Modified Waste Egg Shell Derived Bifunctional Catalyst For Biodiesel Production From High FFA Waste Cooking Oil. A Review
Modified Waste Egg Shell Derived Bifunctional Catalyst For Biodiesel Production From High FFA Waste Cooking Oil. A Review
Modified Waste Egg Shell Derived Bifunctional Catalyst For Biodiesel Production From High FFA Waste Cooking Oil. A Review
Modified waste egg shell derived bifunctional catalyst for biodiesel production
from high FFA waste cooking oil. A review
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Keywords: Global energy crisis are as a result of gradual depletion of fossil fuel reserves, coupled with population growth in
Fossil fuel developing countries. Besides, fossil fuels are not environmentally benign as they are associated with problems,
Biofuel i.e. global warming, high toxicity and non biodegradability, hence it is considered as non sustainable source of
Vegetable oil energy. Without doubt, biofuel-based energy is a promising long-term energy source that can reduce the over
High FFA waste cooking oil
dependence on fossil fuels as a result of feedstocks availability and renewability. However, biodiesel production
Homogeneous catalyst
Heterogeneous catalyst
from vegetable oil using the traditional homogeneous catalytic system is no longer defensible by industries in the
near future, particularly due to food-fuel rivalry and ecological problems related to the conventional homo-
geneous catalytic system. This review presents a comprehensive step by step process of converting waste cooking
oil (WCO) to biodiesel, using modified waste egg shell catalyst. The modified waste egg shell derived bi-func-
tional catalyst could easily be removed from the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) with limited environmental
effects. The new modified catalytic system is able to convert the high free fatty acid (FFA) content waste cooking
oil to FAME efficiently under moderate reaction conditions. Utilization of waste cooking oil as a feedstock for
biodiesel production will reduce the food security issues that stem the biodiesel production from food-grade oil.
Moreover, it will reduce the total production cost of the FAME due to its low cost. The major objective of this
article is to demonstrate the current state of the use of heterogeneous bifunctional acid/base catalyst to produce
biodiesel from green and non-edible waste cooking oil. At the end of the article, perspectives and future de-
velopments are also presented.
Corresponding author at: Catalysis Science and Technology Research Centre, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-mail address: taufi[email protected] (Y.H. Taufiq-Yap).
Received 10 November 2016; Received in revised form 18 May 2017; Accepted 28 October 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Mansir, N., Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2017),
N. Mansir et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
N. Mansir et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 2 Table 3
Common fatty acid composition of plant based oil [36]. Some globally accepted vegetable oil analysis and their standard methods [42].
1. Palmitic acid C16H32O2 16:0 7.3 1 Acid Value AOAC (2000) 940.28
2. Stearic acid C18H36O2 18:0 4.0 2 Carbon Residue ASTM D4530-00
3. Oleic acid C18H34O2 18:1 26.9 3 Density ASTM D4052-96
4. Linoleic acid C18H32O2 18:2 60.0 4 Fatty acid composition AOAC (2000) 963.33, 969.33
5. Linolenic acid C18H30O2 18:3 0.5 5 Iodine Value EN 14111
6 Kinematic Viscosity ASTM D 445-06
7 Oxidation Stability EN 14112
4. Preliminary investigations and pre-treatment of waste cooking 8 Saponification Value AOAS (1997)
9 Water Content AOAC (1990)
10 Total Acid number ASTM D 664-01
Low grade biodiesel feedstock, like WCO will undergo some pre-
liminary investigations and preparations before subjecting it to FAME (56.1 × 1000 × 3)
MWoil =
production [11]. Prior to subsequent biodiesel reactions, the collected S. V (4)
WCO must be free from debris or other impurities through simple fil-
where MWoil is the molar weight of the oil sample and S.V is the sa-
tration technique [41]. The water content will subsequently be re-
ponification value. The detailed procedures of these analyses were de-
moved from WCO through drying with the aid of hot plate and stirrer at
scribed in the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC)
120 °C. The FFA value greater than 1% is considered as higher FFA
method (2000). Zhang and Jiang [45] reported other globally accepted
content and therefore not suitable for transesterification using basic
methods for vegetable oil analysis in Table 3.
catalysts [42]. Further pre-treatment stages are needed to employ for
Different studies have been conducted on WCO to produce bio-
high FFA content of WCO (> 1%) in order to reduce the FFA value
diesel. Meng et al. [46] produced FAME from waste cooking oil using
to < 1% before been transesterify to FAME, otherwise a saponification
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as a catalyst and methanol as reaction
will occur which will greatly affects the biodiesel yield [43]. However,
medium. The effects of different reaction parameters on conversion and
the pre-treatment stage previously employed to reduce the high FFA
quality of FAME were investigated. At the end of the study, 86% con-
value of the feedstock before been subjected to transesterification re-
version under the optimum reaction conditions of 6:1 methanol to oil
action process is now considered as time and material consuming,
ratio, 0.7 wt% catalyst loading, 90 min reaction time and 50 °C reaction
which will make biodiesel production difficult and expensive, and
temperature were recorded. Similarly, Arquiza et al. [47] investigated
therefore, new catalytic route of using modified heterogeneous solid
the effect of operating parameters in the production of biodiesel from
bifunctional catalysts is now adopted in order to avoid the pre-treat-
waste coconut oil using NaOH catalyst and methanol. Under the op-
ment stage [44].
timal reaction conditions of 60–65% reaction temperature, 0.5 wt%
Basically, prior to embark on FAME production reaction, the
catalyst loading and 6:1 methanol to oil ratio, FAME yield of 94% was
number of investigative analysis of WCO needs to be carried out in
achieved. There are various reports of biodiesel production from waste
order to know certain physico-chemical parameters of the feedstock
cooking oil using conventional homogeneous catalyst, typically NaOH
(WCO). Acid value, saponification value and molecular weight of the
[48–50]. Hence, waste cooking oil is now considered as a reliable
feedstock are crucial point before either transesterification or ester-
feedstock that could help in replacing the expensive edible oil for bio-
ification reaction. A simple titration method, usually in agreement with
diesel production in commercial quantity.
ASTM, EN and other scientifically accepted procedures are used to
determine the aforementioned physico-chemical parameters of the said
feedstock. 5. Catalysis of transesterification/esterification
Acid value is the acid number contained in the oil sample. It is used
to determine the FFA level in the oil sample. According to ASTM-D974 Generally a catalyst is defined as any material or substance that
acid value is calculated using the formula below; speeds up the rate of chemical reaction by lowering its activation en-
ergy [51]. It is usually added in a minute amount in comparison to the
A × M ×56.1 quantity of the reactants, which is not consumed during the chemical
A. V =
W (1) reaction; it is also known as an initiator. However, in some cases the
where A.V is the acid value in (mg KOH/g), A is the amount of po- catalyst inhibits the reaction by been consumed and regenerated, while
tassium hydroxide (KOH) consumed by the sample, M is the molar in other cases it seems not to include in the process and functions by
concentration of KOH and W is the weight of the oil in grams. Hence the high calibre of surface characteristics [52]. Catalysis generally re-
FFA value is calculated using Eq. (2). present the vital technology for accelerating essential chemical con-
version, which is a key to recognize environmentally friendly and
A. V commercially feasible reactions for transforming energy carriers to di-
2 (2)
rectly usable energy. However, the use of heterogeneous catalysts for
Saponification value indicates the amount of KOH needed to sapo- chemical conversions not only decreases the total energy input needed
nify 1 g of oil. It can be calculated using the formula in Eq. (3) ac- for production processes, but also improves two considerable catalyst
cording to ASTM D5558-95. aspects, i.e. selectivity and thermal stability, thus leading to ecologi-
cally benign green technology.
MMKOH (B – S ) × MHCl
S. V =
W (3)
5.1. Homogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production
where S.V is the saponification value, B is the volume of hydrochloric
acid (HCl) in (ml) required by the blank, S is the volume of HCl in (ml) Commercial production of biodiesel from vegetable oil relies solely
required by the sample, MM is the molar concentration of KOH, M is the on homogeneous catalysts considering their major advantage of re-
molar concentration of HCl and W is the weight of the oil in (g). Sa- duced mass transfer resistance effect, hence faster reaction efficiency
ponification value plays an important role in determining the sample's when compared to the heterogeneous catalysts. The homogeneous
molecular weight according to the formula in Eq. (4). catalysts used in methanolysis could either be acidic or basic in nature.
N. Mansir et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Basic homogeneous catalysts are the most frequently used catalysts to homogeneous catalysts and therefore increasing the biodiesel yield
assist the biodiesel production process at industrial scale. This is due to [53]. Biodiesel production is deemed to be promoted and sustained
the faster reaction efficiency of base-catalysed transesterification reac- economically, through proper usage of heterogeneous catalysts. Solid
tion process when compared to acid catalysts which, generally react at catalysts are in different phase with the reaction medium and therefore,
slower rate; consequently, producing high biodiesel yield at mild re- facilitate it is separation from post reaction mixture [62]. Hetero-
action conditions [53]. However, the FFA and water content of the geneous catalysts could successfully be separated from the reaction
feedstock are the fundamental consideration on choosing the type of mixture via physical process, using either filtration or centrifuging
catalyst to be used in a particular biodiesel production reaction. method. Consequently, this would enable the reutilization of these
The most commonly used homogeneous catalysts for biodiesel catalysts more than once, as in the case of homogeneous catalysts,
production are hydroxides and alkoxides of alkali metals such as KOH, hence reducing the biodiesel cost [63,64]. Additionally, the level of
NaOH, sodium methoxide (CH3ONa) and potassium methoxide dissolved metals or other elements ascending from catalyst in the pro-
(CH3OK) [54,55]. In all of the listed homogeneous catalysts, KOH and duced biodiesel or glycerol could remarkably reduced when hetero-
NaOH are the most used catalysts for biodiesel production at com- geneous catalysts are properly utilized [53].
mercial scale as a result of their ability to catalyze transesterification However, heterogeneous solid catalysts are also far from perfection
reaction at relatively low reaction temperature and high reaction rate as their counterpart homogeneous catalysts. Their major downside is
which is about 4000 times faster than acid catalyst reaction rate [56]. low or limited catalytic active centers in comparison to the conven-
High biodiesel yield could also be achieved at short reaction time, and tional homogeneous catalysts; consequently, necessitate the usage of
most importantly, these catalysts are cheap and easy to get [53]. Sev- severe reaction conditions in order to match the oil conversion related
eral studies have been conducted on different feedstocks to produce to what is obtained by homogeneous-catalysed biodiesel production
biodiesel using homogeneous catalysts. Uzun et al. [55] reported the [65]. Similarly, mass transfer resistance concerns associated to het-
biodiesel yield of 96% at a reaction temperature of 50 °C, and 30 min erogeneous catalyst owing to the presence of two or three different
reaction time when NaOH catalyst was used on soybean oil using me- phases (methanol, oil and solid catalyst) in the reaction mixture could
thanol as reaction medium. Similar studies was conducted by Fadhil be linked to slower reaction rate in the conversion of vegetable oil/lipid
and Ali [57], where KOH catalyst was used to transesterify Heckel fish to biodiesel [66]. Heterogeneous catalysts require some preparatory
oil, and 97% of biodiesel yield was recorded at 32 °C reaction tem- processes for their synthesis, which are generally time-consuming. The
perature, 60 min reaction time, 6:1 methanol to oil ratio and 5.5 wt% high price of the materials needed for the synthesis of these catalysts
catalyst loading. However, formation of soap and other unwanted would also make the biodiesel more expensive. Furthermore, poisoning
emulsions as a result of presence of FFA content (> 1%) and other of the catalytic active sites of the catalysts when exposed to the sur-
impurities from low grade feedstock is another problem that may rounding atmospheric medium could affect the stability and activity of
hinder biodiesel yield [58] The prominent homogeneous acid catalysts some catalysts. Hence detail information regarding the physical and
for methanolysis are mineral acids such as HCl and sulphuric acid chemical properties of solid material is necessary. Presently, enormous
(H2SO4) [59]. Others are nitric acid (HNO3), aluminium chloride scientific efforts are on course to develop stable and sustainable het-
(AlCl3), organic sulfonic acid and phosphoric acid (H3PO4) [53]. erogeneous catalytic system that would ensure biodiesel production
Homogeneous acid catalysts generally have a slow reaction rate, and from low grade feedstock [53]. Heterogeneous catalysts could be basic
therefore, take long reaction time to esterify feedstock to biodiesel. or acidic in nature [62]. Both classes of heterogeneous catalysts could
Marchetti and Errazu [60] reported the biodiesel yield of 96% from be utilized in alcoholysis process depending on the FFA content of the
model oil prepared using oleic acid and sunflower oil when H2SO4 was feedstock. Basic heterogeneous catalysts when properly manage could
used as a catalyst at 55 °C reaction temperature, 6.126:1 methanol to oil transesterify feedstock containing up to 3% FFA at mild reaction con-
molar ratio, 2.26 wt% catalyst loading and 240 min was the time taken ditions in a single run process [67]. Heterogeneous solid acid catalysts
to satisfactorily completes the reaction process. In a related study, could best esterify low grade oil such as palm fatty acid distillate
Soriano et al. [61] reported that 98% yield of biodiesel was achieved (PFAD), lipids containing more than 85% FFA at mild reaction condi-
when canola oil was subjected to methanolysis using AlCl3 as a catalyst tions [68]. Heterogeneous acid catalysts could transesterify low grade
under the reaction temperature of 110 °C, catalyst loading of 5 wt%, oil such as waste cooking oil containing high FFA at long reaction time
methanol to oil molar ratio of 1:1 and 1080 min as reaction time. and very high reaction temperature in a single run reaction process
However, homogeneous catalysts can only use in food grades oils [69–71]. In order to avoid severe reaction conditions on the transes-
(palm oil, soybean oil etc.) as feedstock and therefore, making biodiesel terification of low grade feedstock like waste cooking oil and jatropha
production expensive. Moreover, homogeneous catalysts are peculiar to oil, modified bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts that could perform
separation problems after the reaction process, which involves regular both transesterification and esterification reaction processes simulta-
water washing that require a substantial amount of water and conse- neously at mild conditions are highly recommended.
quently, pollute the environment due to generation of acid water.
Hence, homogeneous catalysts are not environmentally and econom- 5.3. Solid base catalysts
ically benign for the sustainable biodiesel production at industrial scale.
Heterogeneous solid base catalysts constitute of alkaline metals and
5.2. Heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production alkaline earth metals which made the group one and two of the periodic
table. These basic materials have been utilized as heterogeneous cata-
Heterogeneous catalysts are catalysts that are in different phase lysts for biodiesel production process. Heterogeneous base catalysts
with the reacting medium in a reaction process. In biodiesel production, could be single alkaline earth metal oxides, supported alkali metal and
the feedstock and reaction medium, usually short chain alcohol (me- alkaline earth metal oxides, mixed metal oxides, hydrotalcites and an-
thanol) are in liquid phases, and the heterogeneous catalyst for the ionic ion-exchange resins.
reaction in solid phase. With the emergence of solid heterogeneous Alkaline earth metal oxides catalysts, if properly modified have the
catalysts for biodiesel production, most of the technical problems re- capacity to assist transesterification reaction to feedstock containing
lated to conventional homogeneous catalysts would be reduced. In re- low FFA (at least 3%) for a single run process, owing to their high basic
cent years, heterogeneous catalysts are immensely receiving scientific strength. The basic strength of group II oxides and hydroxides is pro-
and industrial attention, perhaps owing to their economic and en- moted with the increase in atomic number ranging from magnesium
vironmental friendly. If properly utilized, heterogeneous catalysts (Mg) to Barium (Ba), which significantly affects their catalytic cap-
would solve the post-reaction washing problems associated with the ability to transesterify lipid feedstock [72].
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The source of basic centers in alkaline earth metal oxides could be homogeneous counterparts. Heterogeneous solid acid catalysts when
linked to the presence of M2+and O2- ion pair and surface hydroxyl properly utilized are expected to yield outstanding grade biodiesel from
group in a different coordination environment. The surface oxygen of vegetable based oils. Moreover, unlike homogeneous acid catalysts,
these oxides could be affected by the surface composition of the solid heterogeneous acid catalysts are not associated with corrosion of bio-
catalysts and calcination temperature. Moreover, the specific surface diesel production plant/equipment [82]. More importantly, hetero-
area, degree of leaching in the reaction medium, basicity and selectivity geneous acid catalysts could simultaneously accelerate both transes-
during the transesterification reaction process must be considered as terification of triglycerides (TGs) and esterification reactions of FFA.
important factors in choosing the appropriate catalyst for biodiesel The two reactions; transesterification and esterification are catalysed by
production [53]. The most commonly used basic heterogeneous catalyst bronsted acid species and lewis acid species respectively [53,83,84]. It
for transesterification process is calcium oxide (CaO) [5]. This is due to is generally assumed that biodiesel production reaction is similar for
the possession of higher basicity, low solubility, easy to handle and both homogeneous acid catalysts and heterogeneous acid catalysts,
most importantly availability of CaO at relatively low cost. Ad- except that the heterogeneous acid catalysed reaction is influenced by
ditionally, CaO derives its popularity for catalysis as a result of its the catalysts surface, which depends heavily on the interconnected
abundance in different natural resources in the form of calcium car- system of large pores, surface acid sites and hydrophobicity [53].
bonate (CaCO3). Apart from lime stone, which is natural but non-re- Heterogeneous acid catalysts can esterify waste oil like palm fatty acid
newable source of CaCO3, other renewable natural sources are egg distillate, which has over 85% FFA content and other low grade feed-
shells [73,74], crab shells [73], capiz shells [75], snail shells [76], stocks like waste cooking oil to biodiesel [30]
mussel shells [77] and oyster shells [78] among others. Proper utili- However, heterogeneous acid catalysts can only perform biodiesel
zation of waste egg shells for the synthesis of CaO will considerably production reactions under severe reaction conditions such as high
reduce the over dependency on non-renewable lime stone as a source of reaction temperature, low reaction rate and long reaction period. These
CaO. Waste egg shell is believed to have a high content of CaCO3, drawbacks may probably make biodiesel production difficult and ex-
having a composition of about 97.1%. This shell when thermally pensive. Several studies were reported on biodiesel production from
treated at 900 °C for 2 h, would result in the formation of CaO catalyst low grade feedstocks using heterogeneous solid acid catalysts under
[53]. Besides the economic advantages, the performance of CaO as a severe reaction conditions as presented in Table 4. Hence, the new
catalyst for biodiesel production could match the conventional homo- route of catalytic system that can perform biodiesel production process
geneous catalysts having achieved outstanding conversion yield over on low grade feedstock under moderate reaction conditions is needed.
some selected feedstocks. Kawashima et al. [79] reported 90% biodiesel Waste egg shell derived CaO supported by acidic transition metal oxides
yield when transesterification reaction was performed on rapeseed oil like WO3, MoO3, TiO2 when properly utilized could perform a trans-
using CaO as catalyst and methanol as reaction medium, other reaction esterification reaction process on low grade feedstock like waste
conditions used are 60 °C as reaction temperature, 0.1 g catalyst weight cooking oil at moderate reaction conditions. Most of the waste cooking
and 3 h reaction time. Similarly, Lee et al., [80] reported biodiesel yield oils are having between 2% and 15% FFA content [85,86] depending on
of 86.75% from palm oil using obtuse horn derived CaO as a catalyst how much the oil was used in frying purposes. About 85% of the waste
under the optimum reaction conditions of 5 wt% catalyst loading, 6 h cooking oil component are triglycerides, which undergo transester-
reaction time and 12:1 methanol to oil ratio. CaO material irrespective ification reaction during methanolysis, and the remaining component is
of its source, is unstable, hence, prone to poisoning effects when ex- FFA which undergoes esterification process during biodiesel produc-
posed to atmospheric medium i.e. carbon dioxide (CO2) and water tion. The CaO catalyst would transesterify the triglycerides (TGs) and
(H2O) which would results in the formation of CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 the acidic transition metal such as WO3, MoO3, ZrO2 or TiO2 will assist
layers, respectively on the catalytic surface [81]. These effects distort in esterifying the FFA content of the oil. Mixed oxide bifunctional
and block the catalytic active sites hence lowering the activity of the catalysts could sustain biodiesel production from low grade feedstock at
catalysts and biodiesel yield [53]. moderate reaction conditions (Table 5).
Despite the encouraging results obtained using these catalysts, CaO
catalyst alone could not transesterify low grade oil such as waste 5.5. Modified waste egg shell derived bifunctional catalyst
cooking oil and Jatropha oil. This is due to the presence of high FFA
(> 3%) content and other impurities such as water in a single run Generally, separation and waste water disposal problems, corrosion
process. In order to transesterify low grade feedstock like waste cooking of biodiesel refining equipments increases concerned over the usage of
oil using CaO catalyst, two stage processes must be involved to reduce heterogeneous catalysts [87,88]. Usage of solid heterogeneous catalysts
the FFA content to (< 3%). These processes are considered as time and for biodiesel production can overcome the separation problems. Het-
resource consuming, making biodiesel production difficult and ex- erogeneous basic catalysts in which basic component comes from waste
pensive. Hence, for the CaO catalyst to work successfully on low grade material like egg shell is considered as environmentally benign due to
feedstock like waste cooking oil and Jatropha oil that have high FFA its biodegradable property hence can greatly reduce the environmental
content (> 3%), there is need for further modification that will provide problems. Over the last few years, there were greater concerns over the
some acid centers so that to esterify the high FFA present in the feed- heterogeneous catalysts whereby intensive researches were conducted
stock for efficient and sustainable biodiesel production. The modifica- for transeterification reactions over these catalysts [80,89–92]. The best
tion of basic heterogeneous catalysts like CaO for high activity on low heterogeneous catalysts should have strong basic sites, large surface
grade oil could be doping with other metal oxides from transition area, large pores, less toxicity, high stability, less corrosive effect, ease
group. Some transition metal oxides like molybdenum trioxide (MoO3), separation, high reusability, less leaching effect and low cost of pre-
tungsten trioxide (WO3), titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zirconate (ZrO3) paration [30].
possessed some acidic properties that would enhance the catalytic ac- Mixed oxides catalysts are originated from metal oxides, particu-
tivity during transesterification of low grade feedstock like waste larly alkali earth metal oxides, lanthanide metal oxides or other tran-
cooking oil. sition metal oxides. Mixed oxides catalysts could be basic, acidic or bi-
functional (having both acidic and basic properties). Bi-functional
5.4. Solid acid catalysts heterogeneous catalyst if utilized properly could perform both trans-
esterification and esterification of TGs and FFA simultaneously under
In recent years, heterogeneous solid acid catalysts are receiving moderate reaction conditions, respectively. This is due to the fact that,
greater attention from scientific and industrial point of view for bio- bi-functional catalysts are having both basic and acidic sites and
diesel production. This is due to their several advantages over their therefore can act as acid and base at the same time. Additionally, bi-
N. Mansir et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 4
A literature report on biodiesel production from different feedstocks using solid acid catalysts at severe reaction condition.
functional catalysts can easily be modified to introduce the needed [69] and physical mixing/co-mixing [93] depending on the precursor of
physicochemical properties that could easily overcome the problem of the metal oxides. These preparatory methods are not only simple and
high FFA and water content present in the low grade feedstock like easy, but economically feasible as does not involve high technical
waste cooking oil during the transesterification reaction [44]. Hence, complex procedures that would make the synthesis difficult and ex-
modified waste egg shell derived bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts pensive. Biomass based bifunctional catalyst involves the use of simple
could be promising alternative catalysts to overcome the problems as- waste material (waste egg shell, palm kernel shell etc.) and few che-
sociated with other catalysts. Over the recent years, several researches micals. These catalysts are ecofriendly and therefore, reduced en-
were undertaken using modified mixed oxide catalysts with bifunc- vironmental hazards greatly through biodegradation process. The fea-
tional activity to produce biodiesel from high FFA feedstock under mild sible techniques for the synthesis of these catalysts are fully discussed
reaction conditions as presented in Table 5. In this study, similar cat- below.
alyst with bifunctional capability would be synthesized using transition
metal oxides (WO3, ZrO2, MoO3 etc.) supported on CaO from the waste
egg shell and employ for biodiesel synthesis from WCO. 6.1. Wet impregnation method
Table 5
A literature report on biodiesel production from high FFA feedstocks using bifunctional catalysts under mild conditions.
N. Mansir et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
appropriate temperature [90,93]. The wet impregnation method is very furnace [93].
simple and effective in synthesizing supported catalyst as it could be
able to fabricate several active sites on the surface of catalyst which are 7. Physical and chemical characterization of modified waste egg
favourable in transesterification/esterification reaction processes. shell derived CaO catalysts for biodiesel production from waste
cooking oil
6.2. Co-precipitation method
In order to ascertain the catalytic activity of the heterogeneous
Co-precipitation/precipitation method of catalyst synthesis involves mixed oxide catalysts, quite number of laboratory characterizations and
dissolution of catalyst precursors usually salt precursors into distilled other relevant analysis must be carried out. The acidic and basic
water and then stirred vigorously. To this mixture, precipitating agents properties of the catalyst could be determined using ammonia tem-
usually alkaline, such as ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH), KOH, NaOH, perature program desorption (TPD-NH3) and carbon dioxide tempera-
potassium carbonate (K2CO3) is added to precipitate the solution at ture program desorption (TPD-CO2), respectively [7]. The surface area
constant stirring for 3 h and the pH of the solution is maintained at 10. and pore size of the catalyst is measured by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller
The resultant precipitate would be dried in oven at 110 °C over night, (BET) specific surface analysis [39,94]. Crystallography, elemental
after which the dried sample would be calcine in the furnace at ap- composition and functional group analysis determinations are carried
propriate temperature [29,93]. This method could be able to facilitate out by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescent (XRF), energy dis-
the development of bimetallic oxide supported CaO catalyst exhibiting persive X-ray spectrometry and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), re-
highly acidic or basic property due to synergetic effect from the two or spectively [8,90]. It is generally known that, the calcination process of
three metal oxides involved. the solid heterogeneous catalysts in the form of carbonate or hydroxide
will maximize the active sites responsible for the catalyzation of
6.3. Sol gel method transesterification reaction. The appropriate calcination temperature of
mixed oxide catalysts is determined by thermal gravimetric analysis
Sol gel method is another technique used for catalyst synthesis, (TGA) which measures the thermal stability of the sample [58]. The
which involves the mixing of butyl titanate and anhydrous ethanol in morphology of the catalyst is obtained by scanning electron microscope
drop wise to another solution of deionized water, anhydrous ethanol, (SEM) [8,58]. With regard to catalyst leaching, which is peculiar to
nitric acid and appropriate amount of nitrate precursor at room tem- most of the metal oxides particularly alkali earth metal oxides, atomic
perature under vigorous stirring to carry out hydrolysis. A yellowish absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is used to measure the level of leached
transparent sol would form after constant stirring for 3 h. The sol would elements into biodiesel product [95].
be dried at 80 °C for 24 h to form xero-gel which would subsequently
crush and sieve to 60–100 mesh and then calcine at appropriate tem- 8. Biodiesel synthesis processes
perature in the furnace [69].
Biodiesel or FAME is generally produced by the transeterification
6.4. Physical mixing method reaction of TGs or esterification reaction of FFA. During transeter-
ification reaction process, 1 mol of triglycerides react with 3 mol of
The physical mixing method involves mixing and grinding of pure methanol in the presence of catalyst and temperature to produce 3 mol
metal oxides together using agate mortar. The oxides are usually mixed of methyl ester (biodiesel) and glycerol as presented in Fig. 1. Chan and
with distilled water in a beaker and stirred constantly for five hours. Fang [96,97] reported that the transesterification reaction can be for-
The resulting slurry would be calcine at an appropriate temperature in a mulated in three step reaction processes as depicted in Fig. 2.
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Transesterification reaction is reversible reaction process and therefore 9.3. Effect of methanol to oil molar ratio
requires high amount of methanol in order to move the reaction for-
ward [53]. The excess methanol and glycerol produced together with Methanol to oil molar ratio is one of the four reaction parameters for
FAME at the end of the reaction could be separated using centrifuge the biodiesel production reaction. This parameter plays an important
[98]. Transesterification reaction rate using solid base catalyst is faster role both in transesterification and esterification reaction process.
than esterification reaction using solid acid catalyst. This is due to the During esterification of high FFA oil to biodiesel, which is reversible
slower reaction rate of solid acid catalyst resulting from lower degree of reaction process, excess methanol is necessary in order to increase the
catalyst contact with oil and methanol [96]. reaction rate and biodiesel yield [101]. Conversions of TGs to FAME
In esterification reaction 1 mol of free fatty acid reacts with 1 mol of occur when it reacts with the active site of the catalyst. At a molecular
methanol in the presence of an acid catalyst to produce 1 mol of FAME stage, TGs are protonated at the carbonyl group to form the carbonation
and water as shown in Fig. 3. Chen and Fang [96]. ion, which can undergo a reaction to form esters [30]. Nevertheless,
active sites are flooded with excess methanol which hinders the pro-
tonated TGs. Yan Li et al. (2010) reported that 90% of biodiesel yield
9. Reaction conditions and their effect on biodiesel yield
was achieved at the maximum of 15:1 methanol to oil molar ratio. No
significant increase in biodiesel yield was observed from 15:1 to 18:1
Biodiesel production reaction occurs under different reaction con-
methanol to oil molar ratio hence 15:1 was adopted in view of eco-
ditions like temperature, which has effects on calcination of the catalyst
nomics and methanol recovery after the reaction [70]. The high amount
and biodiesel reaction, methanol to oil molar ratio, reaction time and
of methanol during methanolysis was reported to be problematic during
catalyst loading, all of which have different effects on biodiesel pro-
separation process. This is due to the formation of emulsion from ester
duction process. In order to obtain a higher biodiesel yield with fulfilled
layer and glycerol layer formed. The polar nature of the methanol made
standard specification, these conditions must be optimized during the
it to act as emulsifier which enhances the formation of emulsion [101].
reaction process.
However, it is generally concluded that excess methanol increases the
production yield and also enhances the interaction between TGs mo-
9.1. Effect of calcination temperature lecules and catalyst [102,103].
Calcination temperature plays enormous role in catalyst synthesis, 10. Alternative techniques for biodiesel production
through the development of the major catalytic properties such as basic
and acidic site densities, surface area, pore volume as well as molecular Biodiesel can be produce popularly by esterification process of FFA
and crystalline structure. During calcination process, catalysts are or transesterification process of TGs using different techniques. High
subjected to high temperature which exposes the catalytic sites by renewable energy demand requires more advanced techniques such as
eliminating the loosely bound carbon dioxide and water molecules and microwave, autoclave and ultrasound reactors for the production of
also rearranges the bulk atoms on surface of the catalyst [70]. Park Y-M, biodiesel in commercial scale.
et al., [99] reported the increase in FAME yield from 62% to 90% when
the calcination temperature was varied from 250 °C to 350 °C for 4 h. 10.1. Conventional reflux method
This is due to the increase in calcination temperature to 350 °C which
enhance the catalyst performance for transesterification process. Conventional reflux method is one of the most commonly used
However, excessive increase in calcination temperature during the technique for biodiesel production, which is equipped with two or three
catalyst synthesis may results to decrease in FAME yield, signifying low neck round bottom flask placed in an oil bath on stirring hot plate and a
catalytic performance. This might be due to the gaseous diffusion out of water cool condenser; the setup is placed in a fume-cupboard during the
the pores during the thermal treatment resulting to surface pores lim- biodiesel production process. However, low or moderate reaction
itation or partial removal of the binding water molecules from catalyst temperature and lower pressure are considered as the major setback to
structure which may lead to damage of the catalyst and subsequently this technique. Hence, using reflux method for biodiesel reaction that
form unknown species [71,100]. occur at normal pressure and sufficiently high temperature could not be
achieved [30]. Slow reaction rate was also observed in conventional
9.2. Effect of catalyst loading reflux method which occurs as a result of energy transfer that depends
on conventional current and thermal conductivity of the reaction
Catalyst is generally believed to speed up the reaction process by mixture [104]. The conventional normal reflux set up is presented in
lowering the activation energy. Conversion of triglycerides or lipids to Fig. 4.
biodiesel involves the use of catalysts which speeds up the reaction
process by lowering the needed activation energy. Lower catalyst 10.2. Autoclave reactor
loading is usually applied in the initial stage of the reaction and the
conversion yield is measured. The subsequent catalyst loading will be Autoclave reactor is the general reactor for biodiesel production
increased periodically at constant reaction conditions until the best reaction processes. It could be applicable to high temperature and
biodiesel yield is achieved. Amani et al. [71] reported the high FAME pressure esterification reaction using acid catalysts. The pressure and
yield of 90% with increase in catalyst loading to 3 wt% after 3 h re- reaction temperature could be greater than the boiling point of the
action time which was considered as optimum catalyst loading for the methanol because it provides closed system reaction. More importantly,
reaction. Biodiesel yield was decreased to 83% when the catalyst the reaction temperature, pressure, feedstock or alcohol flow and stir-
loading was increased to 4 wt%. Low catalyst loading could result to ring speed could be monitored and controlled on the computer program
methanol solubility in low grade feedstock like waste cooking oil [99]. [94,98], hence, low and moderate temperature transesterification
N. Mansir et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
12. Conclusion
11. Biodiesel quantitative analysis Considering the current global energy demand, there is an urgent
need to diversify into other alternative sources of energy. The over
Gas chromatography and flame ionization detector (GC-FID) is the dependent fossil fuel is no longer sustainable due to its un-renewable
combined equipment used for the determination of the composition of nature and environmental problems such as global warming.
FAME from biodiesel, which is in accordance with the EN 14103 pro- Renewable sources of energy like biofuels are now considered as the
cedure. The GC setup is made up of HP-INNOWax polar capillary best option to conventional fossil fuels due to its biodegradability, less
column with the length of 30 m and a thickness of 5 µm with the in- toxic and similar performance with fossil fuel.
ternal diameter of 0.33 mm; the carrier gas and the internal standard of Commercialization of FAME production to meet the global energy
FID is Helium gas. During the GC-FID analysis 1 µL of each sample is demand is the only solution to the current energy challenges. However,
usually mixed with methyl heptadecanoate as internal standard and current FAME production is not sustainable considering the high pro-
injected manually. The starting temperature is 50 °C, the initial rate is duction cost when high grade oil is used as a feedstock and the con-
15 °C/min up to 180 °C followed by second rate at 17 °C/min up to ventional catalytic system which is associated with separation pro-
230 °C and finally from the rate of 30 °C up to 380 °C with a holding blems. These problems could only be solved through the reduction of
time of 10 min [94,98,101]. cost of production and better catalytic systems.
Simple formulas were proposed by Wan Omar and Amin, Guo et al. The conventional feedstock for FAME production is high grade oil
[105,106] to calculate the percentage yield of methyl ester and Nasci- with low FFA (< 1%) content which can easily be converted to bio-
mento et al. [107] to calculate the percentage of FFA conversion when diesel at low reaction conditions. However, about 80% of total pro-
high FFA feedstock is used for biodiesel production. The two suggested duction cost of FAME will go to feedstock when high grade oil is used as
formulas are displayed in Eqs. (5) and (6), respectively. a feedstock. Using Waste cooking oil as a feedstock for FAME produc-
tion will reduce the production cost to halve when compared to high
%FAMEAreafromGC × weightofproduct grade vegetable oil.
Methylester (%) = ×100% The heterogeneous solid based catalyst could serve as the best op-
weightoffeedstockused (5)
tion to a homogeneous catalyst for the commercial FAME production
N. Mansir et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
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