Statement of Purpose Revised
Statement of Purpose Revised
Statement of Purpose Revised
A career in medicine has always been the perfect opportunity for me to kindle my mind in an
enthralling field in which I am distinctly inspired to succeed. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity
to be able to merge the practical aspects of the subject with my caring personality, and so
positively impact people’s lives. The prospect of lifelong learning a subject for which I have
such an affinity enthuses me. Over the years, through guided inquiry and volunteer work, I have
come to understand how central doctors are to contributing to society and to augmenting
equitable access to healthcare worldwide. At home and abroad, for individuals and populations,
doctors play an indispensable role in advancing equality and well-being. With this realization, I
have always wanted to be on the frontlines of providing access to care, so I can contribute to that
global effort. Notwithstanding other personal and professional considerations, including the
significant benefits associated with the ICISP program, this persuasion has largely informed my
I understand that the study abroad programs involve a number of challenges, however, having
carefully evaluated my decision, I’m certain the benefits of participating in the ICISP program
outweigh the challenges by far. With this program, I am anticipating rounding up my resume,
interacting with like-minded individuals, and having some fun. As it is in the conventional
knowledge, today, having stellar grades is not good enough to make you stand out in a crowd of
potential medics. As a phi theta student, I believe adding international experience to my resume
will be a define plus. I am hoping that the connections I will make between students, faculty
members, and others will beef up my portfolio and position my resume for quick consideration in
environment. In so doing, I will be able to learn new languages, appreciate other cultures, and
gain a greater understanding of healthcare and the world at large. For this expectation to
materialize, I am hoping the host university will offer language courses to equip me with a
formal education and language training. I believe the study abroad program is a unique
opportunity to advance my professional career and prepare myself for life in a global society
institution and ICISP as a study abroad ambassador. With this position, I will be dedicated to
promoting interest, cultural immersion, assisting in preparation, offering support, and providing a
platform for communication concerning the study abroad experience. I will help prepare students
for their own study abroad experience by doing social media takeovers, answering students’
questions, and giving helpful tips in a creative and unique way. When I return from abroad, I will
share my experiences with other students and become a study abroad leader on campus. By
serving as a study abroad ambassador, I will reflect on my time abroad in a meaningful way
while developing concrete skills to articulate the value of my global experience in my personal
and academic endeavors. Further, I will strengthen my leadership skills and expand networks at
As hinted above, the ICISP study abroad program relates to both my professional and personal
goals. First and foremost, from a personal angle, the study abroad program will enable me to
achieve high-level maturity and independence quickly. This is mainly because I will be away
from my support network, particularly my family. Though the prospect of going to study in a
on my own during the program will contribute to my personal development tremendously. I find
this personal goal quite important because it will offer me a significant opportunity to discover
Additionally, this program relates to both my personal and professional goal of becoming
multilingual. I believe by participating in the study abroad program, there is a much higher
probability to learn a new language as well as to hone my language skills. Building upon my
language skills will definitely impact my career. Essentially, proficiency in a second language is
in more than one language will enable me to care for patients from diverse ethnicities more
effectively. As a phi theta student, currently going into pre-med, the study abroad program will
allow me to expand my worldview and discover new avenues for my academic objectives. Since
the pre-med courses abroad archetypally approach medicine from the perspective of the hosting
country, this will allow me to examine the role of health professionals in their daily procedures.
The world is becoming progressively globalized, therefore, seeing how health and medicine are
perceived under different environments will make me a far more competitive medical school
On another note, this program will help me avoid burnout. Having spent a lot of time focusing on
my career and with another four years of med school ahead, I feel I am getting drained, and the
study abroad program can help prevent me from becoming overwhelmed. By switching up my
course, environment, and interacting with individuals from different ethnicities, the study abroad
program will ensure that I came back next semester rejuvenated, ready to continue with my
studies with a sharper focus. Finally, the study abroad program relates to my professional goal as
it will enable me to experience a different style of teaching. Since each country has its own
unique instructional approach, I believe the study abroad program will help expand my academic
horizon and develop in me a capacity to adapt to various educational settings. In so doing, I will
be able to see a side of my major that I may not have been exposed to at home. I have a strong
conviction that participating in the ICISP study abroad program will be a memorable mark in my
life and will boost my career prospects and individuality. The program will definitely propel me
towards a thriving career path as I maintain a sharp focus on my academic, professional, and
personal goals.