Fog-Centric IoT Based Framework For Healthcare Monitoring Management and Early Warning System

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Received April 29, 2021, accepted May 7, 2021, date of publication May 13, 2021, date of current version

May 25, 2021.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3080237

Fog-Centric IoT Based Framework for Healthcare

Monitoring, Management and Early
Warning System
1 Department of Computer Science, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
2 Department of Information Systems, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh 11432,

Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author: Afzaal Hussain ([email protected])

ABSTRACT Internet of things (IoT) and machine learning based systems incorporating smart wearable
technology are rapidly evolving to monitor and manage healthcare and physical activities. This paper is
focused on the proposition of a fog-centric wireless, real-time, smart wearable and IoT-based framework
for ubiquitous health and fitness analysis in a smart gym environment. The proposed framework aims to
aid in the health and fitness industry based on body vitals, body movement and health related data. The
framework is expected to assist athletes, trainers and physicians with the interpretation of multiple physical
signs and raise alerts in case of any health hazard. We proposed a method to collect and analyze exercise
specific data which can be used to measure exercise intensity and its benefit to athlete’s health and serve as
recommendation system for upcoming athletes. We determined the validity of the proposed framework by
giving a six weeks workout plan with six days a week for workout activity targeting all muscles followed
by one day for recovery. We recorded the electrocardiogram, heart rate, heart rate variability, breath rate,
and determined athlete’s movement using a 3D-acceleration. The collected data in the research is used in
two modules. A Health zone module implemented on body vitals data which categorizes athlete’s health
state into various categories. Hzone module is responsible for health hazards identification and alarming.
Outstandingly, the Hzone module is able to identify an athlete’s physical state with 97% accuracy. A gym
activity recognition (GAR) module is implemented to recognize workout activity in real-time using body
movements and body vitals data. The purpose of the GAR module is to collect and analyze exercise specific
data. The GAR module achieved an accuracy of above 89% on athlete independent model based on muscle

INDEX TERMS Fog computing, gym activity recognition, health hazard recognition, Internet-of-Things
(IoT), machine learning, smart workout.

I. INTRODUCTION world are advanced enough to receive instant health alerts by

The world today, is witnessing a massive technological turn professionals, trainers and clinicians on their smart phones
in every walk of life, focusing particularly on healthcare and and other gadgets. These systems are utilizing their advanced
physical fitness services. Information and communication features and capabilities to bring out useful and productive
technologies are moving with the engineering and medical information from the smart wearable to deliver better health-
mechanizations, and have greatly enhanced and monitored care services [1].
healthcare and physical fitness not only at home but outdoor Machine learning based fitness monitoring systems in
as well. It has been observed that the research of current health and fitness domain have supported trainers, coaches
times is mostly focused on wireless healthcare provisions and physicians by providing real time decision support
using smart wearable for remote access. The people of the and early diagnosis of injuries. The technological enhanced
healthcare delivery services can particularly reduce the risks
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and associated with the health of athletes. This improved fit-
approving it for publication was Xianzhi Wang . ness domain has altered the traditional medical treatments

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
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A. Hussain et al.: Fog-Centric IoT Based Framework

to a modern one including their prevention by predicting 1) Proposition of a framework for a smart gym environ-
and detecting the health risks beforehand. Such system are ment which involves exercise specific health related
more favorable in reduction of healthcare costs by providing data acquisition and analysis.
remote delivery of services to trainer and physician. [2]. 2) Real time early diagnosis of health risks for athletes
Nowadays, the focus of health and fitness domain has been due to over exertion or over doing exercises. A Fog-
evolved to include prevention, and early detection of injuries. centric model is introduced in the proposed framework
For example, athletes, especially beginners who constantly to respond in real time using mobile application.
overdo gym workout often experience fatigue, mental exhaus- 3) A novel mechanism of Activity Correlation has been
tion, and muscle fractures. Such injuries of an exercisers can proposed using body movement data and body vitals
be prevented by analyzing data acquired from smart wearable taken by single device attached to the athlete’s body
in real time [3]. instead of multiple smart devices.
Internet of Things (IoT) along with Fog computing has 4) The exercise specific data collection and analysis can
high impact on several application domains including health- be used to monitor body’s recovery rate, athlete’s com-
care in sports [4]. Fog centric IoT is rapidly gaining fame as fort analysis, exercise intensity analysis etc and also
a novel paradigm reflecting a pervasive presence of things, serve as recommendation system for upcoming ath-
services, places and networks allowing network devices to letes.
collect, communicate and exchange data. IoT based health- 5) Experimentation has been performed in a controlled
care platform powered with machine learning is one of the smart gym environment under observation of trainers,
most attractive application domain of IoT, focusing on real- physicians and other domain experts.
time and remote monitoring, improvement of quality of life, The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
patient centric healthcare, early diagnosis of chronic diseases, presents an overview of the recent literature. Section III
medical emergencies and reduction in treatment cost [5]. presents the proposed framework along with Section IV
Physical fitness plays a vital role in our lives, physically which describes the data collection and transformation pro-
and mentally fit people can perform there day to day activ- cess. Section V describes the use of transformed data in two
ities better and are less prone to medical conditions. Our modules, gym activity recognition (GAR) module and health
modern sedentary lifestyle has resulted in unhealthy weight, zone (Hzone) identification modules. The section VI pro-
which causes diseases like heart, high cholesterol, diabetes, viding the experimental validation of the same. Section VII
depression, obesity, etc. Physical activity can probably help concludes the entire discussion presenting an overview of the
us reduce the risk of diseases. World Health Organization contributions and achievements of the proposed framework.
(WHO) [6] suggests moderate intensity workout of at-least
two and half hour or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical
activity of 75 minutes for the adults aged between 18 and
IoT and Fog based health monitoring research can be further
64 throughout the week.
divided into four categories as described below.
The gym and fitness clubs are gaining popularity due to the
technological advancements and awareness associated with
various advantages of daily exercises. Nowadays, regulariz- A. FOG-COMPUTING PARADIGM IN IoT
ing physical activity sessions appears to be difficult as busy Bonomi et al. [7] outlined the vision of Fog/Edge computing
work routines can often impede the execution of exercise paradigm in the field of IoT to deliver a rich set of services
plans. Thereby, workout/body fitness centers are becom- and application in sensor based network to overcome the issue
ing necessary for physical workout. While sometimes high- related to IoT like latency, mobility, real time manipulation
intensity exercises may lead to serious health-related issues. of data, increasing number of nodes, location awareness and
The health state prediction is possible by real-time acquisition storage. Farahani et al. [8] presented applicability of IoT in
and compilation of athlete’s health data [3]. To analyze data healthcare and medicine by presenting a holistic architecture
from wearable, the concern should not be on how much of IoT eHealth ecosystem using Fog-computing paradigm
data is collected, but rather, what relations or co-relations which defines a healthcare based multi-layer architecture.
can be drawn between data received from different sensors
and exercise apparatus. For instance, how do we relate data B. IoT BASED HEALTHCARE
collected from the smart watch while a person is exercising Adame et al. [9] deployed and tested CUIDATS an IOT
on the treadmill and while using a bench press? based hybrid monitoring system using wireless sensor net-
A major contribution of this paper is the proposition of a works(WSN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).
framework for exercise specific body vitals data collection, The target was to obtain the patient’s location, status,
early diagnosis of injuries and alarm in case of any health tracking, and assets (wheelchair) tracking in real-time.
hazards in a smart gym environment. Which, to the best of Mahmud et al. [10] designed a user-friendly Smartphone
our knowledge, has only been done as prediction value based case that can monitor the heart rate and ECG of a person
on historical events but not being tracked in real-time. This in real-time using wireless sensor networks. Results obtained
paper offers the following contributions. were promising and consistent.

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Thompson and Walter (2019) [11] in their fitness trends Trainers working in the gym environment are responsible
survey highlighted that Wearable technology and gym-related for conducting a multitude of tasks that requires constant
exercises like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and vigilance and thus the need for a smart physical activ-
Bodyweight training is among the top 5 spots for 2019 fitness ity monitoring system has arisen. The existing frameworks
trends. Qi et al. [12] collected home and gym activity data lack in sensing gym workout, on numerous important and
using a belt and a wrist device. They applied Artificial Neural critical workout apparatus, local processing for real-time
Networks (ANN) based learning, achieving high accuracy on caution/alarm generation, objective or disease-specific data
activity recognition. Gupta and Sruti (2011) [13] proposed acquisition and analytic. To analyze data from wearable,
a sports and fitness based architecture named as Digital Fit- the concern should not be on how much data is collected, but
ness Connector (DFC) that leverages existing technologies rather, what relations or co-relations can be drawn between
to monitor different vital signs during a workout session. data received from different sensors and exercise apparatus.
Patel and Aisling (2015) [14] presented exploratory study on For instance, how do we relate data collected from the smart
human behavior to adopt technology in the smart workout sensor while a person is exercising on a treadmill or using a
environment, providing insight into commercially available bench press?
fitness related products, heart rate monitor, and pedometer. The main advantage of the proposed framework is exercise
The work provided by Das et al. [15] includes home and specific data collection and analysis that can be used to
gym activity recognition and repetitions counting along with monitor athletes body vitals, recovery rate, comfort factor,
comfort analysis deduced from resting and maximum heart exercise intensity, etc. in real time, from which trainers and
rate. The Comfort factor analysis is helpful in selection of physicians can add or skip exercises or adjust weight for
more or less weight during gym activities. exercises. The proposed data collection and analysis tech-
Bhatia and Sandeep (2017) [3], presented a framework nique can also be helpful in early diagnosis of health hazards
for real-time analysis and prediction of health conditions during gym activity. A well trained system can also serve as
during workouts in a smart gym environment. The proposed recommendation system for upcoming athletes. Automatic
framework is comprised of three phases namely, monitor, exercise classification, segmentation, and counting number
learn, and predict. They collected data related to athlete’s repetitions are also an important domain of smart gym-related
health state (heart rate, blood pressure, breath rate, and body research. There is also a lack of integrating research related
temperature), environment (hall temperature, humidity, oxy- to an athlete’s health state analysis during and post-workout.
gen supply), nutrition intake, and behavior (anxiety and stress The reference architecture of the proposed framework is
level). Artificial neural networks are used for the intelligent presented in Fig. 1. It combines the functionality of research
processing of the data and to state health vulnerabilities. related to smart wearable based body vitals data analysis as
Yong et al. [16] designed an IoT and Machine learning based well as automatic gym activity classification along with real-
intelligent fitness system which includes data acquisition time alarm generation in case of any health hazard. This fog-
from smart wearable and webcam for data analytic and to centric IoT based healthcare framework is expected to be
act as recommender system to find similar workout routines. efficient in monitoring and management of exercisers in a
An Algorithm for intensities recognition using heart rate smart workout environment. The architecture is divided into
data is proposed in [17] based on athlete independent and three layers A) IoT Sensor Network Layer B) Fog-Node and
dependent observations. The authors made use of heart rate Services Layer and C) Cloud Storage and Analytics Layer.
data along with accelerator data to improve classification The Fog Node and Services layer is responsible for real-
performance. time collection of a huge amount of data generated from
the IoT Sensors layer, classify the data, generate an alert to
D. AUTOMATIC EXERCISE RECOGNITION athlete and/or trainer in case of any hazardous situation and
Morris et al. [18] presented gym activity recognition sys- forward preprocessed data to cloud storage for storage and
tem using a 3-axis accelerator and a 3-axis gyroscope based analytics. The Cloud Storage and Analytics layer processes
armband. Ding et al. [19] proposed an integrated free-weight the data and generates reports/alerts for athletes, trainers, and
exercise monitoring system called FEMO. The FEMO system concerned physician. Cloud layer of a well-trained system is
was used for activity recognition and repetitions counting. also expected to generate safe workout plans for new athletes
A blue tooth connection based wearable system is proposed and providing assistance to trainers and physicians. Each
in [20] to acquire athlete’s movements while performing layer of the system is described as follows.
exercises. The proposed system segments groups of exer-
cises and classify which exercise is being performed and
counts number of repetitions for that exercise. A simple A. IoT SENSOR NETWORK LAYER
smart watch based system named MiLift [21] aims to track This layer is used for data acquisition from smart wearables
the workout activities. The MiLift system also categorized related to physical fitness related characteristics, a person’s
exercisers into different classes as resting, walking, running vital signs monitoring, and body motion according to the
and weightlifting. exercise apparatus. These smart wearables are capable of

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FIGURE 1. Proposed Fog-Centric Healthcare Framework.

TABLE 1. Description of dataset and smart wearable used for data acquisition.

sensing and transmitting data using wireless communication this layer is subdivided into two modules, 1) Classification
technology. Data to be acquired in the proposed framework of athlete’s health state into five categories based on body
is divided into four subcategories. Table 1 describes the data vitals and workout data with health zone received from the
collected and smart wearables used in the research. Personal cloud layer. It generates an alert to athletes and trainers in
data includes physiological data of the athlete. A physiologi- case of any health hazard or in case of a target health zone is
cal fitness index (PFI ) is calculated on physiological data of reached during a workout session. 2) Automatic gym activity
the athlete to index the current health state, give in equation 1. recognition (GAR) module which is implemented using Long
In the equation, f represents the current health state (good, Short-Term Memory (LSTM) [23] to identify the workout
normal and poor) and I1 , I2 , . . . In score of each physiological activity in real-time.
parameter of the athlete.
PFI = P( ) (1) IoT devices generate a huge volume of data that is transmitted
Ii ∪ I2 . . . In
to the cloud via the intermediate fog node for permanent
The body vitals data includes electrocardiogram (ECG), storage and analytics. The data analytics module at the cloud
heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), breath rate (BR) layer is responsible for applying data mining and machine
and body movement includes Vertical, Lateral and Sagittal learning techniques for analysis of data and to depict new pat-
axes data obtained in real-time using the Zephyr Bioharness terns. It has 2 modules target health zone selection, storage,
3 device (BH3) [22]. and smart reporting. Target health zone is selected on the basis
of the physiological data, any prior disease, workout routines,
B. FOG NODE AND SERVICES LAYER exercise apparatus used and improvement is the physical state
Fog-Computing paradigm is particularly chosen to minimize by using particular workout equipment using equation 1. The
the issues related to IoT healthcare applications like latency, Health zone is periodically reported to the fog node. Fog
mobility, real-time manipulation of data, location awareness, node makes a decision of alarm on the basis of hazardous
and storage. The Fog Node and Services layer acts as a bridge health zone or when a target health zone is achieved. Storage
between IoT Sensor Network Layer and Cloud Storage and and smart reporting module allow athlete trainers and health
Analytics Layer. It is used for data accumulation, prepro- professionals to remotely monitor data and workout history.
cessing, classification, alarm generation in case of any health The trained system can also act as a virtual trainer which can
state vulnerability in real-time, and forwarding the processed be used for the generation of workout plans for new athletes
data to cloud storage. The data classification component of as per their physiological data.

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TABLE 2. Weekly workout plan targeting each muscle group.


We collected four types of data in a controlled smart gym
environment with the help of domain experts which are phys-
iological, body vitals, body posture, and workout data. This
section describes all aspects of the data collection in a gym
environment and transformation process.


In this research, athletes are given a weekly workout plan
depicted in Table 2, six-days a week targeting each muscle FIGURE 2. Zephyr bio harness.
group a day and one day for recovery. A total of six weeks
data is collected based on the weekly workout plan. A total
of forty two physical exercises are performed, organized targeting each muscle group, in real life, an individual’s
into six groups according to target muscle group. The first workout program may have more or less exercises, but that
five are chest, arms, shoulder, back and legs which require does not have any bearing on our experiments.
gym apparatus. The sixth exercise group named core body
belongs to exercises that are beneficial for improvement of B. THE DATA COLLECTION PROCESS
posture, flexibility, and balance which don’t require gym There were a total of 4 athletes, comprised of young males
apparatus. Each workout is associated with one day of the between the ages of 25 and 40. On a given day, each ath-
week and is to be finished in one session. These exercises are lete performed all the exercises scheduled in the workout of
mostly related to body building and weight training programs. that day targeting a single muscle group. Each exercise was
These exercises are commonly used by practitioners and their performed 3 times (3 sets). The sets for an exercise were
descriptions are widely known. performed with a small resting period. The number of reps
Repetitions, sets, rest interval between two sets, and work- and the weights used varied according to the physical fitness
out routines are the basis of any workout plan that uses these of the athlete. The reps and weights were constant for an
exercises in a systematic way. A repetition (or rep, in short) is athlete for all the 3 sets of the same exercise. For example,
one complete motion constituting a gym exercise, such as one an athlete did 3 sets of bench press with 40 kg weight and
front raise, one bench press, or one arm curl. To complete one 10 reps in each set. An exercise and set of an exercise may
rep, the athlete begins from a starting position, goes through take variable amounts of time to complete. For example,
a sequence of motions and returns to the starting position. an athlete might take 1 minutes to complete one set of bench
A set is a group of consecutive reps of an exercise. It can press, while he might take only 30 seconds to complete a set
be considered one round of that exercise. For example, eight of bicep curls.
repetitions can be one set of bench press. The number of The data was collected by a commercially available device
reps an athlete does for an exercise depends on the levels called Zephyr Bio Harness 3 (BH3) [20]. The device was
of his fitness and his goals for doing that exercise program. strapped on an athlete’s chest during each workout session for
A set/exercise is followed by a small period of rest. Generally, real-time body vitals and body movement data acquisition as
this resting period is between 20 seconds to 1 minutes. The shown in Fig. 2. The data collected by the Bio-Harness was
rest interval allows the exercised muscle to recover enough transferred to a laptop via a USB connection. Data collected
for the next set of the exercises. Three sets of each exercise is from BH3 and mobile app is used for Hzone and GAR
performed in a session. After completing all the exercises the module.
athlete starts next set of these exercises. The whole group of A mobile application was used to record athlete’s name,
exercises done during a complete session is called a workout. exercise name, start time, end time, number of repetitions
The sole criterion for the selection of these exercises was performed, rest time between sets and exercises, equipment
that they are common and widely known. Many of the exer- used and the weight used. This data was appended later on to
cises in this study (e.g., bench press) are done by beginners the raw signal data to complete the dataset. A manual record
while some others are done by intermediate to advanced prac- of information related to the gender, age, height, weight,
titioners. We have selected best possible groups of exercises prior health state, trainer, and family physician, etc. of the

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A. Hussain et al.: Fog-Centric IoT Based Framework

participants was also made. This was done once, at the begin-
ning of the entire data collection process.
All the athletes are given a six-week full-body workout
plan, six-days a week targeting each muscle group a day and
one day for recovery. Thus, we have 36 days of exercise data
and each day’s workout has seven exercises multiplied by 3
(3 sets / exercise) multiplied by 4 (4 athlete performed those
exercises). The data collection process for each athlete took
on average 50 minutes on a daily basis for six consecutive
weeks. Thus, we have 4 athletes × 50 minutes/day/athlete ×
6 days/week × 6 week of exercise data.
Initially, the process started with 10 athletes, but due to the
strenuous nature of the workouts and the daily consistency
required over a six week time period, only 4 athletes ended
up completing the program.
FIGURE 3. Hzone categories and their record count.
A different gym in a different climate may introduce a
bias into the data collection process, even with the same
athlete. However, we believe, that it does not minimize the
data is recorded manually, while workout data is recorded
importance of our process or the relevancy of our results.
using a mobile application. Body vitals and posture data is
C. THE RAW SENSOR DATA collected using the Zephyr bio harness device.
The body vitals data is captured when our athletes per- Body vitals data at 1Hz frequency is used to divide an
form exercises by wearing Zephyr BH3 device which was athlete’s health state into five categories based on Fox and
transferred to a laptop via a USB connection. The Zephyr Haskell formula [24] for Hzone module. These categories are
device creates separate raw files for each category of data moderate, aerobic, anaerobic, VO2 max, and hazardous.
i.e body movement, breathing and electrocardiogram (ECG) The body movement data received at 100Hz frequency,
data. A summary file is also created using Zephyr’s internal is used for GAR module along with ECG data, breathing data,
algorithm at 1Hz frequency which is used in Hzone module. and body vitals summary data. Given the separate sampling
More details and format of raw data obtained from the device rate of 100Hz for body movement data, 25Hz for breathing
is as follows: data, 250Hz for ECG and 1Hz for summary data we had
1) Acceleration data file: the format is <timestamp, verti- to scale all data to 100 Hz for GAR module. The data of
cal, lateral, sagittal>. The data is collected at 100 Hz. ECG, breathing, summary data and workout is transformed
2) Breathing data file: the format is <timestamp, Breath- to 100Hz frequency with the body movement data to create
ingwaveform>. The data is collected at 25 Hz. our dataset for the GAR module.
3) Heart rate data file: the format is <timestamp, Ecg- Hzone and GAR modules are based on the body vitals,
Waveform>. The data is collected at 250 Hz. posture, and activity data collected using BH3. The Hzone
4) Summary data file: the format is <timestamp, Heart module is based on body vitals data collected at 1Hz fre-
Rate, Breathing rate, posture, heart rate variability, core quency depicted in Fig. 3. GAR module uses accelerometer,
temperature >. The data is collected at 1 Hz. breathing and ECG data collected at 100Hz frequency, to rec-
ognize each exercise based on workout category information.
Each file contains data generated during the 7 exercises
ECG and breathing data are considered to identify exercises
(3 sets/exercise) done by an athlete on a given day. Since there
with similar posture but different arms movement which is not
are 4 athletes, we have 4 × 4 = 16 raw data files generated
detected by the BH3 device. There are 6 workout categories
for each day of workout. The workout plan was for 6 weeks
while each category is based on 7 exercises performed in
with 6 workouts in a week. Thus we have a total of 36 days
a session. Since we need labelled data samples for training
and (4 × ×4 × 36 =)576 raw data files.
and testing supervised learning based classification models,
Workout data is collected using a mobile application to
each transformed instance is tagged with the activity that was
store athelete-ID, workout category, exercise name, number
performed based on workout data obtained from the mobile
of reps, weight used and start time and end time of the
app. Fig. 4 depicts exercise wise instance count for each
exercise. The raw data is augmented with the workout data,
workout performed.
by linking the time stamp information of raw files and the
mobile application based recorded exercise start and finish
The collected data was used to study the feasibility and
D. DATA PRE-PROCESSING performance of the proposed framework. Two groups of
The collected dataset is in four categories, physiological, experiments were conducted, one for exercise recognition and
body vitals, body posture, and workout data. Physiological another for monitoring the health state of the exerciser.

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FIGURE 4. Exercise wise instance count for GAR module.

This section describes the methodology used to execute B. METHODOLOGY OF THE EXPERIMENTS
our experiments. Section V-A describes the classification 1) METHODOLOGY OF GAR MODULE
algorithm used to build the models. The methodologies Given a set of exercises, the exercise recognition task involves
used to construct and evaluate the experiments on exercise identifying an exercise that is contained within that set. Each
recognition and health state classification are described in exercise represents a different class, for our data set this
Section V-B. means forty-two classes. We have set up two types of exper-
iments, one athlete independent and another athlete depen-
A. CLASSIFICATION MODELS AND TRAINING dent. Furthermore, for both athlete independent and athlete
Two separate groups of models were trained, one for exer- dependent exercise recognition, we have experimented with
cise recognition and the other for health zone classification. two different set-ups. The first consists of training separate
Both the models are Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models for each muscle group. The second comprises of
neural networks. LSTM is an extension of recurrent neural training only one model and all the classes are part of that
network begin widely used in the field of deep learning. model.
LSTM has the advantage over other neural networks by Thus we have four experiments:
having a feedback connection which can process an entire
1) Experiment 1: athlete independent, separate models for
sequence of data. As the collected data is time series data,
each muscle group
so the LSTM model is well-suited for classification of such
2) Experiment 2: athlete dependent, separate models for
each athlete and muscle group
We implemented a Bidirectional LSTM model with 128
3) Experiment 3: athlete independent, one model for all
units each, the dropout rate at 0.5, and the relu activation
function. The implementation used is in the tensor flow with
4) Experiment 4: athlete dependent, a model for each
Keras an open source library for data mining and analysis.
athlete and all classes
The experiments were executed on the Google Colab plat-
form [25]. For experiment 1, data for each muscle group contains data
LSTM comprises different layers of neurons, each neu- from all the four athletes and a total of seven exercises
ron has weighted inputs parameters. Layer to layer scal- from that muscle group. This means a muscle group con-
ing of input is done with the help of transform function. taining 7 exercises is a total data of 108 sets of an exercise
LSTM model expects fixed-length sequences as training data (3 sets/week/athlete × 6 weeks × 4 athletes). The training
sequence contains 400 records, which are equal to 4 seconds and test data is partitioned using the setno attribute, so that
of activity. Our LSTM model chooses the class label by using the training and test sets both have the same percentage of
the mode of all exercises which are present in the sequence. data from each athlete.
It is the exercise that occurs most often in the sequence. For experiment 2, each athlete has his own data comprising
Splitting of data into training and test data is achieved with of the sets for a given exercise. This means a total data
the help of setno attribute collected using a mobile app. Each of 18 sets of an exercise (3 sets/week × 6 weeks).
exercise is performed three times in a session. The first two Activity recognition models in experiments 1 and 2 are
sets of the exercise were used as training data and the third built per exercise based on muscle group. The athlete
set as test data. independent exercise models contains data from all the four

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FIGURE 6. Visual inspection of leg extension activity data.

FIGURE 5. Visual inspection of leg press activity data.

athletes and we have 6 models (one for each muscle group).

The athletes dependent models have data from only one ath-
lete and we have a total of 24 models (4 athletes × 6 models,
one for each athlete-muscle group).
For experiment 3, data contains data from all exercises
done by all the four athletes. This means a total data
of 3,024 sets of exercises (42 exercises/athlete × 3 sets/week
× 6 weeks × 4 athletes). One model is trained recognizing all
the exercises. The data is split in the ratio of 2:1 for training
and testing. The split is stratified for each athlete, i.e. 12 sets
of an exercise for training and 6 sets for testing from the
18 sets done by that athlete.
FIGURE 7. Visual inspection of health zone data.
For experiment 4, we have 4 datasets one for each athlete.
Each dataset contains data from all exercises done by the and Haskell formula [24]. For our experiments, each zone has
athlete. This means a total data of 756 sets of exercises its own class.
(42 exercises × 3 sets/week × 6 weeks). Four models are For Hzone experiment, dataset contains data from all exer-
trained, one for each athlete. Each model is trained to recog- cises done by all the four athletes. One model is trained
nize all the exercises. identifying the health status during all the exercises. The data
For experiments 3 and 4, each exercise has its own class. is split in the ratio of 2:1 for training and testing. The split
All the four experiments are executed using the LSTM neural is stratified for each athlete, i.e. 12 sets of an exercise for
network and the six attributes listed before are used. training and 6 sets for testing from the 18 sets done by that
An important question is about the attributes that can be athlete.
used for discriminating between exercises. We have exper- The attribute selected for Hzone module are heart
imented with different combinations and in this paper we rate(HR), breathing rate (BR), heart rate variability (hrv),
are focusing on body vitals (breathing, ECG and heart rate posture, activity and peak acceleration (paccl) of body. The
variability data) and accelerometer data (vertical, lateral and visual inspection of each component of the Hzone dataset for
sagittal axes). The inclusion of body vitals data for the exer- anaerobic health zone is depicted in Fig. 7.
cise recognition task is a novelty and thus has significance
in the larger field of activity identification with similar chest VI. RESULTS
movements. The visual inspection of each component of the This section presents and analyzes the results of all of the
GAR module data for leg press and leg extension activities is experiments conducted in the study. The results are pre-
depicted in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. We can identify differences in sented first for the GAR module in subsection A, which is
each axis of the signal and body vitals across these activities. responsible for gym activity recognition and then for the
health zone (Hzone) module in subsection B. 1) Automatic
2) METHODOLOGY OF HZONE MODULE gym activity recognition (GAR) to decrease the overhead of
Given the heart rate (hr), breathing rate(br) and heart rate using multiple sensors or manually selecting gym activity
variability(hrv) of an athlete while doing exercises, the health using the mobile application. Accuracy, precision, recall, and
state recognition task involves identifying the exercise zone F-measure evaluation metrics are used to evaluate the GAR
of the athlete. This information is useful for generating an and Hzone module. 2) Hzone module, which is responsi-
alarm in the case of ‘abnormal’ heart rate. There are five ble for identifying the health State of an athlete during the
health zones moderate, aerobic, anaerobic, VO2 max and activity, will also alarm in case of any health hazard. Mobile
hazardous based on value obtained from equation 1 and Fox application is used for alarm generation and data acquisition.

VOLUME 9, 2021 74175

A. Hussain et al.: Fog-Centric IoT Based Framework

TABLE 3. Athlete dependent accuracy and loss of GAR module on chest


TABLE 4. Precision, Rrecall and Fscore for each athlete on chest workout.

FIGURE 8. Confusion matrix of GAR module on chest workout.

This section provides the results for all the gym exercise
recognition experiments. We have set up a total of four types
of experiments, two experiments based on athletes, first is
athlete independent and second is athlete dependent. There
are two more experiments based on exercises and athlete, first
is for each muscle group and second is for all 42 exercises.
The results for the first group based on all athletes and muscle FIGURE 9. Precision, Recall and Fscore on chest workout.

group are better as compared to athlete independent model.

The results on the model comprises of all 42 exercises are crossover has the highest recall value and Chest press has a
low as compared to the model which is based on muscle low score overall. It can be concluded that the experiment
group. The results for each experiments are discussed in the 1 of GAR module predicted well with high precision, recall
following sub sections. and fscore.


In this experiment, dataset for each exercise contains data In this Section, experiments are performed on athlete’s own
from all the four athletes exercises based on muscle group. data built per muscle group. A total of 4 athelete’s data were
Our trained LSTM model of the GAR module learned well on processed and LSTM model of the GAR module learned well
chest workout with accuracy more than 89% and loss around on chest workout with accuracy above 83% on athletes (A1).
0.38 on 100 epoch. The athlete dependent accuracy and loss of each athlete are
Confusion matrix for GAR module predictions accuracy as depicted in Table 3. The best accuracy of athlete dependent
shown in Fig. 8, module outperformed with only one notable model is 88% while other athlete’s accuracy is below this. The
exception include the misclassification of Chest press for accuracy of the athlete independent model in experiment 1 is
dumbbell fly and vice versa. Although both exercises have higher than the athlete dependent model. So, we can conclude
similar body posture with a slight change in arms movements that the GAR module predicts well despite the athlete depen-
which is not detected by Zephyr as it only detects chest dency. The confusion matrix for GAR module predictions
movement, here the inclusion of body vitals data brought for first athlete (A1) is shown in Fig. 10. As we have seen
more accuracy in the classification of these exercises. Cable in the confusion matrix of experiment 1 in Fig. 8 there are
cross over, dumbbell fly, and incline press are activities with few misclassifcations of chest press with dumbbell fly and
the highest accuracy. vice versa. Similar results are found for athlete dependent
The inclusion of body vitals data for the GAR task is very models.
significant in identifying activity with similar body move- Table 4 summarizes the athlete dependent results from
ments. Fig. 9 summarizes the results from chest workout in chest workout in form of precision, recall and fscore for each
form of precision, recall and fscore for each activity. Cable activity.

74176 VOLUME 9, 2021

A. Hussain et al.: Fog-Centric IoT Based Framework

TABLE 5. Precision, Recall and Fscore for all exercises.

TABLE 6. Precision, Recall and Fscore of Hzone module.

The Health zone module is the key module of the proposed
framework which is based on athlete’s health state. The health
status identification task is a multi-class classification prob-
lem, which for this study includes five classes. The haz-
ardous class is the most important one which can be used for
alarm generation. Hzone module outstandingly gave above
97% accuracy in categorizing each health zone. The module
converges to its optimum in a few epochs. The accuracy of
the training and validation data is very consistent. Table 6
summarizes the results of Hzone module in form of precision,
recall and fscore for each activity by presenting their preci-
FIGURE 10. Athlete A1’s confusion matrix of GAR module. sion, recall and fscore. The results of moderate, aerobic, and
anaerobic Hzone are good with scores more than 88%. The
VO2 max and Hazardous hzone came up with lower score due
to the imbalance of the data set, collecting more data may help
Experiment 3 is based on complete dataset, which include all
in improving these scores.
the athletes, muscle group and activities. A single model is
The confusion matrix for Hzone module is depicted
trained to recognize all the 42 exercises. The single athlete
in Fig. 11. Moderate and aerobic health zone categories are
independent model with all classes came up with 80.25%
with the highest accuracy. The hazardous category is most
accuracy and 1.3% loss. The results of experiment 3 are low
important in our work as its purpose is to use it as alarm
as compared to the experiment 1 and 2, due to the reason
generation. There is minor misclassification of hazardous
that in experiment 1 we have seven classes to test and in
along with VO2 Max may not be necessarily incorrect, but
experiment 3 we have tested on 42 classes. from experiment
it is a misclassification considering the available classes.
1 and 3 it can be conculud that GAR module performs well
Overall results are satisfactory.
on muscle group dependent models. Table 5 summarizes the
results of this experiment in form of precision, recall and
fscore for each activity where EID is the exercise number of 1) COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
each muscle group as depicted in Table 2 and precision, recall This section presents a comparative analysis between the pro-
and fscore are depicted as Pr, Re and Fs respectively. posed framework and existing studies as depicted in Table 7.
A comparison is made with seven state of the art studies.
4) EXPERIMENT 4: ATHLETE DEPENDENT, ONE MODEL FOR We divided the present research on gym based activity recog-
ALL CLASSES nition and health analysis in seven parameters. These param-
Experiment 4 is based on athelte wise data, which contains eters are
single athlete’s data of all muscle group and all activities. 1) Application domain which provide information about
A single model is trained to recognize all the 42 exercises the healthcare domain.
of the athlete. This athlete dependent model with all classes 2) Major contribution of the relevant study.
came up with 83.6% accuracy and 0.81% loss for first athlete 3) Sensing technology used for data acquisition.
and 84.2% accuracy and 0.41% loss for second athlete with 4) Activity recognition system implemented or not.
an average accuracy of 82% on all athletes. 5) Health state analysis method presented.

VOLUME 9, 2021 74177

A. Hussain et al.: Fog-Centric IoT Based Framework

TABLE 7. Comparative analysis of proposed framework with some different models.

activity recognition with few activities related to gym and

they analyzed exercise intensity and comfort level of the ath-
letes. Yong et al. proposed webcam based activity recognition
which involves use of multiple webcams for each activity
recognition, the alert generation mechanism was specific to
the heart rate only. The rest of the work was based on the
gym activity recognition only.

In this research we proposed a fog-centric framework to mon-
itor and manage healthcare in smart gym environment. The
framework employs real-time vital signs monitoring, motion
data, health state history, physical strength, and body metrics
data, and other health-related attributes, which are valuable
in the gym environment to analyze physical fitness and avoid
health hazards. The framework combines the functionality of
research related to body vitals as well as automatic exercise
classification along with real-time alarm generation in case
of any health hazard to the athlete. We collected exercise
FIGURE 11. Hzone module confusion matrix. specific data which later can be used to analyze the impact
of each exercise on the athlete body which forms the basis
6) Exercise specific health data analysis. for recommendation system that can be used for upcoming
7) Data storage mechanism. athletes. The fog computing paradigm is particularly cho-
The framework proposed by Bhatia and Sandeep (2017) [3] sen to predict health hazards in real-time on edge networks
collects data from multiple sensor to generate Probabilistic instead of sending and waiting for a response from the cloud.
State of Vulnerability (PSoV) value using ANN. The PSov Outstandingly, the Hzone module can identify the athlete’s
is used to predict the health state of the athlete while the physical state in five categories with above 97% accuracy.
framework lacks in real time activity recognition and alarm We performed four types LSTM-based Gym activity recogni-
generation. PSoV value can also be used to Hzone classi- tion (GAR) experiments. The overall accuracy of all types of
fication as proposed in this research. The research work of experiments was above 80%. The athlete independent model
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74178 VOLUME 9, 2021

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[7] F. Bonomi, R. Milito, J. Zhu, and S. Addepalli, ‘‘Fog computing and its learning, big data, and data mining.
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[8] B. Farahani, F. Firouzi, V. Chang, M. Badaroglu, N. Constant, and KASHIF ZAFAR has been associated with the
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lenges of IoT in medicine and healthcare,’’ Future Gener. Comput. Syst., versity of Computer and Emerging Sciences, since
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[9] T. Adame, A. Bel, A. Carreras, J. Melia-Seguí, M. Oliver, and R. Pous, ulty Member with the Faculty of Computer Sci-
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[12] J. Qi, Y. Yang, X. Peng, L. Newcombe, A. Simpson, and P. Yang, ‘‘Exper- M.S. thesis. He has published a number of research papers in international
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activity recognition using belt and wristband devices,’’ in Proc. 41st Annu. IT industry and has worked in different organizations in USA and has around
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A fitness application for indoor based exercise recognition and comfort the NED University of Engineering and Technol-
analysis,’’ in Proc. 16th IEEE Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. Appl. (ICMLA), ogy, Karachi, Pakistan, in 1987, the Diplôme de
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[17] E. M. Tapia, S. S. Intille, W. Haskell, K. Larson, J. Wright, A. King, National University of Computer and Emerging
and R. Friedman, ‘‘Real-time recognition of physical activities and their
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[18] D. Morris, T. S. Saponas, A. Guillory, and I. Kelner, ‘‘RecoFit: Using a 2001 to 2010 and is currently on leave. Since 2010, he has been a Professor
wearable sensor to find, recognize, and count repetitive exercises,’’ in Proc. with Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
SIGCHI Conf. Hum. Factors Comput. Syst., Apr. 2014, pp. 3225–3234. He has more than 100 publications in journals and international conferences.
[19] H. Ding, L. Shangguan, Z. Yang, J. Han, Z. Zhou, P. Yang, W. Xi, His research interests include machine learning, data mining, and evolution-
and J. Zhao, ‘‘FEMO: A platform for free-weight exercise monitoring ary algorithms. He is a member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence
with RFIDs,’’ in Proc. 13th ACM Conf. Embedded Netw. Sensor Syst., Society.
Nov. 2015, pp. 141–154.

VOLUME 9, 2021 74179

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