Capstan Ratio: Capstan Band Brake (One End Fixed To Ground, One End Pulled by Fhold
Capstan Ratio: Capstan Band Brake (One End Fixed To Ground, One End Pulled by Fhold
Capstan Ratio: Capstan Band Brake (One End Fixed To Ground, One End Pulled by Fhold
To design a capstan-based brake
By Alex Slocum, last modified 2013.02.26 by Alex Slocum
Thanks to Ajit Shriman Gaunekar for checking
Enter numbers in BOLD, results in RED
Capstan Band brake (one end fixed to ground, one end pulled by Fhold
Angle of wrap, theta (degrees) 180 Brake diameter, Dbrake (m) 0.1
Coefficient of friction, mu 0.10 Brake wrap angle, phi (degrees) 180
Capstan ratio, CR 1.37 Brake coefficient of friction, m 0.2
Holding force, Fhold (N) (Fbrake) 10 Applied brake force, T_2 (N) 10
Resistable pulling force, Fpull (N) 13.69 Brake Torque Factor, BTF (1/m) 0.02
Cable pulling around a shaft Brake torque (N-m) 0.233257074845196
Net force out 7.30 Reaction force, T_1 (N) 5.3349
Efficiency 73%
Angle increment 5