What Is Astrology-Intro To Jyotish-Free-eBook
What Is Astrology-Intro To Jyotish-Free-eBook
What Is Astrology-Intro To Jyotish-Free-eBook
Muhurtha is one of the limbs of vedic astrology. By making use of muhurtha a person can improve his good
fortune or minimize his misfortune. By avoiding a bad muhurtha one can prevent any misfortune.
The term Jyotish derives from Sanskrit Jyotisha, from jyotish“light, celestial body”.
Jyotisha is one of the Vedanga, the six auxiliary disciplines used to support Vedic
Rituals. Vedanga means limbs of Veda. Each of the Vedangas is associated with a
body part that comprises the Ved purush. Jyotish represents the eyes of Ved purush,
eyes of real Knowledge (Veda means real Knowledge). It is a very important Key to
help us realize our true soul nature and rebirth by means of horoscope in this life
reflecting the karmas of past life.
The Chāndogya Upanishad also mentions Jotisha as a
distinct discipline. Nārada Purāna devoted greatest space
to Jyotisha providing several details about mathematical
computation of this very multifaceted theme. The Vedanga
Jyotisha contains the Vedic authority for tracking the
motions of the sun and the moon in the context of a five
year intercalation cycle. It is the traditional Indian system of astrology and astronomy
also known as Vedic Astrology. The sages and priests of India depended on these
sciences, as Vedic rituals were most effective when performed at auspicious times,
that is, under the influence of particular constellations. In reality all aspects of human
endeavour, both individual and communal, are affected by planetary bodies.
The cultural heritage of India is very rich of ancient knowledge
that even modern history cannot depict his depth. Jotisha is
thought to be as old as this creation according to Indian
credence. The origin of astrology is found in the ancient
Sanskrit literature of India. This science
reveals the intricate connection between
astronomical phenomena and the events in the
human world. Many extant texts were written
by sage like Bhrigu Muni, Parashara Muni,
Garga Muni and Varahamihira. Vedic
astrology includes several nuanced
subsystems of interpretation and prediction
with elements not found in Hellenistic
astrology, such as its method of lunar
mansions (Nakshatra).
Jyotishastra has been divided into three main branches:
Siddhanta: Indian astronomy. It provides planetary calculations together with
all requisite formulas and their geometry from the beginning of Creation and
provides details of all periods and subperiods of an entire Kalpa or Day of Lord
Samhita: Mundane astrology. It predicts important event related to countries
such as war, earthquakes, political events, financial positions, electional
astrology, house and construction related matter (Vastusastra), animals,
portents, omens, and so on.
Hora: Predictive astrology subdivided as follow
3. Sāmudrika shāstra studies palmistry, mukhākritivijnānam or study of
facial features, angalakshanam or features of different parts of body, etc
and correlate these things with planets of horoscopes.
4. Svarashāstra
Prashna, Sāmudrika and Svarashāstra are helpful in Horā especially when
birth time is unknown. Even when birth time is known, these disciplines help in
removing errors and arriving at greater and better details.
The main text of Jyotisha is the Brihat Pārāshara Horā Shāstra (7th century),
originally called Pārāshari Horā, which belongs to the last phase of Dvāpara Age.
Astrological rules in correspondence between planetary observations and terrestrial
events have influenced various aspects of human history, including world views,
languages and many elements of social culture. This science is used to predict
seasonal changes and to interpret celestial cycle as signs of
divine communications
Vedic astrology is not only one of the
main disciplines of the Indian
traditional and classical knowledge
but this is the science which let us
know the events happening in
earthly life and in this universe on
time scale due to the influence of the
planets. Jyotishastra permeates the
life of many Hindus with its
variegated features. In Hindu
culture newborns are traditionally
named based on their natal chart. Astrological concepts are also pervasive in the
organization of the calendar and holidays as well as in
many areas of life, such as in making decisions
regarding marriage, opening a new business, and
moving into a new home. The planetary Deities are
revered as subordinate of Isvara, Supreme God, in the
administration of justice. Hindus believe that heavenly
bodies have an influence throughout the life of a
human being until his departure from this world.
Planets are costantly in motion with respect to earth in
the cosmic space. Based on the location of these heavenly bodies at the exact time of
birth several charts are arranged. They are known as “rasi chart” and “divisional
charts”. The accurate interpretation of these charts will draw certain conclusions on
the impact that different planets will have throughout the life of the native. The fate
of individual human beings and groups of human beings depends on the positions of
these planets in the skies. The purpose of Jyotish is to shed light on the nature of a
person, his innate desires, thoughts, ambitions and activities, and how he or she is
considered in the eyes of the world. Only an extraordinary science can model the
complicated human life with precise techniques and infallible methods.
Moreover Astrology is recognized as a science in India under the judgement of Andhra
Pradesh High Court in 2001; hence some Indian University offers advanced degree in
Jotisha. Anyhow the studies of Jyotish involve complex research to bring erudition in
knowledge. The Sages who taught the brilliant techniques of Vedic astrology present
this science as a very systematic subject which can be revealed only by rare prophets.
A free computer software program, known as “Jagannatha
Hora”, written by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao is used by most of
the Indian astrologers for preparing birth chart.
Time System
How to measure Time depends on the purpose for which we
need to measure Time. Hence, there are various Time
Ahorātra or Hora
Ahorātra means the time from one Sunrise to next Sunrise at a given place on the
surface of Earth. Literally, it means Day plus Night. It is not exactly equal to 24
hours, because Sunrise varies from day to day, while the modern measure of 'hour' is
a constant defined on the basis of Atomic definition of a 'second' of time. These horas
are ruled by different planets and do not coincide with our hours. The lords of hora
correspond in the order of decreasing speed with respect to earth: Saturn, Jupiter,
Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon.
The first hora of any day (i.e. a period of one hour following sunrise) is ruled by the
lord of the weekday (Sun for Sunday, Moon for Monday, Mars for Tuesday, Mercury
for Wednesday, Jupiter for Thursday, Venus for Friday and Saturn for Saturday).
After that, we list planets in the order mentioned above.
Lunar Months
A new lunar month starts whenever Sun and Moon
are at the same longitude. The name of a lunar month
is fixed by the rasi in which SunMoon conjunction
takes place. Their names come from the constellation
that Moon is most likely to occupy on the full Moon
Lunar Year
The Indian calendar is based on the lunar year. A solar year has 365 days
approximately, but a lunar year only has 355 days. Once in every 3 years, this
difference accumulates to one month and an extra lunar month comes famous as
Adhika maasa or Purushottama maasa. In this way the lunar years coincide with
solar years. This calendar has been in use in India for millennia. Hindu holidays are
based on the lunar calendar. For example, birthdays of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna
are celebrated based on the tithi and not based on the solar calendar. Lunar calendar
is of great importance in Indian culture. Correspondingly, there are techniques based
on the birthday as per lunar calendar.
Due to the movement in earth’s precession, the
starting point of the tropical zodiac changes slowly
(with respect to fixed stars). Sidereal (Nirayana)
zodiac, on the other hand, considers a fixed zodiac.
It considers the motion of the tropical zodiac and
makes an adjustment accordingly.
Panchanga or Five Limbs
Panchanga is a religious almanac were elements related to motions of Moon are
accorded highest priority since the moon is the fastest planet. It includes five limbs:
Tithi, Karana, Rasi, Nakshatra and Vāra.
All these five elements depend on motions of Moon and Sun. They exert greater
astrological influence than other planets. Computation and methods of panchanga
require high degree of precision due to fast motion of Moon. Panchanga contains
planetary positions, the start and end times of one tithi, the nakshatra, yoga and
karana running on each day. They also contains table of ascendants for facilitating
reckoning of horoscopes, and religious festivals and muhurtas (auspicious moments).
Sun's entry into Nirayana (sidereal) Mesha is the mathematical New Year of Hindu
Tithi is the Moon's angular distance from Sun; 12
degrees of elongation is equated to one tithi and one
LuniSolar Month, or the Lunar Month of Hindu
calendar, is 360 degrees or one full circle. The Luni
Solar months start and end with Full Moon whereas
counting of tithis begin from New Moon to next New Moon. This system find his origin
in earliest Vedic era. Exact half of a tithi corresponds to a Karana.
When Moon’s longitude is exactly 12° greater than Sun’s longitude, the first tithi or
lunar day finishes and the second tithi starts. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 24°
greater than Sun’s longitude, the second tithi finishes and the third tithi starts. When
Moon’s longitude is exactly 36° greater than Sun’s longitude, the third tithi finishes
and the fourth tithi starts. And so on. A lunar month consists of 30 tithis. Each month
is divided into two fortnights (pakshas). During Sukla/Suddha paksha or the brighter
fortnight, Moon is waxing. During Krishna/Bahula paksha or the darker fortnight,
Moon is waning.
At the end of a month the Moon will finish one cycle around the zodiac and
synchronize with Sun again. So Sun and Moon will be at the same longitude again.
Then a new month starts.
Names of Tithis
Sukla/SuddhaPaksha (brighter fortnight)
Krishna/BahulaPaksha (darker fortnight)
Name of tithi Planet (Lord)
1st 16th Pratipat/Pratipada/Padyami Sun
2nd 17th Dwitiya/Vidiya Moon
3rd 18th Tritiya/Tadiya Mars
4th 19th Chaturthi/Chaviti/Chauth Mercury
5th 20th Panchami Jupiter
6th 21st Shashti Venus
7th 22nd Saptami Saturn
8th 23rd Ashtami Rahu
9th 24th Navami Sun
10th 25th Dasami Moon
11th 26th Ekadasi Mars
12th 27th Dwadasi Mercury
13th 28th Trayodasi Jupiter
14th 29th Chaturdasi Venus
15th — Paurnami/Paurnimasya/ Poornima (Full Moon) Saturn
— 30th Amavasya (New Moon) Rahu
Lunar Months
Rasi of SunMoon conjunction Starting month Name of our months
Pisces Chaitra Chitra Mar/Apr
Aries Vaisaakha Visaakha Apr/May
Taurus Jyeshtha Jyeshtha May/June
Gemini Aashaadha Poorva/Uttara Aashaadha June/July
Cancer Sraavana Sravana July/Aug
Leo Bhaadrapada Poorva/Uttara Bhadrapada Aug/Sept
Virgo Aaswayuja Aswini Sept/Oct
Libra Kaarteeka Krittika Oct/Nov
Scorpio Maargasira Mrigasira Nov/Dec
Sagittarius Pushya Pushyami Dec/Jan
Capricorn Maagha Makha Jan/Feb
Aquarius Phaalguna Poorva/Uttara Phalguni Feb/Mar
The science of Vedic astrology is based mainly on four principles: Rasis or signs,
Grahas or planets, Bhavas or houses, and, Varga chakras or divisional charts.
The Nirayana, or sidereal zodiac, is an imaginary belt of
360 degrees, which, like the Sayana, or tropical zodiac,
is divided into 12 equal parts. Each twelfth part (of 30
degrees) is called a sign or rasi. Vedic Jyotisha and
Western zodiacs differ in the method of measurement.
While synchronically the two systems are identical,
Jyotisa uses primarily the sidereal zodiac (in which
stars are considered to be the fix background against
which the motion of the planet is measured); whereas
most Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac (the motion of the planets is
measured against the position of the sun on the spring equinox).
These are the names of the signs and their corresponded name in Sanskrit:
Aries/Mesha, Taurus/Vrishaba, Gemini/Mithuna, Cancer/Karkataka, Leo/Simha,
Virgo/Kanya, Libra/Thula, Scorpio/Vrishika, Sagittarius/Dhanus, Capricorn/Makara,
Aquarius/Kumbha, and Pisces/Meena. Each rasi again has many kinds of divisions
known as “vargas". Planets in a chart
represent human beings that play a
role in one’s life. Rasis represent
situations that develop in one’s life and
influences that enter one’s life.
Features of Rasis
Limbs of Vishnu
The whole zodiac is nothing but a
manifestation of Lord Vishnu’s body.
Aries is the head. Taurus is the face.
Gemini is the arms. Cancer is the
heart. Leo is the stomach. Virgo is the
hip. Libra is the space below navel. Scorpio is the private parts. Sagittarius is the
thighs. Capricorn is the knees. Aquarius is the ankles. Pisces is the feet. These are the
limbs that rasis in the natural zodiac stand for. Because we are all parts of the
Supreme energy governing this world, the above mapping applies to us too. For
example, we should pay attention to Leo for analyzing stomach problems and to Pisces
for analyzing problems related to feet and so on.
Male and Female signs
Ar, Ge, Le, Li, Sg and Aq are called odd rasis or vishama rasis or oja rasis. They are
also known as male rasis.
Ta, Cn, Vi, Sc, Cp and Pi are called even rasis or sama rasis or yugma rasis. They are
also known as female rasis.
Five elements
According to Hindu philosophy, this world is made up of five elements – fire, water,
air, earth and ether. These five elements are behind every material substance, every
action, every thought, every emotion and every happening in this universe. These five
elements with their intrinsic energy dominate mainly each rasi or sign in different
Water is a substance with a flexible state. Air is a substance with a varying state.
Earth is a substance with a constant and solid state. Fire is a substance that
transforms the state of things. Ether is permeating the atmosphere and is present
For example, suppose one has a good memory and remembers something he learnt ten
years back. It involves a skill of earthy nature. Suppose a poet’s imagination creates a
nice poem that appeals to one’s aesthetic sense. This involves watery skills. Suppose
one is in a bad mood and his mind is wandering aimlessly. This shows airy state of the
1) Ar, Le and Sg are called agni rasis or fiery rasis.
2) Ta, Vi and Cp are called bhoo rasis or earthy rasis.
3) Ge, Li and Aq are called vaayu rasis or airy rasis.
4) Cn, Sc and Pi are called jala rasis or watery rasis.
5) The 5th element of aakaasa or ether is present in every rasi.
The 5th house in a fiery sign may show a normally angry, aggressive or determined
person. The 5th house in an earthy sign may show a balanced, logical and stable
person. The 5th house in an airy sign may show someone with unstable and
wandering emotions. The 5th house in a watery sign may show one with an
imaginative and creative mind.
The Trinity and the Three Guna (qualities)
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together form the Trinity of Hindu Gods. Brahma creates
the world, Vishnu preserves it and Shiva destroys it. Each rasi is also influenced by a
predominant Deity which embodies a particular quality. Lord Brahma manifests the
mood of passion, Lord Visnu incarnates the mood of goodness (virtue) and Lord Shiva
represents the mood of ignorance. According to this one’s chart shows one’s emotional
nature. In this way in Hindu philosophy everything in this universe has one
predominating of these three natures: Sattwa guna (purity), Rajo guna
(energy/passion), Tamo guna (ignorance). Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are
signs with sattwa guna. Aries, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are signs with rajo guna.
Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius are signs with tamo guna.
Brahmans (scholars) are represented by watery signs.
Kshatriyas (warriors) are represented by fiery signs.
Vaisyas (traders) are represented by earthy signs.
Sudras (workers) are represented by airy signs.
Day and night signs
Ar, Ta, Ge, Cn, Sg and Cp are strong during the night time. They are nishaa rasis.
Le, Vi, Li, Sc, Aq and Pi are more powerful during daytime. They are divaa rasis.
Movable, Fixed and Dual
1) Ar, Cn, Li and Cp are known as chara rasis or movable rasis. They are ruled by
Brahma, the Creator. Their nature is to move and to be dynamic.
2) Ta, Le, Sc and Aq are known as sthira rasis or fixed rasis. They are ruled by Shiva,
the Destroyer. Their nature is to be stable and constant.
3) Ge, Vi, Sg and Pi are known as dwiswabhava rasis or dual rasis. They are ruled by
Vishnu, the Sustainer. They are stable sometimes and dynamic some other times.
Rasis and Directions
1) Ar, Le and Sg show east.
2) Ta, Vi and Cp show south.
3) Ge, Li and Aq show west.
4) Cn, Sc and Pi show north.
Rasis and Colours
Ar shows bloodred colour. Ta shows white. Ge shows grass green. Cn shows pale red.
Le shows white. Virgo is variegated. Libra shows black. Scorpio shows reddish brown.
Sagittarius shows the colour of the husk of grass. Capricorn is variegated. Aquarius
shows brown colour (that of a mongoose). Pisces shows cream colour or the colour of
Aries: Dynamic, enterprising, valiant, glowing, head, forests, large forehead, rapid,
impulsive, restless, thick eyebrows, leadership, overbearing.
Taurus: Beautiful, face, stable, lethargic, loyal, meadows, plains, luxury halls, eating
places, fine teeth, large eyes, thick hair, stout.
Cancer: Heart, breast, watery fields, rivers, canals, kitchen, attractive, small build,
emotional, deeply attached, motherlike, sensitive.
Leo: Stomach, digestion, navel, mountains, caves, deserts, palaces, parks, forts,
boilers, steel factories, thin, royal, selfpride, insolent, domineering.
Virgo: Hip, appendix, lush gardens, fields, orchards, libraries, bookstores, farms,
intelligent, sharp, orator, nervous, physically weak, discretion, tactfulness.
Libra: Groins, Businessmen, markets, trade centres, banks, hotels, amusement parks,
entertainment, cosmetics, balanced, wise, eloquent.
Scorpio: Private parts, holes, deep caves, mines, garages, small build, dusky
complexion, bright eyes, secretive, scheming, occult, best friend or a worst enemy,
peevish, sensitive.
Sagittarius: Thighs, royal, attorneys, government offices, aircraft, falling, muscular,
deep eyes, upright, honest, genial, gambler.
Capricorn: Knees, marsh lands, watery places, alligators, bushes, slender, prominent
teeth, witty, perfectionist, patient, organizer, cautious, secretive, pragmatic.
Aquarius: Ankles, charity, philosophy, tall, bony, small eyes, mountain spring, places
with water, hardworking, stoic, and honest.
Pisces: Feet, oceans, seas, prisons, hospitals, hermitages, short, plump, large
eyebrows, lazy, emotional, timid, honest, irresolute, talkative, intuitive.
The Three Ayurvedic Dosha
Ayurveda is the Vedic medical science that categorizes the human body and
everything else in the universe as having three natures that are formed with the
above five elements:
Pitta or bilious nature is a combination of the elements of fire and water. It shows
things that result in transformation in a system.
Vata or windy nature is a combination of the elements of air and ether. It shows
things that move in and out of a system.
Kapha or phlegmatic nature is a combination of the elements of earth and water. It
shows things that bind a system together.
Ar, Le and Sg are of pitta nature. Ta, Vi and Cp are of vaata nature. Cn, Sc and Pi are
of kapha nature. Ge, Li and Aq are of a mixed nature.
Navagrahas (Nine Planets)
Indian astrology considers seven main planets: Sun,
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
Two more shadow planets are added namely Rahu
and Ketu called also “the north node” and “the south
node”, or the head and tail of dragon. The Nine
planets of Vedic Astrology are the forces that capture the mind and the decision
making of the human beingthus the term 'Graha'. When the Grahas are active in
their Dashas or periodicities they are particularly empowered to direct the affairs of
the person or the inanimate being as the case may be. Even otherwise, Grahas are
always busy capturing us in some way or other, for better or for worse.
In reality there are three more planets of secondary importance: Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto that have a strong impact on earthly life and are often cause of great
calamity. Apart from these nine planets, there are eleven moving subplanets or
satellites known as Upagrahas. We also have lagna (ascendant), which is the point
that rises on the eastern horizon as the earth rotates around itself. In addition, we
have also some mathematical points known as “special ascendants". The positions of
all these planets, Upagrahas, lagna and special lagnas in the zodiac are measured in
degrees, minutes and seconds from the start of the zodiac (which is a fixed point in the
Features of Planets
Visnu avataras
The planets embody Vishnu’s avataras (incarnations). The
Universe contains two essences – jeevaamsa (living essence) and
paramaatmaamsa (absolute and supreme essence). Planets are
the manifestations of different features of these essences.
Vishnu’s incarnations manifested with these essences derived
from various planets.
Meena/Matsya avatara (fish) came from Ketu. Koorma avatara (tortoise) came from
Saturn. Varaaha/sookara avatara (boar) came from Rahu. Narasimha/Nrisimha
avatara (halfman, halflion) came from Mars. Vaamana avatara (erudite dwarf) came
from Jupiter. Parasu Rama/Bhaargava Rama came from Venus. Rama came from
Sun. Krishna came from Moon. Buddha came from Mercury. All these incarnations
came into being with a significant percentage of divine essence than human essence.
Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Narasimha and Varaha avataras had only
paramaatmaamsa. Other living beings are born with a significant percentage of
jeevaamsa and a little of paramaatmaamsa from the planets.
Benefics and Malefics
Jupiter and Venus have a benefic influence. Mercury is natural benefic when he is
alone or with more benefic planets. Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu have a natural malefic
Main Governance
Sun presides over the soul. Moon presides over the mind. Mars governs power.
Mercury rules over the speech. Jupiter bestows knowledge and happiness. Venus
diffuses energy. Saturn causes grief. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are saattwik planets.
Mercury and Venus are raajasik planets. Mars and Saturn are taamasik planets.
Being a fiery planet, Mars governs leadership, enterprise etc. Being an earthy planet,
Mercury governs memory, rational skill etc. Being an airy planet, Saturn governs
wandering and free spirit. Being a watery planet, Venus governs artistic imagination
and romantic thoughts. Being an ethery planet, Jupiter governs wisdom, intelligence
and perceiving knowledge.
Jupiter and Venus are Brahmanas (scholars). Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas
(warriors). Moon and Mercury are Vaisyas (traders). Saturn is a Sudra (worker).
Planets and Colours
Sun shows bloodred colour. Moon shows tawny colour. Mars shows bloodred colour.
Mercury shows grass green colour. Jupiter shows tawny colour. Venus is variegated.
Saturn shows black colour.
Planetary Abodes
Sun lives in a temple. Moon lives in a water body. Mercury lives in a sports ground.
Jupiter lives in a treasure house. Venus lives in the bedroom. Saturn lives in a filthy
Planets & Ritus (season)
Planetary rulerships over ritus (seasons) are as follows: Venus governs vasanta ritu
(spring). Mars governs greeshma ritu (summer). Moon governs varsha ritu (rainy
season). Mercury governs hemanta ritu (season of dew). Jupiter governs seeta ritu
(winter). Saturn governs sisira ritu (fall).
Dhatu, Moola and Jeeva
1) Rahu, Mars, Saturn and Moon rule over dhaatus (metals and materials).
2) Sun and Venus rule over moolas (roots and vegetables).
3) Mercury, Jupiter and Ketu rule over jeevas (living beings).
Seven Dhaatus
Sapta dhaatus or seven matters make up human body. The planetary rulerships are
as follows: Sun rules bones. Moon rules blood. Mars rules marrow. Mercury rules skin.
Jupiter rules fat. Venus rules fluids related to the reproductive system. Saturn rules
Planetary Dignities
Each planet has a sign where it is empowered, a sign where it is debilitated, a sign
that is called its moolatrikona and one or two rasis that are owned by it. A planet is
said to be strong in its own rasi or exaltation rasi or moolatrikona.
Whenever we refer to a planet being in a favourable house or a detrimental house we
consider the mutual relationships. A planet dwelling in a rasi presided by a friend or
best friend is in a pleasant house. A planet residing in a rasi owned by an opponent or
dangerous enemy is in a hostile house.
Other Upagrahas or Sub planets
Six upagrahas called Kaala, Mrityu, Arthaprahaara, Yamaghantaka, Gulika and
Maandi are more difficult to compute. Kaala is a malefic
upagraha similar to Sun. Mrityu is a malefic upagraha
similar to Mars. Arthaprahaara is similar to Mercury.
Yamaghantaka is similar to Jupiter. Gulika and Maandi
are similar to Saturn.
Nakshatra (constellations)
The Nakshatra or lunar mansion is one of the 27 divisions
of the sky identified by the prominent stars in them, used
in Indian Astrology. Of the greatest importance is the Abhiseka Nakshatra which is
the king amongst all the Nakshatra and worshipping this Nakshatra has the power to
remedy all other Nakshatra. Remedial measures are in general the highwater mark
of all the realistic predictive astrology work and go a long way in mitigating karma.
Dasha (planetary periods)
The word Dasha means state of being and therefore governs to a large extent the state
of being of a person. Dasha systems are important elements of Vedic astrology. There
are hundreds of dasha systems. Main periods are called “mahadasas” (MD). They are
divided in Subperiods called “antardasas” (AD), and in Subsubperiods called
“pratyantardasas” (PD).
Those periods attribute different results to different times, based on the planetary
positions in the natal chart. The Dasha system shows which planet may be said to
have become particularly active during the period of the dasha. The ruling planet (the
Dashanath or lord of the Dasha) eclipses the mind of the native, compelling him or
her to act as per the nature of the planet.
The first Maha Dasha is determined by the position of the natal Moon in a given
Nakshatra. The lord of the Nakshatra governs the Dasha and its proportional
divisions and sub division.
Each dasha system shows events of a specific nature. For each dasha system we have
some standard rules, based on which we analyze the natal chart and attribute
different results to different periods and subperiods.
Some dasas are good at showing matters related to longevity and death. They are
called “ayur dasas” (dasas of longevity). Some dasas are good at showing general
results. They are called “phalita dasas” (dasas of general results).
Mind is a very important part of our existence and Moon governs it. Some dasas are
computed based on the nakshatra occupied by Moon and they are called “nakshatra
dasas”. Some dasas are based on the rasis occupied by planets and they are called
“rasi dasas”. Mainly are applied ten dasha systems corresponding to ten different
aspects of the same life event.
There are many classifications of dasha systems. Vimsottari dasha is the most
popular dasha system among Vedic astrologers of today. Sage Parashara mentions in
“Brihat Parashara Hora Sastram” that this dasha system is the most suitable dasha
system in Kali Yuga. Vimsottari means 120. Vimsottari dasha is a dasha system
where the total duration of the dasha cycle is 120 years. In Kali yuga maximum
longevity of human beings is supposed to be 120 years. Consequently, Vimsottari
dasha is the most suitable dasha in Kali Yuga.
Birth Chart Analyse (Janmapatri)
The Indian Jataka, or Birth Chart, is the division Chakra “wheel”, the complete 360
degree circle of life, divided into houses, and represents our way of enacting the
influences in the wheel. Each house has associated Karaka (significator), planets that
can alter the interpretation of a particular house. Each Bhava spans an arc of 30
degrees and therefore there are twelve Bhavas in a chart of the horoscope. These are
crucial part of any horoscope study since the Bhavas, understood as ’state of being’
personalize the Rasis to the native. Each Rasi apart from indicating its true nature
reveals its impact on the person based on the Bhava occupied.
For preparing any chart, we need to first determine the rasis occupied by all planets,
upagrahas, lagna and special lagnas. In the
visual representation of a chart, there are twelve
sections with each representing a rasi. All
planets, upagrahas and lagnas are written in the
boxes corresponding to the rasis they occupy.
There are three popular ways of drawing charts
in India:
1) South Indian style chart ruled by Jupiter
2) North Indian style diamond chart ruled by
Venus and
3) East Indian style Sun chart ruled by Sun.
Out of the three chart formats, (1) and (3) are rasibased and (2) is bhavabased. In
rasibased chart drawing formats, a rasi is always at a fixed position. Aries is always
in one particular position and Taurus is in another position and so on. Planets, lagna
etc are placed in the boxes (or the visual area) representing the rasi occupied by it. In
bhavabased chart drawing formats, a bhava (house) is always at a fixed position.
Lagna (denoted by “Asc” for ascendant) is always in a particular visual area of the
chart and the 2nd, 3rd etc houses are in fixed positions.
Few astrologers can make predictions with confidence and interpret exactly a
horoscope due to the large number of charts and tables to be analyzed and lack of
ethical conduct. Some astrological Yogas or combinations in one's own horoscope are
essential for enabling one to become a successful astrologer. Yet, there are some
prerequisites which must be followed for interpreting a horoscope, which are
described in BPHS and Laghu Parāshari.
If the birth time changes by one minute, many people in this world that are born a few
minutes apart in nearby places, lead significantly different lives. In this way the
methods that give the same results to everyone born in a 15minutes or onehour or
twohour period, are not accurate. A talented and brilliant astrologer should consider
birth time errors and rectify them in order to predict detailed informations and
conclusions regarding the course of future events in the life of the native.
Analyzing a chart and making correct predictions requires mixing many different
principles and making fine compromises and judgments. Sage Parashara said that it
is difficult for even great Maharishis. In Kali Yuga, human beings become sinful and
the sins hamper their intelligence. Parashara said that the intellectual pygmies of
Kali Yuga cannot cope with too many complicated principles and presented
ashtakavarga as a simple technique that lets them make reasonable prediction.
Ashtaka means “consisting of eight” and varga means “a group”. Ashtakavarga is the
system of analyzing a chart with respect to a group of eight reference points.
As per Vedic science, time is divided into a cycle of four Yugas that keep repeating.
Those are: Krita yuga (1,728,000 years), Treta yuga (1,296,000 years), Dwapara yuga
(864,000 years) and Kali yuga (432,000 years). In Krita yuga, religiousness and
virtuosity of human beings is exemplary. It is the worst in Kali yuga. It gradually
worsens from Krita yuga to Kali yuga. We are currently in Kali yuga. It started about
5,000 years back.
Many human beings are curious about how long they will live. An ethical astrologer
will not scare a client by predicting death, but he may caution a client gently before
critical periods and suggest some remedial measures to ward off an impending
danger. An estimation of longevity is also helpful in matchmaking.
It is worthwhile to emphasize once more that this knowledge should not be misused
for fame or for scaring clients. One should only gently caution clients and prescribe
remedial measures. Sages have warned that one misusing the knowledge of astrology
will live in misery.
Quadrants are the abode of Sri Maha Vishnu, the Supreme Lord who sustains this
universe as per Hinduism. Quadrants from any location show its sustenance.
Trines: Prosperity and flourishing
Quadrants: Sustenance and vital activity
Upachayas: Gains and growth
Dusthanas: Setbacks and obstacles
Argala sthanas: Decisive influences
Naisargika karakas shows everything that exists in the creation. They include
Rahu, Ketu and the seven planets. They are presided by Brahma. Naisargika karakas
show not only human beings, but they show various impersonal things and matters.
They show everything that exists in Brahma’s creation and affects a person. Chara
karakas are presided by Vishnu and they show people who play a role in one’s life. As
Vishnu presides over activities related to sustenance, achievements and spiritual
progress, chara karakas show these aspects of one’s life. Chara karakas show people
who play an important role in one’s sustenance and achievements. Examples are –
mother, father, wife, advisors etc.
What people perceive about a person can often be different from reality. However,
perceptions and reality are both important to an astrologer. For predicting some
matters, we need knowledge of the perceptions (e.g. success of a politician in elections,
success in a competitive examination, promotion at office etc). For predicting some
internal matters, on the other hand, true self should be clearly understood.
All the principles of Vedic astrology should be realized and applied in the context of
“desha” (country – place), “kaala” (time – age) and “paatra” (nature and class of
persons involved). For example when we interpret arudha padas, we are talking about
the things based on which the world forms an impression about an aspect of the
Analysis of the positions of planets with respect to lagna shows reality. Analysis of the
positions of planets with respect to AL shows perceptions of the world and material
situation. Analysis of individual bhava arudhas throws light on various things based
on which world forms impressions about a native. Analysis of the positions of the
arudha padas of planets with respect to lagna shows the perceptions of the native.
Vargas or Divisional Charts
Vargas, Symbol and Area of life
Rasi D1 Existence at the physical level
Hora D2 Wealth and money
Drekkana D3 Everything related to brothers and
Chaturthamsa D4 Residence, houses owned,
properties and fortune
Panchamsa D5 Fame, authority and power
Shashthamsa D6 Health troubles
Saptamsa D7 Everything related to children (and grandchildren)
Ashtamsa D8 Sudden and unexpected troubles, disputes etc
Navamsa D9 Marriage and everything related to spouse(s), dharma (duty and
righteousness), interaction with other people, basic skills, and inner self
Dasamsa D10 Career, activities and achievements in society
Rudramsa D11 Death and destruction
Dwadasamsa D12 Everything related to parents (also uncles, aunts and grand
parents, i.e. bloodrelatives of parents)
Shodasamsa D16 Vehicles, pleasures, comforts and discomforts
Vimsamsa D20 Religious activities and spiritual matters
Chaturvimsamsa D24 Learning, knowledge and education
Nakshatramsa D27 Strengths and weaknesses, inherent nature
Trimsamsa D30 Evils and punishment, subconscious self, some diseases
Khavedamsa D40 Auspicious and inauspicious events
Akshavedamsa D45 All matters
Shashtyamsa D60 Karma of past life, all matters
Insights on Vargas
Divisional charts based on divisions between 1 and 12 regard the physical plane. They
show physical matters. Body, wealth, residence, wife, children, parents – these are all
matters relating to the physical self. Divisional charts based on divisions between 13
and 24 (i.e. D16, D20 and D24) evidence the mental plane; feeling of contentment
and sorrow, religiousness, education and knowledge. Divisional charts based on
divisions between 25 and 36 (i.e. D27 and D30) indicate the plane of sub
consciousness; one’s power, weaknesses, innate spirit, character dispositions, evils,
certain psychological imbalances. Divisional charts based on divisions above 36 (i.e. D
40, D45 and D60) show the kaarmic plane of existence that is above physical self,
mind and subconscious self. Based on the karma accumulated from previous lives, we
all have an existence at a level that goes beyond the levels of body, mind and sub
consciousness. Existence at that level has a considerable role in deciding the model of
one’s life, along with existence at the physical, mental and subconscious levels.
Finally we analyze that specific divisional chart according to the area of life taken in
consideration. We should remember which planets, rasis and houses show a particular
topic and find links between them in the divisional chart of focus.
Bhavas (houses)
Houses in horoscope are found in relation to ascendants (lagna) and special lagna.
Starting from the rasi occupied by a selected reference point and proceeding in the
regular order across the zodiac, we associate each rasi with a house (first, second etc).
Second House: Wealth, assets, family, speech, eyes, mouth, face, voice, food.
Third House: Younger coborns, confidants, courage, mental strength, communication
skills, creativity, throat, ears, arms, and father’s death.
Sixth House: Enemies, service, servants, relatives, mental tension, injuries, health,
diseases, agriculture, accidents, mental affliction, and mother’s younger brother, hips.
Seventh House: Marriage, marital life, life partner, sex, passion (and related
happiness), long journeys, partners, business, death, the portion of the body below the
Eighth House: Longevity, debts, disease, illfame, inheritance, loss of friends, occult
studies, evils, gifts, unearned wealth, windfall, disgrace, secrets, genitals.
Ninth House: Father, teacher, boss, fortune, religiousness, spirituality, God, higher
studies & high knowledge, fortune in a foreign land, foreign trips, diksha or joining a
religious order, past life and the cause of birth, grandchildren, principles, dharma,
intuition, compassion, sympathy, leadership, charity, thighs.
Eleventh House: Elder coborn, income, gains, realization of hopes, friends, ankles.
We can find houses from houses and concatenate the meanings in some places.
We have to remind the area of life considered in the divisional chart and choose the
meanings of houses that are significant in that area of life. Though Vedic astrology
has too many parameters used in chart analysis, they are all essentials.
Rasis represent circumstances and forces influencing the course of a native’s life and
planets represent individual beings. Lagna lord represents the physical self. Houses
counted from paaka lagna shed light on matters related to the physical self of a
native. In any chart, normal lagna shows self. Hora lagna shows self, from the point of
view of money, wealth and prosperity. Ghati lagna shows self, from the point of view
of fame, power and authority.
Varga Grouping and Amsabala
We have several varga groups, i.e. groups of divisional charts. If a planet is in its
moolatrikona or an own rasi or its rasi of exaltation in a chart, it makes the planet
very strong in that chart. In each group of divisional charts, we can count the
divisional charts in which a planet occupies its moolatrikona or an own rasi or its rasi
of exaltation. Based on the count of these handy divisional charts for the planet, we
say that the planet is in a particular amsa (the higher this number is, the stronger the
planet is). This group of amsa form very important yogas – special combinations.
Classification of Yogas
Ravi Yogas (solar combinations)
Chandra Yogas (lunar combinations)
Mahaapurusha Yogas (combinations producing 5 kinds of great men)
Naabhasa Yogas (classified celestial combinations)
Other Popular Yogas
Raaja Yogas (combinations giving power)
Raaja Sambandha Yogas (combinations for association with kings)
Dhana Yogas (combinations giving wealth)
Daridra Yogas (combinations giving poverty)
There are more than 300 Yogas according to Parashahari Hora. All yogas have a
specific meaning and are very important elements of Vedic astrology.
Index Yoga Meaning
1 Vishkambha Door bolt/supporting pillar
2 Preeti Love/affection
3 Aayushmaan Longlived
4 Saubhaagya Long life of spouse (good fortune)
5 Sobhana Splendid, bright
6 Atiganda Great danger
7 Sukarman One with good deeds
8 Dhriti Firmness
9 Shoola Shiva’s weapon of destruction (pain)
10 Ganda Danger
11 Vriddhi Growth
12 Dhruva Fixed, constant
13 Vyaaghaata Great blow
14 Harshana Cheerful
15 Vajra Diamond (strong)
16 Siddhi Accomplishment
17 Vyatipaata Great fall
18 Variyan Chief/best
19 Parigha Obstacle/hindrance
20 Shiva Lord Shiva (purity)
21 Siddha Accomplished/ready
22 Saadhya Possible
23 Subha Auspicious
24 Sukla White, bright
25 Brahma Creator (good knowledge and purity)
26 Indra Ruler of gods
27 Vaidhriti A class of gods
Rasi chart shows the overall picture and the manifestation at the physical level.
Navamsa shows basic skills and the way one interacts with others. D27 shows one’s
strengths and Trines are the abode of Goddess Lakshmi, who rules prosperity. Trines
from any location are houses that are beneficial to the reference. They bring
prosperity and wellbeing. In Hinduism, there are four goal of human life – Dharma:
righteousness and adherence to one’s duty, Artha: money and career, Kaama:
desiring things and getting them, and, Moksha: final liberation of soul.
Dharma is shown by the trines from the 1house – 1, 5and 9– and they show prosperity
of self, intelligence and dharma. They are called “dharma trikonas” (trines of duty).
The character of a person, his intelligence and his righteousness decide how one
follows dharma – the first purpose of human existence. Trines from the 2nd house are
called “artha trikonas” (trines of money) and they show wealth. Trines from the 3rd
house are called “kaama trikonas” (trines of desire) and they show one’s desires and
how one gets them. The 3rd house shows one’s persistence. Trines from the 4house (4–
harmony, 8– occult studies and spiritual awakening and 12th – moksha) are called
“moksha trikonas” (trines of liberation) and they show how one achieve liberation,
the fourth purpose of human existence.
Lagna is the most commonly used reference when finding houses. If no reference is
mentioned when houses are listed, it means that lagna – the default reference – was
used. If we are trying to understand someone’s status in society, lagna may not be the
correct reference. Status does not relate to “true self”. It is a part of the illusion of this
world. However, if we are trying to understand someone’s intentions in doing
something or someone’s knowledge or someone’s persistence, it relates to “true self”.
So they are seen from the houses counted from lagna. Lagna shows true self.
Chandra Lagna (Moon lagna)
Chandra lagna means Moon taken as a reference. We can find houses from Moon. The
Moon is the significator of mind, these houses show things from the perspective of
Ravi Lagna (Sun lagna)
Ravi lagna means Sun taken as a reference. We can find houses from Sun. The Sun is
the significator of soul, these houses show things from the perspective of soul. For
things related to physical vitality also, Sun is an important reference.
Arudha Lagna
Arudha lagna shows how a native is perceived in the world. It also shows the status of
a native. A planet in the 10th house from arudha lagna may give some important
developments in one’s professional status.
Paaka Lagna
Paaka lagna is important when analyzing the natal chart, dasas and transits. Paaka
lagna is nothing but lagna lord taken as a reference. If someone with Pisces lagna has
Jupiter in Cancer, then Cancer becomes paaka lagna. If someone with Leo lagna has
Sun in Virgo, Virgo becomes paaka lagna.
Lagna shows the concept of self and it deals with one’s true personality. The physical
existence of the person is different from this conceptual self. This applies to all
divisional charts.
Drishti (Aspects) and Argala
Drishti means sight. It is an aspect of the entire house. Aspects can be cast both by
planet and by the signs. Planetary aspects are function of desire, while sign aspects
are a function of awareness and cognizance.
A planet aspecting a house or a planet has some influence on the matters signified by
that house or planet. The nature of the influence exerted and the degree to which that
influence succeeds depends on the individual situation.
There are two kinds of aspects: graha drishti and rasi drishti. Each planet
influences certain houses from it with graha drishti (planetary aspect). The houses
influenced are fixed based on the planet. In addition, rasis aspect each other and a
planet aspects the rasis influenced by the rasi occupied by it. This is called rasi drishti
(sign aspect).
State Related to Attitude and Mood
We have nine main states of planets that are related to attitude and mood:
1 A planet in its exaltation rasi is said to be in “Deepta” avastha (bright).
2 A planet in its own rasi is said to be in “Swastha” avastha (doing well, contented,
comfortable, and natural).
3 A planet in a good friend’s rasi is said to be in “Mudita” avastha (delighted).
4 A planet in a friend’s rasi is said to be in “Saanta” avastha (peaceful).
5 A planet in a neutral planet’s rasi is said to be in “Deena” avastha (sad, depressed).
8 A planet in a malefic planet’s rasi is said to be in “Khala” avastha (mischievous,
9 A planet joined closely by Sun is said to be in “Kopita” avastha (angry).
We have six additional states of planets that are related to attitude and mood.
The state of a planet related to age, alertness, mood and activity will have a role in
the results given by it, but the houses influenced by it in various divisional charts are
more important in deciding the results. If one planet is joined by more planets than
the other, it is stronger.
Rath’s “Tripod of Life” Principle
Sun, Moon and lagna form the “tripod of life”. Parashara clearly said that we should
analyze all charts with respect to the positions of Sun, Moon and lagna. He advised
drawing Sudarsana chakra with the innermost chakra representing the houses with
respect to lagna (body), next chakra representing the houses with respect to Moon
(mind) and the outermost chakra representing the houses with respect to Sun (soul).
The results experienced due to soul (Sun) last long and change slowly. The results
experienced due to mind (Moon) last shorter and change fast. The results experienced
due to body (lagna) change even faster.
Just as the strength of lagna lord is very important in a natal chart, strength of the
lord of dasha lagna is the key to interpreting a dasha. In addition, a lot of principles
were mentioned by Parashara.
Parashara taught that the quadrants are ruled by Sri Maha Vishnu and the trines are
ruled by Sri Maha Lakshmi. So Kendradi rasi dasha uses the movement ruled by
Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. So this dasha shows the periods of
prosperity. It shows the progression of lagna using the movement ruled by Sri
Sudasa, a rasi dasha, is used to predict financial matters and matters related to
status and power.
Dasha of lagna and the 7th house can bring internal awakening and selfrealization.
Ketu is the only planet who can give real spiritual awakening and liberation.
Some other dasha shows the motion of praana (life). That is why it has an uneven
motion. It goes forward in some charts and backward in some charts. Also the lengths
of dasas can be seven, eight or nine years. All this shows that different people have
different motion of praana. When praana reaches Shiva’s Trishoola or a powerful
maraka rasi, the native can die.
In addition, Parashara listed the directions to prefer and the directions avoid, while
travelling and relocating, during different leaps.
1) In the leap from Vi to Cn, east will give great results. One can take up an
auspicious journey in the northern direction.
2) In the leap from Le to Ge, east should be avoided. A journey to the southwest will
be fruitful.
3) In the leap from Cn to Le, a move in the southern direction results in losses. West
is favourable.
4) In the leap from Pi to Sc and in the normal movement from Sg to Cp, there will be
troubles in the northern direction.
5) In the leap from Sg to Ar, journeys should be avoided, as they may result in
sickness, imprisonment or death.
An intelligent astrologer will realize that different dasas are good at showing different
kinds of events. Even when different dasas show the same event, they show it from
different angles and focus on different aspects of the same event. Without
appreciating this, one cannot understand why maharishis described tens, if not
hundreds, of dasha systems.
Hence it is important to learn when a dasha can be applied and what kind of results it
shows. Some authors suggested that Kalachakra dasha applies only when Moon is
stronger in Navamsa chart than in rasi chart. However, this author opines that
Kalachakra dasha is applicable to all people, as Parashara did not impose any
conditions on its applicability and went to the extent of calling it “the most respectable
dasha”. Navamsa shows one’s adherence of dharma or duty and shed light on the
inner self.
Gochaara (Transits) and Natal References
If a planet occupies, on a given day, a particular rasi, then it is said to “transit” in that
sign on that day. Transit positions refer to the positions of planets on a given day and
natal positions refer to the positions of planets at the time of one’s birth. By transits
or gochaara, we mean the motion of planets in the skies. By the transit or chaara or
gochaara position of a planet, we mean the position occupied by a planet at a given
time. By the natal or birth location of a planet, we mean the position occupied by a
planet at the time of one’s birth.
By correlating the transit positions on a given day with the natal positions of several
reference points, we can draw some conclusions about the nature of results
experienced by the native then.
Transits from Moon
The most popular natal reference in transit analysis is Moon. Moon is the significator
of mind and analysis of planetary positions with respect to Moon shows the mental
state. Depending on the houses occupied by transit planets with respect to natal
Moon, they exert different influences on one’s mental state. The transit of Vimsottari
dasha lord is particularly important, because he is the one who has the greatest
influence on one’s mental state during a period.
The rasi occupied by Moon in the natal chart is called “janma rasi” and planets give
different results when transiting in different houses from janma rasi.
The results given by planets depend on what they stand for in the natal chart. In this
manner, we can analyze transits of all the planets. We can use the results given in
literature, but we should adapt them intelligently to the chart at hand. We should
understand what each planet stands for in a chart.
In addition, there are natal references other than Moon, though Moon is the most
important natal reference when interpreting transits.
Other Natal References
We can analyze transits with respect to lagna and paaka lagna. Lagna is the hub of
vitality and one’s personality in a chart. Using the ashtakavarga tables, we can
decipher whether the transit of a planet in a house from lagna is favorable or not. We
can see which house a planet is transiting in, with respect to natal lagna, and expect
the planet to influence the matters of that house. The influence exerted by a transit
planet on the house occupied by it depends on its inherent nature and its nuance in
the natal chart.
Thus we should look at the rasis occupied and influenced by planets in their transit
and find out which houses and planets occupy those rasis in the natal chart. Based on
that, we should guess the results given by the planets. A planet occupying or
aspecting a rasi in transit influences the matters signified by the houses and planets
stationed in that rasi in the natal chart. The exact nature of the influence exerted by a
planet depends on its inherent nature and the matters it stands for in the natal chart.
A natal divisional chart shows how innate potential in a particular area of life is
influenced at a given time to result in action at the physical level. Moreover this chart
shows how the potential at the physical level is transformed into an event in a
particular life field.
In conclusion transit positions of planets are the positions occupied by them at a given
time. Natal positions of planets are the positions occupied by them at the time of one’s
birth. Natal positions stand for the innate potential of a nativity and the transit
positions show the temporary influences – planetary drives. If their interaction is
studied, some insight can be achieved on the kind of results that are experienced at a
given time. It is suggested that the interaction between the natal divisional charts
and the transit rasi chart helps in coarse timing of events and the interaction between
the natal rasi chart and transit divisional charts helps in fine timing of events.
We should find the following in the natal chart:
1) The constellation occupied by Moon or any special tara (star)
2) The rasi occupied by lagna or any house of interest
3) The first/prominent consonant and vowel in the native’s name
4) The tithi of birth (janma tithi) or a special tithi
5) The weekday of birth (janma vaara)
Tajaka Analysis
A subsystem of Indian astrology, popularly known as “Tajaka system”, is extremely
useful in making precise and pointed predictions. It considers planetary aspects and
yogas different from those employed in other classical methods of Vedic astrology and
it is closer to western astrology in terms of aspects and yogas. There are no references
to it in the works of Parashara, Jaimini and other maharishis. The oldest reference to
these techniques to be found in the works of a respected authority on Vedic astrology
is in “Tajaka Neelakanthi”, a work by Neelakantha who wrote a celebrated
commentary on “Jaimini Sutras”. His coverage of Tajaka system lends some
authenticity to the system. Some illustrious scholars of Vedic astrology, like
Neelakantha and Dr. B.V. Raman, set the precedent by teaching this system.
Similar to the annual charts, “monthly solar return charts” (Tajaka maasa chakras)
can also be drawn and they are useful in analyzing a onemonth period in depth.
This part explains the casting and use of annual charts in giving precise predictions.
By analyzing a particular rasi chart and the associated divisional charts, we can find
out the fortune of the native during the year.
Sahams are the significant points in the zodiac related to specific matters. For
example, “raajya” means kingdom and “raajya saham” is a significant point in the
zodiac related to obtaining kingdom.
Sudarsana Chakra Dasha
Parashara said that Sudarsana Chakra dasha was taught by Brahma – the Creator –
Himself and that it is a great tool for predicting daily, monthly and annual fortune.
Because the calculations necessary for Sudarsana Chakra dasha interpretation are an
integral part of casting Tajaka annual, monthly and sixtyhour charts, this dasha is
being covered in the part on “Tajaka Analysis” rather than the part on “Dasha
Analysis”. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a dasha applicable to natal
When one uses Vedic astrology at its fullest glory, it is very systematic and leads to
very precise predictions. However, we need a very accurate birth time. In real life,
however, we often get erroneous data. Coping with birth time errors is a very
important topic.
Due to divine powers and Godgiven intuition, one can be successful in one’s
predictions only using D1, but that is clearly unscientific.
We are often told by clients that their birth time is very accurate. However, it is this
author’s experience that birth times reported by people are seldom accurate. There
can be various reasons behind a birth time error: (1) using an unadjusted
clock/wristwatch showing a slightly incorrect time, (2) forgetting to note the birth time
exactly after birth and noting down it a little later with some manual correction
applied to compensate for the lapse, (3) wrong memory of mother or father when
giving the correctly noted birth time to an astrologer, (4) using the wrong definition of
‘birth’. Birth time rectification is the process of correcting the reported birth time
before proceeding to make predictions based on the birth time. There are some
formulas in literature for birth time rectification, but these assume that human births
happen in certain quanta. The only correct way to rectify a birth time is to find a time
in the neighbourhood of the reported birth time so that we can explain the nature,
credentials, attitude and aptitude of the native and the known events from the
native’s past. This is a laborious process, but there is no other way.
We want to identify our native among those thousands of people and the only way is
to look at the known past. That’s the only thing that distinguishes him from others
born closely.
Robustness of Computations
When we try different birth times, all the computations change. If we know how
various computations are altered based on small changes in the birth time, we can
approach the problem of birth time rectification intelligently. Thus, sometimes we
cannot detect a birth time error just by looking at the natal chart and dasas. Looking
at the divisional charts of Tajaka annual charts can help in some cases. One should
finally compute charts and dasas for the rectified time and verify the rectification.
One may be fortunate to have an authentic guru and one may be fortunate to have a
brave leader. But the world’s perceptions of one’s fortune are driven by the recognition
one gets and formal distinctions. These are what drive the world’s perceptions about
one’s fortune.
There are two kinds of birth time rectification – macrorectification and micro
rectification. Macrorectification is the case when you have two or more totally
different birthdata from different sources and want to find out which is correct. Micro
rectification is the one that we will need the most in practical consultations. The
birthdata reported by clients usually has a little error and we have to rectify the birth
Some people use some formula based techniques for birth time rectification and
assume that human births happen only in certain quanta of time. Most of those
techniques do not work. The only correct way to rectify a birth time is to correct it in
such a way that one’s nature and past life events are well explained. An astrologer
should have an idea of the change introduced in various computations if the birth time
changes a little. Readers should remember that correct birth time rectification lays a
solid foundation for the entire chart analysis – without correct birth time rectification,
all other fine techniques we learnt in this book are useless.
A lot of astrological knowledge of Vedic times became corrupt in the last few hundred
years, because of the degeneration of Indian culture precipitated by foreign invasions.
The correct knowledge of the science of Vedic astrology is broken into parts and
hidden in small corners of India. There are a lot of traditional families in India, which
guard some special astrological techniques as “family secrets”. Gathering the correct
knowledge from the remote corners of India and consolidating it is a daunting task.
It makes no sense to start from scratch and develop this subject completely. The best
approach is to understand the teachings of Sages correctly and then experiment to
confirm our understanding.
We should look at the nature of the event and the time period of its effectiveness and
look for an astrological factor with about the same period of effectiveness.
Some astrologers may make a correct prediction based on illogical thinking, due to
luck (or spiritual strength). We should not be blinded by the success of a prediction.
Success of a prediction does not prove the validity of the methods used. We may try to
enhance our predictive success through good spiritual practices, but we should also
try to identify the right factors behind various events and consolidate the scientific
aspects of Vedic astrology. The scientific and spiritual aspects of astrology should go
together and strengthen each other. Because of the corruption in astrological
knowledge, many contemporary astrologers don’t use the most appropriate techniques
always. Due to this, they have to deal with a lot of vagueness and they rely on
spiritual strength for correct predictions. When explaining the past, a vague principle
is fine. But predicting the future becomes a hard task.
Statistical Research
When we come across an astrological principle, we can evaluate its worth using
statistical research. We can take as many examples as we can and find out in what
percentage of examples the principle is satisfied. Sometimes the result attributed to
an astrological combination may be vague and subjective. But sometimes, we have
clearly defined events as results and we can use statistical research in such cases.
Analysis as above does not directly help us in making predictions, but it helps us in
validating at least a part of astrology as a probabilistic science. Astrology researchers
who have the resources and skills should intelligently formulate welldefined
principles, test them statistically and find the success rate and compare it with the
expected success rate as above. Divisions, houses, arudhas, argalas, multiple dasas etc
will enable us to conduct more meaningful and fruitive statistical research.
The subject of astrology becomes valid and justified if we prove some correlations
statistically. Even if we cannot explain why planets influence us, we can still study
the correlations between planetary motion and events in our lives. While it will be
nice to be able to answer the fundamental question raised above, it is not necessary
for astrology to be accepted as a statistical science.
An expert astrologer may be able to make defined predictions. Anyhow like a doctor
not only identifies the disease one is suffering from, but prescribes medicines to cure it
also in astrology we suggest remedial measures to minimize negative times.
The pattern to be followed by one’s life is decided at the time of one’s birth by the
planetary position then, which is in turn decided by the karma (actions) accumulated
in past lives. However, it only decides the basic ‘pattern’ and not all the minute
details. Though the basic pattern cannot be easily altered, the exact details can be
altered by exercising free will. For example, one may be destined to have a vehicular
accident on a particular day, but it can be a minor accident or a major one. Actions
taken by one’s free will have a role, along with the accumulated actions (karma) of
past lives, in deciding the exact details. Remedial measures are the measures we take
in order to manipulate the exact details to be relatively favorable to us.
When we anticipate joyful moments we can afford to take a few risks. On the other
hand, we can take extra precautions when we anticipate sinister times. If an accident
is probable in a period, we can drive very carefully or even avoid travel if possible. If
quarrels with authorities are possible in a period, one can be extra careful and
consciously try to restrain oneself. In this manner, we can take common sense
precautions to avert, or to reduce the impact of, the bad events anticipated.
Pacifying Planets
In Hinduism, we can remedy a bad result by the pacification of planets. There are four
ways to make planets happy:
Wearing a gemstone: This works only for planets that are favourable in one’s
horoscope. We can wear the gemstones of such planets to protect us.
Pious deeds: By committing pious deeds, we can pacify planets.
Planetary Propitiation: By reciting the mantras and stotras of planets, we can pacify
them. Mantra is a combination of sounds with a special power to produce beneficial
spiritual waves within us. Stotras are hymns in praise of planets.
Propitiation of Deities: By propitiating various deities, we can pacify various planets.
One can wear the gemstones of favorable planets to get the blessings of those planets
and tide over troubles. Look at the functional benefics in one’s rasi chart and prescribe
their gemstones. If a planet’s dasha is running or if a planet is taking part in a
favorable yoga, we may choose that planet. Wearing the gemstone of a planet speeds
up the fructification of the good results promised in a chart by that planet. A ring
made of the suggested metal with the suggested gemstone can be used for
strengthening the planet.
Gemstones of planets
Planet Gemstone Metal
Sun Ruby Gold
Moon White pearl Gold
Mars Red coral Copper
Mercury Emerald Silver/Platinum
Jupiter Yellow sapphire Gold
Venus Diamond Silver/Platinum
Saturn Blue sapphire Iron (or silver)
Rahu Hessonite (gomedh) Silver
Ketu Cat’s eye Silver
The ring must be worn for the first time on the weekday of the planet. The planetary
strength should be good at that time. The planet ruling the gemstone should be strong
at that time.
Pious Deeds
One can pacify planets by virtuous actions. Religious and honourable activities of this
life can compensate for the sins of past lives. One can commit a pious deed in an area
ruled by a planet to please it. Some examples are listed below:
To please Sun, one may go to a temple or donate money to a temple or help in the
administration of a temple. To please Moon, one may donate money to a music
institute or help a fair lady. To please Mars, one may engage in physical exercise or
donate money to a school gym. To please Mercury, one may donate money to an
organization of scholars or get blessings from a scholar. To please Jupiter, one may
respect and donate money to a learned Brahmin or a priest. Or one may donate cows
to a priest. To please Venus, one may read poetry or help a poet. To please Saturn, one
may perform some physical labour or help some people who live on manual labour. To
please Rahu, one may donate some money to a research organization or go on a
pilgrimage. To please Ketu, one may do meditation. For example, one can please
Jupiter by giving away a big bowl of chick peas on a Thursday morning.
Fasting is also a popular remedial measure. By punishing ourselves by denying the
basic necessity of food, we reduce other punishments. Fasting on the weekday ruled
by upapada lord in rasi chart, for example, mitigates troubles in one’s marriage.
Fasting on the weekday ruled by rajyapada lord may mitigate troubles in career.
Propitiation of Planets
We can propitiate planets by reciting mantras and
stotras. Mantra is a combination of sounds with a
special power to produce beneficial spiritual waves
within us. These days, people misuse the term
“mantra” and refer to many stotras as mantras.
Stotras are hymns in praise of planets and God. There
is no correct intonation to read a stotra and devotion is
important when reciting a stotra. Recitation of a stotra
gives results very slowly. Interested readers can read the 108 names of various
planets everyday. As lagna is the most important house in a chart and lagna lord
shows the vitality of the chart, one may worship the planet owning lagna in the
divisional chart representing the area of life that one wants to improve. For example,
if one wants spiritual progress, lagna lord in D20 should be worshipped. If one wants
pleasures and comforts, lagna lord in D16 should be worshipped.
There are different mantras for propitiating planets. In addition, there are kavachas,
stotras and 108 names of all planets. There are many other mantras and one can refer
to other books for the details. When reading a stotra, devotion is of utmost
importance. When reading a mantra, devotion as well as the correct pronunciation are
Propitiation of Deities
Instead of propitiating planets directly, we can propitiate the ruling deities.
Propitiating the deity corresponding to lagna lord in a particular divisional chart
brings excellent results in the area of life shown by divisional chart.
Planets and Deities
Planet Deity
Sun Shiva, Rama
Moon Gauri, Lalita, Saraswati, Krishna
Mars Hanuman, Rudra, Kartikeya (Subrahmanya),
Mercury Vishnu, Narayana, Buddha
Jupiter Hayagreeva, Vishnu, Parameshwara, Dattatreya,
Sri Guru
Venus Lakshmi, Parvati
Saturn Vishnu, Brahma
Rahu Durga, Narasimha
Ketu Ganesha
Mundane Charts
We have so far concentrated on predicting the fortune of individual human beings
based on their birth charts. We sometimes have to predict the collective fortune of
large groups of people. An example is the fortune of a nation. To predict the fortune of
a nation, we can use the birth chart of the leader of the nation, the swearingin chart
of the leader and the birth chart of the nation, if available. When these are not
available, we can use lunar and solar new year charts and new month charts. Solar
charts are good at showing some matters and lunar charts are good at showing some
other matters. There are also some techniques based on transits. We can map
different nations to different rasis and constellations and take transits with respect to
those rasis and constellations.
Study of the collective fortune of groups of people using planetary charts is called
“mundane astrology” and birth charts of nations, swearingin charts, lunar charts,
solar charts and other charts used in mundane astrology are known as “mundane
In mundane charts, we can still use arudha padas, divisional charts etc, but we have
to reinterpret the significations of various charts, etc. houses and arudha padas
prudently. For example, D9 may show relations with other nations and the role
played in international polity. D30 may show internal disturbances and violence. D11
may show wars and terrorist activities. D8 may show unexpected and sudden
external troubles like natural calamities.
When we have the birthdata of a nation, we can use its birth chart. By the birth of a
nation, we mean the start of a new order and the recognition of a new national
identity. We can cast charts at a nation’s capital when a new solar or lunar year or
month starts and use them to predict the fortune of a nation during the year or
Muhurta or Electional Astrology
When a person is born, the planetary position at that time decides how his/her life
progresses. Similarly, when a new task is freshly started, the planetary position at
that time decides how the task progresses. For this reason, believers choose an
auspicious time when starting new enterprise. The time when a new task is
undertaken is called “muhurta”. One can select a good muhurta for a variety of tasks
– getting married, joining a new job, swearingin ceremonies (in the case of political
leaders), starting a new company, starting a kid’s formal education, giving cooked rice
to a baby for the first time, buying a vehicle, buying a house, housewarming, baby
showers etc. The list is endless. In India, old people choose a good muhurta even for
getting a haircut or for cutting nails.
Definition of Muhurta
Astrologers set nice muhurtas for the tasks of their clients, but they don’t always
verify that their clients know exactly what to do at the time of the muhurta. In the
case of entering a new house (housewarming), the correct time of entering the house is
when one starts “living” in the house. One may not start living in a house at the exact
moment one enters a house with some suitcases. In the Hindu way of life, only a
house where cooking is done is a place of living. So, traditionally, people warm milk on
a stove at the time of muhurta. Hora at the time of moving to a new house should
belong to a favorable planet in the natal chart with respect to the 4th house and A4.
One should consult a Panchaanga that lists auspicious and inauspicious times.
Auspicious muhurta are chosen.
Who can be an Astrologer?
Vedic astrology is not just another subject like mathematics and physics. It is
considered a sacred subject. It gives its knower a special power to see the past, the
present and the future.
A wealthy man may give his servant only some money, but a teacher gives his
students knowledge which is considered the most valuable treasure in Indian culture.
So teachers are revered with utmost respect. Sage Parashara recommended that this
knowledge should be given only to the worthy students.
Jyotishis should also maintain dignity when offering astrological consultation. They
should be spiritually inclined and approach the discussion with a spirit of service. At
the same time the students should recognized that this knowledge is priceless.
Instead of running after material possessions, Jyotishis should be satisfied with their
knowledge and assist people in need without expecting anything in return.
An austere Jyotishi who serves humanity with his/her divine knowledge of Jyotisha
burns away past sins and gets closer and closer to liberation from the cycle of life,
death and rebirth.
One should always be positive when making predictions. Negative predictions should
be made with a restrained tone. A Jyotishi may gently caution the clients about an
impending danger and suggest remedial measures and precautions, but he should not
scare the clients. Negative predictions should be made only when some preventive
action is suggested. Negative predictions made just for fame or the sensation value
bring unhappiness to the Jyotishi. Astrologers should try to bring spiritual awareness
in their clients and try to promote morality, justice and pious conduct.
Many examples are there were some famous politics consulted astrologers receiving
wrong predictions and were misguided on the real course of events. This complex
science has to be practiced with great accuracy and meticulous skill to grasp the
correct calculation of facts. It requires deep experience and profound insight into the
divine design of the Supreme architect who governs the entire cosmos and all living
The ancient knowledge of Jotisha, contained in the sacred Vedas, was revealed by the
Lord Himself trough the mouth of great saints those who lived very purely and close
to God. For this reason a competent astrologer must be a mahatma, a noble soul, in
order to expose this sacred science eloquently and with perfect vision of the celestial
arrangement destined by God for every individual person.
The seer should be profoundly linked himself with the divine sky. He should have
realized his inner self, living finding bliss within himself. Such a rare astrologer is the
transparent crystal reflecting the light of the sacred scriptures into the life of his
followers. Just like a clear mirror only reflects the true reality, at the same way a
sparkling heart reveals the truth. Astrology is a very pure subject; it cannot be
illustrated by a mundane person engaged in all types of sinful activities. It is a divine
science and it can only be taught and exposed by a wise and highly realised soul who
is able to explicate clearly the signs of divine message between the Devatas, the
sustainer of all, and the individual and his destiny.
An astrologer, who has developed a high consciousness, will have a glimpse into the
harmonious chain which binds the macrocosm and microcosm. The will of the
providence and the divine fate predestineted for every person can be envisioned only
by a highly enlightened soul who functions as the intermediate between God and the
humans. Just like Sri Guru is considered to be like the captain of the ship meant to
transport the living being across the ocean of material bondage, at the same time the
Jyotish Acharya is supposed to shows the light of knowledge to dispel the darkness of
nascence guiding his students to overcome the burden of mundane life with all its
innumerable anguishes.
Finer intellect and logical talent are not sufficient to penetrate the impact of planets
on earthly life, as the demigods ruling those planets, are simply fulfilling the divine
project of the Supreme God from who emanate the immense Universe and the
marvellous and innumerable species of creatures living within it.
This intricate discipline is not an easy theme that anyone can capture with rational
study or mathematical calculation. It is a patrimony of many life times inherited by
forefathers and empowered by the mercy of an authentic Guru. The genuine
astrologer should seek the blessing of previous Jyotish Acharyas those who exposed
their effective methods of computation and prediction on many ancient books written
in Sanskrit language more than 5000 years ago.
There are great multiplicities of human beings in this earthly planet. Although many
appear to show similar characteristic, religious principles, social and cultural custom,
yet they are all diverse and lead a different life. Suppose that an astrologer can
estimate detailed information regarding life of a native, this is not of great use if he is
not capable to suggest his clients how to change any inauspicious influence in their
present life. He should inspire religious conduct, offering of prayers, and the
invocation of Godly glance as only God has the power to remove any sort of trouble in
the thorny path of human life.
With deep respect for our Gurus and Maharishis, we shared our limited knowledge
with the readers. May the readers of this text use the privileged knowledge of the
divine subject of Jyotisha in the spirit of compassionate and selfless service and work
for the uplifting of humanity!
We earnestly hope that readers pursue this divine subject in the right spirit, master
it, serve their clients sincerely and contribute to a renaissance in Jyotish.
A real devote of Lord Krishna can be the perfect medium to open the eyes of his
students and clients as well. That pure devoted soul is the eligible prophet to expose
the science of Jyotish. He is able to reveal the course of future events interpreting the
drive of the planets toward the individual soul. He benevolently bestows his soothing
and esurient guidance and he advises the person to correct his shortcoming begging
forgiveness to the Devatas and God, placating the effect of his negative Karma and
promoting spiritual evolution.
Jay Sri NitaiGaur!
Jay Jay Sri Radheshyam!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
:: Om Tat Sat ::
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