Syllabus Electrical

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(w.e.f. 2002-2003)

Course Subject Teaching Schedule Examination Schedule Total Duration

No L T P/D Total Theory Sessional Practical/ of Exam.

MT-201 Mathematics-III 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3

ET-201 Circuit Theory 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-205 Analog Electronics 4 1 - 5 75 50 - 125 3
ET-205 Measurement & 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-207 Electrical Machines-I 4 1 - 5 75 50 - 125 3
ET-209 Transmission & Distribution 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-211 Electrical Machines Lab-I - - 3 3 - 40 30 70 3
ET-213 Measurements and - - 2 2 - 30 30 60 3
Instrumentation Lab-I
ET-215 Analog Electronics Lab - - 2 2 - 30 30 60 3
ET-217 Computer Technique lab - - 2 2 - 30 30 60 3
Total 20 6 9 35 450 430 120 1000

(w.e.f. 2002-2003)

Course Subject Teaching Schedule Examination Schedule Total Duration

No L T P/D Total Theory Sessional Practical/ of Exam.
Hut-201 Industrial Socialogy 2 1 - 3 75 25 - 100 3
ET-202 Signals And Systems 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-204 Electrical Machines-II 4 1 - 5 75 50 - 125 3
ET-206 Power Electronics-I 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-208 Digital Electronics 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-210 Fields and Waves 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-212 Power Generation & Control 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-214 Electrical Machines Lab-II - - 3 3 - 25 25 50 3
ET-216 Power Electronics Lab-I - - 2 2 - 25 25 50 3
ET-218 Digital Electronics Lab - - 2 2 - 25 25 50 3
Total 21 7 7 35 525 400 125 1000

Note: Students shall devote 6 weeks to Practical Training after Fourth Semester Examination

(w.e.f. 2002-2003)

Course Subject Teaching Schedule Examination Schedule Total Duration

No L T P/D Total Theory Sessional Practical/ of Exam.
ET-301 Network Analysis 4 1 - 5 75 50 - 125 3
And Synthesis
ET-303 Power Electronics-II 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-305 Power System Analysis 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-307 Materials Components 2 1 - 3 50 50 - 100 3
And Processes
ET-309 Control System 4 1 - 5 75 50 - 125 3
HuT-311 Business Management 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-311 Power Electronics Lab-II - - 3 3 - 25 25 50 3
ET-313 Control System Lab - - 3 3 - 25 25 50 3
ET-315 Signals &Systems Lab - - 2 2 - 25 25 50 3
ET-317Electrical Workshop - - 2 2 - 25 25 50 3
ET-319 Practical Training - - - - - 75 - 75 -

Total 19 6 10 35 425 475 100 1000

(w.e.f. 2002-2003)

Course Subject Teaching Schedule Examination Schedule Total Duration

No L T P/D Total Theory Sessional Practical/ of Exam.
ET-302 Electric Drives 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-304 Microprocessors and 4 1 - 5 75 50 - 125 3
ET-306 Analog and Digital 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-308 Switchgear and Protection 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-310 Advanced Programming 4 1 - 5 75 50 - 125 3
And Software Engg.
ET-312 Measurements and 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-314 Microprocessors Lab - - 2 2 - 30 30 60 3
ET-316 Power System Lab - - 2 2 - 30 30 60 3
ET-318 Electric Drives Lab - - 3 3 - 40 30 70 3
ET-320 Measurements and - - 2 2 - 30 30 60 3
Instrumentation Lab-II
Total 20 6 9 35 450 430 120 1000

Note: Students shall devote 6 weeks Practical training after sixth semester examination outside the College Campus at approved

(w.e.f. 2002-2003)

Course Subject Teaching Schedule Examination Schedule Total Duration

No L T P/D Total Theory Sessional Practical/ of Exam.
ET-401 Computer Method in 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
Power System
ET-403 Digital Signal Processing 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-413,415,417,419 Deptt. 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-421,423,425,427 Deptt.Elective-I3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
Open Elective-I 3 1 - 4 75 50 - 125 3
ET-405 Seminar-I - 2 - 2 - 40 - 40 -
ET-407 Advance Programming - - 3 3 - 40 25 65 3
& Software Engg.Lab
ET-409 Computer Methods in - - 3 3 - 40 25 65 3
Power Systems Lab
ET-411 Minor Project - - 3 3 - 40 25 65 3
ET-429,431,433,435 - - 3 3 - 40 25 65 3
Design Project-I
ET-436,438,440,442 Major Project - - 1 1 - - - - -
ET-437 Inplant Training Report - - - - - 75 - 75 -

Total 15 7 13 35 375 525 100 1000 -

(w.e.f. 2002-2003)

Course Subject Teaching Schedule Examination Schedule Total Duration

No L T P/D Total Theory Sessional Practical/ of Exam.

ET-402 System Engg. & Reliability 3 1 - 4 75 25 - 100 3

ET-404 High Voltage Engg. 3 1 - 4 75 25 - 100 3
ET-412,414,416,418 Deptt. Elective 3 1 - 4 75 25 - 100 3
Deptt. Elective-IV 3 1 - 4 75 25 - 100 3
Open Elective-II 3 1 - 4 75 25 - 100 3
ET-406 Seminar-II - 2 - 2 - 25 - 25 3
ET-408 High Voltage Engg. Lab - - 2 2 - 25 25 50 3
ET-410 Reliability Engg. Lab - - 2 2 - 25 25 50 3
ET-428,430,432,434 Major Project - - 6 6 - 75 50 125 3
ET-436,438,440,442 Design Project - - 3 3 - 50 50 100 3
ET-444 Comprehensive Viva-voce - - - - - 75 - 75 -
ET-446 General Fitness & - - - - - - 75 75 -
Professional Aptitude

Total 15 7 13 35 375 400 225 1000 -

Departmental Electives and Projects for Seven and Eight Semester B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
Group A Group B Group C Group D
(Power Apparatus (Computer Applications) (Information & Control) (Electronics &
and Systems) Instrumentation)

ET-413 ET-415 ET-417 ET-419

Departmental Elective-I Control Theory Computer Organisation Information Technology Digital System Design
& Architecture

ET-421 ET-423 ET-425 ET-427

Departmental Elective-II Electrical Machine Problem Solving. Data Digital & Non-linear Biomedical & Analytical
Design Structure & Algorithms Control Systems Instrumentation

ET-412 ET-414 ET-416 ET-418

Departmental Elective-III Utilization of Elect rical System Analysis & Data Data Communication Advanced
Energy & Electric Base Management & Networks Instrumentation

ET-420 ET-422 ET-424 ET-426

Departmental Elective-IV Electrical Advances in Computers Optimal & Industrial Microprocessors &
Machine-III Control Microcontrollers-II

Design Project-I ET-429 ET-431 ET-433 ET-435

Design Project-II ET-428 ET-430 ET-432 ET-434
Major Project ET-436 ET-438 ET-440 ET-442


Sr. Course No. Name of Subject Remarks

1. CET-419 Hydro Electric Power Development

2. CET-421 Concrete Technology
3. CET-423 Environmental Engg.
4. CET-425 Machine Foundations
5. COT-471 Fundamentals of Software Engg.
6. COT-473 Fundamentals of Database Systems
7. COT-475 Fundamentals of Computer Hardware Technologies
8. COT-477 Artificial Intelligence
9. ET-461 Non-Conventional Energy Sources
10. ET-463 System Modeling and Control Only for C and M
11. ET-465 Fault Tolerance and Reliability Engg.
12. ET-467 Illumination Engg.
13. ET-469 Microprocessors and Applications Only for C and M
14. ET-431 Transducers and Applications Only for C and M
15. ECT-431 e – Business
16. ECT-433 Radio and TV Engineering
17. ECT-435 Acoustic Engineering
18. ECT-437 Measurement Systems
19. ECT-439 Basic Communications Engg.
20. MET-429 Industrial Robotics
21. MET-431 Cryogenic Engg.
22. MET-433 Industrial Noise and Control
23. MET-435 Computer graphics and product Design

24. MET-437 Piping Engg.
25. MET-439 Process Equipment Design
26. MET-441 Industrial Engg. And Organization Not for M
27. CHT-463 Metals and Alloys
28. HuE-461 Modern Trends in Management
29. HuE-463 Industrial Social Responsibility
30. HuE-467 Development and Planning in Indian Economy
31. HuE-475 Advanced Communication Sills in English
32. MaE-467 Advanced Mathematics-I
33. PhE-465 Lasers
34. PhE-467 Ultrasonics


Sr. Course No. Name of Subject Remarks

1. CET-414 River Mechanics & Flood Control

2. CET-416 Geosynthetics Engg.
3. CET-418 Introduction to Finite Element Method
4. CET-420 Transport Planning
5. COT-472 Fundamentals of Operating Systems
6. COT-474 Fundamentals of Computer Networks
7. COT-476 Object Oriented Software Engg.
8. COT-478 Expert Systems
9. COT-480 Security and Cryptography
10. ET-462 Energy Management and Conservation (All except E)
11. ET-464 Robotic Dynamics and Control
12. ET-466 Reliability Centered Maintenance
13. ET-468 Process Instrumentation & Control
14. ET-470 ANNs and Fuzzy logic
15. ET-472 Control and Guidance
16. ET-474 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
17. ECT-436 IC Fabrication Processes
18. ECT-438 Op-amp Applications
19. ECT-440 Theory and Application of DSP
20. ECT-442 Mobile Communication
21. MET-428 Non-Conventional Energy Systems
22. MET-430 Value Engg.
23. MET-432 Pneumatics & Hydraulics Control
24. MET-434 Material Handling
25. MET-436 Computer Modeling & Software Engg.

26. MET-438 Air Pollution and its Control
27. ChT-464 Polymer Technology
28. HuE-462 Entrepreneurship
29. HuE-464 Human Resource Management
30. HuE-466 Intellectual Property Rights
31. MaE-468 Advanced Mathematics-II
32. PhE-468 Non-Destructive Testing
33. PhE-470 Transducers & their Applications


BTech Electrical Engineering
6th Semester
ET-302 Electric Drives

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Classifications of Electric Drives, components of electric drives, advantages of
electric drives, Review of characteristics and speed control of d.c. and a.c. motors.
Dynamics of Electric Drives:-
Fundamental torque equation, speed-torque conventions and multiquadrant
operation, equivalent values of drive parameters, components of load torques, nature and
classification of load torques, calculation of time and energy-loss in transient operations,
criteria for steady state stability, load equalization.
Rating and Heating of Motors:-
Thermal model of motor for heating and cooling, classes of motor duty,
determination of motor rating, frequency of operation of motors subjected to intermittent
Rectifier Control of D.C. Drives:-
Controlled rectifier circuits, 1-phase fully controlled rectifier-fed separately
excited d.c. motor, 1-phase half-controlled rectifier-fed separately excited d.c. motor, 3-
phase fully controlled rectifier-fed separately excited d.c. motor, multiquadrant operation
of fully-controlled rectifier-fed d.c. motor.
Chopper Control of D.C. Drives:
Principle of operation and control techniques, motoring operation of separately
excited and series excited motors, multiquadrant control of chopper-fed motors.
Induction Motor (IM) Drives:-
3-phase a.c. voltage controller-fed IM drive, voltage source inverter (VSI) and
current source inverter (CSI) variable frequency drives, comparison of VSI and
CSI drives, cycloconverter-fed IM drive, static rotor resistance control of 3-phase
slipring IM.
Synchronous Motor Drives:-
VSI drive, CSI drive, CSI drive with load commutation, cycloconverter drive,

Braking methods:-
Various methods of braking d.c. and a.c. motors, regenerative braking of d.c.
motors during chopper control, static scherbius drive, commutatorless Kramer

Microprocessor Control of Electric Drives:-

Dedicated hardware systems versus microprocessor control, application areas
and functions of microprocessor in drive technology, control of d.c. drives
using microprocessors, vector control of IM drive using microprocessor, some
aspects of control system design of microprocessor based variable speed


1. G.K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives” Narosa Publishing House,

2. SK Pillai, “A First course on Electrical Drives” Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. V. Subrahmanyam, “ Electric Drives: Concepts and Applications”, Tata Mc
Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994.
4. GK Dubey, “ Power semiconductor Controlled Drives, “Prentice Hall,
Englewood cliffs, New Jersey, 1989.
5. EL- Sharkawi & A Mohamad “ Fundamental of Electric Drive”, Vikas
Publishing House

ET-304 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
L T P Marks:
4 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Microprocessor Architecture:
8085 microprocessor architecture, timing and control unit, machine cycles,
interrupt diagram.
Addressing modes, instruction set, assembly language programming, program for
multibyte addition/subtraction, multiplication, division, block transfer.
Basic principles of interfacing memory and I /O devices. Data transfer techniques
– programmed interrupt and DMA. Details of interfacing devices 8255 and 8253.
Interfacing of D/A and A/D converter.
Semi Conductor Memory:
Read only memories, random access memories. Interfacing of memories with
Architecture of 8051 microcontroller. Interrupt, serial and timer control.
Instruction set and programming. Interfacing with D/A and A/D converter.
Architecture of 8086 microprocessor.


1. R.S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and

Applications”, Penram International.
2. A.P. Mathur, “Introduction to Microprocessor”.
3. K.J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Penram International.
4. D.V. Hall, “Advanced Microprocessor”.

ET-306 Analog and Digital Communication
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Introduction to Communication Systems:
Block diagram, modulation and demodulation, need for modulation, transmission
considerations and decibel ratios.
Amplitutde modulation, generation of AM waves, concept of SSB and DSB
modulation, vestigial sideband transmission, power-relationships, AM receivers, S/N
Phase and frequency modulation, pre-and de-emphasis, generation of FM waves,
CW modulation systems, narrowband FM, FM detectors and superheterodyne receivers,
S/N ratio.
Concepts of information, Shannon-Hartley theorem, bandwidth-S/N ratio tradeoff,
coding, codes for error detection and correction, convolution codes, block and trellis
Pulse modulation, PAM, PPM, PWM systems. Concept of PCM, basic coding and
quantization, sample and hold, quantization noise, signal to noise ratio, companding,
TDM, Delta modulation, adaptive delta modulation, S/N ratio, comparison of PCM, delta
and adaptive delta modulation ASK, PSK, FSK, differential PSK and quadriphase shift
keying, synchronization concepts and phase locked loops.
Block diagram of Fibre optic communication systems, light propogation in optical
fibres, numerical aperature and acceptance cones of OFs, losses in optical fibres.
Multiplexing in optic fibre links.
An introduction to telephone exchange systems. Telecommunication traffic,
circuit switching, message switching and packet switching. Resource sharing and
multiple access techniques.
An introduction to microwave, radar and satellite communication.


1. G. Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw-Hill, NY .

2. H.Taub and D.L. Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, TMH.
3. W.D. Stanley, “Electronic Communication Systems”, Reston Pub. Co. PH
4. W. Tomari & V.F. Alisauskas, “Telecommunications”, PH Inc., NJ.
5. Dungan, Frank R “ Electronic Communication Systems’ Vikas Publishing B
House Pvt. Ltd

ET-308 Switchgear and Protection

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction, functions of a circuit breaker, contacts separation and arc
phenomenon, theory of arc formation and its extinction, recovery voltage, restriking
voltage, interruption of capacitive and inductive currents, resistance switching, double
frequency transients, circuit breaker ratings, clearing time, reclosing time, classification
of circuit breakers, oil, air-blast, vacuum and SF6 circuit breakers.
Protection Against Lightning:
Lightning mechanism and its characteristics, over-voltages due to lightning,
protection of lines and sub-stations against lightning using shield wires, tower footing
resistance, counterpoises, ground wires, rod gaps, lightning arrestors, their construction,
working and ratings, surge absorbers and surge divertors.
Insulation Co-ordination:
Impulse volt-time characteristics of electrical apparatus, basic impulse insulation
level, insulation levels of sub-station equipments.
Protective Relays:
Introduction, basic requirements, operating principles and characteristics of
electromagnetic type over-current, differential, impedance and admittance relays. Detail
of protection against abnormal conditions for alternators, transformers, feeders
transmission lines, and bus-bars. Carrier current protection for long lines.
Static Relays:
Introduction, comparison with electromagnetic relays, working of instantaneous,
definite time, inverse time and directional over current relays, introduction to digital

Types of sub-stations, sub-station equipments and outdoor yard layout, types of
bus-bars, key diagrams and bus-bar arrangements.


1. A Chakrabarti, ML Soni, PV Gupta and US Bhatnagar, “Power System

Engineering” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari,”Power System Engineering” Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. CL Wadhwa, “Electric Power Systems”, Wiley Eastern Limited.
4. Sunil S. Rao, “Switchgear, Protection and Power Systems”, Khanna
5. Badriram and DN Vishwakarma, “Power System Protection and Switchgear”,
Tata McGraw-Hill.

ET-310 Advanced Programming and Software Engineering
L T P Marks:
4 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Loader Schemes-absolute, binder, linking overlays and dynamic binder.
Operating Systems:
Functions of operating systems, Input/Output memory, Processor,Device, and file
management, some typical examples from UNIX/LINUX/WINDOWS/MS-DOS
operating systems.
Functions, Lexical and system analysis, parsing techniques, storage assignment,
code generation.
C++ Programming Language:
Concept of Object Oriented Programming Abstract data types & classes, data
encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, run time polymorphism, virtual functions,
templates, standard template library and container classes. Implementation using C++.


1. John J. Donovan, “System Programming” .

2. A.V. Aho and J.D. Ullman, “Principles of Compiler Design”, Addision
Wesley Pub.Co.
3. D.M. Dhamdhere, “System Software”, TMH.
4. Peterson, “Operating Systems”,.
5. Herbert Schildt, “C++ - Complete reference”, TMH.
6. Stroustrup “C++”, Addision Wesley Pub. Comp.
7. Litvin, Maria, “Programming in C++”, Vikas Publishing House.

ET-312 Measurements and Instrumentation-II
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Thermocouple and rectifier type instruments, Electronic analog instruments for
measurement of direct and alternating currents, voltages and power.
Digital instruments – advantages over analog instruments. Measurement of
voltage, resistance, time and frequency by digital techniques. Digital wattmeters and
energy meters.
Construction and synchronization of C.R.O. measurement of voltages, currents,
phase and frequency by C.R.O. Distortion meter, harmonic analyzer, Q meters.
Recorders – X-Y recorder, strip chart recorder and magnetic recorder. Frequency
modulation and pulse duration recording. Digital tape recording. Noise in reproduction. `
Digital display methods. Display systems – LED, LCD. Medical display devices –
Principles of telemetry, wire link channels, radio channels, microwave channels,
multiplexers. Digital and Analog Data Acquisition Systems.
Measurements of high direct and alternating voltages and currents.
Measurement of phase and frequency:
Single phase and three- phase electrodynamometer type power factor
meters, electrical resonance frequency meter, Weston frequency meter, ratio meter type
frequency meter.
Classification, transducers for measurement of position, force, pressure,
temperature, torque, flow, velocity (linear and angular) strains, humidity, vibrations and
p.H. value.


1. A.K. Sawhney “Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments”,

Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. W.D. Cooper- “Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”,
Prentice Hall India.
3. B.C. Nakra and K.K. Chaudhry- “Instrumentation Measurement and
Analysis”, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
7th Semester
ET-401Computer Methods in Power Systems

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Impact of computers, orientation of Engineering problems to computers, review
of matrices and matrix operations.
Incidence and Network Matrices:
Network graph, various incidence matrices, generalized element representation,
primitive network and primitive network matrices, formation of various network matrices
by singular transformations, inter-relations between various incidence matrices and
network matrices.
Bus impedance and admittance matrices:
Building algorithm for bus impedance matrix, modification of bus impedance
matrix for change of reference bus and for network changes, formation of bus admittance
matrix and modification, calculation of Z Bus elements from Y Bus.
Three-phase Elements:
Representation of three-phase network elements, treatment under balanced and
unbalanced excitation, transformation matrices, unbalanced elements.
Short-Circuit Studies:
Introduction, network short-circuit studies using Z bus, short-circuit calculations
using symmetrical components for various types of faults.
Load-Flow Studies:
Introduction, importance of load-flow studies, classification of buses, load-flow
equations, iterative methods, computer algorithm and load flow solutions using Gauss-
Seidel and Newton-raphson methods, decoupled and fast decoupled load-flow solutions,
representation of regulating and off-nominal ratio transformers, comparison of load-flow
solution methods.
Sparsity :
Introduction, optimally ordered triangular factorization, schemes of optimal
Stability Studies:
Algorithmic flow chart and transient stability solution using modified euler
Power System Security:
Introduction, contingency analysis using Z Bus and various distribution factors.


1. Glenn W. Stagg and Ahmed El-Abiad, “ Computer Methods in Power System

Analysis”, McGraw-Hill.
2. George L Kusic, “ Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis”, PHI.
3. John J Grainger and William D Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”, Jr.
4. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari , “Power System Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill.

ET-403 Digital Signal Processing

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

The Z-Transform analysis of LTI Systems:

Analysis of LTI systems in z-domain, transient and steady -state response,
causality and stability, Shur-Cohn stability test, Jury test, Shur-Cohn-Fuzzivera stability
DFT and FFT:
DFT and its properties, linear filtering using DFT, Direct computation of DFT,
circular convolution, FFT algorithms; Geortzel algorithm, Radix-2 and Radix-4
algorithms, Chirp-Z algorithm.
Circular convolution and fast linear convolution.
Implementation of Discrete time Systems:
Direct form, cascade form, frequency selective and lattice structure for FIR filters,
direct form, signal flow graph and transposed structure for IIR filters, cascade, parallel
and lattice structure for IIR filters, state space structure.
Design of Digital Filters:
Design of FIR filters, window method, frequency sampling method, design of IIR
filters by approximation of derivatives, quantization effects in digital filters. Bilinear
transformation, characteristics of some commonly used analog filters for design of IIR
filters, least square methods.
Time- Frequency Analysis:
Introduction to wavelets and wavelet transforms.
Brief introduction to DSP architecture:
Pipeline, lattice and systolic architecture.


1. S.K. Mitra, “ Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.

2. Rabinar, Gold, “ Digital Signal Processing” ,PHI.
3. J.G. Proakis and DG Manolakis, “ Digital Signal Processing”,PHI.
4. Oppenheim and Schafer, “ Discrete Time Signal Processing” ,PHI.
5. S. Salivahanan, “ Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.
6. Ingle, Vinay K, “ Digital Signal Processing using Matlab”, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.

(Power Apparatus and System)

L T Marks
3 1 Sessional : 50
Theory 75
Time 3 Hrs.

Non-linear Systems:
classification and comparison. Special features of non-linear systems, limit cycle,
jump resonance, subharmonics, bifurcations, chaos, multiple eq. points.

Analysis of Non-linear systems:

Describing function and phase plane techniques.Concept of local, global,
asymptotic and total stability of NL system, Liapunov’s direct method, Popov’s method.
PID controller:
Function of PID, Tunning features, Ziegler-Nichols Tunning method, ultimate
cycle tuning method, Process reaction curve, Tunning for Minimum error integrals.
Optimal Control System:
Introduction to OCT, Advantages, Problem Formulation (minimization problem,
tracking problem). Optimization through transfer function , limitations of transfer
function approach, optimization through state variable approach, regulator problem, HJ
equation, solution of finite time regulator problem.


1. Ogatta. K. , “Modern Control System”, PHI.

2. M.Gopal, “Optimal Control Theory” ,TMH.
3. M.Gopal ,“Digital Control and State variable Methods”, TMH.

ET-415 Computer Organisation and Architecture
(Computer Application)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction to basic computer architecture, register transfer, bus and memory

transfers, arithmetic, logic and shift microperations.
Instruction codes, computer registers, computer instructions, timing and control,
instruction cycle, memory reference instructions, I/O interrupt, complete computer
description, design of basic computer, design of accumulator logic.

Microprogrammed control, control memory, address sequencing, microprogram

example, design of control unit.
Central Processing Unit:
Introduction, general register organization, stack organization, instruction
formats, addressing modes, data transfer and manipulation, program control, RISC.
Pipeline and Vector Processing:
Parallel processing, pipelining, arithmetic pipeline, instruction pipeline, RISC
pipeline, vector processing, array processors.
Input-output Organisation:
Peripheral devices, input-output interface, asynchronous data transfer, modes of
transfer, priority interrupt, DMA, IOP serial communication.
Memory Organisation:
Memory hierarchy, main memory, auxillary memory, associative memory, cache
memory, virtual memory, memory management, hardware multiprocessor architectures
and their characteristics, interconnection structures, interprocessor arbitration,
interprocessor communication and synchronization, cache coherence.


1. Morris Mano, “ Computer System Architecture”, PHI.

2. J.F. Heys, “ Computer Organization and Architecture”,TMH.
3. Hwang K. and F.A. Briggs, “ Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”,

ET-417 Information Technology
(Information and Control)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

An overview of the revolution in computers and communications.

Applications software, common features of software speciality software, Ethics &
intellectual property rights.
Systems software, common operating systems, software for online computing.
System Unit:
System board, microprocessor.
Input and output:
Keyboard, pointing, scanning, voice input devices, voice recognition system,
monitors, printers, plotters, voice output devices.
Secondary storage:
Floppy, hard, optical disks, CD-R Drives.
Communication and Connectivity:
E-mail, fax, voice messaging system, user connection, communication channels,
data transmission, network types.
Internet and Web:
Applications, Access, E-mail, discussion groups, E-commerce, services,
browsers, web pages, multimedia, graphics program, virtual reality privacy, security and
other such issues.


1. Leon and Leon, “ Fundamental of Information Technology”, Vikas Publishing

2. T.J. O’Leary and L.I. O’Leary, “ Computing Essentials 2000-2001-Irwin”,
McGraw Hill-2000.
3. Williams, Sawyer and Hutchinson, “ Using Information Technology”,TMH,
4. Curtin, Foley, Sen and Morin, “ Information Technology”,TMH.
5. “Internet for every one”, Vikas Publishing House.

ET-419 Digital System Design
(Electronics and Instrumentation)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Review of combinational logic, minimization in combinational logic, sequential

machine fundamentals.
Multi-input system controller design, timing and frequency considerations, system
controller state specification, state assignment, next state and output decoder.
A synchronous finite state machines and their design.
VHDL, basic terminology, configuration, package declaration, basic language
elements, behavioral modeling. Data flow and structural modeling.


1. J. Bhaskar, “ A VHDL primer”, Pearson Education Asia.

2. J. Bhaskar, “An Engineering approach to Digital Logic Design”.

ET-421 Electrical Machines Design
(Power Apparatus and Systems)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Review of Magnetic and insulating materials.

Principles of design of Machines:

Factors and limitations in design, specific magnetic and electric loadings, output,
real and apparent flux densities, separation of main dimensions for D.C., induction and
synchronous machines.

Heating, Cooling and Ventilation:

Temperature rise calculation, continuous, short-time and intermittent ratings,
types of ventilation, hydrogen cooling and its advantages.

Design of Transformers:
General considerations, output equation, main dimensions, leakage reactance,
winding design, tank and cooling tubes, calculation of magnetizing current, losses,
efficiency and regulation.

Design Three- phase induction motors:

General considerations, output equation, choice of specific electric and magnetic
loadings, No. of slots in stator and rotor, elimination of harmonic torques, design of stator
and rotor windings, leakage reactance, equivalent resistance of squirrel cage rotor,
magnetizing current, temperature rise and efficiency.

Design of Alternators:
Classification and their comparison, specific loadings, output coefficient, main
dimensions, short circuit ratio, elimination of harmonics in generated EMF, stator
winding design.

Introduction to computer aided electrical machine design.


1. Clayton A.E., “The performance and design of D.C. Machines”,

2. Say MG, “The performance and design of A.C. Machines”, Pitman(ELBS).
3. Sawhney AK, “Electrical Machine Design”,(Dhanpat Rai & Sons.

ET-423 Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms
(Computer Application)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Problem Solving Strategies:
Statements, goals and rules, abstraction, problem spaces, inference, subproblems
and subgoals, hill climbing, working backwards, heuristics, back tracking, iteration and

Basic Data Structures:

Arrays, strings, stacks, queues – linear and circular, single- linked lists, double
linked lists – linear and circular, trees, binary trees, implementation using linked lists.

Introduction to analysis of algorithms, asymptotic notation, features of a
structured program. Recursion, top down and bottom up programming techniques. Divide
and conquer strategy.

Sorting methods –
internal and external sort, double, exchange, insertion, selection, merge, heap,
radix and quick sort. Comparison with respect to their efficiency.

Searching methods, Sequential, Binary search, indexed search, hashing techniques and
collision handling mechanism.

Graphs and their applications – computer representation of graphs traversal techniques

like depth – first/breadth-first.Greedy algorithms – study with respect to shortest path,
minimum spanning trees, knapsack problems, traveeling salesman problem.

Mathematical methods:
Sparse matrices their representation manipulations, strassen’s matrix
multiplication, permutations & combinations, random number generation techniques.


1. Trembley and Sorenson, “An Introduction of Data Structures with

Applications”, McGraw Hill.
2. Goodman, S.E., and Hetedniemi, S.T., “Introduction to the Design and
Analysis of Algorithms”, McGraw Hill.
3. Sahni, “Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++”, TMH.
4. Horowitz, Ellis and Sahni, Sartaj, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”,
Galgotia Publications.
5. Gorgono, “Problem Solving & Computer Programming”, Narosa Nelwn.
6. Horowitz, E. and Sahani, S. “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia

ET-425 Digital and Non-linear Control System
(Information and Control)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Pulse transfer function, block diagrams and signal flow graphs for sampled data

State variable representation and solution of discrete data systems, stability in

state space representation correlation between S-plane and Z-plane, Jury’s modified
Rouths criteria and time response characteristics & bode plots.

Non-linear systems classification and comparison. Special features of non-linear

systems: Limit cycle, jump renonances. Subharmonies biferation, chaos, multiple
equilibrium points.

Analysis of Non-linear systems:

Describing function and phase plane techniques.

Concept of local, global, asymptotic and total stability of non-linear systems.

Liapunov’s direct method, Popov’s method.


1. Ogatta, “Modern Control System”, PHI.

2. Nagrath and Gopal, “Control System Engg”, TMH.
3. M.Gopal, “Digital Control System”, TMH.
4. B.C. Kuo, “Digital Control System”, PHI.

ET-427 Biomedical and Analytical Instrumentation
(Electronics & Instrumentation)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Biomedical Instrumentation:

Model of generation of bioelectric voltage. Electrophysiology and pump theory of

cell membrane.

Electrocardiography, cardiovascular circulatory system electrical conduction and

mechanical functions of heart. Einthoven and Wilson models. ECG specifications. 6 lead
an 12 lead ECG measurements and interpretation of some typical abnormalities of ECG.
Fetal ECG and its interpretation.

Ultrasonography, ultrasonic scanning and Doppler ultrasound.

Electroencephalography (EEG) – Recording instruments, EEG display modes and

applications. X-ray machine .

Blood pressure – direct and indirect measurement of blood pressure. Blood flow
measurement, cardiac output and blood volume.

Analytical Instrumentation:

A brief review of on-line instrumentation and laboratory techniques: sampling

techniques for liquids and gases for analysis purpose, automatic sampling.

Gas chromatography – Thermal conductivity gas analyzer. Gas analysis by

chemical absorption.

Humidity and moisture measurements. Chemical Composition analysis.

Measurement of viscosity and consistency. Specrochemical analysis. Mass spectrometry
and emission spectrometry.

Statistical treatment of experimental data as applied to various analysis



1. Bolton W, “Measurement and Instrumentation Systems”,

2. Cromwell L, Weibell F.J, Pfeiffer E.A, “Biomedical Instrumentation
and Measurements”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Rangan C S, Sarma G R, Mani V.S.V., “Instrumentation Devices and
Systems”, TMH New Delhi, India.
4. Beckwith T.G. et al, “Mechanical Measurements”, Addison-Wesley.
5. Gupta J.B., “A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurements and
Instrumentation”, SK Kataria & Sons, Delhi, India.
6. Nakra. B.C., Chaudhary KK, “Instrumentation Measurement and
Analysis”,TMH, New Delhi,India.

ET- 461 Non-Conventional Energy Sources

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Limitations of conventional energy sources, need and growth of alternate
energy sources, basic schemes and applications of direct energy conversion.
MHD Generators:
Basic principles and hall effect, generator and motor effect, different types
of MHD generators, conversion effectiveness. Practical MHD generators,
applications and economic aspects.
Solar Energy:
Photovoltaic effect, characteristics of photovoltaic cells, conversion
efficiency, solar batteries and applications. Solar energy in India, solar collectors,
solar furnaces & applications.
Wind Energy:
History of wind power, wind generators, theory of wind power,
characteristics of suitable wind power sites, scope in India, advantages and
Thermo-electric Generators:
Seeback effect, peltier effect, Thomson effect, thermoelectric convertors,
brief description of the construction of thermoelectric generators, applications and
economic aspects.
Fuel Cells:
Principle of action, gibbs free energy, general description of fuel cells,
types, construction, operational characteristics and applications.
Miscellaneous Sources:
Geothermal system, characteristics of geothermal resources, choice of
generators, electric equipment and precautions.
Low head hydroplants, definition of lowhead hydro power, choice of site
and turbines.
Tidal energy, idea of tidal energy, tidal electric generator, limitations.


1. R.A. Coormbe,. “An introduction to direct energy conversion”.

2. M. Kettani, . “Direct energy conversion”.
3. Robest L Loftness, “Energy hand book”. .
4. Considine, “Energy Technology Hand book”.

ET-463 System Modelling and Control

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Basic elements for system modelling, modeling of devices and systems.
Mathematical and state variable models of the system.
Mechanical systems, electrical systems, electromechanical, liquid level (with interaction)
pressure, thermal.
Fluidic devices and their applications.
Classification of control systems, nature of control problems, concept of feed
back, comparison of open loop and closed loop structures, characteristics of control
system, error criteria.
Basic control actions (ON-OFF, P/I/D), realization of control actions:
Pneumatic, liquid level, hydraulic and electronics.
Concept of controllability and observability. Controllability and observability of
composite system.


1. W.R. Perkins and J.B. Guz Jr., “Engineering of Dynamic Systems”.

2. K. Ogatta, “Modern Control Engineering”.
3. M. Gopal, “Principles and design of control system”, TMH.
4. M. Gopal, “Modern Control Theory”, TMH.

ET-465 Fault Tolerance and Reliability Engineering

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Fault tolerant concepts, fault detection techniques: test generation, design of
testable circuits, fault tolerant system modeling, redundancy techniques: voting schemes,
qudded logic, radial logic, use of error-correcting codes, N-version and modular
redundancy, SIFT, replicas, alternatives, dynamics of replicas and alternatives.

Reliability data analysis: reliability function, mean-time to failure, bathtub curve,

hazard models: Linear, polynomical, exponential, normal, lognormal, weibull, analysis
of failure data, Estimation of failure data : Least-square, maximum likelihood, Reliability
Data Management: Data collection, storage and recovery of data, data banks, reliability
data sources, system reliability modeling, reliability evaluation techniques, system
analysis through fault trees, reliability improvement.

Design for Safety and Reliability: Design and Engineering practices. A typical
case study.


1. Friedman & Menon, “Fault Detection in Digital Circuits,” Prentice-Hall,

2. Shem.Tov-Levi, Ashok K. Agrawala, “Fault Tolerant System Design,”
McGraw-Hill, 1994.
3. V.N. Yarmolik, “Fault Diagnosis of Digital Circuits”, John Wiley & Sons,
4. Shooman M.L, “Probabilistic Reliability; An Engineering Approach”,
McGraw Hill.
5. K.B. Misra, “Reliability Analysis & Prediction”, Elsevier, 1992.
6. EE Lewis, “Introduction to Reliability Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons.
7. Lawrence M. Leemis, “Reliability Probabilistic Models and Statistical
Methods”, Prentice Hall.

ET-467 Illumination Engineering
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.


Terms used in illumination:

Light, luminous flux, luminous intensity, lumen, candle power, illumination, lux,
candela, mean horizontal candle power (M.H.C.P), mean spherical candle power
(M.S.C.P), mean hemi spherical candle power (M.H.S.C.P), reduction factor, lamp
efficiency, specific consumption, brightness, glare, space-height ratio, utilization factor,
maintenance factor, depreciation factor, absorption factor, beam factor, reflection factor.
Laws of Illumination and Sources of Light:
Law of inverse squares, lambert’s cosine law, Arc lamps, incandescent filament
type lamps, gaseous discharge lamps, fluoresceint type lamps, comparison between
tungsten filament lamps and fluorescent tubes.
Lighting Schemes and Light Fittings:
Direct lighting, semi-direct lighting, semi-indirect lighting, indirect lighting,
general lighting, light fittings.
Lighting Schemes:
Factory lighting, street lighting, flood lighting methods of lighting calculations.


1. PV Gupta, “A text book on Power System Engineering”, et.all., Dhanpat Rai

& Sons, Delhi-6.

ET-469 Microprocessor and its applications
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Gates, flip flops, counters, tri-state switch, bus organized computer, 8085 microprocessor
architecture, stack, interrupt and its operation. Timing and control unit, machine cycles.
Assembly language programming, mode of addressing, programming examples,
interfacing schemes, interfacing with 8255, 8253, A/D and D/A converter.
Semiconductor memories.
Applications of 8085 microprocessor.


1. R.S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications

with 8085”, Penram International.
2. A.P. Malvino, “Digital Computer Electronics, An Introduction to
Microcomputers”, TMH Edition.

ET-471 Transducers and Applications

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 50
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Definition of transducer. Advantages of an electrical signal as out-put. basic
requirements of transducers, Primary and Secondary Transducer.
Analog or digital types of transducers.
Resistive, inductive, capacitive, piezoelectric, photoelectric and, hall
Measurement of displacement – Potentiometric resistance type transducers,
inductive type transducers, differential transformer (L.V.D.T), capacitive
transducers, Hall effect devices, strain gage transducers.
Measurement of pressure – Manometers, elastic transducers, Mclead gage,
ionization gage, knudsen gage.
Measurement of temperature – Metallic resistance thermometers, semi conductor
resistance sensors (Thermistors), thermo-electric sensors, pyrometers.
Measurement of flow – Venturi meter, orifice meter, nozzle meter, pitot – static
tube, rotameter, turbine flow meter, ultrasonic flow meters, electromagnetic flow
meter, hot wire anemometer.
Measurement of velocity – variable reluctance pick up, electromagnetic
tachometers, photoelectric tachometer, toothed rotor tachometer generator,
Measurement of Force – Strain-gage load cells, pneumatic load cell, LVDT type
force transducer.
Measurement of Torque – Torque meter, torsion meter, absorption dynamometers,
inductive torque transducer, digital methods.
Measurement of Humidity – Resistive, capacitive, aluminium oxide and crystal


1. B.C. Nakra, K.K. Chaudhry, “Instrumentation Measurement and

Analysis,” Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
2. Thomas G. Beckwith etc. all, “Mechanical Measurements
(International Student Edition), Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.
3. A.K. Sawhney, “ A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements
and Instrumentation,” Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi-6.

B.Tech. Electrical Engineering
8th Semester
System Engineering and Reliability
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Generalised principles of system modeling, some examples.

Linear programming, concept of convexity, simplex method, duality in linear
programming, cost flow and routing problems, critical path scheduling.
Elementary ideas of genetic algorithms.
Reliability and its importance, mortality curve, hazard rate, courses of failure,
modes of failure, general reliability function and other reliability functions. Mean time to
failure (MTTF), repair rate, mean-time-between failures (MTBF), availability, uptime,
downtime. Failure frequency and failure distributions. Reliability testing.
Reliability models – statistical, structural, Markov, and fault tree. Reliability
evaluation using various models. Redundancy techniques. Reliability allocation and
Basic principles of maintainability, availability and security.
Basic concepts of fuzzy reliability, failure frequency and loss of load probability.


1. S.S. Rao, “.Optimization Techniques”.

2. R.J. Richards, “Introduction to Dynamic and Control”.
3. E. Balaguruswamy, “ Reliability Engineering”.
4. A.K. Govil, “Reliability Engineering” .
5. KK Aggarwal, “Reliability Engineering”.
6. Martin L. Shooman, “Probabilistic Reliability-An Engineering approach” .

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Conduction & Breakdown in Gases, Liquid & Solid Dielectrics:

Gases - Ionization process, town send’s current growth equation. Ist & 2nd
ionisation coefficients. Town send’s criterion for breakdown. Streamer theory of
breakdown. Paschen’s law of gases. Gases used in practice.
Liquid Dielectrics- Conduction & breakdown in pure & commercial liquids,
suspended particle theory, stressed oil volume theory, liquid dielectrics used in practice.
Solid Dielectrics- Intrinsic, electromechanical, & thermal breakdown, composit
dielectric, solid dielectrics used in practice.
Applications of Insulating Materials:
Application of insulating materials in power transformers, rotating machines,
circuit breakers, cables & power capacitors.
Generation of High Voltages & Currents:
Generation of high D.C., A.C., impulse voltage & impulse currents. Tripping &
control of impulse generators.
Measurement of High Voltages & Currents:
Measurement of high D.C., A.C. (Power frequency & high frequency) voltages,
various types of potential dividers, generating voltmeter, peak reading A.C. voltmeter,
Digital peak voltmeter, electrostatic voltmeter. Sphere gap method, factors influencing
the spark voltage of sphere gaps.
High Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus:
Testing of insulators, bushings, circuit breakers power capaitors & power
Over voltage Phenomenon & Insulation Co-ordination:
Theory of physics of lightning flashes & strokes. Insulation co-ordination, volt-
time and circuit time characteristics.
Boys camera, standard voltage & current shapes produced in Lab., Horn gap,
single diverters, ground wires, surge absorbers.
E.H.V. Transmission & Corona Labs:
Need for E.H.V. transmission, use of bundled conductors, corona characteristics
of smooth bundled conductors with different configurations, corona loss, factors affecting
the corona. Shunt & series compensation of E.H.V. lines. Tuned power lines.
8. H.V.D.C. Transmission:
Advantages, disadvantages & economics of HVDC transmission system. Types of
d.c. links, converter station equipment, their characteristics.


1. Kamaraju & Naidu, “H.V. Engg.” .

2. RS Jha, “H.V. Engg.” .
3. Rakesh Das Bagamudre, “E.H.V. AC Transmission Engg.”.
4. Kuffel & Abdullah, “H.V. Engg.”
5. Kimbark, “HVDC Transmission”.

ET-412 Utilisation of Electrical Energy & Electric Traction
(Power Apparatus & Systems)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Nature of light, important definitions, laws of illumination, principle of
production of light-discharge through gases under pressure – incandescence/sources of
light-filament lamp,halogen lamp-discharge lamp-sodium discharge lamp,high pressure
mercury discharge lamp,dual lamps,fluorescent lamps, lamp efficiency,requirements of
good lighting,illumination level,absence of contrasts, shadows, glare, colour rendering-
lamp fittings. Lighting schemes,design of indoor & outdoor lighting system-street
lighting,flood lighting,photometers.
Electric Heating:
Advantages of electric heating, classification of heating methods, detailed study
of resistance heating, arc heating, electron bombardment heating, induction heating &
dielectric heating and their control.
Electrolytic Processes:
Fundamentals of electro deposition-laws of electrolysis applications of
electrolysis, electro deposition, manufacture of chemicals, anodizing, electropolishing,
electrocleaning, electroparting, electrometallurgy, electric supply.
Train Mechanics:
Types of services, characteristics of each type of service, speed time curve,
simplified speed time curve, average speed, schedule speed, factors affecting schedule
speed, tractive effort for propelling a train, power of the traction motor, specific energy
output, specific energy consumption, factors affecting specific energy consumption,
mechanics of train movement, co-efficient of adhesion, factors affecting slip.
Electric Traction:
D.C. & A.C. traction motors, their characteristics
Traction Motor Control:
Starting and speed control of D.C. series motors, shunt transition, bridge
transition, drum controller employing shunt transition, energy saving with series parallel
strarting, metadyne control, multiple unit control, braking of traction motors.
Current Collection Systems:
Conductor rail equipment, current collection gear for OHE: Cable collector, pole
collector, bow collector, pantograph collector.


1. E. Openshan Taylor, “Utilisation of Electric Energy”, Orient Longmans.

2. P.V. Gupta et. al, “A Course in Electrical Power”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
3. H. Partap, “Art & Science of Utilisation of Elect. Energy”.
4. N.V. Suryanarayana,”Utilisation of Elect. Power” .
5. BR Sharma, “Utilisation of Elect. Energy”.
6. AT Dover, “Electric Traction”,Pitman.

ET-414 System Analysis & Data Base Management
(Computer Applications)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Identification of need for computerization; Pole, Tasks, Attributes and Tools of System
Analyst; Information Collection: Sources, searching Methods, Interviewing Techniques;
Feasibility, Economic and Technical Analysis, Allocation and Trade –off. Requirements
Need for a DBMS, Uses of a DBMS, Advantages. Introduction to Data models, Schemes,
Architecture, Languages and Environment.
Entity-Relationship concepts, Attributes, Domains, keys, Foreign Keys, ER Diagram,
Naming Secondary storage devices, file operations. File organization- Sequential, direct,
indexed, Btrees, Inverted lists.
Relational models- Order, tuple Keys, relational algebraic operations- Set operations,
select, project, join, division operation.
Hierarchial data models- Parent child relationships, Occurrence trees, data definition and
Network Models
Structures, Sets, Constraints on insertion and retention, special sets, user work area,
currency indicators, DML commands. Relational languages: SQL-Data definition,
queries in SQL, update statements, views, indexing.
Relational Calculus- Tuple calculus, well formed formula, specifications, quantifiers.
QBE- data retrieval, update, conditions, aggregate operators, directory.
Relational data base design
Functional dependencies- Anomalies, rules, axioms, equivalence of sets, minimal
representation, Normal forms- first, second. Third and Boyce Codd; algorithms for
conversion, dependency preservation multivalued dependencies and fourth normal form.
An Elementary Introduction to Oracle.
Concept of object oriented database management systems, Distributed Data Base
Management Systems.


1. Pralf,“Concept of Data base Management System”, Vikas Publishing House.

2. Pressman, “Software Engg.” McGraw Hill.
3. Korth & Silberschatz, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill.
4. Rajaraman, “Analysis & Design of Information Systems”, PHI.
5. Hanrysskiewycz, “Introduction to System Analysis and Design”, PHI.

ET-416 Data Communication Networks
(Information & Control)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

A communications model, concepts and terminology of data transmission, analog and

digital data transmission, transmission impairments, guided transmission media, wireless
Data Encoding:
Digital data-digital signals, digital data-analog signals, analog data digital signals,
analog data-analog signals, spread spectrum.
The data Communication Interface:
Asynchronous and synchronous transmission, line configuration, interfacing.
Circuit Switching:
Switched networks, circuit switching networks, switching concepts, routing in
circuits switched networks, control signaling.
Packet Switching:
Principles, routing, congestion control, X.25.
Frame Relays:
Frame relay protocol architecture, frame relay operation.
ATM Protocol Architecture:
ATM logical connection, ATM cells, transmission of ATM cells, ARM
adaptation layers, traffic and congestion control.
Need of computer networks, network classification – LAN, MAN, WAN.
LAN Archditecture:

Communications Architecture and Protocols:

Protocols, the OSI model, TCP/IP protocol suite, principles of internetworking,
connectionless internetworking, the internet protocol, routing protocol, transport services,
protocol mechanisms, TCP, UDP.
Introduction to Network Security:
Data encryption and digital signatures.
Overview of ISDN, ISDN channels, user access, ISDN protocols, Broad band ISDN.


1. Miller, Michael A,. “Data and Network Communication”, Vikas Publishing

2. Shay Villium, “Understading Data Communication and Networks”, Vikas
Publishing House.
3. Behrouz Forouzan, “Introduction to data communication and networking”,
4. Fred Halsall, “Data Communications, computer networks and open systems”,
Addison Wesley.
5. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, PHI.
6. Andrew S. Tannenbaum, “Computer networks”, PHI.

ET-418 Advanced Instrumentation
(Electronics & Instrumentation)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction to advances in measurement instruments and computers, interface for

instrumentation system.
Microprocessor based data acquisition system, microprocessor based instruments
and their advantages and disadvantages.
Introduction to SCADA system and its application, introduction to virtual
instrumentation. Concept and some basic applications.
Programmable logic controller and programming introduction to on-line instrumentation,
iteractive graphics and interactive computing.

1. Liptak, “Instrument Engineers hand book in Process Control,” Chilton book

2. Radnai, Kingham, “ Jone’s Instrument Technology”, Butter worth
International Edition.
3. Curtis Johnson, “Process Control”.

ET-420 Electrical Machines – III
(Power Apparatus & Systems)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Induction Machines:
b) Performance analysis of three phase induction machine using current locus
c) Three- phase induction regulators.
d) Construction, working and applications of linear induction motor.
e) Induction motor dynamics.
Commutator Machines:
a) Effects of voltage injection in the rotor circuit of a slip ring induction
motor, action of commutator.
b) Speed and p.f. control of induction motor by auxillary commutator
c) Construction, working and applications of schrage and doubly fed
commutator motor.
Single- Phase Motors:
a) Shaded pole, hystersis and reluctance motors.
b) Single phase series and repulsion motors.
Special Machines:
Construction, working and applications of servomotors, stepper motors and
brushless D.C. Motors (BLDC).
Induction Generators:
Operation, equivalent circuit and performance characteristics of grid connected
and self-excited induction generators, voltage control in self-excited induction generators.


1. Fitzgerald and Kingsley, “Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill .

2. Langsdarf, “Theory of Alternating Current Machinery”, Tata
3. M.G. Say, “Theory, Performance and Design of A.C. Machines”, CBS
4. P.C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”,
John Willey & Sons.
5. P.S. Bimbhra, “Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines”, Khanna
6. E.O. Taylor, “Theory, Performance and Design of A.C. Commutator
Machines”, A.H.Wheeler & Co., Allahabad.

ET-422 Advances in Computers
(Computer Applications)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Concepts of Parallel and distributed processing. Computer Networks, LAN/WAN,

Network components. ISO-OSI Architecture, Introduction to Broadband-ISDN and
Basic Features of Multimedia systems, Main features of Internet and Intranet.
FTP, Telnet, HTTP, Gopher, Browsing of WWW, Introduction to HTML and Java Script.
Principles of Artificial intelligence, Problem representation, Solution, Knowledge
representation, searching techniques, game playing, Rule based expert system.
Classification of Programming: Procedure, object oriented, Functional and logic
programming comparison.Introduction to logic programming PROLOG.


1. Miller, “Data and Communication Network”, , Vikas Publishing House.

2. Behrouz & Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, TMH.
3. Tennenbaum, “Computer Communication Networks”, PHI.
4. Rich, “Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill.
5. Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison-Wwesley.
6. Waterman, “A Guide to Expert Systems”, Addison-Wesley.
7. Clocksin & Mellish, “Programming in PROLOG”, Narosa.
8. Bratko, “PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence”,Addison-Wesley.
9. Brain J Thomas, “The Internet for Scientists & Engineers”, SPIE Press.

ET-424 Optimal and Industrial Control
(Information & Control)
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Optimal Control:

Introduction, problem formulation, performance indicies, calculus of variation

approach. Euler’s equations, hamiltonion system, two point boundary value problem and
solution introduction to LQR.

Computer Control of Processes – Digital Control principles, optimal control application

to process control, optimum controller settings.

Introduction to process control, process model identifications. Mathematical modeling of

processes such as: Mixing process, heat transfer process.

Type of controllers and their characteristics: proportional, integral, derivative, interaction

between derivative and integral controls, ON-OFF ratio, feedforward, feedback, cascade,


1. D. Patianabis, “ Principles of Process Control”.

2. M. Gopal, “Modern Control theory”, TMH .
3. M. Gopal, “ Control Systems: Principles and Design”, TMH, 1997.
4. F.L. Lewis, “Optimal Control”, Wiley interscience.

ET-426 Microprocessor and Microcontroller-II
(Electronics & Instrumentation)
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Review of 8085 and introduction to architecture of 8086.

Development of 80x86 processor, interrupt structure, addressing modes. Instruction set

and application programs (8086). Main assembler directives, interfacing of D/A and A/D
converters using 8255.

Introduction to digital signal processors, architecture and programming.

Application of microprocessor, micro controller and digital signal processor in power &

Serial and parallel interfacing of 8051, interfacing with D/A and A/D converter.


1. Gibson, “Microprocessors”, PHI.

2. K.J. Ayala, “Micro Controller”, Penram International.
3. D.V. Hall, “Advanced Microprocessor”.

ET-462 Energy Management and Conservation
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Energy sceneraio, planning of generation expansion, demand side characteristics,

supply side characteristics, meeting the load, demand side management, DSM planning
and implementation, peak load management techniques, energy management in small,
medium and large industries.
Energy conservation, energy conservation principles, energy conservation
planning, energy conservation in illumination, energy conservation in domestic sector,
energy conservation in industry, energy conservation through reactive power
management, energy conservation through optimal design and operation of induction
Energy audit, energy flow diagram, strategy of energy audit, instruments for
energy audit, energy audit of illumination, generation, distribution and utilization
Cogeneration, benefits, cogeneration potential, cogeneration techniques, related
Captive power generation, advantages, constraints, captive generation options,
financing, energy banking, energy wheeling.
Energy storage, general considerations, model of storage, electrochemical energy
storage, storage batteries, power extraction system, a typical battery energy storage


1. Generation of Electrical Energy, B.R. Gupta (Eurasia Publishing House, New

2. Energy Storage for Power Systems, A Ter-Gazarian (Peter Peragrinus Ltd.).
3. Proceedings of National Seminar on Energy Management, March, 1995, MR
Engg. College, Allahabad.
4. Proceedings of National Seminar on Energy Conservation and Management,
Oct. 1991, REC, Kurukshetra.
5. Quarterly journals on Energy Managements, Energy Management Centre
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Power), New Delhi.

ET-464 Robotics Dynamics and Control

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction, components and structure of robotics system.

Kinematics of manipulators, rotation translation and transformotion, David – Hastemberg
Representation, Inverse Kinematics.

Dyamics – modeling using Newton Euler equation.

Linerarization of Robot Dynamics – State variable continuous and diserete models.
Robotic Motion: Different types of trajectories and introduction to their generation.
Position Control: Independent joint control.
Introduction to advanced control for robot application.


1. John J. Craig, “Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control”, Addison

Wesley publishing company.
2. A.J. Koivo, “ Fundamentals for Control of Robotic manipulators”, John Wiley
& Sons, New York.
3. Lorenzo Sciaviceo, Brsurw Siciliarw, “Modelling & Control of Robot
manipulation”, Mcgraw Hill Inter national edition.
4. M.W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar, “Robot Dyamics and Control,” John Wiley
& Sons, New York.

ET-466 Reliability Centered Maintenance
L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.
Basic reliability concepts, reliability measures, concept of failures, failure
Factors affecting maintenance, types of maintenance, optimum maintenance
Maintainability and AvailabilityAnalysis:
Measures of maintainability and availability, maintainability measurement and
prediction, preventive maintenance scheduling, prediction of spare parts requirement.
Condition based monitoring and monitoring techniques.
Design for reliability and maintainability.
RCM Concepts:
RCM methodology-system selection and information collection, system boundary
definition, system description and functional/logic block diagram, system functions and
functional failures, failure mode and effects analysis, logic tree analysis, task section,
quantitative reliability data, information traceability and coding. Benefits realized from
RCM process.
RCM – A case study.


1. Aggarwal K.K, “Reliability Engineering”, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic

2. Anthony M. Smith, “Reliability Centered Maintenance”, McGraw-Hill, 1997
3. William H. Van Alven, “Reliability Engineering” , Prentice Hall, 1964.
4. Lawrence M. Leemis, “Reliability Probabilistic Models and Statistical
Methods”, Prentice Hall.
5. Marvin A. Moss, Marcel Dekkar, “Designing for Minimal Maintenance
6. E.E. Lewis, “Introduction to Reliability Engineering” , John Wiley & Sons.
7. Doris Llayd & Grosh, “A Primer of Reliability Theor” , John Wiley & Sons.

ET-468 Process Instrumentation and Control

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction to process control, different types of process controllers (P/I/D, ON-OFF).

Study of the performance of different transducers commonly used in process control:
temperature, pressure, liquid density, flow monitoring and control.
Signal conditioning: Amplification, operational amplifier, typical operation amplifier
application, differential amplifiers, modulation, demodulation filters.
Datal transmission and telemetry
Requirements of a data transmission system, coding, timing-error detection and
correction, industrial telemetry system.
Introduction to digital control principles, block diagram and basic components of digital


1. Patrick Dale R, “Industrial Process Control System”, Vikas Publishing

2. Patranibis, “Principles of Process Control”.
3. E.J. Wightman, “Instrumentation in Process Control”.
4. John.D.Curtis, “Process Control Instrumentation Technology”.

ET-470 ANN and Fuzzy Logic

L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction to fuzzy sets, fuzzy mathematics, membership functions, design of a fuzzy

model & its working, steps of working – fuzzification, composition, implication,
aggregation, defuzzification.
Introduction to ANN, feedforward and feed back network, neural network learning rules,
perceptron classifier, LMS algorithm, multilayer feedforward neural network, back
propagation learning algorithm, Hopfield neural network, associative memories. Self
organizing feature map.

Application of ANN & Fuzzy System.


1. S. Haykins, “ANN a Comprehensive Foundation”.

2. Zurada, “ANN”.
3. T.J. Ross, “Fuzzy logic: with Application to Engineering”, McGraw Hill.


L T P Marks:
3 1 - Sessional: 25
Exam.: 75
Time : 3 Hrs.

Introduction and brief history of control systems, Transfer functions, Mathematical

modeling of Electrical and Mechanical (translational and rotational) systems, electrical
analog of mechanical systems, Synchos transmitter and receivers, LVDT, Thermal and
hydraulic system modeling, Hydraulic actuator and liquid level systems, Rotating power
amplifier: Amplidyn, DC and AC servomotors, Electromechanical systems, Lagrange
equations, Elementary ideas of robot, aircraft and missile modeling. Realisation of real
systems using Op-Amp circuits. State-space representation of systems.
Step response of second order systems, Performance measures, Steady state errors,
Solution of state equations. Concept of observability, controllability and stability of
systems, Introduction to frequency response of systems, Nyquist plots, Concept of Gain
and phase margins.
Fundamentals of guidance: Tracking and regulating systems, basic ideas of gyroscope,
resolvers, altimeters, accelerometers, proportional navigarion and homing guidance
Introduction to Passive (lag/lead) Compansator design and Kalman Filterning.


1. P.Garnell and D.J. East, “Guided Weapon Control Systems”, Pergamon Press.
2. J.J. A’zzo and C.H. Houpis, “Linear Control System: Analysis and Design” ,
McGraw Hill.
3. M.Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, Tata McGrawHill.


L T Marks
Sessional: 25
3 1 Theory 75
Time 3 Hrs.

Introduction to the concept of A.I.

Problem Solving: General problem solver, Contributions of GPS to recursive
programming, problem representation and extrapolation, Cybernetics and adaptive
control. Accomplishments and limitations of GPS.
Production systems: design, implementation and limitations.
Game Playing: History of A.I. in game playing, game trees and graph theory. Mini-max
procedure, pruning the game tree.
Knowledge representation: Features of knowledge representation schemes, design
considerations for a knowledge representation system. Semantic networks, Minsky theory
of frames, Script theory of Schank and Abelson.
Searching techniques: Basic search techniques, Airline booking problem, Tower of Hanoi
problem, Traveling salesman problem, graphs and goal trees.
Depth-first search, breadth-first search, hill climbing, heuristics, best-first heuristics.
LISP/Prolog programming language.
Expert Systems: Structure of an expert system. Organisation and representation of
knowledge in an expert system. Basic activities of an expert system. Expert system shells.
Few examples of expert systems.


1. Morris W. Firebaugh, “Artificial Intelligence: A knowledge based approach”,

PWS-Kent publishing co., Boston.
2. Rich, “Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill.
3. Patrick H Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison Wesley.
4. Peter Jackson, “Introduction to expert systems”, Addison Wesley.
5. D.A. Waterman, “A guide to expert system” .
6. Clocksin & Mellish, “Programming in PROLOG” , Springer Pub.
7. John Stobo, “Problem solving with PROLOG”, Pitman Publishing.


B.Tech, 1st Semester and 2nd Semester
(Common to all branches)
Basic Electrical Engineering ELT-107

1. To Draw phasor diagram to scale for series RL and RC circuits for different value
of current and keeping applied voltage constant.
R L-at 50 V and R C at 200 V
Measure the resistance of choke

2. To Draw a graph between Current Vs Capacitance in Series RLC circuit and

calculate inductance using results of resonance.

3. To Measure three phase power with Two wattmeter method for balanced and
unbalanced load connected in star.

4. To calibrate single phase Energy meter at unity power factor at i)Full load ii)
Half load iii) Quarter Load.

5. To draw phasor diagram to scale for parallel RL and RC circuits for different
values of current and keeping the applied voltage constant.

1. To measure iron losses and copper losses in a single phase transformer and to
find equivalent circuit parameters by performing open circuit and short
circuit tests.

1. To perform load test on a single phase transformer and to plot (a) terminal
voltage (b)efficiency Vs load current.

2. a) To study the various parts of a D.C. Mchine.

b)To start and run a D.C. shunt motor and reverse its direction of rotation.
c) To control the speed of D.C. shunt motor by I
i)field control ii) efficiency.

4. To perform load test on a D.C. shunt generator and to plot

a) Terminal voltage b) efficiency V/s load current.

5. To run three phase induction motor at no load and reverse its direction.
(b) To vary the supply voltage and plot input current power, speed and poer
factors V/s supply voltage.

B.Tech. I/II Semester
Computer Lab
L T P Sessional:10
- - 2/2 Practical:40

1. Understand the concept of operating system and learn related

Write C programs for following:
2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of 2 numbers
3. Find max and min of 3 numbers
4. Using while loop, find

S = 1 + 3+5 + …upto N
S = x + x2 /2 + x3 /3….N terms

Repeat these exercises using do-while loop.

5. Using for loop, calculate

S = x – x3 /3! + x5 /5! …..N terms
6. Using loops, print following design

(a) 1 (b) *
12 ***
123 ****
…N lines ….N lines

7. Read 2 numbers. Read the choice of operation. Add them if + is

pressed. Subtract if – is pressed. Similarly for multiplication (*) and
division (/).
8. Repeat exercise 7 such that program gets repeated again and again
until user wants to exit.
9. Using function, compute “Cm.
10. Using 1-d array, read n numbers and find average. Also find the largest
of these numbers. Use functions to implement these operations.

Write modular programs for the following:

11. Implement following operations on matrices

(a) Addition of two matrices (b) Transpose of a matrix

(c) Multiplication of two matrices

B.Tech, 3rd Semester

ET-211 Electrical Machines Lab-I

1. To separate hysteresis and eddy current losses of a single phase transformer at
rated voltage and frequency by conducting no load tests at different
frequencies keeping V/f constant.
2. To operate two single phase transformers of different KVA rating in parallel
and plot the variation of currents shared by each transformer Vs load current.
3. To conduct sumpners test on two identical single phase transformers and
determine their efficiency at various loads.
4. To perform direct load test on a D.C. shunt motor and plot variation of (a)
Input current (b) Speed(c) Torque(d)Efficiency Vs out put power.
5. To obtain magnetization characteristics of a D.C. machine. Estimate field
circuit resistance of a D.C. shunt Generator at rated speed. Measure field
winding and armature winding resistance. Plot the external characteristics of
D.C. shunt generator.


6. To make scott connection of two single phase transformer and to verify the
current .relation by drawing phaser diagrams for
i) Balanced and
ii) Unbalanced resistive load.
7 To conduct open circuit and short circuit test on a three phase three winding
transformer and determine the equivalent circuit parameters in pu
8. To conduct sumpners test on two identical single phase transformers and
determine their efficiency at various loads.
9. To conduct direct load test on a D.C. compound generator with
(a) Shunt field alone
(b) Cummulative and differential compounding for short and long shunt

10. To conduct load test on a cross field machine for different degrees of
compensation and plot the variation of terminal voltage Vs load current.


1. To calibrate D.C. Energy Meter at different loads.

2 To study the error in wattmeter at various p.f,s (power factors)

3. To measure resistance of the order of 5/10 ohm using

(a) Ammeter, Voltmeter method.
(b) Method of substitusion

© Carrey foster bridge.

4. To measure the inductance and resistance of given inductor at

different audio frequencies 200 Hz to 10Kz, using Mexwell’s inductance,
capactance bridge, Hays Bridge.

5. To measure low resistance using Kelvin’s Double Bridge.

6. To determine the current ratio and phase angle of the given current
transformer at different nominal current ratio using direct deflection

7. To study Lloyd fisher square and separate hysterises and eddy

current losses of the specimen in the square.

8. Study of transducer.

9. Calibration of D.C. Voltmeter 0-300 V and Ammeter 0-10 mA using

cromption potentiometer.

ET-215 Analog Electronics Lab

1. To Study the diode clipping circuits.

2. To study the diode clamping circuits.

3. To study zenor diode as voltage regulator.

4. To study the common emitter configuration of a transistor.

5. To study the common base configuration of a transistor.

6. To study the common collector configuration of a transistor.

7. To study FET as
(a) A source follower
(b) A voltage variable resistor.

8. To study FET as
(a) A chopper
(b) A constant current source.

9. To study the following mathematical operations using Op-amps:-

(a) Addition
(b) Subtraction

(c) Multiplication
(d) Division
(e) Integration
(f) Differentiation

10. To study the Op-amp as following wave form Generators.

(a) Astable Multivibrator
(b) Triangle Wave Generator
Schmitt Trigger

ET-217 Computer Lab. (C programming)

1. Solution of resistive network using KCL / KVL equations by two numerical

2. Solution of first order equation of electrical network using Euler’s method and
Simpson’s rule.
3. Inversion of a matrix.
4. Solution of transcendental equation by Newton-Raphson method.
5. Sorting of list by bubble sort method.
6. Use of multiple-function programming to carry out star-delta conversions.
7. Curve fitting of given data set.
8. To solve for eigen values and corresponding eigen vectors of a matrix.
9. Simulation of CE amplifier.
10. Minimization of a function.


1. Conduct running light test on a three phase squirrel cage induction motor and
measure & plot input current, power, power factor at different values of
applied voltage.Compute shunt parameters of the equivalent circuit at rated
voltage conditions.
a. To conduct blocked rotor test on above motor at rated current
conditions,measure stator winding resistance and compute series
parameters of the equivalent circuit.
b. Draw complete equivalent circuit of the motor and compute the
performance at krated voltage and at a slip of 5 %.
2. To conduct direct load test on a three phase squirrel cage induction motor and
measure & plot input current ,torque, power factor, speed efficiency against
output power.

3. To separate hysteresis and eddy current losses of a single phase transformer at
rated voltage and frequency by conducting no load tests at different
frequencies keeping V/f constant.
4. To conduct open circuit and short circuit test on a three phase three winding
transformer and determine the equivalent circuit parameters in pu
5. To run a slip ring induction motor with variable rotor resistance and plot.
i) Speed V/S external resistance.
ii) Braking time V/S external resistance.
6. To determine the resistance of cage I/M by performing variable frequency test.
7. To conduct running light and blocked rotor test on a 3-phase slipring I/M and
to measure stater resistance .to draw the circuit diagram and determine
therefrom its performance characteristics.
8. To start run and reverse a single phase capacitor start induction motor.
Perform running light test and blocked rotor test to determine the equivalent
circuit of the same.
9. To run a three phase scarge motor plot the variation of
a) Injected voltage Vs brush seperation.
b) No load speed Vs brush seperation.
c) No load speed Vs injected voltage.

10. To run the I/M as a SEIG (seperately excited induction generator) and plot the
variation of terminal voltage with speed,frequency with speed at different excitation
Power Electronics Lab.- I E T – 216

1. To study the performance of single-phase half-wave and full-wave uncontrolled


2. To study different firing circuits of SCR.

3. To study forced commutation circuits of SCR.

4. To study following protection circuits of SCR

(i) dv/dt
(ii) di/dt
(iii) Over voltage
(iv) Over current

5. To study the characteristics of a Thyristor and a Triac.

6. To study firing circuit of SCR using ramp-comparator scheme.

7. To study firing circuit of SCR using cosine-wave scheme.

8. To study firing circuit of SCR using Op-amps and Gates.

9. To study digital firing circuit of SCR.

10. To study operation of Triac in all four modes and study AC phase control using

E T – 311 Power Electronics Lab.- II

1. To study the operation of full-wave phase control of an A.C. load using parallel –
connected SCR’s.

2. To study the operation of single-phase full- wave phase control of a D.C. load
(i) a fully-controlled full-wave rectifier.
(ii) a half-controlled full-wave rectifier.

3. To study the D.C. circuit breaker.

4. To study the zero voltage switching.

5. To study the UJT Chracteristics and relaxation Oscillator.

6. To study (i) the U J T trigger circuit of S C R

ii ) the P U T trigger circuit of S C R

7. To study speed control of a D.C. motor using single-phase half and fully
controlled bridge converters.

8. To study speed control of a D.C. motor using three-phase half and fully controlled
bridge converters.

9. To study speed control of a D.C. motor by thyristor chopper.

10. To study cycloconverter based speed control of a 3-phase induction motor.

B.Tech V Semester (Electrical)

Control Lab ET - 313

1. Study of Step Response and Feed Back Properties for Ist and 2nd order system.

2. Error Detector Characteristics and Control Applications of the following.

i) LVDT (ii) Potentiometer

3. Performance Analysis of Thermal System and Design using PID/Relay Control.

4. To study the characteristics (using DIGIAC 1750) of

(i) Voltage to Current Converter.

(ii) Current to Voltage Converter.
(iii) Voltage to Frequency Converter.
(iv) Frequency to Voltage Converter.

5. To obtain the Frequency Response Characteristics and Design of Compensator for

a given system.

6. To obtain the Tr. Function and Control Characteristics of Servo Motor of DC/AC.

7. To obtain the Operational Characteristics for the Control Application of the

following devices.

(i) Stepper Motor

(ii) Temperature Detectors (Thermister, Thermo couple etc.)

8. Simulation of control systems using MATLAB.

9. To obtain the Position Control performance of DC Servo Motor.

10. Comparision of different Control Action (P/I/D/Relay) on Industrial Process

(Phneumatic/Simulated System.

ET-315 Signals and Systems Lab

1. Study of types of signals Deterministic & Stochastic ( continuous )

2. Study of time properties of signals.

3. Study of frequency properties of signal.

4. Study of Stochastic properties of signal.

5. Study of Discrete signals.

6. Basic properties of linear system. ( Superposition Theorem etc. )

7. Study of Impulse response to Linear System.

8. Analysis of MIMO System ( 2 – Port )

9. Study of Realization Theorem and filters.

10. Simulation of systems using Op-amps./ Software tools ( Spice/ MATLAB )

B. Tech. (Elect. Engg.) VI th Semester

Power System Lab. ET-316

1. To plot the characteristics of an Over Current Relay (inverse type

CDG) for plug setting of 2.5 A and 0.5 A and TMS of 0.6 and 1.0.
Find out pick-up to reset value of 2.5 A plug setting and 1.0 TMS.

2. To plot the impedance characteristics of the given admittance relay


3. To measure A B C D parameters of a transmission line model

4. To plot the power transfer characteristics (P.V. delta) of the given

transmission line model. Vs =Vr = 40V.

5. To measure (P P S and N P S) sequence components of supply voltage

and current by segregating networks . Verify graphically.

6. (a)To measure zero sequence components of line current in a

3 ph. 4 wire system
(b) To measure zero sequence components of phase voltage in a 3 ph. 4 wire

7 To find the zero sequence impedance of a given 3 ph. transformer

8 To plot the characteristics of a Biased differential relay.

9. (a)To find the String efficiency .

i ) with guardring
ii) without guardring.
b) To determine the dielectric strength of the given transformer oil
with the help of standard oil testing equipment.

10. To test the given A.C. Energy Meter by phantom loading at (i) Unity
p.f . ( ii) 0.8 p.f. lagging (iii) 0.8 p.f. leading.

E T – 311 Power Electronics Lab.- II

11. To study the operation of full-wave phase control of an A.C. load using parallel –
connected SCR’s.

12. To study the operation of single-phase full- wave phase control of a D.C. load
(i) a fully-controlled full-wave rectifier.
(ii) a half-controlled full-wave rectifier.

13. To study the D.C. circuit breaker.

14. To study the zero voltage switching.

15. To study the UJT Chracteristics and relaxation Oscillator.

16. To study (i) the U J T trigger circuit of S C R

ii ) the P U T trigger circuit of S C R

17. To study speed control of a D.C. motor using single-phase half and fully
controlled bridge converters.

18. To study speed control of a D.C. motor using three-phase half and fully controlled
bridge converters.

19. To study speed control of a D.C. motor by thyristor chopper.

20. To study cycloconverter based speed control of a 3-phase induction motor.


Llist of final year projects for the last three years

Year 1999

1. Energy Management and Auditing.

2. Expert System, Fuzzy Logic, and Neural Networks in Powerelectronics and
3. An Application of A C Drive.
4. Analysis of Exciting Current under Unbalanced over Voltages.
5. Power Factor Correction in Power System.
6. Comparation Study of NR, DC, & FDC methods of LF study on a given sample P.

7. Development of Expert System for Computer Controlled Power System
8. Torsional Characteristics of Series Compensaed Power System.
9. Unbalanced Operation of a Transformer.
10. Fault Analysis in Power Systems.
11. Redundancy Optimization of General Systems.
12. Microprocessor based moving message display

Year 2000

1. Optimal Design of Distribution System.

2. Optimal Design, Fabrication and Testing of Aluminium winding Transformer and
its Comparison with Copper Winding Transformer.
3. Power loss estimation in a radial feeder using load-flow analysis.
4. Behaviour of wound-rotor Induction Generator.
5. An Application of FACTs (Flexible AC Transmission) Controller.
6. Microprocessor based power system protection.
7. Fuzzy-set Theory based reliability evaliation.
8. Techniques for variable frequency operation of three-phase induction motors.
9. Application of soft computing tools to some case study problems.
10. ECG Signal conditioning and data acquisition.
11. Study the performance of Induction Generator.
12. Simulation of Power System Components using computer.
13. Computer Simulation and analysis of TCSC (Thyristor Controlled Series
Compensator) Compensated power system.
14. Text recognition softwre

Yyear 2001

1. Implementation of the Genetic Algorithm loss minimum re-configuration.

2. Software for the design of Hydro-generators.
3. Design aspects of induction motors.
4. Reliability evaluation of complex systems using Fuzzy-set theory.
5. Design of transformers using software.
6. Computer simulation of HVDC light.
7. Real-time operating system with Embedded Applications.
8. Some aspects of 765-kv line design.
9. Study of compensation techniques in transmission lines.
10. Comparison of PWM, multipulse, and multilevel invertors.
11. Field oriented control of a three-phase induction motor.
12. Neural network based adoptive control of induction motor drive.
13. Load flow study for stability analysis.

14. Simulation of 8-bit CPU using VHDL & ORCAD
15. Development of energymeter using 8051
16. RC applications in PS
17. Microprocessor based linear displacement measurement and control


1st /2nd SEMESTER
1. V. Del Toro, “Principles of Electrical engineering,” ,PHI.
2. E. Huges, “ Electrical Technology,” ,ELBS.
3. A.E. Fitzerald, D.E. Higginbotham and A.Grabel , “ Basic Electrical
4. S.A.Nasar and C.R. Paul, “Introduction to Electrical Engineering” ,MGH.

1. Desoer & Kuh, “ Basic Circuit theory”, McGraw Hill.
2. Van Valkenberg , “Network Analysis”, PHI.
3. Valkenberg & Kinariwala , “Linear Circuits”, PHI.
4. Trick , “Introduction to circuit Analysis”, Wiley.
5. Roy Choudhary , “Networks & systems”, Wiley.
6. Iyer, “Circuit Analysis”, TMH.
7. Aatre , “Network Theory & Filter Design”, New Age.


1. illman and Halkias, “Integrated Electronics”, Mc Graw Hill.
2. R. Boylested and L. Nashelsky, “Electronics Devices and Circuits”,
Prentice Hall India.
3. Millman and Halkias, “Electronics Devices and Circuits”, TMH Edition.
4. Malcolm Goodge, “Analog Electronics Analysis and Synthesis”, TMH
5. Malvino, “Electronics Principles”, TMH Edition.

ET-205 Measurement and Instrumentation-I

1. AK Sawhney, “Electrical and Electronic Measurements &

Instrumentation”,Dhanpat Rai, Delhi.
2. C.T. Baldwin , “Fundamentals of Electrical Measurement”, Lyall Book
3. E.W. Golding, “Electrical Measurement”.

ET-207 Electrical Machines-I

1. Clayton. A.E.,”Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines “

2. Irving L.” Kosow, Electric Machinery and Transformers, Prentice-Hall of
3. George Mcphersion ,”An Introduction to Electrical Machines and
Transformers”, John Wiley & Sons., NY
4. Nagrath & Kothari, “Electric Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. PS Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers.
6. MG Say, Theory,” Performance & Design of A.C. Machines”, CBS


1. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari,” Power System Engineering,”

i. (Tata McGraw-Hill).
2. A Chakrabarti, ML Soni, PV Gupta and US Bhatnagar,” Power System
Engineering,” (Dhanpat Rai & Sons).
3. CL Wadhwa,” Electric Power Systems”, (Wiley Eastern Ltd.).
4. WD Sterenson,” Elements of Power System Analysis,” Jr (McGraw-Hill).
5. “Electrical Transmission and Distribution”,
i. Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.(East Pittsburgh).

1. Fred J Taylor – “Principles of Signals and System,” MGII.

2. Simon Haykins – “Signals and Systems,” Wiley Eastern.
3. A Papoulis – “Circuits and System,” Modern Approach HRW.
4. AV Oppenheim and AS Winsky – ,”Signals and System”,PHI.
5. RP Singh and Sapre – Communication Systems TMH.
6. Sehwatz – Modulation, noise and spectral analysis MGH.
7. John Prokias – Digital signal processing PH.
8. RF Ziemen, WH Traiter and DR Frannin – Signals & System- Continuous
and Discrete Macmillian.

ET-204 Electrical Machines - II

1. Fitzgerald & Kingsley, “Electric Machinery” McGraw Hill

2. Alexander S. Langsdorf, “AC Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. MG Say, “Theory Performance and Design of AC Machines” CBS
4. Nagrath & Kothari,” Electric Machines” TMH
5. PS Bhimbra, “Electrical Machinery”, Khanna Publishers.

ET-206 Power Electronics-I

1. M. Ramamoorthy.Thyristor and their applications, East West Publication.

2. PS Bhimbra.Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers.
3. MD Singh and KB Khanchandani, Power Electronics ,TMH Edition.

4. AK Gupta and LP Singh, Power Electronics,Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.
5. Rama Reddy, Fundamental of Power Electronics, Narosa Publishing.


1. RP Jain, ‘Modern Electronics’.

2. AP Malvino and DP Leach, ‘ Digital Principles and applications’.
3. Floyd, ‘Digital Circuits’.
4. Charles Roth, ‘Fundamentals of Logic Design’.
5. H. Taub and D. Schilling, ‘Digital Integrated Electronics’.
6. Gothman, Digital Electronics.

1. N.N. Rao Basic Electromagnetics with applications, PHI

2. E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain.Electromagnetic waves and radiating
systems, PHI
3. J.D. Kraus Electromagnetism
4. D.J. Griffith Introduction to Electrodynamics, PHI .
5. Guru & Hiziroglu Electromagnetic field theory fundamentals Vikas
Publishing House Hayt’s book.


1. P.S.R.Murty, ‘Power System Operation and Control’, Tata Mc Graw Hill,

New Delhi.
2. M.V. Deshpande, ‘Elements of Electrical Power System Design’, Wheeler
Publishing Co, Allahabad.
3. B.R. Gupta, ‘Generation of Electrical Energy’, Eurasia Publishing House
(Pvt)Ltd, New Delhi.
4. P.V. Gupta et al, ‘A Course in Electrical Power, ‘Dhanpat Rai and Sons,
5. S. Mukhopadhyay, ‘Modern Power System Control and Operation,’
Roorkee Publishing House, Roorkee.
6. S.S. Vadhera, ‘Power System Analysis and Stability’, Khanna Publishers,

ET-301 Network Analysis and Synthesis

1. Temes & LaPatra – Introduction to circuit Synthesis & Design, McGra

2. Valkenberg – Modern Network Synthesis, PHI.
3. Weinberg – Network Analysis & Synthesis, McGraw Hill.
4. FF Kuo – Network Analysis.

5. SK Mitra – Analysis & Synthesis of Active Network.
6. Peikari – Fundamentals of Network Analysis & Synthesis, Wiley.

ET-303 Power Electronics-II

1. Jacob, Michael Power Electronics: Principles & Application, Vikas

Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
2. M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics : Circuits, devices and applications ,
3. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, Power Electronics :
Converters, Applications and Design , John Wiley & Sons.
4. P.S. Bimbhra, Power Electronics .
5. M. Ramamoorthy An Introduction to Thyristors and their applications
East-West Press.
6. M.D. Singh and K.B. Khanchandani, Power Electronics, Tata McGraw-
7. A.K. Gupta & L.P. Singh, Power Electronics and Introduction to Drives
Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.

1. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari Modern Power Systems Analysis, (Tata Mc-

Graw Hill).
2. A Chakrabarty, ML Soni, PV Gupta and US Bhatnagar Power System
Engineering, (Dhanpat Rai & Sons).
3. John J Grainger and William D Stevenson Jr. Power System Analysis,
(McGraw-Hill, Inc.).
4. CL Wadhwa Electric Power Systems, (Wiley Eastern Limited).


1. S.O. Kasap, ‘Principles of Electrical Engineering Materials,’ (NGH).

2. Mahajan, ‘Principles of growth and processing of semiconductors,’
3. Dhir, ‘Electronic components and Materials Principles manufacturing and
Maintenance,’ (YMH).
4. Allison, ‘Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices,’ (TMH).
5. Ruska N Scot, ‘Microelectronic processing – an introduction to the
manufacture of integrated circuits,’ (MGH).
6. Deeker, ‘Electrical Engineering Materials,’(PHI).

7. Seth and Gupta, ‘A course in Electrical Engineering Materials,’ Dhanpat
Rai and Sons.

1. Nagrath and Gopal, Control System Engg, TMH

2. Ogata.Control System Engg., PHI
3. BC Kuo, Automatic Control System, Prentice Hall
4. RC Dorf and RH Bishop,.Modern Control Systems, Addison-Wesley

6th Semester
ET-302 Electric Drives

1. G.K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives” Narosa Publishing

House, 1995.
2. SK Pillai, “A First course on Electrical Drives” Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. V. Subrahmanyam, “ Electric Drives: Concepts and Applications”, Tata
Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1994.
4. GK Dubey, “ Power semiconductor Controlled Drives, “Prentice Hall,
Englewood cliffs, New Jersey, 1989.
5. EL- Sharkawi & A Mohamad “ Fundamental of Electric Drive”, Vikas
Publishing House
ET-304 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

1. R.S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and

Applications”, Penram International.
2. A.P. Mathur, “Introduction to Microprocessor”.
3. K.J. Ayala, “8051 Microcontroller”, Penram International.
4. D.V. Hall, “Advanced Microprocessor”.

ET-306 Analog and Digital Communication

1. G. Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw-Hill, NY .

2. H.Taub and D.L. Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”,
3. W.D. Stanley, “Electronic Communication Systems”, Reston Pub. Co. PH
4. W. Tomari & V.F. Alisauskas, “Telecommunications”, PH Inc., NJ.
5. Dungan, Frank R “ Electronic Communication Systems’ Vikas Publishing
B House Pvt. Ltd

ET-308 Switchgear and Protection:

1. A Chakrabarti, ML Soni, PV Gupta and US Bhatnagar, “Power System

Engineering” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.

2. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari,”Power System Engineering” Tata McGraw-
3. CL Wadhwa, “Electric Power Systems”, Wiley Eastern Limited.
4. Sunil S. Rao, “Switchgear, Protection and Power Systems”, Khanna
5. Badriram and DN Vishwakarma, “Power System Protection and
Switchgear”, Tata McGraw-Hill.

ET-310 Advanced Programming and Software Enginee

1. John J. Donovan, “System Programming” .

2. A.V. Aho and J.D. Ullman, “Principles of Compiler Design”, Addision
Wesley Pub.Co.
3. D.M. Dhamdhere, “System Software”, TMH.
4. Peterson, “Operating Systems”,.
5. Herbert Schildt, “C++ - Complete reference”, TMH.
6. Stroustrup “C++”, Addision Wesley Pub. Comp.
7. Litvin, Maria, “Programming in C++”, Vikas Publishing House.

ET-312 Measurements and Instrumentation-II

1. A.K. Sawhney “Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments”,

Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. W.D. Cooper- “Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement
Techniques”, Prentice Hall India.
3. B.C. Nakra and K.K. Chaudhry- “Instrumentation Measurement and
Analysis”, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

7th Semester
ET-401Computer Methods in Power Systems

1. Glenn W. Stagg and Ahmed El-Abiad, “ Computer Methods in Power

System Analysis”, McGraw-Hill.
2. George L Kusic, “ Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis”, PHI.
3. John J Grainger and William D Stevenson, “Power System Analysis”,
Jr. .McGraw-Hill.
4. IJ Nagrath and DP Kothari , “Power System Engineering”, Tata McGraw-

ET-403 Digital Signal Processing

1. S.K. Mitra, “ Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.

2. Rabinar, Gold, “ Digital Signal Processing” ,PHI.

3. J.G. Proakis and DG Manolakis, “ Digital Signal Processing”,PHI.
4. Oppenheim and Schafer, “ Discrete Time Signal Processing” ,PHI.
5. S. Salivahanan, “ Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.
6. Ingle, Vinay K, “ Digital Signal Processing using Matlab”, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.


(Power Apparatus and System)

1. Ogatta. K. , “Modern Control System”, PHI.

2. M.Gopal, “Optimal Control Theory” ,TMH.
3. M.Gopal ,“Digital Control and State variable Methods”, TMH.
ET-415 Computer Organisation and Architecture
(Computer Application)

1. Morris Mano, “ Computer System Architecture”, PHI.

2. J.F. Heys, “ Computer Organization and Architecture”,TMH.
3. Hwang K. and F.A. Briggs, “ Computer Architecture and Parallel
Processing”, TMH.
ET-417 Information Technology
(Information and Control)

1. Leon and Leon, “ Fundamental of Information Technology”, Vikas Publishing

2. T.J. O’Leary and L.I. O’Leary, “ Computing Essentials 2000-2001-Irwin”,
McGraw Hill-2000.
3. Williams, Sawyer and Hutchinson, “ Using Information Technology”,TMH,
4. Curtin, Foley, Sen and Morin, “ Information Technology”,TMH.
5. “Internet for every one”, Vikas Publishing House.

ET-419 Digital System Design

(Electronics and Instrumentation)

1. J. Bhaskar, “ A VHDL primer”, Pearson Education Asia.

2. J. Bhaskar, “An Engineering approach to Digital Logic Design”.

ET-421 Electrical Machines Design

(Power Apparatus and Systems)

1. Clayton A.E., “The performance and design of D.C. Machines”,

2. Say MG, “The performance and design of A.C. Machines”, Pitman(ELBS).

3. Sawhney AK, “Electrical Machine Design”,(Dhanpat Rai & Sons.

ET-423 Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms

(Computer Application)

1. Trembley and Sorenson, “An Introduction of Data Structures with

Applications”, McGraw Hill.
2. Goodman, S.E., and Hetedniemi, S.T., “Introduction to the Design and
Analysis of Algorithms”, McGraw Hill.
3. Sahni, “Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++”, TMH.
4. Horowitz, Ellis and Sahni, Sartaj, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”,
Galgotia Publications.
5. Gorgono, “Problem Solving & Computer Programming”, Narosa Nelwn.
6. Horowitz, E. and Sahani, S. “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia

ET-425 Digital and Non-linear Control System

(Information and Control)

1. Ogatta, “Modern Control System”, PHI.

2. Nagrath and Gopal, “Control System Engg”, TMH.
3. M.Gopal, “Digital Control System”, TMH.
4. B.C. Kuo, “Digital Control System”, PHI.

ET-427 Biomedical and Analytical Instrumentation

(Electronics & Instrumentation)

1. Bolton W, “Measurement and Instrumentation Systems”, Newnes.UK.

2. Cromwell L, Weibell F.J, Pfeiffer E.A, “Biomedical Instrumentation and
Measurements”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Rangan C S, Sarma G R, Mani V.S.V., “Instrumentation Devices and
Systems”, TMH New Delhi, India.
4. Beckwith T.G. et al, “Mechanical Measurements”, Addison-Wesley.
5. Gupta J.B., “A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurements and
Instrumentation”, SK Kataria & Sons, Delhi, India.
6. Nakra. B.C., Chaudhary KK, “Instrumentation Measurement and
Analysis”,TMH, New Delhi,India.

ET- 461 Non-Conventional Energy Sources

1. R.A. Coormbe,. “An introduction to direct energy conversion”.

2. M. Kettani, . “Direct energy conversion”.
3. Robest L Loftness, “Energy hand book”. .
4. Considine, “Energy Technology Hand book”.

ET-463 System Modelling and Control

1. W.R. Perkins and J.B. Guz Jr., “Engineering of Dynamic Systems”.

2. K. Ogatta, “Modern Control Engineering”.
3. M. Gopal, “Principles and design of control system”, TMH.
4. M. Gopal, “Modern Control Theory”, TMH.

ET-465 Fault Tolerance and Reliability Engineering

1. Friedman & Menon, “Fault Detection in Digital Circuits,” Prentice-Hall,

2. Shem.Tov-Levi, Ashok K. Agrawala, “Fault Tolerant System Design,”
McGraw-Hill, 1994.
3. V.N. Yarmolik, “Fault Diagnosis of Digital Circuits”, John Wiley &
Sons, 1990.
4. Shooman M.L, “Probabilistic Reliability; An Engineering Approach”,
McGraw Hill.
5. K.B. Misra, “Reliability Analysis & Prediction”, Elsevier, 1992.
6. EE Lewis, “Introduction to Reliability Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons.
7. Lawrence M. Leemis, “Reliability Probabilistic Models and Statistical
Methods”, Prentice Hall.

ET-467 Illumination Engineering

PV Gupta, “A text book on Power System Engineering”, et.all., Dhanpat Rai

ET-469 Microprocessor and its applications

1. R.S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and

Applications with 8085”, Penram International.
2. A.P. Malvino, “Digital Computer Electronics, An Introduction to
Microcomputers”, TMH Edition.
ET-471 Transducers and Applications

1. B.C. Nakra, K.K. Chaudhry, “Instrumentation Measurement and

Analysis,” Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
2. Thomas G. Beckwith etc. all, “Mechanical Measurements (International
Student Edition), Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. England.
3. A.K. Sawhney, “ A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and
Instrumentation,” Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi-6.

8th Semester
ET-402 System Engineering and Reliability

1. S.S. Rao, “.Optimization Techniques”.

2. R.J. Richards, “Introduction to Dynamic and Control”.
3. E. Balaguruswamy, “ Reliability Engineering”.
4. A.K. Govil, “Reliability Engineering” .
5. KK Aggarwal, “Reliability Engineering”.
6. Martin L. Shooman, “Probabilistic Reliability-An Engineering
approach” .


1. Kamaraju & Naidu, “H.V. Engg.” .

2. RS Jha, “H.V. Engg.” .
3. Rakesh Das Bagamudre, “E.H.V. AC Transmission Engg.”.
4. Kuffel & Abdullah, “H.V. Engg.”
5. Kimbark, “HVDC Transmission”.

ET-412 Utilisation of Electrical Energy & Electric Traction

(Power Apparatus & Systems)

1. E. Openshan Taylor, “Utilisation of Electric Energy”, Orient Longmans.

2. P.V. Gupta et. al, “A Course in Electrical Power”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
3. H. Partap, “Art & Science of Utilisation of Elect. Energy”.
4. N.V. Suryanarayana,”Utilisation of Elect. Power” .
5. BR Sharma, “Utilisation of Elect. Energy”.
6. AT Dover, “Electric Traction”,Pitman.

ET-414 System Analysis & Data Base Management

(Computer Applications)

1. Pralf,“Concept of Data base Management System”, Vikas Publishing

2. Pressman, “Software Engg.” McGraw Hill.
3. Korth & Silberschatz, “Database Concepts”, McGraw Hill.
4. Rajaraman, “Analysis & Design of Information Systems”, PHI.
5. Hanrysskiewycz, “Introduction to System Analysis and Design”, PHI.

ET-416 Data Communication Networks
(Information & Control)

1. Miller, Michael A,. “Data and Network Communication”, Vikas

Publishing House.
2. Shay Villium, “Understading Data Communication and Networks”, Vikas
Publishing House.
3. Behrouz Forouzan, “Introduction to data communication and networking”,
4. Fred Halsall, “Data Communications, computer networks and open
systems”, Addison Wesley.
5. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, PHI.
6. Andrew S. Tannenbaum, “Computer networks”, PHI.

ET-418 Advanced Instrumentation

(Electronics & Instrumentation)

1. Liptak, “Instrument Engineers hand book in Process Control,” Chilton

book company.
2. Radnai, Kingham, “ Jone’s Instrument Technology”, Butter worth
International Edition.
3. Curtis Johnson, “Process Control”.

ET-420 Electrical Machines – III

(Power Apparatus & Systems)

1. Fitzgerald and Kingsley, “Electric Machinery”, McGraw Hill .

2. Langsdarf, “Theory of Alternating Current Machinery”, Tata McGraw-
3. M.G. Say, “Theory, Performance and Design of A.C. Machines”, CBS
4. P.C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics”, John
Willey & Sons.
5. P.S. Bimbhra, “Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines”, Khanna
6. E.O. Taylor, “Theory, Performance and Design of A.C. Commutator
Machines”, A.H.Wheeler & Co., Allahabad.

ET-422 Advances in Computers
(Computer Applications)

1. Miller, “Data and Communication Network”, , Vikas Publishing House.

2. Behrouz & Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, TMH.
3. Tennenbaum, “Computer Communication Networks”, PHI.
4. Rich, “Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill.
5. Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison-Wwesley.
6. Waterman, “A Guide to Expert Systems”, Addison-Wesley.
7. Clocksin & Mellish, “Programming in PROLOG”, Narosa.
8. Bratko, “PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence”,Addison-
9. Brain J Thomas, “The Internet for Scientists & Engineers”, SPIE Press.
ET-424 Optimal and Industrial Control
(Information & Control)

1. D. Patianabis, “ Principles of Process Control”.

2. M. Gopal, “Modern Control theory”, TMH .
3. M. Gopal, “ Control Systems: Principles and Design”, TMH, 1997.
4. F.L. Lewis, “Optimal Control”, Wiley interscience.

ET-426 Microprocessor and Microcontroller

(Electronics & Instrumentation)

1. Gibson, “Microprocessors”, PHI.

2. K.J. Ayala, “Micro Controller”, Penram International.
3. D.V. Hall, “Advanced Microprocessor”.

ET-462 Energy Management and Conservation

1. Generation of Electrical Energy, B.R. Gupta (Eurasia Publishing House,
New Delhi).
2. Energy Storage for Power Systems, A Ter-Gazarian (Peter Peragrinus
3. Proceedings of National Seminar on Energy Management, March, 1995,
MR Engg. College, Allahabad.
4. Proceedings of National Seminar on Energy Conservation and
Management, Oct. 1991, REC, Kurukshetra.
5. Quarterly journals on Energy Managements, Energy Management Centre
(Govt. of India, Ministry of Power), New Delhi.

ET-464 Robotics Dynamics and Control

1. John J. Craig, “Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control”,

Addison Wesley publishing company.
2. A.J. Koivo, “ Fundamentals for Control of Robotic manipulators”, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. Lorenzo Sciaviceo, Brsurw Siciliarw, “Modelling & Control of Robot
manipulation”, Mcgraw Hill Inter national edition.
4. M.W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar, “Robot Dyamics and Control,” John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
ET-466 Reliability Centered Maintenance

1. Aggarwal K.K, “Reliability Engineering”, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic

2. Anthony M. Smith, “Reliability Centered Maintenance”, McGraw-Hill,
3. William H. Van Alven, “Reliability Engineering” , Prentice Hall, 1964.
4. Lawrence M. Leemis, “Reliability Probabilistic Models and Statistical
Methods”, Prentice Hall.
5. Marvin A. Moss, Marcel Dekkar, “Designing for Minimal Maintenance
6. E.E. Lewis, “Introduction to Reliability Engineering” , John Wiley &
7. Doris Llayd & Grosh, “A Primer of Reliability Theor” , John Wiley &

ET-468 Process Instrumentation and Control

1. Patrick Dale R, “Industrial Process Control System”, Vikas Publishing

2. Patranibis, “Principles of Process Control”.
3. E.J. Wightman, “Instrumentation in Process Control”.
4. John.D.Curtis, “Process Control Instrumentation Technology”.

ET-470 ANN and Fuzzy Logic

1. S. Haykins, “ANN a Comprehensive Foundation”.

2. Zurada, “ANN”.
3. T.J. Ross, “Fuzzy logic: with Application to Engineering”, McGraw Hill.


1. P.Garnell and D.J. East, “Guided Weapon Control Systems”, Pergamon

2. J.J. A’zzo and C.H. Houpis, “Linear Control System: Analysis and
Design” , McGraw Hill.
3. M.Gopal, “Control Systems: Principles and Design”, Tata McGrawHill.


1. Morris W. Firebaugh, “Artificial Intelligence: A knowledge based approach”,

PWS-Kent publishing co., Boston.
2. Rich, “Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill.
3. Patrick H Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison Wesley.
4. Peter Jackson, “Introduction to expert systems”, Addison Wesley.
5. D.A. Waterman, “A guide to expert system” .
6. Clocksin & Mellish, “Programming in PROLOG” , Springer Pub.
7. John Stobo, “Problem solving with PROLOG”, Pitman Publishing.


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