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1) Input Data: Design of Wall Footing

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Design of Wall footing

Enter the values in these cells only.

1)Input data
Thickness of wall t 200mm = 0.2
Total working load W 400KN/m
SBC of soil SBC 200 KN/m2
Grade of concrete fck 20 N/mm2
Grade of steel fy 415 N/mm2
Xumax/d 0.48
Clear cover c 50mm
Assume length of footing 1m
Self weight of footing 40KN/m

2)Size of footing
Total load (including self wt.) 440KN/m
Width req. b 2.2m
3)Moment steel
Net upward pressure 200 KN/m2
Factored upward pressure per m length 300KN/m
Length of cantilever x-x 1m
Mu 150KNm
Qlim 2.7593
dreq 233.16mm
Assume overall depth D 500mm
dia. of bar φ 12mm
Effective depth prov. d 444mm OK
% of steel req. pt 0.221
Area of steel req. Astreq 981.17 mm2
No of bars required N 8.6798
No of bars provided Nprov 9
Area of steel provided Ast,prov 1017 mm2 1
spacing req. for main R/F S 111.11mm
spacing prov. Sprov. 110mm c/c
Steel req. for sec. R/F Ast,min 600 mm2/mm
spacing req. 188.4
spacing prov. for sec. R/F Sprov. 180mm c/c
4)Check for shear
Vu 133.2KN
τv 0.3 N/mm2
β 11.691
τc 0.3253 N/mm2 OK

5)Check for development length

Ld 564mm
Anchorage available 950mm

6)Check for spacing

Spacing of main bars Smain 110mm c/c OK
Spacing of secondary bars Ssecondary 180mm c/c OK
EXAMPLE: An RCC column of size 350 mm x 350 mm
carries a characteristic load of 800 KN. Th
200 KN/m2. Design an isolated pad footin
and HYSD of grade Fe 415 for both, the c
mm x 350 mm reinforced with 8 no. 16mm dia. bars
d of 800 KN. The allowable bearing pressure on soil is
ted pad footing. The materials are grade M20 concrete
for both, the column and footing.
a. bars
n soil is
Design of axially loaded pad footing
Enter the values in these cells only.
1) Basic data
Size of column a1 350mm = 0.35m
a2 350mm = 0.35m
Characteristic Load P 800KN
Allowable Bearing Pressure of soil ABP 200 KN/m2
Grade of concrete fck 20 N/mm2
Grade of steel fy 415 N/mm2 𝑋𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑥/𝑑=700/(1100+0.87∗𝑓𝑦)
Xumax/d 0.48
Clear cover c 50mm
Self weight of footing 80KN

2) Size of footing 2.1 m

Total load (including self wt.) 880KN
Area of footing required A 4.40 m2
= 2.098m
Dimensions of foundation required
= 2.098m 0.35 m 2.1 m
L/B = 1 0.35 m
Dimensions of foundation X 2.10m
provided Y 2.10m
Area of footing provided 4.41 m2

3) Net upward pressure

po 272.1088 KN/m2

4) Moment steel
Cantilever length || to X LX 0.875 m 2.1 m
Cantilever length || to Y LY 0.875 m
UDL on the cantilever length L1 wX 571.4286 KN/m 0.875
UDL on the cantilever length L2 wY 571.4286 KN/m
Design BM along L1 Mux 218.75KNm 0.35 2.1 m
Design BM along L2 Muy 218.75KNm
Design BM Mu 218.75KNm
Qlim 2.65627
Required depth of footing dreq 198.0288mm 0.875 0.35 0.875
Provided overall depth of footing D 490mm
Assume Diameter of bar φ 12mm
Effective depth provided, dx 434mm
dy 422mm
i) R/F along X
Bending Moment acting Mux 218.75kNm
Diameter of bar φ 12mm
Percentage of steel req. pt 0.158%
Area of steel required Astreq 1444.202 mm2
No of bars required N 12.77602
No of bars provided Nprov 13
Area of steel provided Ast,prov 1469.52 mm2
Spacing required Sreq 76.92308
Spacing Provided Sprov. 70mm

ptprov. 0.161% 1
Hence provide13-12mm @ 70mm c/c

ii) R/F along Y

Bending Moment acting Muy 218.75kNm
Percentage of steel req. pt 0.167941%
Area of steel required Astreq 1488.297 mm2
Diameter of bar φ 12mm
No of bars required N 13.16611
No of bars provided Nprov 14
Area of steel provided Ast 1582.56 mm2
Spacing Required Sreq 71.42857
Spacing Provided Sprov. 70mm

ptprov. 0.179% 1
5) Check for one-way shear 0.434 0.441
i) Along X
Vu 252KN
τv 0.276498 dx
β 16.02265 (0.8∗𝑓𝑐𝑘)/(6.89∗𝑝𝑡
τc 0.283155 N/mm2 OK )
ii) Along Y
Vu 258.8571KN
τv 0.292098
β 14.4668
τc 0.296265 N/mm2 OK

6) Check for two way shear

average depth, d 428mm
Width at distance d/2 along X b"X 778mm 778
Width at distance d/2 along Y b"Y 778mm 214
Critical perimeter b0 3112mm 350 778
Upward Pressure w 272.1088 KN/m2 214
Total Area of foundation A 4.41 m2 214 350 214
Critical area for shear a 0.605284 m2
Factored shear force V"u 1035.297KN
Shear Stress τv 0.766541 N/mm2
Permissible Shear Stress τc 1.118034 N/mm2 OK

7) Transfer of load from column to footing:

Factored compressive force at the base of column 1200 KN

As per cl 30.6 of IS:456-2000,limiting bearing stress

𝑓𝑏𝑟=0.45∗𝑓𝑐𝑘∗√(𝐴_1/𝐴_2 )

a) At column face
A1 = A 2 = 122500 mm2
fbr 9 N/mm2

b) At footing face A1 4410000 mm2

A2 122500 mm2
√(𝐴_1/𝐴_2 )
6 ( the value is more than 2 hence use 2)

fbr 18 N/mm2

The crictical face is the column face

The limiting bearing resistance, 1102.5 KN < 1200 KN
Excess force required to resist 97.5 KN

The excess force may be resisted by providing dowel bars or by continuing

the column bars into the footing.

13-12 mm #

2.1 m 14-12 mm #

490 mm

2.1 m 2.1 m

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