Shattered City - Core Book
Shattered City - Core Book
Shattered City - Core Book
ISBN: 978-1-8381947-0-3
This web of alien energy bent the laws of physics across Icaion, unleashing countless
inexplicable anomalies and tearing crystal-pierced continents away from the crust and
up into the sky. Evend more insidiously, a blanket of mist and clouds spread across the
surface of the planet, strangely opaque to all senses and bringing with them flesh- and
mind-warping ambience.
Your story takes place on the continent of Mysthea, pulled above the clouds by the
many crystal shards piercing it and brought into orbit with the largest of the shards that
pierce that planet – the Henakor. In the eons since the impact, life adapted to this new
environment: all creatures, from simple beasts to the land’s sentient peoples,
developed an instinctive faculty to attune with this alien crystal – called Qoam – and
move the shards telekinetically. Some creatures evoked that alien ambience to develop
even stranger powers, while others showed a debilitating sensitivity to it and fled its
insidious touch.
years when an uneasy truce held between Kitrea and Ilvash, Montara sat
stubbornly in the borderlands between them – a fiercely independent city, home to
a patchwork of communities and faiths and cultures. Then that peace broke.
When Kitrea conquered Montara, their cruelty, corruption and neglect left deep
wounds. When Ilvash deposed the Kitreans as occupiers, they deepened those
wounds and inflicted fresh ones. Now the war front has pushed onwards, and one
of Ilvash’s guilds left behind a faction from their ranks to rule Montara.
You play heroes from the factions within Montara fighting for their lives, their
community, and their freedom – or perhaps one of you is playing a scion of that
occupying guild, trying to satisfy their masters back home while keeping the city’s
population subdued.
As flashpoints threaten to set the city ablaze, as you fight to pull down the
occupying forces or work within their systems to earn yourself prosperity, as you
work with the others to find moments of beauty and hope, what sort of community
will you build? And what mysteries of Mysthea will you uncover along the way?
Chapter 1: The Fragmented Lands of Mysthea is what you’re Chapter 6: Arcane Designs is the Game Master’s
reading now. Read on for a run-down of the rest of the book, companion. Here you’ll find advice on building a Mood,
ideas and inspirations to draw on, and scattered stories of Guiding Lights to help you make decisions from moment to
the recent history of your city. moment, and Reactions you use to manage the pacing of the
game and push players towards interesting decisions. You’ll
Chapter 2: Rules of the Borderlands describes how you play also find guidance on accomodating players and running an
this game. Here you’ll find a run-down on the Powered by the engaging campaign, building menaces to trade cutting
Apocalypse engine Shattered City runs on, procedures for words with socialites and fierce blows with warriors.
setting up your game and getting started, a list of Factors
you’ll be using to add life to your map of the city, and an Chapter 7: Stories Inscribed in Crystal delves deep into the
example of play showcasing the game’s rules. setting of Mysthea. You’ll find reports on the continent’s key
places and the most important events of its recent history.
Chapter 3: Leading Houses of the Borderlands introduces the You’ll read an in-setting perspective on the Qoam arts – their
faction-scale level of this game. In this chapter you’ll learn many uses, their eldritch side-effects, and the remaining
how Houses make their mark on the world with Decrees and mysteries that still linger around them. You’ll find a range of
Endeavours; how you track the shifting web of influence, crystalline cultures, showing the ways this power has been
alliance and conflict between them; and how they gather and utilised by peoples across the borderlands. And finally, we
exploit Strategic Resources to pursue their agendas. You’ll present factors to consider as you tell a story of crystalpunk
also find our House Playbooks – 13 different factions to make warfare, clashing empires, occupied cities and desperate
your own, whether they be long-established organisations, refugees.
children of the war, or the occupying Ilvashan Guild.
Chapter 8: The Wild Lands of Mysthea introduces you to the
Chapter 4: Heroes of the Dulkodel War covers the main stars wonders and horrors of bizarre wildlife of this floating
of your saga – Heroes rising from the ranks of your Houses continent. In this chapter you’ll find a guide to the many
to change the fate of this city. You’ll learn about the Moves different environments of this world, dangerous Horrors and
that govern how Heroes take action; the crystal-manipulating terrifying and cataclysmic Titans – along with guidance on
Qoam Arts they can draw on; the Covenants that give them how to create new monsters to feature in your campaign.
strength and support; the Roles that describe their arc
through their House’s ranks as they gain experience; and the Finally, we end with our Appendices. A Quiet Grimoire serves
Gear that helps describe their capabilities. You’ll also find 15 as reference and inspiration, showing what feats masters of
Hero playbooks to guide your character’s history and the Quiet Arts can accomplish with sufficient aid and foci.
abilities, including Bold and adventurous champions, The Lonesome Road adapts the rules of this game to suit a
Civic leaders and veterans, and Uncanny wielders of the single player, with tweaks to game setup and an Oracle to
strange forces of Mysthea. introduce unexpected rewards and complications.
THE CONQUEST OF MONTARA But here, in Montara, the War was surely over when the
A Montaran elder remembers… Guilds of Ilvash marched in. Some see the Ilvashians as
liberators from the Empire, other as much needed clients…
I remember when you could see the Five Islands in our many more, just as another invader. It’s hard for us to look at
blessed clear skies. They are still there, I swear; way above them eye to eye. We all did many terrible things to survive, to
the everlasting mists and clouds, orbiting the Henakor. Some be here. And we all know that winners, losers, and victims
say we conjured this never-ending storm from the depths in must learn to pick up the pieces and move forward. We just
our first battles against the Kitrean Empire. If that’s true, it don’t know how. Maybe your venture will help? Or maybe
didn’t help us… we lost our independence anyway. you’ll provoke our lords and masters into inflicting further
ruin on poor broken Montara…
My heart bleeds to see our proud city changed so in a mere
lifetime – from a thriving and independent community to this
fractured and conquered ruin. Nonetheless, our people THE VENTURE’S CITY
survived… and adapted. As long as we paid our taxes and The elder rambles on…
placed their icons across our city, the Imperials would keep
their distance – as if our defeat and weakness were The City is not the same it was, but I remember its former
diseases they might catch. Their disgust was hard to bear, glory well: its gardens, plazas and wide streets. Some
but it still meant a form of freedom for us, the conquered. mornings the city also remembers, trying to rebuild itself
Life was harsh but bearable. when no one is looking. It never does a good job. Too much
has changed, I guess. The first thing you’ll notice on your
Until the fateful day we first saw a Boulron, sinuous and arrive is the great Infrastructure Collapse. All that defines a
elegant, wandering our streets in silent contemplation. There civilised city lies in ruins: aqueducts and reservoirs, broken
were legends of the Reapers, sure. But never more than and possibly poisoned by malice or neglect; sewers all but
rumours of battlefield hauntings, and omens of dire tragedy. failed and festering in the open; roads, bridges and streets
That enormous creature just spent the day there in our main bearing the scars of battles and spiteful vengeance.
square… patiently waiting. The memory still gives me the
chills. That was the day we heard that the Kingdom of Ilvash
had declared war on our occupiers. A war to unite the lands
under a single rule, a final war, the Dulkodel War. Soon, the Expressions in bold refer to Factors – markers on the
Ilvashian armies rose like a tide, its waves hammering our map significant to the rules and the fiction. Factors can
walls, day after day eating at our defences and dragging into be placed anywhere; their location here is only an
its depths all who dared to resist its pull. example. See p. 22 for more details.
But the Empire simply refused to yield, no matter the cost in Not that the people have fared any better, even if we bear the
lives and pain. Foreigners from every other city-state of the marks of sorrow and pain with practised indifference. And if
Empire came to die in our lands, in our streets, the senseless our amputated limbs, burnt faces and broken skulls don’t
bloodshed only delaying the inevitable. Maybe our City was keep you awake at night, the anguished screams of broken
a symbol of the Empire’s conquering might – too beautiful, minds surely will. The War scarred much more than stones
old and rich to be relinquished. We were caught between two and flesh: it defiled our people’s very soul. Some have
grinding stones which would not stop until we were dust. decided to join the rank of predators and killers – each of
And the Reapers, they were everywhere! these Sinister Hearts have their own hunting methods and
chosen prey, but all bring back the worst horrors of War to
But right when we thought Kitreans would rather sacrifice us the City’s dark streets. And as much as we would like to
all than admit defeat, they finally retreated in shame. The blame their madness on magic and ambience, we know that
War passed us by and moved on to further fields, raging on our weakest souls may simply have been poisoned by all
and on, escalating into atrocity and genocide. One can only these years of violence and loss and suffering.
wonder what kinds of horrors Kitreans are ready to endure
and inflict as their sacred homeland is invaded, as their If this the City has a soul of its own, it too was twisted into a
capital is besieged. And what terrifying weapons King restless nightmare by the Qoam Arts unleashed during the
Ahatils will demand the Ilvashans unleash… siege. On the site of the fiercest battles toxic ambience
infects the mind with wicked thoughts, fuels Echoes that
mindlessly repeat their dying actions, and warps flora and
fauna in alien shapes. It’s not unusual for people to grow When we first arrived, this valley was crisscrossed by Trade
strange in these Forbidden Loci, under the watchful Arteries, full of refugees coming and going… not knowing
guidance of once-humans mutated beyond recovery by where was safe to flee to. A sight of misery I’d rather forget.
ambience. The plans of these Dark Forces may make no Those roads now lead to ghost towns, overtaken plantations
sense to us, but their power is real and their numbers are and crumbling manors and fortresses. Some farmers cling
despairingly high. to their land even while nations clash. They starve and
freeze, surviving on whatever was left by hungry and greedy
Still, the worst is yet to come, you know? Vermin, weakness, soldiers from both sides. How long do you think it took until
and filth are feared heralds of Dreadful Plagues that may they to decided to claim by force and guile whatever they
finish what the War started, killing our City and leaving only could? These Vicious Outlaws wouldn’t know how to adapt
a necropolis in its place. Influential voices in Ilvash have to civilisation again even if they tried. Do not interact. And if
suggested razing the City to the ground and simply relocat‐ you engage, do not pursue and show no mercy, regardless of
ing us. I hope those in your Venture can see that for all its their age. We call them Dulkoldel’s children, born and raised
wounds and traumas, there is much in Montara worth saving. in the War… vicious creatures, the lot of them!
After decades in this painful crucible, gold shines defiantly
through the dirt and the sorrow: selfless and fearless Our scouts report more disciplined patrols closer to the
leaders, movers and creators, true Jewels of History! And ruins. We expect Masterless Warriors: deserters, yes, but
what of our children, these Treasures of Hope, who might organised, equipped, and trained. They usually seek the
one day build a new world free of empires and kingdoms, wealth and luxury they were denied before, in their own
where Montara can be free once more? lands and during service. If we present a difficult target, they
won’t start a fight, unless provoked. However, there’s no
telling how these bastards would react in case of a last
THE BORDERLANDS desperate Imperial Push. Give them no quarter during
A Kaetur Ranger drills another crop of green recruits… battle, and spare them your wrath only as long as you see
them killing Kitreans.
Citizens, listen up! You are about to enter no man’s land. Fail
to obey my every word and you will die. It’s that simple. Do Don’t look so surprised, citizen! The War is far from over. And
not stray off our planned route. Ever! Even if you hail from we all know that if the Empire somehow manages to marshal
these lands, these Hostile Grounds have acquired a taste for their last forces, Montara and the Barcada’s Pass would be
our chaos and violence. their obvious targets – to encircle our armies and cut our
logistics support off.
Over the next three days we will cross Barcada’s Pass – a
Perilous Path that has cost us as many lives as any battle. And while we battle, Arcane Horrors ancient and new stalk
Imperials crashed a sky-island there to cover their retreat, of these lands. We’ve heard reports of Olynthos, an Onygauros,
all things! The crystal walls expanding from the outer scouring what is left of Barcada in a grim harvest for its
perimeter can still cut off our advance, so we need to collection – do not interact, especially if it takes an interest
proceed with haste. We expect heavy automata resistance, in you. And if the worst comes to the worst and we need to
but unless we face a shard storm, arboreal mists or some retreat, avoid the woods at all costs – they hunger, and brook
other Weird Weather, the upper hand is ours. Just, for all that no intruders. In these ruined wilds, Mysthea truly seems to
is sacred, do not manifest Qoam arts unless instructed. reject humanity. But these lands are ours, by will of our great
These lands are broken to the core. and glorious King, and we won’t give them up without a fight.
Welcome to Shattered City, a tabletop roleplaying game of Sometimes events in the ongoing conversation will activate
conflict, community and mystery in a fantasy city torn apart a discrete chunk of rules (called a move) that guides the
by war. Together, your group will build your own version of story based on the player’s dice rolls, choices or established
Montara – its wonders, its peoples, and its wounds. Then fictional circumstances. Each move has an in-fiction trigger:
you’ll play to find out what happens: how the different this is something your Hero or House has to do in the story
factions pursue their own vision for the city, how Montara for those mechanics to kick in.
rebuilds from ruins or suffers further under the heel of their
occupiers, and how your own individual characters find joy Moves are there to say ‘this particular thing is worth
and wonder, pain and strife in this city in the borderlands. spending screen time on’ – you can work great changes in
the fiction without triggering moves by making clever use of
Most of your group will take the role of particular agents in details that have already been established. If someone’s
your story – powerful Houses in Montara’s society, and already offered to help, you don’t need to roll Negotiate; if
Heroes from their ranks. One of you will likely take the role you’ve positioned a wooden palisade between yourself and
of the Game Master (GM). The GM is there to keep track of an enemy, you don’t need to roll Resist Danger to avoid their
the setting, provide resistance and challenge to the Houses arrows. Other times you may want to use a particular move,
and Heroes, and make sure all the players get an equal but be unable to. If you’re in a bad situation – say, tied to a
chance to shine. They’re also there to portray non-player chair with your hands behind your back – your ability to hit
characters (NPCs) – the Heroes’ allies and rivals within their your moves’ triggers will be severely limited.
House and across the wider world. They voice these NPCs in
conversations, and give the story a supporting cast. Simply put: everything in the game starts and ends with the
details you’ve established together.
It’s a role with a different set of responsibilities, detailed in
their own chapter of this book. The GM is the game’s
facilitator, managing the story’s pacing and making sure the TRIGGER SPECIFICS
rules and procedures of the game are followed. If you’d like Some moves are actions: you describe your hero or
to run this game but aren’t comfortable keeping all the rules house performing the trigger, and then work through
in your head or making the real-world arrangements of the move’s mechanics. For example: Assault (p.92) has
session planning, it’s fine to ask for volunteers among the When you use an appropriate weapon to battle your
other players to manage those responsibilities. enemies…
For rules on how to play without a GM, see Appendix 2:
Other moves are checks; you’ll describe what you’re
The Lonesome Road (p. 231).
doing, and the GM will ask you to trigger a move to see
how that resolves. As a player, you can’t declare that
This chapter will teach you the basic rules of Shattered City, you’re triggering the move, the GM will instead tell you
and how your group can get started building your own unique when your actions in the world need you to resolve it.
Montara. For details on how Houses work, check out chapter For example: Resist Danger (p. 85) has When you find a
3. For details on Heroes, visit chapter 4. way across precarious or dangerous terrain…
THE CONVERSATION Finally, there are story moves that trigger according to the
concerns of your group’s story rather than the fiction. For
Shattered City draws on the rule design philosophy of Vincent example, The Council (p.156) has your Venture set out
and Meguey Baker’s Apocalypse World, which means that it the problems the city is facing, The Turn (p. 166) brings a
concerns itself first and foremost with the conversation that’s cycle to a close and sets up the next one, and Diving Deep
happening at the table. This is a roleplaying game: a (p. 153) sets up an adventure for your Heroes to go on.
conversation between the players and the GM, working
together to build a story and see what happens to the world. Remember that you can always advocate for the story
Most of the time you’ll be talking without using any rules. The you want to tell. If you really want to use a check move,
players describe the actions their characters or families are tell the group that and work with them to make its
taking, the GM describes how those actions change the trigger happen. If you want to use an action move but
situation, and the conversation continues. don’t quite see how to make its trigger fit in this
situation, ask the others for their perspective. You’re
all in this together as storytellers and audience both.
A lengthy siege broke the city, and the occupying forces Volarees, the Nobles. Ilvash prides itself on its ruling
are hardened and battle-scarred. classes’ nobility. Volarees is here to lead Montara, to inspire
them, to make Ilvash’s legends Montara’s legends and bring
Lusma, the Priests. Ilvash worships the Henakor, and Lusma their laws and social mores into alignment with the
is here to make sure Montara does too. They’ll divide Kingdom’s.
Montara along lines of sacred and profane, and twist
ambience towards the Henakor’s will. Before the Empire, Montara was ruled by scheming
nobles surrounded by opulence. Now, Volarees present
The war was a holy crusade against the heretical themselves as a caring and populist nobility in touch
Kitreans, and Lusman zealots are now here to root out with the common man.
all traces of Kitrean philosophy.
Before the Empire, Montara was ruled by a council of
The war caused great misery across the Borderlands, oligarchs, landowners and capitalists. Now, Volarees
and Lusma views their presence here as a humanitarian present themselves as a virtuous and mystical nobility,
intervention. exalted by their birth to stand above the common man.
The war birthed countless heresies and abominations, Before the Empire, Montara was ruled by enigmatic
and caused many Ilvashans to doubt their faith in the priests of a bloody-handed cult. Now, Volarees present
Henakor. Lusma will make this city into a new cathedral, themselves as publicly accountable law-bringers,
a beacon to comfort believers and terrify apostates. judges here to settle long-lasting grudges.
Most of you in the group will control a House: a faction Each non-GM player takes a different House playbook,
within Montara, significant in this story thanks to a wealth of unless they’ve already decided to play a Guild. Then each
resources, mystic lore, strong social support, or something player goes through these steps:
stranger. Your particular House playbook will give particular
options for the role you play in the modern society of 1. Pick Stats. Your choice says something about the world:
Montara, and your choices as a group will shape the city your when you pick a stat array, read its description to the
story is set in. group. Guild stats have been set by the decision you
made in Step 2.
Together, the Houses you create will form a common 2. Pick Traditions. These give you an idea of their style, their
Venture working to bring great changes to Montara. You may organisation, and how new members enter the House.
not always be allies – you might even end up going to war – 3. Pick a Doctrine that suits your overall philosophy.
but the other player Houses are your peers in the Venture and 4. Decide on your Loyalties. Each House represents a
the factions whose actions you will be most concerned with. grander movement within Montara, and gains benefits
from their role in the city’s web of loyalties. Ask questions
This book presents eight different House playbooks, represent‐ of the other players to decide your starting relationships,
ing different forces trying to survive and prosper in Montara: and then see what benefits those relationships provide
you with. Guilds instead track their relationship with their
◊ The Architects of the Living City, builders and mystics masters in Ilvash, losing power as they push for
and urban physicians seeking to heal this metropolis. independence.
◊ The Crystal-Crowned, Montara’s ancient and immortal 5. Choose Resources. Your resources say what advantages
ruling class seeking to restore the authority the Empire your House starts the game with, and what things they
took from them. desperately need.
◊ The Order of Kyradar, monster-hunters facing down city- 6. Pick House moves. Note your Alliance and Conflict Moves.
ending threats so that no other community will face the You also get a Core Move and one free choice of another
same fate as their homeland. House Move. Note that Endeavours (�) take one of your
◊ The Remnant Conspiracy, Kitreans left behind when the limited stock of Decrees to use, while Reactions (�)
Empire retreated, trying to survive and claw out their own passively augment your actions.
place in Montara. 7. Finally, note the character section: your Heroes can take
◊ The Rebel Underground, an ideological movement an Inheritance Move from the options provided, and outfit
tending to the citizen’s ills and fighting to restore liberty. themselves with your House’s Assets.
◊ The Tower of Villos, agents of a criminal network selling
addictive and memory-infused crystals across the Now that you know your House’s ideals, strengths, and
borderlands. position in Montaran society, give them a name and
◊ The Untamed Clan, a loose-knit group of rural hunters, introduce them to the group.
scavengers, farmers, and artisans who know this territory
better than any others. House playbooks that nobody’s using are a good source
◊ The Verdant Priesthood, chimerical fusions of flesh and of inspiration for the GM. Use them as the seeds of non-
vegetation gathering enchanted seeds and growing player Cabals competing with the players.
wonders from them.
Each House has one member the game pays special attention To make your Hero, follow these steps:
to: your Hero, chosen to deal with the House’s current
tribulations. This nomination may be formal or informal: it’s up ◊ Pick Stats. Your Hero’s proficiency with their moves.
to you if your prominence was granted, earned, or stolen. ◊ Pick Particulars. How your Hero appears to the world.
Also decide on your Ancestry (see p. 96).
Each non-GM player takes a different Hero playbook, picking ◊ Pick Covenants. Your bonds with the other Heroes.
from one of these categories: ◊ Pick your Relic. Follow your playbook’s instructions to
decide on the form of the Qoam shard that lets you
Bold heroes are troublemakers, using their skill and might to channel the Silent Arts – and describe a pivotal memory
change the world. firmly tied to it.
◊ Pick their Role in the House. Are they a Leader, an Agent,
◊ The Firebrand is an agitator and guerrilla, building up a Rebel, a Prophet, a Traitor, or an Outsider? Trigger the
protest movements and sabotaging infrastructure. linked Role Move to set the stage for their starting story.
◊ The Prowler is a thief, a criminal, and a ruthless ◊ Gain a Core Move and an extra Move from your Hero
scoundrel. playbook. Also pick an Inheritance Move from your
◊ The Sentinel is tough, canny, and perceptive, dedicated to House or Ancestry.
taking the blows meant for others. ◊ Finally, describe your hero to the other players.
◊ The Survivor has seen the worst this world has to offer,
and learned harsh strengths from it.
◊ The Vagabond is a mysterious loner, living a wanderer’s
life of love and revenge.
Your story starts with the first Cycle. The task of rebuilding
Civic heroes play on Montara’s social context, forming bonds this city has just begun, and many of its mysteries remain
and commanding organisations. undiscovered. You’ll make contact with the other Houses of
◊ The Immersed is a bridge between their House and the Venture, rediscover the borderlands that surround
another group, bringing the two group’s perspectives and Montara, try to prosper under the Ilvashan occupation, and
strengths to the problems they face. protect against raids from the forces of Kitrea, deserters,
◊ The Storyteller remembers the stories of the past, and and monsters.
celebrates the heroes of the present.
◊ The Toiler is a manual labourer, getting their hands dirty Each Cycle will present new challenges and opportunities,
as they and their crew pick up Montara’s rubble. starting with The Council (p. 152) where your group identifies
◊ The Veteran is a dignified and experienced leader, flanked this Cycle’s most pressing concern. As you play you’ll move
by trusted attendants. between the actions of the House at large to specific Heroes
◊ The Warden is a matchmaker and community figure, from their ranks as you tell that age’s story. Sometimes
sensing what others yearn for and nurturing connections Heroes from multiple players’ Houses will work together;
that will change the city’s fate. other times the story will focus on one player’s Hero, and
other players will pick up Cohorts to fill out the cast.
Uncanny heroes are mystics, drawing on the Quiet Arts or a
singular creation of those arts. As your Heroes work to protect their House, undermine their
◊ The Awoken is an ancient construct built by forgotten enemies, and rebuild the city, they may move between
arts, granted sentience by the crystal shard within them. different roles in their House. As they do they’ll change their
◊ The Chimera is a monster of the Dulkodel War, their House’s fortunes and gain more experience. As Heroes die
original form scarred and twisted by Kitrean experiments or step back from an active role in the House operations,
or flesh-warping weaponry. they leave behind a Memorial – a way their future House
◊ The Martyr draws power from their pain, becoming members can remember them and call on their skills.
something strange and miraculous as their wounds mount.
◊ The Singer is an artist whose passion reshapes the Quiet Once the drama of the Venture’s founding is over, the cycles
Arts into something great, pure, and beautiful. turn. You move the clock forward a significant chunk of time
◊ The Warlock delves into the mysteries of this land, walking – maybe a season, a year, even a decade. You alter the map,
strange paths and making deals with beasts and titans. adding new threats and opportunities and describing how
each House has changed in the intervening time. The game
moves back to the House level, and the story continues.
Chapter 6 goes into greater depth on how to run Shattered
PLAYING SHATTERED CITY City; you should read up on it between sessions, but for now
When playing roleplaying games it’s often easy to fall into here’s some principles to get you going:
safe methods of play. You act conservatively, carefully
husband your resources, and are leery of making new allies ◊ Get comfortable with the basic moves; keep an eye out
or breaking old relationships. Shattered City will work a lot for their triggers.
better with proactive players who are willing to risk ◊ Write down every detail.
everything, so here are some tips to bear in mind: ◊ Vary the time scale: sweeps of weeks and months give
Houses room to breathe, while zoomed-in minutes and
◊ Use your House to get information and set up your plans. hours give Heroes a chance to shine.
◊ Use your Hero to dive deeper into specific bits of your ◊ Turn the players’ questions back on them.
setting and seal the deal. ◊ Firmly establish each House’s Surpluses and Needs,
◊ Even if your Houses are at odds, establish good reasons strengths and failings. Ask about Surpluses to flesh out
to work with the other Heroes. the world. Push Needs to bring urgency to their lives.
◊ Think about what’s driving the other Heroes, and how you ◊ Give every Hero screen time with the other Heroes.
can build on that. ◊ Put interesting NPCs in the players’ Houses and hailing
◊ Think about what you do to help your House survive. How from other Cabals.
did that role lead to you meeting the other Heroes? ◊ Look for seeds you can use for future conflicts.
◊ Always follow the fiction. ◊ Twist their ideas by splicing them with ones of your own.
◊ Play pro-actively, act dangerously. ◊ Give them chances to pursue their objectives, with a cost.
◊ Ask questions about the world, other players’ Houses and
Heroes, and your own playbooks. Look for chances to get players to describe their House and
◊ Be willing to provide your own answers. Hero, and respond with your own ideas. Look out for
◊ Be willing to take temporary roles as supporting Cohorts conflicts and scarcities in the world for use as future plot
– and be ready to offer other people roles in your retinue seeds. Make a list of everything the Houses need, and
if they’re lacking things to do. everything the Heroes want. They can’t have those things.
Why not? And what will the Heroes do about that?
PLANNING SHATTERED CITY You’re here to keep the creative juices flowing, and to make
If you’re the GM, your job in the first session will be mostly sure people don’t fall back onto cliches. Remember that
reactive. Give the players space to fill out what their Heroes’ you’re a player too; give yourself a chance to make your own
daily lives are like, how their Houses deal with each other details and get invested in the game.
and outsiders, how the Heroes relate to each other, and how
they begin working on their Houses’ objectives.
Hero roles are a great place to start here. Pick a role within
a House that a Hero isn’t occupying, and use that to spotlight
the House’s dynamics. Here’s some examples:
You’ll often weave specific elements into the tapestry of your Stage
tale. Here we lay their foundations in broad strokes; when ◊ Ancient Wonder: A great monument from the ancient
players insert them in the story, they’ll connect them to ongoing past, perhaps predating even the Cataclysm.
events and unveil whole new plot twists and mysteries. ◊ Artery of Trade: A route deemed safe enough to enable
regular travel and steady commerce.
Event ◊ Forbidden Locus: Where ambience poisoned the land,
◊ Cerulean Storm: The endless storm below surges up and twisting life, haunting the mind, and perpetuating the
rages all over Mysthea. anguish of death in Echoes.
◊ Dreadful Plague: A disease gets out of control and ◊ Hostile Ground: Where the harsh environment can surely
spreads like a wildfire, killing rich and poor alike. kill the unprepared or the non-native.
◊ Fateful Disaster: Lives and property are in terminal ◊ Place of Power: Where barely contained mystical
danger due to fate and negligence or malice. energies converge and overflow.
◊ Henakor Surge: Arcane forces flowing from the Henakor ◊ Perilous Path: Where the risks usually bar travel and/or
or one of the Five wash over an area, mutating flesh, bone whose destination is unknown.
and mind. ◊ Source of Solace & Beauty: A place where beauty heals
◊ Imperial Push: One more desperate Imperial offensive the soul and comforts the body.
breaches the front lines and threatens the Borderlands. ◊ Wound of the World: An erupting volcano, a Qoam meteor
◊ Vicious Outlaws: People turn their back on society and try crash site, or other cataclysm has made the land ruptured
their luck in the wilds or unclaimed ruins, resorting to and deadly.
crime to meet their needs.
◊ Weird Weather: Changes in weather dislodge the people
and beasts from a once fertile and pleasant region. FACTOR TIPS
◊ Works Collapse: Vital infrastructure is destroyed, New Factors can be added to a variety of situations – your
resulting in dire consequences. job as a group of storytellers is to tie them to loose threads
in your setting and ground these new elements in the
Personage existing fiction.
◊ Arcane Horror: Singular creatures whose alien actions
and hungers clash with the needs of your community. As a Hero, Unearth is obviously your first option, but don’t
◊ Bastion of Order: People of prestige and power, whose underestimate the versatility of Reason. The latter move in
shoulders bear the weight of the pride and responsibility particular allows you to deftly reframe the current situation:
for a people or community. use it to soften threats, find new opportunities, or link current
◊ Dark Force: Inhuman or no-longer-human organisations events to more fleshed out and familiar Factors.
that seek to overthrow or conquer the Kingdom.
◊ Icon of Old: One of those dignitaries who have shaped Houses can weaponise Factors, particularly with Conspire.
history with their might, wisdom, wealth, or sacrifice. Imagine exploiting a newly discovered Artery of Trade
◊ Imperial Judge: A representative of the greater powers without competition, because you convinced your rivals that
who seek to rule Montara, here to audit the occupation. that is in fact a Perilous Path. Or that a Bastion of Order has
◊ Jewel of History: Those of great talent and potential that a secret life as a hateful Sinister Heart. The list goes on and
could one day change the course of history. on. But both Endure and Research allow you to answer your
◊ Sinister Heart: Those whose crimes and sins whither own question by adding a Factor to the map. Don’t forget
society and present great risk to one’s life and soul. that its location on the map can provide great significance.
◊ Titanic Beast: A gigantic, semi-divine creature that no
mundane warrior can hope to fight, following its own You can, of course, make your own Factors if this list is
cryptic motivations. insufficient. To create a good Factor, be true to Mysthea lore
to build an epic tale of arcane wonders, intrigue, and
heroism. But also, be bold and embrace your group’s
unexpected ideas to create a land unlike any other.
◊ Advantage: A bonus that means you roll three dice and ◊ Game Master (GM): The player tasked with portraying
take the highest two when resolving a Move. Can be the setting, managing the game’s pace and presenting
Fleeting or Ongoing. the other players with interesting challenges.
◊ Ambience: The terrible byproduct of Qoam manipulation: ◊ Garment: The gear worn by your Hero, with abilities
energy that mutates flesh, breaks minds, haunts locations granted by its tags.
with Echoes and shatters the landscape. ◊ Harm: Damage inflicted on a Hero, normally thanks to
◊ Armour: Protection subtracted by the Harm inflicted by a GM Reaction. Reduced by Armour.
relevant dangers. Normally provided by Garment tags ◊ Hero: A House’s viewpoint character for this Cycle.
or Hero Moves. ◊ Hit: A dice roll of 7 or more, normally meaning the
◊ Arsenal: A weapon used by your Hero, with useful rolling player succeeds. Will often further break down
properties described by its tags. into a 7-9 result and a 10+ result.
◊ Arts: A House’s store of Qoam crystals and arcane ◊ Hold: Points granted by a Move, to be spent on
technology. activating specific effects detailed in the Move.
◊ Assets: A House’s store of personal gear, Companions ◊ House: A faction active in this city controlled by a
and Transport – available to outfit their Heroes. player.
◊ Cabal: A non-player faction acting in your city. ◊ Lore: A House’s accumulated knowledge of the world.
◊ Champion: A Hero who has gathered enough experience ◊ Menace: A GM-created antagonist with their own
and prestige to act as a faction in their own right. custom Reactions.
◊ Cohort: A simplified character playbook used as ◊ Move: A parcel of rules introduced when its trigger is
supporting cast when play focuses on a particular Hero. hit in the fiction you’re telling, often involving a dice roll
◊ Companions: A small band of non-player characters or questions for the triggering player to answer.
acting under a Hero’s instruction, with strengths ◊ Miss: A dice roll result of 6 or less, allowing the GM to
according to their tags. make a Reaction.
◊ Covenant: A vital relationship held deep in a Hero’s heart, ◊ Need: A Strategic Resource a House is particularly
able to be Evoked for power, Tested, or even Broken. lacking.
◊ Crisis: A particular problem facing your city prepared by ◊ Ongoing: This source of Advantage/Disadvantage will
the GM, with escalating Reactions and a terrible continue affecting you while a specified condition is
aftermath if the Crisis is allowed to come to completion. true.
◊ City Phase: The phase of play where you tell stories of ◊ Playbook: A particular archetype of Hero or House,
your faction’s schemes and broad-scope plans. with its own abilities and impact on the setting.
◊ Cycle: A particular era in your city’s history, brought to ◊ Reaction: A response selected by the GM when a player
a close by The Turn of Cycles or a Wonder’s creation. rolls a miss, when the players look to them to see what
◊ Death Move: A Move triggered when your Hero dies. happens next, or when there’s a golden opportunity.
◊ Decree: Currency representing a House’s ability to ◊ Relic: A Qoam fragment shaped to perform particular
perform complicated actions, used to perform effects. Grants Foci to the hero bound to them.
Endeavours in the City Phase. ◊ Role: Your Hero’s position in their House, with playbook-
◊ Disadvantage: A penalty that means you roll three dice specific effects. When you change Roles, your Hero’s
and take the lowest two when resolving a Move. Can be traits improve.
Fleeting or Ongoing. ◊ Stats: Numeric traits determining your Hero or House’s
◊ Endeavour: Complex and powerful House Moves, strengths, added to the results of appropriate dice rolls
costing a Decree to use. when resolving a Move.
◊ Factors: Locations, events and people of particular ◊ Strategic Resource: An abstracted token representing
importance to your story, often tacked on your map. a commodity, group of specialists, or intangible asset
◊ Flashpoint: The part of play where you focus on your held by a House.
Heroes’ attempts to deal with a particular Crisis. ◊ Surplus: A Strategic Resource a House has in
◊ Fleeting: This source of Advantage/Disadvantage will abundance.
only affect your next roll. ◊ Transport: Gear that aids your Hero in travelling across
◊ Focus: A particular expression of the Qoam arts, used the landscape – mounts, drawn vehicles, and ships. Its
by Heroes to Manifest telekinetic effects. The more useful properties will be specified by its tags.
Foci used, the greater the effect. The available Foci are ◊ Venture: The council of Houses and Cabals working to
Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide and Lasting. shape the future of your city.
◊ Wonder: An impressive structure or history-changing
event brought about by a House’s actions.
To give you an idea of what Shattered City looks like in play, If the players decide to simply press on, they’ll trigger
read on. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything that Explore, wrapping up in one move any impact the
happens – it’ll all be explained later! dangerous tunnel journeys have on the party. But maybe
the players decide the characters proceed cautiously and
search for traps or try to avoid particular hazards with skill
HEADING UNDERGOUND and daring, triggering Resist Danger (p. 85).
Kitrean agents were down there somewhere, in the maze of
tunnels below Montara. The venture’s war party was ready There’s also a story pacing question here. The GM might
and eager to hunt, but wary of walking into a trap. Everyone want to flesh out these tunnels as an element of the world,
looked to Nimbus, the mysterious hero of the local Rebel describing ruins to Unearth (p. 85) or tunnel dwellers to
Underground – if this Vagabond couldn’t guide them there, Compromise (p. 85) with. If they decide to push the
no one else would. players towards their mission’s goal, they should still
follow their Agenda to Make the World Seem Real – maybe
GM: “What do you do?” prompting players for details of the tunnels and the
rigours of the journey, weaving these together as a
The GM and the players agree that the warparty is suspenseful build up to the Imperial confrontation.
travelling through unmapped regions, triggering Explore
(p. 87). The Vagabond’s player takes their +3 Prowess and
rolls 2d6, giving a 3 and a 4. The total of 10 is enough for INTO BATTLE
a full success! Nimbus’ player could simply state that the The party is traversing a great chasm, its walls covered in
group had reached the Imperial base, but then they would abandoned construction works, when the ambush Nimbus
have to Explore to find their way home. So they pick both: expected finally strikes. A nightmarish roar jolts them into
action as a Kitrean warbeast surges out of the darkness,
◊ Arrive at a waypoint instead of your destination, but pounding the rear of their column and pushing them to a
you will not need to Explore to travel this route in future. rope bridge. Any safety the bridge offers is short-lived as an
arrow strikes one of Nimbus’ companions in the chest.
◊ Discover a Surplus along your route, though it may be Screams mingle with the singing of a dozen more bows firing
hard to return it to your House. a deadly barrage.
Advancing at a guarded pace, the party scouts the maze for “What do you do?”
signs of the Imperials. Soon they discover a vast cellar, with
overturned tables and chairs and half-eaten meals. The food Nimbus’ player was expecting an ambush, and had a solid
hasn’t rotted, though it is cold and stale. The Imperials carried plan in mind. They tells the GM that the Vagabond will
whatever supplies they could on their hasty retreat, but left nimbly rush across the bridge, drawing the fire of the
casks upon casks of a full-bodied and sweet wine. Imperial archers. The GM says this triggers Resist Danger
– which Nimbus’ player is happy to hear with their high
GM: “What do you do?” Prowess. They get a solid 11, sidestepping the danger and
gaining fleeting advantage.
Nimbus orders the party to stop and rest – their prey is
travelling heavy and it will be better to fight them with fresh Nimbus dashes and dodges, arrows whizzing past and
forces. And the wine… well, it will fetch a fair price back in barely missing their mark. On the far end of the bridge a
town! Runners are sent to secure the trail, and ask those handful of Imperial soldiers brace to hold on the attack. The
back in town for support to clear out the cellar’s contents. Vagabond readies his heirloom sword, but they are too many
to be pushed back with mere force of arms.
The GM rewards this choice with a Barter Goods Surplus.
Besides, when they return the route will not require any Nimbus has taken the Imperial infantry squad by surprise,
further roll. But ahead, the path is not yet safe and the but the GM reminds his player that Nimbus’ arsenal tags
fleeing Imperials might have had time to prepare an (Melee, Piercing) won’t be enough to Assault (p. 88) a
ambush, set traps or simply picked up the pace… so what group this large. The player decides to boost the attack
do the characters do? with the Qoam arts with Manifest (p. 86), bringing in their
Relic’s Wide focus. Fleeting Advantage means that they
take a result of 7 from a dice roll of 1, 2, 5 and add Nimbus’ Blurr feels her mind settling into a rigid, inhuman perspective
+1 Wisdom for an 8. They spend their Wide focus to grant – but this crystalline focus is what she needs to use a swarm
the Area tag to Nimbus’ attacks, and as a backlash of tiny shards to intercept the arrows raining down, even if
Embodies Surging ambience – roiling chaos hiding within she doesn’t care to stop wounds that are merely painful.
him even as he tries to suppress it for now.
But Nimbus’ Embodied Surging ambience? That could cause
With a fierce war cry Nimbus jumps into the air, manifesting issues. As the group clears the bridge, the Warlock runs
to extend the reach of his blows with magic. through some occult meditations.
The Assault is the riskier part of his plan, thanks to Blurr’s player points to her Warlock Move, Weaver of the
Nimbus’ +0 Might. With bated breath his player rolls their Threads. She uses this to bleed Nimbus’ Surging
dice, and punches the air when they see a 4 and a 6! The ambience out into the environment and make it Alien.
player picks these Objectives:
When land becomes Disturbed, monsters are empowered –
◊ Rout their formation and send them running. the beast changes immediately, new spikes and half formed
jaws projecting from its massive shoulders. Its rage is
◊ Scavenge something valuable – gain +1 Arts. palpable to Blurr, a furnace setting the local ambience alight
as it charges the Warlock. Will she drop her barrier and
As a downside the GM picks Upheaval: the situation is expose her fellows to bombardment, or face the beast
destabilized and chaos will follow. without the use of her Arts?
Meanwhile, Nimbus’ squad of zealots battle to fend off the “What do you do?”
beast at the war party’s rear, drawing on their Horde, Drilled,
and Vicious tags. The GM describes their valiant defensive
actions, and the great cost – removing the Horde tag as the COVENANTS IN PLAY
creatures tear through their armour and flesh. With a terrifying monster charging them and imperial
reinforcements closing in, it’s time for desperate measures.
Nimbus strikes true – the Imperial infantry breaks formation Blurr knows she’ll need help if she wants to succeed...
under his empowered strikes and flees. He turns to see how
his companions are faring and quickly has to back up as the “What do you do?”
remainder of his war party beats a hasty retreat off the
bridge. Nimbus is now caught in a tough spot – the beast is First, Blurr’s player describes how she ducks out of the
lumbering across the rope bridge on one side, and the routed way of the monster, seeking to buy some time. A Resist
Imperials are beginning to regroup on the other. Danger roll with her +1 Prowess gives an 8 – the GM tells
her that if she does this she’ll be separated from the
“What do you do?” others, and Blurr’s player decides to press ahead nonethe‐
less. She describes Blurr distracting the warbeast and
giving the party time to retreat over another bridge to
DRAWING ON POWER another outcropping.
The situation is desperate, and another member of this party
steps forward – Blurr, a Warlock of the Untamed Clan. She Then, her player reminds the table of her other Warlock Move,
knows that without the Quiet Arts this group will be done for Of Monsters and Men: “When you Bleed ambience to twist an
– their covenant must join all their might to survive! area into a throne fitting your majesty, you can beckon arcane
horrors and Titans to you and treat them as peers”.
Blurr’s player decides to use the Warlock’s Swift focus to
shield the bridge from the arrows. Nimbus lends his power With a moment’s concentration, the Warlock gathers the
too, using Aid (p. 89) to add Advantage and his Wide focus strands of ambience, the roiling surges turning this place
to Blurr’s working. She adds her +2 Wisdom to the highest Alien, and channels them into the chasm. As the warbeast
two dice of 2, 5, and 5, getting a total of 12 for her closes in on the defenceless Warlock she reassures the
Manifest! The Heroes would each face two backlashes for fearful party that the Untamed Clan’s name carries great
a two-foci effect, but a 10+ means they only face one. weight over the godlike creatures of this land. And then, with
the drumbeat of long, leathery wings, a titanic Mother of the
Blurr’s decides that she Embodies the ambience into Hive (p. 98) emerges – snapping up the warbeast in a single
herself and become Alien with a sharp, cruel mind, while bite. Once it’s finished chewing its snack, it lands and
Nimbus’s player decides that his fallen warriors manifest regards Blurr with its many eyes. A hissing voice emerges:
as Echoes Haunting him. “Your magics disturb us and strain our patience, Warlock.
State your business!”
“What do you say?”
“We want the one you hunt alive! For our daughters demand
vengeance.” Were those scars of harness and bridle on the
neck and snout of the Hive guardians crawling out of cracks
in the walls? The Warlock barely nods in acceptance, locked
in a staring match with the reptilian eyes. Before Nimbus
can protest the sanity of capturing an Imperial commander
alive, the beast hisses in triumph, joined by the rest of the
Hive in an eerie chant that deafens every other sound.
“Come, mount us and hold tight lest you be blown away to
your deaths.”
The two of them fly off on the back of this creature, leaving
the rest of the party to retreat out of this cavern and draw
the Imperials away from the expedition’s true target.
When you spend a Decree and direct your faction to seize or
When you spend a Decree and seek a meeting with the leaders
maintain control of a Strategic Resource, Location or Factor, of a faction, say what you want them to do and roll +Reach:
roll +Grasp. On a hit it’s yours, but not without cost. On a 7-9
choose two; on a 10+, choose one: ◊ Support your next House Move.
◊ Execute their next House Move according to your
◊ Commit one of your Surpluses to secure your target – if demands.
you lose one, you lost the other. ◊ Trade one Surplus for another.
◊ Bear a Need of the GM’s choice as the cost of your ◊ Cease a Conflict.
◊ Hurt a faction accidentally; they gain Influence over you. On a hit, those you meet must perform the action. On a 7-9,
◊ Spark a Conflict with a faction of the GM’s choice. either lose Influence over them or give Influence to another
faction who intervened and helped you seal the deal. On a
Conquer doesn’t need to be violent, nor restricted to 10+, pick another request from the above list that your
physical targets. For example, you could trigger it by delegates managed to convince them to accept.
taking over a merchant Cabal’s trade routes through
aggressive political campaign. The important thing is that Player Houses can refuse your request, but there’s a
once you’ve acted, it’s clear that you are the one in control cost: they lose Influence over you, or they must Endure
of the thing you’re claiming. if they have none.
When you spend a Decree to activate your agents within
When you spend a Decree and enact world-shaping Qoam Arts,
another faction, roll +Sleight. On a hit, choose one thing you describe the crystal-empowered marvel you put into motion
want them to do: and roll with:
◊ Sabotage a Surplus, making it fail at the worst moment. ◊ +1 if you spend 1-Arts; or -1 if you don’t spend Arts.
◊ Mask the true nature of a Factor. ◊ +1 if you spend 1-Lore; or -1 if you don’t spend Lore.
◊ Conceal your involvement in your next House Move.
◊ Frame someone else for an anonymous House Move. On a hit you create a phantom Surplus, which you must
immediately use as per Employ. On a 7-9 ambience bleeds
On a 7-9 your agents leave a clue behind for a faction of the into the affected area and its inhabitants. Pick one:
GM’s choice, which sees through the deception and gains
Influence over you. ◊ An affected faction takes the Bleeding as an act of war,
starting a Conflict with you.
Conspire is a deadly tool that can suddenly shift the whole ◊ One of your Allies tells us how you break the land, and
balance of power, if used properly. Sabotage directly your Alliance with it.
cripples tangible Surpluses, from burning crops to sapping ◊ Your ritualists are shattered and warped by the ambience,
walls. But it also describes blackmail and propaganda and you gain Need: Scholars.
campaigns that sap other much less quantifiable
resources, such as morale and leadership. The conspiring The Arts permeate everything in Mysthea, as essential as
House has final say on when the Surplus fails and is fire, metallurgy, death, or taxes. Their great risks are
erased, though if events play out such that the sabotage is considered part of life, and overshadowed by the infinite
discovered and repaired in the fiction the Conspiring possibilities and applications. Rituals allow a House to
player has lost their window to destroy the Surplus. solve an immediate problem in a quick and dirty way, but
there’s always a cost. The evoking of ambience is both an
Mask allows you to convince people that a rival Jewel of environmental problem and a political act. In the event of
History is in fact a Dark Heart, and destroy their reputation; a miss, the GM can be kind and say how the effect fizzles
or spread word that a Hostile Ground is in fact a Forbidden out before anything can happen... or twist the knife and
Locus and lure the unwary into a costly fool’s errand. evoke every single possible consequence on the list.
Conceal will hide the identity of the one responsible for
your next House Move, while Frame can target any
previously concealed House Move and lay responsibility
for it at the feet of any faction of your choice. And it’s only
When spend a Decree and gather in a grand celebration, each
on a partial success that any of these actions will be of your allies may also spend a Decree and describe how
traced back to you. they contribute to the festival.
When you spend a Decree and work to honour the memory of
You roll +Reach, with each Ally’s Support. On a hit, the
harmony among your people realigns the energies of the
land – erase one form of ambience lingering in this area and
a fallen Hero, say what form the memorial takes: a statue, an within the celebrants for each House helping.
altar, an engraving, etc.
On a 10+, the owner(s) of the highest die gains a Decree as
The Hero’s player chooses one of the Hero’s moves and links their House is energised by the festivities.
it to this legacy. Those who pay their respects at the
memorial can, with the player’s consent, gain one use of this
move. Any number of Heroes can benefit from the Memorial
at one time, so long as the fallen Hero’s legacy has not been
When you spend a Decree to outfit your Hero for a particular
tarnished – physically or otherwise. task, pick one for each relevant Surplus:
If you build a Memorial to an Allied House’s Hero, pick one: ◊ Grant them a new asset (armoury, garment, transport or
companion) giving it a tag to define its core strength.
◊ Their next Hero is a member of your House as well as ◊ Add an extra tag to an existing asset.
their own, marked with an extra role and Advance.
◊ Their next Hero swears to perform a task of your choice. Each option may be picked multiple times. These assets
last for at least the length of a single Flashpoint, but will
be long gone by the time the next Cycle rolls around.
When your House decides to resist a threat to their lives and
When you help another House with their actions, offer them a
resources, roll +Momentum. On a hit you’re able to react to die. If they take it, they roll alongside their own as if they had
the danger; pick 1. Advantage.
◊ Understand how the danger is linked to an existing Factor, If your die is the highest, say how you made the difference
and gain fleeting Advantage acting on this knowledge. and gain Influence over them.
◊ Erase a Surplus right now to completely prevent the
damage. If your die is the lowest, the acting player says how you
◊ Call out for support. Whichever faction is most willing jeopardise the effort and you lose Influence over them.
and able to respond says how they mitigate the danger,
and gains Influence over you. In case of failure or partial success, you’ll share in any
danger, retribution or unforeseen consequences.
On a 10+ the trial brings your House together. Gain a Surplus
of the GM’s choice, whatever the other outcomes are. Some actions can’t be allowed to fail. That’s why you
accept the chances of Support, either bringing other
Endure is a general-purpose way of responding to an parties to the planning table or taking part in their plans. A
incoming threat. The more resources you can draw on, the battlefield’s worth of conflict can be resolved by a Conquer
better you do; the more needs you bear, the worse it goes. enhanced by Support, so long as you have clear objectives
This is where you’ll most clearly see the effects of your and threats.
Surpluses and Needs, and you’re encouraged to highlight
specific ones when describing how you succeed or fail. When several Houses Support one Action, spread the
Pay extra attention to Understand, as it allows you to results across all Supporting Houses when the highest or
thicken the plot that led you to this tight spot – it can give lowest dice are tied.
you what you need to build a lasting solution to this threat,
but does nothing to stop the danger you’re experiencing
right now. Erase shifts the effects of the danger into the
realm of Strategic Resources, and Call Out does the same
with political Influence – falling under another group’s
sway is sometimes better than facing danger alone.
When you take a moment to consult your House’s scholars,
spend 1 or more Lore. For each spent, pick one:
When you gain Influence over a faction you already have
The Alliance can only be broken by one of you spending a
Decree to do so – or by Command’s Dictate policy. If you
leave an Alliance for any reason, you also lose Influence
Influence over, pick one: over your former Allies.
◊ Remove their Influence over you. Surely, strong diplomatic ties present a better strategic
◊ Gain a Decree. approach to both parties than open struggle or subject
◊ Immediately Negotiate without a Decree cost, with the vassalage. So, join forces and honour your Venture to
goal to either: build great things together!
⧫ Form an Alliance, if they have Influence over you.
⧫ Gain Dominion over them, if they have no Influence
over you. CONFLICT
When you start a Conflict with a faction, the target suffers the
If you would lose your Influence over someone as a result of
effects of your Conflict Move.
◊ Gain Fleeting Disadvantage from the disgrace. Don’t start something you can’t finish! Once you’re in a
◊ They start a Conflict with you as the grudge deepens. Conflict, you’re in it for the long haul – the turmoil can only
◊ Erase your Alliance or your Dominion over them. end when someone takes steps to Negotiate a ceasefire,
time erodes your will to fight, or one party completely
Politics in Mysthea are a raging battle for freedom of ceases to be.
entanglements, manoeuvring to remove your rivals’ and
enemies’ Influence over you. Meanwhile, you will try to The Conflict doesn’t need to be mutual or openly declared
form Alliances or increase your Dominion over others, – in fact it’s perfectly plausible that the target remains
creating a web of support that discourages aggression unaware of your movements until it’s far too late.
from those who deem you weak.
A Conflict among Allies breaks the Alliance, but it is
possible to have an ongoing Conflict against those with
Influence or Dominion over you.
Untamed Clan
Lusma 5
Crystal-Crowned UNTAMED LUSMA
In Shattered City, you don’t have to worry about keeping track of MOMENTUM
the precise details of your House’s wealth, health and Your Momentum measures your Family’s overall health,
happiness. You’re generally assumed to have just enough of calculated as:
any given commodity to get by.
[Total number of Surpluses] – [Total number of Needs]
If you have an abundance of a resource – easily twice or more
what you need to get by – you write it down as a Surplus. Adjust Momentum whenever your number of Surpluses or
Surpluses can be spent to activate particular moves, build Needs changes. This will trigger special effects if this takes
incredible Wonders, and tapped to grant your Hero powerful you above +3 or below -3:
assets with Gear Up.
If you roll 6- on a House Move and have a relevant Need, the ◊ Lose Influence over another faction.
GM can make as severe a reaction as they like. ◊ Gain fleeting Disadvantage on your next House Move.
◊ Someone takes advantage of your weakness, and steals
a chunk of territory or social status from you.
When your House claims or creates a key new strength, add it
as a Surplus.
When you spend a Decree and use a Surplus to confront a
problem, erase the Surplus and say how your action resolved
the situation in your favour.
Morale Scouts
Surplus: Your House has a clear sense of shared purpose, Surplus: Your guards, patrols, or mapmakers ensure you’re well-
camaraderie, and fellowship. They believe in each other, and informed about the surrounding area. Reports regularly come in
think that the House can work together to do great things. on the geography and inhabitants of the land around you.
Need: Your House has descended into back-biting, despair, Need: There’s something in your local area that mystifies you
and factionalism. Any attempt to organise them into a group and poses a grave threat to your House: monsters glimpsed
action is likely to run into complaints, sabotage or apathy. in the undergrowth, strange stirrings underground, or maybe
a tall tower filled with strange lights radiating awful sounds.
Surplus: Your House’s members are at the forefront of Spies
Montaran society. They’re respected, feared or beloved: other Surplus: Your agents across the Borderlands send you
groups will welcome their presence and seek their approval. details on the movements of factions and the dangers on the
Need: Your House’s members are pariahs, disdained, or horizon. You know more about your foes (and friends) than
beneath other’s notice. Your citizens get more done when they can imagine.
they hide their affiliation, and though others will respect Need: You have little idea what motivates your rivals, or what
bargains and obligations they’ll do so grudgingly. they might be up to. You’re often surprised, scooped or
outmanoeuvred by those you compete with.
Surplus: Your House understands more of the workings of Trade
the world than most, and have used that to improve their Surplus: You’re the focal point of a web of caravans and
quality of life. They’re better able to maintain Qoam marvels, merchants that spans the Borderlands. You have your finger
and they have an idea of how to use grand projects to on the pulse of commerce, and collect a healthy skimming
reshape the world. off the top.
Need: Your House has little knowledge of how to exploit the Need: You’re isolated or ostracised. Maybe traders are too
laws of reality. Grand infrastructure is best used as shelter scared to visit you, don’t want to risk associating with you, or
from the elements, and a sturdy spear serves you better than they just know that you wouldn’t be able to pay.
a mysterious shining crystal.
Recruits Surplus: You have a well-maintained berth or stable, and
Surplus: Your House has a surfeit of raw manpower. They when your House travels they can do so swiftly and easily.
may not be particularly skilled, but many hands make light Need: Getting your House anywhere in a hurry is a
work. At game start, a House with this Surplus has about 40- nightmare. If they even have vehicles or mounts, they’re ill-
50 able-bodied adults. tempered and in constant need of maintenance.
Need: Maybe you have a lot of sick or wounded, maybe
you’re only a handful of people strong. Either way, you don’t Warriors
have the manpower to accomplish any sort of large-scale Surplus: You have plenty of soldiers, bristling with imple‐
action with finesse. At game start, a House with this has ments of war. Maybe you are veterans of this very war, or you
about 5-10 able-bodied adults. came across a band of well trained mercenaries who you
equipped to this particular enterprise. In any case you are
Safety not to be messed with.
Surplus: You luxuriate in hard-earned peace and stability, Need: You can’t send a patrol out in the field without
whether by securing your home against the conflicts filling rendering the rest of the House defenceless. There are few
the city or avoiding the most contested areas. The realities soldiers, or they are green and probably ill equipped.
of war are beginning to fade from memory, and you’re
beginning to get a sense of a normal life here in the frontier. Wealth
Need: It seems every time you blink a new crisis assaults Surplus: Let peasants hoard scraps and food; your halls are
your House. Between health, safety, shelter, and countless filled with splendour, and all luxuries are within your reach.
other concerns, there’s too many fires to putout, and no way Need: Even if your harvests are bountiful, or your goods
you can keep this up without something going very wrong. masterfully crafted, all profit and prestige yielded flows
directly towards your masters and overlords.
The Architects of the Living City The Crystal-Crowned (p. 43). The Order of Kyradar (p. 46). The Remnant Conspiracy (p. 49).
(p. 40). Builders and mystics Montara’s ancient and immortal Monster-hunters facing down Kitreans left behind when the
and urban physicians seeking to ruling class seeking to restore cityending threats so that no Empire retreated trying to
heal this metropolis. the authority the Empire took other community will face the survive and claw out their own
from them. same fate as their homeland. place in Montara.
The Rebel Underground (p. 52). The Tower of Villos (p. 55). The Untamed Clan (p. 58). The Verdant Priesthood (p. 61).
An ideological movement Agents of a criminal network A loose-knit group of rural Chimerical fusions of flesh and
tending to the citizen’s ills and selling addictive and memory- hunters, scavengers, farmers, vegetation gathering enchanted
fighting to restore liberty. infused crystals across the and artisans who know this seeds and growing wonders
borderlands. territory better than any others. from them.
Kaetur, the Soldiers Lusma, the Priests Magista, the Scholars Varorin, the Merchants Volarees, the Nobles
(p. 64). Ilvash’s military, (p. 68). A Henakor-wor‐ (p. 72). The Kingdom’s (p. 76). Montara is lacking (p. 79). The ruling
using Montara as a shipping cult here to researchers, seeking much, and Varorin will classes are here to lead,
stepping-stone to the supplant local faiths and Montara’s secrets and make use of that to inspire, to make sure
front lines. work strange rituals. testing their inventions. desperation to buy Montaran bards tell
Montara’s treasures. Ilvashan legends.
◊ Reach 0, Grasp +1, Sleight +1 if you work to turn every And tell everyone:
city into a part of the First City.
◊ Reach +1, Grasp 0, Sleight +1 if you act as messengers “One of Cabal also treads the Maze Beyond, and we have an
between the continent’s living cities. ongoing Conflict with them.” The GM will say what power the
◊ Reach +1, Grasp +1, Sleight 0 if the War mysteriously Cabal gains from that place.
awakened Montara and you are slowly piecing together
its mysteries. RESOURCES
Pick two as Surpluses and take the rest as Needs:
TRADITIONS Crops, Defences, Engineering, Fresh Water, Scholars.
Choose one of each, or create something else:
◊ Populace: Strange inhabitants of the First City; Homeless THE ARCHITECTS’ MOVES
orphans, raised and nurtured by the City; A secret You get these moves:
fraternity drawing members from every polis.
◊ Style: Geometric tattoos that change to suit the City’s
humours; A bejewelled symbol of office; An intricate
monocle of sapphire and brass.
When another group protects the City and its citizens under
◊ Governance: A professional code of civility and progress; your guidance, gain Influence on them.
Independent cells led by a venerable sage; Seers debating
the City’s many subtle signs.
Geomantic Sabotage: While you are in Conflict with a faction,
Choose one to determine the nature of the First City: turn an area of the city they control into a Hostile Ground.
Then, read these out and ask for volunteers: When you spend a Decree and reshape the boundary between
Montara and the First City, place a new sector on the map, or
“Which of you fought alongside us in the First City? We have to remove all sectors and set down the same number of new
a watchful Alliance against future incursions.” The volunteer ones on your map.
says what kind of enemy you both stood against.
When you perform a Ritual to build a structure or reshape the
each hero may pick one option from each list as their
signature gear:
land, the Surplus created is lasting and does not need to be How do you fight?
immediately used. ◊ An esoteric martial art of arcs and pivots (Melee, Hidden).
◊ A builder’s mallet (Melee, Hefty).
When you Support or otherwise protect another Faction
◊ A ritual sickle (Melee, Heirloom).
When you spend a Decree and tend a Forbidden Loci, turn the
How do you travel?
You travel the paths of the First City; mundane transportation
area into a Source of Solace and Beauty. is unnecessary.
When you spend a Decree and tend a Source of Solace and What useful expertise can you draw on?
Beauty, add an Anchor to it. As long as the Anchor lasts, ◊ A mendicant mystic (Scholarly).
people can Heal there without needing Surpluses – this ◊ One of the City’s automata (Drilled).
place mends flesh and bone and cures any disease, ◊ A wise herbalist and surgeon (Physician).
poisoning or malady of the mind.
The Anchor fades at the end of the Cycle; at that point, or if PLAYING THE ARCHITECTS
the Anchor’s removed earlier, the Garden withers. The Architects’ main power is their impact on the world
you’re building, adding a whole other dimension to your
When you Employ a Surplus to build a permanent structure
setting. An Architect’s story focuses on their Heroes as they
explore the links between Montara and the First City, and
walk those strange roads. By picking this House, the player
atop a Place of Power, treat the structure as an Anchor. While becomes the default curator of the group’s maps, and there
the structure lasts, you ignore 1 Requirement for any Wonder will be plenty – as the city becomes more and more detailed,
built around it. gaining new levels, below ground and beyond dimensions.
And what about if your Venture makes contact with other
Cities? The Architects could easily establish a beachhead
ARCHITECT HEROES there, either shifting their current Anchor locations or
INHERITANCE creating new ones.
Architect Heroes can start with one of these moves:
Optional moves turn this House into a Surplus powerhouse.
Though they can grab for power, the Architects’ loyalties and
doctrines encourage cooperation for the common good. On
When your character ritually requests admission into the First the other hand, you introduce the Maze Beyond and its
City, they can Manifest to instantly travel between Anchors. dangers and inhabitants. Maybe you are all that stands
against foes that wouldn’t even exist in this city or this story,
if not for your influence.
When you study a towering, historic or impressive structure, Your Heroes thrive in the city and beyond, and change both
you can dictate one fact about its origins or weaknesses. as their tale unfolds. A Prowler can unveil a seedy underbelly
of a fantastic underworld, while a Warlock explores an
alternative (and monstrous) version of the Montara. Finally,
the Vagabond perfectly represents a shadowy interloper
walking strange streets, at home everywhere and nowhere.
“I said you had permission to enter, not to speak. You must understand – not even the
Imperials dared to challenge us here. Like them, you are but a brief gust of sound and fury.
We ARE Montara, and long after your passing we will still rule.”
The ★ Stat starts at -1. For each Role marked by your current “One of the city’s Cabals used to be our servants, with many of
Hero, the ★ stat increases by 1, up to +3. their kin still within the Redoubt. We have a Conflict ongoing.”
Choose one of each, or create something else: Pick one as Surplus and take the rest as Needs:
Luxury, Morale, Prestige, Safety, Wealth.
◊ Populace: Identical descendants with inherited
memories; Tortured bodies, kept alive by fading magic;
The remnants of pre-cataclysm race, not entirely like any THE CROWNED’S MOVES
of Mysthea’s peoples. You get these moves:
◊ Style: Swirling and colourful silks, stronger than steel;
Animal masks, ceremonial armour, and heavy jewellery;
Black leather dripping in spikes & chains.
◊ Governance: A council of flickering Echoes; The
When another faction realises the key role your current Hero
demanding voice of the Founder in every member’s head; played in their history, you gain Influence on them.
The mumblings of ancient, dreaming elders.
Every Crowned Hero must choose one per Role marked:
Fortified: When you enter a Conflict with a faction, the
Redoubt adapts to their greatest strengths – say how.
◊ Eternal Passion. Name an object of your adoration: a
person, a place, a treasure. You’d rather die than see it
◊ Echoes of the Past. Describe a set of actions from the
Your citadel has halls beyond counting, filled with forgotten
past and repeat it in ritual fashion whenever possible. wonders and horrors. Whenever you wish, evoke your House’s
◊ Predators of Dust. Name one thing you must take from mood to gain one of these features, replacing the previous one:
others for consumption.
◊ Sorrow: Its ethereal gardens provide deep solace.
As long as the Crowned Hero follows these strictures, they ◊ Belligerence: Lighting pummels its outer grounds.
gain a ‘Deathless Torpor’ harm box. Marking your Deathless ◊ Horror: Echoes of dead servants offer counsel and omens.
Torpor box takes you out of action, dead to the world and ◊ Revelry: Its sprawling halls present a lavish feast.
immune to further harm. See The Last Redoubt for details on
how this box must be Healed. Choose a defence that you cannot control:
� Deadly wails that echo on and on.
LOYALTIES � Automated shells that kill with brutal precision.
You inhabit the Last Redoubt – a looming and ominous � Mists that lead the unwary astray.
fortress, the seat of your power. Place it on the map. As you
regain your former glory, so does the Redoubt: Choose a threat that lurks within it:
� A curse upon all who venture too deep.
◊ 1+ Dominion: The Redoubt can always keep an internal � Monsters that infest the lower levels.
threat imprisoned, or keep out an external threat. � A proud mind inhabiting a key location.
◊ 2+ Dominions: The Redoubt’s ghostly defenders
relentlessly hunt intruders. Once each cycle, your Hero can Heal their Deathless Torpor
◊ 3+ Dominions: The Redoubt’s ever shifting halls sprawl harm box if the lurking threat is confronted and defeated.
out into the Maze Beyond, and its capacity is unlimited. The next cycle, a new threat takes its place.
And choose one more:
When you spend a Decree and host an event in the Redoubt,
You have vanquished age and death. When you Unearth, gain
1-Lore – you’ve lived long and remember much. When others
Unearth, they can always choose to ask “How [the Crystal-
those invited must either oblige or lose their Influence on you. Crowned Hero] played a key role in this” in addition to their
When the event begins, the Redoubt’s faded luxuries regain other questions.
their lustre and its defences lower to allow entry. Describe the
decadent festivities that will shape the guest’s mood to Sorrow, ASSETS
Belligerence, Horror, or Revelry for as long as they remain. Every Crystal-Crowned Hero starts with a free Advance. In
addition, each hero may pick one option from each list as
When you spend a Decree and submerge your House in
their signature gear:
When you marshal your forces to fight for your legacy, get 1
◊ A finely bred charger (Mount, Luxury, Mighty).
“I know what the things you’ve seen mean. Beasts and children scratching symbols into
your walls, rainbow-coloured clouds on the horizon... Have the nightmares started already?
They have? Hrm.
“It won't be long before gossamer wings emerge from that storm and cover its skies. We call this
titan Sanctifier – it will nest here, and feed on everyone who was not strong enough to run.
“Bring me more ale, and I will tell you how we can stop this beast.”
Pick one:
Your House is dedicated to hunting Titans – gigantic
creatures that stalk the land and are usually hostile to human
� Learned Cultists: When a Titan attacks, you gain a free life. Each has unique strengths, hungers and capabilities –
Research action. some are notorious like Volfyrion or the Cannibarok, others
� Noble Knights: When a Titan attacks, you gain a free still utterly unknown.
Command action.
� Mystic Survivors: When a Titan attacks, you gain a free When you spend a Decree and scout for signs of Titan attack,
Rituals action. reframe a detail you’ve seen as an omen of incoming danger.
Then, read these out and ask for volunteers: If the Titan assault happens as you foresaw, you and each
Warned faction gain a Need of your choice.
“Which of you has shown signs you know things about the
Titans we don’t? You gain Influence over us.”
When you sound Hunter’s Warning, you may describe the
each hero may pick one from each list as their signature gear:
If the Titan of your Hunter’s Warning is killed and you get
◊ Tinted plated mail (Armoured, Uniform).
◊ A mystical amulet (Arcane, Mobile).
◊ A hunter’s cloak (Hardy, Subtle).
access to its remains, you gain Surplus: Arcane Remains.
When used in a Wonder, this replaces any two of its regular How do you travel?
requirements. Tell us how this warps the project in alien ways. ◊ A loyal and friendly winged lizard (Mount, Flying, Swift).
◊ A ferocious barely-tamed warbeast (Mount, Canny, Mighty).
When you spend a Decree and lure a Titan towards an Warned
◊ A floating fortress (Ship, Hulking, Mighty).
particular environmental hazard.
When one of your Covenants faces a Titan, you may gain Finally, a dark version of the Order focuses on conquest
insight into the Titan’s nature as if you had Exploited the through Summoning – an act of heresy or a war crime,
Covenant no matter your distance from it. depending on whom you ask.
The Survivor is perhaps the most iconic Kyradarian, but
consider that only a Beaten & Weathered Veteran or a Black
When you Exploit the Covenant to gain an insight into a Titan, Emperor Warlock can truly hurt a Titan – and victory over
you can create a free and immediate Opening to Confront it. Titans is all that truly matters for the Order.
“Come, take a seat. You weren’t followed – who would expect you to visit scum like us,
especially in person?
“Don’t bother with the pitch. We know why you came. What you truly need.
“Are you ready to pay our price?“
“One Cabal has infiltrated us. I’ll say which cabal I suspect,
MAKING YOUR REMNANTS and I’m in Conflict with them.” The GM says who the spy truly
STATS works for, and they have Influence over you.
Choose one:
◊ Reach -1, Grasp +1, Sleight +1 if the citizenry rose up Pick one as Surplus and take the rest as Needs:
against Kitrea in the occupation’s final days, burning Justice, Leadership, Morale, Prestige, Safety.
mansions and garrisons.
◊ Reach +1, Grasp 0, Sleight -1 if the city’s new rulers
sheltered Kitrean remnants in exchange for co-operation. THE OUTCAST’S MOVES
◊ Reach 0, Grasp -1, Sleight +2 if the Kingdom purged all You get these moves:
trace of the Kitrean occupation, forcing survivors deep
When a faction overcomes their prejudice to seek your help,
Choose one of each, or create something else: gain Influence over them.
� Security: Gain a free Decree when you Employ or Harness And choose one more:
� Resistance: Gain a free Decree when you Employ or
Harness Morale.
� Insurgence: Gain a free Decree when you Employ or
Your share a language kept secret from the rest of the world.
Harness Leadership. Pick two for conversations:
� Influence: You have shelter always ready. Authorities And two for an alternate method of communication, that you
can’t find you if you lay low in the City. must describe:
� Alliance: Your Allies must always Support you when you
Conspire, or else they lose Influence over you. � It’s instant, to deliver and understand.
� Dominion: You are an accepted part of the City, and your � It’s safe, and it won’t be recognised as a message or
opinion carries great weight with the masses. language.
� Its long-ranged, reaching far or wide.
Then, read these out and ask for volunteers: � It’s lasting, delivering warnings and tales from the past
and into the future.
“One of you is secretly in league with us. We have an Alliance
no one else knows about.” They say how they are helping you.
“Just listen to the crowd chanting. They are tired of compliance! Of silence! No more will
we be their subjects, their slaves. No more!
“Look, here come the troops to silence us. Either we shame them into backing down, or
they’ll spill our blood.
“Either way, the uprising is served.”
It doesn’t matter that you are everyday people – together you
� Uplift the Lowest: When you steal significant resources will change the course of history! As long as you are not
and give them away, gain a free Conspire action. under anyone’s Dominion, when you have one of Surplus:
� Know Your Enemy: When you gain intelligence that causes Recruits, Morale or Leadership and gain a second, you also
you to reassess your plans, gain a free Conspire action. get the third.
� Freedom From Chains: When you erase a Need inflicted by
the city’s rulers, gain a free Conspire action. And choose one more:
Your greatest loyalty is to the cause. Gain these benefits,
according to the development of your Revolution! Wonder:
When those who fight for the Revolution come under attack,
you may describe them…
� No Resources Invested: You’re a close-knit group trying
to achieve a single goal. Gain Advantage on rolls to free a ◊ Withstanding a spirited assault.
member of your House from captivity. ◊ Retreating to a more defensible position.
� Under construction: You have the ear of someone high-up ◊ Counter-attacking against all hope.
in the city. You say who this is, and why you trust them ◊ Evacuating their civilians.
(and vice versa). ◊ Conceding critical parts of the battlefield.
� In a Cycle started by a Revolution! Even the quiet,
peaceful citizens are seeing things your way; you gain Once they’ve done three of these, Rebels and their allies
Surplus: Prestige. emerge from every alley, rooftop, and sewer, in a surprise
attack that will cripple the enemy.
Then, read these out and ask for volunteers:
When you spend a Decree and incite the oppressed against
Underground heroes get +1 to Cunning or Prowess. In
addition, each hero may pick one option from each list as
injustice, say what you want to accomplish and roll +Reach. their signature gear:
On a 7-9, pick one; on a 10+, pick two:
How do you fight?
◊ You fully achieve your goal. ◊ An inherited sword (Melee, Heirloom, Piercing)
◊ You Conceal your involvement. ◊ Bottles of alchemical fire (Ranged, Area, Lingering)
◊ You find something extra to help your cause. ◊ An assassin’s dagger (Melee, Piercing, Hidden)
◊ Nobody is injured.
How are you defended?
out The Golden Age and The Verdant Defiance. But it all
comes down to the massive social unrest, of which you are
With a few hours and access to alchemical reagents, you can a catalyst. The power of the Revolution is in the mundane.
make 1-stock of explosives. 1-stock is sufficient to: Anyone of us only needs to tune into our own world to
witness the nobility and excesses of countless revolutions,
◊ Spread fire over a city block-sized area. as they all too often slide into complacency, greed, or
◊ Bring down a structure as big as a house. mindless violence. What will you do differently now that you
◊ Be used as a weapon (Ranged, Area, Brutal). have your chance?
To do more, ask the GM how much stock it’ll take. No Hero fits the Underground better than the Firebrand, of
course. But don’t overlook the Martyr, a regular person who
rises to the occasion and becomes an inspiring icon. Or a
Toiler, putting in work and sweat to build a city that’ll care for
When you search the city for details of a crime or corruption, everyone’s needs and leave none lacking.
you can Unearth rolling +Cunning. On a 10+ pick one extra:
“You draw such clear lines of light and shadow. You think Villos-on-the-Edge is a den of
iniquity and crime, ruled by a conspiracy of arcanists, relic smugglers and criminals. But
you forget: the Tower we serve has defied the authority of Kingdom and Empire alike.
“You think we care if you judge us? We know your vices. We numb your pain. You need us,
and we own you.”
Pick one:
When another faction gains Need: Mirage, gain Influence on
� Insidious Warlords: When you provide another Faction with
Surplus: Mirage, gain a free use of Conquer or Conspire.
� Ruthless Rogues: When you provide another Faction with
Surplus: Mirage, gain a free use of one of your Ancestral
Cut the Supply: While you are in Conflict with a faction, they
Circle benefits (see Loyalties). gain Need: Mirage and cannot remove it.
� Dream Weavers: When you provide another Faction with
Surplus: Mirage, gain a free use of Ritual (still spending
Arts and Lore as normal). � THE TOWER'S ARTS
When you spend a Decree and weave powerful emotions and
LOYALTIES memories into Qoam shards, gain one Surplus: Mirage per
The Ancestral Circle of Villos rules over you just as Guilds point of Arts spent. You alone can hold multiple instances of
are ruled by their Ilvashan masters. Choose the Circle’s Surplus: Mirage, and neither Surplus: Mirage nor Need:
starting control over you and gain the cumulative benefits: Mirage affect your Momentum.
� Neutral: You traffic in memories and emotions, and can Bliss is, however, a fleeting thing… When a new Cycle starts,
spend a Decree to change any one Surplus/Need: Mirage erase all Surplus: Mirage from the game.
into Surplus/Need: Morale.
� Influence: You can count on reinforcements sent from And choose one more:
Villos, ready to raise hell or bring thuggish protection. You
may spend a Decree to change any one Surplus/Need:
Mirage into Surplus/Need: Safety.
� Dominion: The Tower is feared and respected as a major
When you Conquer a place haunted by memories of pride or
political power. You can spend a Decree to change any sorrow, gain 2 points of Arts or Lore, in any combination.
one Surplus/Need: Mirage into Surplus/Need: Justice.
When a new Cycle starts, gain 1 point of Arts or Lore for each
of these sites you still control.
Wherever you peddle harvested dreams and feelings, any
Tower Heroes get +1 to Cunning or Wisdom. In addition,
each hero may pick one option from each list as their
faction that loses Surplus: Mirage gains Need: Mirage. signature gear:
When you spend a Decree and sacrifice stolen relics in grand
How do you fight?
◊ A poisoned blade (Melee, Lingering).
◊ A sceptre wreathed in tormenting memories (Melee, Weird).
ritual, spend 1-Arts to choose one: ◊ A box trapping the winds of a Cerulean Storm (Area, Weird).
◊ While you hold Surplus: Mirage, get Ongoing Advantage in How are you defended?
Hostile Grounds created by ambience. ◊ A cloak of soot and ashes (Arcane, Subtle).
◊ Summon a group of beasts or a singular Titan, pacified ◊ A polished crystal mask (Arcane, Mobile).
enough to listen and perhaps obey. ◊ A protective ward (Arcane, Mantle).
◊ While you hold Surplus: Mirage, get Ongoing Advantage
against Houses and Cabals haunted by Echoes. How do you travel?
◊ A beast of wind and shadow (Mount, Swift).
When you Celebrate with a sensual festival in a broken land,
◊ A caravan of vices (Drawn, Luxurious).
◊ A fey wind (Ship, Swift).
you may spend Surplus: Mirage to get an automatic 7-9 What useful expertise can you draw on?
instead of rolling. Each ally that joins the celebration can ◊ A canny sex worker (Genial, Rogue).
give you 1-Arts to Erase Need: Mirage. ◊ A musclebound thug (Tough, Vicious).
◊ A notorious assassin (Shadowy, Vicious).
Tower Heroes can start with one of these moves: Sure, theft, murder and vice were all too common everywhere
in Mysthea – but nowhere as rampant as in Villos-by-the-
Edge. In its alleys laden with bazaars, pleasure houses and
dreaming dens, countless broken souls drank deeply from
When you cast your spells over a Relic, roll +Wisdom. On a hit foreign memories and long dulled emotions. Some say the
7-9 pick two; on a 10+ pick three: city was founded around the Tower, and that the building
only started its wandering ways recently.
◊ You Steal a Relic’s emotion, disconnecting it from its
owner. Though aloof and arcane, its servants have always
◊ You Weave a memory within a Relic, rewriting its controlled criminal activities there with a silken touch and an
Covenant cores. iron grip. And when the War increased demand for release
◊ You Brand a dissonant feeling into a Relic, cursing it with and oblivion, the Tower emerged above all other criminal
lasting Disadvantage to Manifest. guilds, conspiracies and gangs across Mysthea. Villos
◊ You do it without showing signs of your meddling. became then too small for their ambition.This House spins
◊ You do it without needing to touch the target. around the control of a unique Strategic Resource, Mirage.
◊ You do it without attracting all Echoes nearby. By offering respite from a world broken by magic with
familiar memories and comforting feelings, they control the
disquieted and alienated. The Villosi can heal and comfort
as much as they can enslave; it’s all in the players hands.
When you enrapture an important figure with stolen memories
and feelings, roll +Cunning. On a hit, they change their A Villosi Prowler is a terror to behold in action – callous,
nature; they’ll become a different type of Personage Factor resourceful, efficient. But a Firebrand or Veteran can both
(or become one if they weren’t already). On a 7-9 pick one; on also become tremendously effective Tower servants.
a 10+ pick two:
“Surrender, for we hunt with beasts and they bless us with their ferocity and wisdom.
“Surrender, for we know the paths through this land and you cannot escape us.
“Surrender, because without us this city will starve.”
Choose one of each, or create something else: THE CLAN’S MOVES
You get these moves:
◊ Populace: Rural labourers, farmers and ranchers;
Hunters and herbalists taught secret lore; The nobility’s
landscapers, now masterless.
◊ Style: Intricate tattoos, leathers and feathers; Defiantly
When you guide another faction to a hidden treasure in the
rustic and practical outfits; Bone trinkets, crystal gadgets wilds, gain Influence on them.
and mysterious vials.
◊ Governance: A code of ecological responsibility; Omens
seen in weather, flora and fauna; A labour union whose
president represents the clan.
Hit and Run: While you are in Conflict with a faction, you can
withdraw one of your Key Resources to safety whenever you
DOCTRINE spend a Decree.
Pick one:
When you spend a Decree and stalk your foes like prey, spend
When you first reach a location, pick one thing you
immediately notice:
1-Lore to tie one of the target faction’s Surplus to a specific ◊ A perilous vantage point.
character in their organisation. If you can kill, incapacitate or ◊ A dirty shelter.
recruit the character, the faction loses the Surplus. ◊ An unpleasant escape route.
When you Endure to protect your traditions and territory, give
You can always find a trace left by the last being to cross this
location, and sense the direction they left in.
UNTAMED HEROES On the other hand, the rush of claiming land as your own can
INHERITANCE be addictive. However you decide to customise your Clan,
Untamed Heroes can start with one of these moves: they excel at what they do – whether that’s raiders of the
wilds, hardy farmers, or guides to the wonders of Mysthea’s
nature. They’re not necessarily an aggressive House, and
can play extremely well in defence or as bold explorers.
You are ritually bonded to an exceptional Companion or Coupled with powerful Companions and Arts of the Wilds,
Mount – give it two extra tags. When this familiar takes a hit they become downright scary.
for you, erase its tags to absorb harm you would have taken,
1-for-1. So long as any tags remain, restore all other tags It’s easy to imagine an Untamed hero doing well as a Prowler
when you Heal your familiar. or Veteran for the ‘formidable ranger of the wilderness’ feel, or
the Immersed or even Chimera for a more inhuman feel.
“I understand you seeing us as heretics, abominable even. We who have performed the
Blooming have renounced our flesh and blood. But by becoming one with all that is green
and alive, we also bring a message of resilience and interdependence. Of continuity beyond
death, and harmony to our ailing world.”
Choose the Priesthood’s sacred duty � THE VERDANT CREED
When you act in sacred harmony, you materialise the flux of
� To Nurture: Spend 1 Seed instead of a Decree to perform mystical energy as living seeds of power. Whenever you use
a Ritual that provides critical resources to an Ally. or receive Support and the result is two matching dice,
� To Shelter: Spend 1 Seed instead of a Decree to perform generate 1 Seed.
a Ritual to protect an Ally from danger.
� To Enlighten: Spend 1 Seed instead of a Decree to perform When you act on your own trusting in the verdant blessings,
a Ritual to understand the inhuman and the uncanny. spend 1 Seed to change the value of any die to the highest
result present.
You understand that all living things are connected and
You don’t have to use the two highest dice when you
interdependent – so, you seek nothing but to build Alliances.
use or receive Support; when a roll comes up 4, 4, 5
Gain the cumulative benefits of every listed condition for as
using the 4s will grant you a Seed, but if the House
long as you meet them:
you’re aiding has a Stat of +1 you may have to convince
them to accept a mixed success...
◊ 1 Alliance: You can always communicate feelings and
sensations to your Allies, wherever they are.
◊ 2 Alliances: You gain access to a second Doctrine. And choose one more:
◊ 3 Alliances: You gain access to all three Doctrines.
Then, read these out and ask for volunteers: � THE VERDANT ARTS
When you flood an area with plants and magic, you may spend
“Which of you sought to destroy us when our faith first took Seeds in addition to Lore and Arts to perform a Ritual. If you
root here? You have Influence over us.” They say the reason use any Seeds, you can choose one of the following effects
behind the aggression, and you say how the priesthood for the Ritual:
contained it.
◊ Hold a Menace in place.
“Which one of you embraced the Verdant creed as your official ◊ Summon a Titan, ethereal and wise.
faith? We have an Alliance and we have Influence over you." ◊ Harvest the key to a creature’s essence.
� SOWING THE SEEDS This move can be purchased with a Hero Advance:
When you spend a Decree and work the land with sacred
magic, spend 1 or 2 Seeds to enchant Surplus: Land. After a
few nights the enchanted Surplus will yield your choice of When you extend your senses across the Verdant tapestry,
Surplus: Fresh Water or Crops, or both if you spent 2 Seeds. you experience the feelings and sensations of your
Covenants, Companions and Cohorts, no matter how far
When you spend a Decree and use sacrifices to infuse the
away they are. The connection is two-way – though you
control if they receive your emotions and senses.
When you spend a Decree and enter into communion with
How do you fight?
◊ Killing vines (Melee, Flexible).
◊ A living wooden sword (Melee, Heirloom).
your roots, spend 1 to 3 Seeds to enchant Surplus: Recruits ◊ A cloud of death spores (Area, Subtle).
with the wisdom of your ancestors. Over the course of a few
nights the Recruits will be replaced with one of Surplus: How are you defended?
Artisans, Scholars or Warriors for each Seed you spent. ◊ The hardest bark (Armoured, Hardy).
◊ A cloud of leaves (Mobile, Subtle).
“Citizens, eyes on me! I don’t care about their monstrous forms, or their ferocious wrath. You
are Kaetur, one and all. You broke Kyradar! You survived the Dulkodel fields. You will break this
enemy too. You are, one and all, Soldiers of the greatest army to ever march in Mysthea.
◊ Populace: A caste of soldiers bred and raised for war; THE SOLDIERS’ MOVES
Patriotic volunteers raised on tales of glory and valour; You get these moves:
Professional soldiers and their conscripted slaves.
◊ Style: Armours and weapons with macabre motifs; Blank
crystalline masks, and polished gear full of sharp edges;
A scarlet cloak, a few pieces of armour, and nothing else.
When you beg your ancestral guild for aid, increase their
◊ Governance: Battle companies sitting in council; A control over you and name an enemy within Montara or
hereditary ruler, advised by ambience-twisted oracles; A without. At the start of the next City phase, Kaetur will
tyrant elected by a council of elders. devastate the enemy you name, but pick one of the costs
listed under Conquer.
Choose one: You’re not strong enough on your own to withstand the many
threats to your rule. That’s why you’ll get the locals to help
� Terrifying Marauders: Gain a free use of Conquer when you. When you post a bounty, pick one you haven’t yet posted
you start a Conflict. this cycle and fill in the gaps:
� Stalwart Defenders: Gain a free use of Conquer when
someone starts a Conflict with you or an Ally. ◊ Prevent anyone entering/leaving (Stage Factor).
� Opportunistic Warmongers: Gain a free use of Conquer ◊ Protect (Personage Factor) from harm.
when someone Ceases a Conflict. ◊ Hunt down and kill (Personage Factor).
◊ Send Surplus: (Recruits/Weaponry/Scouts/Transport/
LOYALTIES Warriors) to the front lines.
Your Ancestral Guild starts with Dominion over you. Gain ◊ Scout out (Stage Factor) in the wilderness.
cumulative bonuses according to their control over you:
◊ Neutral: Your Guild stands proudly alone, together The target can be an existing factor, or new to the story.
against the world. You have lasting Advantage on rolls to
rescue or avenge one of your people. When a House collects on a completed bounty, they gain 1
◊ Influence: Discipline is high, and your guard patrols will Decree – and you gain Influence over them.
quickly alert you if anything hostile crosses your borders.
◊ Dominion: Your soldiers’ speed and endurance assures If any bounties have not been completed at the end of the
that no other force can hope to keep up with you. You Cycle, gain Need: Leadership and then clear this list.
have Advantage moving as a group over large distances.
Then, read these out and ask for volunteers: � CONFLICT MOVE
Military Campaign: As long as you are in Conflict with a
“Which of you fought side by side with us in the last vicious House or Cabal, they Conquer with lasting Disadvantage.
battle to claim the city? The ties forged in battle persist and
we have an Alliance.” They tell the group what you both had
to sacrifice to win.
With proper supplies, your war machine is unbeatable. The
When you bring together all your armies and march to battle,
following benefits are cumulative, as long as you have all the get lasting Advantage in your Conquest so long as you stay
listed Surpluses: together. If you give up without conquering your target, gain
Need: Leadership. If the campaign is a success, gain
◊ The Tides of Conquest: So long as you have Surplus: Surplus: Justice, Prestige or Wealth.
Morale and Warriors, gain +1 Grasp. Your legions march
as one against the world.
◊ The Engines of War: So long as you have Surplus: Morale
and Leadership, gain +1 Reach. Your military might
When you spend a Decree and send out scouts to probe a
reinforces your diplomacy and political power. military target, roll +Sleight. On a hit, choose one:
◊ The Web of Destruction: So long as you have Surplus:
Spies and Scouts, gain +1 Sleight. Your skills at irregular ◊ You learn a secret weakness of their defences.
warfare allow you to stay in the shadows. ◊ You may move through this area quickly and unseen.
◊ You learn clues to a hidden strength or unknown history.
And choose one more:
On a 10+ you are given access to a haven you can use while
When you spend a Decree and send your soldiers into a
you’re in your target’s territory.
targeted here have Disadvantage.
◊ They uneasily send tribute. Gain 2-Arts or Lore in any
combination. When you make an example out of a dissenter, a defeated foe
◊ You conscript their people, but they’re green and will likely or a useless minion, hold 1. Spend hold 1-for-1 to force a
break in the next major battle. Gain Surplus: Recruits. resident of a conquered settlement to:
◊ You terrify their neighbours; gain Influence on a Cabal.
◊ Perform a task for you, no matter the risk.
When you fight for survival or supremacy, choose one effect for
◊ Give up a secret they’d rather you not hear.
◊ Give up all their possessions.
◊ An unstoppable foe will be pushed back. Add one extra tag to your Companions and form a Rank 1
◊ One of your foe’s champions will be overwhelmed. Covenant with them – you now form a squad.
◊ One chosen champion of your House will decimate
scores of your foe’s regular troops. When you and your squad act as one, roll with Advantage. If
◊ Those who witness the battle will be forever marked by your squad is ever completely wiped out, you can’t gain
the strength and power of your people. Companions again until you avenge them and your Guild
gains Need: Justice.
Kaetur Heroes get +1 to Might or Prowess. Each Hero may PLAYING THE SOLDIERS
pick one option from each list as their signature gear: In these times of war, Kaetur enjoys pride of place among the
Guilds of Ilvash. The conquest of this city is another jewel in
How do you fight? Choose one from each list. their crown, but after conquest comes occupation. Why was
◊ A practical short sword (Melee, Piercing). your division dispatched here – to quash local resistance? To
◊ An ornate glaive (Melee, Area). protect this new acquisition from Imperial reprisals? To
◊ A dragon-shaped mattock (Melee, Hefty). conscript its people and incorporate its wonders into your war
machine? Your division is at home on the battlefield; will you
◊ A scoped crossbow (Ranged, Far). turn your tools of war towards protecting this fragile peace, or
◊ An assassin’s dagger (Melee, Hidden). plunge the situation into chaos so that you alone can triumph?
◊ A spiked gauntlet (Melee, Lingering).
Arts of War gives you a clear objective: hoard as many
How are you defended? Strategic Surpluses as you possibly can. Conquest obviously
◊ Your squad’s plate main (Uniform, Armoured). plays a central role in acquiring these Surpluses, and A
◊ Traditional borderlands’ garb (Subtle, Hardy). Daring Brotherhood will all but assure your success.
◊ A scout’s leather armour (Uniform, Agile). However, never underestimate the potency of a Conspire-
heavy game to support your Conquest – and of course, the
How do you travel? benefits of A Keen Intellect for your Hero’s exploits. With A
◊ A loyal warbeast (Mount, Mighty). Brave Heart, you need very little to become nigh
◊ Your unit’s logistics train (Drawn, Durable). unstoppable, while An Iron Fist lets you clamp down on other
◊ A sky yacht, your pride and joy (Ship, Swift). faction’s attempts to undermine you.
What useful expertise can you draw on? While managing all these Surpluses, Windfall will serve as a
◊ Army Healers (Drilled, Physician). refining tool, fueling your conquest with Decrees. Wonders
◊ Scouting Rangers (Hardy, Vicious). may threaten your logistics with their massive requirements,
◊ Heavy Infantry (Strong, Vicious). but if you ever decide to start one the odds are that you will
rush to its completion. Be careful, though, as even allies might
plot against your rising power. You can’t help but be feared.
“Hush. Close your eyes and sense the Five…
“Their ambience touches everything you do everything you are. They are in every sharp rock
in our path. In the endless storm and the sunless cold. In the madness in your soul.
“Do not reject this world, broken and haunted. Embrace it and it
will guide you to the Henakor’s holy wisdom.
“Embrace our teachings, for we are Lusma – and the understanding is ours, and ours
unbelievers, expend Influence on each of them to lose your
Infused quality and give it to them as a Need.
When you condemn a powerful figure or organisation in
When a Faction accumulates 3 such Needs, a terrible fate public, roll +Cunning. On a 7-9, pick one; on a 10+ pick two:
befalls them: a Titan assault, Henakor Surge, or a Fateful
Disaster of your description. ◊ You’ll suffer no reprisals.
◊ The crowd delivers a representative of your foe to you.
� DIVINE REVELATION ◊ The audience riots, forcing your enemy into retreat.
Once the Sacred Geometries sequence is complete, you can
lose the Infused quality to gain it as a Surplus. When
Employed in a Wonder, this Surplus can replace any of its When you use the Qoam arts to promote harmony, you can
regular requirements – tell us how the project is warped in spend an Infused die to:
arcane and alien ways.
◊ Get an insight towards your current goal – gain 1-Lore.
When you whip your worshipers into a frenzy and send them
How do you fight? Your chosen weapon gains the Heirloom
◊ A Qoam sceptre (Ranged, Area).
into battle, lose any number of Infused qualities and pick one ◊ Sacred Words of Power (Melee, Hidden).
of the following for each lost: ◊ A crystal blade (Melee, Lingering).
◊ Invoke a storm to cloud your enemies’ eyes, allowing you How are you defended?
to take them by surprise. ◊ Protective charms and amulets (Subtle, Armoured).
◊ One chosen champion of your House will be unharmed by ◊ Holy Mantle (Arcane, Regal).
the foe’s attacks. ◊ Padded Armour (Subtle, Mobile).
◊ The site of the battle will be marked and forever stand as
a testament to your righteousness. How do you travel?
◊ A beast no one would dare riding (Mount, Hulking).
◊ A battle chariot (Drawn, Mighty).
◊ A blessed chunk of Qoamstone (Ship, Durable).
Surplus: Your form bends – as you serve, so have you been
rewarded. You embrace ambience mutations with pride.
Need: Your form shifts and bulges as the Henakor’s power
wreaks havoc on your flesh and mind. Your people fear
ambience deeply, and thus fail to control its worse effects.
Surplus: No matter how mystifying the world appears, you
keep your civility. Mundane tasks and basic needs let your
people to cling onto reality even as the world breaks.
Need: You have accepted how utterly broken with ambience
the world really is. Why bother keeping appearances and
deceiving yourself that you are in control?
“Avert your gaze and detach your mind – the war’s carnage is none of your concern.
“We are not here out of loyalty to Ilvash or the Guilds. Or out of hatred for the Kitrean
Empire, or seeking personal glory and power.
“We have our eyes on a far greater goal. Montara is our testing ground, our crucible. When
this madness is finally over Ilvash will need us more than ever – to rebuild their cities, heal
their casualties… and shape their future.”
Choose one of each, or create something else: � SUBJUGATION MOVE
When you beg your ancestral guild for aid, increase their
◊ Populace: A monastic order who gave up their vows to gain control over you and say what sorcerous, meteorological or
acclaim with their arts; Iconoclastic scientist seeking a cryptozoological problem you need help with. At the start of
place to perform forbidden experiments; Victims of a the next City phase you’ll receive delivery of an arcane device
strange disease working together to find answers. that’ll suppress the problem, so long as you continue
◊ Style: Casual except for a shining gem pendant, coloured carrying out the devices’ eldritch requirements.
according to rank; Linen bandages and shawls engraved
with formulas and poetry; Heavy stone helms and crystal- Once per cycle, you may host a forum to discuss some
studded plating, of limited martial value. pressing mystery. Anyone can spend 1-Lore to send a
◊ Governance: A council that only deliberates under the representative to discuss the matter, describing the secret or
influence of mystical drugs; The cryptic messages of an expertise of their House they bring to the forum. If the
ancient computing crystal engine; An autocrat who may attendees come to a unanimous conclusion about what must
only be deposed through a mystic duel. be done, they act with Advantage implementing the solution
for as long as they act together. You gain Influence on all of
DOCTRINE them, and gain the Lore they spent.
Choose one:
your holdings, gain 1-Lore.
When you spend a Decree and work your arts upon the When you spend 3 Arts and craft a Relic, pick a Focus and two
creature, pick one for each point of Lore spent: Covenant themes for the artificial mind within. If you bind the
relic to you, you don’t roll Unleash and get an automatic Rank
◊ Create potions that temporarily grant one of its traits to 1 covenant with the memories inside it.
the user.
� TRANSFORM THE How do you fight? Your chosen weapon gains the Heirloom tag.
◊ A Qoam staff (Ranged, Hefty).
When you spend a Decree and use all your lore to change the
◊ A jewelled headband (Area, Brutal).
◊ A spiked chain guided by your arts (Melee, Flexible).
world, pick a Wonder requirement you wish to overcome.
Choose two of the following conditions; if you meet them, How are you defended?
count the Wonder requirement as fulfilled: ◊ Orbiting crystal plaques (Arcane, Regal).
◊ Jewelled bracers (Arcane, Armoured).
◊ You must prepare for weeks before performing the task. ◊ A long cape, adorned with Qoam circuits (Arcane, Hardy).
◊ You must perform the task in a hostile place.
◊ You must perform the task in a short window of How do you travel?
opportunity. ◊ A stubborn beast of burden (Mount, Durable).
◊ You’ll need an exotic resource. ◊ A rambling fortress (Drawn, Durable)
◊ A shard of crystal propelled by your Arts (Ship, Swift).
When a House rolls two 1s, you can show up at the critical
What useful expertise can you draw on?
◊ Qoam Inscribers (Scholarly, Artisans).
moment to intervene and avert disaster. Gain Influence on ◊ Bodyguards (Drilled, Astute).
them and Support them now, with fleeting Advantage. ◊ Scavengers (Astute, Shadowy).
Chose one of each, or create something else: THE MERCHANTS’ MOVES
You get these moves:
◊ Populace: A federation of independent traders backed
by private military; Local employees signed up to an
arduous franchise contract; Merchant-princes and
indentured servants.
When you beg your ancestral guild for aid, increase their
◊ Style: Luxurious silks and furs; Meticulous body paint and control over you and receive a Surplus of your choosing at
jewellery marking status; Woolen tunics decorated with the start of the next City phase.
patterns of a secret code.
◊ Governance: A rigid hierarchy appointed by the Ancients; At the start of each Cycle, the GM will pick out a type of
An open market of favours and votes; Independent Surplus that is in demand in Volarees’ markets. Any House
traders under a strictly enforced charter. that sells that Surplus to your Ancestral Guild via you gains
1 Decree, but you gain Influence over them.
Choose one:
“My dear peers, welcome. I brought you all here to honour the memory of my late husband. You
all know how he saw the common folk as the source of our authority and power. The Pledge,
yes? That they would serve us, as long as we brought them stability, peace… justice.
“When he lead us, you may have admired or hated him – but all that is past. Together we
WILL honour his memory and his works. Or we will lose the people, and then everything else.
“More tea?”
And choose one more: Where to find their lair; Who their allies are; How dangerous
they are; What they’re planning.
As long as your House actively patrols a region and keeps its
Volarees Heroes get +1 to Might or Cunning. Each hero may
citizens safe, they’ll know through rumours and whispers pick one option from each list as their signature gear:
when someone breaks your laws. When a region has been
patrolled for an entire cycle, name one part of their lifestyle How do you fight? Your chosen weapon also gains Heirloom.
they forget as their lives are shaped by your principles. ◊ A gleaming longsword (Melee, Piercing).
◊ An ancient battle axe (Melee, Brutal).
When your House hits -2 Momentum, you may roll +Reach. On
◊ A hunting longbow (Ranged, Lingering).
When you spend a Decree and march upon an opponent,
◊ A four-in-hand carriage (Drawn, Luxurious)
◊ Your sky-frigate (Ship, Hulking).
bringing to bear all your finest troops, roll +Grasp. On a 7-9 What useful expertise can you draw on?
choose 1, on a 10+ choose 2: ◊ A cousin and royal guard (Hardy, Drilled).
◊ A trusted seneschal (Scholarly, Mystic).
◊ Their allies will not provide them support. ◊ Your favourite paramour (Genial, Artisan).
◊ Their followers start rioting in panic.
◊ One of their enemies pays you a Surplus in tribute.
When you spend a Decree to summon the great dragon and
The Noble Guild of Volarees has resources other Guilds only
dream about. They never need to ask if a goal is possible –
only what it will cost them. But this power doesn’t spring out
unleash it upon your enemies, kill a Titan or raze a landmark of nothing. It takes constant work to maintain a social order
or Surplus held by another faction. Then roll +Reach. On a 7- with the nobility at its apex. With one hand they exalt their
9 choose 2, on a 10+ choose 1: virtues, convincing society that the scions of Volarees are so
gracious and distinguished that they deserve this wealth and
◊ You cause wide and unintended collateral damage. privilege. With the other hand, they inflict terrible cruelty on
◊ You galvanise your foes against you. those who step outside their order – both as a warning to
◊ Lose Influence on everyone not in Conflict with the target. others, and in order to claim their victim’s wealth.
How will you serve the will of Volarees in this city? Will you
NOBLE HEROES be their iron fist, using the terrifying power of Heralds of Hell
INHERITANCE and Summon Volfyrion to establish your dominance? Or will
Volarees Heroes can start with one of these moves: you be their velvet glove, bringing their justice with Rule of
Law and your Subjugation Move? For easy power, identify a
long-standing grievance in this city and come down hard on
one side of it to win that faction’s support – but be aware
When you brandish your House’s authority anywhere in the that easy power always comes with a human cost.
Kingdom’s reach, you can recruit citizens under the King’s
commands. As long as you abide by The Duty of Nobility, Sentinels and Wardens deeply embody Valorees ideals and
you can use them as Companions with 2 tags of your choice. duties. Though maybe all the Borderlands really need is a
Reduce the Harm you take by 1 if they fight alongside you. kind-hearted Noble; a Singer or maybe a Storyteller?
Whatever the case, never forget that the Nobles’ power is
You are a Hero forged in the arcane turmoil of the Great War
of Dulkodel – a war that simply refuses to end. You are locals HERO STATS
and refugees, veterans and survivors, residents of this broken Your Hero’s power to face down the world’s challenges is
land who share in each other’s suffering, loss and deprivation measured by four stats:
and yet still try to build a better world.
◊ Might represents your ferocity and skill with arms. Use it
As an instrument of your House, you can call on the aid of to Assault your enemies and Confront titanic beasts.
your peers, followers and masters. But they won’t be enough ◊ Prowess defines how trained and skilled you are, and your
to protect your soul from from the withering horrors of the composure in the face of danger. Use it to Resist Dangers
War and its echoes. You’ll need to seek out those who have you face and Explore perilous wilds.
shared the brightest and darkest points of your life, your ◊ Cunning is your understanding of other people, and ability
Covenants. But when your House comes into conflict with to use that understanding to get what you want. Use it to
your Covenants, you may have to decide whose Hero you’ll be find a Compromise in disputes and Encounter new friends.
in the end. Your House’s? Your friends? Or, perhaps, a ◊ Wisdom sums up all you know about the land, its people
champion famed across all of Mysthea? and their Arts. Use it to Unearth ancient wisdom, or to
Manifest a feat of the Qoam arts.
where their skills are tested and their fate rests on the
outcome of a few short moments. These moves govern those
moments, setting out the core conflicts every Hero may face. When you look beneath the surface details of a person, place,
or thing, roll +Wisdom. On a hit, declare two facts from the
Unlike with House, there’s no Decrees: Heroes trigger moves list below; on a 10+, declare 3. The GM secretly picks one
solely from the consequences of their actions and their fact to be dangerously misleading, biased or incomplete.
position in the fiction, though as discussed on p. 14 you
should always keep an eye on the story you and the other ◊ A previous interaction with your House.
players wish to tell. ◊ How the War has impacted it.
◊ The original source of its importance or influence.
◊ The current extent of its importance or influence.
◊ A reliable source of further information about it.
When you act uncaring of danger, describe what you do; the ◊ Parties interested in its future.
GM says what happens and what moves (if any) you trigger.
The Borderlands hosts a multitude of cultures and histories
When you shift your action to reduce the risks, say what buried beneath the rubble of the Empire. Unearth will help
danger you’re trying to avoid and roll +Prowess. you uncover these mysteries, and connect them to current
events. Feel free to let the GM declare the facts if you wish.
On a 10+ you sidestep the danger completely and you’re in a
position to take action.
On a 7-9 the GM will give you a clear idea of the exact When you use leverage to make a proposition, roll +Cunning.
consequences the danger will have for you. You can cancel On a 7-9, choose one Objective and two Reactions; on a 10+,
your action and avoid the danger, or accept the choose two Objectives and one Reaction.
consequences and act with fleeting Advantage.
On a miss, the danger comes fully true, and your insufficient ◊ Enlist their support for a specific action.
efforts put you in a bad position; take fleeting Disadvantage. ◊ Earn their friendship – form a covenant with them.
◊ Win Influence for your House over their faction.
Your Heroes will face countless dangers: a swarm of razor- ◊ Earn their finest tools and lore – gain +1 Arts.
sharp crystal shards, a mob of soldiers, their disapproving ◊ Learn something from your allies – gain +1 Lore.
parents. With this move you can act despite the risk and
suck up the consequences, or gamble that you’ll be able to REACTION:
make an informed choice or avoid risk entirely. ◊ They want you to pay more to ensure their loyalty.
◊ A friend has to seal the deal: Test your Covenant with them.
◊ Your House loses Influence over their faction.
◊ Their enemies plot their own schemes against you.
When your hero gains a new point of Lore, you may
immediately spend it to declare a connection between the Compromise requires some sort of leverage, something
current situation and an existing Factor. you say or present that must appeal to your target. Not
surprisingly, it is quite likely that they will comply. But you
You can spend 1 more point of Lore to declare the nature of risk becoming thoroughly entangled in a web of intrigue
their connection: alliance, dominion or conflict. and divided loyalties in almost any combination.
Arcane energies permeate Mysthea, and the determined
and the talented can shape them into tangible, miraculous,
When you channel your will into a Qoam shard, decide which acts of power. They broke your world. And they keep your
focus tags you’re drawing from your relic, your masteries, world together. All characters can use Manifest to channel
and each ally Aiding your effort. Then roll +Wisdom. the Qoam arts, but it always risks a dire cost. Be mindful
that by choosing to use Manifest, you are saying to your
On a hit, you work telekinetic force through the shard or play group that you want to shift focus from the question
whatever it’s embedded in. Spend your focus tags to add of whether you can solve a problem to what it’ll cost you
these effects (each can be picked multiple times): to solve it.
◊ Apply a Potent tag to double the force the shard imparts Before being boosted by Foci, your controlled Qoam shard
or resists, or to gain one of Brutal, Armoured or Hardy. can lift as much stone as you could, move at walking pace,
◊ Apply a Swift tag to move the shard as fast as an arrow, act with ungainly clumsiness, and requires your constant
react as fast as an eyeblink, or gain one of Mobile or Ranged. attention. Adding foci supercharges this, according to the
◊ Apply a Precise tag to move the shard without others options picked, but there’s also a general increase in
noticing, move the shard with incredible delicacy, or grant power and danger. A one-focus feat is mundane. A three-
Piercing or Subtle. focus feat is heroic. A five-focus feat is the stuff of gods
◊ Apply a Wide tag to control up to a building-sized mass of and legends.
stone, control dozens of shards independently, or gain
Area or Regal. Embody effects can be contained for later release, but the
◊ Apply a Lasting tag to have the movement continue for signs of pollution are obvious and this state is fragile. An
the rest of the scene without needing your concentration; Alien Hero has time to frame the scene where they
apply a second Lasting tag to set it performing this jeopardise their Covenant, but the Alien nature will only
movement indefinitely (see Lithites, p. XX). grow over time until given an outlet. If the player decides
◊ Spend any three focus tags to make an Opening against not to act out the Alien behaviour, the GM may choose to
a Titan (see Confront); spend any five focus tags to strike step it up to a Haunting or even a Surge in an appropriately
down any foe. dramatic scene.
When you open up your mind to a masterless Qoam Relic, roll When you search through a community for a useful ally, roll
+Wisdom. On a hit you bind it to you; the GM will tell you what +Cunning or +Covenant Rank with the contact you’re name-
Focus you can channel through it. On a 7-9, pick one: dropping. On a hit, you find someone – pick one:
◊ Imprint one of your own memories into the Relic, erasing ◊ They’re significant to the flashpoint.
what was there before and changing the Focus it provides. ◊ They’re not tied up in their own crisis.
◊ Leave the old memories within. Each time your Manifest ◊ They’re already working to the same goal as you.
attempt goes against the imprinted memory’s values, the
attempt gains Disadvantage and the GM reveals one of On a 10+, your ally is a firm friend. If they’re a new ally, form
the Covenant cores within. When both cores are revealed, a rank 1 Covenant with them; if they’re a returning Covenant
you can form a Rank 1 Covenant with the Relic using of yours, increase its rank.
those cores; when they apply, the Relic will Aid your
attempts to Manifest. Those who have friends have everything. This move works
best when you have an urgent and clear need. Save it for
On a 10+, you fully sense the memory within and may form a dramatic moments and this move will shine; use it too
Rank 1 Covenant immediately. often and it will lose dramatic power. Also note that you
can make up for low Cunning by tying your contact to an
A Relic can provide a second mind to help shape your existing Covenant, meaning you share history and have a
workings – but so long as it has its own will, it may take friend in common. Or you will revisit important NPCs, in
offence to the tasks you demand of it and give your case of a Covenant written during play, grounding them
Manifest attempts Disadvantage. Will you take that even further in the tale.
gamble, or will it be more useful as a blank slate?
The wielder can always tell the distance and direction to a � EXPLORE
bound Relic – and they will also always feel when it is When you spend days or weeks travelling through dangerous
harmed, threatened or destroyed. or unknown lands, roll +Prowess. On a hit, you learn new
things and gain 1-Lore. On a 7-9, pick two:
◊ They sacrifice a Relic to the resonance, shattering it. On a 10+ simply arrive without incident, or pick one from the
◊ Part of their body becomes useless, vitrified into Qoam list above and one from the list below:
crystal. With time, this crystal may be attuned to as a relic.
◊ Their mind and form is transformed into something new; ◊ Discover a Surplus along your route, though it may be
they lose any Inheritance moves, but may gain new ones hard to return it to your House.
if other peoples take them in. ◊ Form or increase your Covenant with a fellow traveller.
◊ They break entirely, dying on the spot or becoming a
GM-controlled character. Travel is never easy. If you dare going beyond familiar
lands all kinds of challenges and perils await. And note
In spite of all our differences, what binds us as a that if the path you took has a clear waypoint, you can
community? How much do we have to lose to cross that return safely without rolling Explore again. You have
threshold? And when the world changes us in unexpected tamed the path.
and terrifying ways, will those who love us see us as a lost
cause and mourn us even as we stand in front of them?
And before you engage, consider your foe’s numbers and
have a clear tactical Objective in mind. You won’t Hurt all
When you use an appropriate weapon to battle your enemies, of them, just the right amount to have them yield… but how
roll +Might. On a hit, choose a Tactical Objective. On a 7-9 do you deal with these prisoners? And if you send them
the GM chooses two Reactions; on a 10+, choose an running with Rout they can just as easily rally for a
additional objective and the GM picks one Reaction. counter-attack, and so on. Every scenario will play out
differently. Finally, note that Assault is always a risky
TACTICAL OBJECTIVES: proposition – even if you roll as well as possible there are
◊ Hurt some of your foes, enough to have them yield. consequences. There’s no safe way to hurt others, unless
◊ Rout their formation and send them running. they’re completely at your mercy and you don’t need to
◊ Control their position or movement. trigger this move. Though that comes with other costs...
◊ Snatch something under their control.
Finally, there is no numeric initiative in Shattered City –
Available only on a 10+: whoever should act first, will do so. Natural reactions will
◊ Form or rank up a Covenant with a survivor. follow and the GM will arbitrate any disputes. When you
◊ Scavenge something valuable – gain +1 Arts. activate a move’s fiction trigger, work through its
◊ Learn something from your foes – get 1-Lore. mechanics and then return to the fiction, showing how it’s
been altered by the move.
◊ Isolated! Your foe separates you from the others or puts
you in a dangerous spot.
◊ Collateral! Something/someone important to you is hurt. When you fight to reveal an arcane horror’s weakness, say
◊ Reinforcements! Others will come after you. what the most pressing potential danger is:
◊ Estrangement! Events in the battle Test a Covenant.
◊ Harm! You take Harm appropriate to the enemy. ◊ That the foe lashes out at you.
◊ Upheaval! The situation is flung into chaos. ◊ That you’re separated from your allies.
◊ That the foe causes collateral damage.
First, we must make one point very clear: few battles in ◊ That the foe shifts location to hinder your attacks.
Mysthea should be a bloodbath. Consider each opponent
as a person who likely believes their actions are the right Then roll +Stat as appropriate to your offensive. On a hit, you
(or at least necessary) thing. A person who has seen find or create an Opening. On a 7-9, the risk comes true. Each
horrors and violence, perhaps more than you. Consider if Hero can only use a given stat or choose a particular danger
hacking one of their limbs or causing massive internal once per confrontation.
trauma is in fact your best choice.
When you exploit an Opening, roll +Might or +Covenant with
We strongly believe it should be your last one. the opening’s creator. On a hit, you strike true and strip away
one of the foe’s Qualities - and remove the Opening. If you
Even if the creature staring down at you is anything but destroy its final quality, it’s dead. On a 7-9, the GM applies
human, there’s likely a good reason for it to risk its life in a one of the dangers above as the foe lashes out in pain.
battle to the death – a reason that most likely can be
avoided, or somehow negotiated, if you at least try to You can’t simply Assault some beasts and monsters and
understand it. hope to survive their massive wrath. They can only be
beaten in a drawn out, back and forth battle. Aid, Resist
If combat is your choice, you must get yourself into the and Recover will certainly be employed alongside
right position to make full use of your weapon. A weapon’s Confront in a flurry of bloody action.
tags make all the difference – a dagger (melee, hidden)
can’t quite threaten a rampaging beast like a long spear Great titans can’t be harmed by your Heroes’ regular
(melee, hefty, piercing). So, determine right away if your Arsenal or abilities. To exploit an opening on their massive
weapon enables you to confront your foes, and if not, what forms, you may have to use a 3-foci (or higher) Manifested
steps you should take to make it feasible. effect or Exploit the Covenant to get a crucial insight.
The horror of the Great War can be overwhelming. Every day
you see it in the haunted eyes of wounded soldiers and the
vacant stare of stranded refugees. Your Covenants are the When you help a Covenant with a move, offer them a die. If they
bonds that will keep you sane amidst it all, the memories take it, they gain Advantage, rolling your die with theirs.
that anchor you to humanity when the world unravels.
If your die is the highest, say how you made the difference and
As you make your characters, you’ll form a Covenant with the raise the rank of your Covenants with each other (max +3).
character to your left, and with the character to your right.
You’ll pick one word each from your playbook’s list to If your dice is the lowest, the acting player says how you
summarise the core of your story together in broad strokes. jeopardise the effort and Test the Covenant.
Tell us about when and where these memories of yours were In case of failure or partial success, you’ll share in any
forged. Don’t worry too much about the details, as you will danger, retribution or unforeseen consequences.
have plenty of opportunities to flesh out more of your history
together later on, during play. Several Heroes can Aid one Action, and spread the results,
good or bad, if the highest and/or lowest dice are tied.
When you form a Covenant during play, you pick one core for
Bloodline Birth Childhood Dreams School Fostering Travel When your bonds with someone are strained, roll +1 for each
Woods Mountain Books Passion Crime Change Music Art Covenant you hold with them (max +3).
Drugs Violence Lovers Friendship Rivalry Rebellion
Vengeance Pride Academy Army Politics Career Faith On a hit, you both remember an event from your past
Charity Visions Ritual Cult Marriage Progeny Family adventures that reminds you of the bond’s importance; on a
Alliance Disaster Sickness Poverty Loss Survivors 10+, raise the rank of a Covenant with them by 1.
When you form a Covenant in play, it’s not symmetrical – the On a miss, rank down a Covenant you hold with them, and
other person may or may not form a bond with you in turn, say if it’s them that has changed or you.
but it’s not automatic.
When you take harm, subtract your Armour from it then Hero playbooks have suggested Harm boxes, but the group
cross out that many harm boxes in any order of your choice. can rewrite a box’s fiction tag or change or add a stat penalty
See Garments (p. 93) and Hero Playbook moves for sources if that serves your story. Note that these replacement Harm
of Armour. boxes count toward your total limit; if any four have been
marked, any more harm will mark their Dead box.
Hero playbooks have four archetype-specific harm boxes;
minor boxes with fictional consequences, and major boxes These are the moves you’ll use to clear out your harm boxes:
that also penalise a stat.
Harm boxes have been marked and you take further Harm, or
you think it’s appropriate for the situation, mark this box and
trigger your playbook’s Death Move. When you spend a few days resting in safety with access to a
relevant Surplus, heal all Harm boxes. The GM says how the
Once your Death Move is resolved, your character is likely no local area changes while you’re being treated.
longer playable – you might work out with the GM how to
introduce your new character into the story, or play a Cohort
(p. 154) until you have time to plan them out.
As time passes, your character can move from one Role to
another, marking a new role and gaining an Advance. This
might happen because you’ve completed the plot beat set
out by your current role, or because their relationship with
their House has dramatically changed – leaving the old plot
still out there as a potential source of dangers.
When you mark a new role, pick one:
Your House has a stockpile of gear Heroes can draw on based Your Hero starts with four gear options from their House’s list.
on the House’s resources, with each Hero playbook also giving These options can change from one Cycle to another, to
that Hero a unique Relic to draw on. reflect the changes in a Hero’s outlook and capabilities. With
time to prepare, their House can give them further capabilities
Gear is divided into four broad categories: by using Gear Up (p.36).
◊ Arsenal: Blades, bows, and mystic blasts. Gear is defined by tags that set out what circumstances the
◊ Garment: Armour, finery, and environmental protection. gear’s most useful in, and in some cases impact the
◊ Transport: Methods to travel the land. mechanical outcome of moves. Some types of gear have
◊ Companions: Assistants, bodyguards and scouts. starting tags – a tag that sets out the basic capabilities of the
asset. When you Gear Up, you get one of these tags for free in
addition to another of your choosing.
Weapons from your House stockpile have 1 to 3 tags. As Every occasion requires the proper Garment, be it a gala
described in Assault, these tags act as permissions – they party or an infantry clash on the battlefield.
tell you what circumstances your weapon is effective in, and
what the consequences for using it may be. ◊ Arcane: The garment protects you from raging ambience,
and gives you 1 Armour when ambience deals non-
All weapons have one of these starting tags: physical Harm to you.
◊ Armoured: The garment is reinforced against physical
◊ Melee: Useful against targets within arm’s reach. blows. It negates disadvantage stemming from physical
◊ Ranged: Useful against targets outside arm’s reach and impacts – hail, landslide, suppressing fire, etc – and gives
out to a few hundred metres. Usually you need to take you 1 Armour when you take physical harm.
some action to attack again after using it. ◊ Rugged: The garment helps you resist the elements. It
negates disadvantage from cold, rain or dangerous weather,
Potential tags for the weapons you pick up: and gives you 1 Armour when those deal harm to you.
◊ Mantle: Through voluminous folds or arcane arts, the
◊ Area: Affects a wide area when used, enabling you to take garment’s protection can be extended to those within
on groups that outnumber you. arm’s reach.
◊ Brutal: Devastates its targets and leaves collateral ◊ Mobile: You can move freely in the garment, allowing
damage. athletic and acrobatic movements.
◊ Elegant: The weapon needs particular training to use well, ◊ Regal: The garment is impressive and eye-catching.
but is impressive and precise in skilled hands. ◊ Subtle: The garment helps you avoid notice. If you have
◊ Far: Useful against targets all the way out as far as you cover or do not move, you will not be seen.
can see. May have trouble aiming at targets within talking ◊ Uniform: The garment showcases your membership and
distance. rank in your House, or in another faction.
◊ Flexible: It wraps around defences and can be redirected ◊ Utility: Pockets and carry-loops let you carry far more
mid-swing. than you otherwise would.
◊ Hefty: Knocks an enemy back on a hit. But, you need to
stand on steady ground to use it or become vulnerable
and unable to move after using it.
◊ Heirloom: The weapon played a pivotal role in your
House’s history and gives you Advantage on rolls to
command and convince members of your House. If you
lose it and don’t recover it before Rising Above to the
House level, your House must Endure.
◊ Hidden: You can carry this weapon without being seen as
a danger.
◊ Lingering: The pain this weapon causes will force foes it
hits to stay away from you.
◊ Non-lethal: It incapacitates and won’t deal lasting harm.
◊ Piercing: Can penetrate armour and thick hide.
◊ Silent: The weapon is subtle in use, unlikely to draw
attention to you.
◊ Stun: Makes enemies slow and sluggish on a hit.
◊ Tether: After you hit, you can easily hold onto/keep pace
with the foe.
◊ Weird: Twists ambience into a weapon, circumventing
standard defences.
Sometimes a Hero acts with assistants, whether they’re The land is large, and Heroes benefit from methods to travel
House members or an independent band. When your Hero is across it.
directly assisted by their companions, they increase the
action’s breadth or scope, according to their tags: All transports have one of these starting tags:
All Companions have one speciality tag, and may have more: ◊ Mount: An animal ridden by its passenger(s). Capable of
intelligent and independent action, but may only carry
◊ Artisans: Capable of creating or performing beautiful work. light loads.
◊ Astute: Great at spotting hidden or ambiguous details. ◊ Drawn: A cart, wagon or sled drawn by animals. Slower
◊ Drilled: Capable of working in dangerous situations than a mount and requiring a trained driver, but can carry
without panicking or breaking. In battle, they give your more cargo.
Hero the Armoured tag. ◊ Ship: A vessel made of Qoam-imbued stone, enchanted
◊ Genial: Great at getting others to open up or listen. to be buoyant enough to float on water or – with effort –
◊ Hardy: Capable of enduring a profound hardship. When through the air. Can carry the same loads as a Drawn
you travel together, they give your Hero the Rugged tag. transport, but is vulnerable to storms.
◊ Horde: There’s dozens of them, giving them weight of
numbers. In battle, they give your Hero the Area tag. In addition, your transport may have one of these:
◊ Rogues: Skilled at thievery and running cons.
◊ Scholarly: Possessing vast knowledge and capable of ◊ Durable: The transport is resistant to harm. Gain
deciphering ancient texts. advantage when you Resist Danger with it by enduring or
◊ Shadowy: Great at avoiding notice and appearing where powering through danger.
they should not be. ◊ Flying: The transport can take to the air with ease,
◊ Mystic: Deeply learned in the Qoam arts. In battle, they whether through its own wings or natural buoyancy, or
give your Hero the Weird tag. through the efforts of dedicated Qoam-workers.
◊ Strong: Capable of performing labour: construction, ◊ Luxury: The transport is opulent and impressive. Time
harvest, construction, clearing debris, etc. In battle, they spent travelling on it counts as rest for the purposes of
give your Hero the Stun tag. healing times.
◊ Physician: Skilled at healing humans and animals. ◊ Swift: The transport is nimble and rapid. Gain advantage
◊ Vicious: Skilled at using violence. In battle, they give your when you Resist Danger with it by evading danger and
Hero the Brutal tag. acting fast.
◊ Mighty: The transport can be used as a weapon (Melee,
When Companions act unsupervised by the character, the Brutal). Gain Advantage when you Assault a smaller-
GM will say how well that goes. So long as they have a scale foe with it.
relevant tag they’ll find some success, but might fall short in ◊ Hulking: The transport is much larger than others of its
one aspect, cause unfortunate consequences, or lose one or kind. It can carry many more passengers or cargo, but its
more tags as the effort dearly costs them. size can make it slower and more cumbersome.
◊ Canny: The transport is better able to control its
When a group loses their last tag they’re no longer useful – movements than others of its kind. If it’s a Mount, it gains
they may be wounded, exhausted, or no longer interested in a speciality tag (see Companions). If it’s Drawn or a Ship,
helping you. To restore their tags, give a group of it gains the same ability to control its own movements as
companions resources and time to Heal. a Mount.
The communities of Mysthea are wild and diverse. A given Each of these Ancestries also has an Inheritance Move
person might be descended from survivors of the cataclysm your character can take instead of the one provided by
who adapted to this new world, a novel species created by their House (see p. 18). Taking the move isn’t required to
the mutations of ambience, or may even be a singular play one of these creatures – it just means they’re
creature who manifested fully-grown from the anomalies defined more by their culture than their biology. You can
filling this world. These are just some of the many peoples of choose to pick up this move when you gain an advance
Mysthea; as you play, you’re encouraged to add your own (see p. 91), and if it makes sense in the story you can
groups to this list. pick up a move from a different ancestry. Ambience and
the Qoam Arts are often more a matter of perspective
As the dominant sentient species on this continent, Humans and experience than biology, after all.
(p. 101) tend to define the other creatures by contrasting
them with humanity – and as humans playing this game Finally, some kinds of people are so singular they have
you’ll see these other creatures through human eyes too. their own Hero Playbook – in particular the Awoken (p.
When you play a creature with a non-human Ancestry in your 104), a reactivated ancient automaton, and the Chimera
game, try to show both unexpected differences and (p. 107), warped into a weapon by Kitrean rituals. These
unexpected similarities with humanity, and make sure to to playbooks are their own special thing, so don’t have one
show them as a unique individual and not just a token of the Ancestries detailed in this section.
representative of their species. We’ve given each Ancestry A third playbook that can deal with the different creatures
roleplaying prompts to help you in this. of Mysthea is the Immersed (p. 113), a hero with deep ties
to two different communities – who might be different
political factions, or two different creature types whose
upbringing the character was split between.
“The Reapers”
Boulron are eerie, elegant creatures – tall and lanky, moving
with sinuous, silent grace that belies the danger of the sharp, INHERITANCE MOVE
resilient blades their arms end in. As far as anyone knows,
they’re recent arrivals in Mysthea; near the start of the
Dulkodel War, citizens of Ilvash woke one day to find many When you spend an hour conducting rituals of mourning
Boulron silently moving through their streets. After an initial around a sentient creature’s corpse, no more than a day old,
panic, it became clear that the Boulron were not hostile, and roll +Wisdom. On a hit, pick one:
in modern times their presence is a fact of life. Those that
choose to talk with others generally do not seem to know ◊ Craft an Echo of the victim, initially friendly and willing to
where they came from, and express little curiosity about it. talk about their life.
◊ Imbue your arms with the energy of death, granting them
Boulron roam the land, and seem curious about other beings – the Lingering and Weird tags.
observing them from a distance, but not interacting. They are ◊ Animate the body to walk alongside you and serve you as
drawn to death; it’s common to see Boulron congregate where a Companion with Drilled and Strong.
someone has died, just to stand for hours in what seems a form
of sorrow. Others take a more active role in death, wandering On a 10+, the GM will give you a brief flash of an interesting
the land to find a company of soldiers to attach themselves to. corpse within a few hour’s travel; get Advantage using this
In battle, they’re a terrifying force, cutting through whole squads move on that corpse.
of soldiers with their great scything blades.
A Boulron character might use their How do you fight? asset
pick to represent their arm blades, with the Melee, Area tags.
They’ll likely have difficulty with other weapons or handheld
tools, but where there’s a will there’s a way.
The expansion of humanity’s empires across Mysthea
has drawn many of the other peoples into humanity’s
cultural orbit. Creatures that spend most of their lives
around humans soon learn that it’s easier to give
humans a fake face to focus on, and the wearing of
simple stone masks has become a common cultural
practice. Some creatures decorate their masks to
communicate their personality, and even embed Qoam
shards within the mask to animate it – while others
reject this pressure to assimilate, proudly displaying
their true face (or lack thereof) to the world.
“The Hive”
Cryphon take a vast array of forms – all scaly, winged and
exceedingly eloquent. They’re the most social of the sentient If their home hive is far away, or the seeker has lost the
species of Mysthea, surpassing even humans. Whether they way back, or even if they have chosen their newfound
live in blended communities with other species or in their community over their birth hive, they may instead
own separate hives, they fill the area they live in with a barely choose to moult in the presence of their companion. If
audible whistling as they chatter among themselves, this happens, the seeker will skip straight to the Hive
decorations and stone carvings in high-up areas, and a deep Mother form, adopting the role of matriarch and
but pleasant smell of burnt wood. protector of their companion’s community.
The Cryphon moulting procedure is Qoam-augmented. The
The Cryphon life cycle is complex and branched, with each seeker builds a cocoon of shards around themselves, held
creature following an unpredictable path through the together with viscous saliva. Once entombed, the seeker
possible forms available according to their needs and the sends resonance through the cocoon, building a focused
needs of the community. They start out as a small lizard-like web of ambience to warp their flesh into the next stage of
creature, about the size of a cat, fed and cared for and taught their life. Later stages might be bulkier, better able to build
language by the hive over the span of a few days before and maintain a hive; powerful flyers, carrying messages and
being sent out into the world. These ‘seekers’, as the Hive scouting for the hive; ferocious predators, bringing down
call them, are driven to seek out interesting and exciting prey with talons, fangs and tail spikes; communicative
creatures outside the hive and bond with them. strategists, able to keep track of dozens of hive members at
once and command their movements with fluting whistles.
As something like a familiar, pet, or companion, the Cryphon
will see the world from their partner’s perspective, help them Finally, there’s the Hive Mother; a giant creature as large as a
with their quick eyes and quick movements, and learn skills house, able to birth new Cryphon from spawning sacs across
and lore unknown to the Hive. At a certain point the seeker their back and communicate with all their hive (Cryphon and
will feel an urge to return to their home hive to moult, often otherwise) across great distances using by using the
coinciding with the moment when the seeker picks out a continent-wide web of Qoam resonance as a carrier wave.
name for themselves.
each other, filling the meeting point wiht a wild array of
wartworks, and sometimes finding a compatible Esrith to
When you construct a cocoon of Qoam shards around raise a cluth of eggs with.
yourself or someone else, roll +Wisdom. On a hit, the
inhabitant picks 2 to retain and 1 to transform: Their disdain for social connections has one main exception:
the drive to act as a mentor. They do not discriminate
◊ Their wounds, illnesses and ambience backlashes. according to species or artistic medium – all a potential
◊ Their particular body plan and physical appearance. protégé needs to do is catch the Sculptor’s eye, and accept
◊ The cores of their covenants. their invitation to live with them as their student. An Esrith may
have a single pupil learning under them, or an entire community
On a 10+, the transformation brings new power. The subject of artists. However many there are, the Sculptor will teach
can trade out any one of their moves for an Inheritance them their techniques and philosophy, keep them warm and
Move; one from their House or species, or one tied to well-fed, and decorate their homes with their student’s art long
someone they have a covenant with. after the student has returned to the plains below.
This master-student relationship is the main reason an Esrith
will leave their home and travel the lands of Mysthea – either
This move can only be gained by using Metamorphosis to trade seeking new pupils, or wishing to check in on particularly
that move for this one. The user emerges from that cocoon as cherished alumni of their school. These reunions may be
a Cryphon Hive Mother, towering and sagacious. They gain an joyous, bittersweet, or mournful – Sculptors live far longer
additional minor harm slot (Grazed), the Hefty tag on their than most of their students, after all. But if they find a former
blows, the ability to send messages to their Hive across the student has been hurt, killed, or even plagiarised? The Esrith
land, and Advantage on all Compromise and Unearth rolls will not hesitate to show what stone-piercing talons and
where their instinctual legal code is relevant. glacier-melting heat can do to flesh. Vengeance is another
art form for them to refine.
Esrith have a constant source of heat burning within them. If
you want this to be a key part of your character, you can use
your How are you defended? asset pick to represent this, When you intensely study another’s work of art, ask the GM
gaining the Rugged tag and either Armoured or Utility from one question per Role marked:
your bulk.
◊ What’s the core theme of the work?
In situations where extreme heat is the problem, not cold (e.g. ◊ What did the creator intend with the work?
scorching desert, a burning forge), you’re liable to suffer – ◊ What does the work say about the artist’s culture?
Esrith who must travel to these areas often hire attendants to ◊ Would the work appeal to [an audience you’ve
fan them or pour cooling water across their body. Past a encountered]?
certain age, Esrith have too much bulk for even this to work, ◊ What pieces of this can I adopt and adapt for my own
and cannot comfortably leave the mountains. You may keep work?
this weakness only in the fiction, or otherwise the GM might
apply Disadvantage on all rolls that require quick thought or Get fleeting Advantage acting on each answer.
strenuous activity.
“The Mist-Daubed”
Humanity is undoubtedly the most dominant form of sapient There’s one other thing to note: only humans dream,
life on Mysthea. They’re curious and adaptable, constantly and always of the mists.
seeking out new places to live and better ways of surviving
there. This has lead to them making their homes across the
continent, though the technologies they employ to cope with PLAYING A HUMAN
their environment often twist it into a form that only nurtures If your Human is particularly hardened to the mists – maybe a
Humanity and leaves other species struggling. cloud-fisher or a mystic who immersed themselves seeking
wisdom – you might use your How are you defended? asset
They’re also extremely social: like Cryphon they are driven to pick to represent this, gaining the Arcane and Rugged tags.
exist within a community of others, but Humans are relatively
eager to leave old groups and form new communities over their When you play a Human, consider:
180-year lifespan. Like Esrith, they place great value on ◊ What shape do the mists make in your dreams?
intangible concepts, but have little consensus as to which: ◊ What ideal particularly drives you?
whether it’s family, religion, national identity, a common cause, or ◊ Have you travelled far, or is Montara your home?
some other ideal, Humans use these concepts as glue to bind
their communities together. When it works well, this lets groups
of Humans work together to perform incredible feats. When it INHERITANCE MOVE
goes wrong, the community’s driven to act in ways that hurt the
majority while enriching their leaders, lashing out at other
communities instead of dealing with the problems within. When you steel yourself against the influence of ambience,
roll +Prowess. On a 10+ hold 3; on a 7-9 hold 1; on a 6- still
It’s unclear whether Humanity survived the great crystal’s hold 1, but your rigidity prevents you from using the Qoam
impact or were generated by the anomalies the impact arts while you have hold. Spend hold, 1-for-1, to completely
created, but either way they have clearly felt the touch of the resist any mystical effect that would twist your mind or body.
mists. Their skin is the grey hue of the clouds around Mysthea,
and Humans seem to have a natural resistance to ambience.
More than any other species they’re able to resist the
mutagenic and mind-warping effects of Qoam resonance.
This can make Human communities dangerous for other
races, from the scattered mist-fishing villages that line the
continent’s edge to the capital cities of Ilvash and Kitrea – the
first bathed in the terrifying and glorious radiance of the
Henakor, the second the locus of an empire-wide web of
ambience. This particular tolerance has allowed humans to
experiment with Qoam prostheses and body modifications,
changing their bodies with an ease perplexing to other races.
“The Collectors”
The Onygauros are a species of huge scarab-like creatures, Onygauros’ drive to expand their collection pushes them into
with four arms and broad translucent wings. Onygauros are constant contact with other races. Their strength and skill
known as Collectors, thanks to their habit of living in small with weaponry has made them a common presence in
caves fill with huge collections of a particular kind of item. armies, mercenaries paid in cheap trinkets. Others instead
The item in question varies from creature to creature; one become expert merchants, using their natural ability to
cave may be filled with thousands of kinds of bottles, while understand what others value to corner the market in their
another may be filled with filled with drawers, blades, even a particular obsession.
menagerie of a particular species.
These items often have very little value to other races, which PLAYING AN ONYGAUROS
often works in the favour of a Collector who sees them as Onygauros have a particular affinity with manufactured
extremely precious. Other times, it brings strife – when objects, able to make use of any weapon, tool, or piece of gear,
others insult the Onygauros’ precious things, or even no matter who it was constructed for. In battle they can wield
trespass in their lair, they find it extremely difficult to multiple weapons at once, adding one tag to their main
maintain their composure and resist flying into a rage or a weapon from each other weapon they carry.
vast and fathomless depression.
Also, pick out the particular kind of item you are obsessed with;
if you want to represent this obsession mechanically, you have
Advantage using Unearth to see the full details of one of these
items, but someone holding one of these items and proposing
a trade always has enough leverage to trigger Compromise.
When you place down an item of value as the seed of your
collection, this place becomes mystically tied to you. Pick
one benefit per Role you have marked:
The Firebrand (p. 110) is The Prowler (p. 119) is a The Sentinel (p. 122) The Survivor (p. 131) has The Vagabond (p. 137)
an agitator and guerrilla, thief, a criminal, and a is tough and canny, seen the worst this world is a mysterious loner,
building movements and ruthless scoundrel. dedicated to taking the has to offer, and learned living a wanderer’s life of
sabotaging infrastructure. blows meant for others. harsh strengths from it. love and revenge.
The Immersed (p. 113) The Storyteller (p. 128) The Toiler (p. 134) is a The Veteran (p. 140) The Warden (p. 143) is a
is a bridge between their remembers the stories of manual labourer, getting is an experienced and community leader and
House and another the past, and celebrates their hands dirty as they dignified leader, flanked matchmaker, nurturing
group, bringing the two the heroes of the present. and their crew pick up by trusted attendants. relationships that will
group’s strengths and Montara’s rubble. change the city’s fate.
perspectives to the
problems they face.
The Awoken (p. 104) is The Chimera (p. 107) is a The Martyr (p. 116) The Singer (p. 125) is an The Warlock (p. 146)
an ancient construct built monster of the Dulkodel draws power from artist whose passion delves into the
by forgotten arts, granted War, their original form their pain, becoming reshapes the Quiet Arts mysteries of this land,
sentience by the crystal scarred and twisted by something strange and into something great, walking strange paths
shard within them. Kitrean experiments or miraculous as their pure, and beautiful. and making deals with
flesh-warping weaponry. wounds mount. beasts and titans.
Choose a core for your bond with the player on your left and Mark when you embark on a bloody-handed
on your right: Discovery, Research, Heirloom, Ruin. Fuse this crusade. State your target and say what this
core with theirs to decide together how each bond was awakens in you: hot fury or lethal efficiency.
forged – describe a brief scene based on this two word
concept. Give one Rank 1, one Rank 2. OUTSIDER
Mark when this society disappoints you greatly.
RELIC Wander away into the wilds and say if you become
Pick a Focus from Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide, or Lasting and wiser or simply stranger.
assign it to the Relic that powers you. If this Relic is ever
removed or destroyed, you are Terminated. Use your two
remaining Covenant cores to describe a memory bound to HARM BOXES
this Relic. � Scratched
� Bent
� Damaged
� Failing Systems
� Terminated
When you mark your Terminated box, you deactivate. If your
internal Relic is intact, anyone can perform Rituals in a
place of safety to bring you back to action fully repaired.
Alternatively, they can scrap you for 5 Lore and/or Arts in
any combination.
Take this:
◊ No one else is hurt or killed.
On a 10+ gain fleeting Advantage dealing with your next When you reconfigure your body into a more practical or
physical challenge. dangerous form, roll +Prowess. On a hit, keep control and
hold 2. On a 10+ hold 3. Spend hold to:
� ETERNAL MEMORIES ◊ Grow plates that give you +2 Armour against one hit.
When you come upon a remnant of the past, roll +Wisdom. On ◊ Swiftly move to anywhere in sight.
a hit, get 1-Lore and the GM tells you something you ◊ Shift a limb into a wicked weapon (melee, weird, brutal)
remember about it from before the world was broken. On a for one attack.
10+ you can ask a follow-up question. ◊ Break through an obstruction.
Any time you gain Lore or Arts, gain an extra point of Lore. If
you immediately spend it on Reason to link this situation to
an inhuman or arcane Factor, you can declare the nature of
the connection for free.
You endure hazards and violence no living thing could ever dream of surviving. But you are not necessarily built
only for violence – being possibly the keenest mind of all Heroes with a variety of moves. Of course, if you want
to play a juggernaut, this is your playbook, thanks to Peerless Brute and your natural resilience.
An Awoken peculiarity is that your Roles build up your personality with little to no effect in the world at large.
Though not as potent, they build a complex journey of self-discovery – with dramatic results. The Awoken fits
better with the uncanny Houses: an artfully grown Verdant Priest, an Architect assembled from pieces of
buildings and road… the weirder the better. But in truth, the Awoken is integrated into Mysthea’s culture, and
can be any House’s chief scholar or ambassador to the stranger communities of this land.
Lastly, where do your Eternal Memories and Long Lost Lore come from? Finding that answer may be crucial...
You are a child of the War – its ultimate weapon and most
tragic casualty. Even mutated beyond recognition, you retain ROLE MOVES
your independence, your hope for a better life. Whether they Trigger one at Hero creation:
value the person you used to be, the weapon you were turned
into, or everything you seek to be, you are cherished and LEADER
valued by your House. Mark when you accept a test of your powers. The
GM will pit you against two terrifying foes; pick
But you’re not their pet – you are the Chimera, and you won’t one and state why it fears you.
ever be tamed.
Mark when you are sent against a singular horror,
MAKING YOUR CHIMERA and state two things you’ve heard about it. The GM
STATS will secretly decide which one is true.
Pick one Stat and set at +3, and another Stat and set it at -2,
describing their weird tells. The last two Stats start at 0 – REBEL
add your House bonus to one of them. Mark when you guide others through their own
transformation. Say how they become more true to
PARTICULARS their desires, but the GM says new resource they’ll
Pick one from each or make your own: need to maintain their new state.
When you mark off your Mutated box, you enter a chrysalis.
Take this:
When you lash out in fury or fear, shed your facade and reveal
your true form. Choose if your true form is:
� FERAL SENSES When you spend time alone with someone, they can become
You have a unique way of sensing the world – describe it. fixated on you. Roll +Roles marked. On a 10+ hold 3, on a 7-9
When you investigate a scene, you can ask the GM one hold 2. They can use up 1 hold at any time by giving you
question based on these senses. The GM must answer something they think you want, spying for you, protecting
truthfully, though veiled in symbolism. you from harm or introducing you to someone important. As
long as you have hold, get Advantage when you Compromise
with them.
You’re a perfected creature: stronger, faster, tougher, smarter, and wiser, perfect in every way. But you’re also a
wild card and a reminder of the war’s most terrifying excesses. Decide if you enhance your House’s strengths
or compensate for their weaknesses, and commit fully to that. The Chimera thrives in extremes.
Do you try to pass as a ‘normal’ person? Or do you proudly display your true form? And will your answer to that
question change as you die and are reborn, with each new person you become?
� Winded
� Fearful
� Feverish (-1 Cunning)
� Bleeding (-1 Might)
� Dead
When you mark your Dead box, your death sparks protests
and riots among the oppressed and disenfranchised. Tell us
what they tear down or change for the better.
Take this:
You rebel tirelessly… against the occupying Guild, the Venture, even your own House.
Forget the War, that’s beyond even your ability to fight. Focus instead on the war’s collateral damage and the
suffering it has caused for the city’s people. Focus on those who have incited or profited from the chaos,
watching the world burn from comfort and luxury. Your House will determine your resources, but your methods
or ideals are your own. But even with your incredible guile and strength in numbers, you will need to learn
subtlety to survive the inevitable reaction from your powerful enemies. Prepare carefully, strike viciously, and
know when to retreat back into the shadows.
� Your Kin come to your aid
� Drawn away
� Burned (Cut off from your House)
� Rejected (Cut off from your Kin)
� Dead
When you mark off your Death box, your two peoples come
together to mark your passing. Say what task they embark on,
with your Kin lending your House their Support until it’s done.
A Memorial built to you sanctifies the local area, letting
everyone present peacefully communicate with your Kin as
per Kith and Kin so long as they respect your memory.
Take this:
Name your Kin. Say where you go to spend time with them, and
what vulnerability, predilection or prejudice has put them on
the fringes of Montaran society. You have a rank 3 Covenant,
and always have Advantage when you Compromise with them.
your Kin, or if you voluntarily rescind your protection from
someone, roll +Cunning. On a 10+, only the offending party
Where you go, your Kin can follow. In any scene where their draws their ire. On a 7-9, all of your followers suffer. On a
presence has not been otherwise established, you may miss, even you temporarily lose the benefits of Kith & Kin.
narrate a member of your Kin arriving or revealing
themselves. Conversely, in any situation where your Kin are
present but you are absent, you may arrive on the scene
whenever you feel you are needed most. Your bond is transformative, letting you become more than
an honorary member of your Kin. When you take a moment to
The bond is mutual: as a reaction, the GM may always say emulate their visage and abilities, roll +Roles marked, up to
that members of your Kin choose to appear unbidden at your +3. On a 10+, 3. On a 7-9, 2. On a 6-, still choose 1.
side, or try to compel you to appear before them.
◊ Where your Kin goes, you can follow. You can emulate or
keep up with their mode of travel, and you do not suffer
disadvantage in any environment where they would not.
At least one member of your Kin may always go unseen, ◊ You fight shoulder-to-shoulder with your Kin. Gain 2-3
unnoticed, or unrecognised in your company. You can weapon tags to show how your violence mirrors theirs.
silently communicate with them, and if you send them off on ◊ Your foes will see you only as a member of your Kin.
their own mission it’ll never lead to their capture or death. ◊ You do not inherit any innate vulnerabilities, weaknesses
or compulsions of your Kin.
Are you a double agent playing both sides? A human kept in an Onygauros’ hoard? A recently-wed bride trying to
bring harmony between your family and your partner’s? Everything depends on who you pick as your Kith & Kin.
From there, will you fight overtly armed with Blood Magic or the Feral Ways? Or will you be a subtle envoy, using
Illusory Tribe and The Bond to bring your Kin’s subtle aid into your efforts? Your House will demand a lot from
you, and offer much, but it’s up to you if you’ll let them define who you truly are. Your Kin will always be there for
you unless you turn your back on them, but their peculiarities place them on the fringes of Montaran society. And
what of your Covenants? Will they respect your liminal life, or push you to choose?
You’re no hero. You just want to do the right thing. Who could them to take up.
stand idly by while so much grief and horror goes unchecked?
Not you. And you won’t give up on anyone else, either.
You are the Martyr, and truly? You’re the greatest hero of all. Trigger one at Hero creation:
MAKING YOUR MARTYR Mark when your people face extreme hardship and
STATS want. The GM tells us what you can sacrifice to
Assign Ω to Might or Prowess, and Δ to Cunning or Wisdom. show them how to endure with wisdom. If you do
Then put +1 and -1 in the others. See Harm for further details it, tell us how they are inspired by your example.
on Ω and Δ.
PARTICULARS Mark when there is a job so dirty or difficult that
Pick one from each or make your own: you’re the only one willing to accept it. Tell us how
you realise it’s even worse than anyone expected.
◊ Masculine, feminine, concealed, ambiguous. As you work on the task, the GM will reveal a
◊ Bent body, wiry body, flabby body, lanky body. mysterious treasure or golden opportunity waiting
◊ Blank eyes, fiery eyes, sad eyes, steady eyes. at its completion.
◊ Weathered face, ordinary face, stern face, scarred face.
◊ Boulron, Cryphon, Esrith, Human, Onygauros. REBEL
Mark when you try to break your people out of their
COVENANT comfortable, safe ways. The GM tells us of two
Choose a core for your bond with the player on your left and forces that will resist change at all costs. Confront
on your right: Charity, Childhood, Injustice, War. Fuse this them openly and say how your people change once
core with theirs to decide together how each bond was you resist everything they throw at you.
forged – describe a brief scene based on this two-word
concept. Give one Rank 1, one Rank 2. PROPHET
Mark when you condemn your people for their
RELIC wicked or cowardly ways. The GM will describe two
You are a wondrous and terrifying font of ambience, calamities their ways have brought on them – pick
somehow able to manipulate the Qoam arts without a Relic. one. If you all survive the ordeal, they will
Pick a Focus from Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide, or Lasting that overcome their weakness.
you hold within you, and also describe a plain and
unassuming keepsake. Use the two Covenant cores you TRAITOR
didn’t pick earlier to describe a memory bound to this Mark when you meet the greatest tormentor of this
keepsake and to your strange power. Age. To win their heart and soul you must give
yourself fully to them. Say which of you will teach
a harsh truth to the other.
Stats marked by Ω and Δ start at -1. For each harm listed in OUTSIDER
their tracks their value goes up by 1, up to +3. You can only Mark when you embark on a journey of (self-)
mark your Dead Box when both tracks are fully marked. discovery. Ritually sacrifice a symbol of your past,
your present, and your future. The GM describes
Ω Δ those who leave everything behind to join your quest for
� Twisted joint � Anguished wisdom.
� Torn flesh � Fearful
� Broken bones � Hopeless
� Blinding pain � Despairing
� Dead
When you mark your Dead box, your sacrifice brings together
everyone whose burdens you were carrying. Name as many
of them as you wish, and say what cause your death inspires
Take this:
When you stand on the brink of defeat with any Ω harm marked,
you become Sanctified. So long as you’re Sanctified, you gain
the undying respect of those who witness you facing your
ordeal. Friend or foe, they will from now on defend your
reputation, marked by the strength of your devotion.
◊ They seek to humiliate you.
◊ They go out of their way to cause you more pain.
Every time you refuse an opportunity to rest and heal, gain +1 ◊ They try to convince you that you deserve punishment.
Armour on top of any Armour you already have.
Each can only be picked once in a given confrontation. If you
Lose 1 Armour every time you take any harm until this bonus evoke three, describe the fatal weakness they expose.
is gone.
� GLAZED SIGHT When you shield another from certain death, gain 2-Armour
When you find enlightenment in pain and sorrow, roll +Δ against the harm that they would have suffered.
instead of +Wisdom. When you are hurt while Rapturous or
Sanctified, gain 1-Lore.
The Martyr is not for the faint of heart. Their story challenges you to watch it unblinking until the bloody end.
You will suffer. You will live through tragedy. And you will get ever stronger and wiser. Throw yourself into the
chaos and turmoil, ease the burden of those weaker than yourself, and do what no one in their sane minds
would even attempt.
The Martyr enjoys enviable flexibility. It’s not a question of what you can do, but how close to death you will get
in order to get it done. Live for the moment when you surprise your allies and rise to the occasion with potent
new stats, no matter how dire the odds.
Choose a core for your bond with the player on your left and Mark when you come to know of a priceless relic.
on your right: Crime, Passion, Vengeance, Friendship. Fuse Say its current whereabouts, and the GM tells us of
this core with theirs to decide together how each bond was its secret properties.
forged – describe a brief scene based on this two-word
concept. Give one Rank 1, one Rank 2. TRAITOR
Mark when you purge a bountiful land of its
RELIC inhabitants. Say who in your House turns a blind
Pick a Focus from Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide, or Lasting and eye to your depredations so they can get rich. The
assign it to a Relic weapon with three Arsenal tags of your GM says how the bloodshed curses the land.
choice. Describe it and say who you took it from, and use
your two remaining Covenant cores to describe a memory OUTSIDER
bound to it. Mark when your House stands on the eve of a
critical battle. Refuse to fight for them and go seek
your fortune elsewhere. Name something,
anything, that’ll survive the ordeal unharmed.
� Cut-Off
� Pinned
� Gut wound (-1 Prowess)
� Broken (-1 Might)
� Dead
When you mark your Dead box, you escape the scene and die
on your own terms. If escape is impossible, you leave an
Echo to forever haunt this area or your killers.
Take this:
◊ What else is valuable here? ◊ You get hurt during the escape.
◊ What’s my target’s most powerful defence? ◊ You end up in another dangerous situation.
◊ Who will retaliate? ◊ You leave something important behind.
◊ Who else wants our target? ◊ You owe someone for your escape.
Gain fleeting advantage acting on the answer.
When you ambush your pursuers under the cover of darkness,
you inflict savage damage, terrifying those who witness it.
When you gather your co-conspirators on the eve of action,
roll +Cunning. On a 10+, hold 3. On 7-9, hold 1. While When you’re ambushed under the cover of darkness, you may
executing the plan, spend hold to provide Aid to them even if always throw an ally into danger to create safety for yourself.
you share no Covenants or if you are not in the same scene.
When attacked, you can respond before the first blow lands.
You’re impossible to surprise as long as you have your senses.
Soldier, mystic, politician… the Prowler reveals the darkest side of every House. Try as you might, you won’t be
able to play a truly heroic Prowler for long. This playbook naturally gathers a long, long list of crimes and sins.
However, you are undeniably effective… and extremely useful. Though many in your House and Venture will
judge your methods or condemn your actions, they’ll still call upon you when they need a dirty job done.
Regardless of your plans and preparations, yours is a life of brutal violence. Don’t overlook Might (or Wisdom!),
as a fallback them things turn sour!
You are your peer’s most trusted defender, and the backbone
of every Covenant circle. Whatever the threat, you face it ROLE MOVES
proudly vigilant and brutally effective. Others can’t help but Trigger one at Hero creation:
defer to your judgement and character.
You are the Sentinel, and they will not pass through. Mark when your House is at war with a more
powerful faction. Single out their champion, and
tell us two of their strengths; the GM will tell you of
MAKING YOUR SENTINEL their secret weakness. Beat them to break your
STATS foe’s morale.
Distribute +1, 0, 0, -1 among Might, Prowess, Cunning, and
Wisdom, and add your House bonus. AGENT
Mark when you swear to keep someone safe. Say
PARTICULARS what about them reminds you of your past. The
Pick one from each or make your own: GM will say who among their loved ones will fall
for you.
◊ Masculine, feminine, concealed, ambiguous.
◊ Handsome face, blunt face, hidden face, scarred face. REBEL
◊ Wise eyes, merciless eyes, judging eyes, one eye. Mark when you protect one of your people’s
◊ Huge body, muscular body, stocky body, compact body. enemies from your House. Reveal the secret
◊ Boulron, Cryphon, Esrith, Human, Onygauros. backstory that led to this.
Choose a core for your bond with the player on your left and Mark when an overwhelming force marches
on your right: Protection, Law, Siege, Oath. Fuse this core towards conquest. Pick the perfect place to halt
with theirs to say together how each bond was forged; them in their tracks. The GM says who is inspired
describe a brief scene based on this two-word concept. Give by your heroism.
one Rank 1, one Rank 2.
RELIC Mark when you let in the wolves at the door. Name
Pick a Focus from Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide, or Lasting and the critical advantage you get from your betrayal.
assign it to a Relic outfit with three Garment tags of your The GM will name two things you hold dear that’ll
choice. Tell us who you inherited it from, and use your two be ravaged by the attack – pick one.
remaining Covenant cores to describe a memory bound to it.
Mark when you fight against a threat that poses no
harm to your people. Say which Cabal is helping
you – the GM tells us their reasons.
� Bruised
� Angry
� Drained
� Crippled (-1 Might)
� Dead
When you mark off your Dead box, plant your feet and make
your last stand. No matter what, you’ll remain fighting until
your allies are safe and the danger has passed. Only then do
you die.
Take this:
◊ How can I save the most lives?
◊ What hidden danger is yet to come?
When you give someone an order or warning, roll +Might. On
a 7-9 they must do it, freeze, get out of there, or attack you. Gain fleeting Advantage acting on each answer.
On a 10+, you only give them two of those options.
� CITADEL OF DUST So long as you stand watch over your Covenants, you’ll notice
When you take your time scouting the area and preparing your anyone attempting to sneak up on them, blight them, or
defences, hold 1 per Role marked. When under assault here, launch an attack on them, with time to take action.
you may spend 1 hold at any time to:
See beyond the obvious martial role. The Sentinel can easily be a political or mystical bastion, depending on
your favoured Stats. Most of your moves leave the nature of the threat open – what matters is that you can
protect your House and Covenants from it. However, if you play on the martial Sentinel stereotype, you will be
a peerless leader, with each Role fulfilled marking a battle overcome. Thanks to you, the Venture might not only
survive, but even win a life freed from the horrors of this war.
Finally, work hard to develop and maintain your Covenants… you job is too thankless to do it on your own!
� Disheartened
� Drained
� Panicking (-1 Wisdom)
� Bleeding (-1 Prowess)
� Dead
When you mark off your Dead box, you cease to be in a burst
of energy, light and emotions. From this moment on, each of
your Covenants gains one use of A Kind of Magic at +3 as
your Echo lends miraculous power to their performance of
your song.
When Manifest backlashes leave you Alien, you avoid ranking
down a Covenant so long as you immediately channel the
When you perform a new song inspired by profound emotions, impulses into your art. When you take time to compose a new
give it a title and a core Covenant theme. Both you and all song, erase one Embodied ambience held within you.
those in your audience with a Covenant matching the theme
form a Covenant with the song itself. This Covenant’s Rank
starts at 0, +1 for each of these (max +3):
When you bare your soul in a performance, roll +Cunning.
◊ Many join their voices to yours. On a 7-9 pick 1, on a 10+ pick 2 conditions that affect your
◊ Other instruments support your voice. audience during your performance, and roll with fleeting
◊ The song is performed on a dramatic stage. Advantage acting on them:
◊ The song’s core theme is relevant to the current situation.
◊ You hold all of their attention.
While the song is performed, those connected to it can ◊ They are affected by the core theme of your song.
receive Aid from it. ◊ They forget pain or fear.
◊ One of them becomes enraptured with you for good.
If someone’s Rank with it would go above 3, they may instead
form a Rank 1 Covenant with a song of their own with
different themes.
When you sing to encourage your allies, those with a Covenant
to the song gains an extra Harm Slot: “Disheartened”.
When you Confront a Titan with your music, you may roll +Song
Covenant as the stat appropriate to your offensive.
When you Manifest Qoam arts through your music, roll +Song
Covenant instead of +Wisdom.
When you perform a song made for the ears of beasts and
Titans, roll +Cunning. On a 7-9 pick 1, on a 10+ pick 2:
Your songs mean that you rival the Warden in your ability to bring people together. Take careful notes on each
song’s themes and stay alert for people susceptible to their effects. Your performance will form impromptu
Covenant circles, even stronger than those built over a lifetime of shared experiences.
Your additional move will determine your music’s use, though you’re often best in a supportive role. But never
forget that your voice weaves potent magic on its own, as seen in Fascinating Performance and Soulful Howl.
� Isolated
� Lost (-1 Prowess)
� Confused (-1 Wisdom)
� Babbling (-1 Cunning)
� Dead
When you mark your Dead box, say who you trust to tell your
story. If they do, they may mark one of your unmarked roles
in the process. If they refuse or fail to tell your story, it is up
for grabs. If no one tells it before the age is done, then you
are truly forgotten, even as the stories you told in life live on.
Take this:
� A chancy encounter with noble foes.
� A new vista of solace and beauty.
When you describe rumours, half-truths, and glimpses of an � A natural hardship overcome.
elusive creature or phenomenon, name three of: � An ancient threat eluded.
◊ Why it’s difficult to directly observe, After each encounter, form or rank up a Covenant with
◊ What it’s driven to do, someone present.
◊ Where it came from, or what first caused it,
When your stories give someone solace and purpose, Heal These count towards that Hero’s limit of 4 Roles.
any mental/emotional Harm they’re suffering.
Anyone can be a Storyteller – you just need to have a burning desire to share what you know, and to entertain
while you are at it. Unique among all Heroes, you absolutely ignore stat based moves. Do you want to be a
Might-focused Kyradar soldier who just happens to be a Storyteller? Go for it!
Every circle will benefit from your support at some point. You know so much lore, can bind a group together over
long journeys, and distribute easy and straightforward Roles to quicken your ally’s growth into true heroes.
Your limitation is a certain frailty in Harm boxes, though these are all psychological and emotional – so long as
you continue to draw solace and purpose from your stories, Darkest Before Dawn can keep you moving.
The Dulkodel War set untold horrors loose upon the world.
Horrors enough to break the bravest soul. But your ROLE MOVES
compassion gives you courage, and your courage grants Trigger one at Hero creation:
you strength.
You are the Survivor, and no one else will suffer like you did. Mark when the thing you survived threatens your
House. Say how they’ll need to change to survive it.
Pick one from each or make your own: Mark when another faction is threatened by the thing
you survived. Leave at once to provide them with
◊ Masculine, feminine, concealed, ambiguous. much-needed aid, orders be damned! Tell us how
◊ Weathered face, grimy face, friendly face, scarred face. those you save will express their undying gratitude.
◊ Hollow eyes, sunken eyes, wary eyes, cold eyes.
◊ Lean body, bulky body, marked body, quick body. PROPHET
◊ Boulron, Cryphon, Esrith, Human, Onygauros. Mark when a new calamity looms over your people.
Name places, things or people important to your
COVENANT House it threatens. Warn everyone before it’s too
Choose a core for your bond with the player on your left and late! The GM will make sure you arrive barely in time.
on your right: Disaster, Healing, Protection, Sickness. Fuse
this core with theirs to decide together how each bond was TRAITOR
forged – describe a brief scene based on this two word Mark when you steer the tragedy you survived
concept. Give one Rank 1, one Rank 2. towards your foes. Say how they were never
prepared for this. The GM will tell us how it will
RELIC rage out of your control.
Pick a Focus from Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide, or Lasting and
assign it to a crystalline prosthetic that has helped you OUTSIDER
overcome the past. Describe it, and say who developed it for Mark when you can’t stay here any longer. Say what
you. If you ever happen to lose it, work out with the GM how you were missing in your House; GM says where
the pain of the past returns. Use your two remaining you might find it.
Covenant cores to describe a memory bound to this Relic.
� Bruised
� Stressed
� Bleeding (-1 Force)
� Crippled (-1 Force)
� Dead
When you mark your Dead box, choose one of the people
present to learn your final lesson of survival. No matter what,
they’ll survive their journey back to a place of safety.
Take this:
Wherever there is a battle or disaster, you will find a Survivor willing to risk everything to save just one more
person… or to avenge another victim. But note that the perils you throw yourself into don’t need to be limited to
your choice for The Things I’ve Seen. Also, in spite of their many stat independent moves, the Survivor thrives
on a high Prowess build.
Every House can have a Survivor Hero – all have faced losses during the War. Where were you, before you were
a part of this House? How long have you been here, and who has made you feel welcome here? What part of
your new home still feels alien to you – or too painfully reminiscent of the life that was taken from you.
Together, the Survivor and the Martyr both create the poignant kind of stories Shattered City was from the very
beginning meant to tell. Throw yourself into danger, save lives, and make sure that those leaders and generals
and sages who call this war just and good and noble know exactly what kind of pain they have unleashed.
� Indifferent
� Angry
� Strained
� Mutilated (-1 Might & Cunning)
� Dead
When you mark your Dead box, name one final problem to
solve and an inglorious task that will sort it out. Your crew
and all of those who once loved you will see it through, no
matter how hard.
Take this:
When you assess a disaster, crisis, or hardship, name the
inglorious task that can sort things out and roll +Roles
marked. On a 7-9, you can gather your crew and perform the
task, but choose two. On a +10, choose one:
◊ Gain the Area tag if you are outnumbered.
◊ Gain the Armoured tag if you are intoxicated or enraged.
When you observe a debate dragging on longer than it should,
speak your mind and name a solution to the dilemma. Those
around you must give you their full attention and take heed
of what you say next. When you celebrate a job well done with your crew, say how it
got too rowdy and choose one:
� TOUGH IT OUT ◊ You make a friend for life. Gain a new 2-tag Companion.
Your resolute self confidence keeps you going… but you ◊ You hear about an irresistible job. The GM tells you about
gotta do it on your own. When you Exploit a Rank 1 Covenant, the new crisis or hardship that people will pay richly to
permanently erase it to gain +3 to your next roll. mitigate.
◊ Someone falls for you… hard! The GM tells who now
Also, name the loved one you endure all this for. Whenever loves you, in spite of all your best efforts.
your Covenant with them would be reduced to 0, instead tell ◊ All your gambling pays off. You win an unattuned Relic!
us how these circumstances have changed your bond and
rewrite one of the Covenant’s themes. Rank down the Covenant with your crew to get an extra option.
The Toiler attracts natural loyalty. They don’t have the Veteran’s renown or the Singer’s grace, but instead win sheer
admiration with their lust for life, uncompromising attitude, and incredible tenacity. There is nothing you won’t
achieve, no obstacle you can’t overcome. It won’t ever be easy, or clean – but if you can’t do it, no one else will.
A Toiler is a great pairing with a refined and subtle House, showing the dirty work that keeps them going.
Houses that grant interesting Companions make for great Toilers – a Kyradarian working in pest control, a
Verdant Priest pulling raw magic out of the earth, an Untamed bringing rustic wisdom, a Remnant doing the
quiet gruntwork of espionage and black bag operations.
Dive into their tale of challenges and hardships, of seemingly undeserved love and self imposed isolation – and
look around you, because you probably know a Toiler in real life.
� On the run
� Pinned
� Feverish (-1 Cunning)
� Lame (-1 Force)
� Dead
When you mark off your Dead box, you return as a Revenant,
dead set on fulfilling one last task. Keep all the fiction and stat
penalties, but heal two Harm boxes. You gain 3-Armour until
the completion of your task, at which point you finally find rest.
Take this:
As long as your real identity remains unknown, you can treat
one of your stats as if had a rating of +Roles marked instead.
Each time you discard an old identity and introduce a new
persona to a community, you can change your chosen Stat.
their supplies.
◊ Elude them. Hide your position or identity.
As long as your real intentions remain unknown, you can bring
in an extra Focus tag when you Manifest. This free tag still
leads to an additional backlash.
When you take action during a chase, bring up a new
flashback of battle and loss to add a complication to your
opponent’s path and force them to do one:
When you arrive in a community where you’re a complete
stranger, you will catch the eye of your most desirable ◊ Risk harm to maintain your distance.
partner there as a rank 1 Covenant. Take them on a wild ◊ Lose ground.
adventure to win their heart for life. ◊ Be exposed to an attack.
How do you live the life of a mysterious stranger and still draw strength from your Covenants? Why have you
renounced your story and identity? What drives your wanderlust and sense of justice? The Vagabond’s power
lies in mysteries.
Their Roles exist separate from House dynamics, and it’s up to you how you reconcile this – you can have your
Vagabond direct the House’s actions even if they only follow them grudgingly, create a secondary member of
your House to be your figurehead for House actions and represent you on The Council, or even disclaim
responsibility for the House and let the rest of the group decide what they do during City phases.
A perfect Champion in the making, your life is full of adventure and romance. Enjoy!
Pick one from each or make your own: Mark when you seek allies to bring a corrupt leader
down. Say a group who’s suffering under them, GM
◊ Masculine, feminine, concealed, ambiguous. says another group they’re favouring.
◊ Wrinkled face, wise face, tired face, rough face.
◊ Piercing eyes, arresting eyes, frosty eyes, welcoming PROPHET
eyes. Mark when you focus on your House’s youth, certain
◊ Muscular body, angular body, chubby body, bony body. they’ll become better leaders than you ever were.
◊ Boulron, Cryphon, Esrith, Human, Onygauros. Say if they’ll be wiser, stronger, or kinder. The GM
says what upheaval they must overcome to mature.
Choose a core for your bond with the player on your left and TRAITOR
on your right: Parents, Mentor, Council, Memento. Fuse it with Mark when you depose the leaders you advise. The
theirs to decide together how each bond was forged; GM will say who else you need to hurt or sacrifice
describe a brief scene based on this two word concept. Give to assert control. Name who will step in to take
one Rank 1, one Rank 2. over and purge their weakness.
Pick a Focus from Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide, or Lasting and Mark when you reveal your membership in a secret
assign it to a ceremonial Relic outfit with three Garment tags society. Say which other groups they’ve infiltrated.
of your choice. Why were you honoured with such a gift? Use
your two remaining Covenant cores to describe a memory
bound to it. HARM BOXES
� Knocked Down
� Fearful
� Lose __________
� Lose __________
� Dead
Even when you mark your Dead box, you have one more deal
to complete. Hand one companion a message or sigil to
deliver, and say what the recipient will be obliged to do upon
its delivery.
Take this:
Everywhere you go, your trusted agents go with you. Pick two
and name them:
Write their names in your empty Harm slots. When you mark
those harm boxes, the blow hits them instead of you. They’re
taken out. To Heal those slots, convince someone equally
skilled to join you, or spend time healing them in a place of
safety with access to a relevant surplus.
It’s not grey hair and a lined face that defines you, but instead the renown you’ve won, the things you’ve done,
and that you’ve survived it all. A Veteran can command scores of highly talented Able Cohorts and Friends and
Agents. With this grand organisation, you cast a long shadow – make good use of that by sending your agents
far and wide, getting involved in every major plot occupying the city this cycle. From there you can choose
whether your build is more warlike (Scars and Grudges and Skill and Bravery) or political (Renown and
Notoriety and Secrets and Lies).
Though the Veteran is definitely a potent social force, feel free to play around with the form their authority takes.
They could be a trusted vizier whispering advice into the ruler’s ear, a celebrated officer in the army, or the
archmage of a fringe cult.
Choose a core for your bond with the player on your left and Mark when you see greatness in the fruits of an
on your right: Siblings, Love, Ceremony, Gratitude. Fuse it with unlikely union. Say how you expect them to bring
theirs to decide together how each bond was forged; hope to the future. The GM describes the required
describe a brief scene based on this two word concept. Give sacrifices and betrayals to disentangle the
one Rank 2, one Rank 3. members of this union from their current
Pick a Focus from Potent, Swift, Precise, Wide, or Lasting and TRAITOR
assign it to a Qoam lodestone – a crystal that points towards Mark when you see the tumult a relationship will
the Covenant most in your thoughts. This Relic marks your bring to the world. Name someone who will help
membership in a Montaran sect: use your two remaining you thwart it. The GM tells you whose heart they
Covenant cores to describe a memory of your time with them. need to break to follow your plans – and their
inevitable revenge.
Mark when you start tearing down an abusive
culture. Say how you plan to forever change the
group’s social mores. The GM says what’ll happen
to your House if your plan falters.
� Isolated
� Lost (-1 Prowess)
� In Blinding Pain (-1 Wisdom)
� Deeply Hurt (-1 Cunning)
� Dead
When you mark your Dead box, everyone you brought
together comes and pay their respects for your legacy. This
great meeting will inspire a friendship, love, or new House
that changes history.
Take this:
When acting on this information, act with fleeting � PRAISES ARE PROPHECIES
Advantage. When you first meet someone in authority, roll +Roles
marked. On a hit they’ve heard of you and will treat you
◊ Their raging emotions are soothed. When you protect love or those you love, add this option to
◊ They’ll carefully plan out their next actions. Exploit the Covenant:
◊ They see things from the other’s side.
◊ They let go of their grudges. ◊ Gain Armour equal to the Covenant’s Rank against the
next blow that strikes you.
As long as they follow your advice they will mend all but the
most bitter feuds, rolling Test a Covenant with your Aid.
First up – you’ll need a notebook! Juggling this many Covenants, with so many people, will be more than your
playbook sheet can handle. You play the Warden so that you can be at the epicentre of events, leading your
Covenants, shepherding people into harmony.
Like the Storyteller, your core abilities don’t depend on your stat loadout. You can even excel at the Cunning-
reliant Love Alters Not and Windows To My Breast by making good use of Exploit the Covenant, and drawing
on the Aid of those who love you. You can be anything you want as a Warden… anything but a loner.
� Plagued (-1 Wisdom)
� Twisted (-1 Might)
� Feverish (-1 Cunning)
� Tormented (-1 Prowess)
� Sequestered
When you mark off your Sequestered box, you are yanked out
of this world into a strange and otherworldly realm. You can’t
escape on your own. But all of those who mark their Death
box this cycle will instead end up in this realm. With their
help, you all have a chance of coming back to life.
Take this:
Also, when you visit an esoteric, alien or scholarly community, ◊ It takes critical time to go off.
roll +Wisdom. On a 10+, they accept you as one of their own. ◊ There is wide and unintended collateral damage.
On a 7-9, you are fluent in their language and culture. ◊ There are lingering effects in the local area.
unnaturally fast or protected from its dangers and horrors.
When you Explore Echo-haunted lands, the Echoes there can
guide you to the forbidden places of the world… and beyond. When you open your mind to the whispers of Echoes, Embody
Haunted ambience to add one of the following in the scene:
The Warlock knows secret knowledge, and can gain concrete power with their wisdom. The Quiet Arts are but
a fraction of their power, and even they do not fully understand the powers they seek to command. Your greatest
works of magic and triggered by your Role moves – don’t hold back! These moves are meant to shake the
foundations of Mysthea, and change the course of history.
You break every law, and even your Harm and Death moves differ from everyone else’s. An Architect will have
plentiful access to places of power and experience with other worlds, but a Lusman, Crystal-Crowned, Verdant
or Villosi Warlock will channel their own sources of mysterious power.
With our Hero and House rules, with maps and Factors and Strategic Resources, with conquering Guilds and plotting Cabals, the
thought of turning all this into a cohesive tale might be intimidating. That’s why Shattered City has this chapter: a toolbox of
rules guide your story, focus your camera’s lens on a particular crisis or community, and keep the wheel of history turning.
As you play Shattered City, you’ll move between three different scales:
At the beginning of every cycle, powerful figures meet across
If Montara has ousted Ilvashan rule, this meeting takes
Montara and discuss its fate. These discussions will set the place wherever the Kingdom of Ilvash is planning its
stakes for this chapter in your city’s history. reprisals. This might be a place in the wilds where the
exiled Guild has camped out, the general’s tents just
First, we visit the occupying forces. Their player (or the GM, behind the war front, or the genteel salons of grand
if there’s no Guild player) sets the scene of the meeting Ilvash. Take this chance to show how the Houses have
room. Does this place demonstrate Ilvash’s grandeur, luxury, bloodied the nose of a continent-spanning power – and
practicality? What scars of the Montaran conquest still show the costs Ilvash finds itself facing if it wishes to punish
through? Each other player in turn plays an adviser to the this strange upstart.
Guild’s leadership, and picks one:
As the Guild meets, the Venture plots in the city’s shadows.
◊ Deliver news from the front, and pick the Surplus King Each House player describes who their organisation has
Ahatils demands Montara provide to reinforce his legions. sent, and the GM describes any other Cabals attending the
Guild’s player: say what trouble is now coming Montara’s Council. Take this moment to acknowledge any changes in
way from the front. the Influence Map after The Turn.
◊ Deliver news from the capital, and pick a local Surplus that
has become fashionable and in high demand back home. The Guild player (or the GM, if there is none) describes the first
Guild’s player: say what Ilvashan nobles are likely to visit signs of the disaster their recent actions have set in motion –
Montara this cycle and cause you problems. they can pick one of our Crises (p. 158), or make their own.
◊ Deliver a report on a subversive group within Montara, Then, going round the table, each House enacts these steps:
and propose a new law to crack down on this Cabal.
Guild’s player: say what worse outcome you think this law ◊ Announce a problem, threat, or opportunity they can’t
will prevent. handle. It may already exist in the world, or be entirely new.
◊ Deliver a report on a promising development in the ◊ Say which other House should deal with the issue. That
Guild’s reshaping of Montara, and name the Surplus that House must accept ownership of the issue, get someone
will be harvested when it’s completed. they have Influence over to help, or refuse and lose
Guild’s player: say how this grand reshaping will greatly Influence on the initial House.
disrupt the ecology or society of Montara. ◊ If they refuse and no-one else volunteers, the GM marks
the map with a Factor reflecting the problem’s emergence,
The Guild’s leadership receives each report in turn, and then spread or escalation.
brings the meeting to a close. Their player says if the leader’s
closing speech shows tragic ignorance, callous brutality, Once this scene is over, begin the first City phase of this
short-sighted greed or unfounded ambition. cycle, starting with the Guild’s opening action.
When the GM moves the group into a City Phase, the events
of your story now cover weeks, span miles and govern the
fates of scores of people. Decrees are spent to change the Once your Flashpoint comes to a close, each Hero picks one:
world in a wider scale – and you will be surprised how
Endeavours and Reactions chain one into the other, in a ◊ They became closer to someone, gaining or ranking up a
cascade of cause and effect. Once the dust settles and all Covenant with them.
Decrees are spent, you’ll wrap up by Diving Deep and moving ◊ They grew distant from someone, ranking down a
to the Hero scale. Covenant with them.
There you’ll play out a particular emergency or opportunity Each player who didn’t play their Hero during the Flashpoint
the Heroes have gathered to face, and show how their picks what the Hero did instead:
actions change the fate of their friends, communities, and
Montara itself. And once the Flashpoint’s done, you’ll Rise ◊ They worked hard and negotiated wisely: add 1 Lore or
Above and show how the Houses of your Venture deal with Arts to their House’s stock.
the changes to their landscape. ◊ They scouted for information: describe a lead that might
give their House a new Surplus or remove a Need.
When no Houses wish to put further Endeavours into action,
◊ They helped out a Cabal: gain Influence on them.
◊ They find out more about a menace: tie it to a Factor.
the group frames a Flashpoint for their Heroes to face The GM will describe the broader consequences of the
following these steps: Flashpoint on the city, and decide how many Decrees each
House gains. Then you begin this new City phase.
◊ Pick an ongoing plot in the city you’re all interested in.
This may be the actions of a Cabal, the Guild or a 1 Decree gives a short breather before you dive back
particular Factor, one of the problems introduced in The down to the streets.
Council, or something else. 2 Decrees allow involved plots and intrigues to play out.
◊ Pick a Hero to be the first focus character of the 3 Decrees mean the city will be very different the next
Flashpoint. This should be whoever’s Role is most time a Flashpoint brings your Heroes together.
relevant to that plot, or failing that whichever Hero hasn’t
had significant screen time recently.
◊ The GM and that Hero’s player set the scene, bringing in
extra details from the Hero’s current role. When your group wants to explore a City phase event in
greater detail, the GM frames a scene in the event’s
Start playing, telling the story of the unfolding flashpoint. immediate aftermath, involving Heroes or Cohorts from the
When other Heroes are brought onscreen, they can add Houses affected.
complicating details stemming from their Role. If a
particular Hero isn’t interested in this current flashpoint, Once the scene is done, resume your City phase, with the
their player can instead pick up a Cohort to portray (p. 154). Houses’ fictional positioning adjusted by the scene.
A Flashpoint takes place in a single continuous flow of Sometimes House Moves naturally suggest a brief
scenes and actions – dealing with the scions of exotic moment for a Hero to get involved in. Don’t waste these
Cabals, witnessing poignant omens of the current Crisis, moments! Interrupt the City phase and add colour and
and confronting dire Titans. Houses might be called to potency to the House Move’s result with a first hand
action, but their efforts should remain in the background. account. This is particularly useful if other Houses offered
Instead work on the beating heart of your story – the Support, so that other Heroes can easily get involved.
people. Not only the Heroes, but every interesting Keep this short and sweet – once the scene’s done, get
character that surrounds them. right back to the ongoing City phase but be sure to take in
account the difference the Heroes made. The House
move’s effects – good and bad – will still happen, but
Stepping In allows you to keep the momentum going on a
success or try to mitigate the catastrophe on a failure.
When future storytellers tell the saga of your House, your You should keep track of the Cohorts in your House: if they
Heroes will be the one they spend most words upon. But survive a mission, keep their playbook on hand on index
what’s a hero without a supporting cast? When your Heroes’ cards, scrap paper, or in a shared document so people can
stories travel down diverging paths and a team-up doesn’t easily grab them when they re-enter the story.
make sense, you can instead use Cohorts – more disposable
characters there to assist the party, flesh out the House and Cohorts still use Hero basic moves and stats, but their
give all players a voice in the fiction. playbook is much simpler:
Split +1, 0, 0, -1 between your stats, and add your House bonus. � AGENT
Say a narrow field you’re an expert in: researching, diplomacy,
GEAR hunting, etc. When you use your skills, reveal a secret about
Pick one gear option from your House’s assets. Describe the the situation and get fleeting advantage acting on it.
simple Qoam shard that grants you a single Focus. When you die, reveal a shortcut, secret or stratagem that’s an
alternate path to the party’s goal.
◊ Masculine, feminine, concealed, ambiguous.
◊ Face: Trusting, scowling, angular, worried.
◊ Eyes: Rebellious, squinting, calculating, wise. When you go against your House’s Doctrine, get fleeting
◊ Body: Muscular, bony, heavyset, graceful, soft, squat. Advantage when you treat with their rivals or enemies.
◊ Name: Ada, Isis, Brigit, Leo, Lux, Cato, Lin, Anders, Bull, When you die, your House finally respects your outlook – say
Nemo, Silver, Telron, Anuth, Celethe, Leheir, Sanya, Kolbor. a way they change in your honour.
◊ Relationship: Sibling, child, cousin, aunt, rival, protege or
peer of the House’s Hero.
� Dead
When you betray kith and kin, hold 3. Spend hold to gain
MOVES access to: a critical location, secret lore, a Relic that can be
Inherit a move from your House, and pick one: weaponised, or a leader in their moment of weakness.
When you die, name your truest nemesis and how your
misdeeds will cause their downfall.
When a group does something you spent days training them
for, you may Aid them no matter the distances between you
or the Covenants you hold with them. You are a mystic or a zealot, probably both. Pick a stat: you
When you die, gain 3 final uses of Aid, to be used as long as can take 1 harm to roll it with Advantage.
the beneficiary says how your memory inspires them. When you die, terrible ambience Bleeds into the area. Those
that brave these Hostile Grounds can find a Relic on your body.
Many have come and gone, yet you differ from them. As a When your fourth Role is fulfilled – i.e. when the plot thread
Hero, you have reshaped lives and changed the landscape, it introduced has been completed – you must pick one:
and the Borderlands won’t forget you and the things you did. ◊ Retire your Hero and activate their Coda. Join the
supporting cast and let new Heroes step forward.
◊ Become a Champion. They grow beyond their House and
become a political force onto themselves.
The concluding passage of your piece leaves a lasting fortress guarding Montara from the threat’s invasion, a
impression upon the world. Once you reach your fourth Role home base for roaming hunters, a philanthropic group
you reach the eve of a momentous conclusion. When you providing food and shelter to those in need, something else?
conclude this Role, unleash the correspondent Coda below:
Agent: You are sent where the action is thickest. This role
For the Leader, a Community. Mark on the map the new is fulfilled when the crisis is resolved or when your charge
settlement where your followers keep the vision of your rule is safe, but the context of that moment will decide the tone
alive, long after your passing. It usually belongs to your of your legend. Did you defeat the things threatening
House, but may splinter off if their vision is questioned. them? Did you train them to defend themselves? Did you
decide they weren’t worth protecting? Did you fail?
For the Agent, the Legend. Tell us how people keep the
Hero’s Legend alive. Those who call upon your Legend gain Rebel: A Cabal is threatened by the thing you survived.
fleeting Advantage to inspire loyalty, devotion or fear. Fulfilling this is very straightforward: save the Cabal! As
with the Agent though, the method and context vary a lot.
For the Rebel, the Landmark. Mark on the map a monument For your coda you draw a Landmark: a reminder of the
tied to your struggle. Those who pay respects there gain terrible dangers of the menace, or a guide to a better way.
fleeting Advantage fighting for your cause.
Prophet: A new calamity looms over your people. You may
For the Outsider, the Movement. Say who flocks to your well stay and try to save the calamity’s victims, but your
ideals from other factions. They will evolve into a Cabal as role as a Prophet is fulfilled when everyone is warned or
the ages turn. They might antagonise your House, but at their the calamity wanes. The calamity’s outcome will decide if
core they respect your principles and history above all else. the festival of your coda is a celebration or a memorial!
For the Prophet, the Festival. Describe the circumstances Traitor: You steer the thing you survived towards your foes.
and customs of this festival. Those who honour your vision Once the destruction is over, once you stand in the ash and
there will have fleeting advantage to follow your footsteps rubble caused by your decisions, this role is fulfilled. If this is
and re-enact your deeds. your coda, you’ll likely go down in history as a monster. But
it’s up to you if the alliance that forms is your House declaring
For the Traitor, the Alliance. Name a Cabal or Menace that ‘never again’, or their enemies deciding they must be punished.
will cease all hostilities, bonded by their hatred of your
betrayal or united by your sacrifice. Name the event where Outsider: It’s time to move on. Say what you were missing
the Traitor is still publicly vilified. in the House; GM says where you might find it. You simply
have to find what you were missing in your House to fulfil
Roles are there to guide players through an arc of change this – what that ends up being is entirely up to you. This is
and maturation, and the Coda is the arc’s capstone. To an easy one to convert into a coda: once you’ve found
reach it you must seek out new Roles, and fulfil them in the what was missing, you can share it with the borderland’s
fiction. What does it mean to fulfil a role, and how can that peoples to create a movement of those who prize it.
expand into a Coda? Let’s look at the Survivor to illustrate:
If your retired Hero remains in Montara, they’re still
Leader: The thing you survived threatens your House. around to play a role as part of your story’s supporting
When this is fulfilled, the thing you survived is no longer a cast. Other Heroes – including yours – can visit them
threat to your House – and by making it your coda, you and pay respects as if they were a Memorial.
establish a community that’ll ensure that stays true. Is it a
stand shoulder-to-shoulder with factions of thousands.
As in every playbook choice, this one delivers a clear No longer under a House banner, a Champion shapes fate by
message from your players: they want to focus on their their actions… and by fate they are changed in return.
Heroes’ saga, even at the expense of their House’s.
When a Champion hits one of these triggers, they gain 2
Charges and adopt that Role. While the Role is yet to be
REQUIREMENT resolved, they can’t activate any other triggers.
To become a Champion, you must have fulfilled four Roles
and established your own power base – a fortress or place HERO
of power or faction that owes its allegiance only to you. Mark when you take on the quest to find, rescue or conquer
something or someone. Choose who will suffer if you fail:
your former House, the Kingdom, Empire, or Free
CORE EFFECTS Borderlands as a whole, or the City’s common people – the
◊ A player who chooses to elevate a Hero can’t play a new GM will tell you how.
Hero from their House as long as the Champion is in play.
◊ Whenever a House targets a Champion with a move, the MENTOR
Champion can’t Endure – instead, the Champion’s Mark when you teach, guide and protect a Jewel of History.
attempts to mitigate the damage are resolved by Tell us of how they can reach the full extent of their power.
Stepping In or Diving Deep. The GM will say one thing that can twist their nature or spoil
◊ A player controlling a Champion can decide whether to their potential.
assign Decrees gained at the start of the City phase to
their House’s stock or their Champion’s. ANTIHERO
◊ A Champion can’t hold Influence, Alliance, or Dominion – Mark when you stand alone against a Bastion of Order. Tell us
until they Employ a Surplus that completes a Wonder. what unexpected advantage you can gain over them when
◊ Champions can no longer gain Roles in their House or you draw first blood. The GM will say how they reveal their
granted by other Hero’s moves (such as the Storyteller’s innermost corruption to the world while lashing back at you.
Voice of the Icons). Instead, see A Thousand Faces.
◊ Your Harm slots and Death Move remain those from your TRICKSTER
Hero playbook. Mark when you provoke an Icon of Old. Tell us what treasure or
secret you can gain from them. The GM will tell us of the hidden
advantages the Icon of Old has in store to use against you.
Mark when you suffer terribly so others may live. The GM says
who is changed by your sacrifice: your tormentors, those
under your care, or the privileged witnesses. You tell us how.
Mark when someone needs to be brought to heel. Tell us what
part of your legacy you must sacrifice to accomplish this.
The GM will tell us about the innocent who embraced your
wicked ways for good.
When you risk your life to protect or oppose this Covenant,
spend 1 Charge to get advantage on a roll.
Here you bow to no one – under this roof your will is law.
When your Champion holds court with emissaries from other
Houses & Cabals, spend 1 Charge as an Endeavour to
You have secured a stable Place of Power, with laws that all Negotiate with one of these emissaries.
must obey. Form an Alliance with a relevant House or Cabal
of your choice. Describe the Surplus that grants it its importance:
Choose 2 laws that bind those that visit, and the penalties � Defences: Mighty walls, hard to reach gates, it roves
for breaking them. wherever you wish it.
� Land: It commands a vast valley, it guards vast fields, the
LAWS only port to a large island.
� Offer sacrifices. � Luxury: A rich heritage of relics and artefacts, exotic
� Lay down your arms. goods from distant lands, enchantments to keep and
� A slave who crosses the threshold is free. serve the holding.
� Leave your grudges outside. � Trade: A respectable emporium, a privileged location,
� Everyone drinks. Everyone eats. No one goes without. finest infrastructure.
� Do no violence and no intentional harm.
� Honour the Henakor/the Titans/all living things. You can Employ this Surplus and it will be available again at
� Everything belongs to everyone. Give freely. the beginning of the next Cycle, unless the fiction dictates it
� Don’t touch what isn’t yours. has been destroyed.
� Keep your agreements.
� Settle your grievances privately. Your Holdings now have Momentum and can roll Endure, and
they’re subject to Windfall and Affliction. If you have both
PENALTIES Honoured Holdings and Esteemed Hosts, combine the
� Exile. Surpluses and Needs together for Momentum purposes.
� Execution.
� Forced labour.
� Restitution.
� Imprisonment. Many people have gathered under your banner over time and
� Public humiliation. pledged fealty to you, and you alone. When you send your
� Disfigurement. Companions out on mission, spend 1 Charge to give Conquer
� Punitive violence. or Conspire fleeting Advantage.
Describe its overall mood with two Covenant cores from the When you hold a ceremony so your Companions can pledge
main list, and choose one special quality: fealty, spend 1 Charge to turn them into a Surplus (Artisan,
Engineering, Scholars, Recruits, Scouts, Spies, or Warriors)
� It’s the only stable Place of Power on the map – and might and erase them as Companions.
destabilise other Places of Power if you let it.
� It has healing properties, and can count as the relevant You can Employ this Surplus, and it’ll be available again at
Surplus for Heal. the beginning of the next Cycle, unless the fiction dictates
� It is sacred to a group of unique creatures, or a Titan of the cohort has been destroyed.
your choice.
� It contains a gate to the Maze Beyond. Your Hosts now have Momentum and can roll Endure, and
they’re subject to Windfall and Affliction. If you have both
When you honour its ancient laws, spend 1 Charge instead of Honoured Holdings and Esteemed Hosts, combine the
a Decree to perform a Ritual. Surpluses and Needs together for Momentum purposes.
Each cycle of your story will revolve around a particular DECIDE ITS AFTERMATH REACTIONS.
Crisis, a specific scar of the war or illness of Montaran When the Crisis comes to fruition, it’ll mark the city for
society that you must confront or suffer the consequences. generations to come. Write down questions you’ll ask the
players to build the horror of the Crisis in the fiction, and
A Crisis is not active like a rampaging monster or a subversive particular Reactions you’ll use to drive the Crisis’
cult. Instead it’s condition afflicting society, whether it’s consequences home. Once the Aftermath comes to pass,
political, environmental, martial, or cultural. At the start of the Crisis is over – or rather, becomes an ongoing fact of life
your cycle it may seem trivial, but it’ll only grow worse without in Montara.
direct intervention by Heroes and their Houses.
This should be disastrous, but not game-ending; if a Crisis
comes to pass, it should define the Cycle and reshape the
UNFURLING A CRISIS player’s Houses, but shouldn’t wipe them out entirely or lay
When it’s time to introduce a Crisis to your game, your group them so low it wouldn’t be fun to continue playing them.
can pick one of the examples on the following pages, or
make your own. To make your own, follow these steps: AND – REMEMBER ITS REWARD.
When a Crisis is solved, the Venture benefits mainly through
DECIDE ITS ORIGINS. avoiding its Fallout. But whoever lead the successful effort in
In the ruined Borderlands, dangers might arise from the War’s the Montaran public’s eye gains a reward – if it’s a House, they
consequences, unexpected or obvious – or from an upheaval gain a free Decree, and if it’s a Hero they gain a free Advance.
in the Henakor energies’ usual balance. And don’t forget the
impact of the Guild’s occupying government, and of the
Venture’s attempts to regain freedom. This is the main step THE CRISIS CLOCK
that needs the whole group’s input – other steps will likely be Crises should bring urgency to the game and encourage
performed by the GM as they prepare for future sessions. intelligent and decisive action. Ignore them for long and the
City might slide in irreversible collapse, dragging the Venture
DECIDE ITS REVEAL. with it. Endeavours consume your House’s attention, and
Determine how the Heroes first notice the Crisis’ effect upon sometimes that time is a scarce luxury. To help this sense of
the world and its people. The GM should think about what urgency, you can introduce a Crisis Clock.
questions they’ll ask the players to ground the Crisis in the
Hero’s environment. Set out counters (an analogue clock, a pile of beads, or
maybe lit candles). Twelve counters is a good starting point,
DECIDE ITS FACES. though the group can adjust once they get a good feeling for
Your Crisis also require people for the Heroes to interact timings. After every Endeavour, remove one of them. If all
with, a face for victims, abusers and opportunists. As the counters are removed, the Crisis comes to pass and its
story of the Crisis develops, feel free to swap in one face for Fallout takes place.
another – a herald of the oncoming horde might be replaced
by their master general, for example. Again, sketch out Crucial victories may add a few tokens as a buffer, and
questions for each Face, letting your players develop a sense gross negligence and terrible mistakes may remove
of attachment to them. tokens – the key is that every Endeavour counts.
PLAYING OUT THE CRISIS We would like to remind you that these issues and the
pain they bring are all too real. Even veiled in fantasy
The GM may also develop a couple of individual Menaces
(p. 186) that may be faced during the Crisis. Each Crisis is fiction, they all represent a plight from our own aching
likely broad enough that every Hero should be able to world. There are countless people around the world
interact with it. To aid this you should present variation in the facing challenges much greater than whatever we can
problems the Menaces pose: politicians, scholars, warriors enact in our game tables. Respect their plight.
and explorers should all have something to do. Where the
Menace will be confronted directly by the Heroes, you should How?
give its representatives moves and Harm if applicable. It is
through dealing with these Menaces that Heroes will Learn about it!
understand the root cause of the Crisis, and build a plan to
deal with it before the worst comes to pass. Here we provide a single NGO for each issue – these are
real world warriors facing real quests and challenges.
Most of the Crises presented here are subtle – even though Read, join, contribute… or simply become aware of it.
everyone realises the problem, most fail to understand the full And send those they help your prayers, if nothing else.
scope of the pain it brings or its long term consequences. We live in a war-torn and long-suffering word. Step up
Worse still, nobody seems to agree on how (or even if) it and help healing it.
should be dealt with. As time passes by and the problem
matures, it is now seen as ‘part of life’ and many think it’s far The Broken Warriors:
too late for any solution other than the most radical or naive.
People have lost hope things could ever get any better. Others The Exiled March:
might exploit this gaping wound in the City to their own
interests, turning bitter pain into pure poison or explosive rage.
The Feast of Ashes:
Regardless of your players’ actions not everyone will ever
agree with them, thinking their remedy is just another poison. The Healer's’ Crusade:
These reactionary forces will move in to frustrate the Venture’s
efforts or turn them against everyone else for their own gain.
The Poisoned Land:
We can not recommend enough that you listen to the Fiction and
give these matters some serious, serious thought. There are no The Waters of Life:
hard and fast and rules, and problems will shift based on the
consequences of your interactions with other elements present
in your setting. A problem this big never simply disappears, and
whenever a simple solution is used, two new problems emerge.
It takes time. It takes dedication. But if the problem is dealt with,
the City draws renewed energy from the crisis.
ALAINA, A LUSMAN REBEL TOILER How are the bodies of the countless killed by the pestilence
What kind of weather has Alaina been praying for?
How do the kin of the creatures being hunted organise to find
Why have they abandoned the fields in the countryside? vengeance?
Who has stolen all the production that would feed the City? ◊ Lose a Surplus: Recruits or Morale as the emaciated
bodies litter the streets.
◊ Take Away their Stuff: Any Wonder in development is
destroyed, every requirement invested so far, lost.
◊ Apply Political Consequences: Every Alliance is broken,
and local Cabals simply abandon the City.
Where does their authority over the House come from? Who starts to animate the corpses of the countless victims?
What news do they bring from the ailing Kitrean Empire? How does the Army suffer once the City is quarantined?
PAL-E-RIS, A KAETUR AGENT AWOKEN ◊ Show the Consequences of Past Decisions: The plague
(KIND, WISE, ANCIENT) forces the City to close all access to travellers and
Where has Pal-E-Ris started to gather and protect other healers? merchants. Inside, whole sectors must be quarantined, to
pen in the infected and avoid further contagion.
What is the plague’s most horrifying symptom? ◊ Add a Need: Casualties mount horrendously and the dead
outnumber the living. Add any two of Need: Justice,
Why do many believe the plague to be an Imperial mystical Medicine, Recruits, Trade – depending on what has been
attack? lost or threatened so far.
◊ Apply Political Consequences: Without logistical support
from the City the Army has little alternative but to retreat
back into Ilvash… taking the plague with it. The Kitrean
Empire gains much needed respite to marshal its forces
and shore up its defences. The War’s outcome suddenly
becomes much less certain and its end has never seemed
so distant.
CALENE, A MAGISTA REBEL WARLOCK ◊ Erase a Surplus: Large areas of the Borderlands are
(METICULOUS, CALLOUS, ELOQUENT) abandoned by locals and refugees alike. Tragic stories of
Where did Calene learn to craft Traps? loss and painful wounds haunt these Trapped lands.
Erase any two of Need: Land, Leadership, Morale, Safety
How did they ‘improve’ on the original Trap design? – depending on what has been lost or threatened so far.
◊ Apply Political Consequences: Somehow this land feels
Why do they champion the use of Traps so passionately? cursed! The Guild loses Influence back in the capital, and
resources needed to support the city’s rebuilding are
redirected elsewhere.
◊ Separate Them: The Crown pulls settlers out of these
lands and back to the safety of the Capital. Some Houses
are press-ganged into to manning the caravans, some are
conscripted to the front, and some are sent to serve the
Kingdom in other conquered cities on pain of death.
(KIND, BRIGHT, FRAIL) What is the greatest sacrifice people fleeing Montara pay in
When has this neighbourhood felt this alive before? their search for a new home?
How many other kids have joined Karu Nin in their raucous play? How are the bodies of the countless killed by the pestilence
disposed off?
Why do adults put up with (and even protect) these noisy
kids? How do the elite warp the city with the Qoam Arts to secure
their supply of fresh water?
(LEARNED, INDIFFERENT, LONELY) ◊ Lose a Surplus: Any two of Crops, Freshwater, Medicine,
How does Hadal profess their Verdant creed beliefs? Prestige, Recruits – depending on what has been lost or
threatened so far.
What is their most beautiful piece of landscaping among the ◊ Apply Political Consequences: Lose Influence over every
flooded ruins? Cabal and House.
The world doesn’t change overnight. The seeds you sow But when you feel that this Cycle’s Crisis has played out, that
need time to mature, before the harvest can reaped. your Houses have dealt with their most pressing Threats,
and your Heroes have faced change and stepped into a new
From the Venture’s creation in a ruined Montara to a phase of their lives... call for the Turn and end the Cycle.
prosperous and united Borderland, your Houses’ and Heroes’
stories will span decades. Factors and Cabals will link their In general, a given Cycle will last around 4-6 sessions.
fates to yours, great changes will sweep the land, and new You’ll provide brief snapshots of your House’s history, while
nations will emerge as ancient ones fall. Cycles come and go telling your Heroes’ saga. Between Cycles, decide the
in a never ending tide of events. scope of the changes you wish to see. A few years can
shake things up a little but still allow you to revisit familiar
characters and places; a decade or more gives space to
rewrite most of your established details.
When the Cycle turns, roll +Momentum. On a 10+ choose two Fortunes. On a 7-9 choose one Trial and one Fortune. On a miss
choose two Trials. If an option would take a House stat above +3, instead gain an appropriate Surplus, as determined by the
GM. All Windfalls, Afflictions and changes in the Influence Map should be resolved on the spot.
◊ Your House suffers persecution and violence, but it ◊ Your House goes through a golden age, questioning old
pushes them to adapt and grow. Gain a new House move, philosophies and forging new paths. Gain a new House
but gain Need: Justice. move and Surplus: Leadership.
◊ Your House was dominated by another House of the GM’s ◊ Through marriage and trade, you learn a strength of
choice, and have only recently managed to break away. another House. For the next Cycle your Heroes can
For the next Cycle your Heroes can choose from their choose from their Inheritance moves, and you form an
Inheritance moves, but you are now in Conflict. Alliance.
◊ Starvation and poverty forced your House to try raiding ◊ Your House spends its time brokering deals and making
and thieving, and it pissed people off. Gain 2 Surpluses, friends. Erase a Surplus via spending on gifts and trades
your choice, but declare a Conflict with a Cabal. to gain Influence over a Cabal of your choice.
◊ A heretofore unknown Arcane Horror took a particular ◊ Your House found a hidden vault containing secrets of
dislike to your House and has been hounding you all ever the Empire, or other Borderland culture. Say what its true
since. Say some secret you’ve learned about it and gain 2 treasure was and gain 2 Arts. However, your delving has
Lore, but take lasting Disadvantage on House moves left you isolated; gain Need: Trade.
against it. ◊ Your House finds a windfall by absorbing a smaller
◊ A plague ravaged your House, and in spite of other Cabal. Gain 2 Surpluses of your choice, but internal
Houses’ promises of future help, no one sent help. Gain conflicts are still to be settled; gain Need: Morale.
Influence on all the Venture‘s Houses, but take Need: ◊ Your House builds a place of safety and commerce,
Medicine. creating a new haven in this land. Gain +1 Reach and
◊ Your House saved Montara from some great threat, Surplus: Prestige, but take Need: Crops.
whether invading armies or natural disaster, but at great ◊ You go to war, whether for justice or spoils. Gain +1 Grasp
cost to themselves. Gain +1 Reach and Surplus: Morale, and Surplus: Warriors, but someone out there has a grudge.
but take Need: Recruits. Declare a Conflict against a Cabal and all their Allies.
◊ Your House fell apart into feuding factions. The eventual ◊ A series of messy public disagreements caused many
victors are stronger, more unified, but looked down upon House members to leave, but it was all according to
by old allies. Gain +1 Grasp and Surplus: Leadership, but plan. From their new homes, your exiles send you
gain Need: Prestige. regular reports on their host’s activities. Gain +1 Sleight
◊ Disaster scattered your House. You abandoned your and Surplus: Spies, but take Need: Recruits.
holdings, but you know now how to stay hidden better
than ever. Gain +1 Sleight and Surplus: Scouts, but take Feel free to adjust entries to better fit the context of your
Need: Land. game – you can even make up completely new entries for
these lists if your group wants.
RESOLVING THE TURN status and play with them, or build a new Hero from scratch.
Each player gives the broad story of their House through the Then, they select which role their Hero begins in, taking an
Cycle, adding or adjusting elements on the map to fit the Advance if this is a new role for an established Hero.
Fortunes and Trials chosen. Name a new custom they
develop to remember this Cycle, based on Celebrations and For each Factor, link them to a new or changed element on the
Memorials from the before The Turn. map – leaving the nature of this link to be revealed in play.
Each player also decides whether they keep their old Hero Finally, to set the stage for this new Cycle, trigger The
playbook, move that character to a new Hero Playbook Council.
(picking one move to take with them), elevate a Cohort to Hero
Your Venture’s charter to rebuild Montara was clear, and your Requirements: Engineering, Fresh Water, Land, Safety, Trade.
House has invested in the revitalisation of a whole district of
the city – a new home for its citizens, and a monument to your Permanent Bonus: Whoever controls the Bastion has access
own glory! to an extra one of their Loyalty benefits there.
◊ The Slums: Your people failed to adapt to the Bastion’s ◊ Cathedral: Your House contributed to the Bastion’s glory
rules and ended up filling its ghettos and slums. The owner with a temple to your Doctrine. Tell us what it professes
tells us what went wrong and you describe why your and what it looks like. The Owner tells us why it attracted
people remain there. At the beginning of a Cycle, whoever much more people than expected. Whoever controls the
controls the Slums can Transfer two Surpluses to the Cathedral increases their Reach by +1.
Owner to unlock an (extra) Prowler move for their Hero. ◊ University: A centre of knowledge and arts. Tell us how
◊ Plague: Nobody knows if you brought it in or if the Plague your House supports the University and the Owner tells us
simply chose you. Tell us about the symptoms and the what it looks like. At the beginning of every Cycle,
Owner tells us how the city contained it. Gain the Needs: whoever controls the University gains Surplus: Scholars
Medicine and Recruits. If the Owner donates a Surplus and Shares it with the Owner.
matching any of your Needs right now, give them Influence. ◊ The Central Bank: Somehow your people ended up in
◊ Crime Wave: So much to gain, so much to lose… Tell us control of all investment and credit in the Bastion. The
what crimes your House perpetrated, and the Owner tells Owner tells us how far your reach goes and you tell us the
us how it all ended. Transfer one of the Owner’s Surpluses circumstances that led your House to this position. With
to yourself, but lose Influence on the Owner and every your permission, Houses and Cabals can Exhaust
other House or Faction with a Fortune in the Bastion. Surpluses in the Central Bank and then withdraw their
◊ The Riots: Civil unrest swept the Bastion and your House invested Surplus at the beginning of the next Cycle, also
was right in the middle of it. Tell us about your role in it erasing one of their Needs. If you ever deny the Owner,
and the damage it caused. The Owner tells us how the you lose Influence on them.
Riots were repressed. Erase 2 Surpluses of the Owner’s ◊ Hospital: Indirectly or not, your House tends for the weak
choice. Your Hero and the Owner’s start the next Cycle and the wounded of the Bastion. Tell us what the Hospital
with one (extra) Firebrand move of your choice. looks like and the Owner tells us why your House is
◊ Horrible Pollution: The by-product of civilisation perfectly suited for the task. With your permission,
overflows and threatens the health of the Bastion. Tells us Houses or Cabals can Heal in the Hospital. If you ever
how your House is related to the source of this pollution. deny the Owner, you lose Influence on them.
The Owner tells us of the consequences. Take 2 Needs of ◊ The Great Market: You control the flow of trade that keeps
the Owner’s choice and 1 Surplus of your choice. Share the Bastion alive. Tell us how you exert this control and
one of your Surpluses with the Owner. the Owner tells us how your influence is kept in check. At
◊ Shortage: A city is always three meals away from chaos. the beginning of every Cycle, you can give a House or
The Owner tells us how it all started and you tell us why Cabal Surplus: Barter Goods to remove their Influence
your House suffered the worst of it. Transfer all the over you. The Owner always receives the Surplus and
Owner’s Needs to you, and for every Need gain one does not lose Influence.
Decree for the next Cycle. ◊ Garrison: Your House defends the city. Describe the
◊ Corruption: Worms eat away at the Bastion’s frame, outlook of these forces and the Owner tells us about the
undoing everything great people worked so hard to build. greatest challenge you faced on the pursuit of duty. The
Tell us why your House suffered the worst of it and the Owner and whoever controls the Garrison gain Guards
Owner tells us of the consequences to the city at large. Companions (Drilled, Horde) when Gearing Up.
For each -1 to Reach you accept Transfer one of your ◊ A Palace: Your House built a safe haven in the Bastion.
Needs to the Owner. The Owner tells us how you achieved such lofty status
and wealth in the city. You describe what is the most
valuable thing there and how it is kept safe. Gain +1
Reach as long as you hold the Palace. The Owner’s Hero
gains +1 Cunning as long as the Palace is occupied.
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” DESCRIBE THE CHANGE
- Rosa Luxemburg If the change is towards a specific end, the Owner chooses a
Hostile Ground on the map where the Subject now has
Life and entropy play a cosmic game of cat and mouse. A Advantage. The Subject can choose other Hostile Grounds to
game you decided to rig by changing someone’s nature, their adapt to, but must choose an aspect of their essence
very essence. And now there is no knowing where it will go replaced or changed for each further adaptation:
from here, where it will end… and who will win, if anyone at all.
◊ What they consume to live.
Requirement: Medicine, Scholars, 3 Lore, 3 Arts, a Key to the ◊ Their external appearance.
Subject’s very being. ◊ One of their senses.
◊ Their voice and language.
Note: This Wonder is special in not requiring a Wonder roll.
Houses who don’t play a role in this transformation sit on the If the change runs rampant, the Owner picks a fundamental
sidelines, though they still have their own voice on the part of the Subject’s nature that changes first. The Subject
impacts on Montaran society. decides how many other changes they go through, up to and
including completely changing their House Playbook.
Your own House: The change draws a rift between you and The Subject can erase any and all of their Influence on other
your former Allies. Mutually erase Influence on every House factions as alliances shift under the strain of trans‐
& Cabal. Regain Influence on those to whom you give proof formation. For each Influence erased, they gain 1 Decree in
(real or not) of your unchanged essence. the first City phase of the next Cycle.
The Subject gains a House move, related to the method: PLAYING THE CRUCIBLE
◊ Reach: A new House Move from the Owner’s playbook. The Crucible is all-encompassing, intimate and life-chan‐
◊ Grasp: A new House Move from the Subject’s own ging. It affects the Subject deeply, letting them recreate their
playbook, as resistance brings their people together. House playbook from scratch… and then some! It changes
◊ Sleight: Some other House’s Doctrine or Alliance Move, your web of alliances drastically, leaving a deep impact on
as they lend the Subject much needed aid during the Montara’s culture.
mysterious transformation.
The Requirement Surplus is not erased, but set aside to THE TENDERS
support the Binding and its Visitant. If it is lost, that position For all its might, the Visitant is but gossamer and shadow –
in Council is lost – unless another Council member can fill in, an idea wrapped in and held together by magic. Without your
providing the required Surplus. care and it would simply unravel.
Those who didn’t take part in the Wonder say one way the � Mark when you put the needs of the Visitant above that of
Visitant wreaks havoc on their House’s holdings, society or those who trust you the most. The GM will say how the
plots, and gain a Need of the GM’s choice. Visitant hungrily demands for more. You say what miracle
it performs once it is properly nourished.
Houses not on the Council can Research by spending Arts, THE DIVINERS
donating it to the Council. It does not think like us – in scope, scale, or depth. If not for
your studies and wisdom and all its knowledge would be lost
Once per Cycle, Houses on the Council can petition the as mere myth.
Visitant for a powerful boon for free. They pick one:
� Mark when the Visitant’s prophecies reveal the fate of your
◊ The Visitant reveals a secret no one could possibly know. loved ones. Intertwine their future with that of a Cabal of
◊ The Visitant places its potent force at your disposal in a your choice. The GM will tell us if the Visitant has seen
conflict. their corruption, glory or downfall.
◊ The Visitant grants you a unique Relic from its hoard.
◊ The Visitant provides intelligence on your House’s
◊ The Visitant applies its wisdom and outsider moral
perspective to propose a solution to a problem facing
your House.
Your House pooled the greatest minds of your time in a period Requirements: Leadership, Luxury, Prestige, Scholars, Wealth.
of prestige and enlightenment. All flock to your banner, ready
to follow your House into the future. Permanent bonus: Whoever has authority over the collective
gains Surplus: Scholars at the beginning of every Cycle.
◊ Bend the Knee: Your people embrace the Owner’s culture ◊ Philosophy School: Your House’s wise ones create a
in lieu of their own. Gain one of the Owner’s Inheritance lasting pillar of knowledge. Tell us of its essence and the
moves for your Heroes during the next Cycle. Also, Owner tells how their culture embraced (and changed) it.
Transfer Leadership or Morale to the Owner. Tells us what You gain the Owner’s Alliance Move for the next Cycle,
aspect of your culture your people ignored and the Owner and they gain yours – permanently.
tells us what you embraced of their culture. ◊ The Fostering: The brightest minds of your House joined
◊ Bitter Farewell: The brightest minds of your House leave the Owner’s House. Tell us how they made your House
to join the Owner. Tell us who left and the Owner tells us proud, and the Owner tells us why most never returned
what they have achieved. Transfer Scholars and home. You and the Owner gain each 3-Arts and Lore in
Leadership to the Owner and gain Influence on the Owner, any combination.
as your former kin intercede in your favour. ◊ The Great Finding: Bold explorers found a ruin in your
◊ Great Dungeon: Your House donates (or downright loses) lands, full of treasures and relics. You and the Owner
all its Arts to the Owner, but describe a haunting menace salvage 2-Arts each. Also, name 3 Surpluses that can be
that emerged from their careless research of the past. If found there, and The Owner describes the risks that need
you have no Arts to give, the menace afflicts your House to be braved in order to acquire them.
instead as the Owner digs too deep for answers in your ◊ Paradigm Shift: The Owner’s doctrine validates and
domains. spreads your most basic beliefs. Tell us what aspect of
◊ One Truth: The Owner’s Doctrine put your most basic your culture was embraced across the Borderlands and
beliefs in check. Tell us what belief was questioned and the Owner tells us how people changed it over time. Any
the Owner tells us how this new notion spread across the House who gives you Influence gains your Doctrine move
entire Borderlands. Transfer Morale to the Owner. for the next Cycle in addition to their own. The Owner gets
◊ Erase the Past: The future is so bright that you struggle to yours for free.
hold onto your past. Tell us what tradition your House held ◊ Building the Future: The deeds and names of the Cycle
on to above all others, and the Owner tells us of the will be remembered forever. Tell us what tradition your
consequences. Gain a new House move, but give people decided to elevate above all others. For the next
Influence to the Owner and another House or Cabal of the Cycle your Heroes and the Owner’s can choose the
GM’s choice. They provided for what you were lacking Magician Role: “Mark when you lead your House in a great
during this Cycle. work of creation to change the world. Say what it’s meant
◊ Censured Heresy: A dangerous new custom was adopted to achieve; the GM says what you must change to make it
during the Golden Age with dramatic consequences for a reality.”
your House. The Owner tells us what it is and you tell us ◊ Radical Notion: Your people are infected by enlightened
why you were particularly vulnerable to it. You and ideas and a rebellious spirit. Tell us what changed in your
whoever else the Owner decides gain Need: Safety, governance. The Owner tells us how it affected their
Justice or Medicine. House as well. Your Hero and the Owner’s start the next
◊ Close the Border: Your House fears being swallowed Cycle with one (extra) Firebrand move.
whole by the Owner, and decides that xenophobia is the ◊ Cultural Integration: Your House embraced change and
only possible answer. Tell us what sacrifices were made. became an integral part of the broader culture ushered by
Set you Reach to -1 for the next Cycle but tell us how the the Golden Age. Tell us how it changed your House’s
new House Move your just gained saved your people. essence. Form a three way Alliance between you, the
Owners, and a Cabal of the Owner’s choice.
“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Requirements: Justice, Leadership, Morale, Scouts, Spies.
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere Permanent bonus: So long as you hold the authority of the
The ceremony of innocence is drowned; Revolution you may declare a single simple rule for society
The best lack all conviction, while the worst to follow at the beginning of each Cycle. Anyone who breaks
Are full of passionate intensity.” the rule immediately loses Influence on you.
- The Second Coming, William B. Yeats
◊ Peasant Uprising: Your workforce supports the ◊ The People Unite: The ideals of the revolution spread and
Revolution. The Owner tells us what tragic event sparked create a cohesive response across the Borderlands. Tell
riots, and you tell us how they were harshly put down. us what shattered this peace, and the Owner tells us what
Erase one of your Surpluses and gain a Need of the traces of this widespread alliance remains. You and the
Owner’s choice. Any Martyr Hero you have during this Owner gain Influence with every other Cabal as the
Cycle starts with one extra Move. current of goodwill overcomes all differences.
◊ The Wheels Break: The Revolution’s upheaval brings your ◊ Charity Without Frontiers: In this time of turmoil you
economy to a screeching halt. Describe for us a striking become the gentle arm of respite in the Borderlands,
sign of these lean times. Transfer one of your Surpluses whether you support the Revolution or not. If you have
to the Owner, and gain +1 Grasp as your House becomes Needs in common with any faction, both of you Erase it.
hardened by the harrowing times. The Owner tells us what ended this noble enterprise.
◊ Colonial Exploitation: The Revolution failed to improve ◊ The Company: The Revolution was an opportunity for your
the lot of your people. You ended up being conquered, House to exploit less united groups. Pick a Resource no
subtly or not, by a Cabal chosen by the Owner. They gain other House or Cabal has and gain it as a Surplus.
Dominion over you. Tell us how the new House Move you Distribute it as a Surplus or Need to every other House or
just gained saved your people. Cabal. The Owner gains Influence on every House and
◊ Cycle of Servitude: In spite of the Revolution’s winds of Cabal but yours, making a united front against your
change, the shadow of slavery covers your domain. Tell us mercantilist oppression.
who enslaved who, and the Owner tells us how the ◊ Cycle of Freedom: People worked for freedom across the
abominable practice ended. You gain the Need: Justice, Borderlands. Describe your House’s revolutionaries, and
and you and the Owner Share Surplus Recruits. the Owner tells us how they fought for the cause. Your
◊ The Coup D’etat: Your leadership failed in face of the Hero and the Owner’s start the next Cycle with one (extra)
Revolution. The Owner tells how plotters attempted to Firebrand move of your choice.
depose them, and you tell us how your leaders faced the ◊ Enlightened Rule: The rulers of your people smoothly
challenge. Start a Conflict with a House or Cabal of the embrace the Revolution. The Owner tells us what aspect
Owner’s choice, and tell us of their role in the Coup. of the Revolution you embraced. You tell us how much
◊ Anarchy Reigns: Your hierarchy collapses in the face of your House changed because of that. Your Hero and the
the new order. Tells us of the riots and their Owner’s start the next Cycle with one (extra) Veteran
consequences. You have no choice but to default on old move of your choice.
deals: break every Alliance and Cease every Conflict right ◊ Disaster Relief: A disaster struck the Borderlands and the
now. You gain Need: Safety. Revolution closed ranks to provide humanitarian relief. The
◊ The Masters’ Leash: The rulers of your people react Owner tells us of the disaster, and you tell us how the rulers
harshly to any signs of the Revolution, stomping it out. Tell managed the crisis. You and the Owner both gain Influence
us what sacrifices were made to preserve the status quo. over a third House or Cabal of the Owner’s choice.
Gain +1 Sleight as your people become devious and ◊ The Militant Arm: Your House couldn’t simply watch the
militant, but gain the Need: Justice and Safety. And you Revolution unfold without taking action. Tell us if you
give the Owner nothing! stood for or against the Revolution. Give any House or
Cabal but the Owner the Need(s): Justice, Recruits,
and/or Safety. Take each different Need you distribute as
a Need for yourself.
You know deep in your bones that to rebuild you must first Requirements: Crops, Freshwater, Land, Morale, Recruits.
dirty your hands in rich soil and toil under the sun. It’s hard
work, for hearty people. You are ready. Permanent bonus: The Owner can erase an outstanding
Crisis, defused by the exploding population or abated by the
plenty and prosperity ushered in by the Verdant Defiance.
◊ The Curse: Prosperity becomes excess and vice and the ◊ The Rangers: A whole new frontier opened up under your
hard earned bonanza starts to be taken for granted. Gain watchful guidance. For the next Cycle your Heroes and the
Surplus: Barter Goods or Recruits, but also gain a special Owner’s can choose the Ranger Role: “Mark when you
Need: Curse. Erase 3 instances of Surplus: Morale, Trade, vow to defend the Defiance wilds. The GM says what you
and/or Wealth to finally lift the Curse. need to leave behind to become a Ranger. Say how you
◊ The Lore of the Fields: Your people depend wholly on learned to turn the land against invaders and predators”.
others to provide for them. Gain Surplus: Barter Goods or ◊ The Keepers: The rituals used to create the Defiance also
Recruits, but give Influence to the Owner and a Cabal of awakened natural constructs to tend over this beauty. Your
their choice; they provided for you during this Cycle. Awoken Heroes and the Owner’s start each Cycle with one
◊ The Great Famine: Hunger can’t be tolerated when extra Awoken move of your choice – as long as they are
abundance prevails. Over the next Cycle, if you don’t have made of verdant matter.
Surplus: Crops and Freshwater gain Need: Morale, Luxury ◊ Care for the Land: Your people thread layers of verdant
and Recruits. You and the Owner gain 2 Decrees to abate streets, well tended land with bountiful harvests and
the tragedy. healthy woods. Pick one settlement important to your
◊ No Way Back: The Defiance revealed a deficiency so House and fulfil two requirements for the Bastion Wonder
severe that your people refuse to go back. Share Surplus: there. If someone invests this Fortune in the same
Barter Goods or Trade with the Owner. If at any point settlement, they gain Advantage on its Wonder roll.
during the next Age you don’t have both Surpluses, gain ◊ Care for the Waters: You harvest fresh water with a
Need: Morale. profound respect for its cycle. Add two new rivers or lakes
◊ Exodus: Grass is indeed greener on the other side. The to the map, near your holdings. They become connectors,
Owner places newly cleared Surplus: Land and Fresh and whoever controls them gain Surplus: Fresh Water and
Water on map. Draw a settlement of your people close by. Crops.
Make it into a new Cabal and Transfer two Surpluses to ◊ Care for the People: Well fed, motivated, healthy; it is no
them, while the Owner Transfers two Needs to them. surprise your people flourishes and their numbers multiply.
◊ The Company: The Defiance was an opportunity for your Over the next Cycle, when you acquire two of Surplus:
House to exploit the less united. Gain a Green Defiance Recruits, Barter Goods, and/or Medicine, you gain
requirement as a Surplus. Distribute it as a Surplus or whichever one you don’t already have.
Need to every other House and Cabal. The Owner gains ◊ The Sacred Garden: You tend a wondrous grove. Gain
Influence on every House and Cabal but yours, building a Surplus: Medicine and Progress and place both on the
united front against your profiteering. map as the Garden. Whoever controls it holds the cure for
any disease and can Heal, even after the Surpluses are
Imagine something so powerful and evil that it cannot be Requirements: Engineering, Leadership, Scholars, Wealth,
destroyed, but it will surely taint the Borderlands and everyone Hold the threat in place.
in them. But you have contained, stopped it… for now.
Permanent bonus: Tartarus banishes or imprisons the threat;
the Owner describes the Hostile Grounds that form around it.
◊ Tainted Land: There was no way to stop the Threat’s poison ◊ The Fortress: Your House has sworn to stand watch over
from seeping to the lands around Tartarus. The Owner says Tartarus to eternity. Draw a fortress you built overlooking
how quickly the Hostile Grounds are growing. Each Cycle, Tartarus. Name 3 Surpluses that will always be available
Houses/Factions bordering the Hostile Grounds gain to whoever holds the fort, and the Owner names a Surplus
Need: Land or Freshwater. This can only be stopped by a that must be erased each Cycle in order to maintain it.
Warlock, who can Unlock Crops if successful. ◊ The Architects: Some chosen members of your people
◊ The Doomsday Cult: There will always be carrion birds, worked side by side with the Owner to build Tartarus. Start
living off ruins and misery. The Owner tells us where the next Cycle as the Toiler, the Veteran, or the Warlock,
these cultists came from. Every Cycle, Houses/Factions picking an extra move when building them. Others can
bordering Tartarus gain Need: Safety or Trade. This can start with an extra move as one of the other two Heroes if
only be stopped by a Sentinel, who can Unlock Prestige they give you Influence.
if successful. ◊ The Groundskeepers: Your House has formed an order to
◊ Pilgrimage: There are those who come from far and wide maintain Tartarus and fend off invaders who might release
to worship Tartarus and all it means. The Owner draws on the Threat. Start the next Cycle as the Awoken, the
the map their route and the slums they now inhabit. Every Sentinel, or the Veteran, picking an extra move when
Cycle, Houses/Factions bordering the Hostile Grounds building them. Others can start with an extra move as one
gain Need: Justice or Luxury. This can only be stopped by of the other two Heroes if they give you Influence.
a Singer, who can Unlock Recruits if successful. ◊ The Quest: It is not over! The Threat might return and it
◊ Grave Robbers: There are those who lust for the perceived has fallen to you and your people to finish what the Owner
riches Tartarus might contain. The Owner tells us about has started. Start the next Cycle as the Awoken, the
the lowlife behind this vilified gang. Every Cycle, Houses/ Chimera, or the Warlock. If you manage to fulfil all four
Factions bordering the Hostile Grounds gain Need: Roles you may neutralise the Threat once and for all. Gain
Wealth or Defences. This can only be stopped by a Influence from every House and Faction across the
Survivor, who can Unlock Trade if successful. Borderlands if successful.
◊ Cursed Lineage: The twisted forces contained by Tartarus ◊ The Prophecy: From your House come words of wisdom on
mutated some of your people into these wretches, who how to heal the land. State four Roles distributed between at
banded together for mutual protection… and bloody least two, and no more than four, different Heroes. If the
revenge. The Owner tells us of the powers this Lineage sequence you predicted is fulfilled and Heroes are
now wields. Every Cycle, your House gains Need: successful in their prophesied Roles, erase the Hostile
Medicine or Justice. This can only be stopped by a Grounds and place 3 Surpluses of your choice there.
Warden, who can Unlock Wealth if successful. ◊ A Shadow of the Past: You can feel it calling you and your
◊ Exodus: The memories of the horror won’t leave you, and people, and you are sure it can be tamed and used for the
your people can only find peace far away from Tartarus. greater good. State a Wonder that, if completed, will
The Owner tells us about their destination and the trials unleash the Threat once again into the Borderlands,
they face on their journey. Every Cycle, your House gains perhaps greatly changed. Gain through fate and chance 3
Need: Morale or Recruits. This can only be stopped by a required Surpluses for the stated Wonder.
Toiler, who can Unlock Leadership if successful.
“Unlock” means that the faction holding the listed Tartarus is unique: it’s a reaction to a Threat that can’t be
Needs erases them and gains the listed Surplus instead. confronted or solved otherwise. It’s the ultimate
To be successful in a quest a Hero must fulfil two Role common good Wonder – everyone should help as much
conditions with the specific goal of solving the quest. as possible to avoid any Trials plaguing the land. As you
probably noticed, the Owner gains very little besides
Tartarus will become the linchpin of your next Cycle (or narrative control. Their main reward is that the Threat is
two) as Trials are resolved. If ignored, they’ll fester and sealed away – and it should only return after plentiful
taint the surrounding lands. foreshadowing and ignored warnings.
Shattered City starts in year 770 of the Ilvashan calendar. For Your grand tale will span decades of intense change and
all the suffering and effort it has already caused, the upheaval. It’ll visit the action on the battlefields and the
Dulkodel War shows no sign of coming to an end. The deals in the courts of power, and star scheming nobles and
Kingdom finds its forces without the strength to definitely bold merchants. But your story also belongs to families
break Kitrea, and the wounds it deals to the Empire, though struggling to survive in the war-torn ruins, to veterans trying
deep, aren’t be able force a surrender. For their part, the to find a place in a world that doesn’t need them anymore, to
Imperial’s leaders believe that surrender would mean the nobles torn between lofty ideals and the harsh, ugly reality…
death of every single one of them by the hand of their abused and the intimate moments that define true friendship and
subjects and vengeful enemies. There is too much bad blood, love amongst them all.
crimes too terrible and dark for forgiveness or compromise.
If you focus on the Heroes’ dramas alone, you will miss the
What role will the Montaran Venture play across this saga? sweeping tide of history. On the other hand, tell only the
Will its Heroes lead the final attack on the Kitrean Capital? Or broad strokes of House histories and you’ll miss the full
thwart the attack and bring a ceasefire, through covert scope of what is at stake. Your tale of these Borderlands
action or mystical might? Will they form an independent must find balance between subtle emotion and epic scope –
state on the Borderlands – and how will the King react to from brief words shared between a mother and child, to new
their brazen challenge? traditions laid down over generations.
We must play to find out what happens! Here, we will explore how to achieve this balance.
The most subjective and powerful tool at your disposal is a Keep in mind that every conflict should be resolved based on
consistent mood. Every chronicle in Montara will surely flow how much you are willing to sacrifice for victory. Reward
from one of our suggested moods to the other at some ambition, audacity and pragmatic politics. And as the stakes
point. Likewise, every Hero and House can be built and get ever higher, so will the risks taken… and the costs of
played focused in any of them. Rest assured that in due time defeat. Highlight it in the gory details of a desperate battle in
you and your group will find your own particular voice – we the mud or on the suspense on the eve of a coup.
hope it is bold and original!
In this mood, the Guilds are the face of the countless crimes
The trick here is to search for material that evokes your of colonialism, military intervention and occupation. The
intended mood: inspiring lyrics and haunting songs; the Guild’s presence here shouldn’t be a good thing in any of
daring aesthetics of movies, comics, and games; the Heroes, these moods, but in this one you should really twist the knife.
plots and language from series and books, both classic and Look through history for stories of colonial excess and
contemporary. With each choice, you add depth. And each atrocities, but make sure you’re not just using the suffering
shared reference conveys more about the game than any of real world people as a tantalising gloss on your stories –
rule, any explanation. treat their histories with respect.
rites and festivals. A Weird Tale aims to unsettle and evoke dear. Focus your story less on political struggles and the
wonder. Take your Heroes through heroic journeys filled with moral quandaries of waging an ethical revolution, and
symbolism, abusing mirrors, masks, trances and visions. instead dive into the staples of classic fantasy adventure.
Focus on the alien elements of each creature in your society Fight clear villains, solve arcane mysteries, find new homes
- even humans. Keep Titans impossibly vast and unknowable for your people and face down titans in incredible battles.
in their intentions. Never forget ambience as the perfect tool
to reflect people’s anguish and the land’s strangeness. In this mode it’s best not to have a player control the Guild –
let the occupiers be clear villains or misguided and
Villosi and Verdant Heroes are almost by definition weird, ineffectual bureaucrats, just another obstacle for your
whatever their choice of Heroes. Everything they do can be Heroes to overcome.
interpreted as an omen or miracle, more so if wielding the
Quiet Arts… and its many horrifying consequences. Remember that an epic can also be a saga, a tale about your
Heroes’ rise to power and the ascension of their Houses. Play
In this mode, drive home the foreign nature of the city’s new with the fate of nations and stage your tale across the
masters. Underline their strange customs, their uncanny sprawling mountains, rivers, and forests of the Borderlands.
magic and fanatical beliefs, the way they re-purpose familiar Show them how vast the world really is to give them a
landmarks into something unsettling. And keep their true measure of the impact of their actions. Let them reshape
goals for Montara as a chilling mystery... reality through the power of their Covenants, their memories
and passions. Show Heroes that the changes they fight so
hard for do make a difference.
Ahatils indeed inspired an age of valour in this realm, Sentinels and Wardens tinge every scene with noble
though not in the way he may have wanted. His War, and all aspirations and goals, while the Rebel Underground and
its many horrors, has created a crop of Heroes across the Order of Kyradar – more than any other House – can be built
Borderlands fighting for freedom, peace, and those they hold as forces for honour and freedom.
WAR HAS NO STATUS QUOS When you want to introduce someone or something to
The easiest way to make your game dynamic is to always be the group, it’s effective to get the player’s help.
ready to destroy, uproot and mutate the people, Cabals and Describe three adjectives tied to it, and then ask the
settlements in the world. Don’t trivialise the Heroes’ achieve‐ Heroes for signs of these qualities, something
ments, but make sure they have to work for their security. palpable and visual. Let your players surprise you and
take part in the joy of creating this world!
Shattered City is grounded in the landscape. Houses fight A HOUSE IS A GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS
over natural resources and political borders, Heroes explore Even when actions are happening at the House level, you can
mysterious structures and find stranded settlements, and put actions and reactions within the context of a member
natural disasters sweep across the land. A map helps you learning information and making choices – either their main
track these and keep everyone on the same page – but Hero or an incidental Hero invented for this moment. “Lex,
remember to leave room to add and adjust elements. you’re the first to see the scouts return. As they unpack they
shout up a report – Sanguine Monks are on the move
Shattered City is also deeply rooted in history. Keep a record
of the significant events of each Cycle. Flesh out the past MAKE YOUR REACTIONS LOOK NATURAL
whenever you can. When you’re looking for ideas, consider When you use a reaction, consider the current situation and
how these past events might cause new troubles. where you’d like the story to go. But don’t describe your
reactions through that meta-textual lens: channel your
NAME PEOPLE, KNOW WHO BACKS THEM reactions through established parts of the fiction and
Everyone has the potential to be important, and having a maintain the illusion that they’re a natural consequence of a
name keeps them memorable. As everyone’s a member of a living, breathing world.
clan or cult (however estranged) consider where they could
get help once Heroes start making trouble.
When you make a reaction, it can be hard or soft. TAKE AWAY THEIR STUFF
Heroes have interesting gear, helpful followers, useful
A soft reaction is one that leaves room for the players to react assets and strategic territory. Don’t be afraid to take some of
– for example, describing a cache the Heroes spot on the that away through sabotage, thievery or flaws. Make them
other side of a chasm (Offer an Opportunity) or that a soldier want to get it back.
raises her spear and charges the Sentinel (Put Someone in a
Spot). Once you’ve described the reaction, you ask the players APPLY POLITICAL CONSEQUENCES
what they do and work through the actions they describe. Anything they do can have political consequences, within
Generally, when the players look to you, you make a soft move. their Venture, back in the Capital or among the people of
Montara. One person’s actions can jeopardise ancient
A hard reaction is one that cuts straight to the alliances or undermine a House’s dominion.
consequences. They tread on a weak roof section and fall a
few stories (Deal Harm as Established), or they get home TRAP THEM
and find that their brother’s lost their food stocks on a bet Put the Heroes in a situation where their options are severely
(Erase a Surplus). When a player rolls a 6 or less or triggers limited. This could be literal (bound and locked in a cell) or
a golden opportunity, it’s your cue to make a reaction that’s more fleeting (pinned down by a siege). On the House level
as hard as you like. A threat introduced by a soft reaction can you can restrict a caravan’s ability to escape an ambush,
also lead to hard reactions down the line if the players have an important operative go missing, or trap them in a
overlook it or decide to focus their efforts on other dangers. web of obligations.
I hope that if you’re reading this, you’ll agree with me that reprisals, or were you captivated by Ilvashan wonders? Do you
empires are unjust; that occupying forces inflict pain and see your city of origin as a cautionary tale, a glorious success
misery on their hosts; that colonial exploitation leaves story, or simply one city of many in a grand Kingdom? Or does
wounds that take generations to heal, if ever. The Guild’s the flame of outrage still burn within you, dreaming of a way
occupation of Montara cannot be considered good or moral. to free yourself and your home from colonial rule - or if not
How, then, should you go about playing them in this game? your home, then maybe this upstart city of Montara?
OPENING THE CURTAINS loyalty or hatred in play. Your game shouldn’t have outright
As explored in Chapter 2, your first session will have your conflict between players at the start of the game, but can
group create Houses and Heroes and flesh out Montara and certainly end up there thanks to events in the fiction. Where
the Borderlands. This process should empower and inspire possible, try to channel hostility between them into indirect
players to create a rich tapestry of bonds and story hooks. competition – racing to claim a resource first, undermining the
As the GM you can sit back during this stage and take notes, rival’s alliances with other Cabals, building Wonders, etc.
but be sure to prompt players with extra questions when
initial ideas feel like they deserve deeper nuance. Also, keep When they’re directly acting against each other, step back a
an eye on the relationships between Houses and Heroes, bit before resolving the move. Make sure everyone’s clear
prodding your players to make sure that no one entity is left about the situation in the fiction and the actions that everyone
out in the cold or dominating the relationship web. is taking, and let them change their actions as needed if the
situation is cast in new light. Then trigger the move most
THE BEGINNING relevant to the fiction as established, until the conflict’s
When you finish building Montara and the Venture, you will played out. Say one hero wants to capture another and their
have a map and a wealth of plot hooks to explore. For your quarry wants to flee. Survey the established events, the gear
first flashpoint and session, we suggest two possibilities. in play, and the strengths of the heroes. If the attacker’s
stealthy and leaves no chance to escape, trigger their Assault
You can simply narrate the Venture’s foundation in the city and and go from there. If the quarry heard their approach and is
give them a short City Phase to show their initial actions, and already sprinting for the window, trigger Resist Danger and
set up scenes for Heroes to Step In or Dive Deep. If they’re play out the consequences.
unsure what to do, point them at their House’s Needs and
political ties. They know what their House playbooks told In all player-vs-player situations, remember your Agenda:
them about the City, if that much. Actions might be ineffective you’re here to make their lives dramatic and preserve the
and blunt, generating more conflicts for our Heroes. integrity of the fiction. Sometimes you won’t be able to reach
a compromise that makes everyone happy; remind them that
Or you can focus on Heroes and their Roles. When players pick Shattered City’s fiction can move rapidly, and even an
a role, they’re giving you a clear sign of the sort of story they’re incredibly put-upon Hero can get their revenge soon enough.
interested in; work with them to tell that story, and use it to
showcase culture and lifestyle. Interconnect their Role related THE TURN OF CYCLES
facts so they all have solid reason to interact with the same Where do you go from there? The second Cycle is a good
antagonists and challenges. Try to link each goal to a location time to bring in Wonders. Briefly introduce their mechanics
in the map, and call back to them in later sessions. and the options available, and let them go to work chasing
their dreams of change. Make sure you mark down the
THE FIRST CYCLE Wonder’s physical manifestation on the map, and work
Houses and Heroes often spend the first Cycle approaching or through the Wonder’s effects on broader Mysthean society.
confronting Cabals, in order to bring some stability to the City. Winners and losers from the Wonder’s aftermath can easily
Also, group some threats from your worldbuilding session lead to a player-versus-player tone to the next few Cycles, as
together as a way to get the Heroes working together, before divisions between haves and have-nots start emerging.
they split off to work on their own goals.
At some point, your Houses and Heroes will change the world
And if the inherent challenges of rebuilding Montara weren’t beyond Montara. Depending on their actions, the borderlands
enough, the Guild’s cold and brutal machinations muddle the may have become a free territory, an influential power in the
waters further. Too far away to care or even understand the Kingdom, maybe a third belligerent in the Dulkodel War. Most
impact of their actions, their interests demand harsh action likely there will be a season of intense conflict – martial,
from Heroes and risk their Covenants. Your Houses’ political and mystical – to bring the war to a close.
response to these demands will define their true nature, the
strength of their loyalties and their means to fight back. As you end your tale focus on closing each Hero’s arc, letting
their impact resound across their Houses and the
The Houses of the Venture exist in a cold war of wary alliances, borderlands. Let them witness wonders and embody the
with outright violence and altruistic cooperation equally rare. best and worst of these times. Finally, go ahead and give
Similarly, Heroes are intended to be close partners, old friends them closure: find a fundamental dilemma fitting to serve as
or rivals, with room for those relationships to slide towards the closing chapter, tying together the themes of your game.
Menaces are the most direct tools you can use to provide Once you have a concept for this character, tag them as an
adversity for our Heroes. Each one of them has typical appropriate Factor and connect them to a relevant Cabal –
Reactions that define their impact on the fiction. Use these no one lives in a void! Finally, pick three GM Reactions as
as you would use any other GM reaction: when someone their typical moves.
rolls a 6-, when everyone looks to you to say what happens,
and when the players offer you a golden opportunity.
THE HARM SCALE In these examples, we’re using Houses as inspiration for
What often defines a Hero is their willingness to face danger Cabals. You can do the same in your game, picking Houses no
and enter in harm’s way. Weapons, inclement weather, player is using.
treacherous falls – the source matters little as it all boils
down to Harm. The amount dished out may vary greatly OLYNTHOS, A DARK FORCE OF THE TOWER OF VILLOS
depending on the circumstances: This Onygauros is particularly sinister and unmistakably
powerful, thanks to their grisly collection of blood samples.
◊ 1 Harm: Punches, kicks, a swarm of rats. Will their hoarding urge manifest as a drive to explain their
◊ 2 Harm: Improvised weapons, a savage beating, a large collection’s intricacies, or a hunger to add visitors to it?
predator's claws and teeth, a malicious poltergeist.
◊ 3 Harm: a well armed trained soldier, a potent Qoam Nothing should be obvious and straightforward with this
effect, a rampaging monster’s scything arms. creature. It always has another layer of contingencies and
◊ 4 Harm: A Relic weapon on the hands of its master, being surprises… and no one acts against it without paying a price.
caught at the eye of a wild Henakor surge
◊ 5 Harm: A titan’s raw fury. Reactions:
◊ Force a Confrontation.
Harm is a matter of occasion and opportunity. A professional ◊ Offer an Opportunity.
soldier in their full gear can deal 3 Harm to a Hero, but maybe ◊ Tell them the Consequences.
1 Harm in a drunken bar fist fight. Now imagine a desperate
platoon’s last effort flowing through our same soldier, for a THESSIME, A JEWEL OF HISTORY OF THE UNDERGROUND
catastrophic 5 Harm manifested effect. One person, different Everyone in the streets knows this skinny homeless girl; they
circumstances, wildly different Harm potentials. love her bright smile and spin tales of her daring escapes.
It’s no wonder that the City has fallen in love with her;
See Chapter 8 for Beasts and Titans to use as sheltering, nurturing and protecting her against all who
supernatural and monstrous Menaces. would do her harm.
Thessime truly cares for people and dealing with her requires
sensitivity and tact. Even more so given the fact that she is
unwittingly becoming the centre of a tangled net of interests,
There's trouble across the land. As your Heroes brave the from radical firebrands, to mystics covetous of her “power”
wilds and delve in dark alleys in service to their Houses, they'll over the City, to the smartest Venture politicians.
come across people wishing to do them harm. Play every foe
like they could become a recurring villain, rival or potentially Reactions:
even an ally. Name and connect them to the City – an agent of ◊ Put Someone in a Spot.
a rival House or a criminal Cabal is always a better foe than a ◊ Offer Them an Opportunity.
random mook. And give them a motive, a reason for them to ◊ Build Connections.
risk their lives opposing the Heroes. Never play lightly with the
idea of someone forfeiting their lives for a cause.
◊ Take Away their Stuff.
◊ Inflict Harm.
◊ Show the Consequences of Past Actions.
◊ Introduce a New Locale.
◊ Reveal an Unwelcome Truth.
◊ Trap Them.
◊ Reveal an Unwelcome Truth.
◊ Give Them Recourse.
◊ Show the Consequences of Past Decisions.
It goes without saying that Houses are more than likely to The web of Alliances and Dominion can resolve a dispute
oppose each other. As a GM, try to make sure that direct before the first soldier ever swings their weapon. Late in the
confrontation between their Houses or Heroes is rare. Keep it game it will be hard to find any neutral Houses or Cabals, so
involved in politics and covert action, shrouded in secrecy and even players who aren’t the main belligerents will play a role
subtlety. A runaway Venture wracked by internal conflict cannot in the unfolding drama. Involve Cohorts from both sides
stand against the external pressures of occupation and war! liberally, showing a ground-level view in the thick of the
action and far removed from the decision-makers. Get
But it does happen, and when two players clash, it's likely reactions from people watching the duel, observations from
that their goals aren't entirely opposed. Try to work out what spies observing the battle, and flashbacks to better times.
each player wants from the situation and have them trigger
the appropriate moves. But before heading into this, make
sure the stakes are clear to everyone.
Mysthea is a chaotic and challenging place to survive in. On Then you have much more unpredictable Factors: Weird
top of that, the War has twisted vast battlefields and Weather, Dreadful Plagues and Fateful Disasters striking
fortresses, ruined ecosystems, and birthed strange energies from nowhere. Natural Menaces are largely passive, so their
that still linger on – turning the no man’s land dangerous and reactions should trigger on Hero actions and represent ways
unpredictable, and emphasising the value of the relative Heroes can mitigate or exploit the hazard. Start with a
security of conquered Montara. By defining these natural concept for your Menace and work out if it causes direct
Menaces, you gain tools to make them a proper set-piece of damage to Heroes – if so, give it a harm rating. Also give it
a Flashpoint, or a constant background thread of your Cycle. two or three special GM Reactions to represent the effects it
has on the Heroes or their Houses and the environment.
First, there’s Hostile Grounds, regions hostile to human life:
deserts of shredding glassy sands, wandering forests
hunting for sustenance, plains swept by winds too loud for EXAMPLES
the mind to bear and too strong for the body to overcome. A STRANGLED LAND, WORKS COLLAPSE
Furious rivers snake down the mountains, cutting deep into
When in Hostile Grounds, you roll with Disadvantage on all the rock with their icy cold flow. Now the only way across has
affected actions. A perilous mountain pass might make been destroyed. And a whole section of the country is
physical movement challenging, a haunted temple might isolated, as out of reach as any of the wandering isles high
inflict Disadvantage on thoughts and feelings and Qoam above. Who is suffering the most and how long can they hold
Arts, and an ambience-twisted blood-soaked battlefield on? Who benefited the most from its destruction and what
might penalise everything. To overcome this Disadvantage, are they ready to do to stop (or delay) its reconstruction?
find specific gear or employ the practical wisdom of those And will you do when it becomes clear that only the bridge
born and raised there. was holding these mountains from drifting apart?
If you’re adapted to your environment and acting against The isolation of communities will force a change in the
someone who would roll with Disadvantage, roll with Borderlands’ political map. Logistics change overnight, and
Advantage. with them the balance of power.
There’s no hard and fast rule for when disadvantage comes Reactions:
into play, but remember that it’s the environment itself you ◊ Separate Them.
should be considering. If you wouldn’t expect to be able to ◊ Take Away their Stuff.
survive there without special equipment or training, it’s ◊ Apply Political Consequences .
definitely Hostile. If the only reason you’d be imperilled is
because of monsters or raiders, probably not. Disadvantage
is a good way of expressing how a dangerous environment
makes everything more risky, but active Menaces to life and
limb need a more lasting impact.
Reactions: The Fortress is one step away from Breaking, and once
◊ Erase a Surplus. unleashed its Echoes will desperately seek to instil empathy
◊ Create a Need. – to force the living to walk in their shoes, wear their shackles,
◊ Put Someone in a Spot rot in their cells, feel their torture and painful demise.
◊ Reveal an Unwelcome Truth.
◊ Show the Consequences of Past Decisions.
◊ Add a Need.
No population just rolls over when invaded, even if they among the people: “May your skies be bright”; “And may
might give that appearance. Montara is no different. yours be blue.” It is a disguised way of hoping that the
occupation will end very soon in the future, returning their
As part of the Borderlands, Montara has been threatened by city to its old self-determination.
both the Kingdom and the Empire. By this point, they are
used to being tugged between the two as if their lives are no People find many small methods of getting in the way.
more than pieces on a board. Sometimes it’s adding too much of a certain herb so a
meeting has to be adjourned whilst everyone tends to their
Some have accepted it as their new way of life for their city upset stomachs; sometimes it’s simply overcharging and
to be traded between others, but many are tired and angry. redistributing the excess among the poor. None of this is
The stubborn, smouldering heat of opposition burns quietly strictly illegal, and can be easily explained as incompetence
in the places that the locals can still claim as their own: the with many apologies. That’s the precise reason why these
smoky bars, private roof gardens, and unused cellars methods were picked.
witness words of dissent and rebellion.
One of the most important but outwardly most harmless
There are many different people involved now. Some of methods the average person uses to disrupt their occupation
them are young and brash, making bold expeditions to steal is by attending to their culture. Their holy days are celebrated
weapons and disrupt the plans of the Kingdom. Some are more fiercely than ever, even if the number of believers hasn’t
old and wiser, thinking up long-term strategies for defence actually risen. It’s to make a point: that their faith cannot be
once the city is won back by the residents. Some are even taken from them, even if their city can. For the more radical
older, a precious resource: no one outside the rebellion rebels, it’s also a way to meet in large groups without raising
would suspect a harmless grandmother of being a suspicion. Religious holidays have become regular check-in
distraction or an eavesdropper. dates for a number of different operations.
Those who know of this growing insurgency but don’t want The number of people who are joining these quiet plans for
an active part in it have their own ways of resisting. Drawing a revolution is growing every day, unbeknownst to anyone
on ancient myth, a common parting phrase has developed who isn’t a native resident. And their time is coming soon.
Things have been changing in Montara. The city has begun to The current leader, Jaqo, is holed up in the attic headquar‐
feel different. People whisper to each other and look ters, plotting each movement with minute detail. This is her
cautiously around themselves before disappearing into back only chance, and she’s taking no risks: she’ll be taking the
rooms. The soldiers belonging to the Ilvashan Guilds are main force up to the headquarters of the Ilvashan Guild to
uneasy: they all sense that something is happening, but their claim it back for the city. She’s been waiting her whole life to
intelligence officers can’t quite put their finger on it. do this: she inherited a fierce belief in revolution from both
of her parents, who failed in their own attempts. This is her
For the revolutionaries of the Family, these streets are last stand, for herself, her family, and her city.
finally becoming their streets. All that’s left is to actually
take them back. Her right hand man, Kirin, will be surveying the crowds from
the roofs to signal to the rebels hidden amongst all the
They have slowly gained the trust of the majority of civilians, dancing and merriment. He will be the one to tell them when
and have planned a major uprising for the next holy day. That’s to strike at the occupying forces, distracting them after Jaqo
three days from now. It’s the biggest festival of the year, has made her attack. The problem is, Kirin is going to
celebrating the longest day and the shortest night. Everyone sabotage it. Their revolution has been too long coming, and
will be dressed in their brightest clothes, wearing masks of he has lost faith that they can successfully retake the city
the sun, moon, or stars. It’s a day for everybody to be against the disciplined forces ranged against them. He looks
disguised – so there’s no better time for the Family to strike. at their supporters and sees homeowners and merchants,
Come and enjoy your tea, before it goes cold. What a tragic mistake we made. If we only knew… But we had
every reason to be bold, and confident… and naive. Our
Delicious, isn’t it? These berries were first taken from the nation had prospered much under King Ahatils and his
hills where that monstrosity of a palace stands today. They champions: legends such as the wise Telron of Magista, and
represent the true heritage of Ilvash, much more elegant and fierce Anuth of Kaetur. And Kitrea was, well… beyond the
venerable than our current gaudy monarchy. Don’t bother pale. One could only watch their decadence and
looking that surprised or worried – there is nothing that depredations for so long before taking action. You know
anybody in court can do to us. We keep that bully on the better than anyone!
throne that we created. Without us his rule means nothing.
I am glad you agree.
But I digress. You just arrived and here I am babbling as if
any of it mattered to you. How silly of me. So, when the King declared war, we saw it as a righteous
mission. My gallant peers in other Volarees lines left their
How do you like the Capital? Is it your first time in the South? homes vowing to return soon as heroes, and our Kaetur
forces paraded in the streets celebrating the war. They saw
Peaceful? I surely agree. Ilvash is indeed an immense glory within their grasp, seeking to become legends in their
source of solace and hope, kind and beautiful beyond own lifetime like the icons of old. Nobody doubted them.
words. For those sheltered here, life keeps its gentle We celebrated our first victories with elegant balls in these
rhythms: our fields are still tilled by antique automata; our very gardens.
temples still fill the air with incense, prayers and meditation;
our markets as always welcome to anyone searching for a Then the first wounded started to return, first in a trickle,
piece of the exotic and exquisite. Soon, these streets and then a flood. Their tales of cruelty and world-twisting horror
parks will become home to you. took the Capital by storm. Parties faded away, now seen as
distasteful and quite unfashionable. The war finally became
I understand you came to join our mason circles. Do not the Dulkodel War, the war to end all wars.
worry. My captains have chained a wandering island of
decent size, ready for you to begin reshaping it. To give it a Now, after a decade of conflict, the Kitreans have made it
touch of the exotic – a glint of Montara, the Distant! Hah! It quite clear they will fight to the last. Ultimate victory has
will cause a furore, I say! People will kill for a chance to join became a requirement for peace… perhaps even for our very
us there in the coming festivals. All thanks to your talents. survival. Our generals say it won’t be long now, and that our
kith and kin will soon be home. We have heard that many
You are indeed the most precious gift my son ever brought times before.
home to me.
No, Ilvash is absolutely not ready to treat my son with
Oh, my dear, don’t… kindness. Not yet.
You must understand, the Capital is no place for him now. More tea?
He is unwell. You will join him soon enough in our estates, but
you must be introduced to all of Volarees if you are ever to be
accepted. And he must stay in his manor. Polite society simply
has no place for the war’s veterans, for the horrors they saw.
“You know that’s useless to us! How long ago were you
“The Cerulean Storm – created by the impact of the “We both call this planet Icaion. It is still dying, just in
Henakor planetfall…” such a slow time frame that Mankind managed to build
upon its wreck. The floating continental islands you call
“Created? It has always been there.” home are but debris…”
“Negative. The giant crystal descended from the “AX3N, still yourself and regain your composure.”
heavens in flames, shattering the civilisation that built
this unit when it struck.” “…you are all maggots, eating away at the planet’s
corpse. Oblivious to the wonders and hubris that brought
“We have records of at least ten centuries of history. The you here. Blind maggots, worshipping that what killed
Storm has always been there.” the world, and revering its corrupting energies as an Art.”
“Negative. You inhabit the carcass of a dying planet – “Guards! AX3N, let go!”
fragments of a greater whole held together by Henakor
energies.” “Savages. This unit will achieve its termination. One way
or another!”
“Then, what it was like before?”
“This unit lacks the linguistic resources to properly
convey the heights of sophistication your ancestors
reached. Your pantomime of their customs is crude at THE EVENTS OF RECORDED HISTORY
best, often purely cruel.” Here is the official Mysthea Universe timeline, as
explored in the Volfyrion, Mysthea and Icaion board
“What really happened there, AX3N? How could these wise games. Use Shattered City to play through a ground-level
ancestors find an end so damning that it wiped out every view of life during these events - or change the fate of the
record of their passing?” world and let your group shape the world and its history.
“The Cataclysm changed… everything. Its crystalline The battle for the Kitrean capital will be an apocalyptic
debris, called Qoam, scattered across the planet’s affair, the routing of the last suicide pockets of
surface and into its greatest depths – embedding deeply resistance. Every weapon will be used mercilessly by
into stone, filling the winds with their dust, polluting both sides and the result will be a crumbling necropolis
rivers and lakes. Vast Henakor Surges of mystical in the far North. Victors write history, and the Kingdom
energies bathed our lands. This ambience poisoned will simply erase every single line about the battle,
minds, warped flesh, and fouled the weather… as you singing only of the victory. Most veterans won’t make it
well know.” back to the Capital, and those who do will be equally
reticent to share any memories of it.
“Who created you?”
Once freed from the burden of the atrocious War and
“Your predecessors were not unlike you, although the desperately needing to leave the painful memories
mists had not yet bleached their bodies of colour. But behind, the Ilvashan Kingdom will enter two decades of
they were sane.” unbridled peace, progress and prosperity. The apex of
this renaissance will be the development of Artefacts,
“Sane?” enabling the Guilds to safely raise great vessels into
the skies – large enough to reach the Five holy isles
“They recognised the alien nature of the Qoam crystals orbiting the Henakor. What they find there will change
– and their toxic effects to body and mind.” the Kingdom’s culture forever.
“But we’ve looked into your heart - it’s a Qoam crystal that Finally, the Henakor will not keep Mysthea above the
powers you!” clouds forever. Eventually the Kingdom must face the
Fall, where the continent will pass through the clouds
“Both statements are true.” and crash into the civilisation of Icaion on the surface
far below. This advanced civilisation, nestled around
“So tell me, what made you do it? Why did you attack us, the Henakor’s contact point with the planet, will be at
destroy a temple, and beg for death?” the tipping point of disaster, facing its own arcane
horrors and the extreme hostility of their environment.
Stare into its prismatic light. Listen to its soft whispering. Caress or grasp it, but feel it. Don’t force it, just
breathe in and focus on your intention. The Five will answer.
For some, Qoam manipulation is a matter of faith, fuelled by emotion and limited only by imagination. Others
use it with precision and reliability, not unlike a science. And for most it’s but a craft, a skill one can master. And
for the desperate fools who oppose the Henakor’s will and reach beyond their means, it’s a divine punishment.
Listen on, and I’ll teach you the proper ways: foci, relics, circles, covenants, and the horrors of ambience...
Everyone in Mysthea can perform telekinetic feats with a The disciplined and the talented learn to stabilise intent and
little practice and concentration, channelling the arcane will, combining multiple Foci and increase the power of
energies that permeate the world and emanate from the manifested effects. We call it Mastery, the expertise to
Henakor. The Quiet Arts, as they are called in Ilvash, demand balance the demands of two or more Foci. The introspection
discipline and effort to learn – but the potential is universal. and discipline this demands often forces us to turn our back
on kith and kin, cutting off distractions and attachments. It’s
Philosophers speculate that the Arts’ only limitation is our a dangerous and taxing road, as one must carry the burden of
will, that an unfettered mind could affecting anything, ambience alone. But that road leads to our greatest legends
anywhere. Fancifully, they postulate that an enlightened – wise architects building castles overnight or mystic
mind could mould light, heat, vegetation, even flesh. warriors single-handedly fighting Titans to a standstill.
In reality, it takes all of one’s concentration to reach beyond
our physical grasp, to affect any more than what our own More commonly, would-be mystics form Circles to commune
arms could carry. To exert no more strength than our with the Quiet Arts. Together they may achieve the same
muscles, and even a fraction of our own speed. Still, even heights of power as a dedicated master… though not without
these simplest manifestations of Quiet Arts gave us a cost or consequence. Each attempt’ leader has a tough task
fighting chance in this hostile and broken world of ours, and to perform, keeping the Circle harmonious as they each
kept us on equal footing with the horrors lurking in the wilds. evoke their most potent memories of each other. The very
concept of Covenants was born out of the necessity of
And they scratch just the surface of our potential… forming Circles – no mere friendship or rivalry, but shared
experiences sanctified by the energies of the Qoam crystals.
To go further, one must just open one’s mind to a Relic – a
shard of crystalline Qoam imbued with emotional Still, the process is fraught with tension – and only the most
attachment, such as that gained in countless hours training intimate relationships endure constant Circle work. Any
with a weapon, lifelong reverence for an ancestral family distraction, deceit or reserve rings out in this moment of
heirloom, or maybe everlasting love remembered by a utmost clarity. And though rancour has destroyed more
cherished token. Relics are memories, frozen in crystal and Circles than ambience, bonds of undying love have also been
bathed in magic. Not surprisingly, they are often one’s most forged and tempered in the fires of magic – love stemming
jealously guarded possessions, and an owner can always tell from mutual and absolute acceptance.
the general distance and direction to their Relic.
Circle members must be within arm’s reach of each other
In death, the owner’s final memories and feelings collapse all while they prepare, but once the effect has been manifested
at once over their chosen Relic, leaving an everlasting the leader may carry it with them far from the others. Each
imprint. Handed down from generation to generation, these Relic is bound to the effect, and if their power is diverted or
prized heirlooms judge and accept only those who honour revoked, the effect fails at once – a quirk that has lead to the
their legacy. Each new owner imprints further layers of downfall of many a tyrannical Circle leader. And, regrettably,
memories, creating incredibly powerful Relics with horrific ambience will quickly spread through the whole Circle
sophisticated and demanding wills. Many a family and sect if any Circle member perishes while the group is sustaining an
has been truly defined by an ancient Relic, and its ancient effect – and the deceased will surely become an Echo.
owner’s vision and might.
In short, to open one’s mind and soul to the Henakor is When one Manifests power, their will flows from self to Relic
indeed an act of courage and trust, as much in oneself as in in a known, familiar rhythm. But unlike the natural flows of
others. This is what it is to Manifest. the Henakor’s energy our mind is restless and flawed.
Therefore, there is no such thing as a perfect effect: any
If the need for Circles shaped the way our communities first change wrought upon the world creates discordant
formed, it was the art of rituals that enabled us to grow into ambience. Ideally, the ambience is embodied and tamed
kingdoms and empires. Look around you, to our vast walls within one’s own mind, making it briefly Alien and aloof.
and buildings of stone and crystal, to our autonomous Memories associated to Relics wane, becoming opaque and
constructs and self-replicating gardens – all the largest distorted. Thoughts align with the Qoam, for better or worse:
practical applications of the Qoam Arts stem from ordinary emotions run in sharp angles and rigid, harmonic lines. The
strangers working under careful planned protocols and Alien also lose resilience and adaptability – popularly
routines, pooling painstakingly gathered minutiae and every referred to as ‘going brittle’ – overtaken by a sense of frailty
available Relic for a massive effect. and the inability to deal with pain and change.
At best, Rituals are the miraculous solution to all our woes. Most worrisome, though, is when such disordered thoughts
But a hastily or carelessly performed Ritual can affect such a become too sharp, or viciously cruel. The Alien lose all sense
large area, that it often results in war with one’s neighbours. At of empathy, and simply don’t understand other’s pain. From
the personal level, Manifest requires you to play with the subtle betrayals of long standing relationships, to callous and
delicate emotional matrices that bind manifesters and their brutal murder – the damage can be deep and permanent.
Foci; in a broader social context the Qoam Arts are a matter of
ecology and politics. All due to ambience. Some people, afraid of confronting their own madness,
simply let it Overflow upon the world. Echoes often result,
subconscious telekinetic reflections. A Relic’s power and its
associated memories often shape these Echoes, mixing
them with sources of anguish, stress and sorrow currently
Imagine a pristine, untouched grove. Unspoiled and moving afflicting the Hero. Many creeds teach that these Echoes
by the rhythms and laws of stone and brook. Timeless, yet should be embraced as wise (if strange) mentors and
ever-changing. Nothing that has ever happened here was bittersweet companions. Others paint them as the Qoam
due to emotion, or intent. Just the mere action of flora, fauna artist’s inner devils, tormentors that must be confronted to
and the elements. continue the artist’s growth.
This is a place free of ambience. Echoes can even interact with each other – mixing their
passion plays in strange and creative ways. Echoes may
Or, imagine a floating sky-island. Henakor energies flow even outlive Alien and Broken creators - haunting their
freely through Qoam crystals and bear the island aloft, yes. Covenants and Houses, trying to convey one last message,
Yet, no ambience. or complete one last act of passion and duty.
Now picture the Dulkodel battlefields and their million And when the mind and body cannot hold the Qoam
victims. Their agonising cries and shattered dreams. Relics energies, it overflows in a chaotic Surge - igniting clothes,
unleashed and broken in moments. Countless workings of shattering stones, arcing like lighting, denying gravity. A
the Silent Arts unleashed in fear and terror and rage, Surging Hero endangers themselves and others, and both
clashing in cacophony again and again and again. Ilvash and Kitrean law strictly punish those who unleash this
immense harm it can create.
This is ambience – the toxic effect of consciousness and its
agonies upon the delicate balance of Henakor energies. That’s all for the day. Trust in the Henakor. Trust in the Five.
Without the human mind Qoam energies could never express Their willingness to learn from the excesses of ambience
their true potential. And only through Qoam we can ever hope has served them well, but their followers are right to fear the
to approach ours. We are, in fact, half of all that is divine. increasing aloof inhumanity of the faith’s leadership. For
every saint seeking to heal an unbalanced world, there’s is a
All Qoam users can choose to push the dissonant energies zealot who believes that ambience saturation is our natural
they create away from their body. But once these energies (or intended) state.
have bled out into the environment, their effects are
unpredictable and uncontrollable. A ordinary caster, trying to Some of Kitrea’s sanguine monks seek to understand our
create a simple effect, can suddenly become the epicentre of place in the world by studying Mysthea’s ecology, and
a mystical tidal wave going as far as the eye can see – a understanding how even the beasts of this world channel the
Bleeding Surge. It cascades outwards in fractal lines as the Qoam arts. The instinctive workings of these creatures tend
natural flows of Qoam energy try and fail to to absorb your to be fairly focused and rigid, lacking the refinement of our
ambience, like a river bursting its banks. The world stops Arts. If you have faced a Cannibarok’s crude and potent
making sense: hills turn inside out, vegetation gains hostile maelstrom effect – where it irresistibly pulls all Qoam
and quickened life, buildings and streets turn against their shards in the area towards its many hungry maws – you
long time residents with malignant will, and rivers flow know what to expect from pretty much every other
against their course and boundaries, even flowing directly up Cannibarok. Curiously, these beasts eschew the use of
into the sky. For these reasons, Bleeding a Surge is a gross Relics, as if their very soul were in direct connection to the
crime in most communities of Mysthea - its effects may turn Henakor.
whole neighbourhoods uninhabitable and leave fields barren
or even malicious. This intimate connection also means that when ambience is
bled into region and turns it alien, it can disturb their minds
While reasonable people fear these tormented lands, and drive them into strange frenzies. But while the thinking
cultists and magi see only power. The Lusman faith, the peoples of Mysthea find ambience making their minds sharp
Hidden City, Kitrean shaper monks… mystics flock to and brittle, beasts can find this disorder strangely attractive.
Bleeding areas seeking holy wisdom and powerful insights. Indeed, flocks of creatures may travel from far and wide
Unsurprisingly, the Lusman contingent of the Kingdom’s towards the beckoning ambience, and entering into strange
damnable armies sacrificed countless lives to push into behaviours once they are there.
Bleeding battlefields.
A Magista lorekeeper preaches caution: Herein lies the horror of the Dulkodel War – never before has
so much ambience been unleashed so relentlessly, Breaking
We are far from knowing all there is to know about the Quiet the land time and again. But soldiers there couldn’t give up
Arts and the Henakor – Magista scholars, Kitrean shapers their Relics, no matter what. After all, throwing away the
and Verdant priests each only see parts of the great ability to Manifest in pitched combat would’ve left you
mysteries. Take, for instance, the early days of the Dulkodel unarmed and unshielded against a terrible enemy.
War. In the ancient capital of Ilvash, people celebrated every
battalion leaving to win glory, even when the first dreadful A hundred different routines were developed to protect
reports of the battlefields returned. one’s Relics, and embrace the Breaking ambience. They
would fight on, day after day, unimpaired by their mutations
Until the first hauntings were reported, and mass panic and at times turned better killers by their madness. They
gripped the capital. fought until they forfeited every tie to their Covenants and
Houses, and surrendered everything to the alien malady of
Back then, no one had heard of Echoes appearing so far away ambience. The Broken turned an already tragic war into a
from the Manifested arts that spawned them. Believing it to be horrific nightmare.
a sorcerous attack from the Empire or some divine curse for
our hubris, mobs sought shelter in Lusman temples – but the And what happened to those that returned home, alienated
priests had no answers to the plague of Echoes. from those once dear to them and bearing afflictions in body
and mind? Did our citizens pour out compassion and
At that point, we all believed that we could safely Bleed empathy, rebuilding those lost Covenants and changing our
unchained anguish into foreign lands, haunting our battle‐ society to accommodate their Broken minds and bodies? The
fields. As Echoes spread along chains of love and loyalty and shame on your face tells me you already know the answer.
family, haunting our closest family and loved ones hundreds
of miles away… we learned another of the War‘s hard lessons.
An Untamed artisan takes a break from her craft: underground. Places where metal lithites not unlike our own
stand in eternal vigil. Sometimes one wakes up, an Awoken
Looking to buy a few extra pairs of hands? Or just curious without any Qoam matrix to power them. But I’ve also heard
about what we do here? Well, I’ll be happy to explain... that their long inactivity leaves them unable to adjust to our
world, and the Henakor… it simply horrifies them.
I’m not surprised you’re curious – of all the many Quiet Arts,
the making of lithites is easily the most quick-moving.
Before the War, most were shaped of rock and crystal alone: Lithites can be created by a Three-Foci effect, as long
now, steel, stone, brass, wood, and glass lend their form and as two of them are Lasting. They function as
function to our service. Companions, with Tough, Drilled, and another tag
appropriate to the non-Lasting Focus.
Most people only ever see simple lithites, creatures with a
single function created by a dedicated Circle or by the dozens A Relic-powered Automaton is capable of independent
with a Ritual. They can’t act independently of their supervisor, thought, though will find its instincts shaped by any
but the benefits of a mighty and untiring worker (or a nigh memories within their Relic.
invulnerable soldier) outweigh the costs.
I don’t know if I trust the stories, but I’ve heard that some‐
times explorers and miners discover ancient ruins deep
For all of recorded history, our society has been shaped assembled overnight, and then presented for an Onygauros’s
around the healing of ambience. Many of our festivals and judgement; sombre funeral watches and animals sacrificed
rites stem from Cleansing practices - ways to attune to a to a Boulron; hallucinogenics imbibed to experience
Bleeding land’s madness until balance is restored. It is a something akin to Human’s dreams; celebrants baring their
communal exercise in humility and empathy, quieting skin to Cerulean Storms and embracing the mists, hoping to
dissonance through syntony. be blessed by a judging Caerulas. Putting yourself in
harmony with the inhuman and alien.
Titans and the Broken are honoured, and their behaviour
reflected in worshipful rites, dances and songs. Festivals Few moments match the catharsis of witnessing the land
encourage exercises in empathy, as celebrants push their heal its Bleeding before your eyes, surrounded by Echoes
minds into one shape after another to build ever greater and pulsating Qoam crystals as Covenants swirl in ecstatic
harmony. These may be games where collections are dances or embrace in intense passion.
Circles working together are vulnerable in a way solitary Circles are often treated as outsiders in their culture, as this
Qoam users are not. They acutely feel the sorrow, pain, intense intimacy often excludes their relationships with
anxiety, joy, and love experienced by their partners. The other people. Sometimes they are even ostracised for their
relationships formed in these Circles may be familiar, behaviour, with their community fearing the power of a
platonic, romantic, or even sexual; it’s common for a circle to Circle, or their seemingly blasphemous intimate knowledge
have a mix of all these relationship types, varying from of each other's minds. Some communities are more
member to member. Regardless of the relationship style, the welcoming of Circles than others; Lusman influence pushes
Circle’s harmony must be maintained – though what this communities to treat a Circles’ strangeness as divinely
means varies based on the goals, personalities, and inspired, while communities further from the Henakor that
emotions present. Some Circles look argumentative or toxic, view Qoam manipulation with cold practicality are more
but form their own kind of harmony within these emotions. likely to view Circles as a liability.
Harmony does not necessarily mean the group is peaceful. It’s up to your group how close your characters are to each
Everything present in a mundane relationship is intensely other; even users of the Arts can be casually linked by
heightened in one founded on Qoam ambience, as emotional Covenants and use them for magic power without swearing
ties weave into the shared memories in each practitioner's the formal oaths that bind a Circle. Culturally, this casual
focus. A solid relational foundation must exist for the Circle relationship between Covenant-linked Qoam artists is similar
to weather conflict and change. to a business partnership or close friendship; a Circle seen
more like a marriage. Thanks to the cultural impact of Circles
From inside the Circle, having this many close relationships through history, multiple-partner romances are common
can be a difficult but beautiful experience. Finding four or five across Mysthea even outside the ranks of magicians.
others who resonate deeply with you is hardly common. Not
only is a deep interpersonal connection needed, but also a Communities, too, are shaped by the flows of ambience.
willingness to bare your soul to each individual in the Circle. Bleeding emanates as a psychic attack, threatening to crush
Sharing intimate memories, particularly difficult and dark the human hope for healing, and groups must pull together to
ones, puts each member in a vulnerable position. Acceptance, withstand it. Every community will have an occasional person
affection, and validation can help partners handle their hardest who can’t handle the pervasive dread and falls into a deep
memories, and shared trauma and horror can be lessened depression, needing care over the course of the season.
through human comfort. These are the strongest Circles.
Each culture has a calendar of festivals to cleanse their land:
Circles can also have unhealthy relationship patterns. Most grand celebrations where people express their hope and
of these fall apart within a few years, but some can last a desire to be freed from the twisted trauma embedded in their
lifetime. Codependency, resentment, and abuse festers in Bleeding land. Spring often heralds the largest and most
the heart of these toxic Circles. The work they do in the world important Cleansing festival, with the awakening life in the
often reflects their relationships with each other; these more soil empowering a community to heal disrupted ambience.
toxic groups both consciously and unknowingly inflict their
trauma onto others as well as themselves, leaking unstable The Kitrean empire – institutionally opposed to independent
ambience into the local area. Circles can come into conflict Circles and far more focused on communal celebrations of
based on these differences, with more stable groups mutation – particularly reveres the Spring festival of Fluxian,
attempting to quell or harmonise the toxic ones. celebrating the physical transformation of dormant land to
blossoming life. Fluxian rituals varying between households
To those outside the Circle, the closeness of the group can and cities, but there are two main ones: a costumed
be hilarious, overwhelming, or exhausting. Circles are used enactment of critters emerging from dark burrows, and
to being judged by outsiders for their psychic knowing beautiful ice sculptures carved into flowers, trees, or
glances, open affection amongst each other, or emotional landscapes, allowed to melt over the few days duration of
drama that bleeds into every social interaction around them. the festival. Communities head out into Bleeding lands near
From the outside this can feel like being constantly left out their homes, and plant seeds to represent healing through
of private jokes, in-Circle jargon, or intimate shared history. new growth – even if those seeds are unlikely to sprout.
Augmentations have a variety of purposes, ranging from Symbiote communities have started forming in the wilds,
cosmetic to spiritual. Some people know that the Qoam Rootmakers and like-minded folks who pursue a hybrid way
crystals are a part of their identity and use them to alter their of living that uses the land sustainably. Their Qoam Relics
appearance in extraordinary ways. Qoam crystals are also are highly attuned to ideas of compassion, wildness, and
used in weaponry, to enhance battle ability as well as cycles. Other Rootmakers have done slightly more
replacements for body parts lost in violence. Several new outlandish augmentations, turning arms into branches or
Qoam crystal augmentation identities have popped up changing the texture of their skin to stone. While still
among humankind as a result. Extrahumans, Rootmakers, welcome in Rootmaker communities, their alterations are
Symbiotes, and Viseria are all augmentation subcultures seen as far more radical and inhuman. They don’t see the
that have grown as a result of these new identities. change as being all that different from attaching a magical
crystal to a human body, but the nature of their
Cosmetic augmentations have grown in popularity as people augmentations is far less animal. Because of the strange
became more comfortable with Qoam crystals in culture. ways all Rootmakers look, many are outsiders in mainstream
While these augmentations are cosmetic visually they are not culture, welcomed or shunned depending on how open
superficial in meaning. People who augment they way they different communities are to outsider identities.
look with Qoam have a deep connection to altering their
bodies for a variety of reasons. Several feel as though the Crystal Qoam augmentations for battle, combat, and fighting
crystals are a natural progression of the human form - since are some of the most prolific. In this time of war cultural
Qoam is now a part of the land, why should it not also be a acceptance of these augmentations is growing – the step
part of the body? While not homogeneous in thought, crystal from humans using weapons to humans becoming weapons
augmenters tend to view their bodies as clay for the Qoam to isn’t so great in the public consciousness. As with other
shape, offering options for how to move and appear that have modifications, some warriors added extra limbs, or
never been possible before. Some use their arts to add extra amputated legs to replace them with crystal weaponry –
arms or legs and become part of the Extrahuman movement. arms or legs now terminating in swords or shard-throwers.
Others change their body to match their self-image, Qoam weaponry enmeshed within living bodies have a
reshaping elements of their internal or external anatomy to tendency to be more unstable than other Relics. Repeated
counteract body dysmorphia or gender dysphoria. Creating exposure to violence and trauma makes them volatile and
these Relics requires a great deal of self-love, dedication to require emotional maintenance. For this reason, warriors
transformation and growth, and the will to cast aside the who bond with these Relics have a rigid culture of healing
status quo and create a body that fits. Different cultures and meditation after each battle. This realigns the
accept these changes more or less readily - some fear them resonance in the shards and ensures they don’t become
or call them heretical, while others celebrate the freedom unusable. But the violent memories embedded in the
these body-enhancers represent. Seeing someone reject a wielder’s own body often create PTSD-like symptoms,
body like yours can lead you to think through why you value lingering long after the warrior retires from battle.
this form, in a way you may never have done otherwise.
These warriors call themselves Viseria, reminiscent of the
Some communities create Qoam augmentations that grant visceral nature of muscles, tendons, bone and blood
them a spiritual kinship with the land. This philosophy transformed into malleable Qoam crystal. They believe that
believes that since the matrix of Qoam energy permeates the they are living weapons, the Qoam a part of them and them
land, it is therefore embedded in our ancestors and our a part of the Qoam. In this sense, their Qoam crystal body
selves. As the world transforms we must transform with it, parts are not weapons as an extension of their bodies, but
becoming like the world. To these Rootmakers, the Qoam their bodies as weapons.
augmentations they create for their bodies bring them closer
to the ecologies, flora, fauna, and minerals of the world. Similar to martial arts philosophies, they work to harmonise
Several use natural formations as inspiration for what their their Relics and their bodies as much as possible. Training
Qoam augmentations look like, adding tails, ears, gills, regimens for Viseria are intense, often the sole focus of the
wings, claws, and scale-like shapes and appendages to their warrior’s lives. Balance is at the heart of their philosophies,
bodies. These people practice behaviours much like their as being a part of a culture is as important as defending it.
animal kin, often living out in the wilderness and shunning So although the Viseria are trained warriors, they also seek
traditional towns and cities. to be a good partner, parent, or creator of life and balance all
the death. Many Viseria maintain a garden, planting new
growth every season, as a way to give back to the life cycle.
Those who do not follow these codes are no longer
considered Viseria and live as criminals, outlaws, or worse.
There is something more than a little mad about war. Looked In Napoleon’s time, an army could still hope to move in one
at dispassionately, wars shouldn’t happen. For what they compact mass into enemy territory, provisioning itself by
accomplish, wars are tremendously costly. If cool heads taking whatever the hapless civilians in its way happened to
prevailed, one might expect the stronger side to recognise its possess: the old strategy of bellum se ipsum alet – the war
advantage, the weaker side to stare likely defeat in the eye, feeding itself— that fuelled the European Wars of Religion
and the two to negotiate an outcome that gives the stronger through thirty grinding years in which up to four-fifths of the
side what it would have gained by fighting, without the population of the main conflict zones lost their lives. In a
slaughter and the destruction and the immiseration. world where some nine-tenths of the population was
tethered to the land by the need to put in the labour of
But, more often than not, cool heads do not prevail. The growing crops, plunder was an adequate strategy.
Archduke gets a bullet in the head; officers caught up in the
chaos find it simply unthinkable to change mobilisation In a world of heavy industry or high magic, where the
plans and cancel launch orders; hotheads conjure up productive capacity exists to put weapons in the hands of
improbable gambles which promise to turn certain defeat millions – in the time period of our World Wars and of
into glorious victory, if only they were tried; the gods will Shattered City – a system of logistics based on localised
accept nothing less than spilled blood; individuals pursue plunder would collapse under its own weight. So what’s a
their own narrow goals using their own narrow means and do strategist to do?
not stop to think that the sparks they scatter may engulf the
world in flame. And once war gets going, it acquires a Essentially, there are two options for fighting a modern war:
momentum of its own. Blood begets blood. An eye for an gather up stocks of arms, ammunition, rations, Qoam
eye. And those who may never have imagined that matters shards, and whatever else is might be needed, and aim for a
would come to such a head find themselves straining to quick victory before the stocks run down; or settle in for the
tame the consequences. long haul, with a fundamental reorganisation of the home
economy toward the needs of wartime production as the
Culturally, we think of war in terms of the valour of those inescapable price.
fighting, the genius of the strategists, the morale of the home
front. More often than not, this perception is misleading. In Kaiser Wilhelm’s famous address to his soldiers departing for
a magical setting just as much as a mundane one, war is at the invasion of France in 1914, “You will be home before the
least as much a material enterprise as a spiritual one. Every leaves have fallen from the trees”, was not just an idle boast
soldier out on the field of battle is a farmer not growing about the German military’s power to sweep all before it, but a
crops, an artisan not shaping Qoam shards, a Master of the desperate hope: without a quick knockout blow to secure
Quiet Arts turning their skills to destruction rather than the victory, Germany would be forced to recall soldiers from the
myriad subtly interwoven tasks upon which a technologically front lines and into war production. When the Schlieffen
advanced society depends. offensive stalled, Germany was forced to do exactly that, and
to conserve its remaining manpower by digging in. For the
Their absence cannot but be missed, for, as Napoleon is next three years, the story of the Western Front would be the
supposed to have said, an army marches on its stomach. familiar one of grinding war in the trenches.
Troops without equipment cannot fight; troops without pay
or food will mutiny or die. An army, no matter how strong, But, wait. If the alternative to a lightning war, under conditions
exists on its supply lines; cut them off, and it will wither. of industrialised warfare, is a total war, is the Kingdom of
Napoleon would know: the Russians in 1812 defeated him Ilvash being reckless by sending the scions of its best Guilds
not on the fields of Borodino and Smolensk, but in the fields to administer a far-flung conquest more or less as they see fit,
of ripening grain and the stockpiles of Moscow that they rather than into the factories or the trenches to kill and die on
systematically destroyed. Without food or shelter, a Grand command? Not so. Whether intentionally or not, the leader‐
Army of 600,000 was consigned to headlong retreat, melting ship of Ilvash has grasped another of the deep principles
away to less than a tenth of its initial strength by the time it underlying industrialised warfare: who trades, wins.
reached safety.
Our friend Kaiser Wilhelm can once again demonstrate. Before Protected from global competition by tariff walls, German
the First World War, German politicians sought to prepare the agriculture remained a land of smallholdings where
country for wartime victory by building up a military-industrial- peasants tilled the land with much use of animal power and
political complex later termed the Marriage of Iron and Rye. their own labour, but relatively little modern technology. In
The German leadership considered that, in the event of war, industry, the situation was similar: true, the German barriers
the country had best be self-reliant in key sectors of the to trade encouraged the formation of giant steel and
economy such as armaments, iron and steel, and food armaments cartels that were the envy of the world, but at the
production. So long as the capacity to produce everything the cost of depriving the vast swathe of lighter industry of
military might need remained within German lines, the thinking investment for the best firms and competitive pressure for
went, Germany’s strategic position would be secure; by the rest. Being labour-intensive, under-mechanised, and
contrast, the British, being a free-trading nation relying on capable of producing less per worker than their British
massive quantities of imported grain to keep the Home equivalents, the German strategic industries proved much
Islands fed, would quite literally starve as soon as Germany less capable of absorbing the shock of millions of workers
were to apply pressure to its maritime supply lines. departing from the front lines.
The idea of German self-sufficiency pleased politically As for the British, their policy of producing what they were
powerful agricultural and industrial interests tremendously, most competitive in and trading for the rest put them in an
and the German Parliament consummated the marriage by excellent position to shift over to their war economy. Not
protecting the key sectors behind a wall of very high tariffs. only did greater efficiency permit a greater shift of
By 1914, the policy seemed to be working: imports of manpower to the front, it also left Britain with much unused
strategic products had come to be replaced with domestic or underused land which it could put into cultivation during
production. When war broke out, it seemed that the German the times when its food imports were squeezed by German
front line would want for nothing. submarine raiding. Even more importantly, the long years of
trading at a surplus during the war left the British with a vast
And yet, in the months and years to follow, it was the German pool of capital that could be run down to pay the costs of
economy, not the British, that could not cope with the fielding a military on full war footing. The Germans, without
demands of the war and teetered toward collapse. By 1917, this buffer, were forced to lean heavily on creating paper
Germany was in the throes of a ‘Hunger Winter’, while Britain, money, and you know where that ended.
supposedly so vulnerable economically, was riding out the
German U-Boat blockade in relative comfort, with rationing
and limited choice of foodstuffs but without a major
reduction in caloric intake. The German policy of self-
sufficiency had backfired: far from making the German
economy resilient, it made it inefficient and vulnerable.
The examples could be multiplied. In the US Civil War, the been permanently closed off from settlement. And that’s just
United States managed to overcome initial battlefield reverses iron, that’s just chemicals. Now think of even vaster areas
by using its Navy as an ‘Anaconda’ to block the Confederate where reality is no longer as it should be, where only
trade of cotton to Britain and France in exchange for war concerted and dangerous intervention by strong Circles of
matériel. In the Second World War, American lend-lease aid Qoam users can hope to bring about an improvement.
was pivotal to keeping Britain and Russia in the war even after
Hitler had managed to subjugate the vast majority of the It is far easier to contaminate than to decontaminate. Just
European Continent. So there you go: by sending you off to a ask the guardians of the site in Hanford, Washington, where
far corner of their dominion to do what you do best, as you see the United States built nuclear reactors to produce
fit, Ilvash is looking after its own interests. Whether you make plutonium for the Manhattan Project. Adjusting for inflation,
them proud or defy them and forge your own path… that part the entire American effort to produce a nuclear bomb cost
of the story is yours to write. barely one-fifth of the cost of bringing that one site back to
a condition where people can safely enter. Expect costs in a
So far, we’ve mostly looked at the Dulkodel War by analogy world of magic to be higher still.
with our own world’s history. As far as teasing out some
universal features of armed conflict goes, that’s all very well, Finally, no discussion of the differences between total war
but you must be wondering what difference it makes when the as we know it and total war on Mysthea can be complete
world is impaled by a giant crystal that gives rise to all manner without considering the war’s human costs. The unending
of strange and unpredictable magic effects. Well, I don’t want intensity of the trench warfare in the First World War forced
to be prescriptive – the precise details of how the Qoam Arts militaries and societies to acknowledge the reality of
shape the society of Montana are for you and your group to psychological trauma that could not be dismissed as
determine, after all – but here are some points to consider. cowardice and a lack of soldierly spirit. Further, the ongoing
march of technology – both the technology of killing and the
First of all: the Qoam Arts, when uncontrolled, or even when technology of saving lives despite catastrophic injuries –
well-controlled but poorly executed, are very dangerous, with meant that increasing numbers of soldiers returned from the
surges of Bled ambience having the power to distort reality battlefield permanently disabled and badly disfigured, some
itself. Strong social norms and legal institutions governing with injuries never seen before, such as damage to the lungs
Qoam users are thus the foundation stone of most societies from poison gas.
in the world of Mysthea. In times of war, the delicate
regulations built up over generations are likely to prove In the world of Mysthea, the huge amounts of ambience
inadequate, and hard-edged bureaucracy – for instance, released on the battlefields of the Dulkodel War mean that
registration of Qoam users to the military draft and injuries to body and spirit are not only commonplace: given
internment of those who refuse to be registered – is likely to enough time on the battlefield, they are nearly universal. In
be thrown up helter-skelter to take its place. our world, societies dealt with the visible aftermath of war in
those who had gone off to fight by attempting to disguise
Such heavy-handed treatment is bound to encourage their injuries, or, when that failed, to isolate those affected
resentment and dissent, and partisan warfare by Qoam from society.
users who refuse to be subject to the new systems of control
may be tempted by partisan activities: think of how much The field of plastic surgery owes its existence to the First
lasting damage can be done by an intentional Bleeding of World War; where plastic surgery was inadequate, as with
Qoam energies in the right place. Insurgency and massive facial injuries, industries producing items such as
counterinsurgency will be savage and at a premium tin-plate prostheses sprang up overnight; when even that
compared to warfare in our world; both offer a ready avenue could not restore a ‘normal’ appearance to veterans, they
for player characters to make a name for themselves in the would often be removed beyond society’s gaze. In France,
annals of the Dulkodel War. they would be consigned to veterans’ homes and have
colour-coded park benches reserved to them; in Russia
What is true of the actions of renegades is doubly true of the under Stalin, disabled veterans were taken off the streets
use of the Qoam Arts on the battlefield. The ambience altogether and consigned to institutions.
released by the war – so very much of it – is likely to prove a
blight on the land for generations to come. Even today, more In Shattered City, the sheer scale of the damage wrought by
than 100 years later, it is easy to trace where the Western uncontrolled ambience is likely to make any such responses
Front of the First World War ran by studying a map of impracticable. Those changed by the War are here to stay,
northern France and looking out for the so-called Zones but their struggle for rights and recognition as members of
Rouges, the areas so churned up by thousands of tonnes of society may not, if our world is any guide, be an easy one.
high explosive, so peppered with unexploded ordnance, the
trees so riddled with shrapnel that even to stand near them
during a lightning storm is to court death, that they have
A mercenary stares vacantly into the horizon… “We call the most peaceful and intelligent of these myriad
creatures the Other, welcoming them into our cities and
“It’s true enough that when armies clash they turn the land helping them integrate. Of course, they do become restless
barren and haunted, unable to support life. But beyond all this, and confused when disturbed by ambience – but in all truth
this War and the people who fight it, there are wilder lands full we all do, and society still holds, even if it’s sometimes frayed
of life and wonder – lands without a hint of our works, around the edges.
untouched by our existence.
“Not every nonhuman creature can be called an Other:
“How tempting! To wander away, to never see a human again. mindless vermin support the land’s harmony and feed those
who hunt, monsters can’t overcome their base urges and lack
“This is a silent and vast land, disturbed only by whispering the tools to join society, and true Titans… well, they are closer
rivers and the constant dance of the mists. Though peaceful, to gods than to any beast or man. And they all change us, who
many different creatures populate it; simply step away from deal with them or merely witness their work. There is
the clearer paths and you can expect to find a form of Other something magic, somehow deeply sacred and humbling in
never seen before – or something stranger. The Cataclysm understanding we are no better than them. We’re connected in
touched everything. And each and every expression of life our joys and sorrows, in our love and respect and awe for our
battles continuously for balance, for the right to exist and lands… our vast and silent lands.
prosper in this broken, mad world of ours.
Mysthea is a cluster of continental sized islands floating across the never ending storm below, and mists above. And though
those born and bred in our capitals might think we have tamed and tiled the world, wanderers know best. Only outside the walls
and off the roads can we really understand how we are truly surrounded by the wilds, how small and fragile are our great
kingdoms and empires. Even familiar landscapes hide mysteries, often known only as rumors or half-forgotten lore.
Plains that go as far as the eye can see, barren and glittering Dour soldiers and jaded nobles alike have fallen into tears at
with qoam crystal fragments. A land where gravity itself the beauty of the countless shards singing to each other on a
ebbs and flows in its own capricious rhythms. Where one clear night. But all this beauty masks terribly alien memories
needs only to tap into an infinite reservoir of energy – just to that assault those who dare dream or fall into stupor here.
be drowned by the resulting tide of ambience. Even the Not all of them tell of destruction and terror, but all of them
wildlife avoids the fields, as their warping effect is suggest a far and distant land – whole and bright and alien.
immediate and severe.
Deep velvety moss covers the forest floor. The damp and thick Craggy peaks, sheer walls, deep valleys with even deeper
mists distort even the sound of our breathing, and twist the lakes – these mountains are the jagged edge of geological
scales and distances we thought we once knew. Bright, vivid scars. This place is an icy purgatory, inflicting pain on
colors assault the senses with alarming frequency, as fungi humanity for the ancient crime that split the world. No ships
compete with bark and leaves. Explorers feel out of proportion can fly here due to the winds. No mount can work the cruel
here, as everything looms over those of us on the ground. paths. No earthen trail lasts for long as ice and gale scour
the rock clean. You must walk… and every step is an ordeal.
The biodiversity in Mysthea’s forests is stunning – as if life
itself was trying to desperately find a way forward. True,
Kodror infests the canopy and incredibly quick Utcoros packs Travel into and across the Mountains often requires
hunt in the shadows. But no two encounters should be alike, potent Manifested effects: 2 or more foci, often with
and most species Heroes find here haven’t been named yet. Potent and Lasting.
Refer to the Creature Oracle, p. 224. The unforgiving peaks sometimes reveal ruins of the world
before, like a trophy displayed in grim pride: ports stranded on
dry plateaus, bridges ending abruptly midair, temples barely
This explosion of life also means that wounds fester rapidly visible under massive rocks. You get a sense of bitter victory
and weakened heroes might have to deal with strange – we broke the mountains, but the mountains broke us too.
diseases. All in all, we don't quite belong here.
MALADIES The Mountain’s frigid weather can kill the unprepared, or
When Harm breaks whose Harm breaks their skin or the unlucky. Hardy Garments can protect you from the
bones might contract a wasting disease. Replace usual usual cold, unless the Storm hits! Harm caused by this
Critical Harm boxes for: cold replaces your usual Minor Harm boxes with:
□ Weakened (-1 Force & -1 Sway) □ Exposure (-1 Force & -1 Steel)
□ Wasting (-1 Force & -1 Steel) □ Freezing (-1 Force & -1 Steel)
Heal can only cure this Harm with access to specifically Heroes may Recover from this Harm, as long as they find
secured Surplus: Medicine, or a Physician Companion. some warmth.
Home. Every major city and civilization rose from these
fertile and peaceful lands. Rivers are the arteries of our trade
and it’s waters, our people’s very lifeblood. Ships traditionally
dock on waters and sail well, even if they can fly across our
skies empowered by the Quiet Arts.
When the lowlands on the edge of our continent are not A few brave hunters dare the mists in their ships, chasing
blanketed by the mists, they are battered by the Storm. legendary Titans – a job as dangerous as it sounds. At the
People who bravely choose to live there develop a religious mercy of the Storm, their only advantage is the capacity to
respect for the unknowable and the unpredictable – for the bleed ambience, whipping up ghosts and echoes to shape
mists are forever willful. vast stretches of clouds. But I cannot tell you how it feels
when they do succeed. One can only feel… Elevated, proud of
THE STORM their, our, might and guile in bringing down gods of old.
It comes without warning, boiling from the depths or These rough men and women manifest Arts that would put
descending from heavens in fury. No creature could fly most Magista to shame, and if their ranks don’t hold the
through its winds – except, maybe, Titans. It freezes most powerful wielders across the lands it’s just because so
those caught in the open (an additional 1-Harm due to few of them survive for long.
cold), and turns the landscape into a temporary Hostile
Ground. The Mistlands lure visitors into a false sense of security,
which only make its landslides, volatile weather, and
REACTIONS: enigmatic monsters even more deadly. The edge beckons to
◊ You can’t be heard. the lost and the pained, calling them to the depths – and many
◊ You can’t see anything. legends say that all who have surrendered themselves to the
◊ You can’t move without straining effort. fall will one day rise from the everlasting storm in glory.
◊ Its winds carry ambience as the largest Surge the
world has ever seen.
“…some tell tall tales of catching the Caerulas’ attention,
saying it stared directly into their souls, judging every detail of
their existence before quickly diving again into the clouds…”
All shards of Qoam in the area is inexorably drawn to the
Qoam Eater. This is usually timed to coincide with a Surge in
the area.
When Disturbed, the creature becomes exceedingly hostile
to Foci and Arts. It can also force the land to Break at any
“…Guilds monitors closely the presence of Cannibarokken,
trying to exterminate the creatures before they grow too large…”
“…if a Qoam Eater fulfills its life cycle it leaves a powerful relic
on its remains, the sum of all memories it has devoured…”
There is only one Duke... and it hates us. This nefarious ◊ Watcher in the Mists: It knows your plans, your shameful
creature schemes from the Maze Beyond, haunting secrets, your gnawing uncertainties. And it uses them
ambience-polluted people and places and infecting its prey against you, evoking memories and projecting your faults
with poisonous thought-eggs. As the egg swells the host into those who once trusted you. (Every Test the
becomes more and more obsessed with alien ideas, and Covenant in the scene gets Disadvantage, and Heroes
when the egg hatches a new creature looks out from behind cannot Exploit the Covenant to understand it).
the host’s eyes. They keep all their memories, and most of ◊ Dark Star: Those face to face with the Duke can’t help but
their natural form, but are fully devoted to their progenitor. gaze into its star. Once it draws you in, Exploit the
Covenant to say what gives you the strength to escape…
And little by little, the Duke’s servants prepare the land for its or else be dragged in to the Maze Beyond
arrival, for a time when friends turn upon each other and
alliances shatter under bitter betrayal.
“...mists come out of nowhere, ignoring wind and (POTENT, PRECISE, SWIFT)
temperature, and with them a deep moaning noise…” The Duke can interact with our world, even when bound in
essence and form to the Maze Beyond.
“...light and shadow project a shape against the buildings,
and you can’t tell for sure what it is. Then, in the clouds
above, the star-shaped light…” DISTURBED: NOT FULLY HERE
The Duke belongs to the Maze Beyond, and normally it can
“... Long-hidden spite suddenly clouds the eyes of a trusted only haunt disturbed minds. At least until ambience disturbs
friend. They seem subtly sick and somehow twisted into the area, and it can invade our reality. Only by healing the
something they are not...“ land can a Mastermind be truly banished, and only in its
domains can it truly be killed.
◊ Titanic Size: Though subtle and crafty, the Duke looms RUMORS
large as a storm. It can easily crush temples and city “...The Mastermind enjoys solving puzzles - particularly
walls if it wants (3-Harm, Area and Brutal). how to pierce armour and defences…”
◊ Otherworldly Retreat: The creature is in a state of flux
beyond mere flesh and bone, mostly vapour and malice “...It mimicked my voice to distract the other hunters. Can
(Disadvantage to exploit Openings, until neutralised). it understand us?...”
◊ The Soulless Hordes: Many infected will die to protect
the Mastermind. What will Heroes do to save them? “...Don’t look in the star on its head…”
(Disadvantage to create Openings, until neutralised).
Hyphae are creatures of magic and will, an ephemeral web of
glittering filaments. They seek out locations cherished by a
community, spread their filaments through them, and drink in ARTS: HAUNTED HOUSE
the thoughts and memories soaked into the stones. They LASTING, POTENT, WIDE*
guard these places, love them, become them. And once Doors slam without warning, locks close on their own,
they’re fully enmeshed, the community will have to accept instruments play in deserted rooms – the Hypha turns their
the Hypha’s foibles, or find somewhere new to live. home against intruders and alerts the place’s guards.
Kodror is a mold-like lifeform that develops and grows only in
contact with Qoam. Highly toxic to most living creatures,
Kodror gain their nutrients by attaching to creatures and ARTS: WANDERING
consuming them. It’s rarely an issue on the ground since it POTENT*
usually gets eradicated before it can grow to any considerable Slow but absolutely silent and unstoppable, the Infestation
size, but a Kodror grown on floating Qoam chunks can respects no walls, channels or challenges imposed by the
become deadly. At that point Kodror becomes a frightening, terrain. It strikes at night or when the mist is thickest and it
floating abomination, with huge tentacles reaching out for disappears before anyone can follow.
anything passing below them.
One of the greatest dangers of a Disturbed zone is that it
attracts the Infestation. Even a relatively small Infestation
can become hard to destroy given their decentralized nature.
Gain or recover Swarm Convergence.
“…they were created by woodland spirits as their weapons
against Humanity…”
Obsidusa is a walking abomination, made of the Qoam-fused
flesh of those unable to fight him off. It’s said that he QUALITIES
captures and absorbs his victims, engulfing them in his own ◊ Grasping tendrils: The strongest muscles and sinew of a
body. The Devourer is not the only Qoam-infused dozen victims join in tentacles that can grab a distant
abomination roaming the lands of Mysthea; horrors of this enemy or lash out across great distances (2 Harm)
kind turn up often, with their origin a chapter of Ilvash history ◊ Devouring Mass: If he bites a hero he’s brought close (4
most prefer to forget. Harm), he can regrow lost limbs and endure great pain –
maybe even gaining or restoring Enormous Size.
“…bodies start disappearing from their graves…” ◊ Powerfully Built: Even early in his evolution, the Devourer
is much stronger that the sum of the bodies he has
“…covenants have had the most horrific dreams – their consumed (Hefty and Stunning)
partners begging for release…” ◊ Enormous Size: If the Devourer’s rampage is unchecked,
he can become massive (+1 Harm).
“…buildings are found broken and emptied like eggs…” ◊ Qoam Heart: He can steal control of Qoam to power
himself. Relics will manifest their effects against their
owners, and also generate full ambience around them.
“…a Champion was known for performing strange
experiments with Qoam, involving other living creatures…”
The modest-sized Utcoros hunt in packs to swarm and
overwhelm their prey, roving continuously until they are ready
to lay eggs. This spawning spells their end: Utcoros die on QUALITIES
top of their offspring, so that their toxic bodies can shelter ◊ Ferocious Predators: Their talons and claws flash at
their eggs from the elements and kill any predators. Once the blinding speed (2-Harm).
eggs hatch, the cycle repeats. ◊ Blinding Quick: Their elegance and grace are incredibly
lethal… and mesmerizing.
“…a strong and sweet perfume follows and precedes them…” ◊ Poisonous Blood: Their hide is useless, and no predator
will eat their flesh. Their blood is poisonous and has
“…in the wilds, you can feel the ground shaking with the blinded many a careless hunter (Deals 2-Harm when it’s
sampede of the largest packs…” wounded; Resist Danger, or replace one of your major
Harm slots with Blinded: -1 Might & Prowess).
“…against humans, their howls sound oddly harmonious, as if ◊ Killing Machine: Despite their size, Swarmers become
they were… singing…” incredibly quick and potent once they can taste death
(Area, Piercing).
◊ Swarm Convergence: If Swarmers gather in great enough
numbers they can overwhelm much larger prey (+1 Harm,
demands Confront).
The larger the pack, the faster they become. And there is no
obstacle they can’t overcome, no wall they won’t climb, no pit
they won’t jump across. They swarm from all angles and at
blinding speed.
One of the greatest dangers of a Disturbed zone is that it
attracts the Swarmers. Gain or recover Swarm Convergence.
“…in their armies, young recruits demonstrate what they’ve
learned by killing a lone Utcoro…”
“…they live for only a few months before mating and dying.…”
Mysthea is a place of wonder, and people are used to being HOW IS THE CREATURE INFLUENCED BY QOAM?
amazed and terrified by how nature and its forces shaped the One key aspect you should elaborate when creating a
world. Venturing far from settlements means experiencing creature inhabiting the lands of Mysthea is its bond with
lands that might be changed since the last traveller, presenting Qoam. Every living thing in Mysthea is tied to the wild
a very different landscape. For example, a new anomaly could energies erupting from the Henakor. Since the cataclysm,
have been spawned in the meantime, changing the landscape. everything in Icaion has been influenced by the incredible
The entrance to an ancient underground structure might be power of this colossal crystal and every form of life that
discovered. Floating lands may have moved overhead, or a evolved was influenced by the crystal shards. For some
terrifying new creature could block the path. creatures the connection with Qoam is a staple of the
beast’s lifestyle; for example, Cannibarokken are mindless
Creatures play a vital role in defining the unique character of abominations with a terrifying lust toward Qoam and
this world and don’t be afraid to add to your adventures new predatory instincts that make them disregard anything else.
unique inhabitants. One of the most satisfying things about
being a Game Master is adding your own ideas to the game Defining and understanding a creature’s bond with Qoam can
setting and lore, further expanding the universe worldbuilding help shape your development of them. For example, the
in your unique way. But even wild fantastic creatures need to Venari are some extremely tall and slender creatures; some
coexist in – so here are a few things you can do to create new even speculate they have the same origin as Boulron. They’re
monsters that fit right into the Mysthea Universe. spotted in particularly cloudy areas, where they sometimes
form small assemblies. They gather Qoam crystals and
While creating your unique creatures, consider the following: artifacts in circles to perform some kind of ritual, exhausting
its power to the point it becomes a useless rock. Luckily, they
WHAT’S THE CREATURE'S TEMPER? do it rarely and for the rest of the time just mind their own
While some of the most famous creatures of Mysthea are business. A little detail like this narrated by a wise NPC can
potentially very dangerous, this shouldn’t give the add mystery and help flesh out the world, even if it’s just
impression that every living being is a threat. On the contrary, adding to your player’s bestiary.
many creatures in the wilderness are completely innocuous
or even able to perform strange feats useful to society. WHAT’S THE CREATURE'S INTELLIGENCE?
In the lands of Mysthea, there are many intelligent creatures,
Some ancient tales talk about a titanic being roaming the even if Humans predominate. Some creatures might have
lands on foot. The creature had a colorful scaled hide whose superhuman intelligence, like the god-like Caerulas. Other
intensity and bright paterns were beyond any artist’s ability creatures can be still seen to aggregate or live together,
to reproduce. The being’s calm movements soothed sometimes following hierarchies and/or roles, sometimes
everyone nearby, even the cruelest beasts, like he was building some basic structures. While deciding the creature’s
emanating a strange power. Many of those who saw the intelligence, focus on what it does and how it acts in the eyes
creature returned deeply changed and some even started an of an observer. Intelligence needn’t be defined by our
ascetic lifestyle, following the beast and forming an uncanny standards: Boulron’s uncanny understanding of death is a sign
nomadic cabal of peaceful shamans. If the creature wasn’t of great intelligence, even if it is directed to ends that are
long lost, scholars from modern Magista would be seeking strange to humans. This is to , what is “intelligent” by human
the beast to understand how this ability was tied to Qoam standard doesn’t apply to these creatures, whose evolution
energies, but to this date only tales remain. could have brought them to follow completely different needs.
The unexpected should be your key of creation, so there is RANDOM MONSTER GENERATION
much creative freedom in this. Keep in mind that weird You can use this section to guide your own creations. Roll a
doesn’t have to mean “terrifying” or “abomination”. You 20-sided die to fill the gaps in this description:
could make incredibly weird peaceful creatures, orchard A(n) [adjective] [type] creature with [quirk] and [danger] that
titans and singing worms. [Qoam interaction] Qoam.
Ask yourself these questions about the creature you are For example: 7, 20, 8, 4, 19 would give:
◊ How have Henakor energies influenced its evolution? ‘A lanky tree-like creature with terrifying movements and
◊ Does this creature's lifestyle revolve around Qoam? colour-shifting tentacles that overheats Qoam’.
◊ How does this creature interact with Qoam?
◊ Is this creature common, or it’s one of a kind? Use each column entry as a guide for Qualities to be used
◊ How does the creature interact with others of the same and removed, if these creatures are directly Confronted.
species, if any? Assume Danger and Qoam Interaction entries are ‘active’ in
◊ Can the development of the creature be influenced by the creature’s Disturbed status – even if they’re noticeable in
ancient technology? its normal state.
◊ Can the creature interact with any form of ancient
technology? Combine these results with the Oracle in Appendix 2: The
◊ There is common knowledge about this creature in Lonesome Road, to gauge Challenges and Rewards and
Mysthea society? forecast how these creatures will react next.
◊ Is this creature accepted in society?
◊ If so, does it have any roles?
Adjective Type Quirk Danger Qoam Interaction
1 Strange Vine-like Sixteen legs Frightening maws Steals
2 Uncanny Humanoid Eyes in bizarre places Bladed extremities Devours
3 Terrifying Crystalline Translucent scales Makes minds alien Drains all power from
4 Towering Rodent Colour-shifting tentacles Curved, sharp horns Summons
5 Miniscule Serpentine A penetrating gaze Countless teeth Telekinetically moves
6 Hulking Equine A weird language Caustic secretions Gifts
7 Lanky Golem A screeching voice Mind-controlling powers Locates
8 Shapeshifting Draconic Terrifying movements Painful aura Repels
9 Wounded Illusory Colour-shifting skin A burning skin Attracts
10 Immaterial Fungal Illogical shadows around it Skin covered in thorns Uses as a blunt weapon
11 Translucent Homunculus Multiple faces in bizarre places Ear-piercing cries Pulverizes
12 Unsettling Abberant Floating, detached limbs Endless attacking arms Causes incandescence in
13 Winged Insectile Painful-looking scars Fire-producing cavities Shapeshifts
14 Bloody Octopoid A mouth stretching along its head A host of mind-parasites Changes the colour of
15 Titanic Amphibian Glowing arms A swarm of biting insects Fractures and cracks
16 Intelligent Reptilian Hairs made of soft-looking stone Incredible strength Changes properties of
17 Wise Avian Transparency from one direction Bone-crushing claws Petrifies
18 Loud Canine An unusual number of fingers A rare infectious disease Resonates
19 Reassuring Feline Metal growths on its body A trail of sticky slime Overheats
20 Paranoid Tree-like Things moving under its skin An enervating aura Animates
…and still, every other generation gives us a genius who “…she outran an Utcoros pack!”
breaks all the rules and reminds the world the Arts have this
name for a good reason. ୦ WIDE:
“…sand surrounded her, obscuring our view…”
Here we present a few rumors on memorable uses of simple
Quiet Art effects, followed by a few renowned (or infamous) “…the sails flapped with a phantom wind…”
spells, achievable by masters or dedicated circles.
“…his scream sent every cup and plate and cutlery in the room
Range increases with each Focus added, and while you flying around the room…”
begin manifesting effects a dozen paces away, then to
shouting distance. A master can stand at the top of
Ahatils’s Palace and affect anywhere he sees within the HEROIC EFFECTS
massive capital walls. To take a four-Foci effect to its ୦୦ LASTING:
limit one must climb a mountain and pierce through the “…her faithful glaive kept the bandits at bay as the enchant‐
clouds and mists. ress focused on her next effect…”
“…the lantern hovered above the family, as they made their ୦ LASTING ୦ POTENT:
way through the night…” “…this gate won’t open. Bring the axes!…”
“…the abacus’s beads moved steadily performing some “…damp, dark, but better bunkered here than out there in this
ancient calculation…” storm…”,
“…I give you this bow, enchanted to perforate any armour…” “…they jumped from the window, confident she’d halt their fall…”
“…the courier seemed confident that he would reach Aqshal in “… the Cannibarok staggered under her furious blow, but
time…” grinned back darkly…”
“…she leapt and struck the Obsidusa with a skinny fist, “… someone broke his bones from the inside, without ever
sending the hulking creature reeling…” rupturing the skin…”
“… a metal shield? Hah, you are funny, aren’t you?” “…the corpse stood with eerie grace, ready to spread terror…”
“…with a gesture the old man turned every one of our swings “…sweat ran down her face as the curtains finally ignited…”
against our comrades…”
“…from the edges of the duel circle, each mystic commanded
“…hatred in his eyes, he gave the flying ship chase…” their weapons with murderous thoughts…
“…tiptoeing across the lake without breaching the surface…” “… he knew he was doomed when he felt more than heard an
ominous humming – his every hair stood on its end; then
“…he charged through the platoon, evading every blade and lighting started to crackle across his armour…”
leaving a trail of blood in his path…”
A sage reminds a hero of their purpose… All you will need to replace the input usually given by GM and
the other players are 5 pairs of dice, each pair in a different
“Forget the Venture, child… let them worry about politics and color, and an opaque bag for all these dice. Other accessories
logistics. You are above all that! I’ve seen you fighting knee- may help: our custom Location & Factor Cards, or even the
deep in the bloody mud; but also saving a weary soul with a Mysthea Universe board games. These are filled with
nothing but a gesture, a smile! I know you are more than a incredible miniatures, and cards displaying stunning artwork!
witness of Montara’s plight, that you belong to these streets Use them to track your NPCs and monsters on your map, and
and battlefields. indicate locations and events.
“Forget our House, even… I and all the others are still here
for you. We know you yearn for something else, and that no We would like to thank our Kickstarter backers
matter how long it takes you will get it. for funding this stretch goal. The Lonesome
Road was designed to combine the dynamic
“And when you call, we will follow.” fictional flow of the Apocalypse Engine with our
previous game’s epic scope, without ever
Welcome to the Lonesome Road, the solo mode for forgetting the Borderlands’s intense and
Shattered City. Here you will find rules and guidance to play intimate struggles and weirdness.
a GM-less chronicle, where you control a House maverick on
their path to become a Champion. This Lonesome Hero will Enjoy and thanks again!
face a variety of Crises and build a new House from the
ground up… if they so desire.
Montara hides many secrets in its ruins, but also singular Accept repeated results at face value, as a Building or
beauty and fearsome chaos. The city is your greatest foe and Landmark becomes increasingly vital for the Houses… or
sweetest lover, you fate… and maybe your doom. simply stranger. What kind of arrangement allows an
Imperial Remnant Cabal to co-exist with one of the Houses?
To flesh out your Lonesome Montara, first answer the City How come a Hospital in the middle of the City is a Perilous
Foundations questions on the Imperial rule on p. 16. They Path… and where does it lead to? Embrace the fantastic to
will give you the first hints on scenes – and the war crimes explain these and much weirder examples you will surely
the Imperials must pay for. Next, to build Montara’s recent create! Never forget wandering islands, chasms into the
history, pick your Hero’s House playbook. Choose two other endless storm below, Ambience and the Maze Beyond to
Houses, also involved in the rebuilding of Montara. They justify these odd pairings.
don’t have to form a Venture, and you need only to decide
on their: And don’t worry about the unused Locations. They will play a
vital role in your adventures.
◊ Stats – only for the setting information;
◊ Traditions – just to flesh out the Houses;
◊ Loyalty Questions – for recent events only, don’t worry VISITING LOCATIONS
about an Influence board! When a Hero on the Lonesome Road seeks support…
Their politics is of little concern in the Lonesome Road, but the ◊ …in any House, they can Reveal, as described below.
Hero will have been closely involved in the events described by ◊ …in the Allied House, they can also Gear Up with any three
Loyalty Questions. Think through the recent past and Tags, once per Cycle OR Encounter, adding a favourable
determine which House will be your Hero’s Rival or Ally. NPC to the setting.
◊ …in the Haven, the Hero can also Heal all Harm in addition
to any action above.
Much later, when your Hero becomes a Champion, the
Influence Board will gradually reappear in your game.
At that point track and use only the current status,
created as the Hero’s nascent House gains relevance…
When you visit a haven looking for purpose or direction, draw
and when it creates a Wonder. a Building & Landmark card, and an event factor card.
Combine both factors to frame a flashpoint and mark it on
the map – there you will interact with one of the Crisis’ Faces
in one of its escalations or its crucible.
Draw three Buildings from the deck and sketch the City map. Alternatively, draw a Personage and an Event factor cards to
Next, draw three Landmarks from the deck and add them to frame a flashpoint unrelated to a Crisis.
the areas surrounding the City on the map. Next draw a
Personage, Stage or Event Factor card for each of these As Montara becomes slowly familiar, you will be forced to
Locations, and number them in sequence from 1 to 6. Now, dive deeper into the City and travel further into the
randomly to assign these Buildings and Landmarks to: Borderlands to solve your Crises. Your Hero may have to
Explore to reach this new location, but once discovered
◊ Your House’s base, your Haven. they can be visited again and again, as the stage for the
◊ Your Allied House’s base. escalation of future Crises.
◊ Your Rival House’s base.
◊ The base for a well entrenched Cabal, defined by your
Houses’ Loyalty section.
Lonesome Heroes care little to in-House hierarchies and the When there are no more Escalations left is time to face the
strange ebb and flow of commitment they demand. The Crucible, a scene where all the Escalations are dealt with and
Lonesome Road demands selfless deeds, and palpable the Crisis resolved, one way or another. The usual Aftermath
results; to advance our Heroes must see Crises through. questions should be answered only after the Crucible, if the
Hero fails to defuse it. This depends on all the Hero has
Choose or randomize your Hero’s initial Crisis (p. 160-165): managed so far in each Escalation – being much more a
1. The Broken Warriors matter of the fiction you’ve established than just good rolls.
2. The Exiled March
3. The Feast of Ashes You may start a new Crisis in parallel to find solutions for
4. The Healers’ Crusade both problems in a same flashpoint. Careful just not to
5. The Poisoned Land overload your scenes with too many elements and remember
6. The Waters of Life you can assign the new Crisis escalations to your Havens,
dealing with them when you return there for rest, research
First, answer the Reveal to set the Crisis’ mood, tying every and resupply.
new piece of information to map locations. As we mentioned
in Chapter 6, the most powerful tool at your disposal is a Your Companions will play a vital role when you tackle
consistent mood. You’re on your own here, so take the time multiple parallel Crises. Send them on their own to deal with
to add flavor to the experience. Search for the music that an Escalation and consult the Oracle. Arm them with Arts
best evokes the spirit of your Montara. For concept art that and use these Artifacts as tags for the roll. Use the Oracle to
matches your visions of clothing and armour and buildings. understand the challenges and the rewards of their trial. And
Lavishly decorate a beautiful notebook with these always have them lose one tag per Escalation faced so far in
references, your maps and the details of your story. this Crisis.
“Hundreds will march by your side and hundreds more ahead. ASSAULT & CONFRONT
For all of you the Kingdom is but a memory of gentle rolling There are four levels of battle in Mysthea, depending on the
hills, elegant plazas and ancient states; of friendship, love, opposition size and numbers:
rivalry and laughter and little else. They seem weary and
burdened by fear or doubt. Not you though – with a confident ◊ A Duel against a single foe or a small group. Roll Assault
step, you march on… as long as you have a weapon with the Melee or Ranged
tag, OR Manifest a relevant effect with at least one Focus.
“The ruins at the end of your journey hide beauty, history and ◊ A Fight against a large group. Roll Assault as long as you
anger, but it’s the local’s anxious stares that grab your attack with Area tag (from Arsenal or Companions), OR
attention. Were you not surrounded by your House peers, Manifest a relevant effect with at least two Foci.
you’d give equal odds on them mobbing you for aid and ◊ A Battle against an Arcane Horror or a group vastly
dragging you away for lynching! Still, with eyes ablaze, you superior in numbers. Roll Confront or Assault, depending
enter their city… on the nature of the target. You will need an Area, Brutal
or Hefty tag from Arsenal AND the support of adequate
“What is it that guides your heart and drives you forward like this?” Companions, OR Manifest a relevant effect with at least
three Foci.
Let the Hero guide you through your story of Montara. ◊ A Dire Confrontation facing off against a Titan. Roll
Use their perspective to keep the human trials and stakes as Confront only if you have a relevant special ability OR
the heart of your stories. And let their ambition build a saga Manifest a relevant effect with at least three Foci.
of bold depth and scope.
A given scene might trigger battles in different levels.
Choose your Hero Playbook and complete it as usual,
except for these differences:
◊ Ignore Roles – you start as a regular member of your HEALING & AMBIENCE
House, not even employed at a special task as an Agent. Whenever your moves Heal your Companions, restore one of
◊ Pick two Companions, name them and form your their tags. When you Recover the Oracle’s next Reward
Covenants. changes to a Threat which escalates the current scene.
◊ Your first and last core themes form the Covenant with
your first Companion, and the second one gets your two To erase ambience, a Lonesome Heroe must rank down a
middle themes. Covenant through Alien behavior, accept disadvantage for
◊ Pick your Focus; your two first Covenants form your their next roll as Echoes hound their actions, or Resist Danger
memory attached to it. from Surges that cause 1 Harm for point of Ambience gained
◊ Whenever you are asked to roll +Roles marked, roll with and held.
Advances gained instead.
For the Oracle you just need five pairs of d6, each pair of a The dice rolled will resolve the Hero Move as usual, but the
particular color – our Mysthea custom dice are perfect for colour of each dice will determine what happens next:
this, but you can pick your own colours so long as you assign
them to these caregories: ◊ The highest die used in the result is your Reward.
◊ The lowest die used in the result is your Challenge.
◊ Martial ◊ A die discarded thanks to Advantage is your Complication.
◊ Environmental ◊ A die discarded thanks to Disadvantage is your Blessing.
◊ Social
◊ Erudition In the case of ties, you have free choice which category to
◊ Arcane assign the tied dice to.
Put the dice in a bag and pull out a random se of dice when In caser of hard failure (on a 6- roll or misfortune due thanks
asked to roll – a pair normally, or a trio for Advantage/ to the player’s fictional positioning), alternate between these
Disadvantage. options:
THE REWARD Social: the situation will now have deeper and wider
Martial: Gear, an enemy leader is captured, a critical tactical consequences to your standing in a group, to your direct
advantage. relationship or to your own morals – a tough choice that will
alienate your covenants either way, a chance for a quick or
Environmental: a timely escape route or shortcut, shelter total victory at the cost of your reputation or dignity, a foe is
from inclement weather, a Strategic Resource that needs now in a position of importance, someone holds a dirty
processing and securing, a hideaway from your foes. secret on you.
Social: leverage over an important personage, authority to Erudition: the problem cannot be solved by violence or skill
dictate a House’s policy, a well placed Covenant, safe alone, or you can’t interact with the problem unless you hold
passage to contested or enemy grounds. a key knowledge – the merchant that crosses the portal
speaks an ancient dialect, the mechanism was not designed
Erudition: a font of Lore, in any form appropriate to the by humans, the titan guarding the temple will obey to the
scene. long deceased priests’ command.
Arcane: Arts in the form of a blank Shard or a Relic, a strange Arcane: whatever the challenge was, it’s now impossible to
and enigmatic Companion, access to a Place of Power, a be solved by mere humans or mortals – the scene is about
Verdant Seed. to Break!, the opposition is now an arcane horror… or a titan,
the mountain path now ascends impossibly into the clouds,
the merchant obeys the will of a potent relic.