Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Regeneration Capability and Reduced Number of Switches
Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Regeneration Capability and Reduced Number of Switches
Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Regeneration Capability and Reduced Number of Switches
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Fig. 2. Cell topologies: (a) Non-Regenerative; Regenerative with: (b) Single-phase PWM Rectifier; (c) three-phase PWM Rectifier.
Fig. 3. Power circuit of the proposed cell. Fig. 4. Rectifier behavior when: (a) T1 = 1; (b) T2 = 1.
The proposed cell, which is shown in Fig. 3, only requires 1) T1 = 1: From Fig. 4(a) it can be seen that
two power semiconductors for the rectification stage and four
for the classic H-bridge. Thus, the complete cell can be imple- dis
vL = L = vs − vdc1 . (2)
mented in a standard six-pack inverter module. dt
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Fig. 5. H-bridge inverter output voltage: (a) vab = vdc ; (b) vab = −vdc ; (c) and (d) vab = 0.
ic1 = is − il (3)
ic2 = − il (4)
Fig. 6. Control scheme of the proposed cell.
vdc1 = ic1 (τ ) dτ (5)
vdc2 = ic2 (τ ) dτ (6)
vL = L = vs + vdc2 (7)
dt is used for Cc to provide perfect phase tracking on the current
loop at that frequency [16], [17].
due to vdc2 > vs , vL > 0 so is increases its value. In this way Cv and Cc structures are
Under this condition, (3) and (4) change to
s + αv
Cv = Kv (10)
ic1 = − il (8) s
s + αc s + βc
ic2 = − is − il . (9) Cc = Kc (11)
s2 − ωs2
If is > 0 the capacitor C2 will be discharged, otherwise if
is < 0, the voltage in C2 can increase its value. As in the previ- where Kv , αv , Kc , αc , and βc are calculated depending on the
ous section, the voltage in C1 depends on the load condition. desired bandwidth, overshoot and settling time.
The control scheme must adjust the duty cycle to keep the Working with a sinusoidal input current of frequency fs in
voltages vdc1 and vdc2 at their reference values. phase with the input voltage has consequences in the dc-link
2) Inverter Unit: Fig. 5 shows the four conduction states for capacitors voltages. A simple way to understand these effects is
an H-bridge inverter. Note that this topology generates up to to use the average rectifier model proposed in [18] and shown in
three different output voltage levels based on the full dc-link Fig. 7, and assume that the voltages are balanced. The following
voltage vdc = vdc1 + vdc2 , disregarding the rectifier topology. relations then hold, according to Fig. 7(b)
1 v∗
B. Control Scheme + r
α= (12)
2 Vdc
The control scheme for the rectifier side of this semireduced 1 v∗
1−α= − r . (13)
cell is shown in Fig. 6. This scheme uses a voltage controller Cv 2 Vdc
to control the entire dc-link voltage vdc and a current controller
Cc that enables a high input power factor. Typically Cv and If the rectifier is working with unitary power factor, vr∗ must
Cc have been chosen as simple PI controllers. However, in this be a sinusoidal signal of frequency fs , and a magnitude and
case a linear resonant controller at mains frequency ωs = 2πfs phase (v̂r and φ, respectively) depending on the load power
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Under these conditions the output power of each cell can be TABLE I
calculated, e.g., for cell Ha1
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Fig. 10. Simulation results working with fo = 5 Hz: (a) Output voltages; Fig. 11. Experimental results working with fo = 5 Hz: (a) Output voltages;
(b) output currents; (c) total dc-link voltage vdc and capacitors voltage vdc1 (b) output currents; (c) total dc-link voltage vdc and capacitors voltage vdc1
and vdc2 ; (d) input voltage and current of one cell. and vdc2 ; (d) input voltage and current of one cell.
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Fig. 13. Input current spectra: (a) At secondary side; (b) at primary side.
Fig. 14. Unbalance control at fo 50 Hz when turned on: (a) Voltages of one
cell; (b) input current of one cell. Fig. 15. Regeneration at fo = 50 Hz: (a) dc-link voltage in one cell;
(b) output current; (c) input current and voltage at secondary side; (d) input
voltage and current at primary side.
loss of control capability of the input current. This imbalance
is quickly corrected when the imbalance controller is turned
on. Note however that the entire dc-link voltage vdc remains An additional advantage is that a standard industrial six-
controlled at any time by the main voltage control loop. semiconductor module, used for any conventional two-level
Fig. 15 presents the transition from motoring to generating inverter, can be used to build the entire cell.
operation. From t = 0 to t = 80 ms the input current is sinu- In addition, the control strategy for the rectifier stage keeps
soidal and in phase with the ac voltage (Fig. 15(c) and (d), the balance in the voltage of the dc-link capacitors without
indicating that power is transferred from the three-phase power phase-shift between the input voltage and the fundamental
supply to the load. Starting at t = 80 [ms], an active load frequency of the input current of each cell. The low frequency
changes the polarity of the output current [Fig. 15(b)] and in- input current harmonics of each cell can be effectively elim-
creases the dc-link voltage of the cell [Fig. 15(a)]. This forces inated at the primary side of the input transformer through a
the input current to change its polarity as well (180◦ out of proper interconnection.
phase with respect to the voltage, indicating a regeneration The authors believe that the proposed cell is a good compro-
operation. mise between cost and performance, allowing operation on any
condition at a high input power factor.
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