e-BRC: Bank Realisation Certificate Message Exchange With Banks

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Bank Realisation Certificate Message Exchange with Banks

Version: 1.2.4

Directorate General of Foreign Trade

Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Government of India

Prepared by
National Informatics Centre (NIC-DGFT)
Document Organisation

This document has the following sections.

Introduction: Identify the purpose, audience.

Process Detail: Details about e-BRC message exchange process.

Annexure: Error codes, sample XML files etc.

Contact Details:

For any queries or information regarding e-BRC message exchange you may contact

Policy Related Issues Technical Queries

Shri. Ajay Shrivastava, Shri. Anil K. Sinha

Joint DGFT, Sr. technical Director,
O/o DGFT, National Informatics Center (NIC),
1st Floor, H- Wing Room No.112, H-Wing,
Gate No 2, Gate No.2
Udyog Bhavan, Udyog Bhavan,
New Delhi -110011 New Delhi -110011
Ph. 011 23062484 Ext. 229 Ph. 011 23061456


BRC Bank Realisation Certificate

IFSC Indian Financial System Code
DGFT Director General of Foreign Trade
IEC Importer Exporter Code
DS Digital Signature


Bank Realisation Certificate (BRC) is issued by Banks based on realisation of payment against
export by an Exporter.

Any firm applying for benefits under Foreign Trade Policy is required to furnish valid BRC as a
proof of realisation of payment against exports made.

The current procedure for furnishing BRC information is manual. IEC holder submits the BRC in
physical form to concerned Regional authority. BRC details are keyed in into DGFT application.

As a part of B2B message exchange initiative, it is now decided to exchange BRC information
electronically through EDI with Banks. This will provide accurate and updated information about
BRC and also reduce the hardship to trade as furnishing of physical copy of BRC will be dispensed


Banks participating in foreign exchange dealings.



To outline the process of EDI for e-BRC with banks

Role of Banks
Role of DGFT


Sr.No. Contents Page no.

1 Major Changes 4
2 BRC Data fields required by DGFT 5
3 BRC Parameters to be exchanged (Bank -> DGFT) 6
4 BRC Acknowledgment XML structure( DGFT->Bank) 7
5 Format for BRC File name 7
6 Format for BRC number 7
7 Digital Certificate and signing specifications 9
8 Process Flow 10
9 Data Flow 11
10 BRC Validations 12
11 Procedure for maintaining IFSC database 15
12 IFSC Validations 16
13 Annexure [ pl see online help for latest lists]
A. Error codes 18
B. Sample BRC XML (Unsigned) 19
C. Sample Digitally Signed BRC XML 20
D. Sample acknowledgement XML for BRC 21
E. Sample IFSC XML (Unsigned) 22
F. Sample Digitally Signed IFSC XML 23
G. Sample acknowledgement XML for IFSC 24
H. List of Currency Codes 25

1. Change history:
Modified on 22.3.2013
New Error code B20 added (BRC details mismatch (BRC Number, IEC & Shipping Bill No).
Cancellation denied)

Modified on 09.1.2013
Validation check for IFSC filename element changed. Instead of SWIFT code put IFSC code .(first
four characters only)
Validation checks for shipping bill number (SNO) element changed. Minimum length of SNO
should be 1
Modified on: 27.7.2012

Validation checks for port (SPORT) element changed. Now port code ending with ‘B’ are also
Validation checks for shipping bill number (SNO) element changed. Minimum length of SNO
should be 3.
If RMTABNK, RMTCITY, RMTCTRY, RVALUEINR contents are missing, then do not include these
elements (tags) in BRC XML file.

2. Data fields required by DGFT from bank as part of

e-Bank Realization Certificate(e-BRC)

Direct Export( 22A) Deemed Export (22B) Other*

BRC number BRC number BRC number
BRC date BRC date BRC date
Status of BRC Status of BRC Status of BRC
Importer Exporter Code (IEC) Importer Exporter Code (IEC) Importer Exporter Code (IEC)
Name of the exporter Name of the exporter Name of the exporter
Bank Code (IFSC ) Bank Code (IFSC ) Bank Code (IFSC )
Bill ID Bill ID Bill ID
Shipping bill number Invoice Number Invoice Number
6 character custom port code Fixed value ‘DEEMED’ Fixed value ‘OTHERS’
Shipping bill date Invoice Date Invoice Date
Shipping bill Currency code (CC) Currency code (CC) Currency code (CC)
Shipping bill value in currency Code (CC) FOR value Value as per invoice
Currency of realisation Currency of realisation Currency of realisation
Total realised Value in currency of Amount received Amount received
Date of Realisation Received on (date) Received on ( date)
Total realised Value in INR Total realised Value in INR Total realised Value in INR
Name of the originating/ remitting bank Name of the originating/ Name of the originating/
from which money is transacted remitting bank from which remitting bank from which
money is transacted money is transacted
City of originating/ remitting bank City of originating/ remitting City of originating/ remitting
bank bank
Country of originating/ remitting bank Country of originating / Country of originating/
remitting bank remitting bank

*Other: BRC for export documents supported by VPP, PPR, courier or softex form etc

No data shall be transmitted if it is not correlated with the existing shipping bill. Therefore, data where
advance payment has been received will not be transmitted until it is later correlated with the shipping bill.
Total realised Value in INR is to be provided for currencies wherever currency code is not available in List of
Currency Codes as given in annexure H.

3. BRC Parameters to be exchanged


XML file level parameters:

Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length Mandatory

Name of XML file FILENAME CHAR(22) Yes

For each eBRC:

Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length Mandatory

BRC number BRCNO Char(20) Yes
BRC date BRCDATE Date(yyyy-mm-dd) Yes
Status of BRC STATUS Char(1) Yes
Importer Exporter Code (IEC) IEC Char(10) Yes
Name of the exporter EXPNAME Char(50) Yes
Bank Code (IFSC ) (BRC generated by) IFSC Char(11) Yes
Shipping Bill Number SNO Char(20) Yes
Shipping bill Port SPORT Char(6) Yes
Shipping bill date SDATE Date(yyyy-mm-dd) Yes
Shipping bill Currency code (CC) SCC Char(3) Yes
Shipping bill value in currency Code (CC) SVALUE Decimal(15,2) Yes
Currency of realisation RCC Char(3) Yes
Total Realised Value in currency of realisation RVALUE Decimal(15,2) Yes
Date of Realisation RDATE Date(yyyy-mm-dd) Yes
Total Realisation in Rs RVALUEINR Decimal(15,2) No
Name of the originating bank from which money is RMTBANK CHAR(50) No
City of originating bank RMTCITY CHAR(50) No
Country of originating bank RMTCTRY CHAR(50) No

4. DGFT-> Bank
Acknowledgment XML

Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length Mandatory

Name of XML file FILENAME CHAR(22) Yes
File level error code ERRCODE CHAR(3) Yes
BRC number BRCNO Char(20) No
Error code for BRC ERRCODE CHAR(3) No

5. Formats:

FILENAME: Name of the XML file to be uploaded on DGFT server.

Uploading file name and must match with file name provided in XML file

File name format:

Bank IFSC code + file creation Date + Running Sequence number (3 character)

File type: XML file

Sample I: Where IFSC code is not available

Central office (Main office) of Bank of India is creating a consolidated file to include all e-BRCs issued by
different branches. There is no IFSC code for (main office) Central office of Bank of India. Put IFSC code
as BKID0000000 (4 character bank code + All Zero for remaining seven digits)

Bank IFSC code for main office file creation Date Running Sequence File Name
not having any IFSC code (DDMMYYYY) number (3 character)
(11 character) ( range :001- 999)
BKID0000000 01022012 001 BKID000000001022012001

Sample II: File created by a specific branch of a bank

Bank of India, Churchgate branch wants to upload first XML file then file number will be as below.

Bank IFSC code file creation Date Running Sequence File Name
(11 character) (DDMMYYYY) number (3 character)
( range :001- 999)
BKID0000010 01022012 001 BKID000001001022012001

6. BRCNO: BRC number

Primary key for all BRC data in DGFT database.

Format: 20 characters: IFSC Code (11 character) + 9 digit running sequence number

e.g : BRC number for first BRC issued by Bank of India, Churchgate branch .

Bank IFSC code Running Sequence number (9digit) BRC number

(11 character) ( range :1- 999999999)
BKID0000010 000000001 BKID0000010000000001

SCC, RCC, SPORT: As per code list provided by DGFT

STATUS: BRC status

F: Fresh, C: Cancelled
Cancellation is allowed only before utilization of BRC in any application on DGFT server.
Bank to verify status of BRC on DGFT server before cancellation of BRC.


ERRCODE: Error codes defined for errors in file at File level, BRC level [See error code list for more

7. Digital Certificate and signing specifications

Certificate should be 2048 characters long SHA-II standard PKI technology approved by CCA.
Class II, III certificates are accepted.
Signer will be provided by DGFT

One time registration of Digital Certificate of the Administrator for the bank

Each bank participating in e-BRC message exchange has to register the public key (Digital Signature)
of one user who will act as Administrator for respective bank.

Authorized representative from bank needs to contact Shri Arun P.Kohad,FTDO,EDI division in person
with digital certitifcate for first time registration.

On successful registration user can login into e-BRC portal .

The Admin user for the bank can register other Digital certificate for his/her bank.

Contact Details:

Shri Arun P. Kohad

FTDO,EDI Division,
DGFT,Udyog Bhavan,
New Delhi-110011
Tel: 23061562 ext 392
Email: [email protected]

8. Process Flow

As shown in the diagram ‘Data flow’, the e-BRC message exchange will involve following

Step –I: Generation of e-BRC by Bank

1. Bank will generate e-BRC
2. Bank at their convenience may generate BRC files.
3. Digitally sign the file using Signer provided by DGFT or signer developed by the bank

Step –II: Uploading of XML file to DGFT server

1. Access the DGFT portal to login into e-BRC application
2. use ‘Upload e-BRC’ option
3. select file from file system , and upload
4. DGFT server will verify user and validate data and will provide result of uploading process
in XML / Tabular report format as per user choice.

Status of eBRC
e-BRCs parameters based queries
Acknowledgement file

Amendment of e-BRC is NOT allowed once it is successfully uploaded on DGFT server. If there is any
change in e-BRC, please follow following procedure
1. Check status of e-BRC on DGFT server
2. If it is already utilised in any DGFT application, then do not cancel the e-BRC.
3. If e-BRC is not used, then cancel the BRC in bank database.
4. Convey this cancellation status by Uploading BRC with status ‘C’ on DGFT server.
5. After the Cancellation status is updated on DGFT server, issue fresh e-BRC with new BRC number.
6. Upload this fresh e-BRC on DGFT server with status ‘F’

9. Data Flow
(How e-BRC will be generated and available for use)

There are three entities involved in e-BRC data exchange

1. Exporter
2. Bank

Data flow between these entities will be as below.

Generate e-BRC on its own
Exporters Generate XML file to include e-BRC
generated as above , cancellation cases ,
rejected cases etc
Digitally Sign the XML file
Upload file on DGFT server
Create application and
use e-BRC XML file

DGFT Server
Provide facility to upload the file generated by Bank
Process the file and store e-BRC
Generate acknowledgment XML
Make e-BRC available to Applicant for use in an application
Provide facility to view status of e-BRC
Reports for Trade and Bank
Facility to bank for addition and updation of IFSC database
Facility to Bank officer to further delegate power to subordinate staff for uploading of
Fig 1.0

10 BRC Validations

File level Validations:

 File name Extension: .XML

 File name format as provided in parameter level validation details
 Must match with file name mentioned in XML
 Maximum allowed file size : 500 KB
 Date in file name < = current date
 Digitally signed file

Parameter level validations:

All parameters are mandatory except Originating Bank Details.
Only one shipping bill is allowed per BRC. ( generate separate eBRC for each shipping bill )
Where ever applicable ‘ is to replaced with ` and ‘&’ with ‘&amp;’
Do not include empty TAGs for optional elements in XML file .

Parameter to be XML Type, Length Validation

exchanged Element
File Name FILENAME character (22)  Exact 22 characters in length.
 Format:
First 11 Characters should be Bank IFSC code
(For central office / where IFSC code is not
available : 4 character bank code + All Zero
for remaining seven digits)
Next 8 characters: file creation Date in
Next 3 character: Running Sequence
number((001-999) for that day

 Must match with uploading file name

BRC number BRCNO character (20)  Exact 20 character in length

 Format of BRC NO:
First 11 characters: IFSC Code of branch
which issued e-BRC
Next 9 characters :running sequence

IFSC part of BRC number must match with IFSC

element value
 Unique Number
BRC date BRCDATE Date  Format: YYYY-MM-DD
 <= current date
Status of BRC STATUS character (1)  Either ‘F’: Fresh or ‘C’: Cancelled
 Check while uploading
F: check for duplicate entry
C: Check : is BRC e already uploaded to DGFT
server through e-BRC system and not utilised by
exporter in DGFT application

Importer Exporter IEC character (10)  10 character valid IEC issued by DGFT.

Code (IEC)  Validation with master IEC data ( at DGFT level)
Name of the exporter EXPNAME character (50)  Minimum length : 2 characters
 Maximum length : 50 characters
 All alpha numeric character and following special
. (dot)
‘ ‘ (Space)
 Alphabets in capital letters

Bank Code( IFSC ) IFSC character (11)  IFSC of the branch issuing e-BRC.
 Validated with IFSC master data given by bank.
 Branch must be dealing in Foreign Exchange
 First 4 characters should match with first 4
characters from file name/ BRCNO
Bill Reference Number BILLNO Character(16)  Minimum length : 2 characters
 Maximum length : 16 characters
 All alpha numeric character and following special
 Alphabets in capital letters
Shipping Bill Number SNO character (20)  7 characters for EDI shipping Bill
 For other like Manual shipping bill, Invoice number
etc :
Minimum length : 1 characters
Maximum length allowed : 20 characters
Alpha numeric characters and ‘-‘ and ‘/’
 Alphabets in capital letters
 Only 1 Shipping Bill per BRC
Shipping bill Port SPORT character (6)  6 characters Port code as per code list provided by
 In case of deemed export port code should be
‘DEEMED’ and
 ‘OTHERS’ for Export document supported by
VPP, Courier etc, old shipping bill where port code
is not available.
Shipping bill date SDATE Date  Format: YYYY-MM-DD
 <= current date
 < BRC date
Shipping bill Currency SCC character (3)  3 characters Currency code as per code list
code (CC) provided by DGFT
Shipping bill value in SVALUE Decimal(15,2)  Shipping bill value as in Shipping bill
currency Code (CC)  Minimum allowed value : 1.00
 Maximum allowed value : 999999999999.99
Currency of realisation RCC character (3)  3 characters Currency code as per code list
provided by DGFT
Total Realised Value in RVALUE Decimal(15,2)  Total realised value in currency of realisation
currency of realisation  Minimum allowed value : 1.00
 Maximum allowed value : 999999999999.99
Date of Realisation RDATE Date  Format: YYYY-MM-DD
 <= current date (Today)
 <= BRC date

Total Realised Value in RVALUEINR Decimal(15,2) Optional
INR (Optional  Total realised value in INR
element)  Minimum allowed value : 1.00
 Maximum allowed value : 999999999999.99
Name of the RMTBANK character (50) Optional
Originating /remitting (Optional  Minimum length : 2 characters,
Bank from which element)  Maximum length allowed : 50 characters
money is transacted  All alpha numeric character and following special
. (dot)
‘ ‘ (Space)

City of the Originating RMTCITY character (50) Optional

/remitting Bank (Optional  Minimum length : 2 characters
element)  Maximum length allowed : 50 characters
 All alpha numeric character and following special
. (dot)
‘ ‘ (Space)

Country of the RMTCTRY character (50) Optional

Originating/remitting (Optional  Minimum length : 2 characters,
Bank element)  Maximum length allowed : 50 characters
 All alpha numeric character and following special
. (dot)
‘ ‘ (Space)

* Do not include empty TAGs for optional elements in XML file .

Procedure for Maintaining IFSC database.

On line with e-BRC,

Generate XML file for IFSC data of the bank.
Digitally sign the file.
Upload IFSC XML file using option ‘Upload IFSC’.
DGFT server will process the file and generate Acknowledgement report in XML/Tabular
format as per user choice.
After the bulk data uploading at the beginning of e-BRC project , use this option to upload
subsequent changes in IFSC data (e.g. new branch added or status changed )

IFSC Parameters to be exchanged


XML file level parameters:

Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length Mandatory

Name of XML file FILENAME CHAR(20) Yes

For each IFSC:

Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length Mandatory

Bank Code (IFSC) IFSCODE Char(11) Yes
Name of the Bank BNAME Char(50) Yes
Name of the Branch BRANCH Char(50) Yes
Address of the Branch ADDR Char(100) Yes
City of the Branch CITY Char(50) yes
State of the Branch STATE Char(50) Yes
Status of the Branch BRANSTAT Char(1) Yes
Dealing in Foreign Exchange DEALFE Char(3) Yes
Amendment/Fresh DATASTAT Char(1) Yes

DGFT-> Bank
Acknowledgment XML

Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length Mandatory

Name of XML file FILENAME CHAR(20) Yes
File level error code ERRCODE CHAR(3) Yes
Error code for IFSC ERRCODE CHAR(3) No

12. IFSC Validations

File level Validations:

 File name Extension: .XML
 File name format as provided in parameter level validation details
 Must match with file name mentioned in XML
 Maximum allowed file size : 500 KB
 Date in file name < = current date
 Digitally signed file

Parameter level validations:

All parameters are mandatory.
Where ever applicable ‘ is to replaced with ` and ‘&’ with ‘&amp;’

Parameter to be XML Element Type, Length Validation

exchanged Name
File Name FILENAME character (20)  Exact 20 characters in length.
 Format:
First 8 Characters should be ‘IFSCDATA’
Next 4 characters: First four characters of
Next 8 characters: file creation Date in
 Must match with uploading file name

Bank Code (IFSC) IFSCODE character (11)  Exact 11 character in length

 IFSC Code of branch
 Unique Number
Name of the Bank BNAME character (50)  Minimum length : 2 characters
 Maximum length : 50 characters
 All alpha numeric character & ‘ ‘ (Space)
 Alphabets in capital letters

Name of the Branch BRANCH character (50)  Minimum length : 2 characters

 Maximum length : 50 characters
 All alpha numeric character & ‘ ‘ (Space)
 Alphabets in capital letters
Address of the Branch ADDR character (100)  Minimum length : 5 characters
 Maximum length : 100 characters
 All alpha numeric character & Special
Characters like
 .
 `
 ‘ ‘ (Space)
 -
 _

 Alphabets in capital letters

City of the Branch CITY character (50)  Minimum length : 2 characters
 Maximum length : 50 characters
 All alpha numeric character & ‘ ‘ (Space)
 Alphabets in capital letters
State of the Branch STATE character (50)  Minimum length : 2 characters
 Maximum length : 50 characters

 All alpha numeric character & ‘ ‘ (Space)
 Alphabets in capital letters
Status of the Branch BRANSTAT character (1)  Either ‘O’: Operational or ‘C’: Closed
Dealing in Foreign DEALFE character (3)  Either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’
Amendment/Fresh DATASTAT character (1)  Either ‘F’: Fresh or ‘A’: Amendment
 Check while uploading
F: Check for duplicate entry
A: Check : is IFSC e already uploaded to
DGFT server


Note: Please see the e-BRC help on dgft.gov.in website for latest information.

A. Error codes in Acknowledgment File

Error Codes Error Description

000 Valid Information

B01 BRC no does not match with IFSC

B02 Duplicate BRC No.(BRC No. already exists )
B03 BRC issue date is greater than today’s date
B04 BRC already Cancelled ( when status flag is ‘C’)
B05 BRC already utilised , can’t be cancelled ( when status flag is ‘C’)
B06 BRC not available with DGFT for cancellation ( when status flag is ‘C’)
B07 Invalid IEC. ( IEC not present in DGFT database)
B08 Invalid Branch code ( IFSC does not exists or is not eligible for foreign
exchange transaction)
B09 Invalid Shipping bill number.
B10 Invalid Shipping bill port code
B11 Invalid shipping bill date. Date greater than BRC date / current date
B12 Invalid Shipping bill currency code
B13 Invalid realisation date. greater than BRC date / current date
B14 Invalid Realised currency code
B15 Duplicate IFSC
B16 IFSC not found for amendment
B17 Realised Value in INR is missing.
B18 BRC details do not belongs to logged user
B19 IFSC details do not belongs to logged user
B20 BRC details mismatch (BRC Number, IEC &amp; Shipping Bill No).
Cancellation denied
F01 Invalid File format
F02 File size exceeds allowed limit.
F03 Date in file name not valid.
F04 Schema check failed
F05 Signature Verification failed
F06 File name not matching with File name mentioned in file.
F07 File name already used.
F08 File does not belong to logged user.
F09 File not found

T01 Server facing Technical Problem. Error while processing.

U01 Invalid User Id.

U02 User not authorized for the operation.

B. Sample BRC XML (Unsigned)
Note : One XML file may contain more than one e-BRC information . It is recommended to create a
single XML file containing multiple e-BRC subject to Max file size restriction.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


C. Digitally Signed BRC XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<CERTNO>46 96 01 af</CERTNO>

D. Sample BRC Acknowledge File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<FILENAME> BKID000001016032012001</FILENAME>
<BRCNO> BKID0000010000001001</BRCNO>

E. IFSC Sample XML File (Unsigned)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


F. IFSC Sample XML File (Digitally Signed)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<CERTNO>46 96 01 af</CERTNO>

G. Sample IFSC Acknowledge File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


H. List of Currency Codes:

Currency Codes Currency Description

USD US Dollars
DEM Deutsch Mark
SGD Singapore Dollar
CHF Swiss Franc
GBP Pound Sterling
JPY Japanese Yen
HKD Honkong Dollar
AUD Australian Dollar
SEK Swedish Krona
CAD Canadian Dollar
DKK Danish Kroner
INR Indian Rupees
ACU Asian Clearing Union Dollar
NOK Norwegian Krones

Note: List will be updated as and when changed by Custom.


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