The document discusses curiosity and its importance for learning. It defines curiosity as a desire to learn and understand new things. Curiosity is important for children's learning as it motivates them to explore their world and strengthens relationships. The document then discusses where curiosity comes from, noting it stems from past experiences and knowledge and rewards the brain. Finally, it provides tips for promoting curiosity in students, such as encouraging questions, modeling curiosity oneself, and matching skills to interesting topics.
The document discusses curiosity and its importance for learning. It defines curiosity as a desire to learn and understand new things. Curiosity is important for children's learning as it motivates them to explore their world and strengthens relationships. The document then discusses where curiosity comes from, noting it stems from past experiences and knowledge and rewards the brain. Finally, it provides tips for promoting curiosity in students, such as encouraging questions, modeling curiosity oneself, and matching skills to interesting topics.
The document discusses curiosity and its importance for learning. It defines curiosity as a desire to learn and understand new things. Curiosity is important for children's learning as it motivates them to explore their world and strengthens relationships. The document then discusses where curiosity comes from, noting it stems from past experiences and knowledge and rewards the brain. Finally, it provides tips for promoting curiosity in students, such as encouraging questions, modeling curiosity oneself, and matching skills to interesting topics.
The document discusses curiosity and its importance for learning. It defines curiosity as a desire to learn and understand new things. Curiosity is important for children's learning as it motivates them to explore their world and strengthens relationships. The document then discusses where curiosity comes from, noting it stems from past experiences and knowledge and rewards the brain. Finally, it provides tips for promoting curiosity in students, such as encouraging questions, modeling curiosity oneself, and matching skills to interesting topics.
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I. What Is Curiosity and What Does It Mean?
Curiosity is the desire to learn, to understand new things, and to know how they work. Curiosity can manifest in many ways, as the desire to read the gossip columns or watch reality shows on TV, or as the desire to know about people and their lives. It can also manifest as the desire to accumulate knowledge about science, geography or other topics, or as the urge to know how to fix things. Curiosity is the expression of the urge to learn and acquire facts and knowledge. It widens the mind and opens it to different opinions, different lifestyles and different topics. Curious people ask questions, read and explore. They are active about seeking information or experience, and are willing to meet challenges and to broaden their horizons. They are not shy to ask questions and delve deeply into the topic that interests them. Curiosity can be directed to gossip and unimportant details, or to matters that are more important. It can also lead to learning, acquiring knowledge, and becoming an expert in one’s field. Curiosity is a vital ingredient for becoming a good journalist, writer, inventor or scientist. II. Why “Curiosity” is important to children’s learning ? “Curiosity is the motivator for children to explore their world, which is how they learn about it. My colleague, Judy, loves to tell about the infant who does not yet crawl. A parent puts the infant on her belly. To us it looks like she can do little and is not engaged. But she is using the senses that she’s developed up to that point to explore the world. You’ll see her tongue darting in and out. At some point, she is going to lick the carpet. Why? Because she is curious about this stuff underneath her and wants to know about it. She licks it and learns that it’s rough and that it isn’t the same as her bottle. It seems like a small, insignificant activity, but this is an important developmental learning exchange.” As soon as they start talking, children start to ask questions. The fact that they keep their curious eyes wide open to the world to learn new things brings about many benefits including: Strengthening their relationships with others. Protecting their brains. Helping them grow. Helps them overcome anxiety. According to research, intellectual curiosity is the hidden force that drives learning, critical thinking, and reasoning. Curiosity helps children seek and acquire new knowledge, skills, and ways of understanding the world. It is at the heart of what motivates young people to learn and what keeps them learning throughout their lives.Most of us know that many children can achieve good grades without being curious — by understanding the system of test-taking and dutifully doing their homework.Curious children, on the other hand, spend a great deal of time reading and acquiring knowledge. Why? Because they sense a gap between what they know and what they want to know — not because they are motivated by grades.When kids are in curiosity’s grip, they often forget the immediate goals at hand because they are preoccupied with learning. This was the case with young people I interviewed for my book, Tomorrows Change Makers: Reclaiming the Power of Citizenship for a New Generation. Many of them were so focused on public service that they missed school deadlines or didn’t have time to study for exams.The young people I interviewed defined their success differently than many of today’s youth. They wanted to learn, not just achieve good grades. If you suspect that curious kids fare better in careers and life, you’re right, and for a variety of reasons. Research suggests that intellectual curiosity has as big of an effect on performance as hard work. When put together, curiosity and hard work account for success just as much as intelligence.Another study found that people who were curious about a topic retained what they learned for longer periods of time. And even more impressive, research has linked curiosity to a wide range of important behaviors, including tolerance of anxiety and uncertainty, positive emotions, humor, playfulness, out-of-box thinking, and a noncritical attitude — all attributes associated with healthy social outcomes for children and adults.Psychologists view intellectual curiosity as a life force, vital to happiness, intellectual growth, and wellbeing. It is interconnected with each of the other abilities of The Compass Advantage — sociability, resilience, self-awareness, integrity, resourcefulness, creativity, and empathy.Like most human abilities, curiosity also has a dark side. After all, it did kill the cat! And without proper nurturing by parents and teachers, unregulated curiosity can lead children down rabbit holes that waste time, obstruct goals, or damage health.The greatest advantage of curiosity lies in its power to motivate learning in areas of life and work that are meaningful to the learner. It points students toward the knowledge, skills, relationships, and experiences that they need to live full and productive lives. Intellectual curiosity is easily recognizable. We see it when we observe children and teens exploring their environment, devouring books and information, asking questions, investigating concepts, manipulating data, searching for meaning, connecting with people and nature, and seeking new learning experiences.Curiosity is fostered everywhere — at home, in school, and through out-of-school- time programs. Parents who intentionally stimulate a child’s curiosity impact their learning and development for a lifetime in ways that cannot be measured by grades alone. In fact, a healthy sense of curiosity will do more for a child than being able to recite correct answers to academic questions.
III. Where Curiosity Comes From ?
The stages of curiosity come from the learner in an inside-out pattern. This is a crucial distinction; It means it doesn’t happen by dangling flashing, singing, and dancing carrots in front of students. Rather, curiosity stems from past experience and current knowledge, then leaps out as the neocortex seeks patterns it recognizes, then rewards itself with dopamine when it finds something it either understands or seeks to understand, branching out to new domains, applications, and opportunities for transfer. “A good question can…force the uncomfortable but transformational cognitive dissonance that can help create thinkers.” But how does one ’cause’ curiosity? This is the challenge of instructional design, lesson design, curriculum mapping, project-based learning templates, and a thousand other factors. Any modern movement in progressive learning systems should at the absolute minimum be aware of what tends and does not to tend to stimulate curiosity, and how its surplus and absence can affect the learning experience overall. Curiosity can be seen as part of the student themselves rather than a kind of ‘brain emotion’: the student, their unique curiosities, and their patterns of self-direction as they seek to understand things because their brain wants to understand. IV. How to promote curiosity in your students? The good news for teachers who work with younger learners of course, is that children are naturally curious. Young children are full of questions and curiosity. But rates of questioning drop away as children progress through school, so how can you continue to nurture your students’ enquiring minds when they are no longer in your classroom? Here are some ideas:
1. Encourage new ways to capture them questions and introduce
Prompting questions from your students when they’re learning at a distance can be as simple as tweaking your language when you first introduce a topic or give instructions. Don’t ask if your students have any questions – instead, try asking what questions they have. Making the assumption that they have questions, and creating space and time to address those questions, will encourage your students to share their queries with you. A KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned) chart could be a good tool to use here. Once you’ve introduced the subject and they’ve worked through the ‘lesson’, share the chart with your students and ask them to complete it and return it to you. Encourage them to think of what they know already, and – crucially – what they want to know. 2. Model curiosity yourself and be a co-learner Lead by example and show your students that you are interested in and excited about learning something new. Shifting your mindset can make a big difference. Instead of thinking about what you are teaching, frame your lessons in terms of how your students are now learning. Rather than passively receiving your expert knowledge in a classroom situation, encourage your students to learn how to find things out for themselves. If you model curiosity, they will be more motivated to seek out information on whatever topic you are working on. One small way to do this? Start off your lesson or worksheet by telling your students that you don’t know much about the topic – but that you’re excited to learn together with them. 3. Match skill development with interesting topics Think hard about the focus of your lesson. What is the crucial takeaway that your students need to learn and how can you ensure they do this from a distance? If they are practising a skill, then allow them to practise that skill in their own way. For example, if primary-age children are learning how to measure things in maths using centimetres, encourage them measure their favourite toys at home and take and annotate pictures showing their length. If you are teaching older students valuable research skills, let them research and present on a topic of their choice. This doesn’t have to be a live presentation, a slide deck showing their research that they can email to you can be just as valuable. 4. Teach from a variety of perspectives Pique students’ curiosity by showing them that different perspectives exist on the same subject. This will encourage them to think about and develop their own perspective on things. The current crisis is a great example of how different individuals’ perspectives can be: how do your students view the pandemic and home learning compared to their siblings, or their parents, or a grandparent or family friend isolating alone? If you are a history teacher, promote marginalised voices and texts to show your students an alternative to the narrative in their history books. If you’re reading Jane Eyre with your students, share some excerpts of Wide Sargasso Sea. If you’re studying media, share with them two opinion pieces on the same subject. Encouraging your learners to contrast and analyse differing perspectives will help develop their critical thinking skills. 5. Give students choice and independence Students with autonomy will be more engaged in the learning process whether that takes place in the classroom or as part of your distance learning programme. Of course, it is still important to have teacher supervision, but rather than playing the role of the expert who is telling your learners what to do, try to see yourself as the head researcher. You don’t want to hand them the information on a plate, but you can pique their curiosity to learn more, and then guide them to research on their own. Show them how to research something thoroughly, by recommending certain sources, encouraging them to think critically, and sharing your own research with enthusiasm and excitement. Learning at home is an opportunity for them to really make the most of this autonomy. V. The link between curiosity and success. A neuroscience study from the University of California shows there are concrete physical connections between curiosity and memory. In the results from the study, students remembered more of what they learned when their curiosity was piqued, suggesting that stimulating students’ curiosity could be a powerful motivation for learning. And once students have joined the world of work, curiosity is linked to better employment prospects. Curious learners are the best-suited to challenging, creative work – which is also the type of work least likely to be automated. Ian Leslie, author of Curious, points out that “twenty-first-century economies are rewarding those with an unquenchable desire to learn, question and solve – and punishing those who don’t. Today, it’s not just what you know that counts – it’s how much you want to know.” Not only is curiosity linked to better memory and job prospects – it also makes people happier. People who are curious report increased levels of satisfaction and mental well-being. Todd Kashdan, a psychology professor and author of another book Curious? says, “If you take the fundamental things that people tend to want out of life — strong social relationships and happiness and accomplishing things — all of these are highly linked to curiosity.” All in all, if you can inspire curiosity in your students – whether back in the classroom or during this global pandemic as they learn from home, you’ll be helping them far beyond school, into their careers and adult lives.