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1017 32 0002 - Maintenance Manual (For Maintenance and Assembly Company) - Eng

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MRL W-Line Flex I Documento/document 1017.32.0002.

Fecha/date 13.01.2012
Maintenance Handbook for the Maintenance Company Versión/version 00
and Assembly Company Aprobado/approved ASM

Maintenance Handbook according to EN 13015

Poligono Ind. Malpica, Calle E - n° 8 E-50016 Zaragoza, Spain
Tel: +34 976 763900 Fax: +34 976 763901
http://www.wittur.com E-Mail: info@wittur.com

No part of this publication may be reproduced or We reserve the right to make alterations with respect
translated, even in part, without prior written to the specifications and figures in this manual.
permission from Wittur E.C S.A.

Sujeto a cambio sin notificación! Subject to change without notice!

MRL W-Line Flex I Documento/document 1017.32.0002.1
Fecha/date 13.01.2012
Maintenance Handbook for the Maintenance Company Versión/version 00
and Assembly Company Aprobado/approved ASM

Maintenance Handbook according to EN 13015 for

the Maintenance Company and Assembly Company
___________ (date of creation)

Traction lift number: ___________________________________________________


Serial number:_________________________________________________________

Type (passenger or freight lift …):__________________________________________

Environment (adverse weather conditions, vandalism …):________________________

Restricted use:_________________________________________________________

Hazard advice:_________________________________________________________

Assembly company / manufacturer:_________________________________________

Location of lift:________________________________________________________

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MRL W-Line Flex I Documento/document 1017.32.0002.2
Fecha/date 13.01.2012
Maintenance Handbook for the Maintenance Company Versión/version 00
and Assembly Company Aprobado/approved ASM

Table of contents

1. Introduction 3
2. Information for rescuing passengers caught in the lift 4
3. Maintenance 5
4. Preparing a risk assessment 6

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MRL W-Line Flex I Documento/document 1017.32.0002.3
Fecha/date 13.01.2012
Maintenance Handbook for the Maintenance Company Versión/version 00
and Assembly Company Aprobado/approved ASM

1. Introduction
These maintenance instructions according to EN
13015 are written for maintenance personnel who
have the training, technical knowledge and practical
experience qualifying them to safely do
maintenance work. The maintenance personnel
should always keep their technical knowledge up to
The Assembly Company / Manufacturer have written
these maintenance instructions containing the
results of a risk assessment.

These instructions should be changed if the

intended use of the lift changes and /or if
the ambient conditions have changed from
the time when the lift was finished.

If special warning signs are necessary for

maintenance, they should be placed
directly or in the immediate vicinity of the
lift and they should be clear and easily
comprehensible. All signs, labels,
pictograms or written warning signs on the
lift should be replaced whenever they
become illegible.

These instructions do not supersede the

extended instructions on this lift or
statutory regulations and ordinances.

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MRL W-Line Flex I Documento/document 1017.32.0002.4
Fecha/date 13.01.2012
Maintenance Handbook for the Maintenance Company Versión/version 00
and Assembly Company Aprobado/approved ASM

2. Information for rescuing

passengers caught in the lift
The maintenance company is obliged to organize
the rescue of passengers caught in the lift and take
precautions for events such as fire or panic, etc. This
makes it necessary to provide 24-hour stand-by
service for passenger rescue.

Only the operator's authorized and

instructed lift personnel may rescue
passengers caught in the lift through the
landing door.


From _____to ______ o'clock at _____________________________ phone: _______________________

From _____to ______ o'clock at _____________________________ phone: _______________________
From _____to ______ o'clock at _____________________________ phone: _______________________
Outside of the above times at _______________________________ phone:________________________
Other emergency operation services such as the fire brigade
(name, address and number): ______________________________________________________________

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MRL W-Line Flex I Documento/document 1017.32.0002.5
Fecha/date 13.01.2012
Maintenance Handbook for the Maintenance Company Versión/version 00
and Assembly Company Aprobado/approved ASM

3. Maintenance • Shut down the lift if you can no longer

guarantee a safe lift operation.
Maintenance means all work to ensure that the lift
and components function safely as intended after • The operator should inform the maintenance
completing installation and during their service life. company every time the lift functions
abnormally, every time it is taken out of service
and before the lift is put back into service.
3.1 Maintenance means: • Advise the lift operator of necessary lift
• Lubricating and cleaning beyond the everyday upgrades (for increasing safety) at the
cleaning chores appropriate times.
• Making checks • The maintenance company should train
• Rescuing passengers caught in the lift authorized personnel on how to rescue
• Adjusting and readjusting passengers caught in the lift. Instructions should
• Making repairs or replacing components due to be adapted to the lift's specific requirements
wear and tear that do not modify the lift's and contain the latest information.
characteristics. • All personnel maintaining the lift should be
instructed in this fashion.
3.2 Maintenance does not mean:
• Replacing main components (such as the 3.4 The maintenance plan
machine, car, control mechanism or safety A maintenance plan should be drawn up to
components) minimize the lift downtime without limiting
• Replacing the lift passenger safety. Appropriate preventative
• Modernizing the lift including modifying its maintenance can keep maintenance times as short
characteristics as possible. Please keep the spare parts needed for
• The fire brigade rescuing passengers caught in repair on hand including the appropriate tools and
the lift equipment.
Please use the maintenance instructions for drawing
3.3 Please remember the following: up a maintenance plan because it has typical
• Maintenance work has to be carried out on a examples of required tests.
regular basis to guarantee lift safety and You can find the maintenance instructions for each
availability. of the components in their specific operating
• Lift safety includes carrying out maintenance instructions.
work without the danger of injury or health Please take the following factors into consideration
hazards. for calculating frequency:
• The results of all actions necessary due to a lift • The number of trips per year, the operating
malfunction should be recorded. These records period and the downtimes
should include the type of malfunction in order • The age and condition of the lift
to be able to identify repeated malfunctions. • The location and type of building the lift is
• If there are several lifts in the same shaft/area installed in
and/or machine room, only one maintenance • The needs of the passengers
company should be contracted. • The type of loads to be transported
• The ambient conditions of the lift

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MRL W-Line Flex I Documento/document 1017.32.0002.6
Fecha/date 13.01.2012
Maintenance Handbook for the Maintenance Company Versión/version 00
and Assembly Company Aprobado/approved ASM

• Failures that might foreseeably arise from • The access ways and evacuation measures to be
misuse, improper operation, overloading or used in case of fire,
deterioration in the lift's condition. • Where the keys for reserved areas are kept,
• The persons who accompany maintenance
personnel to the lift (if required),
4. Preparing a risk assessment • The protective equipment that should be used
Before a lift is brought into use, the assembly by personnel in the accessways (if required) and
company has to write a risk assessment according to where it is kept.
the Lift Directive 95/16/EG. Every risk should be kept
to a minimum by means of safety measures and
appropriate instructions. Please bear in mind the
fact that these instructions cannot replace safety
measures for reducing risks.
It is essential to identify the health and safety
hazards specific to every working area and to every
maintenance activity. This also includes access to
the working area.
This requires certain information from the lift
operator. Please discuss any questions you may have
with the lift operator, especially regarding
Afterwards, you will find examples of elements that
should be included in the risk assessment for
maintenance work.
The risk assessment is a component of the lift
documentation that provides information for the
maintenance company on potential risks in the
building. Therefore, before putting the lift into
service, please ensure that:

• Spaces are safe and free of health hazards to the

greatest degree possible (this also includes
access to the area around the lift);
• Persons coming into these spaces are aware of
residual risks;
• Risks are easy to understand and clearly labeled.

The maintenance company should be informed

about the access to areas reserved to maintenance
personnel, in particular:

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