Awareness On Physical Fitness and Attitude Towards Sports and Games Among Secondary School Students

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Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade


Physical Education is an education which brings improvement in human performance

with the help of physical activities. Physical activities range from simple walking to jogging,
running, sprinting, hopping, jumping, climbing, throwing, pushing, pulling, kicking, etc.
Education without physical activities is like body without soul. “The aim of physical education
must be to make every child physically, mentally and emotionally fit, develop in him personal
and social qualities that will help to live happily with others and also to minimize the risk and
control various diseases like high blood pressure, heart diseases, lungs diseases, neurological
problems, skeletal problems etc. Similarly, physical education and sports is a main part of
education. Nowadays, physical education and sports has been playing a vital role in the
wholesome development of an individual. It is always directed towards producing desirable
change in the total behavior of an individual. Physical education programme should also aim
to build good citizens of the country.”

It has been reported that 40 to 50 percent of college students are physically inactive and are not
involved in required amount of physical activity (Li, Chen, & Baker, 2014). The same was
endorsed by Nxumalo & Edwards. There is an overall sedentary lifestyle among the young
students. Sedentary lifestyle can be defined as an action or a movement in which physical
inactivity is dominating the physical activity, or in other words, the resulting energy outflow is
close to energy in flow or expenditure at rest (Lajous et al., 2009). Multiple interactions exist
between lack of physical activity and obesity; for instance, physical activity is essential to
achieve proper energy balance in order to prevent or reverse obesity. However there exist
number of factors related to reduced physical activity including less campus recreation
facilities, poor weather, improper time management, lack of motivation, increased study time,
and lack of social support for physical activities (Ding & Sugiyama, 2018).

With the developments in technology people began to be more passive. This triggered
situations such as health problems, etc. which emerged with inactivity and caused countries to
look for solutions. Therefore, people are required to encourage physical activity. Physical
activity has benefits in many areas such as protecting the body against diseases, spending the
extra energy naturally, slowing down lipidosis and the organic regression caused by lipidosis,
bringing respiratory systems to a high level and protecting this capacity, preventing and
decreasing deaths caused by coronary vascular diseases and increasing the protective effect and
avoiding posture disorders (Ozer MK. Physical Fitness. Ankara: Nobel Publishing, 2001.)

Technology dependent life in adolescence and period of development keeps children away
from street games and physical activities and lead them to an inactive life. Studies have shown
that contributing to the physical development of individuals is specific to physical education
(Yilmaz A) Physical education brings about integrity of mental, emotional and social

An attitude can be defined as a relatively established structure of cognitive and emotional

processes and behaviors related to a subject or a disposition to those processes and behaviors’
or a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards
socially significant objects, groups, events or symbols


Physical Fitness is “one's ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance,
endurance, and strength with the management of disease, fatigue, and stress and reduced
sedentary behavior.” This description goes beyond being able to run quickly or lift heavy
weights. Sport pertains to any form of competitive physical activity or game that aims to use,
maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants and,
in some cases, entertainment to spectators. Sports can, through casual or organized
participation, improve one's physical health.

There is an agreement on the fact that physical activities and sports play an important role in
the physical, social and mental development of both male and female (Mirsafian et al., 2014).
Physical activity has proved to be an important aspect in weight loss and weight maintenance
(Mirsafian, Doczi, & Mohamadinejad, 2015). In comparison to other population members,
students have a lack of understanding towards physical activities and its benefits and hence
there arises a need to study their Awareness on Physical Fitness and Attitude towards Sports
and Games

physical education is the study, practice, and appreciation of the art and science of human
movement" (Harrison, Blakemore, and Buck, 1989 p. 15). The World Health Organization
(WHO, 2016) defines physical activity as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles
that requires energy expenditure”. Physical activity offers physiological and psychological
benefit (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). Adolescence is a critical time
to develop physical activity patterns which extend to adulthood (C. L. Bryan and M. A.
Solomon). However, a large proportion of adolescents worldwide is physically inactive (P. C.
Hallal, L. B. Andersen, F. C. Bull et al). School physical education is recognized as a key
opportunity for improving physical activity amongst adolescents for two reasons (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services). Physical education provides opportunities for
children and adolescents to accumulate moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (C. Lonsdale,
R. R. Rosenkranz, L. R. Peralta, A. Bennie, P. Fahey, and D. R. Lubans). Physical education
also aims to provide children and adolescents fundamental movement skills, knowledge, and
active attitude for lifetime Physical Activities (A. P. Hills, D. R. Dengel, and D. R. Lubans).

Research results seem to indicate that sport has a positive influence on the pupils’ general
perception of both work and school. Adolescents who engage in more than one sport discipline
aspire to much more, are better motivated to face life’s challenges, organise their school work
more efficiently, and are more productive (Biddle et al., 1998; Kerr 1996; Kirk, 1992; Shephard
et al., 1994; Sibley & Etnier, 2003; Whitehead & Corbin, 1997). Other research suggests that
young people who participate in sport are, on average, more capable of resisting unacceptable
behaviors than those who do not (Brettschneider & Heim, 1997; Brettschneider, & Klimek
1998; Tomson et al., 2003). Sport prevents socially deviant behaviors, including alcohol and
drug abuse, vandalism, and violence (Brettschneider & Heim, 1997; Bush, 2001)

According to McMorris (2016) physical activities develop the mental capabilities among
students thus resulting in positive attitude towards such activities. Research conducted on
students of higher secondary school showed that attitude levels of students fluctuate with
respect to their residential areas for instance; the students living in towns hold the highest
attitude level. The students of metropolitans were involved in physical activates to make their
body beautiful and in proper shape (Eraslan, 2015).

Furthermore, it has been suggested that physical education, physical activity and sport have the
potential to impact on school attendance which in turn could impact on academic achievement.
Finally, it has been argued that the potential psychological and social benefits of physical
education, physical activity and sport may indirectly enhance academic performance by
enhancing mental health, improving feelings of feelings connectedness with school and by
enhancing positive social behaviors (Trudeau and Shephard, 2008, 2010)

At present, the students lack awareness on the physical fitness and the importance of sports and
games in their life, the value sit uphold and the sportsman spirit that develops with it. Most of
the students participate in sports to win a medal or to be recognized and the later part spend
most of their time on books and learning facts and are not much concerned on the need of the
physical fitness and are not interested in it. There arises the need for a study to measure the
Awareness on Physical Fitness and Attitude towards Sports and Games.


In present school education, Physical Fitness and Sports and Games are not given much
importance by the school authorities, students and the parents. The education is becoming rote
learning of facts and memorization. The proposed focuses on the most relevant problems like;

• Passive attitude of School Authorities towards Sports and Games.

• Lack of Proper Awareness on Physical and Mental Health.
• Apathy of parents towards Sports and Games
• Lack of Proper guidance and counselling regarding Physical Fitness
• Poor food habits of students

And hence, the study is entitled as “AWARENESS ON PHYSICAL FITNESS AND




Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results
in energy expenditure. Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, and
repetitive and has as a final or an intermediate objective the improvement or maintenance of
physical fitness. Physical fitness is a set of attributes that are either health- or skill-related.
(Public Health Reports)

The present study aims to assess the level of awareness of secondary school students towards
Physical Fitness


Games and sports are very similar: a game is a physical or mental activity or contest
that has rules and that people do for pleasure. A sport is a contest or game in which
people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete
against each other.
The difference is subtle. A game is any mental or physical activity with rules that is
done for fun, such as physical activities like baseball and soccer, or board games such
as chess and Monopoly, or card games, or electronic games (like apps), or video games.
Sports are specific physical activities one can compete in such as baseball, soccer,
football, field hockey, running, cycling, rock climbing, swimming, diving, race car
driving, kayaking, or weight lifting

The present study aims to measure the attitude of Secondary School Students towards
Sports and Games


Secondary School form the third stage in the educational structure of school and it
covers standards VIII, IX and X of Kerala State syllabus. The proposed study includes
only the IX standard students studying in Secondary Schools following Kerala State


• To assess the level of Awareness on Physical Fitness of Secondary school students

• To find out the level of Attitude of Secondary School Students towards Sports and
• To find out the relationship between Awareness on Physical Fitness and Attitude
towards Sports and Games
• To find out the significant difference in the Awareness on Physical Fitness of Secondary
School Students based on the gender, locale and type of school
• To find out the significant difference in the Attitude of Secondary School Students
towards Sports and Games of Secondary school students based on the gender, locale
and type of school


• There is no significant relationship between awareness on Physical Fitness and Attitude

towards Sports and Games
• There is no significant difference in the awareness on Physical Fitness of Secondary
school students based on the gender, locale and type of school
• There is no significant difference in the Attitude of Secondary School Students towards
Sports and Games of Secondary school students based on the gender, locale and type
of school


Method is a style of conducting a research work which is determined by the nature of the
problem. Methodology or procedure adopted occupies a very prominent role in any type of
research because the success of any investigation depends largely upon the suitability of the
method, tools and statistical techniques used for the collection of data. It is the methodology,
which lays out the way that formal research is to be carried out and outlines the detailed
description of the research variables and procedures. Research methodology is a way to
systematically solve the research problem.

The success of any research depends on the methodology which determines the validity
of results. These are various methods for carrying out research activities in education.
Methodology involves the procedure or techniques adopted in research study and it occupies a
very significant role in any type of research, as the reliability of the methods adopted.

Normative Survey method will be adopted for data collection. According to Best &
Khan (2011) “Survey method gathers data from a relatively large number of cases at particular


The proposed study constitutes a representative sample of 400 Secondary school

students studying in Kollam District drawn by ‘stratified random sampling technique.


The tools will be prepared by the investigator in collaboration with the supervising
teacher. The tools that are to be used for the proposed study are

• Awareness Test on Physical Fitness

• Attitude towards Sports and Games Scale

Statistical methods are mathematical formulas, models and techniques that are used in
statistical analysis of raw research data and provides different ways to assess the research

1. Descriptive statistics
2. Inferential statistics
a) ‘t’ Test
b) Pearson’s Product Moment coefficient of correlation


A variable is defined as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies. The variable
that is used to describe or measure the factor that is assumed to cause or at least to influence
the problem or outcome is called an independent variable. The variable that is used to describe
or measure the problem or outcome under study is called a dependent variable.

The variables for the present study are:

• Awareness on Physical Fitness

• Attitude Towards Sports and Games


• The proposed study is confined to the Secondary School Students.

• The proposed study is limited to Kollam district only.
• The Proposed Study focuses only on the variable Awareness on Physical Fitness


• The findings of the proposed study have implications for teachers, learners, parents and
authorities concerned with secondary education.
• The findings of the proposed study will help in exploring the need of physical fitness
and sports and games.
• The study will also shed light on the influence of Physical fitness on developing the
interest towards sports and games.
• The result of the proposed study can be made use to implement necessary programmes
to enhance the health of students.

Topic finalization : September

Research Proposal presentation : December

Writing chapter 1 : January 1 to 10

Writing chapter 2 : January 11 to 13

Writing chapter 3 : February

Tool preparation : March

Data Collection : June

Data Analysis : July

Writing chapter 4 : August

Final Report : August Last Week

Thesis submission : 1/9/2022


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