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Practical Research 2, Quarter 2: Week 1

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Practical Research 2, Quarter 2

Week 1
1.) D 4.) B 7.) A 10.) A 13.) D
2.) D 5.) D 8.) A 11.) C 14.) D
3.) B 6.) A 9.) C 12.) B 15.) A

What's New

Study on Academic Adjustments of Teachers and Students on the Learning Delivery

Modes during COVID-19 Pandemic

As a researcher I'm going to obtain the necessary data through

conducting prepared methods of data collection such as;

Sources Surveys Interviews Observation

& Sampling

What's More
Activity 2. Quantitative Research Designs Summary
Research Design Goal How variable is handled or
Descriptive * To observe and report * It only describe the current
certain phenomenon as it is state of a variable, but
happening. variables are not
Correlational * To determine if variable * Neither variable is
increases or decreases as manipulated and it seems to
another variable increases or establish an association
decreases. between variables.
Ex Post Facto * The objective of the study is * Researchers here has no
to measure a cause from pre- control over the variables.
existing effects.
Quasi- Experimental * This research design aims to * The researchers do not
measure the casual manipulate or control an
relationship between independent variable, nor
variables. they randomly assign
participants to groups.
Experimental * To apply treatment and * Attempts to affect a certain
manipulate the subject variable by directly
variable. manipulating the independent

Activity 3. Choose the Appropriate Research Design

1.) Relationship between Academic Stressors and Learning Preferences of Senior High School
3.) Impact of the Implementation of COVID-19 Health Protocols in Supermarkets on Consumer
★Explanation: 1&3 are Correlational Research Design- It will study if there is a relationship
between academic stressors and learning preferences and between Covid-19 health protocols
and the consumers’ behavior.

2.) Reading Electronic Learning Materials as a Support for Vocabulary of Grade 1 Pupils
4.) Effects of Morning Exercises on the Health Anxiety Level of Senior Citizens
5.) Measuring the Gadgets Usage of Children at Home during COVID-19 Community Quarantine
★Explanation: Descriptive Research Design- For titles number 2, 4, and 5 descriptive research is
appropriate as this type intends to describe the characteristics or conditions of variables being
studied which can be measured just as a) use (of electronic materials to support learning of
vocabular; b) effects (of AM exercise);and c) measure (of gadget use). The variables in the titles
can be measured through data generated from survey.

6.) Level of Academic Achievement of Senior High Schools in Different Learning Modalities
★Explanation: Quasi-Experimental Research Design- which deals with the impact or effect of
intervention on target respondents can be used. Based on the title, the level of learning
achievement of the students can be measured through the use of different learning modalities
that serve as forms of intervention.

7.) Effects of Story Telling on Quality of Sleep of Children

★Explanation: Experimental Research Design- The study will use control and experimental group.
One group of children will be undergoing story telling before bed time and the other will not.

What I Have Learned

1.) This time I have learned that quantitative research design have five general classifications;
descriptive, correlational, ex post facto, quasi-experimental, and experimental. They are used to
integrate all the components of the research study. You need to establish what research design is
appropriate for study based on their variables and structure.

2.) The research design refers to the overall strategy you choose to integrate the various
components of the study in a coherent and logical manner, ensuring that you will effectively
address the research problem; it serves as the blueprint for data collection, measurement, and

What I Can Do
Group Activity:
Technology: Senior High School Students Perception on the Effect of Innovative Technology in
Students Academic Performances ( S.Y. 2021-2022 )

* Research design:
Descriptive Research Design

* Justification:
According to our research title, entitled "Technology: Senior High School Students' Perception
on the Effect of Innovative Technology on Students' Academic Performance (S.Y. 2021-2022)", the
appropriate research design to be used in our study is the descriptive research design.
Because the study requires a systematic investigation and observation by the researchers to
determine the perceived impact of the technology on the academic performance of senior high
school students.
Choosing a descriptive research design for the study may also be more beneficial to the
researchers in terms of providing a foundation for establishing a good and research-based study.

Week 2
What's New
* I'm gonna check it if the food is already cooked and if it taste good, before calling them I will
also take a look if it is already enough for the number/size of my family members.

What's More
Activity 1. Determine the Sampling Procedure
Sample Situation Sampling Procedure Justification
1.) Alex's target population for * Simple Random Sampling * Because of the term used
his study are the employees of randomly selected.
hotels in Mindanao. Since
there are too many employees
in these establishments, he
randomly selected ten hotels.
And then he considered all
employees as participants in
his study.
2.) Dianne wants to know if * Systematic Sampling * Because of the sampling
the new learning modalities in interval "every 6th name”.
the first semester affects the
academic performance of
senior high students. He took
all the lists of all students in
her school and selected every
6th name to be part of her
3.) Faye wants to survey all the * Cluster Sampling * Because it need large-scale
parents in Cagayan de Oro study and it also involve
who opt to enroll their grouping of the population
elementary children to an which are the students grade
online class. All in all there level.
26,000 parents. Faye decided
to have 450 from the target

Activity 2. Search the Design and Sampling Procedure

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
★ Title of the Assessment of Grade Exploring the Use of Students Perception
Research Study 12 Senior High School Social Media in of the Effects of
Students Work Education from Educational
Immersion Program in Learners Perspective Technology on Their
Pasig City. Learning and
★ Research Design Descriptive non- Descriptive Research Descriptive Research
experimental design Design Design
★ Characteristics of RESPSCI had a The survey was Participants were 12
Population population of one distributed to a students who had
hundred thirty-six sample of (102) used (any kind of)
(136) wherein the higher education technology for at least
total male graduate and under one semester during
respondents were 23 graduate students in their schooling.
or 46% while the Saudi Arabia. The Participants included
female respondents total number of seven school students
were 27 or 54%. It participants were (grades 10 and 11)
implied that most of (102) partici pants, and five university
the students enrolled (88) of them were students who had
as grade 12 are female, and (14) of recently finished their
female which is only them were male. The high school. Two
four (4) higher than participants age university students
the enrolled male distribution is as the and three school
students. Therefore, following: (58) of students were
the school truly participants were 20 international
embodied the DepEd to 25 years old, (18) students, while three
educational program were more than 25 to university students
for all regardless of 30 years old, (16) and four school
gender and in this were more than 30 to students were
manner equal 35 years old, (9) of Canadian. All the
opportunities is being them were more than research participants
bestow to all 35 to 40 years old, and also school
RESCPSCIans. RESPSCI and (1) of them was students' parents
had a population of more than 40 years voluntarily signed and
fifty (50) wherein old. returned the
highest group of the informed consents.
students belong to
the age 18 which is
44% while the lowest
group of students
belonged to age 20
which is 2%.

★ Sampling Stratified Random Stratified Random Stratified Random

Procedure Sampling Sampling Sampling

★ Sample Size 136 respondents 102 respondents 12 respondents

★ Source Academia.com Academia.com Academia.com

What I Have Learned

1.) What do I know about the population and sample of the study?
★ A population is the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about. A sample is the
specific group that you will collect data from. The size of the sample is always less than the total
size of the population. In research, a population doesn't always refer to people.

2.) I have learned that when determining the sample size of the study identify first the population
of the topic of interest.

3.) Now I know that sampling procedures involve choosing part of a population to use to test
hypotheses about the entire population.
What I Can Do
Group Activity. Describe your Sampling Procedure and Sample

1.) Size of Population 4,000

2.) The method used to determine sample size n= N/1 + Ne²
= 4,000/1 + 4,000 (0.05)²
= 4,000/ 1 + 10
= 4,000/11
= 364
3.) Sample Size for the Study 364

Stratified Sampling
Sample Size
2,762/4,000 = × = 251 G-11
364 SHS
1,238/4,000 = × = 113 G-12
364 SHS

4.) Sampling Procedure to be employed 1. Determine the sample size by using Solvins
2. Divide the sample size by the population.
3.) Identify the population per grade level
divide it in 4,000 size of population, then divide
to the sample size to get the number of
respondents needed in every SHS grade level.

5.) Who will be your respondents? SHS students at Tanza National Trade School
( TNTS )

Additional Activity

To determine the sample size of the study, Slovin's formula will be used. Slovin's formula is used
to calculate the sample size necessary to achieve a certain confidence interval when sampling a

n = N/1 + Ne²
n = 4000/1 + 4000 (0.05)²
A total sample of three hundred sixty-four (364) Senior High School Students includes two
thousand seven hundred sixty-two (2,762) Grade 11 SHS students and one thousand two
hundred thirty-eight (1,238) 12 SHS students. From four thousand (4000) total population of SHS
Students in Tanza National Trade School S.Y 2021-2022 amidst pandemic, the probability
sampling will be selected through Stratified Random Sampling, where the population is first
divided into strata or groups before selecting the sample. The number of members per group is
n = 364
divided by the total accessible sample size. The percentage result of members per subgroups will
be multiplied from the computed total sample size. After obtaining the sample size per strata,
simple random sampling will be done for the selection of samples from each group. Moreover,
the following proportionate sampling will be as follows:

Sample Size per Subgroups

2, 762/4,000 = 0.69 × 364 = 251 Grade 11 Senior High
School Students
1,238/4,000 = 0.31 × 364 = 113 Grade 12 Senior High
School Students
100% 364 respondents

(A sample size of 364 Senior High School Students of Tanza National Trade School composed of
251 SHS students from Grade 11, and 113 SHS students from Grade 12. The respondents selected
randomly on different strands on TNTS.)

Week 3
What's New
Activity 1. Let's Talk
1.) Why is it necessary to use the right tools for a particular task?
★ To finished task efficiently.

2.) What will happen if research instruments are not carefully prepared?
★ If research instruments are not prepared carefully, the research will lack of detail and proofs.
So if the research lacks of detail, your readers will not be interested on reading it. And if your
readers are not interested, they will leave a bad feedback on your work.

Activity 2. Let's Read

1.) What do you think must have been done to avoid the said situation?
★ There must be criteria for judging and rating sheets given to the judges.

2.) What can you say about the result of investigation?

★ It is poor and lack of validity investigation.
3.) How will you relate the scenario to the conduct of a research study?
★ In conducting a research study like this means creating fake, biased, and invalid information.
We all know that research investigation must be valid and reliable for everyone that's why there
must be appropriate research instruments to be used.

What's More
Activity 1. Qualify and Rate the Instrument
Sample Instrument: Questionnaire titled: “Social Media and Academic Performance
of Students (SMAPS)”
Purpose of the Research To get the desired information from the students about social
Instrument: media affecting their academic performances.
Number of Items: 30 Scale Used: Likert Scale
Criteria for Evaluation of Rating Justification
Concise 5 That is my overall rating because as far as
Sequential 5 I've seen the conciseness, sequences,
Valid and Reliable 5 validity and reliability, and easily
Easily Tabulated 5 tabulated are all there and in good point.

Activity 2. Search and Evaluate the Instrument.

Example 1 Example 2
★ Title of the Parental Involvement in Children Social Media and Academic
Research Study Academic Motivation Performance of Student
★ Type of Applied; Questionnaire, Interview, and Applied; Survey Questionnaire and
Research Observation Interview
★ Way of Modifying an existing instrument The researcher made their own
Developing the research instrument
★ Scale Used Likert Scale Likert Scale
★ How the The type of validity of instrument is The type of validity of instrument is
validity of the “Face Validity” “Content Validity”
instrument was
★ How the The type of reliability of instrument is The type of reliability instrument is
reliability of the “Equivalent Forms Reliability ” “Internal Consistency Reliability”
instrument was
★ Source https://www.researchgate.net/ https://www.researchgate.net/
publication/42365665 publication/273765360

Activity 3. Let's go Online

Multiple Choice
1.) D 4.) B 7.) B 10.) A 13.) C
2.) A 5.) C 8.) C 11.) D 14.) D
3.) A 6.) C 9.) D 12.) B 15.) A

True or False
1.) A 3.) B 5.) A 7.) B 9.) A
2.) B 4.) A 6.) A 8.) B 10.) A

Multiple Choice
1.) E 3.) A 5.) C 7.) B 9.) D
2.) C 4.) D 6.) B 8.) C 10.) D

What I Have Learned

1.) Why it is important to have a good research instrument?
★ For the researchers to be able to answer and identify right answers to their study. It will tell
and show the flow of the study if it is considered or not.

2.) Differentiate validity and reliability. Explan how they complement each other to make a good
research instrument.
★ Validity implies the extent to which the research instrument measures, what it is intended to
measure. Reliability refers to the degree to which scale produces consistent results, when
repeated measurements are made. A valid instrument is always reliable. A reliable instrument
need not be a valid instrument.

Group 3

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