Fruit Crop

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Name: Uotam Heeralall

Class: Grade 11 Science
Subject: Agricultural Science
Topic: Cultivation of fruit, root and
leafy crop
Teacher: Miss Shazeena Rahim

Fruit crop: Tomato.....................................................................................................................................3
Root crop: Yam...........................................................................................................................................5
Leafy crop: lettuce......................................................................................................................................7

Fruit crop: Tomato
Scientific name: Lycopersicum esculentum

Methods in preparing land:

 If planting in the ground, loosen the soil using a garden fork to encourage drainage and aeration.
 Remove all stumps and large stones.
 Make drains to remove excess water from the garden if needed. Too much water in the soil will
kill the plants and encourages disease.
 Prepare soil to a fine or medium tilth. Dig box drains.
 Make raised, flat-topped or cambered beds 1 m wide and 4 m long.
 Spread pen manure or compost evenly and then incorporate into the soil.
 Prepare soil to a fine or medium tilth. Dig box drains.
 Make raised, flat-topped or cambered beds 1 m wide and 4 m long.
 Spread pen manure or compost evenly and then incorporate into the soil.

Methods in planting materials:

 Harden off seedlings at 3–4 weeks old.

Planting distance:

 Transplant seedlings 45 cm apart with 60 cm between the rows (45 × 60).

Methods in fertilizers application:

 If pen manure or compost was not used during land preparation, this can be applied to
each hole at the time of planting.

Post-harvest handling method:

 Tomatoes are carefully hand-picked when mature green or turning with the calyx on.
Therefore, care must be taken as to when harvesting the fruit in order to attain best
 The tomatoes are sorted in which rotten, damaged or diseases fruits are removed from
the healthy and clean ones. The process is vital in maintaining post-harvest shelf life and
quality of harvested tomatoes. Sorting limits the spread of infectious microorganisms
from bad fruit to other healthy fruits during post-harvest handling of tomatoes.
 Place fruits in large wooden trays in a dry, protected area for ripening.


 Grading is carried out which is the process of categorizing the fruits on the basis of
colour, size, stage of maturity, or degree of ripening.
 Packaging in the marketing of tomatoes is essential in putting the produce in sizeable
portions of handling. Some common packaging materials used to pack tomatoes include
wooden crates, cardboard boxes, woven palm baskets, plastic crates, nylon socks, jute
socks and polythene bag.
 Grade fruits according to size. Package in clean polythene bags for sale.

Root crop: Yam
Scientific name: Dioscorea

Methods in preparing land:

 Plough land to a depth of 30 cm and rotovate soil to a medium tilth.

 Broadcast NPK (10 : 20 : 10) fertilizer at the rate of 200 g per square metre (m2 ) and
incorporate into the soil.
 If necessary, use a broadspectrum insecticide, taking care not to spread it into the field
edges or any water.
 Form banks or ridges 30–45 cm high and 90 cm apart.

Methods in planting materials:

 Usually small whole tubers are used, or large yams can be cut into pieces about 150–200
g each (mini-set purpose).
 There needs to be skin on each piece, otherwise they will not develop.

Planting distance:

 Plant tubers at a depth of 7 cm and 30–45 cm apart in the row.

 There should be 90 cm between the rows.
 Planting usually takes place in early May.

Methods in fertilizers application:

 Apply NPK (10 : 20 : 10) at a rate of 45 g / plant about two months after planting.
 Drill or place the fertilizer in the soil to reduce loss of nutrients.

Post-harvest handling method:

 The adhering soil and roots are removed

 The damaged tubers and those showing symptoms of rotting or infection are separated
from the set and dispose of immediately.
 Wash and air-dry the yams, pasting any cut or damaged surfaces of tubers with ground
limestone or wood ash.
 Store yams in a cool and well-ventilated room.


 The yam is graded according to the uniformity like size, shape, colour and also on the
appearance of the yam
 When yams are over matured, they get injured.
 The entire yam which are mostly preferred in the markets look small and medium in size
 Grading helps fixing different prices for different categories of the yams and is done on
the basis of certain characteristics such as size, quality etc.
 Yam tubers are sold for wholesaling or retailing

Leafy crop: lettuce
Scientific name: Lactuca sativa

Methods in preparing land:

 If planting in the ground, loosen the soil using a garden fork to encourage drainage and aeration.
 Remove all stumps and large stones.
 Make drains to remove excess water from the garden if needed. Too much water in the soil will
kill the plants and encourages disease.
 Prepare soil to a fine or medium tilth. Dig box drains.
 Make raised, flat-topped or cambered beds 1 m wide and 4 m long.
 Spread pen manure or compost evenly and then incorporate into the soil.
 Prepare soil to a fine or medium tilth. Dig box drains.
 Make raised, flat-topped or cambered beds 1 m wide and 4 m long.
 Spread pen manure or compost evenly and then incorporate into the soil.

Methods in planting materials:

 Usually small whole tubers are used, or large yams can be cut into pieces about 150–200
g each (mini-set purpose).
 There needs to be skin on each piece, otherwise they will not develop.

Planting distance:

 Transplant seedlings 25 cm apart in the row and 25 cm between rows.

Methods in fertilizers application:

 Apply organic mulch around each plant before and after planting, re-apply when the
mulch has dried.

Post-harvest handling method:

 Remove bottom leaves that are old, blotchy or diseased.

 Wash heads carefully and place in trays or baskets.
 Keep in a cool area and spray with cold water to maintain freshness.


 Grading is carried out which is the process of categorizing the fruits on the base of
colour, size, stage of maturity, or degree of ripening.
 The lettuce is graded according to their size.
 Grade heads according to size. Package in clear, polythene bags for wholesale or retail.

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