VILLAMIN - Drug Study

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BSN 4 - G3
DX of Patient: Dengue with warning signs


Generic Brand Name Dosage Frequency Indication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Name and

Azithromycin RiteMED 500 mg OD for 5 Respiratory Tract Bacteriostatic: It stops Significant: Myasthenia 1. Direct sunlight (UV)
Azithromycin, PO days Infections bacterial protein synthesis by gravis. exposure should be
Zithromax 8 AM inhibiting the Ear and labyrinth minimized during therapy
Community-acquired transpeptidation/translocatio disorders: Deafness. with the drug.
pneumonia n step of protein synthesis Eyes: Pruritus, burning, 2. Take aluminum or
and by inhibiting the stinging of the eye or ocular magnesium antacids 2 h
assembly of the ribosomal discomfort, sticky eye before or after the drug.
subunit. This results in the sensation 3. Report onset of loose stools
control of various bacterial CNS: Headache, dizziness. or diarrhea.
infections. GI: Nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, abdominal pain;
This is indicated to the hepatotoxicity, mild
patient due to his elevations in liver function
Community-acquired tests.
pneumonia. Prolonged use: Oral thrush

Cefixime Actimax 200 mg BID for 7 Respiratory Tract Bactericidal: It binds to 1 or GI: Diarrhea, loose stools, 1. Determine previous
PO days Infections. more of the penicillin-binding nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, hypersensitivity reactions to
8 AM proteins which inhibit the flatulence. CNS: Drug fever, cephalosporins, penicillins,
8 PM final transpeptidation step of headache, dizziness. and history of other
peptidoglycan synthesis in Skin: Rash, pruritus, allergies, particularly to
the bacterial cell wall, thus Urogenital: Vaginitis, genital drugs prior to initiation of
inhibiting biosynthesis and pruritus. therapy.
arresting cell wall assembly Prolonged use: Oral thrush 2. Lab tests: Perform culture
resulting in bacterial cell lysis and sensitivity tests prior to
and death. initiation of therapy and
periodically during therapy.
This is indicated to the Therapy may be
patient due to his implemented pending test
Community-acquired results.
pneumonia. 3. Discontinue if seizures
associated with the drug
therapy occur.
4. Monitor for superinfections
(see Appendix F) caused by
an overgrowth of
nonsusceptible organisms,
particularly during
prolonged use.
5. Promptly report loose stools
or diarrhea, which may
pseudomembranous colitis.
6. Take this antibiotic for the
full course of treatment.
7. Do not miss any doses and
take the doses at evenly
spaced times, day and

Paracetamol Biogesic, 500 mg Q 4 hours Fever, Mild to Paracetamol exhibits GI: Nausea, vomiting, 1. Monitor for S&S of
Napran PO for fever/q Moderate Pain analgesic action by constipation. hepatotoxicity, even with
6 hours for peripheral blockage of pain CNS: Headache, Insomnia. moderate acetaminophen
pain impulse generation. It Skin: Erythema, flushing, doses, especially in
produces antipyresis by pruritus individuals with poor
inhibiting the hypothalamic nutrition or who have
heat-regulating center. Its ingested alcohol over
weak anti-inflammatory prolonged periods
activity is related to the 2. Do not take other
inhibition of prostaglandin medications (e.g., cold
synthesis in the CNS. preparations) containing
acetaminophen without
The patient has complaints medical advice; overdosing
of headache with a rate of and chronic use can cause
9/10, and there is also an liver damage and other
elevation in the temperature toxic effects.
which requires this 3. Do not use this medication
medication to alleviate those without medical direction
symptoms. for: fever persisting longer
than 3 d, fever over 39.5° C
(103° F), or recurrent fever.
adenine Godex DS 1 cap TID Treatment of Transports excess long-chain GI: nausea, vomiting, 1. Monitor vital signs.
hydrochloride Capsule PO 8 AM, mitochondrial FA into mitochondria and diarrhea, and abdominal 2. Advise to take the medicine
+ amino 1 PM, and dysfunctions, acute restores electron balance to cramps with food.
acids + 8 PM and chronic viral produce high amounts of Body odor has also been 3. Instruct patient to follow the
carnitine hepatitis, fatty liver, energy to provide cell noticed in some patients, recommended dosage and
drug-induced liver protection of liver cells and possibly due to the formation administration method and
injury, and general prevent apoptosis and of the metabolite physician's instructions for
intoxication. regenerates affected trimethylamine. administration.
hepatocytes. Detoxifies free 4. Instruct significant others to
radicals and toxins to provide a tepid sponge bath
improve circulating ALT and to reduce body odor as a
AST levels. side effect of the
This is indicated to the 5. Instruct to store the drug
patient due to his dengue away from sunlight.
wherein the dengue viral
antigens targets hepatocytes
and it manifests an increase
of liver enzyme (AST) that
indicates the need to protect
the liver.

Vitamin C + ImmunPro 1 cap OD Nutritional This nutritional supplement GI: nausea, vomiting, 1. Educate the patient that if
Zinc PO 8 AM supplement for contains vitamin C and zinc. diarrhea, and abdominal he misses the dose for the
treatment and Vitamin C and zinc together cramps day, just take the next dose
prevention of vitamin help the body's natural Skin: Flushing and then subsequent doses
C and zinc defense against damaging CNS: insomnia, and at the usual.
deficiencies. free radicals and help boost sleepiness 2. Instruct to not double the
immune function. It dose unless recommended
enhances the function of by a doctor.
neutrophils, monocytes, and 3. Take this first thing in the
white blood cells that are morning with meals to
able to phagocytose and prevent GI upset.
destroy infectious agents but
can mediate tissue damages.

For the patient who has

Dengue, Vitamin C
supplementation was
associated with higher
platelet counts, shorter
duration of hospitalization,
and greater increases in
WBC counts. Zinc
supplementation was
associated with a shorter
duration of hospitalization.

Hexetidine Bactidol TID General Oral Hexetidine is a bactericidal GI: Taste disturbances, 1. Instruct patient to swish and
Gargle 8 AM, Hygiene: Bactidol and fungicidal antiseptic w/ a irritation, sensitization. gargle (full strength) half a
1 PM, and controls bad breath, broad-spectrum antimicrobial mouthful (20 mL) for 30-sec
8 PM tooth decay and activity against gm +ve and thrice daily (8 AM, 1 PM,
promotes healthy gm –ve bacteria, yeasts (e.g. and 8 PM)
gums. Candida albicans), and fungi. 2. Instruct that liquid should be
Throat Infections: expelled and not be
Bactidol will safely With the other medications swallowed.
soothe and give being taken by the patient, 3. If prompt relief is not
temporary relief of side effects like oral thrush obtained, or if soreness
minor sore throat. It occur; therefore, this persists or spreads,
is also for the medication is indicated to the discontinue use and consult
treatment of tonsillitis patient due to its antiseptic a physician.
and pharyngitis. property that will address the
oral thrush.

● Langerman, S. D., & Ververs, M. (2021). Micronutrient Supplementation and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Dengue Fever. The American journal of tropical medicine
and hygiene, 104(1), 45–51.
● Wile DB. (n.d.). Hexetidine.
● MIMS. (n.d.). Godes DX Full Prescribing Information.
● MIMS. (n.d.). Azithromycin.
● MIMS. (n.d.) Cefixime.
● MIMS. (n.d.) Paracetamol.

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