PBSEDSOCSTU009 Macro Economics (Ramos, Ma. Cecilia) Topic 3 and 4 - Task 1
PBSEDSOCSTU009 Macro Economics (Ramos, Ma. Cecilia) Topic 3 and 4 - Task 1
PBSEDSOCSTU009 Macro Economics (Ramos, Ma. Cecilia) Topic 3 and 4 - Task 1
Task 1
Scrutinize the 2021 Proposed Budget in the Philippines. Thereafter, write a critique paper
about it. Encode in your answer in a word document then convert it to pdf file before
submitting it.
In general, government budget is the financial plan of a government for a given period,
which shows what its resources are, and how they will be generated and used over the
period. However, government budgeting is a critical exercise of allocating revenues and
borrowed funds to attain the economic and social goals of the country. It also entails the
management of expenditures in such a way that will create the most economic impact
from the government operations and services while supporting a healthy fiscal position.
This activity of the government is important because it enables the government to plan
and manage its financial resources to support the implementation of various programs
and projects that best promote the development of the country. Though, it can be very
time-consuming to create a budget, especially in a poorly-organized government system
and political system where many iterations of the budget may be required. And, the time
requirement can be unusually large if there is a participative budgeting process in place,
since the system involves a large number of budget makers.
In the Philippines, “The 2021 People’s Proposed Budget- Reset, Rebound, and Recover.
Investing in Resiliency and Sustainability, encloses the proposed 2021 national budget;
budget dimension; spending priorities; financing; and the basic of budgeting. This budget
is allocated for the implementation of various government programs and projects, the
operation of government offices, payment of salaries of government employees, and
payment of public debts. These expenditures are classified by expense class, sector and
implementing unit of government.
Thus, budgeting is used as the tool of decision making by the government. Where, most
of the economic decisions are being dependent on the budget. Which, economic
decision includes the investment spending and allocation of resources.
Review the rubric below for you to be guided in accomplishing the preceding activity.