Module 1 - Missionary Response
Module 1 - Missionary Response
Module 1 - Missionary Response
Use your imagination to put yourself · Mark 10:46-52
inside some of the gospel stories. -Bartimaeus was persistent to call Jesus, even
1. You are a bystander in the though Jesus already knew what he was about to
crowd watching Jesus heal the ask, still, asked him what he could do for him. So
blind man Bartimaeus (Mark Bartimaeus asked. I realized that God knew our
10:46-52). struggles and our needs but he's just waiting for us
2. You are the Samaritan woman to call for him. All we need is to ask and wait, we
at the well when Jesus comes might receive it immediately or it will take a
along (John 4:4-42). couple of days, months, or even a year, one thing
3. You are one of the disciples is for sure you will still receive what you asked
walking with Jesus on the road for at an unexpected time.
to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32). · John 4:4-42
Everyone is a sinner, Jesus knew how sinful we
are. But still, Jesus seeks people like us. We are
Pay attention to what comes to mind unworthy, we don't deserve to receive the love of
and write your reflections. God. But because he is good, he loved us and now
we are worthy. Spread the word of God so that
other people should know how beautiful the love
of God is.
· Luke 24:13-32
In doubt and mistress, Jesus is already walking
with us, hardly realizing it. He listens well to our
issues, gives advice, and enlightens us. And then
our hearts start to lighten. Welcoming him into
our hearts as he gives us his pure love and that's
the only time we realized that it was Jesus who
cleared out doubts.