of electric

energy generated by renewables in order to compensate the producer the greater
cost of this type of energy. In this situation, it is important the design of a suitable
legal structure to develop a more stable sector.
ii) Another way to present the public support to renewable energy companies would
be the creation of other companies (public, private or mixed) to facilitate the
attraction of multinational enterprises in the sector.
iii) The collaboration of the regional authorities in the municipalities in which the
renewable energy companies are going to install the renewable projects sharing
the profits of those projects.
iv) A support of the renewable sector consolidation of renewable energies in the
following two aspects. First of all, supporting and enhancing the R&D effort in the
sector. Secondly, developing training policies to readapt workers from other
economic sectors facing the growing training demands of the renewable sector.
Both aspects are essential to avoid the companies move to other regions in the
consolidation phase of the renewable sector in Navarre.
b. Generally speaking, the Navarrese experience shows the suitability of using, in an
initial stage, a specific renewable energy source as a catalyze to implement the set of
renewables as a whole. This primigenial energy is going to enhance the development
of a new economic sector. In a second stage, it would be necessary to balance the
renewable energy development in the region with the help of appropriate energy
policies. This balance would result essential to the sector consolidation. Otherwise, the
future of the sector would be uncertain. In the Navarrese case, the catalyze has been
the wind energy.
c. It is important the establishment of a regional plan of renewable development inside a
regional energy plan having a global outlook which includes universal goals of
sustainability improvements. This plan should include some of the next main tenets:
i) Trying to perform substitutions activities between non-renewable and renewable
facilities keeping in mind the expansion of renewables implies the progressive
disappearance of non-renewable sources.
ii) R&D development which involves the continuous improvement in the energy
efficiency, not only in the productive activities but also in the consuming units.
iii) The design of demand policies which control the increase in the final energy use
in the next aspects: 1) Systematic information to final user about the existent
options to save energy performing some specific activities. 2) Transport regulation
in energy terms, enhancing the use of public transportation and making territory
regulations which diminish the transport needs. 3) Tax policies which discourage
the unnecessary energy uses.
d. Finally, the analysis of the Navarrese experience shows the importance of creating
a competitive economic sector, in order to create wealth and regional cohesion
using the renewable energies. But this positive experience could be shadowed by
the lack of sustainability of the energy model designed in this way. Creating a
more sustainable world should be one of the key principles of each energy policy
rule in the future.
Energy Policy in Renewables and its Economic and Environmental Consequences … 55

It is not easy to mention here the long list of people who helped us in the development of
this paper. Nevertheless, we are going to cite those who helped us in a more intensive way
making easier the data obtaining and the understanding of the regional energy policies of the
Government of Navarre during the last decades. Thus, we can mention the following people:

i) Gaspar Domench and Fernando Señas from the Energy Section of the Industrial
Promotion Service of the Department of Innovation, Enterprise and Employment
belonging to the Government of Navarre; and Pedro Melero from the Energy General
Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Spanish
Government because of their help in the elaboration procedures of the Energy
Balances of Navarre and Spain respectively.
ii) Cruz Martínez Erauskin helped us to understand the importance of the CENER and
CENIFER centers as catalysts in order to make easier the development of renewables
and training people to solve real problems in renewables. Begoña Urien and Cristina
Urdanoz help us to find the right people in the right place in the Department of
Innovation, Enterprise and Employment.
iii) Jordi Roca Jusmet because of his comments to the first version of the factor
decomposition analysis in the energy use.
iv) Last but not least, we would like to thank Justo García Ortega from the Public
University of Navarre because of his scientific support helping us to understand the
importance of renewables in the current world. The obtaining of some data and their
subsequent processing would have been impossible without his help.

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