Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Science 3

I. OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson the students must be able to:

a. Identify the different human sense organ.

b. Describe the different types of human sense organ.
c. Apply the different ways on how to take care the different
human sense organ.
d. Give the use of the human sense organ.


Topic: The Human Sense Organ

Materials: Laptop, Projector/LED TV, Pictures
Reference: › 60752-human-senses
Values: the proper way to take care of the different human


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities:

a.1. Prayer:

Before we start let us all pray.

(One student will lead the prayer)

a.2. Greetings:

Good morning class!

Good morning, Ma’am!
a.3. Checking of attendance:

Class I will check your attendance

please go back to your proper seat, so
that I can see who is absent for this
day. (The student will go back in their proper

B. Developmental Activities:
b.1. Motivation:

Before we start our lesson, let us all

sing together.
Eyes for seeing, eyes for seeing
Nose for smelling, nose for smelling
Tongue is use for tasting
Ears for hearing
Hands for touching

Very good class! Now I will introduce

you my friend she is Alexa. Let us help
her to complete her body organ.

b.2 Discussion:

class, who has an idea on what is our

topic for today? Ma’am!

Yes! Our topic for today is about Human

Sense Organ.

Very Good!
Now class, lets define first what is a
Who wants to read?
Sense is a physical feeling, something that
Yes! your body experience, a particular feeling,
an emotion that you are aware of.
Very good!

Senses allow us to learn about the

world around us they collect information
and send it to the brain.

Our senses are natural power that our

body receives and experience.

we have:

First is the sense of sight.

What are we using when we used the Ma’am!

sense of sight?
Our eyes.

Very Good!

When we are using our sense of sight,

we used our eyes. Having a sense of
sight, we can be able to see shapes
and colors.

Give some example or scenario when

we used our sense of sight. Ma’am!

Yes! When we are reading books.

Very good!

Our next sense is our sense of taste.

What organ we are using when we
used our sense of taste. Our tongue.

Very good!

When we are using our sense of taste,

we used our tongue.
Give some example or scenario when
we used our sense of taste. When we are eating, for example eating
ice cream.

Ver good!

In our sense of taste, we can taste

something sweet like candy, taste bitter
like ampalaya, taste salty like salt, and
taste sour like vinegar.

Our 3rd sense is sense of smell. Ma’am!

What organ do we used when we are Our nose.
using the sense of smell?


Very good! We used our nose when we

are smelling. Thanks to our sense of
smell, we can be able to smell
everything around us. Ma’am!

Give me scenario when you are using When I am smelling perfume or flowers.
your sense of smell.


Very good!

Our 4th sense is the sense of hearing. Ma’am!

What organ do we used when we are Our ears

using our sense of hearing?


Very good when hearing sounds, we

are using our ears. Thanks to our
sense of hearing because we can hear Ma’am!
beautiful music.
When listening in our lesson or beautiful
Give scenario that you are using your songs.
sense of hearing.

Very good!
Our last sense is the sense of touch.
Our skin
What organ do we used when we are
using our sense of touch?


Very good!

We used our skin for the sense of Ma’am!

touch. We can feel the texture, allow us
to the temperature. When holding a hand.
Give scenario when we used our sense
of touch.


Very good!

Class God gave us a sense to see, to

feel, to taste, to hear and to smell
everything around us, but we should Ma’am!
know how we are going to take good
care our senses. I will avoid reading in a dark place, I will
avoid rubbing my eyes and I will limit
How are you going to take care your myself of using gadgets.
sense of sight?


I will brush three times a day to clean

Very good! my tongue.

How about our sense of taste?

Yes! Ma’am!

By cleaning my ears, not listening to

Very good! aloud sound, and not using an earphone
with loud sounds
How about our sense of hearing?
I will always take a bath and clean my

How about our sense of touch?

I will clean my nose with clean cloth to
Very good! avoid infection.
How about our sense of smell!


Very good!

In able for all of you to understand

more our lesson about our senses I will
prepare an activity.

b.4. Activity: What to use?

The activity will go like this. I will group

your class in to three, each group will
be guessing what sense to be used on
the picture that I will show in the
television screen. Then after that the 1.
group that got a higher correct answer
will be the winner.




1. Skin
2. Nose
3. Tongue
4. Eyes
5. Ears

C. Generalization:
Yes ma’am!
Now you know the five senses of the
human body.

Can you remember all of them?

Let see how good your memory is!

Finish the sentence.

Eyes allow us to __________

Very good!
Thanks to our ears we can _______

Very good!

Our tongue we can _______


Very good!

Thanks for the gift of nose we can be

able to ____ Touch

Very good!

Thanks for our skin we can be able to


Very good!
Match the organ to its respective sense

D. Application

Bring out your pen and paper and

answer the following:

IV: EVALUATION: “My Sense Organ”

Creativity 30%
Cleanliness 30%
Correct identification of the organ in 40%
the senses given
Total 100%

Instruction: Draw an image of the organ and identify it, then write what senses is used in the organ.
Give five examples where you can you use the five senses of the human body.

Prepared by:


Teacher I Applicant

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