KP322 Teknologi Bangunan Baru (TBB) : Teknik Perencanaan & Konstruksi Kapal 2019

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To identify the flow of shipbuilding


To identify Shipyard Layout & Facilities

Able to understand and to explain

all things related to Shipbuilding
Shipbuilding Industry
Shipbuilding Industry

After the Second World War, shipbuilding grew as an important and

strategic industry in a number of countries around the world
This importance stems from:
• The large number of skilled workers required directly by the shipyard,
along with supporting industries such as steel mills, railroads and
engine manufacturers; and
• A nation's need to manufacture and repair its own navy and vessels
that support its primary industries
Shipbuilding Industry (world)

China retained its position as the

world’s leading shipbuilder in 2018,
ranking number one in all three
 the largest orderbook at 99.8m
dwt (43% market share),
 the most newbuilding orders at
40.4m dwt (35% share), and
 the largest number of deliveries,
at 34.5m dwt (44% share).
Shipbuilding Industry (world)

1. China

World’s 2. South Korea

3. Japan

4. European Countries
Shipbuilding Industry (world)

Farich Firmansyah. 2018. A Study on Indonesia Shipbuilding Competitiveness

Shipbuilding Industry In Indonesia

Number of shipping fleet in Indonesia

Farich Firmansyah. 2018. A Study on Indonesia Shipbuilding Competitiveness

Shipbuilding Industry In Indonesia

250 shipbuilding Indonesia (Hingga akhir 2016)

Kalimantan (25%)
Kawaan Timur (12%)


Java (37%)
Shipbuilding Industry In
Shipbuilding Industry In Indonesia
Shipbuilding Industry In Indonesia
ASL Shipyard



History of Shipyard

The world's earliest known dockyards were built in the Harappan

port city of Lothalcirca 2400 BC in Gujarat, India.

The name of the ancient Greek city of Naupactus means

"shipyard". Naupactus‘ reputation in this field extends to the
time of legend, where it is depicted as the place where the
Heraclidae built a fleet to invade the Peloponnesus.
Shipbuilding Process
Shipuilding Process

Preliminary •

The application for specification
The preliminary sketch

Work •

The Tender
The Estimate of Construction

Design & •

Design department
Specialist knowledge

Construction •

The production

Delivery • Sea Trials

• Priod of Guarantee
Preliminary Work

The Appication for specification (case study Cargo Ship)

 Carrying capacity and tonnage
 Speed
 Types of cargo
 Layout of the holds with fixed or moveable bulkheads and tween decks
 System of hatches or an open hold
 Necessity, strength and kind of cargo gear
 Preferred suppliers of the engines, auxiliaries, navigation equipment, cargo
gear, etc
The preliminary sketch

 Outline specification (brief

technical description) and a
general arrangement plan
which is depicts th arrangemen
of all spaces in the vessel.
 Lines Plan
 Hydrostatic calculation
 Hydrodynamic calculation
 Size of propeller
The Tender

The preliminary building plan is then sent to two or three shipyard for an offer, the
procedure called “a tender’ and participating in it is called “to tender”.
The Estimate of Construction

 After the parties involved sign the final building contract and than all the parties
have obligations that starts with the down payment.
 Within the contract there will be a provision to allow for adjustment of the price
should any changes be made to the original design at some stage during the
building contract.
Design and Constrution

The design department (engineering)

Certain essential drawings have to be submitted to the classification
Specialist Knowledge
for certain difficult area of design some specialist research and
engineering will produce works for:
 The optimization of the shape of the ship
 Calculations on noise and vibrations
 The optimisation of the propellers, ducts and rudders.
Design and Construction

The planning department makes the rawings of the designdepartment ready for
production pupose.
With the aid of a computer programme, a draughtsman nests the steelplates.
Specialist Knowledge
for certain difficult area of design some specialist research and engineering will
produce works for:
 The optimization of the shape of the ship
 Calculations on noise and vibrations
 The optimisation of the propellers, ducts and rudders.
Design and Construction

The Production
A ship is constructed in various stages, which can sometimes overlap :
- pre-treatment
- building by panel
- Building by section
- Building of hull and deckhouse
- Painting

 Sea Trials
 Period of Guarantee
The guarantee conditions are an integral part of te building
contract, because, just like another product, the ship has a period
of guarantee.
In general, this period is 12 months after the delivery of the vessel.
If the ship needs repairing within the perio of guarantee, the
vessels location and te urgency of the repair jobs determines who
will repair the vessel and where it will be done.
Shipbuilding Process



Sea Trial Outfitting

Erection Block
Shipbuilding Process
Shipbuilding Process
Design Part

Basic design
• Basic modeling(Speed, loadage etc..)
• Flow analysis

Hull design
• Structure design
• Structure & Fatigue strength analysis

Outfitting design
• Pipe laying & Electrical wiring
• Engine room design

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Design Part

Basic Design
1. A basis modeling which taking a carrying
capacity and speed

2. A performance assessment to a
computer simulation.

3. And computer float analysis

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Design Part

Hull design
1. The design are firm to the iron board of
the at least to the maximum and to
develop fast speed.

2. Many simulation about the body of ship

structure and computation need.

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Design Part

Outfitting design

A machinery and tools of the boiler room conduit install


Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Steel Cutting

The work that the steel place is automatically cut based upon production design in

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Steel Cutting

Cutting Progress

Marking by NC machine Marked steel

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Steel Cutting

Cutting Progress

Cutting In order assembly pregress

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Steel Cutting

Cutting Equipment

Gas based cutter . Major method, by oxygen- acetylene gas cutting steel that
use high-handed oxygen and groove
Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University
Steel Cutting

Cutting Equipment
Plasma cutting
When electric discharge occur, It`s plasma
Cutting that melt steel and high-handed gas
Laser cutting
Cutting that use molting, evaporation and high-handed
gas. It`s method that can cut 5~7mm steel for the
In oder to apply, need to more development than now

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Block Assembly

Synthesis of Piece Assembly, Sub Assembly, Cutting/Bending and so on work that assemble
area of ship hull space.

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Block Assembly

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Block Assembly

Pin Jig on curved surface of ship hull block assembly factory

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University
Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University
block movement by Heavy Lift Transporter

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Surface Inspection
Surface Painting


Final inspection
(Block) Touch up


Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University


High pressure
Touch steam cleaning
Inspection for 2nd up
surface preparation

(Hull exterior)

Launching External painting

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Block Erection

The process of building a ship afterwards

the welding, after moving the blocks (which
was made on the ground) by using the
Gantry Crane.

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

PE : Pre-Erection

PE is the process of making large before

moving blocks to the dock.

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Keel Laying & Lord Point

Keel Laying
The standard block in the Erection process

Lord point
The connection point between the wires and
the block.

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Floating Dock SLS : Skid Launching System
- Samsung Heavy Industries STX Shipbuilding

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University


Major Methods
1. Slip-way launching

2. Float-out launching

3. Lift-on launching

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University


Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Sea trial & Delivery

< Sea trials >

Once the construction of the vessel is completed a sea trial is conducted in the presence of
the ship’s owner register of shipping.

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Sea trial & Delivery

the continuation of
a voyage test (속항 시험)
the amount of
speed test fuel consumed test
(속력시험) (연료 소비량 시험 )

The test lists of sea trial

acceleration test
a rear guard test

Turning test steering test

(선회 시험) (조타 시험)

Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang National University

Shipyard Layout

1. Dr. Kaharuddin Djenod Shipbuilding Industry in Indonesia. IPERINDO

(Indonesia Shipbuilding and Offshore Association).
2. Su-jin Kim. Ship Building Process. Manufacturing Process Gyeongsang
National University
3. Ship Modern Knowledge
Spesifikasi Kapal

 Copy Surat Izin Usaha Perusahaan Angkutan Laut (SIUPAL)/Surat Izin

Operasi Perusahaan Angkutan Laut Khusus (SIOPSUS)
 Copy Grosse Akta Kapal.
 Copy Surat Ukur Kapal.
 Copy Sertifikat Keselamatan Konstruksi Kapal.
 Copy Sertifikat Keselamatan Perlengkapan Kapal Barang.
 Ship Particular.
 Sertifikat Klas.
View in Assembly Shop
View in Assembly Shop
The first Bottom Segment is Placed

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