Abstract Cost On 13.05

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Name of the work ; Construction of Mega housing scheme at Madhurawada

SI.NO. Description of Item Qty Rate/Cum Amount

1 Jungle Clearance: Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass,

bushwood, trees and sapling and removal of rubbish upto a distance to 50m
outside the periphery of the area cleared. 2800 cum -

2 Excavation: Earthwork excavation in Hard gravelly soils, soft rock or hard rock
and depositing on the banks with necessary lead and lift as per standard
Specifications and as directed by the. departmental officers for foundations. 4000 cum 180 720,000.00
trenches etc

3 Anti Tenaite Treatment: Providing Anti termite treatment to the buildings Using
Chlorpyriphos chemical emulsifiable concentration 20 EC or equivalent, Durmat
or its equivalent including cost of chemical, all taxes and conveyance of all
materials to site and including all operational charges, labour charges for
application ensuring the safety precautions to all the labour and as directed by
the department officers in site etc., complete for finished item of works in 3
stages i.e,. Horizontal. vertical and perimeter treatment with guarantee for ten 1950 sqmts 50 97,500.00
years. This work shall be got carried out through licensed personnel or firms
only as directed by the department officers to ( The chemical shall be confirming
to IS. 1309 -1973 and IS 6818-18 part.II 1981 and APSSNO.201-9)

4 Refilling : Refilling the foundations and basements with imported hard soils like
gravel, crusher dust and excess excavated , soil complying with standard
specifications for filling foundations and a basement including watering and
pulverizing with crow bars to Saturation conditions, tampering etc, including
4000 cum 330 1,320,000.00
cost, transportation and labour charges for all operations etc., as per SS and as
directed by the Department officers.

5 PCC 1:4:8 : Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm HBG machine crushed
graded metal including cost seiniorage, all taxes and conveyance of all
materials to site, labour charges for all operations such as machine mixing,
laying, pocking, hard tamping, curing concrete, including all water, leads etc., 455 cum 3200 1,456,000.00
complete as per SS and as directed by the department officers.

6 Structure. VRCC - M 25 grade using 20mm size SS.5 hard blasted granite
machine crushed chips including cost, seigniorage, S.T. and conveyance of all
materials to site and charges for all operations such as centering, machine
mixing, laying, poking, vibrating, tamping, curing including all water leads etc.,
complete for finished item of work as per S.S. including cost of steel and its
fabrication charges with neat finishing without undulations etc., complete as per
S.S and as directed by the Department Officers for columns, Beams. Slab. Lintel
Footings, plinth beam, sun shades etc., including necessary steel (Fe-415 grade)
for reinforcement. (As per design for Seismic and wind pressure as per relevant
ISJ specifications)

Column footings 1500 cum 3600 5,400,000.00

Pedestral 75 cum 3800 285,000.00
Plinth beam 145 cum 3800 551,000.00
Stilt Floor 90 cum -
Ground Floor 95 cum -
First Floor 95 cum -
Second Floor 95 cum -
Third Floor 95 cum -
Fourth Floor 95 cum -
Stilt Floor 18.5 cum -
Ground Floor 10 cum -
First Floor 10 cum -
Second Floor 10 cum -
Third Floor 10 cum -
Fourth Floor 10 cum -
Stilt Floor 167 cum -
Ground Floor 167 cum -
First Floor 167 cum -
Second Floor 167 cum -
Third Floor 167 cum -
Fourth Floor 167 cum -
Stilt Floor 233 cum -
Ground Floor 233 cum -
First Floor 233 cum -
Second Floor 233 cum -
Third Floor 233 cum -
Fourth Floor 233 cum -
Stilt Floor 20 cum -
Ground Floor 20 cum -

Sheet 1 / 5
SI.NO. Description of Item Qty Rate/Cum Amount

First Floor 20 cum -

Second Floor 20 cum -
Third Floor 20 cum -
Fourth Floor 20 cum -
Stilt Floor 0.15 cum -
Ground Floor 11 cum -
First Floor 11 cum -
Second Floor 11 cum -
Third Floor 11 cum -
Fourth Floor 11 cum -
Stilt Floor
Ground Floor 160 sqm -
First Floor 160 sqm -
Second Floor 160 sqm -
Third Floor 160 sqm -
Fourth Floor 160 sqm -

Stilt Floor 199200 kg -

Ground Floor 57000 kg -
First Floor 57000 kg -
Second Floor 57000 kg -
Third Floor 57000 kg -
Fourth Floor 57000 kg -

7 Fal-G-Block masonry in c.m(1:5) 20cm for main walls including cost and
conveyance of all materials to site arid charges for all operations etc., complete
as per S.S. and as directed by the Departmental Officers for walls in
superstructure , etc., complete as per S.S.

Stilt Floor 170 cum 610 103,700.00

Ground Floor 345 cum -
First Floor 345 cum -
Second Floor 345 cum -
Third Floor 345 cum -
Fourth Floor 345 cum -
8 Brick masonry in c.m (1:5) using 2 nd class bricks including cost, conveyance
of all materials to site, seigniorage and labour charges for all operations such as
mixing mortar, curing etc., completed by’ the Departmental Officers for partition

Stilt Floor 40 cum -

Ground Floor 40 cum -
First Floor 40 cum -
Second Floor 40 cum -
Third Floor 40 cum -
Fourth Floor 40 cum -
9 Plastering:-Plastering in C.M(1:5) in two coats or total thick in two layers
including cost and. conveyance of all materials to site and charges for operation
to site and charges for all operations etc., complete as per S. S 12mm thickness
internal (8mm+ 4mm) 18mm thickness external (12mm+6mm)

A 12mm thickness - internal (8mm+4mm)

Stilt Floor 910 sq mts -
Ground Floor 6000 sq mts -
First Floor 6000 sq mts -
Second Floor 6000 sq mts -
Third Floor 6000 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 6000 sq mts -
B 18mm thickness - external (12mm+6mm)
Stilt Floor 4500 sq mts -
Ground Floor 2100 sq mts -
First Floor 2100 sq mts -
Second Floor 2100 sq mts -
Third Floor 2100 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 2100 sq mts -
9 Entrance Door: Supplying and fixing of door with teak wood for frames and
shutter for entrance using 125mm x 75mm size for scantlings for frame and
125mm x 40mm size for verticals and horizontals of shutter of 32mm thickness
plank as per the drawing and for fixing the door shutter with brass hinges and
with all necessary accessories like brass tower bolts, a all drops, door stoppers,
locking arrangements ( nights latch), chemical treatment, seasoning of wood
etc., complete including cost, taxes, transportation and labour charges for all 407 sq mts -
operations etc, complete as per SS and as directed by the Department officers
( of size 1.05Mt x 2.10 Mts.) including cost of Melaming polish

Sheet 2 / 5
SI.NO. Description of Item Qty Rate/Cum Amount

10 Internal Doors: Supply and fixing of flush door shutters with C.W.
(Nallamaddi/Salwood ) for frame using 100) X 75mm size scantlings and solid
core of block board construction suitable for frame made with 1st class hard
wood and well matched commercial ply veneering with vertical grains or cross
bands and 1mm thick lamination on both faces of shutters of thickness 32mm.
including 12mm teakwood lipping on all four edges as per approved shade &
sample including all accessories aluminium fixtures of ISI make including 1400 sq mts -
chemical treatment, seasoning of wood etc., complete including cost, taxes,
transportation and labour charges for all operations etc., complete as per S.S
and as directed by the Departmental Officers complete (of size 0.90 Mts. X 210

11 Toilet Doors :- Supply and fixing of PVC Doors made of RENO - Sintex Pre-
laminated PVC multi-chamber hallow Section SOVF 101.1 with DWUP-302 with
four corners solid PVC Brackets and screws (Including cost of fixtures) for
Toilet. as per SS 555 sq mts -
(of size 0.765 Mts X 2.10 Mts.)

13 Windows : Supply and fixing of best seasoned Malaysian SAL wood fully
glazed. window using SAL wood scantling of size 100mm x 65 mm with 4 Nos of
‘Z’ hold fasts of size 225 x 50 x 6 mm with necessary screws and fitted with
KAMBA wood fully glazed shutters having 75 x 32 mm size for vertical and
horizontal scantlings fitted with 4mm thick pin headed glass panels and teak
wood beadings including cost,. conveyance and all charges including cost of all
fixtures. The following Aluminium anodized ISl mark fixtures are also to be
provided to each shutter 3 nos of 100 a 31. 75 x 4 mm size butt hinges, 2 Nos.
of 100 mm x 10 mm size tower bolts, 1 No. of 150 mm size eye & hook and 25 1400 sq mts -
dia rubber buffers with necessary NF screws etc., and fixing of MS grill of size 6
x 20 mm flat and 12 mm square bars with minimum spacing
75 mm including chemical treatment, seasoning of wood, all taxes and
conveyance of all materials to site and all labour charges etc., complete as per
drawing and as directed by the Departmental officers

13 Ventilators : Supply and fabrication of Ventilators of size decided as per plan

with Malaysian Sal wood frame of size 65mm a 50 mm and glass louvers with
necessary safety bars/grill. Only opening for exhaust fan in kitchen and toilet will
be provided. 127 sq mts -

14 Flooring:For Hall & Dining area: Providing and fixing of vitrified Ceramic clay
tiles (Johnson or its equivalent ) of size 450 x 450 x 8 mm for flooring with Cma
(1:6) including fixing with cement slurry over base 20 mm thick plaster including
cost, seigniorage , cement, sand, all taxes and conveyance of all materials to
site, labour charges for all operations such as mixing mortar, curing, including
all water leads etc., complete as per SS and as directed by the Departmental
Officers complete (of size 0.90 Mts x 2. 10 Mts)

Stilt Floor
Ground Floor 600 sq mts -
First Floor 600 sq mts -
Second Floor 600 sq mts -
Third Floor 600 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 600 sq mts -
15 For Bed Rooms and Other areas:Providing and fixing 1st class Ceramic clay
tiles (Johnson or its equivalent) of size 600 x 600 x 8mm for flooring with CM
(1:6) including fixing with cement1 slurry over a base 20 mm thick plaster
including cost, Seigniorage, cement, sand, all taxes and conveyance of all
materials to site, labour charges for all operations such as mixing mortar
curing. Including all water leads etc., complete as per S.S and as directed by the
Departmental Officers,

Stilt Floor sq mts

Ground Floor 870 sq mts -
First Floor 870 sq mts -
Second Floor 870 sq mts -
Third Floor 870 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 870 sq mts -
16 Ceramic flooring in Kitchen & Bath Rooms: Providing and fixing Nonskid
Ceramic clay tiles (Johnson or its equivalent) of size 300 x 300 x 6 mm for
flooring with CM (1:6) including fixing with cement slurry over a base 12 mm thick
plaster including cost, Seigniorage, cement, sand, all taxes and conveyance of
all materials to site, labour charges for all operations such as mixing mortar,
curing, including all water leads glazed tiles up to 7’ height over kitchen walls
above cooking platform with glazed tiles approved quality of size and make etc..
complete as per S.S. and as directed by the Departmental Officers.

Stilt Floor 150 -

Ground Floor 930 -
First Floor 930 -
Second Floor 930 -

Sheet 3 / 5
SI.NO. Description of Item Qty Rate/Cum Amount

Third Floor 930 -

Fourth Floor 930 -
17 Providing Granolithic flooring 100 mm thick paver in cement concrete 1:2:4
using 12 mm and granite aggregate laid in panel to slope including cost and
conveyance of all material Seigniorage, cement, sand, all taxes and conveyance
of all materials to site, labour charges fort all operations such as mixing mortar, 273 cum -
curing, including all water leads etc., complete as per S.S and as directed by the
Departmental Officers. seig

18 Kitchen platform: Providing / Laying High Polished granite 16 to 18 mm thick up

to 8’ 0”(2.43M) other than black and regular colour for kitchen flat form with CM
(1:6) including fixing with cement, slurry over a base 20 mm thick including cost,
Seigniorage, cement, sand, all taxes and conveyance of all materials to site,
labour charges for all operations such as mixing mortar, curing, including all
water leads etc., complete S.S. and directed by Departmental Officers

Stilt Floor
Ground Floor 35.16 sq mts -
First Floor 35.16 sq mts -
Second Floor 35.16 sq mts -
Third Floor 35.16 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 35.16 sq mts -
19 kitchen sink : Providing / Laying Kitchen sink of stainless steel in approved
colours and size (20” x18”x8”) including polishing, conveyance of all operations
such as complete as per S.S and. as directed by the department officer. 176 nos -
Providing nose with border including cost, seingiorage, cement sand, all taxes
and con.

20 Apex for external walls: Providing and applying of acrylic weather shield coat
Asian Apex emulsion paint two coats or its equivalent approved brand coats or
its equivalent approved brand and shade make over a primary coat of Birla / JK
white cement, total three coats including cost, ST and conveyance of all
materials and labour charges for all operations cost of brushed complete as per
SS and as directed by the department officers

Stilt Floor 2700 sq mts -

Ground Floor 1400 sq mts -
First Floor 1400 sq mts -
Second Floor 1400 sq mts -
Third Floor 1400 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 1400 sq mts -
21 White Cement for Ceiling:- Painting white cement two coats of approved ISI
make Birla / JK brand including cost, all taxes, conveyance of all materials to site
and labour charges for all operations etc., complete as per S.S. for ceilings.

Stilt Floor 2000 sq mts -

Ground Floor 1700 sq mts -
First Floor 1700 sq mts -
Second Floor 1700 sq mts -
Third Floor 1700 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 1700 sq mts -
22 Distemper for Internal walls: Providing Exterior grade acrylic washable
distemper paints two coats of Asian Paints or its equivalent approved brand and
shade make over a primary coat of Birla / JK white cement, total three coats over
a altek luppam (putty) including cost, ST and conveyance of all materials and
labour charges for all operations cost of brushes complete as per SS and as
directed by the departmental officers

Stilt Floor 350 sq mts -

Ground Floor 5900 sq mts -
First Floor 5900 sq mts -
Second Floor 5900 sq mts -
Third Floor 5900 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 5900 sq mts -
23 Roof plastering with CM (1:4) 20 mm thick water proof compounds including
cost and conveyance of all taxes. Conveyance of all materials to site and labour
charges for all operations etc., completed as per s.s 1900 sq mts -

24 Sypthetic Enamel paint for wood work & grills:- Providing exterior grade
synthetic enamel paint two coats (Dulux / Asian paints brand make) over a
primary coat of wood primer / red-oxide, total three coats including cost of putty
making on the surface of finishing neatly including cost, ST and conveyance of
all materials and labour charges for all operations cost of brushes complete as
per S.S and as directed by the departmental officers.

Stilt Floor 30 sq mts -

Ground Floor 630 sq mts -
First Floor 630 sq mts -
Second Floor 630 sq mts -
Third Floor 630 sq mts -
Fourth Floor 630 sq mts -

Sheet 4 / 5
SI.NO. Description of Item Qty Rate/Cum Amount

Total 9,933,200.00

Provision 7.5% water supply and sanitary arrangements 12,215,172.82

Provision 5% internal electrification 8,143,448.55
Area of the block
IA Building kitchen utility
II B bed room balcony
I A Bed room balcony

Deducting IA Building side

flat to flat side vacant site
West side staircase rear side
Flat ending side
Staircase side
Staircase side
Bulling side stair case rear side

Deduct IB Building side

West side staircase side
West side staircase side
Lift rear side
Kitchen side

Deduction Lift side Ducts

Deduction Lift side Ducts
Staircase side FHR
Lift side Duct

Ground Floor and Top floor

West side staircase
Building side staircase
Net qty of plinth Area

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